How to Save Money on Groceries: 50 Budget-Friendly Tips (2024)

Table of Contents
SAVEMONEY ON GROCERIESBEFORE YOU HEAD TO THE STORE: 1. Join the loyalty program 2. Download your grocery store’s app and “clip” electronic coupons 3. Have a “staples” list 4. Start following budget-friendly food blogs 5. Check Pinterest for cheap recipes ideas 6. Plan your meals for the week 7. Have a list of classic go-to dinners 8. Create a grocery list 9. Shop your pantry 10. Put your grocery list on your smart phone 11. Eat before you shop 12. Limit the number of trips to the store 13. Clip some coupons 14. Check out the store’s flyer 15. Set a budget (and don’t go over it!) SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIESAT THE STORE 16. Shop your list, and only your list 17. Check the meat counter for cheaper prices 18. Leave your spouse/kids behind…or bring them with you 19. Don’t buy more than you need 20. Check out the clearance section 21. Try a new grocery store 22. Discount grocery stores 23. Try the generic/store brand 24. Ask yourself if there is a cheaper option 25. Skip the prepared food 26. Compare the unit price of items 27. Avoid the packaged snacks 28. Know how the deals work 29. Don’t buy stuff you know you aren’t going to eat 30. Bring your own bags 31. Know when you are getting a deal…and when you aren’t 32. Get a rain check 33. Buy seasonally 34. Try eating less meat 35. Find out which day the price of meat is marked down 36. Buy less alcohol 37. Check the expiration date 38. Avoid paper products 39. Stop buying bottled water 40. Leave at least 1 item behind…every trip 41. Put your blinders on at the checkout lane 42. Use a cash back credit card 43. Check your receipt SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIESAFTERYOUR TRIP TO THE STORE 44. Store your food correctly 45. Cut your veggies after your grocery trip 46. Buy nice (glass) storage containers 47. Freeze meat! 48. Use the ibotta App 49. Use the Checkout 51 App 50. Try growing your own food Anybody can save money on groceries! FAQs

If your budget needs a makeover, reducing your food expenses is a great place to start. Check out this list of 50 easy ways to save money on groceries. When reading these money saving tips, you’ll realize it’s not all about coupons!


How to Save Money on Groceries: 50 Budget-Friendly Tips (1)

When I finally got serious about paying off my student loans, I knew I needed to reduce my expenses. But there were so many must-have bills in my life – rent, utilities, loan payments, gas, insurance, internet (don’t try to tell me this isn’t a necessity…). However, one of the expenses I felt like I could cut down on was food – saving money on grocery shopping was the lowest hanging fruit in my budget.

Over the years, I’ve learned tons of grocery shopping tips to save money. This tell-all list helped me save money on groceries when I was single. These tips are also still applicable now that I’m married and I’m sure will be helpful when we have a family!


1. Join the loyalty program

Ok, I’m starting with an obvious one. Make sure you are a member of your grocery store’s loyalty program which will give you access to discounts only available to their loyal customers (aka people who took 10 seconds to sign up for the loyalty card). Don’t forget to connect your phone number with your card because you know you are going to forget or lose that card at some point.

2. Download your grocery store’s app and “clip” electronic coupons

Does you grocery store have a smart phone app? Mine does and it’s fantastic! Each week, I can “clip” electronic coupons and they are added to my loyalty card. Checking out is so nice since no paper coupons are needed.

You’re almost guaranteed to save money on groceriesif you spend30 seconds on the app prior to each grocery trip.

3. Have a “staples” list

I recently created a “staples” list which is just a core list of groceries I get each week at the store, regardless of what I plan on cooking that week. They are affordable, versatile ingredients that I use each and every single week.My list includes things like bananas, broccoli, bell peppers, lettuce, tortillas, chicken breasts, deli meats and cheeses, bagels, milk, orange juice, and a few other things.

This core list streamlines my grocery shopping, and I really only end up picking up a few other things required for the meals I plan to make for dinner. I’m in and out of the grocery store in no time, and I know that this list saves me time and money at the store.

4. Start following budget-friendly food blogs

Following my favorite budget-friendly food blogs has transformed my cooking repertoire and has done wonders to my grocery bill. I love that someone else has taken the time to develop and test a recipe for deliciousness and affordability and I’m always checking these blogs before I head to the store.

