I Took a 30-Second Cold Shower Every Morning for a Week—Here's How It Affected My Mood, Skin, and Energy (2024)

I’m geographically San Diegan, genetically Mediterranean, and all around ill-equipped to handle cold temperatures. I take scalp-scalding showers for migraine relief, hot “hot-girl showers” for stress relief, and warm nighttime showers to help with my sleep. All's to say, I’m the last person who’d willingly take a cold shower, but—for the sake of journalism—I decided to give it a try, and committed to taking 30-second cold showers every day for a week.

I've long heard about bros "biohacking" their way to 120 years old via daily cold showers and people jumping into Lake Tahoe in the middle of winter to boost, so there's gotta be some truth to the idea that cold water exposure offers legitimate wellness benefits. I mean, these people can't be torturing themselves for no reason, right?! RIGHT?!

Experts In This Article

This, of course, is exactly what I set out to discover in my week-long experiment. Did I hate every single second of it? Yes. Absolutely yes. But, I have to admit that starting each day standing under icy-cold water for 30 seconds did come with a few notable checks in the "pros" column. And if you're less of a baby than I am (which is highly likely) they may be worth experiencing for yourself.

What does a cold shower do?

According to Wim Hof—aka "The Ice Man," who you may know as the guy who brought the concept of breathwork ice baths to the mainstream—cold showers are purportedly a panacea wellness treatment. Per his website, they offer “reduced stress levels, higher level of alertness, [a] more robust immune response, increased willpower, [and] weight loss.” But does the science back up these (very lofty) claims about cold shower benefits?

Well—kinda, sorta. Over the past few decades, there have been some notable discoveries about how cold showers affect our bodies and minds—namely that they increase energy, boost immunity, and improve mood—but there's still some debate over whether we've seen definitive proof of these purported benefits. “Cold showers are not truly efficient in any of these areas,” exercise physiologist Zach Carter, CSCS, tells Cleveland Clinic. “You’re not getting enough for the discomfort they bring.”

However, a 2016 clinical trial out of the Netherlands that followed 3,000 people who took 30-, 60-, or 90-second cold showers every day for three months found that though the vast majority of participants reported "a variable degree of discomfort during cold exposure," 91 percent said that they would continue taking cold showers after the experiment ended—and 64 percent actually did. Clearly, they found a good reason to keep coming back.

How cold showers benefit your mood

1. You get increased energy

Considering the immediate jolt you get from exposing yourself to cold water, it makes sense that cold showers have been linked to increased energy levels. Researchers in the Netherlands found that the most commonly reported positive impact of the experiment was an increase in people's perceived energy levels that many participants likened to the effects of caffeine.

2. Cold water has an "anti-depressive effect"

According to a 2008 article from Medical Hypotheses cold showers may also help improve your mood. "Due to the high density of cold receptors in the skin, a cold shower is expected to send an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could result in an anti-depressive effect,” it says. But, again, this isn’t conclusive, causal data, and doesn't mean that cold showers "fix" depression—it just means that they may have positive effects on people's moods, and even the study authors themselves noted that more research is needed.

That said, because cold water activates your sympathetic nervous system (aka fight or flight) response, it can tell the brain to release noradrenaline and dopamine and cause you to feel some enlivening, anti-depressant effects. While this isn't a stand-in for an actual anti-depressant, it can be helpful if you need a bit of a morning boost.

Benefits of cold showers for skin and hair

1. Cold water temporarily gives you a glow

“When cold water hits your skin, the body increases blood flow to maintain the core temperature to protect vital organs, while constricting circulation near the skin,” Michele Green, MD, an NYC-based cosmetic dermatologist, previously told Well+Good. This can relieve itchiness, decrease inflammation, and tighten pores, which can all temporarily make skin look firmer and brighter.

2. Rinsing with cold water helps hair retain moisture

Your hair can also benefit from cold showers. “The benefits to your hair and scalp cannot be understated,” saysR+Codirector of content Adam Federico. “Cold water closes pores, as well as the cuticle layer of the hair. This can help to lock in moisture, as well as help to keep frizz and flyaways to a minimum. A cold rinse is particularly helpful for coarse/curly hair because of its ability to keep the cuticle from swelling (and becoming frizzy).”

