How To Save Money On Energy Bills (2024)

Saving money on our energy bills has never seemed tougher.

Gas and electricity charges have sky rocketed and too many energy saving tips involve forking out for everything from new boilers and double glazing to wall insulation!!!

For many of us worried we won’t be able to put the heating on this winter, these are non-starters.

But there are creative ways we can keep warm and save energy at home that don’t cost a thing.

And I have for you here over 75 free energy saving tips that will help.

PLUS low cost tips with huge impact.

It’s a big list of tips, so do bookmark or save it for quick reference later.

Or if you’re super short on time head to the quick checklist.

Key Energy Saving Tips

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (2)

We use most energy at home for:

  1. Heating (cooling in summer)
  2. Heating water
  3. Washing & drying clothes

These can use 75% of home energy so we need to focus on them and my first energy saving tips cover how to:

  • Heat yourself
  • Heat yourself in bed
  • Easily insulate for free
  • Heat a few rooms well
  • Do less laundry
  • AND benefit from washing less!!

But this year energy is so expensive, cutting right down is essential. So I also have tips for saving energy on:

  • Cooking
  • Lighting
  • Electronics

Heat Yourself

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (3)

The very first thing we need to do to save on heating is heat ourselves.

We’ve all got used to wandering around in t-shirts & bare feet in winter with the heating on full blast.

But wrapping up well indoors costs nothing and saves us loads.

We lose heat through bare heads, hands & feet so this winter wear:

  • Slippers
  • Fingerless gloves
  • Wrist warmers
  • Wooly hats
  • Vests
  • Scarfs
  • PLUS loads of thin layers.

Wearing lots of thin layers keeps us warmer than one thick sweater.

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (4)

So this winter get the family to layer:

  • Cardigans or hoodies on top of a vest, t-shirt, shirt AND sweater
  • Tights AND leggings under trousers
  • Summer socks under winter or sports socks AND slippers
  • Fingerless gloves under wrist warmers to keep hands warm working at home.

Don’t be fooled by adverts for fancy thermals. You don’t need them.

Just layer all the old clothes you have cluttering drawers. You can make wrist warmers from old socks.

And ask Santa for slippers if you don’t have any. We have these UK made sheepskin slippers. Not cheap but super cosy & they last ages.

Heat Yourself In Bed

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (5)

Staying warm in bed is obviously essential for a good night’s sleep.

And there are lots of easy ways to heat ourselves in bed without having radiators on full blast or forking out for electric blankets and the like.

As before, head, feet & layers are key. So to keep yourself warm :

  • Wear thick socks in bed
  • Go to bed in slippers (they can easily be kicked off)
  • Wear a “night cap” aka wooly hat
  • Layer vests & leggings with pyjamas

Layering thin-thick covers also warms us up so put a sheet between 2 duvets or a duvet and a blanket.

These 4 quick FREE tips will also warm you up in bed :

  • Have hot bedtime drinks
  • Get kids to share a bed
  • Make use of sleeping bags
  • Put a blanket under base sheet

Hot water bottles cost the price of a boiled kettle but popped in beds 15 minutes before bedtime they help.

If you can snag old curtains they can be hung round the bed – four poster style – to boost insulation.

If you can’t afford to heat bedrooms get changed in your snuggest room and then dash for the covers.

Bedrooms can suffer with condensation – all that breathing!! – so do air them quickly in the morning.

Easy Insulation For Free

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (6)

Good home insulation saves loads of energy and slashes heating bills.

And these 6 easy home insulation hacks won’t cost you a thing :

  1. Shut ALL curtains at dusk – this alone cuts heat loss by 15%!!
  2. Religiously shut all inside doors
  3. Cover keyholes with fabric scraps
  4. Tighten loose window latches
  5. Seal unused chimneys with outgrown woolies
  6. Make draft stoppers from scrap fabric with these quick ideas

The next hack is more effort but huge and FREE or super cheap.

It is simply more & better curtains as >30% of heat escapes via windows!!

Insulating Curtains

Scour local Freecycle groups for old lined curtains & blinds and :

  • Hang on any bare windows
  • Replace thin unlined curtains
  • Cover front doors
  • Cover glass doors

You can also add add thermal lining to curtains to slash heat loss.

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (7)

I bought made up lining to hook on existing drapes from John Lewis. They cost £12+ per window.

