How to Pinch and Prune Your Way to a Successful Cannabis Crop (2024)

How to Pinch and Prune Your Way to a Successful Cannabis Crop (2)Pinching, pruning, and deleafing are powerful tools for directing plant growth. By controlling the production of branches, leaves, and shoots, cultivators can help ensure that their plants grow as efficiently as possible.

The key to these techniques lies in the timing of the activity and the volume of plant material removed. If done too early, growth can stall, and plants may struggle to recover. If done too late, it can delay flowering and leave the plant more susceptible to foliar diseases.


Here is a brief overview of these three techniques:

Pinching is the removal of a plant’s primary growing tip, or apical meristem. This part of the plant consists of less than 1 inch of leaf matter, and the growth is so tender that it can literally be pinched off by hand. By simply applying pressure between the thumb and index finger, a quick flick of the wrist removes the growing tip.

If you prefer to use spring-loaded trimming scissors, it’s good to have several available so they can be sanitized between plants with hydrogen peroxide or isopropyl alcohol. This will help reduce the risk of passing latent or active pathogens between plants.

Pinching is done to redirect the plant’s energy from vertical growth to lateral growth. An unpinched cannabis plant will typically grow in a Christmas tree shape, with one large growing tip forming at the top of the plant and each subsequent pair of branches increasing in length towards the base of the plant. Pinching changes the structure of the plant from a triangle to more of a round habit, with multiple even-sized branches. This is done for several different reasons:

  • Height control

Indoor growers, and especially those using multi-tier systems, have limited ceiling height. Pinching a plant can help disperse growth horizontally to fill out trays and ensure there’s no wasted space under the trellis netting.

  • Disease control

For outdoor growers and greenhouse cultivators, pinching can help mitigate damage caused by botrytis infection. The density of large, baseball bat-sized flowers can trap moisture and create the perfect environment for mold spore germination. Pinching a plant will result in smaller, more numerous flowers that may be less susceptible to botrytis infection.

  • Vegetative cutting production

Pinching a plant and then pinching the resulting shoots a few weeks later will create a multibranched and robust mother plant capable of producing hundreds of vegetative cuttings. Early and consistent pinching will build the most productive stock plants.

Pruning, also referred to as a hard pinch, removes much more of the plant than a soft pinch. Pruning can help redirect the plant’s energy, but it’s more often done to reduce the size of a plant.

Stock plants that were not properly formed or pinched on time can grow quite large. Massive, congested plants are inefficient to maintain and have a higher likelihood of harboring pests. Pruning will help bring unwieldy stock plants back under control, but it usually requires a hard cut to the main stem of the plant. This can reduce its overall size by more than 50%.

Cuts are made with heavy-duty bypass pruning shears, since trimming scissors are no match for the thick stems and branches removed during the pruning process. Shears help the grower make quick, smooth cuts, and they work much better than a serrated knife or pruning saw. These not only increase the amount of newly exposed tissue to potential infection, they’re also dangerous for employees to use.

As with trimming scissors, it’s best to have several bypass pruners available so they can be rotated between sanitizations. On several occasions, I have seen botrytis stem cankers spread throughout a cannabis crop when the same pruners were used on every plant.

Deleafing is the removal of the large fan leaves from the cannabis plant. Deleafing is typically done without tools, but it’s important to ensure a clean break at the base of each petiole. Like a hangnail, “runners” occur when a leaf is removed, but a strip of the stem’s epidermal layer comes along with it. Pulling off a leaf can unintentionally have this effect, leaving the stem’s surface open to infections.

Deleafing can also help decrease the risk of disease. Neither powdery mildew nor botrytis needs free-standing water for spore germination; they only require brief periods of high humidity. A dense canopy can trap moisture and create a microclimate that’s perfect for spore germination. Strategic leaf removal will help ensure good airflow and minimize disease pressure.

Deleafing is most effective during the flowering cycle. When done around the 20th and 40th day of flower, this technique will allow for good airflow throughout the canopy and help ensure that most of the plants’ energy is directed towards flower production.

However, it’s essential not to remove too many leaves. Completely stripping the plant can have the unintended consequence of stalling plant growth or aggravating hermaphroditic flowers. A plant without leaves will realize a drastic decrease in photosynthesis, and stressors are known to contribute to hermaphroditic flowers on female plants. A naked plant is also more susceptible to overwatering if the grower doesn’t adjust their irrigation volume and frequency in response to the decrease in leaf mass.

Learning how to pinch, prune, and deleaf a crop will take some practice, but once a cannabis grower masters these techniques, they’ll increase the efficiency of their crop with just a few strategic snips.

