How to Make Grazing Boxes for Your Chickens to Cut Feed Costs (2024)

DIY grazing boxes make for happy grass fed chickens. They’re a great way to save on the cost of raising backyard chickens (and other poultry)! Here’s how to make your own.

And think about planting a chicken garden for your girls, too!

How to Make Grazing Boxes for Your Chickens to Cut Feed Costs (1)

In light of our continuous efforts to save money and still enjoy fresh grass fedeggs, we decided to implement grazing boxes as part of our backyard chicken adventure. Since we extended our chicken run with free pallets, we haveextra room forthese grazing boxes.

What are grazing boxes?

Justwhat they sound like: boxes that chickens graze on. The boxes are essentially planters protected with hardware cloth. The seeds—grains and greens—sprout, eventually growing taller thanthe hardware cloth which allows the chickens to peck at the fresh buffet. Voila — a salad bar that is protected fromferocious scratchy claws that tear up everything.

Happy chickens. Happy chicken people.

How to Make Grazing Boxes for Your Chickens to Cut Feed Costs (2)

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DIY grazing boxes for happy hens

Materials (makes one 3′ x 5′ box):

  • 2 – 2′ x 6′ x 10′ (if you don’t want to use pressure treated wood, use southern yellow pine)
  • 1/2 inch hardware cloth (3′ x 10′ roll)
  • galvanized poultry staples
  • screws; 2-1/2″ (we used Primeguard Exterior Screws by Grip Rite)
  • hammer
  • screwgun
  • tape measure
  • pencil
  • speed square, optional (used to make sure your line is straight before cutting)
  • circular saw (to cut your lumber)
  • metal snips (for cutting the hardware cloth)
  • dirt/compost to fill box
  • grains/grass seeds

How to Make Grazing Boxes for Your Chickens to Cut Feed Costs (3)

Put together your grazing box

To make the box, cut both boards in half. This will leave you with two 5′ lengths and two 3′ lengths.

Take one 3′ lengthand one 5’lengthand screw the ends together to start your DIY grazing box. Butt the end of the 5′ piece against the 3′ piece. This ensures your hardware cloth will fit over the top of your box. Once you have attached the 3′ length to the 5′ length, it should look like an L. Now attach the second 5′ section to your first 3′ section and screw it together .

Attach the final 3′ section. While putting the box together, it’s always nice to have an extra set of hands to help push against the wood while another person is screwing.

How to Make Grazing Boxes for Your Chickens to Cut Feed Costs (4)

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How to Make Grazing Boxes for Your Chickens to Cut Feed Costs (5)

Planting the grazing boxes

Now that your box is complete, fill it with dirt/compost to withinan inch ofthe top of the box. Liberally spread your grains/seeds on the soiland lightly rake them in. You can use regular grass seeds, oat, wheat, barley… pretty much any grain that you’d sprout for yourself.

Lay the hardware cloth on top of the box. Please note that on the ends of the hardware cloth there is a smooth side and rough side. Make sure the rough side is faced down so your chickens can’t scrape their feet on it.

Starting at one end, tap in staples with your hammer. Continue to roll the hardware cloth down the length of the box, stapling as you go. Keepthe hardware cloth centered and tight so it fits evenly. Once you have secured your staples on the hardware cloth, cut the end of the hardware cloth using metal snips. Try to cut the end so it stays flush with the end of the wood instead of draping over.

If there is any overlap of hardware cloth down the sides, use your hammer to tap the hardware cloth into the wood so it’s not sticking out. Give your seeds a good watering twice a day and within a week you’ll start to see growth!

How to Make Grazing Boxes for Your Chickens to Cut Feed Costs (6)

Originally published in March 2015; this post has been updated.

About the author:Loriel is on a journey to a more natural life and hopes to inspire those around her by writing about her stories on her blog Naturally Loriel. She lives an abundant life with her husband Scott, toddler Andrew, a crazy little Lilly cat and a flock of 8 chickens. She’s a dreamer of self-sufficiency, a lover of all things sweet, and has a knack for story-telling.

How to Make Grazing Boxes for Your Chickens to Cut Feed Costs (2024)


What do you put in a chicken grazing box? ›

You can use regular grass seeds, oat, wheat, barley… pretty much any grain that you'd sprout for yourself. Lay the hardware cloth on top of the box.

What is good to put on the ground in a chicken run? ›

Ground cover within the coop can be anything from wood chips, straw and grass to bare ground. Organic materials tend to break down quickly and plain sand is a popular choice for its durability. Whatever you choose, make sure the chickens may easily scratch and dig.

Is chicken Poop good for growing grass? ›

So, can you use chicken manure for lawn fertilizer? Absolutely. Other than the fact that your lawn may stink a bit (yes, even if you use pellets), chicken manure is one of the best organic fertilizers in the world.

Is straw or hay better for chicken Run? ›

NEVER use hay as coop bedding. Hay is livestock feed, straw is livestock bedding. Hay is too "green" and tends to harbor mold and bacteria which is extremely detrimental to poultry health. What is this?

