How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (2024)

Anthriscus cerefolium

Chervil, Anthriscus cerefolium, is a tasty annual herb that thrives in those cool, shady areas where other plants fail to thrive.

It has a unique, peppery, sweet flavor that tastes a bit like parsley, fennel, and licorice combined.

While its cousin parsley is a superstar in the kitchen (note that both herbs are members of the Apiaceae or umbellifer family), chervil is the refined sidekick that doesn’t typically get as much attention.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (1)

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Maybe that’s why you’ll sometimes see chervil referred to as “gourmet parsley” – it’s appreciated by foodies and passionate gardeners who want something a little more sophisticated in flavor than your typical parsley.

You may also hear it called French parsley or rich man’s parsley. It’s occasionally referred to as sweet cicely, but it shouldn’t be confused with the plant Myrrhis odorata, which is also commonly known as “sweet chervil.”

The terms “garden” or “salad” placed before the word “chervil” also help to distinguish A. cerefolium from other plants that sometimes go by this common name.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (2)

Chervil is one of the herbs commonly found in combinations of fines herbes, a blend that is central to classic French cooking. The mixture also includes parsley, tarragon, and chives.

More common in Europe, I think chervil deserves a more prominent spot in home gardens in the US. Let’s get started – it’s time to learn everything you need to know to grow it at home.

What You’ll Learn

  • Cultivation and History
  • Propagation
  • How to Grow
  • Growing Tips
  • Cultivars and Varieties to Select
  • Managing Pests and Disease
  • Harvesting
  • Preserving
  • Recipes and Cooking Ideas
  • Quick Reference Growing Guide

Cultivation and History

Chervil is native to Russia, central Asia, and southern Europe, where it can be found growing like a weed on the sides of roads. Ancient Greeks and Romans used the herb for culinary and medicinal purposes.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (3)

The 17th century herbalist Nicholas Culpeper mentions it in his book “Culpeper’s English Physician and Complete Herbal,” making reference to its anti-inflammatory properties.

By the late 1500s, it was cultivated in England and western Europe. Today, it’s particularly popular in France.

It’s pronounced chər-vəl, with a hard “ch” sound, but you’ll often hear it mispronounced sher-vil.

This feathery, fern-like herb grows to be about two feet tall at maturity, with light or dark green leaves resembling parsley. Like other umbellifers, chervil has a long taproot. In the late spring, small white flowers that grow in umbels emerge.

This herb prefers cooler weather and thrives in USDA Hardiness Zones 3-7.

In warm climates, Zones 8-10, you can grow it during the winter – it won’t survive in the summer months here.

In addition to sweet cicely, there are a few other plants that often get mixed up with chervil. Wild chervil, Anthriscus sylvestris, also known as cow parsley, is another plant in the same genus.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (4)

Cow parsley is edible and you can sometimes purchase seeds. Be cautious about cultivating it because it’s considered a noxious weed in some parts of the US, including Wisconsin and Washington.

Also, don’t confuse salad chervil with turnip-rooted chervil, Chaerophyllum bulbosum.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (5)

This plant is a root vegetable that is rarely grown in the US, though you may see seeds for sale from time to time.

It has edible dark gray or brown roots with white flesh, and can be used much like a carrot in cooking.


Chervil has a long, delicate taproot and it doesn’t like to be transplanted. The best way to grow it is to sow seeds directly in the garden.

If you happen across transplants at your local nursery, you can just keep them in the container they are growing in, though you’ll get a smaller harvest.

Ideally, look for transplants that were grown in a biodegradable peat pot that can be planted directly in the ground, so you won’t have to disturb the roots.

Direct Seed

Sow seeds in the ground when soil temperatures are between 55-65°F and when you know you’ll have two frost-free months ahead. Seeds won’t germinate if the soil is too warm.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (6)

In Zones 3-7, direct sow in the early spring, or sow seeds in late fall for plants that pop up the following spring.

In Zones 8 and above, sow seeds when daytime temperatures are under 65°F.

This plant loves humus-rich, loamy soil. If your soil isn’t naturally nutritious, amend with well-rotted manure or compost. The soil should be well-draining with a pH of around 6.5-7.0.

I like to mix seeds with three parts dry sand to help distribute them more evenly. Sprinkle the seed and sand mix over damp soil, aiming for a few seeds per square inch.

These seeds need light to germinate, so press them lightly into the surface of the planting area.

They take a while to emerge, around 14 days, so be patient.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (7)

Keep the soil evenly moist after sowing. Once the seedlings emerge, thin them to 6-8 inches apart.

For a continual harvest throughout the growing season, succession sow at 2 to 3-week intervals in locations where temperatures remain above freezing and below 65°F.

