How to Make Money in Social Media | Weekly Columns (2024)

Do you remember that great George Carlin line about wanting to become a millionaire? I’m paraphrasing him but he said something like, “So, you want to be a millionaire – pause – first thing, get a million dollars.” Don’t we all wish it were that simple!No, you will not get magic tips on how to monetize from this column. You will get some useful ideas that you can employ.

When I began writing and doing Social Media I set four goals for myself, in order of priority, with the first three tied for first place and the fourth, a distant fourth. They were and still are:

1. Make the world a better place. Tikkun Olam – Repair the World.
2. Have fun.
3. Model a working and successful dad to my boys, who had almost never known me as anything other than their dad.
4. Make money.

To one degree or another, I’m definitely on the road with the first three goals. Of course, there’s always room to improve and grow but I’m having a blast. I know my boys now know dad is really working, and occasionally I believe I’m making a positive impact on the world.

Given that I work almost literally EVERY day and put in as many or more hours than I used to in my showbiz career, I decided at the end of 2011, that it was time to pay attention to goal #4 and start doing the things I should do to monetize. I was clear that I would not compromise my primary goals, but why the heck not make some money if I could?

Attending BlogWorld LA last fall, I heard repeatedly from the mom bloggers how they were making money and how they were being aggressive about demanding to be paid for their services. Upon more serious discussion and investigation, I found that the income many received was from affiliations with brands. Others had very specific niches in travel, for instance, and made money in the form of relationships with travel-oriented companies. Many received great perks in the form of free stuff, aka swag and/or free trips.

My radio show station manager has repeatedly urged me to charge subscription fees to those that visit my website, citing so many others that do that. While I offer a lot of content, there’s been something that continues to bother me about going that route.

Finally, I decided I’d better get some help and hire a manager. I don’t know what the job title is, but I think of Savior-Genius-Person (SGP hereafter) – the woman who leads my “team” – as my manager/agent in much the way I knew of that role in my former showbiz career. The difference, however, is that I am paying her monthly fees for her services and for those of the “team,” as needed and used. I chose to invest in myself, as I believe what I do and offer does indeed have value.

Given that I began without much concern for income, I chose to play in as many areas of Social Media and media, in general, as I could and that I wanted to. They now include a weekly vlog (I’m NOT That Dad), #DadChat, a weekly comic strip (Because I Said So), a book (A Dad’s Point-of-View: We ARE Half the Equation), my weekly radio show (The Bruce Sallan Show: A Dad’s Point-of-View), speaking engagements at conferences, guest blogging for a variety of other sites (24 so far, for, and my weekly A Dad’s Point-of-View column, which is seen in approximately 100 newspapers and websites, worldwide.

How much money do I make from ALL these enterprises? Does a cup o’ Joe a day give you a hint? Am I in it “for the money?” No, but I’m also not averse to making some!

So, what are the plans going forward? The first step was re-designing my website which, it turns out, had been set up with about the worst possible SEO potential. We re-launched about two months ago. The numbers have been steadily increasing in a sustained and meaningful manner.

The second step was teaching me how to use WordPress. I’ve had several tutorials from one of the team members and now I am basically able to handle the majority of the publishing myself.

Moving forward, as we build up our analytics we will secure advertisers, sponsors for the website, #DadChat, and possible campaigns, syndication and merchandizing of the comic strip, paid speaking engagements, another book, re-invigorate the sales of the first one, and get the radio show on more stations to make it more profitable.

With SGP’s guidance, I am stopping my previous way of thinking, which was 100% about the material and 0% about making money. The majority of what I will do will continue to be about the material but I can apportion some of my thinking to organic brand/sponsor ideas that work for me, my radio show, #DadChat, and more. Why not?

There you have it. A comprehensive strategy that includes throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping it sticks when it’s cooked! Stay tuned. I expect to have a positive progress report by the end of the year. That is part of the plan!

How to Make Money in Social Media | Weekly Columns (2024)


How many followers do you need on social media to make money? ›

On average, earnings tend to correspond with these follower numbers: Nano-influencer: 1,000–10,000 followers ($10–$100 per post) Micro-influencer: 10,000–50,000 followers ($100–$500 per post) Mid-tier influencer: 50,000–500,000 followers ($500–$5,000 per post)

How much does Instagram pay for 1k followers? ›

It can vary based on how much your followers interact with your posts and the specific company you're working with. But even if you don't have a lot of followers, you can still earn a good amount of money. People with around 1,000 followers can make about $10 per post or even up to $1,420 per month.

How much does Facebook pay for 1000 views? ›

Pay Rate per 1,000 Views

The pay rate for 1,000 views on Facebook Reels ranges from $0.01 to $0.02, which translates to a maximum of $20 for every 1000 views. However, the earnings may fluctuate between approximately $8.75 and $10 per 1000 views based on factors such as audience location and engagement level.

How much does TikTok pay per view? ›

However, the exact amount you earn per view can vary. According to reports from creators, TikTok pays between $0.02 and $0.04 per 1,000 views. This means that you could earn between $20 and $40 for a video with 1 million views.

What is the #1 most used social media platform? ›

1. Facebook (3.07 billion users) The latest statistics show that Facebook continues to reign strong as the king of social media, with 3.07 billion users worldwide. That means that approximately three out of every five of the estimated 5.17 billion social media users across the world are active users of Facebook.

What sells the most on social media? ›

The best products to sell on social media are those that create visual interest. If you sell products in an evergreen niche, including home decor, clothing, sports, hobbies, or video games, these platforms are great for your shop.

How many Facebook followers do you need to get paid? ›

As well as meeting Facebook's eligibility criteria, videos must be over one minute in length and influencers need at least 10,000 page followers to run in-stream ads. These tips apply to brands that want to pay to run in-stream ads.

How much does IG pay for reels? ›

You can earn $1000, $5000, even $10,000 a month by creating Reels. It's all possible through Instagram's Reels Bonus program. In fact, they're planning to invest over $1 billion into creator-driven programs throughout 2022.

Does Instagram pay you? ›

Yes, you can make money on Instagram. According to CBInsights, Instagram is one of the top platforms where influencers and creators can monetize their content and lure more followers (Learn more: how to make money as an influencer). The platform also tries to help creators monetize their influence on the platform.

How much does TikTok pay? ›

In terms of compensation, TikTok's Creator Fund program offers an estimated payout of $0.02 to $0.04 per 1,000 views for content creators. To put this into perspective, a creator with 1,000,000 views would only receive a payout between $20 and $40.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.