What is the best pasture mix for chickens? ›

Legumes and broadleaf forbs should make up the majority of the pasture as grasses offer little value to poultry. Select legumes and forbs that produce abundant seeds, such as clovers.

Should chickens be on grass or dirt? ›

Grass in the chicken run.

The obvious answer might seem to be grass, and if you have a big enough area, grass is ideal. Chickens can spend their day happily scratching around for bugs, and creating their own dustbaths in whatever shade they can find.

Can I put leaves in my chicken Run? ›

Adding fall leaves to the chicken yard or coop is a great way to entertain your flock, as well as provide a litter/bedding material for them to do their business in. Chickens absolutely adore playing in fall leaves. They kick them and search under them for tasty bugs.

What should chickens have in their run? ›

The bottom line is organic matter, leaves, wood chips, grass clippings, kitchen scraps — all go in the run. I keep hearing about all these people cleaning up their chicken coop and run all the time, and I'm wondering if I'm missing something.

What do chickens like in their run? ›

Bales of Hay or Straw

Putting a bale or pile of straw or hay in the chicken coop or run will keep your girls entertained for hours - they are not a fan of piles! Watch as they scratch and peck at the straw searching for insects, seeds and other hidden goodies until there is a pile no more.

Is Fresh Chicken Poop good fertilizer? ›

A good soil amendment, chicken manure adds organic matter and increases the water holding capacity and beneficial biota in soil. A good fertilizer; chicken manure provides Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium to you plants (more than horse, cow or steer manure).

Is it cheaper to make your own grazing table? ›

For wedding receptions or a corporate event, it might cost slightly more. However, if you are doing it yourself, you could probably create your own for approximately $300 or less. The key to great grazing table ideas on a budget is to grab some key items over time while they are on sale.

How do you make a cheap grazing platter? ›

Opt for oranges, apples, grapes and whatever is in season, as it will usually be cheaper. Crackers: thankfully, cheap crackers are easy to find. Pick up a box of crackers, some pretzels and / or breadsticks. Extras: dried fruit, nuts and olives can be used to scatter in any gaps that are appear.

Can I make a grazing box the night before? ›

It's easy to create your own grazing platter at home too - and it'll get you out of the kitchen as you can prepare it all ahead - leaving you free to enjoy the company of your guests.

How often should you clean a chicken run? ›

How often you should be cleaning a chicken coop? You should provide fresh food and fresh water every day, and you should clean the bedding out once a week or once a month(the deeper the bedding layer the less often you have to clean it out). It's best practice to do a total clean-out at least twice a year.

How long does chicken poop have to sit before you can use it as fertilizer? ›

Chicken litter is high in nitrogen, and can be composted in about five to six weeks. Composting “cools” the manure and litter material, meaning it reduces the ammonia content so it will no longer burn plants. It also reduces the total volume, weight and odor of the pile.

Can I put chicken poop straight on the garden? ›

Chicken manure from residential backyard chickens may be used in the garden, but as it's high in ammonia it is highly recommended that you first compost the manure to 'treat' it. Apart from the flies and ammonia issues, untreated chicken manure is too 'strong' to be applied to plants and can even burn them.

How long does it take chickens to clear grass? ›

Within 15 minutes the hens had abandoned their grassless old run and moved into the green grass. It took them about ten days to eat the grass, scratch up the soil, and make the area ready for planting. While eating grass, seeds, and worms they left droppings to fertilize the new garden plants.

What does apple cider vinegar do to chicken? ›

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Chickens
  • Helps keep the chicken's body in balance.
  • Boosts the immune system and digestive system.
  • Full of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • Promotes healthy mucus flow.
  • Increases calcium absorption.
  • Tighter white caps on litter.
  • May assist with cocci attacks.
  • Reduces smell in poop.
23 Sept 2021

What is the best thing to put in the bottom of a chicken coop? ›

What To Put On The Floor Of A Chicken Coop? You can put wood shavings, wood pellets, straw, shredded newspaper, and even sand on the floor of a chicken coop. Whatever chicken bedding your choose, remember that it's vital for comfort, added insulation, and odor control.

How often should chicken bedding be changed? ›

Four to six inches of dry wood shavings easily last six months or more before it needs to be changed. Droppings become incorporated into the shavings, as the chickens stir it. About every six months you can scoop the old litter out of the coop with a shovel (a snow shovel works well) and replace it with fresh chips.

What is the best bedding for chickens in the winter? ›

Although straw is soft, it is not very absorbent, quickly becoming wet from the chicken's waste. A wet bedding is hazardous to chickens because it harbors mold which can make the hens sick. A better chicken coop bedding for the winter months is an absorbent bedding such as pine pellets or hemp.

How often should you change the straw in a chicken coop? ›

If you're like me, you'll want to replace your straw fairly frequently, every week or so, certainly no longer than two weeks. Chickens absolutely love fresh bedding, so as far as they're concerned, the more you change it, the better.

What is the best grain to feed laying hens? ›

The birds will readily eat whole wheat, whole oats or whole barley (but they can have difficulty eating whole corn). After about three weeks of eating whole grain, the hens' gizzards will increase in muscle mass and will grind the grain as efficiently as a hammer mill.