3. Cold water also promotes healthy growth

Additionally, Federico says that some people believe that cold showers can even promote hair growth. “Because cold water is beneficial to both the hair and the skin, cold water can help to promote scalp health,” he explains. “Scalp health and hair health are closely linked, and while a healthy scalpdoesn’talways equal healthy hair—an unhealthy scalpdoesalways equal unhealthy hair. Because of that, there are some people who think that cold showers can help to promote/stimulate hair growth—but to my knowledge this has not been scientifically proven.”

How cold showers impact your body

1. Cold showers boost immunity

That same study from the Netherlands found that participants' self-reported sick days from work decreased by 29 percent over the course of the experiment. Though this seems promising, it doesn't necessarily mean that cold showers can improve your immune system—it just means that there may be some correlation. Bottom line: if you're not sick, you're in a better mood than you would be if you were.

2. Cold showers boost your metabolism

"Hot showers are great for relaxing muscles and clearing sinuses, but they aren’t helpful—or harmful—to your metabolism," says gastroenterologist and internist Niket Sonpal, MD. "After meals, try to wait at least an hour before heading into the shower. Like swimming, showering can slow down digestion as blood is flowing to other parts of the body."

"Cold showers, on the other hand, make it so that your body has to heat up to regulate its temperature," he says. When you're cold, your body shivers in order to warm itself up, which requires energy (aka burning calories). Such a boost in your metabolism is one of the benefits of a cold shower, which can help with weight management, says Dr. Sonpal.

3. Cold showers benefit sore/injured muscles

You put an icepack on a strained muscle because it helps them heal. You can do that for your entire body in a cold shower. "There are many...physical benefits of cold exposure," says Andri Einarrson, a certified Wim Hof instructor. "For example, cold reduces inflammation, swelling, and sore muscles."

What are the disadvantages of cold showers?

“A cold shower can put a strain on your body because the body’s natural response to cold water is to put the circulatory system into overdrive,” says Dr. Green. “If you have heart disease, [you may want to] avoid cold showers because the cold water puts additional stress on your heart and could lead to irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia. Additionally, cold showers are not advised if your body is already cold. It can increase the amount of time that your body will take to warm back up.”

Cold showers vs hot showers

“Both cold and hot showers come with their own benefits,” says Dr. Green. “It depends on what goals you are trying to tackle and your preference, but a shower that is lukewarm is typically best. Cold showers can help reduce itchy skin and retain natural oils in the skin and hair, while hot showers help relax muscles, improve sleep, and can even relieve respiratory symptoms like congestion.”

Hot showers, however, also have way more drawbacks than cold showers. Hot showers can be very damaging for the hair, explains Federico. “That’s because it serves to dehydrate it, plus it swells the strands and lifts the cuticle, making hair appear frizzier than it actually is," he says. In addition, Dr. Green adds that “hot water can damage your skin and can worsen skin conditions such as eczema. The heat can make your skin red and irritated. It also dehydrates your skin, removing essential oils and moisture from its surface.” Plus, if you find yourself sweating after a shower, hot water could be to blame for that, too.

What happened when I took cold showers every day for a week

Alright, so now that you have the context—back to my personal experiment. As mentioned, I started my day with a 30-second cold shower at the end of my regular-temperature showers every day for a full week. Though I despised every minute of it and felt like Jack from the last scenes of the Titanic every time I turned the water to cold (what can I say? I'm a huge wimp), there were a few notable benefits.

For starters, the quick cold infusion at the start of my day really helped to wake me up. Usually, a warm shower at night is my bedtime cue, so the cold in the morning was invigorating. My hair was shiny (I typically always rinse my hair with cold water after I take a warm shower, so this wasn't a surprise), and my skin wassliiiightly less dry, but that may also be in part because I just got a fancy new humidifier that I sleep next to.

Despite the fact that my daily cold shower routine may save me money at Starbucks in the long run (it really does feel like caffeine!), Ipersonally don't think it's worth it to subject myself to this type of torture, even if it is for only 30 seconds a day. But that's me! There are tons of people who experience elation from a frigid morning rinse, so if you can tolerate it, give it a shot. No matter how often you shower, you can tack it on at the end and see if you see a difference. Wouldn’t it be nice if all our problems could be solved with cold water?

I’m geographically San Diegan, genetically Mediterranean, and all around ill-equipped to handle cold temperatures. I take scalp-scalding showers for migraine relief, hot “hot-girl showers” for stress relief, and warm nighttime showers to help with my sleep. All's to say, I’m the last person who’d willingly take a cold shower, but—for the sake of journalism—I decided to give it a try, and committed to taking 30-second cold showers every day for a week.