5. Check Pinterest for cheap recipes ideas

Pinterest is a hub for great ideas. I love to use it for recipes and I find myself constantly searching “cheap dinner recipes”. Check out my board of amazing and affordable recipes.

6. Plan your meals for the week

Hands down, this is the top tip of the list. I never thought meal planning was for me. I thought it was more of a home-schooling mom of 7 thing. But that’s not true! I quickly learned that as a single girl, in loads of student loan debt, meal planning would drastically reduce the money I spent at the grocery store. And each penny I saved could go towards my debt!

I created a printable to ensure that I would meal plan every week…and I’m making it available to you! Just sign up below 🙂

7. Have a list of classic go-to dinners

Chances are, you probably cook the same 10 meals the majority of the time. Write your list of go-to dinners down with their ingredients. This will make meal planning and grocery shopping a breeze.

8. Create a grocery list

After you create a meal plan, and in addition to your staples list, you should create a grocery list. This will prevent you from buying things you don’t need, and you won’t forget ingredients that you do need!

9. Shop your pantry

Your pantry shouldn’t be an altar to all the food you’ve purchased. Check your pantry before you head to the store so you don’t purchase something you already have.

10. Put your grocery list on your smart phone

You’re lying if you say you’ve never forgotten your grocery list at home – it’s so frustrating! To prevent this, just use your smart phone to create a grocery list. I use the app Google Keep to store my grocery list. I think there is even a way to give someone else (like your husband/wife) access to the list so they can add to it from their smart phone!

11. Eat before you shop

While you shouldn’t eat before you swim (<– that’s a thing, right?), you definitely need to eat before you grocery shop!

If I go to the store hungry, I’m coming home with about $30 worth of snacks. Everything looks good if I’m hungry!

12. Limit the number of trips to the store

The more you go to the grocery store, the more you’re going to spend on food. Currently, I go to the grocery store every Sunday because once per week seems to work for me. I tried to do every other week, but that didn’t work (I ended up spending way more money on eating out).

13. Clip some coupons

While I’m not a huge fan of clipping coupons, I know it works wonders for some people. You can find coupons in your Sunday newspaper, online, or even at the store (my grocery store has coupons hanging underneath certain items). Just make sure you don’t buy something with a coupon that you don’t need!

14. Check out the store’s flyer

Flip through the store’s weekly flyer to see what is on sale. Any great deals on the staples you typically get? Stock up! Can you make a dinner out of some ofthegreat deals?

15. Set a budget (and don’t go over it!)

Seems obvious, eh? When I started to aggressively pay off my debt and reign in my budget, my food budget was the first to get slashed. I took the average of my past few months of food spending, and set my budget to around 80% of that. I had $50 each week to spend on groceries. If I was checking out, and my bill ended up being $55, I took $5 worth of items off the counter. It was a little embarrassing, but I refused to go over budget!


16. Shop your list, and only your list

You are already a step ahead if you have a grocery list. But the challenge comes in sticking to the list and avoiding the temptations. Make a rule that you will not purchase anything not on your list and it’ll save you big bucks!

17. Check the meat counter for cheaper prices

Check the meat counter in your grocery store to see if the prices differ from the pre-packaged meat already displayed. At my grocery store, the butcher sells chicken breasts for $1.99/pound while the displayed chicken breast is $2.99/pound. Crazy! It’s the same stuff! It takes 2 seconds to chat with the butcher and ask for chicken, and I save 30%. See?, it can be super easy to save money on groceries.

18. Leave your spouse/kids behind…or bring them with you

If your spouse or kids tend to cause you to overspend (throwing stuff in the cart), then leave them behind!

In my case, shopping with my husband causes me to buy less stuff, so if I can, I bring him along!

19. Don’t buy more than you need

If you know you aren’t going to eat it, don’t buy it. Even if it’s on sale. There’s no way you are going to finish 4 lbs of strawberries before they expire.

20. Check out the clearance section

Your grocery store probably has a clearance aisle or clearance section at the back of the store that can save you a little money. The food still tastes the same, so give it a try.Just make sure not to buy any dented cans in the clearance section – dents may allow for bacteria to form and grow and can cause you to become very sick.