Or buy fabric for <£6 a metre for DIY lining. To make a night blind simply:

  1. Cut fabric 1 inch bigger than frame
  2. Tack a hem all round fabric
  3. Make a tiny nick in each corner
  4. Put panel pins in frame corners
  5. Hang fabric to pins at dusk

For a tiny outlay it slashes heat loss.

If you do want to make curtains & haven’t before check out these tips :

Cheap Insulation Projects

If you do have some cash free now these insulation projects should save more than they cost this year.

Less Than £10
  • Draft proof window & door tape
  • Fit door brush to doors with gaps
  • Draft proof letterbox
  • External keyhole covers
Less Than £25
  • Chimney balloon or sheep
  • Insulate hot water tank
  • Insulate water pipes

For more help check out this video on cost effective insulation.

Loft Insulation

It costs about £300 to insulate a loft but we can save that in a year as we lose 25% of heating via our lofts.

Self heating and quick insulation can slash energy costs. But this winter we need to go further and there are more easy FREE changes that help.

Heat A Few Rooms Well

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (8)

Many of us have got used to open plan living AND personal space.

But these both push up bills.

Simple reorganisation lets us :

  • Heat fewer rooms
  • Heat smaller areas
  • Spend more time in warm rooms.

Turning radiators off or down in less used rooms lets our boiler heat a few rooms quicker, so saves money.

Relocate Upstairs

As heat rises it’s typically warmer upstairs so relocate upstairs for :

  • Working at home
  • Watching TV
  • Reading
  • Crafts
  • Admin

And wrap up in blankets sitting still.

Get Kids To Share

Getting kids to share a room can cut how many rooms we need to heat.

It might not be a long term solution!!

But it can save money until the novelty wears off in the spring.

It might also let you create a warmer upstairs sitting room cum study.

Curtain Off Large Areas

Open plan areas are harder to heat.

If you can pick up free or cheap drapes, curtain off a smaller area.

Spend Time Together

Spending time together as a family in the evening rather than scattering throughout the house again helps focus heating on fewer areas.

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (9)

Create A Snug

To make our key rooms as snug as possible we can :

  • Hang curtains over doors
  • Borrow rugs from other rooms, especially with bare floorboards
  • Move – or even declutter!! – furniture blocking radiators.

Stop Heat Escaping

Heat from snug rooms can escape into those with the radiators off. So :

  • Keep doors of unused rooms shut
  • Put draft stoppers at doors

Watch Out For Condensation

Everything in life is a balancing act.

The downside of good insulation can be condensation, damp and mould.

High use rooms – e.g. bedrooms – need airing. So in the morning :

  • Open internal doors for 15 minutes
  • Open one window for 15 minutes in any rooms with condensation.

Do Less Laundry

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (10)

Our washing machine can account for 10% of home energy use. Tumble drying increases that and each load could cost £2 this winter.

Luckily we can slash laundry energy use. But it means ignoring constant expert advice to wash at 30c.

I struggle to believe anyone giving this advice does any actual laundry.

Hot Washes Are Important

Family life is a breeding ground for bugs, bacteria & fungus including:

  • Nits
  • Worms
  • Athlete’s foot
  • and Dandruff

Towels, tea towels, bedlinen, underpants & pyjamas need a hot wash to break cycles of infection kids constantly bring into our homes.

We can slash laundry energy use in other ways. First up is do less!

How To Do Less Laundry

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (11)

Many of us do more than 5 laundry loads a week. I often did 7.

That’s 250-350 loads a year!!

Bunging it in is easy but drying, ironing & putting away – oh my!

One load less a week is 50 less a year and a 20% cut in laundry energy use.

I cut mine to 3 or 4 a week. That’s 150 less loads a year & a 50% saving.

To cut our laundry loads we :

  • Wear loose tops more than once
  • Hang clothes to wear again
  • Do NO drop on floors or chairs!!
  • Brush trousers, skirts & sweaters.

And there are more easy ways to cut laundry costs :

  • Run on shortest cycle you have
  • Cold soak clothes to pre-wash
  • Run full loads
  • And of course air drying.

Air Drying Clothes

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (12)

Air drying can save £2 per laundry load. If we’re tumble drying 4 loads a week, that’s £3-400 a year!!

We can save more money – and time – by air drying on hangers so very little needs ironing and it’s super quick to put laundry away.