23235How to Pinch and Prune Your Way to a Successful Cannabis Crop

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How to Pinch and Prune Your Way to a Successful Cannabis Crop (8)

Ryan Douglas is the founder of Ryan Douglas Cultivation, LLC, which helps new cannabis cultivation businesses come to market quickly and spend less money getting there. He is the author of From Seed to Success: How to Launch a Great Cannabis Cultivation Business in Record Time. See all author stories here.

How to Pinch and Prune Your Way to a Successful Cannabis Crop (2024)


How many times do you pinch cannabis plants? ›

The amount of weed you actually pinch off your plants with FIMing is very small. All you need to do is pinch or cut off the tips of the leaves of the newest growth on the new stalk that hasn't yet begun to stretch out. As with topping, you should wait to FIM your plants until they have 3-5 nodes.

Should I pinch back cannabis? ›

Early and consistent pinching will build the most productive stock plants. Pruning, also referred to as a hard pinch, removes much more of the plant than a soft pinch. Pruning can help redirect the plant's energy, but it's more often done to reduce the size of a plant.

Does pruning cannabis make it grow faster? ›

Regularly trimming the dead ends encourages new growth. The same goes for pruning marijuana plants. Removes damaged growth and promotes better airflow and light exposure: Removing the dead foliage and excess fan leaves and keeping the plant trim promotes healthier growth.

How do I fatten up my buds before harvest? ›

Light intensity

To some degree, more light translates to fatter buds and higher yields (you'll need to pay attention to the distance between your grow light and plants or your plant may suffer from light burn). Increasing light intensity is the most effective way to fatten up buds.

When should you remove fan leaves? ›

Usually, growers trim the fan leaves weeks before harvest, which is a period that leads to senescence, a phase in the plant cycle when the larger leaves start fading away. It is safe to start removing these dying leaves and continue until harvest. However, the main trimming processes commence after harvest.

How much pruning is too much cannabis? ›

Cultivators should not prune more than 1/3 of the fan leaves on a cannabis plant in any given pruning session. Also, pruning sessions should be limited. Ideally, cultivators should only have to do bulk pruning once or twice on a cannabis plant.

How many times should cannabis be topped? ›

Generally, a plant will get topped 1-3 times during its life.

How many nodes should a cannabis cutting have? ›

You want at least two nodes on the final cutting, so pick a branch that is healthy and long enough. A sturdy clone will lead to a sturdy plant. Cut the clone off the mother, cutting above the node on the mother plant.

Should I lollipop my cannabis plants? ›

Cannabis plants have a finite amount of energy. As a grower, you'll want to help them direct energy to the areas producing the best possible bud. As it turns out, lollipopping is one of the best ways to do just that.

What is better trimming or trimming cannabis? ›

Wet trimming is when the cannabis harvest is trimmed before drying it. This means you cut the leaves off right away after you harvest the buds. Dry trimming is when you cut the plant down and hang it to dry for a few days, leaves and all, before you begin trimming.

Do taller cannabis plants yield more? ›

The vegetative stage of growth determines a weed plant's final size. Once it begins flowering, the energy goes from growing upwards and outwards to produce buds. So the longer a plant vegetates, the larger the final yield can be, in general.

What happens if you wait too long to harvest cannabis? ›

But the longer you wait, the more highly intoxicating and sedative your flower will become. This is especially true for indica strains, but even sativa strains can become sedating. Additionally, if you extend the flowering stage too long before harvesting, THC will begin to degrade.

How do you make buds super dense? ›

Increasing the amount of CO₂ in your grow room can help you grow bigger, denser buds. By doing so, you'll help plants photosynthesise faster and encourage them to take up more nutrients and water.

What is the best bud hardener? ›

General Hydroponic KoolBloom

Available as Liquid KoolBloom or Dry KoolBloom, this additive is widely regarded as the best bud hardener out there.

How do you get dense nugs to grow? ›

  1. 5 Tips to Grow Dense Nugs. Prune Your Plants. ...
  2. Feed Plants What They Need. Giving your plants the nutrients they need is vital through each stage of growth. ...
  3. Train Your Plants to Increase Yields. Training your plants is another easy way to increase your yields come harvest. ...
  4. Don't Harvest Too Early.
16 Mar 2018

Should I use nutrients every time I water? ›

You don't want to use liquid nutrients every time you water—use them every other watering, or two waterings on, one off. It depends on the complexity of your soil and the health of your plants. Too many nutrients will damage your plants. Giving weed plants the proper amount of nutrients requires careful monitoring.

Should I trim off all fan leaves during flowering? ›

You can remove fan leaves during flowering in much the same way you do during veg. Prune away large leaves that are overshadowing bud sites, as well as dead or dying fan leaves. One thing to keep in mind is that you should prune in intervals, giving at least a couple weeks between each session.

Should I clip my fan leaves? ›

Should you remove fan leaves? Yes, removing or pruning some fan leaves is a necessary step when cultivating cannabis healthy plants. When fan leaves become too large or abundant, they block the light and airflow to parts of the plant that can hinder trichome and cannabinoid production.

