How to Read the Bible Like George Whitefield | (2024)

George Whitefield was once the most famous man in America. Whitefield (1714-1770) was an evangelist and Calvinist preacher during America’s Great Awakening, and it is estimated that during his lifetime he preached to over 10 million people, often to outdoor crowds of up to 25,000 at once.

By all accounts, George Whitefield’s remarkable ministry was marked by his devotion to Jesus Christ and to the truth of Scripture. Clearly, we can learn much about studying Scripture from a man who preached over 18,000 times.

Whitefield continually feasted on the Word of God. He said, “I began to read the Holy Scriptures upon my knees… This proved meat indeed and drink indeed to my soul. I daily received fresh light and power from above.”

Do you want to get more out of your Bible reading? If so, you’ll be helped by George Whitefield’s 7 tips for reading the Bible.

1. Always Look for Jesus

Have always in view the end for which the Scriptures were written, even to show us the way of salvation, by Jesus Christ.

“Search the Scriptures,” says our blessed Lord, “for they are they that testify of me.” Look, therefore, always for Christ in the scripture. He is the treasure hid in the field, both of the Old and New Testament.

In the Old, you will find him under prophesies, types, sacrifices, and shadows. In the New, manifested in the flesh, to become a propitiation for our sins as a Priest, and as a Prophet to reveal the whole will of his heavenly Father.

Have Christ, then, always in view when you are reading the word of God, and this will guide you to the Messiah, will serve as a key to every thing that is obscure, and unlock to you the wisdom and riches of all the mysteries of the kingdom of God.

2. Read It With Humility

Search the Scriptures with a humble, child-like disposition.

For whosoever does not read them with this temper shall in no wise enter into the knowledge of the things contained in them. For God hides the sense of them from those that are wise and prudent in their own eyes, and reveals them only to babes in Christ—who think they know nothing yet as they ought to know; who hunger and thirst after righteousness, and humbly desire to be fed with the sincere milk of the word, that they may grow thereby.

Fancy yourselves, therefore, when you are searching the Scriptures—especially when you are reading the New Testament—to be with Mary sitting at the feet of the holy Jesus; and be as willing to learn what God shall teach you, as Samuel was, when he said, “Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.”

Oh that the unbelievers would pull down every high thought and imagination that exalts itself against the revealed will of God! O that they would, like new-born babes, desire to be fed with the pure milk of the word!

Then we should have them no longer scoffing at Divine revelation, nor would they read the Bible any more with the same intend the Philistines brought our Samson, to make sport at it; but they would see the divine image and superscription written upon every line. They would hear God speaking unto their souls by it, and, consequently, be built up in the knowledge and fear of him, who is the Author thereof.

3. Practice What You Read

Search the Scriptures with a sincere intention to put into practice what you read.

A desire to do the will of God is the only way to know it; if any man will do my will, says Jesus Christ, “He shall know of my doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.”

As he also speaks in another place to his disciples, “To you, (who are willing to practice your duty) it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to those that are without (who only want to raise cavils against my doctrine) all these things are spoken in parables, that seeing they may see and not understand, and hearing they may hear and not perceive.”

For it is but just in God to send those strong delusions, that they may believe a lie, and to conceal the knowledge of himself from all such as do not seek him with a single intention.

Jesus Christ is the same now, as formerly, to those who desire to know from his word, who he is that they may believe on, and live by; and to him he will reveal himself as clearly as he did to the woman of Samaria, when he said, “I that speak to thee am he,” or as he did to the man that was born blind, whom the Jews had cast out for his name’s sake, “He that talketh with thee, is he.”

But to those who consult his word with a desire neither to know him, nor keep his commandments, but either merely for their entertainment, or to scoff at the simplicity of the manner in which he is revealed, to those, I say: he never will reveal himself, though they should search the Scriptures to all eternity. As he never would tell those whether he was the Messiah or not, who put that question to him either out of curiosity, or that they might have whereof to accuse him.

