How to Grow Sunflowers: The Complete Guide (2024)

How to Grow Sunflowers: The Complete Guide (1)

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Botanical Name

Helianthus annuus

Plant Type


Sun Exposure

Full Sun

Soil pH

Neutral to Slightly Alkaline

Slightly Acidic to Neutral

Bloom Time


Flower Color





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Planting, Growing, and Caring for Sunflowers

Catherine Boeckmann

How to Grow Sunflowers: The Complete Guide (2)

With bright blooms that go all summer, sunflowers are heat-tolerant, resistant to pests, and attractive to pollinators. Harvest the seeds in late summer and fall for a healthy snack, or feed them to the birds! Learn how to plant, grow, and care forsunflowers.


The sunflower(Helianthus annuus) is anannual plant with a sizeabledaisy-like flower face. Its scientific name comes from the Greek wordshelios(“sun”) and anthos(“flower”). The flowers come in many colors (yellow, red, orange, maroon, brown), but they are commonly bright yellow withbrown centers that ripen into heavy heads filled with seeds. Sunflowers make excellent cut flowers, and many attract bees, birds, andbutterflies.

Sunflowers are heliotropic, which means that they turn their flowers to follow the movement of the Sun across the sky from east to west and then return at night to face the east, ready again for the morning sun. Heliotropism happens during the earlier stages before the flower grows heavy withseeds.

There are tons of varieties of sunflowers available today, so there’s bound to be one that fits your garden. Choose between those with branching stemsor single stems,those that produce ample pollen for pollinators or are pollen-free (best for bouquets), those that stay small or tower above the rest of the garden, or those that produce edible seeds! Learn why you should start growing these happy flowers in yourgarden.

Here and yonder, high and low,
Goldenrod and sunflowers glow.
–Robert Kelley Weeks(1840–76)

How Long Do Sunflowers Take toBloom?

A reasonably fast-growing flower for its size, most sunflower varieties mature in only 70 to 95 days.The largest sunflower varietiesgrow to over 16 feet tall, while smaller varieties have been developed for small spaces and containers and rarely grow larger than a foot tall!The flower headscan reach over 12 inches in diameter within the large seededvarieties.

Read Next

  • Make The Most Out Of Sunflowers! What To Do With This Summer Flower

  • 20 Easy-to-Grow Perennial Flowers for Beginners

  • The Good Side of Goldenrod (It's Not Ragweed!)


First and foremost, find a sunny spot! Sunflowers grow best in locations with direct sunlight (6 to 8 hours per day); they require long, warm summers to flower well. Shelter from strong winds—for example, along a fence or near a building—helps as they mature. Larger varieties may become top-heavy, and a strong wind can topplethem.

Choose a location with well-draining soil. The planting spot shouldn’t pool with water after it rains.Otherwise, sunflowers aren’t too picky about soil, but the soil shouldn’t be too compacted for the best results. They have long tap roots that need to stretch out; in preparing a bed,dig down or till 2 feet in depth and about 3 feet across. They’re not too fussy when it comes to soil pH, either. Sunflowers thrive in slightly acidic to somewhat alkaline soil (pH 6.0 to7.5).

Sunflowers are heavy feeders, so the soil needs to be nutrient-rich with organic matter or composted (aged) manure. Or, work in a slow-release granular fertilizer 8 inches deep into yoursoil.

Plant sunflowers in a spot sheltered from strong winds, perhaps along a fence or building. Larger varieties may become top-heavy, and a strong wind can bedevastating.

Before choosing a planting site, decide whether or not you want to grow asunflower tower—a fun project forkids!

When to PlantSunflowers

  • It’s best to sow sunflower seeds directly into the garden (or outdoor containers) after the danger of spring frost has passed, anytime after soils have warmed to at least50°F(10°C).
  • In the northern halfof the U.S. and in Canada, this will fall betweenApriland mid-June. In the South, this will probably occur in mid-March or earlyApril.
  • Sunflowers dislike having their roots disturbed, so we recommend direct sowing instead oftransplanting.

How to Grow Sunflowers: The Complete Guide (3)

Planting SunflowerSeeds

  • Sunflowers should be planted 1 to 1½inches deep andabout 6 inches apart after the soil has thoroughly warmed. If you wish, you can plant multiple seeds and thin them to the strongest contenders when the plants are six inchestall.
  • Give plants plenty of room, especially for low-growing varieties that will branch out. Make rows about 30 inches apart. (For very small varieties, plant closertogether.)
  • A light application of fertilizer mixed in at planting time will encourage strong root growth to protect them from blowing over in thewind.
  • Experiment with plantings staggered over 5 to 6 weeks to keep enjoying continuousblooms.
  • If you see birds scratching around for the seeds, spread netting over the planted area until the seeds germinate. See more ways to keep birds away from your garden.

