How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (2024)

Your grocery bill can be way too high if you shop wrong. Learn how to reduce your grocery bill and you can make some serious savings. So how do you make those savings?

Why pay more for your shopping if you don’t need to?

Many of your bills are fixed, you don’t have any wriggle room in them. Bills such as your mortgage or rent, insurances, utility bills.

But what you spend on food can vary enormously.

So let’s look at how to lower your grocery bill.

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (1)

(This post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you.As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You can read morehere)

Quick Money making tip

Scan your receipt through Fetch

Fetch Rewards is a free grocery savings app that rewards you just for snapping pictures of your receipts. That’s really it.

It won’t reduce your weekly food bill but you get free rewards on groceries on thousands of products every day, no matter where you get your groceries. Just scan your receipts to receive rewards.

Use code “APREWARDS” to redeem 3K points!

How To Reduce Grocery Bill In 10 Simple Steps

1. You’re Going To The Wrong Store

Seriously! There are grocery stores and then there are grocery stores.

Choose the wrong one and you can end up paying more for the exact same product.

Choose the right one and you can reduce your grocery bill right then and there.

Some stores might ‘feel’ nicer than others, but seriously when money is the issue then go with the cheapest store that you can buy your products from.

2. You Don’t Meal Plan

Meal planning done right is one of the best tools in your quest to learn how to reduce your grocery bill.

Using a meal plan saves both time and money.

Time – because you no longer waste time trying to work out what to make for tonight’s dinner, you get home and get started.

Money – no longer will you need to resort to takeout or drive thru because you cannot decide what to cook.

But meal planning done wrong can end up with both wasted time and wasted money.

This is where the $5 meals plan saves the day.

No need to struggle to fill out that cute meal plan printable you downloaded.

No need to try and come up with yet another week’s worth of meals that the family don’t turn their noses up at.

$5 meals plan have you covered. Not only do you get a weekly meal plan each week, you also get the shopping list of ingredients.

No wasted money buying groceries you don’t use. No wasted money getting takeout.

Spend just $5 a month to get a different meal plan sent to you every week. There is also a gluten-free option if you need it.

Try it for free with a14 day FREE trial to kick start your money saving when you use this service.

Oh, and if you are in the UK you can definitely use this!

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (3)

3. You Buy Too Much

I can be guilty of this.

When there are only the 2 of us most of the time (DD2 is away at university) why is my grocery budget for 2 often blown out of the water?

Because I buy too much.

I struggle to pass up a ‘bargain’.

Bargain means either a reduced price item that needs to be frozen straight away or a buy one get one free offer.

Problem is, we eat roughly the same amount of food regardless of what we buy (pigging out days excepted!).

So when I buy more either my freezer stores mount up or I run the risk of throwing away food.

Approximately one third of all food in the world produced for humans is wasted. How shocking is that?

I don’t want to add to that figure so keeping control on how much I buy is important.

Check out my post on how to reduce food waste to keep your wastage to a minimum:

How To Save Money By Cutting Your Food Waste To A Minimum

For more help, advice and tactics to completely overhaul your food bill click here:

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (4)

4. You Buy One Use Products

These days you can buy a huge range of convenience products and I don’t mean food.

Products that are one use only so use and bin them. But they come at a cost.

Products such as paper towels, kitchen wet wipes and dryer sheets.

All perform a function that years ago was performed by products that you washed and reused.

Or didn’t use at all in the case of dryer sheets because people didn’t have dryers they used something else – a clothes line.

Instead of constantly buying one-use products you should invest in their long life replacements which will lower your grocery bill and save you money in the long run.

Products such as:

Microfiber cloths – I’ve been using these for years instead of paper towels and wet wipes

Silicone Storage bags – I use these instead plastic bags as a long term and eco friendly alternative

Outdoor rotary line – dump the dryer sheets and the tumble dryer and dry for free instead, even on cold days

Indoor drying rack – as above but I use one of these inside on wet days. Remember to create an air flow with an open window.

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (5)

One Use Products

There are some one-use products that you probably will keep on using, like toilet paper although you can of course use reusable towels for this as well.

Same as you can buy reusable nappies/diapers, you don’t need to buy disposable nappies.

Although I do understand why you might, especially if you work outside of the home.

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (6)

5. You Don’t Make Your Freezer Work For You

Fill your freezer with ready meals and you will never go hungry or not have a delicious meal to eat when you get home late.