From Seed in Containers

Chervil grows well in containers, as long as you keep the soil evenly moist. Because of its low light requirements and preference for a temperate climate, it lends itself nicely to growing indoors on a windowsill.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (8)

You’ll need a container that is at least 8 inches wide and a foot deep, to accommodate the taproot.

Fill it with a moisture-retaining potting mix that contains peat moss, coconut coir, or perlite. Press two or three seeds into the top of the mix and keep the soil evenly moist.

Once the seedlings have emerged and are a few inches tall, thin the seedlings so you have one plant per 8-inch-wide pot.

As a Microgreen

This gourmet herb can also be grown as a microgreen. Fill a shallow plastic tray with soilless seed mix and spread the seeds on top. You want to use about a teaspoon of seeds for a 3-by-6-inch tray.

Gently press the seeds into the starting mix, and moisten using a spray bottle. Put a piece of clear plastic over the top and poke a few holes in it for ventilation. Keep evenly moist.

After germination, remove the plastic. Place the container in a location where it will get about 4 hours of sunlight a day, either indoors or out. Keep the sprouts evenly moist, but not waterlogged.

After about 20 days, they should be a few inches tall. You can harvest microgreens by cutting them down to the soil line.

Read more about growing microgreens here.

How to Grow

Chervil has a few essential requirements once it’s established. Namely, it needs to be kept moist and cool. This plant bolts when it gets warm, and drought can rapidly kill it, cause it to bolt, or turn the leaves bitter.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (9)

Plant it in a partially shaded location where it will get about four hours of full sun a day, avoiding the heat of the midday sun.

It will thrive in full shade in warmer areas, and can handle a little more sun in cooler regions.

Water at the base of plants, and add a two-inch layer of organic mulch around your plants to retain moisture.

If the top 1/2 inch of the soil has dried out, it’s time to water, because chervil likes to stay evenly moist.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (10)

You don’t want to overwater, however. The soil should never be soggy or saturated.

Plants growing in a container should be handled the same way, but you’ll need to use extra care to make sure the soil doesn’t dry out. Self-watering containers are ideal.

Snip any flower buds as they emerge if you want to extend the leaf harvest. Flowers generally appear in May or June in the second year of growth, as the weather begins to warm up.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (11)

As biennial plants, the leaves don’t taste as good in the second year of growth, as the plant is putting energy into flower and seed production.

You can either pull them up and plant fresh, or allow them to go to seed for next year.

To save seeds from your plants, wait until the flower heads have dried and turned brown. Snip off the flower heads and place in a cool, dry place until they are completely dry.

Rub the flower heads between your thumb and forefinger to remove the seeds. Sow immediately, or store in a cool, dry place. Stored properly, seeds will remain viable for 1-4 years.

Chervil has a short lifespan, and if you added plenty of organic matter to the soil at planting time, you shouldn’t need additional fertilizer.

However, if you are growing in containers, you can add a liquid fertilizer at half strength every four weeks starting after the plant is four weeks old.

Plant with mint, pansies, or radishes. These plants have similar soil and light requirements.

Growing Tips

Chervil is a cool weather plant that doesn’t do well with too much sun. If you want it to thrive, follow these tips for an abundant harvest:

  • Grow in part shade in most areas. Chervil can handle part sun in cool regions that stay under 65°F during the growing season, and should be planted in full shade in areas where temps climb above 80°F.
  • Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged.

Cultivars and Varieties to Select

The following cultivars are worth checking out:

Brussels Winter

This variety can handle even colder temperatures than the common type, withstanding a brief, heavy frost.

‘Brussels Winter’

It’s ready to harvest in 40 days.

You can find packets of 200 seeds available at Amazon.


This is the most common type available, the species variety of garden chervil.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (12)

Anthriscus cerefolium

It matures in six weeks, and will withstand light frosts.

You can find packets of seeds in a variety of sizes available at Eden Brothers.


‘Crispum,’ also called ‘Curled,’ has lacy, dark, curled leaves. With a milder flavor than the common variety, it makes an ideal addition to salads or sandwiches.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (13)


This variety matures in 6 weeks.

You can find packets of 775 seeds available at Burpee.


‘Vertissimo’ has darker leaves than the common species plant, and it grows in dense, compact clumps.

It’s a flat-leaf variety that regrows quickly after cutting. It’s slower to bolt than other varieties and matures in 60 days.

Managing Pests and Disease

Chervil doesn’t usually suffer many problems. There are just a few pests and diseases to keep an eye out for.


Aphids and slugs are known to make a meal out of chervil now and then. Both are easily addressed, if you catch them early.