Benefits Of Washing Less

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (13)

Many families these days struggle with eczema, psoriasis and itchy scalps plus thinning and frizzy hair.

Showering and bathing less can actually relieve all these AND save us loads on heating bills.

So this winter :

  1. Shower or bath every other day
  2. Wash well in the basin
  3. Retrain hair for weekly washes.

I know no 3 sounds scary but it transformed my frizzy hair and there’s tips here on switching :

To save even more money on your bills for heating water :

  • Turn the water temperature down a notch on your boiler
  • Get a water saving shower head
  • Time showers
  • Run full dishwasher loads
  • Fill the sink with hot water rather than letting tap run.

How To Save Energy Cooking

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (14)

Lots of simple hacks can save energy cooking but the big savers are :

  1. DIY microwave meals
  2. One pot recipes
  3. Cooking with an air fryer
  4. AND maxing out your oven.

Quick Energy Saving Microwave Meals

Microwaves use 50% less energy than ovens so can really slash bills.

And surprisingly we can make everything from macaroni cheese to potato top pies and loads of quick desserts in the microwave.

Check out these recipes for ideas :

Energy Saving One Pot Meals

Cooking one pot meals in a pressure or slow cooker can save energy.

But simply switching to recipes cooked in one pot will save money.

For inspiration check out this big guide to 30 different one pot meals:

Energy Saving Cooking With An Air Fryer

Air fryers can also use 50% less energy than an oven.

And you can cook a surprisingly wide range of recipes really well in them including all your favourite roasts.

To make the most of your air fryer – if you have one – check out this guide to over 100 air fryer recipes :

How To Max Out Your Oven To Save Energy

Ovens do use lots of energy to heat but maxed out can be very efficient.

So once a week have a baking day and cram the oven with :

  • Muffins, cookies & cakes
  • Food good cold : quiche, pies, roast vegetables, ratatouille
  • Food good warmed in microwave : lasagna, moussaka
  • Breads for freezing

With a bit of planning you can even cook things like meringues in a switched off oven as it cools down.

On baking days the oven will warm downstairs so you need less heating.

For more advice on efficient oven use check out these tips :

More Quick Energy Saving Tips For The Kitchen

Microwave, one pot and air fryer meals plus maxed out ovens save most energy in the kitchen but these quick hacks also help :

  • Always put lids on pans
  • Only boil water you need
  • Put small pans on small rings
  • Use steamer with sections to cook different veg in same pan.

Saving Energy On Lighting

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (15)

Many of us know LED bulbs save energy and have made the switch.

But there are other totally free ways to cut energy used on lighting. To save £20+ a year we just need to:

  • Switch lights off when leaving a room – just like the Queen did
  • Only use light we need i.e. not overhead and task lights
  • Dust bulbs regularly for efficiency
  • Regularly clean light shades
  • Spend more time together in the evening so lighting fewer rooms.

If you’re changing your lighting you can make it more efficient with:

  • Dimmer switches
  • Light & transparent shades
  • External lights on sensors & timers

How To Save Energy On Electronics

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (16)

Electronics aren’t our biggest energy users. It only costs for example about £35 a year to run a TV.

BUT that cost can sky rocket when the whole family are watching separate screens in separate rooms.

So the big secret to saving energy on electronics is enjoying more time together as a family, especially on cold evenings as it saves on:

  1. Heating
  2. Lighting
  3. AND electronics.

Popular hacks like not charging phones overnight will actually barely save us £1 a year whilst spending more time together in our homes as a family will make a real difference to our bills and our wellbeing.

So there you go over 75 energy saving tips to cut utility bills this winter that are FREE or very cheap indeed.

Use the energy saving check list below to spot any you’re not doing yet and tick them off.

And for more simple ways to beat inflation read these tips:

  • Extremely Frugal Food Tips
  • 101 Things To Stop Buying
  • Simple Frugal Life Skills
  • Debt Free Living Ideas

Energy Saving Check List

Work through this energy saving checklist to spot all the easy ways to cut bills you are missing.

Some of these tips look crazily simple.

But don’t be fooled, something as straightforward as closing curtains at dusk – before it gets dark – can can heating loss by 15%. Together these changes really do add up.