Does cold weather produce more trichomes? ›

In these cases the low temperature at the end of flowering has affected the plants, provoking a very notable color change and an increased trichome concentration on the buds.

Should you prune cannabis during flower? ›

PRUNING YOUR CANNABIS. Firstly, pruning must only ever take place during the vegetative stage of growth. If you prune during flowering, you will be reducing the amount of energy available to your cannabis plants during bud production, which in turn will result in smaller buds.

Should you trim big cannabis leaves? ›

Removing big branches and leaves

Pruning the larger branches and leaves promotes instant airflow by creating space. It also allows light to reach more of the plant.

Should you water cannabis twice a day? ›

After sprouting, it is recommended to water frequently - 2 times a day. But the amount of water should be small - about 200 ml. The fact is that at this time, the root system of marijuana is still very poorly developed and simply cannot extract moisture from the soil.

What week should you top cannabis? ›

It is recommended that you wait until your plants have at least four nodes before topping them, and most growers recommend topping the plant above the sixth node.

How long should cannabis hang before trimming? ›

Dry trimming is the process of pruning cannabis buds after they're dried but before they're cured. In dry trimming, freshly harvested branches are hung upside down in a drying room for around 10 to 14 days until the ideal level of moisture is achieved.

Should I trim the lower branches of my cannabis plant? ›

Most growers know the most significant flowers (buds) will grow when sun exposure and airflow are optimal. Knowing that, it makes perfect sense to start your pruning at the lower branches of the plant. Begin at the innermost part of each lower branch, where buds may form but will never get large or dense.

Do you cut a plant above or below the node? ›

The node is where leaves, buds and shoots emerge from the stem. You should always cut just above a node, as this prevents 'die back' and therefore disease. Also, by cutting above a node you can manipulate new stems, leaves or flowers to form in a desired direction, as nodes form on different sides of a stem.

How many days should I veg my cannabis? ›

The vegetative stage in Cannabis plants may last from 3 to 16 weeks, or even more in outdoor crops. Most growers vegetate their indoor plants for 4-8 weeks, depending on the desired plant size. Cannabis plants are usually able to start flowering from the 4th week of the vegetative stage.

What happens if you dont flush cannabis before harvest? ›

You see, during the growing cycle, your plants store excess amounts of nutrients, salts and other compounds. If you don't allow the plants a chance to dispose of these surplus compounds by flushing them before harvest, your final product will be much harsher and more bitter tasting.

Do you flush cannabis plants every day? ›

Flushing can and should be done at many times throughout your grow. With our feed schedule, we recommend growers flush with pHed water every third feeding. Additionally, you may need to flush your plant if any nutrient lockout occurs due to an excess build up of nutrients in your growing medium.

Is Flushing cannabis before harvest necessary? ›

By flushing your cannabis plants before harvest you can avoid a harsh and unsatisfying end-product. If cannabis plants are not properly flushed, the minerals and nutrients used during the cultivation process are still present. Flushing removes all nutrients and improves the overall quality of your bud.

How do you trim bud like a pro? ›

To trim:
  1. Trim the stem at the bottom of the bud as closely as you can without causing the bud to break down. You don't want the stem to be exposed anywhere but at the bottom.
  2. Remove the crow's feet—these are the leaves at the bottom that look like little bird feet.
  3. Trim off extra plant matter and manicure the bud.

Does trimming increase yield? ›

Pruning increases your crop yield in multiple ways. It eliminates the buds that aren't going to thrive and allows the plant to focus the energy that it would have spent growing them elsewhere. It also gives your plant more space to let natural light in and reach the good leaves.

How much bud can you trim in a day? ›

An average-skilled cannabis trimmer can process at least 300 grams per day, which would yield them 30-50 grams of nugget, or $80-$200. So long as you're working with quality product and have connections, you may be better taking the product, as you could turn around and unload it for up to $10-$20 a gram.

What makes big buds on cannabis? ›

Get enough light – High-intensity lighting is one of the primary reasons that hydroponics growers can produce such big yields compared to traditional gardening. Because light is just as important as food to your plants, you want to make sure you're using the strongest, brightest lights possible.

What nutrients make cannabis buds bigger? ›

Magnesium is important for healthy cannabis plants because it helps with light absorption to produce more flowers or buds. Iron and manganese are also useful in helping cannabis plants produce chlorophyll so they'll have more energy to grow bigger buds.

What nutrients make cannabis grow faster? ›

Nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus may be the three main nutrients that your cannabis plants need. However, they also need other nutrients like: Magnesium: This nutrient is crucial in photosynthesis. It helps stabilize plant cell walls too.

Is it better to harvest cannabis at night or day? ›

It is best to harvest cannabis plants in the early morning hours or before your lights turn on. When the time is right, many cannabis growers simply chop the entire plant down at once.