Aphids suck the sap out of plants at all stages of their growth, and a large enough infestation can stunt or even kill a plant.

Knock aphids off the plant with a strong spray of water from the hose. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil according to the manufacturer’s directions if an infestation persists.

You can learn more about how to manage aphids in our guide.

Snails and Slugs

Chervil favors a cool, shady environment, which is also conducive to slugs and snails.

Slugs and snails like to eat the young seedlings, but generally ignore mature plants.

Control these pests by hand picking in the morning or evening when you see them. You can also use diatomaceous earth sprinkled around plants.

Bait traps filled with beer also work well over time, and if that fails, you can try slug pellets. Be sure to select ones that are safe for use around pets and people.

Read more about ridding your garden of slugs and snails.


The only diseases that tend to bother this herb are fungal, and even those are infrequent. Monitor your plants to catch any signs of disease early.

Fusarium Root Rot

Root rot is a disease caused by soil-borne Fusarium spp. fungi that attack a plant through the roots. In chervil, it shows up first as wilting foliage.

You may also see yellowing of the lower leaves, which will then turn brown and die. There is no cure, so you’ll need to pull the plant and destroy it.

It can overwinter in the soil, so rotate your crops. Avoid planting anything in the Apiaceae family in that spot for at least five years if your plants have suffered from this disease.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew can be caused by various different types of fungi. If your plants have it, a powdery white mildew that looks a bit like flour will form on the leaves.

This disease attacks in the summer when temperatures are around 70-80°F, just when chervil is starting to go to seed and is putting less energy into foliar growth.

If you find that it’s a problem, trim away infected leaves and spray the plant with a homemade mixture of 1 tablespoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon dish soap, and 4 cups water.

Read more about treating powdery mildew attacks here.


Chervil leaves are tastiest when they are young. Snip off an entire branch at the base as needed, aiming to harvest the leaves while they are still small.

If you happen to miss a few leaves and they reach their full size, no worries. They taste delicious, too, if a bit less flavorful. Once the leaves start to turn bronze or purple, they lose their flavor and turn bitter.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (14)

You can even cut the entire plant to the ground and it will return for continual harvests throughout the season.

New shoots will continue to emerge until the weather gets warm and the plant flowers and goes to seed. Once the plant bolts, the leaves become bitter.

Harvest the outer leaves often to encourage bushier growth.

New growth emerges from the center of the plant, so pluck leaves down to the leaf node from the outside of the plant. Leaves are generally ready to be picked starting six weeks after planting seeds.


Wait to wash your harvest until just before you plan to use it, since wet leaves can rot in the refrigerator. Put them in a sealed container or plastic bag in the fridge, where they will keep for about 3 days.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (15)

Chervil is mild and shouldn’t be cooked. Fresh or dried, it’s best added as a final seasoning or garnish for hot dishes.

It doesn’t retain much of its flavor when it’s dried, but if you have a large harvest, you can place the leaves in a single layer on a screen in a cool, well-ventilated area.

When they are dry and crisp, crumble the leaves and put them in a glass container with a lid.

The leaves freeze well. Rinse the herbs and chop them up finely. Then fill an ice cube tray with the chopped leaves and add a little water.

Place the tray in the freezer. Once they’re frozen, move the cubes into a sealed freezer bag.

You can toss the cubes as needed into dishes like chilled soups and dips.

You can also freeze bunches of leaves. Wash and dry the herbs and bundle them together.

Place them in a freezer bag. This method works better than frozen cubes for use in dishes that won’t benefit from additional water.

Looking for More Freezing Tips?

Make sure you check out our guide: “5 of the Best Ways to Freeze Fresh Herbs.”

Recipes and Cooking Ideas

Chervil is a nutritious plant, with high levels of potassium, as well as vitamins A and C.

This herb is famous as an ingredient in bearnaise sauce, but it also works well in egg dishes, salads, as a topping for fish, on potatoes, or on sliced garden-fresh tomatoes.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (16)

You can learn more about how to use chervil in your cooking on our sister site, Foodal.

The microgreens are delicious as an addition to salads or as a topping for soup and omelets. Chervil has a very mild flavor, so I will emphasize again that you generally don’t want to cook it – it’s best to toss it into your hot dishes at the last minute.

Make an herbed compound butter by chopping up a tablespoon of leaves and mixing them into a softened half cup of butter. You can do the same with mayonnaise.

You can also make chervil into a pesto, or put the leaves in white wine vinegar to make an herbed vinegar.

To make an herbed vinegar, add 1 cup of roughly chopped chervil leaves to 2 cups of vinegar. Let it steep for several days in a cool, dark place. Strain out the leaves and keep the bottle tightly covered.

