Iron Golem (2024)

For other uses, see Golem.

An iron golem is a buildable neutral mob that attacks monsters with its arms, knocking them into the air. Iron golems created by villagers or spawned in villages patrol their village, and may attack players that attack it or have a low popularity or reputation with their village.


  • 1 Spawning
    • 1.1 Villages
    • 1.2 Creation
    • 1.3 Pillager outposts
  • 2 Drops
  • 3 Behavior
    • 3.1 Attacking
      • 3.1.1 Provocation by players
      • 3.1.2 Provocation by other mobs
    • 3.2 Being attacked
    • 3.3 Cracking
    • 3.4 Healing
  • 4 Preferred path
    • 4.1 Climbing
  • 5 Sounds
  • 6 Data values
    • 6.1 ID
    • 6.2 Entity data
  • 7 Achievements
  • 8 Advancements
  • 9 History
  • 10 Issues
  • 11 Trivia
  • 12 Gallery
    • 12.1 Screenshots
    • 12.2 Development images
    • 12.3 In other media
  • 13 References
  • 14 External Links



Java Edition

In Java Edition, villagers can summon iron golems, either when they are gossiping or panicking and the following criteria are met:

  1. The villager has slept in the last 20 minutes
  2. The villager has not detected an iron golem in the last 30 seconds
    • An iron golem is detected when it is within 16 blocks of the villager (±16X ±16Z ±16Y axis)
    • The villager scans for golems once every 10 seconds
  3. The villager has not been near a summoning in the last 30 seconds
    • A villager is near a summoning when it is within 10 blocks of a villager (±10X ±10Z ±10Y axis) who successfully summons an iron golem
  4. There are enough participants within 10 blocks of the villager, including the villager itself; participating villagers need to fulfil the previous 3 conditions
  5. A valid spawn point for the golem is found

Iron golems still spawn even when the game rule doMobSpawning is set to false.[1]

To find a valid spawn point, up to 10 attempts are made to spawn a golem within a 17×13×17 box centered on the villager (villager block position ±8 blocks along x/z axes and ±6 blocks along y axis). A random y column is picked and then the topmost block in that column is selected that is air or liquid and has a "solid-blocking" block underneath. The target location then goes through the following checks:

  • the block underneath must have a solid top surface (which is not the same as "solid-blocking").
  • the target block must not be a full block, nor be redstone-powered, nor be rails.
  • (already the block above the target block is known to be air or liquid)
  • the block two blocks up from the target block must not be a full block, nor be redstone-powered, nor be rails, and additionally must not be water.

This means the iron golem can spawn inside 1-deep water or inside blocks like slabs, fences, and carpets, if other checks pass. Adjacent blocks are irrelevant, so golems can spawn partially-inside adjacent solid blocks.[2] However, the spawning iron golem still must not collide with any existing entities.

Bedrock Edition

In Bedrock Edition, an iron golem can spawn naturally when a village first generates in the world. Iron golems also spawn in villages having at least 20 beds and 10 villagers. The golem attempts to spawn in a 17×13×17 volume, ±8 blocks horizontal and ±6 blocks vertical from the village's center block, which can be (but isn't necessarily) a bed pillow or a bell. First, X and Z coordinates are randomly chosen within the spawn volume, then the highest block at those coordinates within the spawn volume is found. If it is a block with a full top surface—which includes glass, upside-down stairs, and top slabs—and there is no obstruction above it by a block above the spawn volume, then the golem is spawned there. Otherwise the spawn attempt is canceled.

For a village to spawn iron golems, 75% of the villagers in the village must have worked (i.e. stood beside or atop their workstation) in the past day, 100% of the villagers must be linked to a bed, and the village center must be within a player's simulation distance volume.

The maximum distance the player can be from the village for iron golems to spawn can be calculated with the following formulas. These are only approximate because they yield a volume with a rectangular cross section, but the simulation distance volume is roughly rounded and omits the corner chunks.

Iron Golem (1)

Iron Golem (2)

If the village's original iron golem is killed, a new one cannot spawn unless all of the conditions are met. Therefore, a small village does not regenerate an iron golem unless the village is expanded.

If the spawn conditions are met, then the chance of attempting a spawn is 1700 per game tick, which averages to one spawn attempt every 35 seconds. Iron golems can spawn provided the 2×3×2 space above the spawn point (that is, horizontally centered on the northwest corner of the block it spawns on) contains only non-full blocks, and the block it spawns on is solid.


Iron Golem build configuration.

Iron Golem build configuration 2.

Iron Golem build configuration 3 ‌[BE only].

Iron golems are created by placing four iron blocks in a T shape (as shown in the image), and then placing a carved pumpkin, jack o'lantern or pumpkin[BE only] on top of the center upper block. The pumpkin may be placed by the player, a dispenser or an enderman, but it must be placed last. It needs at least one block of space around the bottom iron block to be able to spawn and cannot spawn in a confined area; even grass can prevent an iron golem from spawning. Alternatively, the blocks can be placed in any order with an uncarved pumpkin; the player can shear the pumpkin to spawn the golem. When successfully transformed, it is naturally passive toward all players under all circ*mstances. It can, however, attack the player’s tamed wolves, if punched accidentally, but it never directly attacks the player. The constructed golem attacks hostile mobs like a naturally spawned iron golem.