4. Apply What You Read to Your Own Heart

In order to search the Scriptures still more effectually, make an application of everything you read to your own hearts.

For whatever was written in the book of God was written for our learning. And what Christ said unto those aforetime we must look upon as spoken to us also: for since the holy Scriptures are nothing but a revelation from God, how fallen man is to be restored by Jesus Christ: all the precepts, threats, and promises, belong to us and to our children, as well as to those, to whom they were immediately made known.

Thus the Apostle, when he tells us that he lived by the faith of the Son of God, adds, “who died and gave himself for me.” It is this application of Jesus Christ to our hearts that makes his redemption effectual to each of us.

And it is this application of all the doctrinal and historical parts of scripture, when we are reading them over, that must render them profitable to us, as they were designed for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, and to make every child of God perfect, thoroughly furnished to every good work.

I dare appeal to the experience of every spiritual reader of holy writ whether or not, if he consulted the word of God in this manner, he was not at all times and at all seasons as plainly directed how to act, as though he had consulted the Urim and Thummim, which was upon the high-priest’s breast.

For this is the way God now reveals himself to man: not by making new revelations, but by applying general things that are revealed already to every sincere reader’s heart.

And this, by the way, answers an objection made by those who say, “The word of God is not a perfect rule of action, because it cannot direct us how to act or how to determine in particular cases, or what place to go to, when we are in doubt, and therefore, the Spirit, and not the word, is to be our rule of action.”

But this I deny, and affirm on the contrary, that God at all times, circ*mstances, and places, though never so minute, never so particular, will, if we diligently seek the assistance of his Holy Spirit, apply general things to our hearts, and thereby, to use the words of the holy Jesus, will lead us into all truth and give us the particular assistance we want.

5. Rely on the Spirit

Labor to attain that Spirit by which they were written.

For the natural man discerneth not the words of the Spirit of God, because they are spiritually discerned; the words that Christ hath spoken, they are spirit, and they are life, and can be no more understood as to the true sense and meaning of them by the mere natural man, than a person who never had learned a language can understand another speaking in it.

The Scriptures, therefore, have not unfitly been compared to the cloud which went before the Israelites; they are dark and hard to be understood by the natural man, as the cloud appeared dark to the Egyptians. But they are light, they are life to Christians indeed, as that same cloud which seemed dark to Pharaoh and his house, appeared bright and altogether glorious to the Israel of God.

It was the want of the assistance of this Spirit that made Nicodemus, a teacher of Israel and a ruler of the Jews, so utterly ignorant in the doctrine of regeneration. For being only a natural man he could not tell how that thing could be.

It was the want of this Spirit that made our Savior’s disciples, though he so frequently conversed with them, daily mistake the nature of the doctrines he delivered. And it is because the natural veil is not taken off from their hearts that so many who now pretend to search the Scriptures, yet see no farther than into the bare letter of them, and continue entire strangers to the spiritual meaning couched under every parable, and contained in almost all the precepts of the book of God.

Indeed, how should it be otherwise? For God being a spirit, he cannot communicate himself any otherwise than in a spiritual manner to the hearts of men. And consequently, if we are strangers to his Spirit, we must continue strangers to his Word, because it is altogether like himself, spiritual.

Labor, therefore, earnestly for to attain this blessed Spirit. Otherwise, your understandings will never be opened to understand the Scriptures aright. And remember, prayer is one of the most immediate means to get this Holy Spirit.

6. Pray For the Spirit’s Guidance

Before you read the Scriptures, pray that Christ, according to his promise, would send his Spirit to guide you into all truth.

Intersperse short ejacul*tions whilst you are engaged in reading; pray over every word and verse, if possible; and when you close up the book, most earnestly beseech God that the words which you have read may be inwardly engrafted into your hearts and bring forth in you the fruits of a good life.

Do this and you will, with a holy violence, draw down God’s Holy Spirit into your hearts. You will experience his gracious influence and feel him enlightening, quickening, and inflaming your souls by the word of God.