I've long heard about bros "biohacking" their way to 120 years old via daily cold showers and people jumping into Lake Tahoe in the middle of winter to boost, so there's gotta be some truth to the idea that cold water exposure offers legitimate wellness benefits. I mean, these people can't be torturing themselves for no reason, right?! RIGHT?!

This, of course, is exactly what I set out to discover in my week-long experiment. Did I hate every single second of it? Yes. Absolutely yes. But, I have to admit that starting each day standing under icy-cold water for 30 seconds did come with a few notable checks in the "pros" column. And if you're less of a baby than I am (which is highly likely) they may be worth experiencing for yourself.

What does a cold shower do?

According to Wim Hof—aka "The Ice Man," who you may know as the guy who brought the concept of breathwork ice baths to the mainstream—cold showers are purportedly a panacea wellness treatment. Per his website, they offer “reduced stress levels, higher level of alertness, [a] more robust immune response, increased willpower, [and] weight loss.” But does the science back up these (very lofty) claims about cold shower benefits?

Well—kinda, sorta. Over the past few decades, there have been some notable discoveries about how cold showers affect our bodies and minds—namely that they increase energy, boost immunity, and improve mood—but there's still some debate over whether we've seen definitive proof of these purported benefits. “Cold showers are not truly efficient in any of these areas,” exercise physiologist Zach Carter, CSCS, tells Cleveland Clinic. “You’re not getting enough for the discomfort they bring.”

However, a 2016 clinical trial out of the Netherlands that followed 3,000 people who took 30-, 60-, or 90-second cold showers every day for three months found that though the vast majority of participants reported "a variable degree of discomfort during cold exposure," 91 percent said that they would continue taking cold showers after the experiment ended—and 64 percent actually did. Clearly, they found a good reason to keep coming back.

How cold showers benefit your mood

1. You get increased energy

Considering the immediate jolt you get from exposing yourself to cold water, it makes sense that cold showers have been linked to increased energy levels. Researchers in the Netherlands found that the most commonly reported positive impact of the experiment was an increase in people's perceived energy levels that many participants likened to the effects of caffeine.

2. Cold water has an "anti-depressive effect"

According to a 2008 article from Medical Hypotheses cold showers may also help improve your mood. "Due to the high density of cold receptors in the skin, a cold shower is expected to send an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could result in an anti-depressive effect,” it says. But, again, this isn’t conclusive, causal data, and doesn't mean that cold showers "fix" depression—it just means that they may have positive effects on people's moods, and even the study authors themselves noted that more research is needed.

That said, because cold water activates your sympathetic nervous system (aka fight or flight) response, it can tell the brain to release noradrenaline and dopamine and cause you to feel some enlivening, anti-depressant effects. While this isn't a stand-in for an actual anti-depressant, it can be helpful if you need a bit of a morning boost.

Benefits of cold showers for skin and hair

1. Cold water temporarily gives you a glow

“When cold water hits your skin, the body increases blood flow to maintain the core temperature to protect vital organs, while constricting circulation near the skin,” Michele Green, MD, an NYC-based cosmetic dermatologist, previously told Well+Good. This can relieve itchiness, decrease inflammation, and tighten pores, which can all temporarily make skin look firmer and brighter.

2. Rinsing with cold water helps hair retain moisture

Your hair can also benefit from cold showers. “The benefits to your hair and scalp cannot be understated,” saysR+Codirector of content Adam Federico. “Cold water closes pores, as well as the cuticle layer of the hair. This can help to lock in moisture, as well as help to keep frizz and flyaways to a minimum. A cold rinse is particularly helpful for coarse/curly hair because of its ability to keep the cuticle from swelling (and becoming frizzy).”

3. Cold water also promotes healthy growth

Additionally, Federico says that some people believe that cold showers can even promote hair growth. “Because cold water is beneficial to both the hair and the skin, cold water can help to promote scalp health,” he explains. “Scalp health and hair health are closely linked, and while a healthy scalpdoesn’talways equal healthy hair—an unhealthy scalpdoesalways equal unhealthy hair. Because of that, there are some people who think that cold showers can help to promote/stimulate hair growth—but to my knowledge this has not been scientifically proven.”

How cold showers impact your body

1. Cold showers boost immunity

That same study from the Netherlands found that participants' self-reported sick days from work decreased by 29 percent over the course of the experiment. Though this seems promising, it doesn't necessarily mean that cold showers can improve your immune system—it just means that there may be some correlation. Bottom line: if you're not sick, you're in a better mood than you would be if you were.