21. Try a new grocery store

Have you been going to the same grocery store for years? Branch out and try a new grocery store. You may be surprised at the difference in prices between stores. This could be easy savings for you.

22. Discount grocery stores

There are a bunch of discount grocery stores in my area (many of them are international grocery stores, but we also have an Aldi). They are much cheaper than the typical grocery store and definitely worth checking out!

23. Try the generic/store brand

For a long time, I was very against buying store brand food because I thought it wouldn’t taste as good. Turns out, I was wrong (for the most part). Ketchup, cream cheese, canned food, pasta – I can’t tell the different between store and name brand.

My advice is to start converting slowly. Each time you head to the store, try one store brand instead of name brand. If you like it, sweet!, you’ll save money now each time you buy that product.

24. Ask yourself if there is a cheaper option

Always ask yourself if there is a cheaper option. For example, if you typically buy cans of beans, try to get a bag of dried beans – it’s typically much cheaper.

25. Skip the prepared food

Getting pre-cut veggies is more than twice as expensive as just buying whole vegetables. Just spend 5 minutes cutting the vegetables and pocket the savings. Paying more to buy seasoned chicken seems so silly, especially if you have a cabinet full of spices anyway!

26. Compare the unit price of items

Did you know that the sticker underneath each item at the store not only tells you the price of the item, but the unit price (price of the item per a unit weight).

I always thought that the bigger package was always the better deal (“buy in bulk, it’s cheaper” they say). But once I started looking at the unit price of items, I realized that wasn’t always the case!

27. Avoid the packaged snacks

It’s so easy to get prepackaged snacks. I used to love the packages of cookies that you could get at the store because they were so easy to take to work. But it’s such a waste of money…and it really doesn’t save that much time.

28. Know how the deals work

My grocery store is always having this deal: “3 items for $5 dollars”. Well, my husband thought you had to buy 3 items to get the deal! So not true! You can buy one and only pay $1.67. (<– this is true unless it states that you have to buy 3…which is rarely the case).

29. Don’t buy stuff you know you aren’t going to eat

I went through this phase where I was trying to eat healthy (surprise, it was right before my wedding). In my head, I was eating fruits and vegetables all day but reality didn’t match that. I’d spend a small fortune at the grocery store on these healthy foods, but most of it went uneaten. I was throwing away money each week. Keep in touch with reality and don’t buy stuff you know you aren’t going to eat.

30. Bring your own bags

Some states charge their customers for each grocery bag that they use. Save a few cents and save the environment at the same time by bringing your own reusable bags (these are my favorite).

31. Know when you are getting a deal…and when you aren’t

It’s important to know what a good price for your food looks like. That way, you know when you should stock up, or pass up.

32. Get a rain check

I’m far too lazy to do this, but if an item that you love is on sale but out of stock, you can get a “rain check.” A rain check allows you to get the item at the sale price when it is restocked. Simply go to the customer service counter and ask for one.

33. Buy seasonally

Buy your produce when it’s in season – it’s significantly cheaper!

34. Try eating less meat

Meat is probably one of the most expensive items on your bill. Try to slip in some vegetarian meals or simply cut your meat portions in half to save money.

35. Find out which day the price of meat is marked down

Your grocery store probably slashes the price of meat on the same day each week. My store cuts the price of meat by 25% (at least) every Thursday.

36. Buy less alcohol

It’s at least an extra $10 on your bill each time you buy alcohol…so the less you buy the more you save.

Did that convince any of you to buy less alcohol? Didn’t think so… 🙂

37. Check the expiration date

Yesterday I was at the grocery store and when I went to get some milk I saw that the expiration date on the jugs varied by as much as one week! Always get the item with the latest expiration date to prevent it from expiring before you finish it. Easy money savings.

38. Avoid paper products

Paper products can eat up your grocery budget. Try to avoid purchasing paper towels, paper plates, napkins – there are alternatives for all these products. Put please, don’t try to find an alternative for toilet paper.

39. Stop buying bottled water

Bottled water isexpensive and bad for the environment. Buy an awesome water bottle andnever waste money on bottled water again.

40. Leave at least 1 item behind…every trip

When I was in debt, as I arrived at the checkout lane I’d review my cart and put one item back. Even if I “needed” it for a meal. Most of the time I’d put a snack back. Sometimes I’d put herbs back or a small addition to a meal (like green onions…do they really add any flavor to a dish??). Instant $2-4 of savings with this trick!