You will then not only read, but mark, learn, and inwardly digest what you read—and the word of God will be meat indeed, and drink indeed unto your souls.

You then will be as Apollos was, powerful in the Scriptures; be scribes ready instructed to the kingdom of God, and bring out of the good treasures of your heart, things both from the Old and New Testament, to entertain all you converse with.

7. Read the Bible Constantly

Read the scripture constantly, or, to use our Savior’s expression in the text [John 5:39], “search the Scriptures.”

Dig in them as for hid treasure, for here is a manifest allusion to those who dig in mines. And our Savior would thereby teach us that we must take as much pains in constantly reading his Word, if we would grow wise thereby, as those who dig for gold and silver.

The Scriptures contain the deep things of God and therefore can never be sufficiently searched into by a careless, superficial, cursory way of reading them, but by an industrious, close, and humble application.

The Psalmist makes it the characteristic of a good man that he “meditates on God’s law day and night.” And “this book of the law, (says God to Joshua) shall not go out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night;” for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and thou shalt have good success.

Search, therefore, the Scriptures, not only devoutly but daily, for in them are the words of eternal life. Wait constantly at wisdom’s gate and she will then, and not till then, display and lay open to you her heavenly treasures. You that are rich are without excuse if you do not; and you that are poor, ought to take heed and improve that little time you have: for by the Scriptures you are to be acquitted, and by the Scriptures you are to be condemned at the last day.

But perhaps you have no taste for this despised Book. Perhaps plays, romances, and books of polite entertainment, suit your taste better.

If this be your case, give me leave to tell you: your taste is vitiated [corrupted] and unless corrected by the Spirit and Word of God, you shall never enter into his heavenly kingdom. For unless you delight in God here, how will you be made meet to dwell with him hereafter?

Is it a sin then, you will say, to read useless impertinent books? I answer, Yes. And that for the same reason, as it is a sin to indulge useless conversation, because both immediately tend to grieve and quench that Spirit, by which alone we can be sealed to the day of redemption.

You may reply, How shall we know this? Why, put in practice the precept in the text: search the scripture in the manner that has been recommended and then you will be convinced of the danger, sinfulness, and unsatisfacteriness of reading any others than the book of God, or such as are wrote in the same spirit.

You will then say, “When I was a child, and ignorant of the excellency of the word of God, I read what the world calls harmless books, as other children in knowledge, though old in years, have done, and still do. But now I have tasted the good word of life, and am come to a more perfect knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, I put away these childish, trifling things, and am determined to read no other books but what lead me to a knowledge of myself and of Christ Jesus.”

Search, therefore, the Scriptures, my dear brethren. Taste and see how good the Word of God is, and then you will never leave that heavenly manna, that angel’s food, to feed on dry husks, that light bread, those trifling, sinful compositions in which men of false taste delight themselves.

No, you will then disdain such poor entertainment, and blush that yourselves once were fond of it. The Word of God will then be sweeter to you than honey, and the honey-comb, and dearer than gold and silver.

Your souls by reading it will be filled, as it were, with marrow and fatness, and your hearts insensibly molded into the spirit of its blessed Author. In short, you will be guided by God’s wisdom here, and conducted by the light of his divine Word into glory hereafter.

How to Read the Bible Like George Whitefield | (1)

George Whitefield: The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the 18th-Century Revival

Volume 1 brings the story of Whitefield’s life and of the evangelical revival up to the end of the year 1740. Volume 2 follows events onwards until his death in 1770.

This post is adapted from Whitefield’s sermon on John 5:39, titled “The Duty of Searching the Scriptures.”

How to Read the Bible Like George Whitefield | (2024)


How did George Whitefield read the Bible? ›

“I began to read the [Bible] upon my knees; laying aside all other books, and praying over… every line and word.” These are the words of George Whitefield, one of the most famous men in America in the mid-1700s.