2. Cold showers boost your metabolism

"Hot showers are great for relaxing muscles and clearing sinuses, but they aren’t helpful—or harmful—to your metabolism," says gastroenterologist and internist Niket Sonpal, MD. "After meals, try to wait at least an hour before heading into the shower. Like swimming, showering can slow down digestion as blood is flowing to other parts of the body."

"Cold showers, on the other hand, make it so that your body has to heat up to regulate its temperature," he says. When you're cold, your body shivers in order to warm itself up, which requires energy (aka burning calories). Such a boost in your metabolism is one of the benefits of a cold shower, which can help with weight management, says Dr. Sonpal.

3. Cold showers benefit sore/injured muscles

You put an icepack on a strained muscle because it helps them heal. You can do that for your entire body in a cold shower. "There are many...physical benefits of cold exposure," says Andri Einarrson, a certified Wim Hof instructor. "For example, cold reduces inflammation, swelling, and sore muscles."

What are the disadvantages of cold showers?

“A cold shower can put a strain on your body because the body’s natural response to cold water is to put the circulatory system into overdrive,” says Dr. Green. “If you have heart disease, [you may want to] avoid cold showers because the cold water puts additional stress on your heart and could lead to irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia. Additionally, cold showers are not advised if your body is already cold. It can increase the amount of time that your body will take to warm back up.”

Cold showers vs hot showers

“Both cold and hot showers come with their own benefits,” says Dr. Green “It depends on what goals you are trying to tackle and your preference, but a shower that is lukewarm is typically best. Cold showers can help reduce itchy skin and retain natural oils in the skin and hair, while hot showers help relax muscles, improve sleep, and can even relieve respiratory symptoms like congestion.”

Hot showers, however, also have way more drawbacks than cold showers. Hot showers can be very damaging for the hair, explains Federico. “That’s because it serves to dehydrate it, plus it swells the strands and lifts the cuticle, making hair appear frizzier than it actually is," he says. Dr. Green adds that “Hot water can damage your skin and can worsen skin conditions such as eczema. The heat can make your skin red and irritated. It also dehydrates your skin, removing essential oils and moisture from its surface.”

What happened when I took cold showers every day for a week

Alright, so now that you have the context—back to my personal experiment. As mentioned, I started my day with a 30-second cold shower at the end of my regular-temperature showers every day for a full week. Though I despised every minute of it and felt like Jack from the last scenes of the Titanic every time I turned the water to cold (what can I say? I'm a huge wimp), there were a few notable benefits.

For starters, the quick cold infusion at the start of my day really helped to wake me up. Usually, a warm shower at night is my bedtime cue, so the cold in the morning was invigorating. My hair was shiny (I typically always rinse my hair with cold water after I take a warm shower, so this wasn't a surprise), and my skin wassliiiightly less dry, but that may also be in part because I just got a fancy new humidifier that I sleep next to.

Despite the fact that my daily cold shower routine may save me money at Starbucks in the long run (it really does feel like caffeine!), Ipersonally don't think it's worth it to subject myself to this type of torture, even if it is for only 30 seconds a day. But that's me! There are tons of people who experience elation from a frigid morning rinse, so if you can tolerate it, give it a shot. No matter how often you shower, you can tack it on at the end and see if you see a difference. Wouldn’t it be nice if all our problems could be solved with cold water?

Meet Your New Beauty BFF

With our latest podcast, Routine Rundown, senior beauty editor Zoë Weiner sits down with the top beauty minds in the biz to dive into the buzziest beauty trends of the day—while also swapping recs for their use-to-the-last-drop products.Be the first to listen in each week by signing up for eps delivered straight to your inbox.

Tags: Healthy Mind, Healthy Sleeping Habits, Skin-Care Tips

I Took a 30-Second Cold Shower Every Morning for a Week—Here's How It Affected My Mood, Skin, and Energy (2024)


I Took a 30-Second Cold Shower Every Morning for a Week—Here's How It Affected My Mood, Skin, and Energy? ›

Cold showers have been shown to help reduce symptoms of anxiety, as well as improve overall mood and increase resilience to stress. If you're feeling stressed or anxious, a cold shower may help you feel more calm and relaxed.

Does a 30 second cold shower do anything? ›

Stronger Immune System

One study found participants who ended a hot shower with 30, 60, or 90 seconds of the coldest water temperature available for at least 30 days had significant reductions in sickness that caused leave from work but no reduction in overall illness days.