The block arrangement can be placed upright, lying down, or upside-down. The four empty spaces in the diagram (above and below each of the arms) must be air blocks. Any non-air block (including blocks such as snow layers, grass, and water) present in any of the empty spaces prevent the golem from spawning.

In Java Edition, the player can place a pumpkin on the four blocks of iron, then shear the pumpkin. The iron golem still spawns like normal.

Like other constructed mobs, iron golems always spawn facing south. Their large size may cause them to take suffocation damage from nearby solid blocks at the level of their head.

Dropping a pumpkin on the correct arrangement of iron blocks does not spawn a iron golem.

Pillager outposts[]

Iron Golem (3)

Iron golems can also be found surrounding pillager outposts, confined inside dark oak cages. When freed, they can help the player by attacking any nearby pillagers. Pillagers do not attack iron golems in cages, although the iron golem can attack any pillagers that are one block near the cage, because iron golems can attack through a one-block wall.


Iron golems drop when they die:

Killing an iron golem with a weapon enchanted by Looting has no effect on the number of iron ingots or poppies dropped.[3]Trading prices are unaffected by the killing of iron golems; however, village popularity decreases by 10, affecting village iron golem behavior if the popularity ranges below -15‌[BE only].


Iron Golem (4)

Iron golems wander around a village in a patrol-like fashion, staying close to buildings and other structures. Like villagers, iron golems do not wander away from a village, regardless of how they were spawned, but sometimes stand at the border of the village.

An iron golem sometimes faces a villager as if they are conversing. Iron golems can spawn poppies in their hands and offer them to villagers, symbolizing the friendly relationship between villagers and iron golems. Baby villagers accept the poppy offered by the iron golem.‌[Bedrock Edition only][4] Attacking an iron golem that is not player-built while the iron golem is holding out a poppy causes it to take back the poppy and attack the player instead. If the iron golem sees a target while it is offering the poppy, it runs toward the target and kills the target instead.

In Bedrock Edition, iron golems completely ignore villagers, pushing them aside while walking if a villager is in the iron golem's path, but they still offer poppies if possible.

If not within a village, iron golems slowly wander around attacking hostile mobs, (Skeletons, Zombies, etc.) usually making their way to a nearby village. If in that village, the iron golem doesn't leave.

Iron golems can walk up a full block height without jumping and walk over a 1 block wide hole without falling in. They avoid water, lava, fire, and cactus. Iron golems are immune to both drowning and fall damage. When in water, they sink, but can still move freely.

When an iron golem's health reduces to 75%, cracks appear on its surface. An iron golem can be healed when the player right-clicks the chest of the iron golem with an iron ingot. This action consumes the ingot.

As with all utility mobs, iron golems can be leashed. The leashed iron golem does not try to break from the lead when it sees a hostile mob. Instead, it looks at the mob while moving. An iron golem that is leashed in mid-air moves its arms and legs while moving. If an iron golem is leashed to a fence, it attacks the hostile mob but does not follow the mob if the hostile mob goes out the attack range, as the iron golem cannot break free from fence leads.

In Java Edition, when iron golems move when provoked, they look like if they're taking strides toward the mob. Iron golems that aren't provoked move slower in Java Edition. Iron golems move faster in Bedrock Edition, as it walks like its normal walking speed, either when provoked or not provoked.

Iron golems cannot pick up weapons or armor, but the player can use NBT commands in Java Edition to give the iron golem weapons or armor, although the armor or weapons are not visible.


When attacking, an iron golem moves quickly toward its target and swings its arms up violently to attack, flinging the target into the air, and dealing 7.5Iron Golem (5) × 3.75 to 21.5Iron Golem (6) × 10.75 damage in Normal difficulty. Iron golems have a large attack range, allowing them to attack through a solid 1 block thick wall, even without a line of sight to the target. When an iron golem attacks, it also deals a long knockback range. Iron golems cannot attack targets that are three blocks high above the same ground level as the golem.

It is possible for multiple golems to hit the same target simultaneously, flinging the victim to a height proportional to the number of golems that attacked. The mob/player flung can die from fall damage.

If an iron golem attacks a group of zombies, for example, it targets one zombie to attack until that zombie dies before it attacks a different zombie, even while other zombies are attacking at the same time. The iron golem attacks hostile mobs that attack it in order.

If the mob is flung out of sight, the iron golem attacks the next mob that attacks it. Sometimes, the iron golem might attack the nearest hostile mob if they are in groups.

When an iron golem kills any mob, the player can obtain items dropped by the mob, but no experience orbs. Iron golems that kill a raid mob In Bedrock Edition also causes the mob to drop its raid loot, even when the mob wasn't attacked by the player before it is killed.

Iron golems never attack each other, as iron golems cannot "accidentally" hit another iron golem when attacking.

Provocation by players[]

An iron golem built by a player never attacks players, even when hit or when the player attacks another villager or another golem in front of the player-built golem. A player-built golem attacks the player's tamed wolf if the wolf attacks the golem.

A naturally-spawned iron golem becomes hostile toward a player who attacks a villager near an iron golem. Also, if a player has -15 popularity or less in a village, or has -100 or lower reputation with any nearby villager, naturally-spawned iron golems become hostile to that player until the player's popularity climbs above -15 and reputation with all nearby villagers goes above -100.