What is the correct way to read the Bible? ›

The right way to read the Bible is the gospel approach. This means we read every passage as somehow contributing to the single, overarching storyline of Scripture, which culminates in Jesus.

What denomination is George Whitefield? ›

People & Ideas: George Whitefield. Slender, cross-eyed and handsome, George Whitefield was an Anglican priest and powerful orator with charismatic appeal. At the age of 25, he created a sensation in England by preaching outdoors and going over the heads of other priests to reach their congregations.

How to consistently read the Bible? ›

7 Tips for Reading the Bible in a Year
  1. Be Realistic in Your Goals. If you make a plan to read 10 chapters every day, you will certainly fall short at some point in time. ...
  2. Be Intentional. ...
  3. Find an Accountability Partner. ...
  4. Read Faithfully. ...
  5. Get an Audio Bible. ...
  6. Download Helpful Bible Apps. ...
  7. Pray for Perseverance.

Was George Whitefield a Calvinist? ›

Like Edwards, Whitefield preached staunchly Calvinist theology that was in line with the "moderate Calvinism" of the Thirty-nine Articles.

What did George Whitefield say about God? ›

Whitefield argues the following: My brethren, Jesus Christ is coequal, coessential, coeternal, and consubstantial with the Father, very God of very God; and as there was not a moment of time in which God the Father was not, so there was not a moment of time in which God the Son was not.

Why was George Whitefield so controversial? ›

He quickly drew large crowds and became extremely popular. Whitefield's preaching was not without controversy. This was due, in large part, to his own vehement rhetoric against other Anglican clergymen for not preaching the necessity of the New Birth. Whitefield alienated many prominent Anglicans.

Why did local preachers dislike Whitefield? ›

Local ministers resented Whitefield and other traveling preachers coming to their towns uninvited. When revivalists drew massive crowds and preached in public, local ministers and churches worried the preachers were undermining their spiritual authority.

Did George Whitefield support the Great Awakening? ›

George Whitefield, together with John Wesley and Charles Wesley, founded the Methodist movement. An Anglican evangelist and the leader of Calvinistic Methodists, he was the most popular preacher of the Evangelical Revival in Great Britain and the Great Awakening in America.

What happens if I read my Bible everyday? ›

The benefits of reading the Bible daily will be evident in your life, heart and mind. What happens is you become more like Jesus. Your mind is renewed with truth. This changes your outlook on life, your attitude, and perspective.

How should a beginner read the Bible daily? ›

How to Start Reading the Bible Every Day & Stick With It
  1. Pick a time for your devotional reading. Make it a priority by calendaring it as you would any other important meeting. ...
  2. Pick a place for your devotional reading. ...
  3. Pick an accountability partner. ...
  4. Tell others. ...
  5. Don't skip a day. ...
  6. Reward yourself. ...
  7. Persist.

How long should I read the Bible per day? ›

How much time you allocate for Bible reading really depends on you and your schedule. The Bible never tells us how long to study, it only tells us to study. However, the Bible just tells us to study. God is not concerned with QUANTITY as much as He is concerned with the QUALITY of what you read and study.

What idea about Christianity did Whitefield promote? ›

He believed that every truly religious person needs to experience a rebirth in Jesus; aside from this, he cared little for distinctions of denomination or geography. He played a leading part in the Great Awakening of religious life in the British American colonies and in the early Methodist movement.

Why was George Whitefield so powerful? ›

Whitefield spoke against established clergy, spreading a message of democratic religion that relied upon commoners to grow and continue. His words were a major part of the First Great Awakening. The First Great Awakening was a religious revival that swept through the American colonies in the 1740s.

What did Whitefield draw attention to in his sermons? ›

Whitefield preached the core tenets of the gospel, those things which if denied, it would be impossible for one to be a Christian. Themes like the humanity of Christ, His death on the cross for sinners, His burial, and resurrection, and the call to believe upon Him by faith permeated his messages.

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