Of course I’m not talking shop bought ready meals, I’m talking meals you have prepared yourself for busy nights.

But what to make, and how to save time both during the week and on your precious days off?

This is whereMyfreezeasy can help, it is a personalized freezer meal plan to suit your time, tastes and budget.

Make 10 meals in just an hour!With recipes that require little to no pre-cooking, you can quickly and efficiently get them ready to freeze.

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (7)

Myfreezeasymeal plans come with videos, shopping lists and simple to follow directions to get your bulk meal prep done in no time at all.

You can tryMyfreezeasyfor free when you join theFreezer Cooking 101 Workshop.

You get a sample freezer meal plan for free!

Pick your own freezer-friendly recipes and serving sizes so you are only making what your family needs.

Myfreezeasyis not a done for your meal plan, it’s a program where you are always in control.

Choose the freezer meals you want to prep with their simple drag and drop tool.

You can even use their mobile apps to do this. Do your choosing while you are queuing some place else.

There are new recipes and themed meal plans every month along with recipes, shopping lists and instructional videos.

All thefreezer mealsare budget friendly recipes.

But not only are they budget friendly, having a stash of freezer meals means you need never resort to takeout and you cut right back on food waste.

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (8)

Free Freezer Cooking 101 Workshop

Join theFree Freezer Cooking 101 Workshopand learn about the benefits of freezer cooking, what freezes well (and what doesn’t), how to prep, thaw and cook your meals.

You’ll also get all these great freebies:

  • Free freezer meal plan to test out
  • List of what to freeze and what not to
  • Printable freezer inventory list
  • Printable most popular meal plan and shopping list
How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (9)

5. Your Empty Stomach Hits Your Grocery Bill

We’ve all done this, try and squeeze in the weekly shop on your way home from work when your stomach is empty and growling.

Or when you are tired and hungry.

But you do so at the risk of a high grocery bill.

When you are hungry you buy more, period.

If your hungry times are the perfect time to go to the grocery store because of travel or general life then buy a snack as soon as you get to the store (or plan ahead and take one with you).

A health snack of a couple of pieces of fruit won’t send your average grocery bill sky high but will keep the hunger pangs at bay and allow you to shop according to your budget.

Related reading: 13 Killer Ways to Save Money on Groceries – Save Hundreds Every Month

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (10)

6. You Can’t Steer Clear Of Convenience Food

You will always pay a premium for food items that mean you have less to do in the kitchen.

You can buy sliced and chopped vegetables, even sliced onions.

But you will pay more for these products than their whole equivalent.

Spend the extra 5 minutes it takes to chop a few vegetables each night and take convenience products off your food shopping list.

Related reading:18 Things We Cut From Our Food Shopping List To Save Big Money

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (11)

7. You’re A Sucker For Premium Brands

Have you ever seen advert after advert for the value range of your local grocery store?


And you won’t because adverts and marketing cost money. Money that gets added onto the price of the products.

Whereas premium brand adverts are on TV every day. Premium brands such as:

  • Cola
  • Bread
  • Coffee
  • Cheese

I am sure these products taste great but at sometimes double, triple or even quadruple the price of the stores own brand or value range, that taste comes at a price.

Many products are made by one factory who produces the same product for both the premium brand company AND all the grocery stores.

Sometimes there are tiny differences in the product and sometimes there really is no difference in recipe at all.

Check the ingredients list and compare if you don’t believe me!

Grocery own brands are great value for money and invariably taste just as good.

Maybe a little different but good just the same.

Occasionally there are products where you prefer the store brand to value range or premium brand to store brand.

But you only get to know this if you check out the other ranges and try them.

Related reading:55 Of The Best Frugal Foods To Buy When You’re Broke

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (12)

8. You Use Your Local Grocery Store As A One Stop Shop

Grocery stores don’t just sell groceries. These days you can also buy clothes, electrical items and garden equipment to name just a few.

But buying these items from your grocery store instead of shopping around for the right product at the right price means you will pay a premium for them.

Convenience costs.

Yes it might be convenient to pick up a new watering can when you buy your groceries but you will likely pay more if you do.

9. You Are A Slave To Dates

Being a slave to food expiry dates is a sure fire way to keep your grocery bill high.

Especially if you also stockpile too much food. There are a variety of different food dates and it’s worth knowing what they are.