Are pasture raised eggs better for chickens? ›

For hens. Animal rights organizations say that pasture-raised and free-range eggs are the best choice for hen welfare.

Do pasture raised chickens need grit? ›

Grit is essential for any bird consuming large particle-sized feed (grains, grass, weeds, etc.). The same goes for birds that are confined to a coop and given any scratch, grain or kitchen scraps.

How do you remove chicken poop from grass? ›

If conditions aren't too damp, pick up as much chicken poop as you can from the yard by raking it or picking it up with gloved hands. Large, well-formed manure is fresher, and it's easier to pick up than manure that was trapped under heavy snow. Old manure that has dried is easy to rake away from the grass.

Should my chicken coop be in the sun or shade? ›

Should you build your chicken coop in the sun or in the shade? For most climates, your chickens will prefer a coop that is built in the shade, because chickens generally suffer more from heat than cold. Additionally, hot coops are difficult to cool down, whereas cold coops can be warmed up.

Is it OK to put pine needles in chicken Run? ›

Plant-Based Options. If you have enough pine needles, shredded leaves, or grass clippings, they can all be used as bedding in a chicken coop. They're not as absorbent as other options, though, so you'll need to replace them on at least a weekly basis.

Is sand OK for chicken runs? ›

The use of sand in the chicken yard or run is ideal in especially wet climates since water drains through the sand instead of creating mud puddles filled with decomposing straw or wood shavings. If possible, roof or cover the chicken run to keep the sand dry and provide the flock an outdoor oasis in inclement weather.

Can I use wood chips in my chicken Run? ›

Wood chippings are the perfect sustainable, environmentally friendly surface for your chicken run, and give your chickens and poultry the perfect floor covering to peck and scratch at, plus they help stop the build up of mud, especially if you use them to create a path around the coop too.

What do you put in the bottom of a chicken nesting box? ›

Chicken nesting boxes can be lined with wood shavings, sawdust or even shredded paper. You can also use grass clippings as long as your lawn wasn't chemically treated. Many commercial supply houses, farm, and feed stores offer rubber mats that fit in the bottom of chicken nesting boxes.

What is the best bedding for chicken boxes? ›

What is the best chicken coop bedding for healthy, happy chickens? Medium- to coarse-grained sand is the best chicken coop bedding as it's non-toxic, dries quickly, stays clean, is low in pathogens, and has low levels of dust. Sand is a much safer choice than all other bedding materials.

What do you fill a chicken coop with? ›

Litter's primary functions in backyard coops are to keep the coop dry, control smell from fresh droppings and facilitate cleaning, the most common materials being soft wood shavings, chopped straw and sand.

Why are laying boxes put in dark corners of a poultry house? ›

When birds are in production, dark corners provide ideal sites to lay floor eggs. Introduce laying boxes or nests early before the birds reach point of lay.

How many nesting boxes do I need for 6 chickens? ›

A good rule of thumb is to provide one nesting box per 4-6 hens.

Should chicken nesting boxes be high or low? ›

The height of the nest box should be no less than 18 inches from the floor and can be as high as a few feet off the ground. They should not be at the same height as your roosting bars, or you may find your hens sleeping in the boxes!

How often should you clean a chicken coop? ›

How often you should be cleaning a chicken coop? You should provide fresh food and fresh water every day, and you should clean the bedding out once a week or once a month(the deeper the bedding layer the less often you have to clean it out). It's best practice to do a total clean-out at least twice a year.

What is better for chicken bedding hay or straw? ›

Straw is one of the best materials for bedding. It has the same advantages of pine shavings and provides something for chickens to scratch and peck through. Either of these materials can be found at your local feed or farm supply store.

Is straw or hay better for chickens? ›

NEVER use hay as coop bedding. Hay is livestock feed, straw is livestock bedding. Hay is too "green" and tends to harbor mold and bacteria which is extremely detrimental to poultry health. What is this?

What do you do with dirty chicken bedding? ›

Decomposing litter requires the incorporation of oxygen, but chickens typically do this themselves by stirring up the bedding. However, if the bedding appears to be caking up, take a shovel or rake to break up these large pieces and redistribute them around the coop. This will help expedite the decomposition process.

What are the 6 essentials for a chicken coop? ›

Now lets get into the 7 Essentials for a Backyard Chicken Coop
  • Space (Indoor and Outdoor) ...
  • Enclosure. ...
  • Air Ventilation. ...
  • Flooring and Bedding. ...
  • Nesting Boxes. ...
  • Roosts. ...
  • Food and Water.
14 Jun 2018

How do I stop my chicken run from being muddy? ›

Fill material – adding well draining material to low areas to keep water from accumulating will help avoid standing water issues. Well draining material can include wood chips, or small pebbles or stones. If you use stone or pebbles the area can be covered with wood chips for a softer ground and a well draining area.

Should you put food and water inside chicken coop? ›

Should the chickens' feeders and waterers go inside the coop, or should they go outside in the run? That's a good question! Chickens need to have access to their food and water at all times when they're awake.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.