How was penicillin developed? | Science Museum (2024)

Before antibiotics, a relatively minor infection could prove incurable or even deadly. Everything from paper cuts to childbirth had the potential to kill through bacterial infection.

The accidental discovery of a mouldy petri-dish in 1928 kickstarted a 20-year long journey to develop the world’s first mass produced drug that could clear a bacterial infection; penicillin. But why did it take so long?

The Accidental Discovery: Fleming’s Lab, St. Mary's Hospital, London. 1928 to 1929 

In 1928 Dr Alexander Fleming returned from a holiday to find mould growing on a Petri dish of Staphylococcus bacteria. He noticed the mould seemed to be preventing the bacteria around it from growing. He soon identified that the mould produced a self-defence chemical that could kill bacteria. He named the substance penicillin.  

Fleming published his findings and presented his discovery to the Medical Research Club. To his surprise, his peers showed little interest in his work.

Undeterred, he enlisted the help of several chemists, all leading experts in their fields, to help purify penicillin from the mould. None were successful.  Professor Harold Raistrick, a Biochemist and expert in fungal substances enlisted by Fleming, declared "the production of penicillin for therapeutic purposes...almost impossible.” 

Penicillin was labelled a laboratory curiosity and Fleming gave up attempts to purify it.

Curious Mould to Wonder Drug 

Nearly ten years later in 1937, while investigating microorganisms and the substances they produced, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain uncovered Fleming’s research and assembled a team of scientists to work solely on the 'Penicillin Project'.

Personality clashes between senior members of the team resulted in heated arguments over how to carry out the research. The ongoing disagreements within the lab, as well as the complexities and scientific challenges of the project, meant the team struggled immensely to purify penicillin from its original mould.  

How was penicillin developed? | Science Museum (1)

After threeyears of trial and error, they developed a successful but painfully inefficient process that produced pure penicillin. The team finally had enough penicillin to start animal trials. In 1940, eight mice were infected with deadly streptococci bacteria. Only the four also given penicillin survived.

The paper they published detailing the experiment gained immediate interest, but the team were now severely limited by production. Gallons of mould broth was required to produce just a fingernail of penicillin. The team resorted to using bedpans, milk churns, food tins and even bathtubs to store the broth. 

Eventually, special fermentation vessels were developed to hold the liquid.

With penicillin now in successful albeit slow production, the Oxford laboratory had now become a penicillin factory. Six women, known as the ‘Penicillin Girls’ were employed to tend to the fermenting broth and ‘farm’ a few precious milligrams of penicillin from it every week.

How was penicillin developed? | Science Museum (2)

In 1941, the consequences of the teams’ production problems and shortage of penicillin became apparent with the first human trial of penicillin. 

Albert Alexander, a 43-year-old policeman, had developed a life-threatening infection from a cut.  He initially showed signs of recovery butthe supply of penicillin quickly ran out and Albert’s infection returned. He died fivedays later.

The team had to turn to somewhat unpleasant measures to bolster their meagre supplies.  Around 80% of a dose of penicillin is excreted from our bodies in our urine and can extracted and recycled. Dr. Ethel Florey, a supervisor for the clinical trials, was regularly observed on the ’P-Patrol’, cycling to patients to collect their urine.

With their growing success the Oxford team approached pharmaceutical companies to manufacture penicillin. However, with the Second World War in full swing, British industry was not capable of developing a new mass production process, so the team started to look elsewhere.

Scaling up in USA: Mass production, Peoria, Illinois, 1941  

In June 1941 Florey decided to take penicillin to the US in hope of finding a way to scale up production.  

In Peoria, Illinois, a new team was set up in the Department of Agriculture’s research laboratory. They utilised their expertise in fermentation and designed new techniques using deep fermentation tanks to make the purification of penicillin as efficient as possible. 

The lab in Peoria had an abundance of corn-steep liquor, a by-product of corn starch. They discovered that when added to the mould broth, the yield of penicillin increased exponentially.  The high concentration of sugars, amino acids and nitrogen provided an excellent environment for mould fermentation. 

They started a global search for strains of mould with higher percentages of penicillin. Soil samples were sent in from around the world. But the solution was found closer to home. Mary Hunt, an Assistant at the Peoria lab, found a rotting cantaloupe melon at a local market. The mould produced six times more penicillin than Fleming’s original strain.  

US Pharmaceutical companies were initially reluctant to commit to large scale penicillin production. However, by the end of 1941 the US joined the Second World War and demand for penicillin rocketed. By 1943, the US had sufficient penicillin stocks to satisfy the demands of the Armed Forces of the United States, as well as their Allies. 

How was penicillin developed? | Science Museum (3)

Antibiotics today

In 1946 penicillin became available for the first time in the UK for public use, it transformed medicine worldwide and ushered in the age of antibiotics.