How long do you have to take a cold shower to get benefits? ›

“While there aren't as many studies on showers compared to cold plunges and immersion, you need at least 11 minutes a week to get the benefits,” Paulvin says. “You should take a cold shower for at least two to three minutes, anywhere between 50 and 60 degrees, though many people like to go below that temperature.”

What happens if you take a cold shower everyday for a week? ›

Cold showers offer many benefits, including increasing endorphins, improving metabolism, and enhancing circulation. They may also help fight off common illnesses, like colds and flus. Cold showers are any showers with a water temperature below 70°F. They may have health benefits.

Is it bad to take a cold shower every morning? ›

There's no evidence suggesting how often someone should take a cold shower. But Dr. Hame recommends using cold therapy in response to your athletic endeavors — if you work out daily, it's OK to take a cold shower every day.

Are there any downsides to cold showers? ›

The cons of cold showers:

It could actually make you even colder and increase the amount of time it will take for your body to warm back up. They may not be a good idea if you're sick, either. Initially, the cold temperature might be too hard on your immune system, so it's best to ease into the cooler temperatures.

How cold showers changed my life? ›

For example, the immediate feeling of well-being afterwards. I'd describe it as a pleasant warmth that spreads throughout the body and lingers for hours. Plus the pride of having overcome the cold. And a better mental boost (even happiness hormones are released).

What happens after 30 days of cold showers? ›

After 30 days of cold showers, most individuals report feeling more alert, having more energy, having healthier skin and hair, improved mental health and resilience, improved circulation, and more.

Do cold showers boost mood? ›

Research shows cold showers can benefit your health by improving circulation and stress response. As a result, cold showers may help improve your mood, energy levels, muscle soreness, pain, metabolism, and immune system.

Do cold showers improve skin? ›

Cold water can help close pores, preventing dirt and bacteria from getting into the skin. Cold water can also help to reduce inflammation and redness in the skin. Cold showers can increase circulation, which gives your skin a healthy glow.

Is a cold shower good before bed? ›

Benefits of cold showers before bed

The drop in body temperature after a cold shower can induce relaxation and aid in falling asleep faster. Cooling effect: Cold showers can lower body temperature, which can be refreshing during warm nights or in hot climates. It can create a more comfortable sleeping environment.

Is a cold shower as good as a cold plunge? ›

While cold showers are more accessible and cost-effective, chances are they won't elicit the same benefits to an equal extent. However, they could be worth trying as an entry point to more immersive cold plunges (or for a mood boost and sense of accomplishment, at the very least).

How long does a cold shower need to be to see benefits? ›

How long should your cold showers be? The optimal amount of cold exposure is about 10 minutes per week. After that, returns diminish. So if you divide that by 7 days a week, you only need to shower cold for 1-2 minutes per day to get the optimal benefits.

What is the best time of day to take a cold shower? ›

Don't stay in for more than 10 minutes (3-8 minutes is optimal) The best time to take a cold shower is in the morning, as it kick-starts your system ready for the rest of the day. If you struggle to take the plunge, start with your feet and hands and submerge one limb at a time.

Do cold showers tone your body? ›

Tightens and Rehydrates the Skin

It hydrates and detoxifies the cells and improves skin and muscle tone. Unlike hot water, cold water doesn't strip the skin of its natural moisture. It also helps smoothen hair cuticles, resulting in silky and shiny hair.

How many calories does a 30 second cold shower burn? ›

Calculating exactly how many calories is impossible, but cold exposure doubles our metabolic rate. So, people will burn roughly one or two extra calories per minute than usual, equaling roughly 10-20 extra calories in a 10-minute shower.

Does the length of cold shower matter? ›

Don't stay in for more than 10 minutes (3-8 minutes is optimal) The best time to take a cold shower is in the morning, as it kick-starts your system ready for the rest of the day. If you struggle to take the plunge, start with your feet and hands and submerge one limb at a time.

How long should you do cold exposure in the shower? ›

Consider doing deliberate cold exposure for 11 minutes per week TOTAL. NOT per session, but rather, 2-4 sessions lasting 1-5 mins each distributed across the week. Again, the water temperature should be uncomfortably cold yet safe to stay in for a few minutes.

What are the results of 30 day cold showers? ›

After 30 days of cold showers, most individuals report feeling more alert, having more energy, having healthier skin and hair, improved mental health and resilience, improved circulation, and more.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.