41. Put your blinders on at the checkout lane

Don’t waste money on the candy or magazines that line the checkout lane. Your budget will thank you for resisting those cleverly placed impulse purchases.

42. Use a cash back credit card

If you have a cash back credit card, you could be getting money back on your grocery purchase. There are some cards out there that continually offer 1.5% cash back on groceries. That money adds up!

43. Check your receipt

Grocery stores make mistakes. They may have charged you twice, charged you incorrectly, or forgotten to include your coupons. Check your receipt to make sure you were charged appropriately.


44. Store your food correctly

Learn how to store your food correctly (like separating fruits and vegetables in the fridge) so you can extend the life of your food and prevent food waste.

45. Cut your veggies after your grocery trip

I use to be the queen of veggie-waste. I’d typically find shriveled cucumbers and rotted bell peppers hiding in my fridge. But then I started cutting up my vegetables immediately after I got home from the grocery store. Goodbye food (and money) waste.

46. Buy nice (glass) storage containers

Having durable glass storage containers makes it easy to store leftovers. And leftovers can save you a fortune! Whether you have them for lunch or dinner the next day, that’s one less meal you have to buy ingredients for. Glass storage containers are less porous than plastic ones – they’ll smell less and last longer.

47. Freeze meat!

When I was living alone, I used to throw away meat every.single.week. But then I discovered the freezer. Now, unless I am cooking the meat that night, I freeze it. It has saved me sooooo much money!

I’ll repackage my meat (like chicken breast) by putting them into Ziploc bags and then freezing them.

48. Use the ibotta App

The free ibotta app allows you to select products you are interested in buying and earn cash back when you upload a receipt that proves you purchased the products. With little effort, you can shave a few dollars off each grocery bill.

49. Use the Checkout 51 App

Similar to ibotta app, upload your receipts to get free cashback with the Checkout 51 app.

50. Try growing your own food

I tried this once but my black thumb ended up costing me a lot of money (buying the plants and pots adds up). However, you should try growing your food at least once to see if it will work for you. You could start simple by planting herbs and then expand to some easy vegetables like tomatoes or peppers.

Anybody can save money on groceries!

I see lots of money savings hacks, tips, and tricks geared towards families. But I can assure you, I used all these money saving grocery tips when I was single trying to get out of student loan debt.

If the list feels a little overwhelming, pick 5 tips to try out during your next grocery trip. Good luck!

How do you save money on groceries? Do you have any tips to add to the list?


How to Save Money on Groceries: 50 Budget-Friendly Tips (2024)


Is it possible to spend $50 a week on groceries? ›

Planning out your meals so you use all of the ingredients, both raw and cooked, plus pantry staples and frozen goods means you can make a week's worth of dinners for around $50 in groceries.

What are 7 shopping tips to help you get the most out of your food budget? ›

7 Tips to Make Grocery Shopping Easier
  • Keep a Pre-made Staples List. ...
  • Plan Your Meals for the Week. ...
  • Assess Your Pantry and Refrigerator. ...
  • Organize Your List By Categories and Store Layout. ...
  • Shop During Slow Times for a More Relaxed Experience. ...
  • Avoid Shopping Hungry to Stay on Track.

What is a good strategy to spend less on groceries? ›

1. Make a meal plan. Planning your meals for the week helps keep you from buying food items that you don't necessarily need. You can avoid waste and overspending by going to the grocery store with a list based on what you intend to cook for the week.

How to spend $20 a week on groceries? ›

  1. 1 loaf of bread, $1.
  2. 1 (16-slice) pack cheese, $1.
  3. 1 (16-oz) pack spaghetti noodles, $1.
  4. 1 head Iceberg lettuce, $1.
  5. 2 Roma tomatoes, $1.
  6. 1 lb ground beef, $3.
  7. 1/4 lb thin-sliced deli ham, $2.
  8. 1 box mashed potato flakes, $1.

What is a normal weekly grocery budget? ›

The average family spends about $270 at the grocery store per week, but that number increases when children are taken into account. Families with kids spend an average of $331 a week on groceries or 41% more than families without kids.