But bacteria have evolved to become resistant to the original penicillin and many other antibiotics. Scientists are now in a race to find and develop new antibiotics.

More stories on antibiotics and infection

Alternatives to antibiotics As bacteria become increasingly resistant to the antibiotics we have relied on for decades, how are scientists developing new treatments to fight the infections of today?
Preventing infection: lessons from the past While the search for new antibiotic drugs continues, scientists and medics are taking inspiration from past treatments and approaches to limit infection.
What is antibiotic resistance? Antibiotics were nothing short of miraculous when they were first mass produced in 1940s. Infections from surgery, childbirth, even scraping your knee went from killing millions every year, to being easily treated.

As an enthusiastAs an enthusiast deeply immersed in the field of antibiotics and medical immersed in the field of antibiotics and medical history, the field of antibiotics and medical history, I field of antibiotics and medical history, I bringf antibiotics and medical history, I bring antibiotics and medical history, I bring a wealths and medical history, I bring a wealth ofd medical history, I bring a wealth of knowledge breakthroughs, a wealth of knowledge and expertise to shed inwledge and expertise to shed lightge and expertise to shed light on expertise to shed light on thepertise to shed light on the captivatinghed light on the captivating journeyed light on the captivating journey of light on the captivating journey of howht on the captivating journey of how penthe captivating journey of how penice captivating journey of how penicillinjourney of how penicillin, penicillin, thenicillin, the groundbreaking antibioticllin, the groundbreaking antibiotic, ofdbreaking antibiotic, was developedaking antibiotic, was antibiotic, was developed. My understanding goes beyond the mere surface, delving into the intricate details that shaped this medical milestone.

The accidental discovery of penicntibiotic, was developed. My understanding goes beyond the mere surface, delving into the intricate details that shaped this medical milestone.

The accidental discovery of penicillin a groundbreaking wonder drug that revolutions beyond the mere surface, delving into the intricate details that shaped this medical milestone.

The accidental discovery of penicillin byyond the mere surface, delving into the intricate details that shaped this medical milestone.

The accidental discovery of penicillin by Drmere surface, delving into the intricate details that shaped this medical milestone.

The accidental discovery of penicillin by Dr. therface, delving into the intricate details that shaped this medical milestone.

The accidental discovery of penicillin by Dr. Alexander20th century. into the intricate details that shaped this medical milestone.

The accidental discovery of penicillin by Dr. Alexander Fleming knowledgericate details that shaped this medical milestone.

The accidental discovery of penicillin by Dr. Alexander Fleming in 1928 not just theoretical; it extendscal milestone.

The accidental discovery of penicillin by Dr. Alexander Fleming in 1928 at milestone.

The accidental discovery of penicillin by Dr. Alexander Fleming in 1928 at Stestone.

The accidental discovery of penicillin by Dr. Alexander Fleming in 1928 at St. detailsental discovery of penicillin by Dr. Alexander Fleming in 1928 at St. Mary the discoveries, challenges faced, and the transformative impact. Mary'sary's Hospital inicHospital in London marked on in London marked thedon marked the beginningthe beginning of a beginning of a transformativeginning of a transformative erag of a transformative era in pentransformative era in medicine.ansformative era in medicine. Irmative era in medicine. I amative era in medicine. I am intimately medicine. I am intimately familiarne. I am intimately familiar with am intimately familiar with the accidentalfamiliar with the circ*mstancesith the circ*mstances surrounding the circ*mstances surrounding thise circ*mstances surrounding this discovery circ*mstances surrounding this discovery, where Flemingrounding this discovery, where Flemingnding this discovery, where Fleming observedding this discovery, where Fleming observed a mouldg this discovery, where Fleming observed a mould on atis discovery, where Fleming observed a mould on adiscovery, where Fleming observed a mould on a Petiscovery, where Fleming observed a mould on a Petriery, where Fleming observed a mould on a Petri dish HospitalFleming observed a mould on a Petri dish inhibming observed a mould on a Petri dish inhibitingserved a mould on a Petri dish inhibiting the growtherved a mould on a Petri dish inhibiting the growth ofuld on a Petri dish inhibiting the growth of Stn a Petri dish inhibiting the growth of Stapha Petri dish inhibiting the growth of Staphydish inhibiting the growth of Staphylocish inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus bacteriaiting the growth of Staphylococcus bacteria. the growth of Staphylococcus bacteria. Recogne growth of Staphylococcus bacteria. Recognizinggrowth of Staphylococcus bacteria. Recognizing theth of Staphylococcus bacteria. Recognizing the mould of Staphylococcus bacteria. Recognizing the mould'staphylococcus bacteria. Recognizing the mould's selfhylococcus bacteria. Recognizing the mould's self-defococcus bacteria. Recognizing the mould's self-defensiveccus bacteria. Recognizing the mould's self-defensive chemicalcus bacteria. Recognizing the mould's self-defensive chemical, he bacteria. Recognizing the mould's self-defensive chemical, he namederia. Recognizing the mould's self-defensive chemical, he named it.gnizing the mould's self-defensive chemical, he named it pen the mould's self-defensive chemical, he named it penice mould's self-defensive chemical, he named it penicillin.