Heat Yourself At Home

  • Vests
  • Lots of thin layers
  • Tights & leggings under trousers
  • Wrist warmers (from old socks)
  • Layered socks
  • Slippers
  • Fingerless gloves
  • Woolly hat
  • Scarf or neck warmer

Heat Yourself In Bed

  • Thick socks
  • Slippers
  • Pyjama layers
  • Woolly hat
  • Alternate thin-thick covers
  • Blanket under base sheet
  • Sleeping bags
  • Share beds
  • Hot bedtime drinks
  • Hot water bottles

Home Insulation

  • Always close curtains at dusk
  • Shut doors
  • Cover keyholes
  • Seal chimneys
  • Put draft stoppers by doors
  • Hunt down free cycled curtains for :
    • Bare windows
    • External doors
    • Draughty internal doors
    • Large rooms
  • Hook on thermal curtain lining
  • Draft proof tape for windows & doors
  • Door brush
  • Draft proof letterbox
  • Draft proof floorboard gaps
  • Loft insulation

Heat A Few Rooms Well

  • Only heat a few rooms
  • Turn heating off in unused rooms
  • Spend more time upstairs
  • Get kids to share rooms
  • Curtain off open plan areas
  • Spend more time together
  • Hang curtains over doors
  • Concentrate rugs in snug rooms
  • Move furniture blocking radiators
  • Keep unused rooms shut

Do Less Laundry

  • Wear clothes more than once
  • Do each laundry load less often
  • Only run full loads
  • Do less laundry loads a week
  • Choose shortest cycle
  • Cold soak laundry for pre-wash
  • Air dry laundry
  • Air dry clothes on hangers to cut ironing

Save Energy Heating Water

  • Shower every other day
  • One big bath for kids weekly
  • Only wash hair once a week
  • Turn water temperature down
  • Water saving shower heads
  • Water saving tap fittings
  • Time showers
  • Run full dishwasher
  • Don’t let hot water tap run, fill sink

Save Energy Cooking

  • Use microwave
  • Use air fryer
  • One pot recipes
  • Max out oven when on
  • Put lids on pans
  • Put pans on small rings
  • Use sectioned steamers

Save Energy On Lighting

  • Switch to LED light bulbs
  • Dust light bulbs
  • Clean light shades
  • Only use the light you need
  • Always switch off leaving rooms
  • Add dimmer switches
  • Swap to lighter shades
  • Timed sensors for external lights
  • Spend more time together as a family so you are lighting fewer rooms.

I really hope these energy saving tips help cut bills this winter. Do book mark or save for quick reference later.

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (17)

Original image source: light switches, Radiator, kettle by rawpixel, Cooking Bowl on the modern cooking stove at the home, radiator on blue wall

How To Save Money On Energy Bills (2024)


How To Save Money On Energy Bills? ›

Shut down devices you're not using. Curbing energy waste from devices that may appear to be switched off but are still using electricity (aka “energy vampires”) is another simple way to lower your electric bills. To make it easier to turn off all devices at once, consider an advanced power strip.

What is the quickest and easiest way to save money on energy bills? ›

Shut down devices you're not using. Curbing energy waste from devices that may appear to be switched off but are still using electricity (aka “energy vampires”) is another simple way to lower your electric bills. To make it easier to turn off all devices at once, consider an advanced power strip.

How to save money in utility bills? ›

Saving on utilities doesn't have to be hard. Small steps like using LED bulbs, taking shorter showers, and adjusting thermostat temperatures can add up to big savings over time. For more savings, try replacing old appliances and windows or installing solar power.

How to reduce utility costs? ›

Well, we've got you covered with 10 easy and actionable ways to reduce electricity use and, hence, the energy cost.
  1. Buy Electrical Appliances with a 5-Star BEE Rating Only. ...
  2. Switch to LED Lights. ...
  3. Switch to Smart Appliances for Remote Control and Optimal Usage. ...
  4. Switch to BLDC Fans. ...
  5. Harness Solar Energy with Solar Panels.
Feb 27, 2024

How to decrease electricity usage? ›

Tips for Saving on Your Electric Bill
  1. Turn Down Your Thermostat. It's one of the most effective ways to cut your energy usage. ...
  2. Take Care of Your Furnace. ...
  3. Keep the Cold Out. ...
  4. Turn Down the Tank. ...
  5. Cook Smart. ...
  6. Think Before You Wash and Dry Clothes. ...
  7. Reduce Phantom Load.