How much is $50 a week for 1 month? ›

$50 weekly is how much per month? If you make $50 per week, your Monthly salary would be $217. This result is obtained by multiplying your base salary by the amount of hours, week, and months you work in a year, assuming you work 40 hours a week.

How do I cut my grocery bill in half? ›

Rachel Cruze: 12 Ways To Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half
  1. Check Out Grocery Store Apps. ...
  2. Plan Your Meals. ...
  3. Buy Generics. ...
  4. Shop for Inexpensive Protein Sources. ...
  5. Avoid Buying Unnecessary Grocery Items. ...
  6. Get In-Season Produce Items. ...
  7. Take Advantage of Breakfast Foods. ...
  8. Save With Bulk Items.
Dec 29, 2023

What is a realistic grocery budget? ›

The average U.S. household spends $7,316 on food annually, which is about $609.67 per month. The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides monthly food budgets at different price levels to help determine your own grocery spending.

What are 3 tips for saving money on food? ›

Eight Ways To Save Money on Groceries
  • Simplify your meal planning. ...
  • Before you head to the store, take inventory of what you already have on hand. ...
  • Browse coupons and various store promotions before you shop. ...
  • Focus on budget-friendly foods. ...
  • Buy in bulk when it's cost-effective (but be wise not to overbuy!).
Sep 2, 2023

How do you survive grocery prices? ›

11 tips for saving money at the grocery store
  1. Pay with a grocery rewards card. ...
  2. Sign up for the loyalty program. ...
  3. Clip coupons. ...
  4. Join a wholesale club. ...
  5. Go in with a list and stick to it. ...
  6. Buy items on sale. ...
  7. Avoid pre-packaged items. ...
  8. Compare prices between stores.

How to be frugal with grocery shopping? ›

Other Money-Saving Tips at the Grocery Store
  1. Sign up for your store's loyalty program for members-only sales or to earn points toward future groceries.
  2. Buy generic brands whenever possible.
  3. Use a credit card that lets you earn cash back or points (but be sure to pay off your balance every month before interest accrues).
Jul 14, 2024

What are the cheapest meals to make? ›

68 Easy And Cheap Dinner Ideas That You'll Want To Make On Repeat
  • Black Bean Burgers. ...
  • Creamy Tomato Shells. ...
  • Zucchini Corn Quesadillas. ...
  • Super-Fresh Cucumber Tomato Salad. ...
  • Chicken and Mandarin Salad With Simple Sesame Dressing. ...
  • Garlic Butter Capellini Pomodoro With Shrimp. ...
  • Orzo With Spinach and Roasted Red Peppers.
May 3, 2024

How to make a cheap grocery list? ›

Pantry Staples
  1. Purchase in bulk when shopping for items with a long shelf life (e.g., oatmeal, rice, beans, legumes, dried pasta, coffee)
  2. Shop after-season sales (but pay attention to expiration dates).
  3. Use coupons to stretch your dollars.
  4. Opt for store brand instead of brand name products when possible.
Apr 25, 2023

How to make a cheap meal plan? ›

10 tips to get you started on meal planning on a budget:
  1. Make a menu. ...
  2. Plan your meals around foods that are on sale. ...
  3. Plan some plant-based meals every week. ...
  4. Check your pantry, refrigerator and freezer. ...
  5. Enjoy grains more often. ...
  6. Avoid recipes that need a special ingredient. ...
  7. Look for seasonal recipes.
Feb 22, 2023

How much can I spend on food a week? ›

Average Food Costs per Week
Average Cost of Food per WeekGrocery ShoppingTotal Food Bill
Average adult female£31.9£41.4
Average child£27.7£35.8
2 adults (1 man + 1 woman)£73.8£95.7
2 adults + 1 child£101.5£131.5
7 more rows
Dec 31, 2023

Is 200 a week too much for groceries? ›

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the average weekly grocery bill for a family our size is $344.70; that means more than $1,400 each month. There are times when my weekly grocery bill approaches that number but for the most part, I'm able to keep it to $200 per week.

How much money do you need to spend on groceries each week to be in the top 20% of the distribution? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

We are given that the distribution of spending amounts is a bell shaped distribution that is a normal distribution. A consumer has to spend approximately $176.05 or greater to be in the top 20% of the distribution. c) My family spends on average $130 dollars on groceries.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.