Quick Reference Growing Guide

Plant Type:Biennial herbWater Needs:High
Native to:Russia, western AsiaMaintenance:Low
Hardiness (USDA Zone):3-10Tolerance:Frost
Season:Spring-fallSoil Type:Loamy
Exposure:Part shadeSoil pH:6.5-7.5
Time to Maturity:6 weeksSoil Drainage:Well-draining
Spacing:6-8 inchesAttracts:Bees, parasitic wasps, parsley worms
Planting Depth:Surface, cover lightly (seed)Companion Planting:Mint, pansies, radishes
Height:24 inchesFamily:Apiaceae
Spread:12-24 inchesGenus:Anthricus
Pests & Diseases:Aphids, slugs; Fusarium root rot, powdery mildewSpecies::cerefolium

Chervil Deserves a Spot in Your Garden

In the early spring, when everything else is just waking up, I know I’ll have the grassy (in a good way) flavor of chervil waiting to be tossed into my dishes. Now you can, too.

When it comes to herbs, this really is an undemanding plant. It doesn’t need babying or protection from a ton of pests and diseases.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (17)

All you have to do is avoid the heat, give it some water, and it will reward you with months of harvest.

That’s why I think it’s time we give chervil the attention it deserves in our gardens and kitchens! (Okay, I’m stepping off my soapbox…).

Have you cooked with chervil before? How do you like to use it? Let me know in the comments.

While you’re at it, check out these other lesser-known herbs that deserve some time in the spotlight:

  • Growing Lovage: An Uncommon Herb with Many Uses
  • How to Grow Stinging Nettle in Your Garden
  • How to Plant and Grow Purslane

© Ask the Experts, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. See our TOS for more details. Product photos via Amazon, Burpee, and Eden Brothers. Uncredited photos: Shutterstock. With additional writing and editing by Clare Groom and Allison Sidhu.

How to Grow Chervil (French Parsley) | Gardener’s Path (2024)


Does chervil come back every year? ›

It is actually a perennial, but if you want chervil growing in your garden all year round, you need to look on it as two plants. One, a perennial that will pop up year after year in the spring and those plants needs a semi shady spot.

Where does chervil grow best? ›

Chervil is one of the few herbs that grow best in the shade and moist soil. Much like cilantro, chervil will bolt quickly in the heat, so keep it away from the full sun. Chervil also prefers rich soil.

Is chervil hard to grow? ›

Also known as French parsley because of how common it is in French cooking, chervil makes for an ideal beginner's herb: it is fast-growing, relatively hardy, and doesn't require much fuss. If you live in USDA Hardiness Zones 3–7, you can easily grow and harvest chervil year-round.

Is spreading chervil invasive? ›

In farms, wild chervil can spread aggressively and choke out crops and desirable forage and hay species. In natural areas and forest edges, it can out-compete native plant species and reduce wildlife habitat. Once it is established, wild chervil can be difficult and expensive to eradicate.

How much space does chervil need? ›

Chervil tends to bolt in warm weather, so it's easiest to grow in the cooler months. To ensure fresh leaves throughout summer, make succession plantings every 3-4 weeks. Size: 10–16" high, 10–12" wide. Space plants 15" apart.

Is chervil an invasive species? ›

Like most invasive species, once established, wild chervil is difficult and expensive to eradicate. Habitat: it is generally found in damp areas along roadways and in fields and pastures; it can tolerate a wide range of conditions.

Can you grow chervil in pots? ›

Chervil grows well in containers, as long as you keep the soil evenly moist. Because of its low light requirements and preference for a temperate climate, it lends itself nicely to growing indoors on a windowsill. You'll need a container that is at least 8 inches wide and a foot deep, to accommodate the taproot.

Is Garden chervil invasive? ›

Wild chervil is much more successful at spreading using rhizomes (lateral roots) than by seed dispersal. This plant is very invasive and can be a real problem for arable farmers as well as taking over roadside verges and hedgerow bases.

Is chervil the same as French parsley? ›

Chervil (pronounced SHER-vil) is a delicate culinary herb used frequently in French cuisine. It is a member of the parsley family with a mild flavor. This spring herb is often used in egg dishes. It is sometimes called French parsley.

How fast does chervil grow? ›

Chervil plants will be ready for cutting 6-8 weeks after sowing.

Does chervil grow in shade? ›

Chervil is one of the best herbs that grow in shade. It's self-sowing, so once you have a chervil planting established, it will come back on its own every year. The seeds grow very quickly and are ready to harvest within a few short weeks of planting.