A village iron golem retaliates when attacked by a player (even throwing an ender pearl at an iron golem provokes it). If a village has more than one naturally-spawned iron golems and a player attacks one in front of the other(s), all of iron golems in that type may become hostile to the player.

Iron golems are not provoked by players who attack wandering traders.[5]

If a golem spawns from its spawn egg, it will behave in the same way as village golems.

Throwing a positive splash potion or a positive lingering potion does not anger iron golems.

Provocation by other mobs[]

Although they are guardians of villages, iron golems are not actually provoked when a mob attacks a nearby villager (in contrast to a player attacking a villager). With the exception of creepers, ghasts and goats (although they still can attack ghasts if close), they are provoked when attacked by any mobs, and by the presence of nearby monsters. Even if a witch accidentally throws a positive splash potion at an iron golem during a raid, this does not stop the iron golem from attacking the witch. Iron golems are ineffective against flying hostile mobs that don't venture into the iron golem's reach, such as phantoms.

The list below contains mobs (including players) that can have hostile interactions with iron golems. The iron golem also attacks neutral mobs or hostile mobs that attack the player such as piglins or zombified piglins.

EntityIron golem attacks the mob?Attacks the iron golem?Notes
BlazeYesWhen attacked, group retaliates
Chicken JockeyYesYesIron golems attack the rider, not the chicken. The rider (not the chicken) attacks the golem.
When a zombified piglin rider is attacked, the group of zombified piglins retaliate.
CreeperNoAccidentallyA nearby creeper explosion can still damage the golem.
Ender DragonYesAccidentally[verify]When in near vicinity, iron golems try to attack the ender dragon, although they are rarely able to.
EndermanYesWhen attackedUnlike when a player looks at an enderman, an enderman is not provoked by an iron golem looking at it.
EndermiteYesWhen attacked, group retaliates
GhastPartialNoIron golems do not seek or approach any ghast outside its attack range, but can attack ghasts that happen to approach within reach.
Giant [unused mob][JE only]YesNoGiants cannot move or attack due to lacking AI.
Elder Guardian
YesDefensiveGuardians and elder guardians can still damage iron golems with their spikes defense.
HoglinYesWhen attacked, group retaliatesA group of hoglins does not retaliate if babies are attacked.

Illusioner[unused mob][Java Edition only]

YesYesIron golems also attack unarmed pillagers, despite them being passive in Java Edition.
Iron GolemNoNoIron golems never attack each other, and cannot hit each other by accident.
Trader Llama
When attackedAccidentallyAn iron golem attacks a llama that accidentally hits the golem with its spit. After being hit by the golem, the llama deliberately attacks the golem.
Magma CubeYesYes (all except small-sized)‌[JE only]
No (all‌[BE only] or small-sized‌[JE only])
PiglinYesWhen attacked, group retaliatesIron golems also attack baby piglins, despite them being passive. Piglins also attack as a group if one piglin or piglin brute is attacked by an iron golem.
Piglin BruteYesWhen attacked, group retaliatesPiglin brutes also attack as a group if one piglin or piglin brute is attacked by an iron golem.
No (player-built, or in Peaceful difficulty)
At player's discretionA naturally-spawned iron golem or commands-spawned iron golem attacks the player if the player attacks the golem or a villager while playing in the Adventure and Survival mode.
A naturally-spawned iron golem can also attack any nearby player who has -15 or lower popularity, or -100 or lower reputation with any nearby villager in a village.
PufferfishWhen attackedDefensiveIron golems attack pufferfish if damaged by the pufferfish's defense.
ShulkerYesWhen attacked, group retaliates
SilverfishYesYes‌[BE only]
When attacked‌[JE only]
Skeleton Horseman
Wither Skeleton
YesYesIron golems attack skeletons riding skeleton horses (along with the other way around). However, they do not attack the skeleton horse itself.
SlimeYesNoSlimes chase iron golems, but cannot attack.
Snow GolemWhen attackedAccidentallyThe iron golem retaliates when a snow golem accidentally hits it with a snowball.
Cave Spider
Spider Jockey
YesPartialSpiders are hostile toward iron golems when light level is below 12. Otherwise, they only retaliate if attacked.
VexYesPartialA vex attacks an iron golem rarely when the vex is near to golem. It attacks immediately when an evoker summons three vexes.
VillagerWhen attacked‌[JE only]
No‌[BE only]
AccidentallyAn iron golem retaliates against a villager who accidentally damages it by setting off a firework.‌[Java Edition only][6]
WardenYesWhen attacked or noticed[verify]Iron golems always attack wardens that are in range.
WitchYesYes‌[BE only]
Partial‌[JE only]
Attack iron golems if patrolling in an illager patrol or iron golem attacking one witch. The witch throws splash potions of Poison or Harming when an iron golem attacks the witch.‌[Java Edition only]
WitherYesYesIron golems always attack withers, even when the attacks do no damage while the wither is generating health after being summoned.
Wolf (tamed)When attackedIn defense of ownerTamed wolves attack the iron golem if it attacks its owner, or the owner attacks the golem. When attacked by the wolf, the golem retaliates. A player-built iron golem attacks the player's wolves if attacked by the wolf. Iron golems and untamed wolves never attack one another.
ZoglinYesYesUnlike hoglins, a group does not attack the golem if the golem attacks one zoglin.
Zombie variants:

Zombie Villager

YesYes (all except drowned)
Partial (drowned)
Swimming drowned do not attack any mob that is not touching water during daytime.
Zombified PiglinYesWhen attacked, group retaliates
All other mobsNoNo
Iron Golem (7)

A naturally-spawned iron golem knows where raiding illager locations are from behind solid walls and from underground and attempts to move toward them. An iron golem created by the player or summoned by a command cannot detect raiders through obstructions. Iron golems also looks down or looks up if the hostile mob is above or below the iron golem.