Sell by date means just that, when the store will stop selling it.

It won’t instantly burst into flames at one minute past midnight nor will it be full of deadly bacteria then.

The product is usually good for a few more days.

Use by dates are for food safety and apparently we shouldn’t eat anything which has exceeded it’s use by date.

I’m fussy about use by dates on fish and some meat but less so on other products such as milk, cheese, yogurt. I follow the sniff test on these.

Do what is right for you and your family.

Best before dates – again think of the wording here, best before doesn’t mean it’s off the following day, it just might (might) not be quite as good as before.

Crisps might not be quite so crisp but still tasty a week after their best before date.

We recently ate crisps 8 months after their best before date and they tasted exactly the same as if they were in date. They also hadn’t lost any of their crispness.

Crisps don’t usually last long in our house but these got lost behind a box!

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (13)

10. You Shop Too Often

It’s very easy to say you are popping to the shop for just one thing.

But all too often you come away with a bag full of groceries and $20 lighter.

When you know are spending too much, how you shop can be just as expensive as what you buy.

How to lower the grocery bill quickly? Your bill will drop significantly when you resolve to only go food shopping just once a week.

It helps you concentrate your mind on what you need to buy when you do go shopping and stops all those $20 top ups.

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (14)

How to lower Grocery Bill Average Right Down

When you need to learn how to save money on groceries focus don’t just focus on buying less foods.

Focus on the things above and I guarantee you will save money.

If you are already not doing any of the above (go you) then these bonus tips will also help you make savings on your groceries.

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (15)

Bonus Tips To Reduce Your Grocery Bill

  • Stick to tap water as your go to liquid, buy a couple of beverages but not a huge range
  • Don’t bring your kids and/or partner to the shops, go alone so you’re not distracted from your money saving mission (I’ve calculated that Mr2p always adds 10% to my grocery bill when he accompanies me – he’s not allowed to come very often!)
  • Don’t rush through the store, take your time so you get exactly what you need at the right price
  • Organize your food cupboard so things don’t go out of date before you use them
  • Don’t overeat – many of us can easily do this and all food costs money
  • Eat healthier by buying fresh ingredients instead of prepared meals
  • Buy in season
  • Beware BOGOFs (buy one get one free) and 50% deals – you don’t always save money you just buy more
  • Buy reduced priced items (my favorite tip but comes with a health warning – don’t fill up your freezer with reduced priced items – you’ve still spent money and not eaten the food!)

With all these tips I am confident you will be able to reduce your grocery bill.

You just need to decide what you will do with all the money you will save!

Top Tip – Subscribe to the 7 day Grocery Budget Bootcamp and learn how to take back control of your spending on groceries in just a week!

Come and follow me on Pinterest for more money saving hints and frugal tips!

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (16)
How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (17)
How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (18)

Last Updated on 5th April 2023 by Emma

How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back (2024)


How To Reduce Your Grocery Bill: 10 Steps To Cut Right Back? ›

Save certain purchases for when they're on sale.

But here's the way I make it work with my budget: I only buy those pricier items when they're on sale or I have a coupon or—better yet—both! If you watch sale trends and stock up on your favorite things only when you've got a deal, you'll save so much on groceries!

How do I cut back on my grocery budget? ›

Save certain purchases for when they're on sale.

But here's the way I make it work with my budget: I only buy those pricier items when they're on sale or I have a coupon or—better yet—both! If you watch sale trends and stock up on your favorite things only when you've got a deal, you'll save so much on groceries!

How to make your grocery bill cheaper? ›

11 tips for saving money at the grocery store
  1. Pay with a grocery rewards card. ...
  2. Sign up for the loyalty program. ...
  3. Clip coupons. ...
  4. Join a wholesale club. ...
  5. Go in with a list and stick to it. ...
  6. Buy items on sale. ...
  7. Avoid pre-packaged items. ...
  8. Compare prices between stores.

What are 7 ways you can cut down on food costs for your family? ›

If you've been wondering how to reduce your food bill, consider these 8 strategies.
  • Limit Eating Out. ...
  • Plan Your Grocery Shopping. ...
  • Reduce Food Waste. ...
  • Buy in Bulk. ...
  • Set a Food Budget. ...
  • Plan for Leftovers. ...
  • Meal Prep. ...
  • Brew Your Own Coffee.