Check out this video to learn how to plantsunflowers:


  • While the plant is small, water around the roots, about 3 to4 inchesfrom the plant. To protect the plant, it may help to put snail or slug bait around thestem.
  • Once the plant is established, water deeply, though infrequently, to encourage deep rooting. Unless the weather is exceptionally wet or dry, water once a week with several gallons ofwater.
  • Feed plants only sparingly; overfertilization can cause stems to break in the fall. You can add diluted fertilizer into the water, though avoid getting the fertilizer nearthe plant’s base; it may help to build a moat in a circle around the plant about 18 inchesout.
  • Tall species and cultivars require support. Bamboo stakes are a good choice for any plant that has a strong, single stem and needs support for a short period oftime.
How to Grow Sunflowers: The Complete Guide (4)


Everyone is familiar with those huge sunflowers that grow on towering eight-foot-tall stalks. Butdid you know some varieties top off at a modest 15 inches? Sunflowers are a diversebunch!

  • The towering ‘Mammoth’ variety is the traditional giant sunflower, sometimes growing to over 12 feet tall.Its seeds are excellent for snacks and for feeding thebirds,too.
  • Autumn Beauty’:One of the most spectacular cultivars, the ‘Autumn Beauty’ has many 6-inch flowers in shades of yellow, bronze, and mahogany on branching stems up to 7 feettall.
  • SunrichGold’: An excellent flower for bouquets and arrangements, thissunflower grows to be about 5 feet tall and produces a single4- to 6-inch flower. The big, no-mess, pollenless flowers have rich, golden-yellow rays and green-yellow centers. This variety is wonderful forarrangements.
  • Teddy Bear’:Just 2to 3 feet tall, this small sunflower is perfect for small gardens and containers. The fluffy, deep-gold, 5-inch blossoms on branching stems last for days in avase.


Cutting Sunflowers forBouquets

  • For indoor bouquets, cut the main stem just before its flower bud has a chance to open to encourage sideblooms.
  • Cut stems early in the morning. Harvesting flowers during the middle of the day may lead to flowerwilting.
  • Strip stems of all leaves except for those closest to the flower head. Recut bottoms of stems at a 45-degreeangle.
  • Handle sunflowers gently. The flowers should last at least a week in water at roomtemperature.
  • Arrange sunflowers in tall containers that provide good support for their heavy heads, and change the water every day to keep themfresh.

How to Grow Sunflowers: The Complete Guide (5)

Harvesting SunflowerSeeds

At the end of the season, harvest sunflower seeds for a tasty snack and or to replant or to feed the birds in thewinter!

  • Let the flower dry on or off the stem until the back of the head turns brown, the foliage turns yellow, the petals die down, and the seeds look plump and somewhatloose.
  • With sharp scissors or pruners, cut the head off the plant (about 6inches below the flower head). Place in a container to catch looseseeds.
  • Lie the sunflower head on a flat, clean surface and grab a bowl to hold theseeds.
  • To remove the seeds, rub your hand over the seeded area and pull them off the plant or you can use a fork.Another way to remove them is to rub the head of the sunflower across an old washboard or something similar. Just grip the head and rub it across the board as if you were washingclothes.
  • If you are going to harvest the seeds for roasting, you can cover the flowers with a light fabric (such as cheesecloth) and a rubber band to protect the heads from thebirds.
  • Alternatively, you can cut the flower head early and hang the heads upside down until theseeds are dry; hang indoors or in a place that’s safe from birds andmice.
  • Rinse sunflower seeds before laying out to dry for several hours orovernight.
  • If you’re saving seeds to replant, store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place until you are ready toplant.

Read our complete article on harvesting sunflower seeds here.

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Wit and Wisdom

  • Some people call sunflowers the “fourth sister,” in reference to the Three Sisters:corn, beans, andsquash.
  • Some cultures see sunflowers as a symbol ofcourage.
  • Sunflowers were not only used for cooking by Native Americans but also for healing (the oil was used to cure skin ailments) and making clothing (yellow dye was made from the flower petals and black or blue dye from theseeds).
  • Need a bird feeder?Save whole, dry sunflower heads and set them out in winter. Birds will gladly pick at the deliciousseeds!
  • Save thick sunflower stems and dry them for winterkindling.
  • An anonymous buyer paid over $39 million in 1987 for Vincent van Gogh’s Sunflowers.
  • The tallest sunflower ever recorded was grown in Germany in 2014. It measured in at a stunning 30 feet and 1 inchtall!
  • Kansas is “The SunflowerState.”


  • Birds and squirrels will show interest in the seeds. If you plan to use the seeds, deter critters with barrier devices. As seed heads mature and flowers droop, you can cover each one with white polyspun gardenfleece.
  • If you have deer, keep them at bay with a tall wire barrier. Curious deer may bite the heads off of youngsunflowers.
  • Sunflowers are relatively insect-free. A small gray moth, known as sunflower moth, sometimes lays its eggs in the blossoms. Pick the worms from theplants.
  • Downy mildew, rust, fungal leaf spot, Sclerotinia mold, and powdery mildewcan also affect the plants. If fungal diseases are spotted early, spray with a general gardenfungicide.
  • Other diseases that occasionally affect sunflowers include Phoma black stem, Botrytis blight, viruses, and Verticillium wilt.