Being attacked[]

Zombies (and variants), zoglins, skeletons (and variants), silverfish,‌[BE only] spiders, cave spiders, magma cubes,‌[JE only] withers, illagers and witches[BE only] naturally attack iron golems on sight and may cause major damage, especially if the mobs attack in groups.

Iron golems have 100% knockback resistance from normal attacks. They can still be knocked back by the Knockback enchantment on swords and the Punch enchantment on bows.‌[Java Edition only]


Iron golems have different stages of being cracked to show their health. When their health is above 74Iron Golem (8) × 37, they do not have any cracks. When their health is between 50Iron Golem (9) × 25 and 74Iron Golem (10) × 37, some cracks appear. When their health is between 25Iron Golem (11) × 12.5 and 49Iron Golem (12) × 24.5, they appear more cracked. When their health is lower than 25Iron Golem (13) × 12.5, many cracks are visible.

  • Iron Golem (14)

    No deterioration
    More than 75% of health remaining

  • Iron Golem (15)

    Low deterioration
    More than 50% but no more than 75% of health remaining

  • Iron Golem (16)

    Average deterioration
    More than 25% but no more than 50% of health remaining

  • Iron Golem (17)

    Strong deterioration
    No more than 25% of health remaining


Using an iron ingot on an iron golem restores its health by 25Iron Golem (18) × 12.5.

Preferred path[]

Iron Golem (19)

This feature is exclusive to Bedrock Edition.

Like villagers, iron golems in Bedrock Edition use a strategy of pathfinding that prioritizes walking on certain "low-cost" blocks.

Preferred Path BlocksBlock Cost
Dirt path

Smooth Sandstone


Stone Bricks
Mossy Cobblestone
Nether Bricks
Red Nether Bricks
End Stone Bricks
Red Sandstone
Stained Glass
Block of Emerald
Block of Diamond
Lapis Lazuli Block
Block of Gold
Block of Redstone
Glazed Terracotta


Blast Furnace
Fletching Table
Cartography Table
Brewing Stand
Smithing Table

Jump cost5

Iron golems attempt to walk on a one-block-wide path, despite them being two blocks wide. An iron golem favors a wider path if it sees one.


Iron golems can climb ladders or vines if the ladder or vine is in its path, or if pushed onto a ladder or vine.


Java Edition:
Iron golems use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Iron Golem attacksFriendly CreaturesWhen an iron golem attacks somethingentity.iron_golem.attacksubtitles.entity.iron_golem.attack1.01.016
Iron Golem breaksFriendly CreaturesWhen an iron golem cracksentity.iron_golem.damagesubtitles.entity.iron_golem.damage0.8varies [sound 1]16
Iron Golem diesFriendly CreaturesWhen an iron golem diesentity.iron_golem.deathsubtitles.entity.iron_golem.death1.00.8-1.216
Iron Golem hurtsFriendly CreaturesWhen an iron golem is damagedentity.iron_golem.hurtsubtitles.entity.iron_golem.hurt1.00.8-1.216
FootstepsFriendly CreaturesWhile an iron golem is walkingentity.iron_golem.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps1.01.016
Iron Golem repairedFriendly CreaturesWhen an iron golem is repaired with an iron ingotentity.iron_golem.repairsubtitles.entity.iron_golem.repair1.00.8-1.216
  1. Can be 1.0 or 0.8 for each sound
See Also

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
NoneNoneUnused sound event[verify]mob.irongolem.say1.00.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhen an iron golem attacks somethingmob.irongolem.throw1.01.0
Friendly CreaturesWhen an iron golem cracksmob.irongolem.crack0.80.8/0.64-1.0/0.8
Friendly CreaturesWhen an iron golem diesmob.irongolem.death1.00.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhen an iron golem is damagedmob.irongolem.hit1.00.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhile an iron golem is walkingmob.irongolem.walk1.01.0
Friendly CreaturesWhen an iron golem is repaired with an iron ingotmob.irongolem.repair1.00.8-1.0

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierTranslation key
Iron Golemiron_golementity.minecraft.iron_golem

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key

Entity data[]

Iron golems have entity data associated with them that contain various properties.

Java Edition:

Main article: Entity format

  • Entity data
    • Additional fields for mobs that can become angry
    • Tags common to all entities
    • Tags common to all mobs
    • PlayerCreated: 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, this golem is player-created and never attacks players.

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.


IconAchievementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)Gamerscore earnedTrophy type (PS4)
Body GuardCreate an Iron Golem20GBronze


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Iron Golem (20)Acquire Hardware
Smelt an Iron IngotGetting an UpgradeHave an iron ingot in your inventory.story/smelt_iron
Iron Golem (21)Hired Help
Summon an Iron Golem to help defend a villageWhat a Deal!Summon an iron golem.adventure/summon_iron_golem


Java Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[End Crystal|End Crystal]]<br/>{{ItemEntity|image=End Crystal.gif|imagesize=150px|invimage=End Crystal|renewable=Yes|stackable=Yes (64)|rarity=Rare|drops=None|size=Height: 2 Blocks<br>Width: 2 Blocks}}An '''end crystal''' is an [[entity]] that can be [[Crafting|crafted]] or found on [[the End]]'s main island, where it heals the [[Ender Dragon|ender dragon]]. It can only be placed on [[obsidian]] or [[bedrock]] and [[Explosion|explodes]] instantly when attacked or damaged in most ways.== Spawning ===== Natural generation ===An end crystal is found atop each [[obsidian pillar]] on the central island of the End, each on top of a piece of [[bedrock]]. There are 10 end crystals in total, of which two are protected in "cages" of [[iron bars]]. All end crystals respawn one after another as the respawning process of the [[ender dragon]] starts.== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting |A1=Glass |B1=Glass |C1=Glass |A2=Glass |B2=Eye of Ender |C2=Glass |A3=Glass |B3=Ghast Tear |C3=Glass |Output= End Crystal |type= Decoration block}}== Usage ===== Healing the ender dragon ===Their primary purpose is to recharge the health of the ender dragon, who gains a charge from the nearest crystal within a cuboid extending 32 blocks from the dragon in all directions. The dragon is healed {{hp|1}} each half-second. If multiple ender dragons are spawned, an end crystal can affect multiple dragons at the same time. The healing beam is neither obstructed nor is its power diminished by entities or blocks.=== Respawning the ender dragon ===[[File:End Crystals on the Exit portal.png|right|thumb|How to arrange end crystals on the exit portal to respawn the ender dragon.]]As items, end crystals may be placed on bedrock and [[obsidian]], if the two blocks above the bedrock or obsidian block are air or replaceable blocks and no other entities intersect the area. When an end crystal is placed in [[the End]], a [[fire]] block is created at the end crystal location. If four are placed on the end [[exit portal]], one on each of the flat sides, the crystals respawn the original end crystals on the obsidian pillars, as well as resurrect the dragon itself, before exploding. The top of each pillar also explodes, destroying any player-placed blocks. This happens even if TNT explosions are turned off in settings.If the exit portal is ever broken for any reason, end crystals can still be placed on obsidian blocks with the same location as the exit portal.=== Explosions ===End crystals explode when attacked or damaged in most ways, even by attacks that normally do zero damage. They are not affected by exploding fireworks, and if damaged by an explosion, they disappear instead of exploding.{{Only|Java}}<ref>{{bug|MC-118429||End crystals don't explode when destroyed by nearby explosions}}</ref> The end crystal's [[explosion]] has an [[Explosion#Explosion strength|explosion strength]] of 6, the same as a [[charged creeper]]. The end crystal's fire often remains after the crystal explodes. Any ender dragon charging from the crystal when it is destroyed takes {{hp|10}} damage.{{IN|java}}, an end crystal's explosion can be [[blocking|blocked]] by a [[shield]].Although an ender dragon damages most blocks and entities in its path, it cannot destroy end crystals simply by going near them.Placing [[water]] on the end crystal will neutralize the blast effect, but not the [[damage]] or knockback.End crystals with obsidian or bedrock below them will not damage blocks below them when they explode.{{IN|bedrock}}, having the game rule {{cd|mobGriefing}} to {{cd|false}} will prevent the End Crystal from destroying any blocks. While {{in|java}} the same game rule will not prevent the End Crystal from destroying any blocks.=== Beams ===The end crystal naturally shoots a beam at the ender dragon and heals it when the dragon is within range. This beam can be manually created using the command {{cmd|data merge entity @e[type{{=}}end_crystal,limit{{=}}1] {BeamTarget:{X:0, Y:0, Z:0<nowiki>}}}}. The beam can be pointed in any direction, allowing it to mark locations or objects.=== Properties ===[[File:End Crystal (Slateless).gif|thumb|A base-less end crystal.]] End crystals are of two kinds: the ones with a base beneath them are created either by game mechanism or by the {{cmd|summon}} command; while the base-less ones are created by players by manually placing the crystal items on top of [[obsidian]] or [[bedrock]].The base appears to be made of bedrock, with a crystal hovering over it. While in the End, a crystal continually generates fire at its current position, one block above the base (directly on top of the block the base is embedded in), replacing any other block at that location. This fire is capable of spreading.The end crystal entity is not solid and can be walked through freely. End crystals can be pushed by [[piston]]s, but they explode if moved while on fire. Because fire is checked only when an entity moves, end crystals do not normally take damage from their own fire unless moved.== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Explosion1.ogg|sound2=Explosion2.ogg|sound3=Explosion3.ogg|sound4=Explosion4.ogg|subtitle=Explosion|source=block|description=When an end crystal explodes|id=entity.generic.explode|translationkey=subtitles.entity.generic.explode|volume=4.0|pitch=0.56-0.84|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Explosion1.ogg|sound2=Explosion2.ogg|sound3=Explosion3.ogg|sound4=Explosion4.ogg|source=block|description=When an end crystal explodes|id=random.explode|volume=4.0|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Item|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=End Crystal|spritetype=item|nameid=end_crystal|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Entity|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=End Crystal|spritetype=entity|nameid=end_crystal|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Item|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=End Crystal|spritetype=item|nameid=end_crystal|id=637|form=item|foot=1}} {{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Entity|shownumericids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=End Crystal|spritetype=entity|nameid=ender_crystal|id=71|foot=1}}=== Entity data ===End crystals have entity data that define various properties of the entity.