Can you harvest cannabis with white pistils? ›

Harvesting based on pistils

If most pistils are white, the marijuana isn't ripe enough for harvest and the bud is still lacking a lot of weight and THC. If all pistils are brown/red, you're actually too late, and the quality of your marijuana will rapidly drop.

What should my buds look like at 5 weeks? ›

Week 5: Buds Grow More and More

This is a good sign that the plant is in full flowering mode. The odor will be very strong at this point. Some of the plant's white pistil hairs may turn into a darker amber or brownish color. Meanwhile, the trichomes of the plant may be becoming opaque as well.

Why are buds fluffy and not dense? ›

These airy flowers are often the result of suboptimal growing conditions, a lack of light, or nutrient deficiency. Fluffy buds don't only look less appetising, but you'll need to use more of your harvest every time you roll a blunt or hit a bowl.

How do I make my buds crispy? ›

BROWN BAGS AND COMPUTER FANS. Simple brown paper bags, like the kind you get from the bakery, are perfect for drying buds. Especially popcorn buds. If you place a handful or two of freshly manicured smaller nuggets into a paper bag and leave them to dry for 2–3 days your halfway there.

How do I make my buds Fluffy? ›

Buds seem to fatten the best when they get plenty of light and fresh air. You've already taken care of light, but you should also ensure your plants get excellent airflow. Air circulation helps control humidity, prevent wet spots, and moves air through the plant and around the buds.

How can I enhance my buds? ›

Feeding a plant nitrogen while it is vegging creates a healthy, vibrant plant at a young age that will grow rapidly, which leads to increased yields. Once your plant switches to flowering, decrease your nitrogen levels and increase phosphorus levels to help the buds fully develop and become dense.

When should I stop watering before harvesting? ›

Stop Watering 1-3 Days Before Harvest – After flushing, in the final days of harvest, you can further stress your plants by stopping watering. You want to allow the plant to start to wilt just a small amount, because then the plant “thinks” it is dying and as a last-ditch effort, it will increase resin development.

How often should you pinch plants? ›

As a general rule, most pinchable plants benefit from one or two good sessions per growing season. Pinch back fall-blooming perennials, such as asters and chrysanthemums, every several weeks, but stop by the 4th of July so they have enough time to produce their signature autumn colors.

How long is the stretch period for cannabis? ›

Most cannabis strains stretch for around the first 2 weeks of flowering. Some stretchy strains will continue to stretch into the 3rd or even 4th week of bloom. Sativa strains will stretch more than indicas. A sativa may double or even triple her height during bloom whereas an indica may increase her height by 50%-100%.

Where do you pinch a plant? ›

Know where to pinch.

Plants grow buds at the base of each leaf, just above the point where the leaf connects to the stem. This is called a node. The stem between each pair of leaves on a plant is called the internode. To stimulate these buds to open and form new branches, remove the growth just above the leaves.

What is the difference between pinching and pruning? ›

Pinching is a form of pruning. You can do it with no other tool than your fingertips and fingernails, although if you have a lot of pinching to do, clean scissors or shears will save your manicure. By “pinching,” I mean actually removing the new tender growth at the end of a stem.

What is pinching method? ›

A pinch method is a form of self-acupressure. In theory, you pinch yourself, and it instantly resets your blood sugar. The idea has circulated fairly widely in complementary medicine circles and among people who are looking for easy ways to control their blood sugar.

Should I flush cannabis everyday? ›

Flushing involves giving your cannabis plants straight pHed water instead of a nutrient solution. Flushing can and should be done at many times throughout your grow. With our feed schedule, we recommend growers flush with pHed water every third feeding.

How do you thicken plant stems? ›

How to Make Plant Stems Stronger
  1. Provide the proper amount of sunlight. Without the right sunlight, your stems will become long and spindly as they try to grow upward to catch more rays. ...
  2. Don't let plants become parched. ...
  3. Give them space. ...
  4. Take care in extreme temperatures. ...
  5. Go next-level with nitrogen.
20 Jan 2022

What happens if you let cannabis grow too long? ›

If you notice that the trichomes fell off, you let the plant grow too long and most of the cannabinoids are gone meaning you won't get the THC or CBD effects and will have to start over with a new batch. Trichomes turn from cloudy white to brown once THC begins to weaken.

Can you harvest cannabis at 6 weeks? ›

You should only start thinking about harvesting buds after your cannabis plant has been flowering for at least six weeks. On average, cannabis is mature after around eight weeks of flowering, but the duration to maturity varies from strain to strain.

What happens in the last 2 weeks of flowering? ›

THE FINAL 2 WEEKS OF FLOWERING. If you grow strains with an average flowering time, the majority of bud development will occur by the 6th week of bloom. In the last two weeks, the buds will mostly be ripening and not really growing much more in size.

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