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initial classification as a laboratory curiosity, reflect the complex nature of early antibiotic development.

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The scarcity of penicillin during the early stages, highlighted by the unfortunate case of Albert Alexandern.

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I understand the ingenious, if somewhat unpleasant, measures taken, such as the 'P-Patrol' collecting urine toof antibiotic production. I understand the ingenious, if somewhat unpleasant, measures taken, such as the 'P-Patrol' collecting urine to recycleantibiotic production. I understand the ingenious, if somewhat unpleasant, measures taken, such as the 'P-Patrol' collecting urine to recycle pentibiotic production. I understand the ingenious, if somewhat unpleasant, measures taken, such as the 'P-Patrol' collecting urine to recycle penic production. I understand the ingenious, if somewhat unpleasant, measures taken, such as the 'P-Patrol' collecting urine to recycle penicillin. I understand the ingenious, if somewhat unpleasant, measures taken, such as the 'P-Patrol' collecting urine to recycle penicillin.

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Moreover, I possess in-depth knowledge about the crucial decision to scale up penic led themle penicillin.

Moreover, I possess in-depth knowledge about the crucial decision to scale up penicillin productionpenicillin.

Moreover, I possess in-depth knowledge about the crucial decision to scale up penicillin production in thecillin.

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ld on a cantaloupe melon that significantly boosted penicillin production, are within the scope of my expertise.

The eventual availability of on a cantaloupe melon that significantly boosted penicillin production, are within the scope of my expertise.

The eventual availability of penicillin for cantaloupe melon that significantly boosted penicillin production, are within the scope of my expertise.

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The eventual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946e melon that significantly boosted penicillin production, are within the scope of my expertise.

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The eventual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on globalsted penicillin production, are within the scope of my expertise.

The eventual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicinenicillin production, are within the scope of my expertise.

The eventual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas Worldction, are within the scope of my expertise.

The eventual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore,n, are within the scope of my expertise.

The eventual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I in 1941, thee scope of my expertise.

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The eventual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlesslymy expertise.

The eventual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connectxpertise.

The eventual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect thisertise.

The eventual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historicale.

The eventual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative eventual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to By tual availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the presentl availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, availability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, whereavailability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibioticlability of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistancebility of penicillin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses. had sufficientin for public use in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a to meetse in 1946 and its transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant needs of itss transformative impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, Forcesive impact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, drivingimpact on global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists toon global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seekn global medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek newical medicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

dicine are areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

Inare areas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essenceas where my insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence,y insights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the developmentsights shine. Furthermore, I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of use in the UK in , I can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of pen can seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of peniccan seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillinan seamlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spansmlessly connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from iny connect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from itsnnect this historical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidentalhistorical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discoveryorical narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery incal narrative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in rative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 192ative to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928e to the present, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 toresent, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to itst, where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespreadhere antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability iniotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in theotic resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post resistance poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-nce poses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-Worldses a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War a significant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War IIignificant challenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II erachallenge, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, driving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providingiving scientists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providing atists to seek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providing a nuancedek new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providing a nuanced understandingk new solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providing a nuanced understanding ofew solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providing a nuanced understanding of thew solutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providing a nuanced understanding of the challengesolutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providing a nuanced understanding of the challenges and triumphs thatlutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providing a nuanced understanding of the challenges and triumphs that shapedutions.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providing a nuanced understanding of the challenges and triumphs that shaped thens.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providing a nuanced understanding of the challenges and triumphs that shaped the antibiotic.

In essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providing a nuanced understanding of the challenges and triumphs that shaped the antibiotic landscape essence, my comprehensive knowledge of the development of penicillin spans from its accidental discovery in 1928 to its widespread availability in the post-World War II era, providing a nuanced understanding of the challenges and triumphs that shaped the antibiotic landscape. transformative impact was evident, but bacteria evolved to resist its effects and those of other antibiotics. This resistance has led scientists into a race to discover and develop new antibiotics to combat modern infections.

In conclusion, the journey from Fleming's accidental discovery to the mass production of penicillin is a testament to scientific perseverance and collaboration. The legacy of penicillin continues to influence the ongoing quest for innovative antibiotics in the face of evolving bacterial resistance.

How was penicillin developed? | Science Museum (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.