{{el|java}}:{{main|Entity format}}{{/ED}}{{el|bedrock}}:: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].== Achievements =={{load achievements|The End... Again...}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|The End... Again...}}== History ==[[File:End Crystal 19w38a.gif|thumb|Java Edition 19w38a]]{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added ender crystals.}}{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w04a|Previously, ender crystals could be spawned using [[spawn egg]]s with ID 200 (in a [[server]], these were created using {{cmd|give 383 1 200}}). The spawned crystal would be positioned where a natural crystal would be if there was a bedrock block at the location. It was still possible until 1.9 to obtain an end crystal spawn egg, but it would not spawn anything.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Ender crystals can now be spawned with the {{cmd|summon}} command.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w06a|Ender crystals now generate one [[block]] lower. The fire they generate destroys the [[bedrock]] block that is supposed to be underneath (see {{bug|MC-47526}}).}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Ender crystals generate at the correct Y-level again.}}{{History|||snap=15w33c|Respawning the ender dragon now also respawns the ender crystals on the obsidian pillars.|Ender crystals now have a compound BeamTarget tag that hold the X, Y, Z block location the beam points to.}}{{History|||snap=15w44a|"Ender crystals" have been renamed to "end crystals".|[[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] End crystals can now be obtained as an item.|End crystals now drop from [[skeleton trap]] horses and can be placed only on [[obsidian]] or bedrock. Placing several of them atop the end exit portal respawns the ender dragon.}}{{History|||snap=15w44b|End crystals are no longer dropped by [[skeleton horse]]s.|Added crafting recipe for end crystals, making end crystals [[renewable]].}}{{History|||snap=15w49a|End crystals now require [[air]]/replaceable [[block]]s and lack of [[entity|entities]] for placement.}}{{History|||snap=15w51a|End crystals can no longer be placed in [[Adventure mode]].}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID has been changed from <code>EnderCrystal</code> to <code>ender_crystal</code>.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 426.}}{{History|||snap=18w20b|Renamed to "End Crystal".}}{{History|||snap=pre5|Entity ID has been changed to <code>end_crystal</code>.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:End Crystal JE2.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of end crystals and the end crystal [[item]] have been changed.}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w43a|End crystal explosions can now be [[blocking|blocked]] by [[shield]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-188247|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added end crystals.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.6.0|snap=?|[[File:End Crystal BE2.png|32px]] [[File:End Crystal BE2.gif|32px]] The model of the end crystals has been changed. It has now two cubes instead of three.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:End Crystal BE3.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of end crystals and the end crystal item have been changed.}}{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|[[File:End Crystal JE2.png|32px]] The model of the end crystals has been changed to have three cubes again, and to match ''Java Edition''.}}{{History||1.19.70|snap=beta|Increased end crystal collision box size to match ''Java Edition''.|End crystals with obsidian or bedrock below them now will not damage blocks below them when they explode.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU9|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added ender crystals.}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Ender crystals now generate one block lower. The fire they generate destroys the [[bedrock]] block that is supposed to be underneath.}}{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|"Ender crystals" have been renamed to "end crystals".|[[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] End crystals can now be obtained as an [[item]]. |End crystals now drop from [[skeleton trap]] horses and can be placed only on [[obsidian]] or bedrock. Placing several of them atop the [[end portal|end exit portal]] respawns the ender dragon.|Added a crafting recipe for end crystals.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:End Crystal JE2.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of end crystals and the end crystal item have been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||1.7.10|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added end crystals.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* According to [[Jens Bergensten|Jeb]], the reason behind the current crafting recipe using glass as opposed to [[Chorus Fruit|chorus fruit]] or any materials introduced in [[Java Edition 1.9|1.9]] is as a means for players to craft end crystals in older worlds that the dragon has already been killed in.<ref>{{tweet|jeb_|667000226524372992|The problem is that you need to be able to craft the crystals on worlds in which the dragon has been destroyed already|November 18, 2015}}</ref>* A historical rendition of the [[beacon]] block featured an animated entity within it, which resembled a yellow miniaturized end crystal. The bedrock platform of the end crystal entity would also render below the beacon, though this would normally be hidden within the block below.* Using a [[piston]] to push an end crystal's fire into an end portal block deletes the end portal block. However, natural portal blocks regenerate if the end crystal is moved.