Granola With Sunflower Seeds

Cooking Notes

Just one ounce of sunflower seeds contains about 6 grams of protein and 14 grams of oils. The fats are almost entirely unsaturated with 9g of polyunsaturated and 3g of monounsaturated fats per ounce (NSA). The oil is high in linoleic acid and is a good source of vitaminE.

  • Some varieties produce small black seeds used in cooking oil, margarine, cosmetics, and animal feed; they are the best sunflower seeds for attracting the greatest variety ofsongbirds.
  • The bigger, striped seeds are grown for snacking and as an ingredient in bread and health foods. They, too, are used for feeding birds, especially larger species, such as jays and mourningdoves.

How to Roast SunflowerSeeds

Re-soak seeds overnight in salted water. Run through a strainer and dry on a layer of papertowels.

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes at 325 degrees on a baking sheet. Seeds should be spread out in a single layer. Stir frequently during the baking and remove seeds when they look slightly browned. Don’tburn!

That’s it! You can add some olive oil, salt, and spices to your roasted seeds if youwish.

Or, you can also make suet cakes for the winter birds! See how to make suet.


About The Author

Catherine Boeckmann

Catherine Boeckmann loves nature, stargazing, and gardening so it’s not surprising that she and The Old Farmer’s Almanac found each other. She leads digital content for the Almanac website, and is also a certified master gardener in the state of Indiana. Read More from Catherine Boeckmann

How to Grow Sunflowers: The Complete Guide (7)



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Make The Most Out Of Sunflowers! What To Do With This Summer Flower

20 Easy-to-Grow Perennial Flowers for Beginners

The Good Side of Goldenrod (It's Not Ragweed!)

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Add a Comment

Does anyone have issue with big black ants the sunflowers? I have tried everything lots ot get them off but they do not seem to go anywhere . Any ideas ?

  • Reply

The ants are there because of pests called aphids. The ants are attracted to the aphids’ sweet nectar and “farming” them. If you spray water to dislodge aphids, the ants will also goaway.

  • Reply

It's a nice thing to see and know the beautiful flower resembling the sun on earth.

  • Reply

Sunflowers can't be too picky! Our birds plant them every year & we always have a strong bed of them the next.

  • Reply

Does anyone have recommendations on best sunflower seed brands?

  • Reply

That depends upon you! What are you looking for? I plant mostly for the birds, so I buy bags of the White Stripped Bird Seed, Sunflower seeds & simply scatter them into the bed, then cover them with MiracleGro for flowers. At other times I planted fancy colors & different heights, which were "nice," but really it didn't make a big difference to me when all was said & done so back I went to the Bird Seed.

  • Reply

Hi, Mel. You really can’t go wrong with Johnny’s Selected Seeds, Eden Brothers, Burpee, or Gurney’s. You can also check garden centers in your area—we bet the seeds areout!

  • Reply

I had several sunflowers that grew wild this year. Will they come back next year or do I need to harvest the seeds and replant in the Spring?

  • Reply

If they grew wildly and some of the seeds fell to the ground, it is possible that they will grow back again.
To help this happen and if all possible, check to see if there were any seeds that fell to the ground around the sunflowers or harvest some from the flower if possible.
If you do find or harvest some, I suggest digging small holes about 2-3 inches deep and about 6-9 inches apart, dropping seeds in there.
I stagger my rows and as they grow, you may find that some flowers are not as strong and keeping up. I usually end up removing about 25% of the young flowers and will either try to transplant them or grind them up and use as fertilizer for the remaining sunflowers. I believe that this helps the healthy sunflowers thrive more.
Be sure to water the young seedlings once a day and never directly on top of them. I soak around the flower bed and in the rows between where I planted and will occasionally add some sort of diluted fertilizer maybe once a week during the early stages. As the flowers mature, they won't need to be watered as frequently (unless drought) and it is suggested that mature sunflowers need watering once or twice a week with a decent soaking and again, never on or at the base of the flowers but about 12 inches away from the stems so that you are soaking the roots.
Over the course of the spring and summer, I plant and grow about 100 sunflowers and throughout the season due to culling, weather, critters, or other reasons, will lose about half of the lot. It kind of sucks losing so many but the ones that are remaining, they look great. They line my side yard along the fence and I get compliments all summer long.
On average, I usually get sunflowers 6-8 feet tall with the occasional 10+ footers. The tallest one I ever had came in at 12 feet-2 inches.

Hopefully this helps and good luck!

  • Reply

I have never tried to grow sunflowers but want to now. I have 5 acres, most full sun in WV. When is best time to plant? Can I do now in Sept? I have checked and cannot find answer to my question. Thank you in advance for any assistance. :)

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How to Grow Sunflowers: The Complete Guide (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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