Do slugs like chervil? ›

In gardens that struggle with slugs, chervil can attract the slugs away from other vegetable crops. Chervil bolts in late spring and sends up clusters of white umbel flowers that attract lots of beneficial insects. It will set seed in early to mid-summer and easily self-sows for the following year.

When should I start chervil? ›

Sowing Chervil Directly in the Garden:

Direct sow chervil in average soil in full sun to light shade 2-3 weeks before the last frost date, after danger of heavy frost. In frost-free areas, sow from fall to early spring. In very warm areas plants may benefit from afternoon shade.

Does chervil have deep roots? ›

Root chervil is a minor European root crop, probably best known in France. This crop is easy to grow in the Pacific Northwest and in much of the northern US. Root are small, typically two to three inches long, but rarely as long as five inches.

Does chervil reseed? ›

Chervil bolts easily, forming delicate, white flowers. If left to go to seed, chervil will self-seed. Mulching your garden patch in the fall will likely mean new plants come spring.

Should you let chervil flower? ›

If you let the plant go to flower, it will self seed. Like many herbs, it's best to harvest the leaves before flowering because older leaves have very little taste and can even turn bitter. The herb chervil looks very similar to parsley, but the leaves are smaller, lighter in color and have a more lacy look to them.

What does chervil go well with? ›

Use chervil with seafood, like salmon; pair it with eggs every chance you get; and use it in any other herb-highlighting dishes, like Sauce Gribiche -- but if you're okay with breaking the rules, we highly recommend a handful or two in green rice.

How tall does chervil get? ›

Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) is a cool season annual and grows anywhere between 12 inches and 24 inches tall. Its appearance resembles parsley. Chervil blooms in small white flowers that form umbels, May through July. The leaves have a mild aniseed taste.

Can you eat spreading chervil? ›

Wild Chervil is edible with a flavor that is similar to carrots and parsley. When crushed, wild chervil smells sweet and carrot-like. Wild chervil has a more bitter flavor than garden chervil, to which it is related. As with garden chervil, cooks primarily use wild chervil to season soups, salads, and sauces.

Is spreading chervil edible? ›

Description: This plant is edible. It is also considered to be a natural mosquito repellent. Habit: Biennial; grows 3-4 ft but can grow up to 6 ft; tuberous roots are aggressive and spread rapidly.
Wild chervil (Anthriscus sylvestris)
Common Name:Wild chervil
Family:Apiaceae (Carrot)
Duration:Annual, Biennial
1 more row

Can I grow chervil at home? ›

Chervil is a simple plant to grow indoors. You'll need an appropriate growing container which can accommodate the plant's tap root. You'll also need a flat surface for the plant to grow on. This could be sitting the planter on the floor, near a sunny window, where it can receive indirect sunlight.

Can you eat chervil raw? ›

The fresh leaves can be used in salads and chopped leaves are used in dishes along with rhubarb, gooseberries and other fruits. Cicely leaves are also used in fruit salads and drinks. The roots can be eaten as a vegetable, and can also be candied.

Do butterflies like chervil? ›

The best way to attract a lot of butterflies is to provide plants that will feed their larvae and those that have nectar for the adults. Plants in the carrot family – such as parsley, parsnip, dill, chervil, fennel and, of course, carrots – will provide plenty of food for the caterpillars.

How cold hardy is chervil? ›

In fact, chervil does so well in cooler temperatures that it can survive outdoors in conditions as low as 14°F and stay green throughout the winter.

Does chervil taste like parsley? ›

As you might expect from its refined appearance, chervil tastes mild and subtle, a little like parsley, but with a sophisticated yet gentle, aniseedy warmth.

Is French parsley a perennial? ›

Parsley is an easy-to-grow annual that produces an abundance of tangy leaves throughout the summer.

How long does chervil take to grow? ›

Common. This is the most common type available, the species variety of garden chervil. It matures in six weeks, and will withstand light frosts.

What kills chervil? ›

» Glyphosate is recommended for young and actively growing plants. It is non-selective and will kill most if not all plants it comes into contact with (not just Wild Chervil). Spray it directly on the leaves of the plant, and it will be translocated throughout the plant.

What conditions does chervil like? ›

Chervil thrives in cooler climates and prefers a semi-shaded spot. In our hot summer climates it is best planted in Autumn so it can be picked right through winter and into spring. Give plants a position in humus-rich soil with plenty of water during hot, dry weather.

Is chervil a good companion plant? ›

Chervil is an excellent companion for Brassicas, lettuce, and radishes, but does best in part shade. Try growing some between rows of tall cabbages and kale. Chervil helps to repel slugs.

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.