How do I cut my food bill in half? ›

Stockpile, stockpile, stockpile. In order to only ever buy an item at its lowest price, you must buy enough of it while it is on sale to last until it goes on sale again. This is key. Most items go on sale every 6-8 weeks, which means you need to buy enough to last your family that long.

What is the 6 to 1 grocery method? ›

It involves picking six vegetables, five fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces or spreads, and one fun item. Not only can it streamline your grocery shopping trip, but it can also help you shop with purpose so that you use your time more efficiently.

Is eating out cheaper than eating at home? ›

For those who want a quick and easy answer: It's generally cheaper to cook food at home than eat out. The reason so many people can get stuck on the question is the human psychology variable. People don't always spend wisely, and it isn't as if prices are always the same at a supermarket or a fast food restaurant.

What is a good monthly grocery bill? ›

By Household Size

According to the USDA guidelines, you might spend $979 a month on a thrifty plan, $1,028 on a low-cost plan, $1,252 on a moderate-cost plan and $1,604 on a liberal plan. The USDA guidelines can provide a starting point for a food budget, but they don't consider all the variables that can affect cost.

What's the average grocery bill? ›

The average family spends about $270 at the grocery store per week, but that number increases when children are taken into account. Families with kids spend an average of $331 a week on groceries or 41% more than families without kids.

What grocery store saves you the most money? ›

ALDI. Value for money: 66% of survey respondents who primarily shop at ALDI do so because of the value it provides for their money. ALDI is a discount grocery store with German roots dating back to 1961. Over the past 50+ years, however, the company opened more than 2,000 stores across 39 U.S. states.

How to spend as little as possible? ›

Table of Contents
  1. Big savings, small budgets.
  2. Use coupons all the time.
  3. Share your budget with friends.
  4. Save for retirement (even when budgets are pinched).
  5. Put any windfalls into savings.
  6. Be optimistic.
  7. Don't feel badly about a little splurging.
  8. Use apps to manage money.

How to save on groceries in 2024? ›

  1. Cook It Yourself. One of the easiest ways to start saving money on groceries is to learn to cook more meals yourself. ...
  2. Chop It Yourself. ...
  3. Look at Prices.
  4. To Buy or Not to Buy Organic. ...
  5. Shop at Farmers' Markets. ...
  6. Make a List. ...
  7. Have Your Groceries Delivered. ...
  8. Don't Buy in Bulk.
Feb 20, 2024

What are 10 ways to reduce food waste? ›

10 ways to cut your food waste
  • Check your fridge temperature. It should be between 0-5C. ...
  • Use your fridge wisely. Some foods keep better outside the fridge. ...
  • Love your list. ...
  • Water your veg. ...
  • Freeze your 5-a-day… ...
  • 6. … ...
  • Measure your portions. ...
  • Sauces and dips.

How do you slash a grocery bill? ›

Here are five easy tips to help you save while shopping or eating out.
  1. Check Weekly Store Ads. Scour the weekly store ads for the best grocery deals. ...
  2. Stockpile. Buy it before you need it. ...
  3. Plan Your Meals. ...
  4. Prepare Freezer Meals. ...
  5. Look for Free Promotions When Eating Out.

How do I start cutting back on food? ›

Here are some tricks to try:
  1. Use a smaller plate. A standard-sized portion will look small on a larger plate, making you feel dissatisfied. ...
  2. Don't double your carbs. ...
  3. Give measuring cups a go. ...
  4. Be selective with your seconds. ...
  5. Don't pick at leftovers. ...
  6. 20-minute rule. ...
  7. Check food labels. ...
  8. Ask for less.

How to live off $150 a month for food? ›

But for the most part, we stick to the $150 grocery budget and shop twice a month or every two weeks.
  1. A Snippet of Our Grocery Spending.
  2. Get Organized and Plan Accordingly.
  3. Take Your Time.
  4. Buy Ingredients, Not Meals.
  5. Alternate Snacks.
  6. Stop Being So Loyal, Hunt For Sales.
  7. Use Savings Apps.

How much should your grocery budget be? ›

According to the USDA guidelines, you might spend $979 a month on a thrifty plan, $1,028 on a low-cost plan, $1,252 on a moderate-cost plan and $1,604 on a liberal plan. The USDA guidelines can provide a starting point for a food budget, but they don't consider all the variables that can affect cost.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.