What runs your electric bill up the most? ›

Which home appliances use the most electricity?
  1. Heating and cooling: 45-50% The largest electricity consumer in the average household is your heating and cooling appliance. ...
  2. Water heater: 12% ...
  3. Lighting: 9-12% ...
  4. Refrigerator: 8% ...
  5. Washer and dryer: 5% ...
  6. Electric oven: 3% ...
  7. Dishwasher: 2% ...
  8. TV and cable box: 2%
Dec 20, 2022

Do energy saving devices really work? ›

THE ANSWER. No, plug-in devices like Miraclewatt or Stop Watt do not save money on electricity bills.

Does unplugging lamps save electricity? ›

Survey each room and unplug idle devices. The Department of Energy estimates you could save 10% every month when you unplug appliances when not in use. Unplugging appliances can save electricity, so make it as much a habit as when you turn off the lights to conserve energy.

How can I pay my bills more efficiently? ›

  1. Make a list of every bill. ...
  2. Find out when your payments are due. ...
  3. Add your payments to a calendar. ...
  4. Decide how much you want to pay. ...
  5. Set up automated payments whenever possible. ...
  6. Devise a system for manual payments. ...
  7. Sign up for reminders. ...
  8. What's next?
Jun 14, 2023

What is the simple trick to cut the electric bill? ›

Try these effective ways to lower your bill.
  1. Do an energy audit.
  2. Give your thermostat a nudge.
  3. Adjust your fridge and freezer temperature.
  4. Keep up with routine maintenance.
  5. Take shorter showers.
  6. Replace your showerhead.
  7. Wash clothes in warm or cold water.
  8. Adjust the temperature on your water heater.
Jan 4, 2024

What are 7 ways to reduce consumption of energy? ›

Top 10 energy saving tips
  • Switch off lights and electrical appliances when not using them. ...
  • Switch to energy-saving LED light globes. ...
  • Shut doors and close curtains. ...
  • Understand and improve your home's energy use. ...
  • Manage your heating and cooling. ...
  • Get the best energy deal. ...
  • Insulate your roof. ...
  • Save money with solar energy.
Nov 17, 2023

How to negotiate lower utility bills? ›

How to Negotiate an Electric Bill
  1. Key Takeaways. Understanding your electric bill, competitive market rates, and asking the right questions are key to successfully negotiating your electric rate. ...
  2. Research your options. ...
  3. Leverage competitor rates. ...
  4. Ask the right questions. ...
  5. Mean what you say. ...
  6. Be persistent.
Oct 4, 2023

How to lower electric bill in winter? ›

Keep your energy bills in check by following a few simple tips around your home.
  1. Cover and Repair Windows. ...
  2. Check and Replace Central Heating Filters Regularly. ...
  3. Make Energy Efficient Upgrades Around Your Home. ...
  4. Program or Adjust Your Thermostat. ...
  5. Use Your Ceiling Fan to Keep Warm.
Dec 21, 2022

Why am I using so much electricity? ›

Your consumption has changed - maybe you're just using more energy. If it's a particularly hot summer or cold winter, air conditioning or central heating may have bumped up your bills. Or you may be spending more time at home – for example if you're working from home.

How to lower energy bill in summer? ›

10 Ways To Beat The Heat & Save Money On Your Energy Bill This Summer
  1. Give your air conditioner a checkup – or a replacement. ...
  2. Adjust your thermostat. ...
  3. Spend time outdoors. ...
  4. Unplug devices. ...
  5. Use fans instead of A/C. ...
  6. Plants can provide much needed shade. ...
  7. Lower your water heating costs. ...
  8. Use electricity during off-peak hours.
Aug 30, 2018

What is the simplest way to save energy? ›

Top 10 energy saving tips
  1. Switch off lights and electrical appliances when not using them. ...
  2. Switch to energy-saving LED light globes. ...
  3. Shut doors and close curtains. ...
  4. Understand and improve your home's energy use. ...
  5. Manage your heating and cooling. ...
  6. Get the best energy deal. ...
  7. Insulate your roof. ...
  8. Save money with solar energy.
Nov 17, 2023

How can I catch up on my bills fast? ›

How to Catch Up When You've Fallen Behind on Paying Your Bills
  1. Create a list of your bills.
  2. Prioritize missed payments.
  3. Pay bills with the highest interest rates.
  4. Create a budget and track your spending.
  5. Watch out for debt relief scams.
  6. Consider financial assistance programs.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.