== Gallery ==<gallery>End Crystal Usage.png|Using end crystals to respawn the ender dragon.Crystal Link.png|An ender dragon being hit with the "healing beam" of an end crystal.Ender Crystal.png|An end crystal.EnderCrystalOverworld.png|An end crystal in the Overworld spawned using {{cmd|summon}} {{code|end_crystal}}.Ender Dragon Revival.png|End crystals respawning the ender dragon.CagedEnderCrystal.png|A caged end crystal.Respawn ender dragon.png|A [[player]] trying to respawn the ender dragon.End Crystal (item).gif|An animation of the item of the end crystal.</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}{{Entities}}{{Items}}[[de:Enderkristall]][[el:Κρύσταλλος του Ender]][[es:Cristal del End]][[fr:Cristal de l'End]][[ja:エンドクリスタル]][[ko:엔드 수정]][[nl:Endkristal]][[pl:Kryształ Endu]][[pt:Cristal do End]][[ru:Кристалл Края]][[th:คริสตัลเอนด์]][[uk:Кристал Енду]][[zh:末影水晶]]</li><li>[[:Category:Combat|Category:Combat]]<br/>[[Category:Items]][[fr:Catégorie:Combat]][[zh:Category:武器]]</li></ul></nowiki>
12w08aIron Golem (22) Added iron golems.
One iron golem may spawn in a village for every 16 villagers.
1.2-preMechanical and stomping sounds have been added for the iron golem.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[End Crystal|End Crystal]]<br/>{{ItemEntity|image=End Crystal.gif|imagesize=150px|invimage=End Crystal|renewable=Yes|stackable=Yes (64)|rarity=Rare|drops=None|size=Height: 2 Blocks<br>Width: 2 Blocks}}An '''end crystal''' is an [[entity]] that can be [[Crafting|crafted]] or found on [[the End]]'s main island, where it heals the [[Ender Dragon|ender dragon]]. It can only be placed on [[obsidian]] or [[bedrock]] and [[Explosion|explodes]] instantly when attacked or damaged in most ways.== Spawning ===== Natural generation ===An end crystal is found atop each [[obsidian pillar]] on the central island of the End, each on top of a piece of [[bedrock]]. There are 10 end crystals in total, of which two are protected in "cages" of [[iron bars]]. All end crystals respawn one after another as the respawning process of the [[ender dragon]] starts.== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting |A1=Glass |B1=Glass |C1=Glass |A2=Glass |B2=Eye of Ender |C2=Glass |A3=Glass |B3=Ghast Tear |C3=Glass |Output= End Crystal |type= Decoration block}}== Usage ===== Healing the ender dragon ===Their primary purpose is to recharge the health of the ender dragon, who gains a charge from the nearest crystal within a cuboid extending 32 blocks from the dragon in all directions. The dragon is healed {{hp|1}} each half-second. If multiple ender dragons are spawned, an end crystal can affect multiple dragons at the same time. The healing beam is neither obstructed nor is its power diminished by entities or blocks.=== Respawning the ender dragon ===[[File:End Crystals on the Exit portal.png|right|thumb|How to arrange end crystals on the exit portal to respawn the ender dragon.]]As items, end crystals may be placed on bedrock and [[obsidian]], if the two blocks above the bedrock or obsidian block are air or replaceable blocks and no other entities intersect the area. When an end crystal is placed in [[the End]], a [[fire]] block is created at the end crystal location. If four are placed on the end [[exit portal]], one on each of the flat sides, the crystals respawn the original end crystals on the obsidian pillars, as well as resurrect the dragon itself, before exploding. The top of each pillar also explodes, destroying any player-placed blocks. This happens even if TNT explosions are turned off in settings.If the exit portal is ever broken for any reason, end crystals can still be placed on obsidian blocks with the same location as the exit portal.=== Explosions ===End crystals explode when attacked or damaged in most ways, even by attacks that normally do zero damage. They are not affected by exploding fireworks, and if damaged by an explosion, they disappear instead of exploding.{{Only|Java}}<ref>{{bug|MC-118429||End crystals don't explode when destroyed by nearby explosions}}</ref> The end crystal's [[explosion]] has an [[Explosion#Explosion strength|explosion strength]] of 6, the same as a [[charged creeper]]. The end crystal's fire often remains after the crystal explodes. Any ender dragon charging from the crystal when it is destroyed takes {{hp|10}} damage.{{IN|java}}, an end crystal's explosion can be [[blocking|blocked]] by a [[shield]].Although an ender dragon damages most blocks and entities in its path, it cannot destroy end crystals simply by going near them.Placing [[water]] on the end crystal will neutralize the blast effect, but not the [[damage]] or knockback.End crystals with obsidian or bedrock below them will not damage blocks below them when they explode.{{IN|bedrock}}, having the game rule {{cd|mobGriefing}} to {{cd|false}} will prevent the End Crystal from destroying any blocks. While {{in|java}} the same game rule will not prevent the End Crystal from destroying any blocks.=== Beams ===The end crystal naturally shoots a beam at the ender dragon and heals it when the dragon is within range. This beam can be manually created using the command {{cmd|data merge entity @e[type{{=}}end_crystal,limit{{=}}1] {BeamTarget:{X:0, Y:0, Z:0<nowiki>}}}}. The beam can be pointed in any direction, allowing it to mark locations or objects.=== Properties ===[[File:End Crystal (Slateless).gif|thumb|A base-less end crystal.]] End crystals are of two kinds: the ones with a base beneath them are created either by game mechanism or by the {{cmd|summon}} command; while the base-less ones are created by players by manually placing the crystal items on top of [[obsidian]] or [[bedrock]].The base appears to be made of bedrock, with a crystal hovering over it. While in the End, a crystal continually generates fire at its current position, one block above the base (directly on top of the block the base is embedded in), replacing any other block at that location. This fire is capable of spreading.The end crystal entity is not solid and can be walked through freely. End crystals can be pushed by [[piston]]s, but they explode if moved while on fire. Because fire is checked only when an entity moves, end crystals do not normally take damage from their own fire unless moved.== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Explosion1.ogg|sound2=Explosion2.ogg|sound3=Explosion3.ogg|sound4=Explosion4.ogg|subtitle=Explosion|source=block|description=When an end crystal explodes|id=entity.generic.explode|translationkey=subtitles.entity.generic.explode|volume=4.0|pitch=0.56-0.84|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Explosion1.ogg|sound2=Explosion2.ogg|sound3=Explosion3.ogg|sound4=Explosion4.ogg|source=block|description=When an end crystal explodes|id=random.explode|volume=4.0|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Item|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=End Crystal|spritetype=item|nameid=end_crystal|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Entity|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=End Crystal|spritetype=entity|nameid=end_crystal|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Item|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=End Crystal|spritetype=item|nameid=end_crystal|id=637|form=item|foot=1}} {{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Entity|shownumericids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=End Crystal|spritetype=entity|nameid=ender_crystal|id=71|foot=1}}=== Entity data ===End crystals have entity data that define various properties of the entity.{{el|java}}:{{main|Entity format}}{{/ED}}{{el|bedrock}}:: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].== Achievements =={{load achievements|The End... Again...}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|The End... Again...}}== History ==[[File:End Crystal 19w38a.gif|thumb|Java Edition 19w38a]]{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added ender crystals.}}{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w04a|Previously, ender crystals could be spawned using [[spawn egg]]s with ID 200 (in a [[server]], these were created using {{cmd|give 383 1 200}}). The spawned crystal would be positioned where a natural crystal would be if there was a bedrock block at the location. It was still possible until 1.9 to obtain an end crystal spawn egg, but it would not spawn anything.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Ender crystals can now be spawned with the {{cmd|summon}} command.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w06a|Ender crystals now generate one [[block]] lower. The fire they generate destroys the [[bedrock]] block that is supposed to be underneath (see {{bug|MC-47526}}).}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Ender crystals generate at the correct Y-level again.}}{{History|||snap=15w33c|Respawning the ender dragon now also respawns the ender crystals on the obsidian pillars.|Ender crystals now have a compound BeamTarget tag that hold the X, Y, Z block location the beam points to.}}{{History|||snap=15w44a|"Ender crystals" have been renamed to "end crystals".|[[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] End crystals can now be obtained as an item.|End crystals now drop from [[skeleton trap]] horses and can be placed only on [[obsidian]] or bedrock. Placing several of them atop the end exit portal respawns the ender dragon.}}{{History|||snap=15w44b|End crystals are no longer dropped by [[skeleton horse]]s.|Added crafting recipe for end crystals, making end crystals [[renewable]].}}{{History|||snap=15w49a|End crystals now require [[air]]/replaceable [[block]]s and lack of [[entity|entities]] for placement.}}{{History|||snap=15w51a|End crystals can no longer be placed in [[Adventure mode]].}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID has been changed from <code>EnderCrystal</code> to <code>ender_crystal</code>.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 426.}}{{History|||snap=18w20b|Renamed to "End Crystal".}}{{History|||snap=pre5|Entity ID has been changed to <code>end_crystal</code>.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:End Crystal JE2.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of end crystals and the end crystal [[item]] have been changed.}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w43a|End crystal explosions can now be [[blocking|blocked]] by [[shield]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-188247|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added end crystals.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.6.0|snap=?|[[File:End Crystal BE2.png|32px]] [[File:End Crystal BE2.gif|32px]] The model of the end crystals has been changed. It has now two cubes instead of three.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:End Crystal BE3.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of end crystals and the end crystal item have been changed.}}{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|[[File:End Crystal JE2.png|32px]] The model of the end crystals has been changed to have three cubes again, and to match ''Java Edition''.}}{{History||1.19.70|snap=beta|Increased end crystal collision box size to match ''Java Edition''.|End crystals with obsidian or bedrock below them now will not damage blocks below them when they explode.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU9|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added ender crystals.}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Ender crystals now generate one block lower. The fire they generate destroys the [[bedrock]] block that is supposed to be underneath.}}{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|"Ender crystals" have been renamed to "end crystals".|[[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] End crystals can now be obtained as an [[item]]. |End crystals now drop from [[skeleton trap]] horses and can be placed only on [[obsidian]] or bedrock. Placing several of them atop the [[end portal|end exit portal]] respawns the ender dragon.|Added a crafting recipe for end crystals.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:End Crystal JE2.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of end crystals and the end crystal item have been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||1.7.10|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added end crystals.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* According to [[Jens Bergensten|Jeb]], the reason behind the current crafting recipe using glass as opposed to [[Chorus Fruit|chorus fruit]] or any materials introduced in [[Java Edition 1.9|1.9]] is as a means for players to craft end crystals in older worlds that the dragon has already been killed in.<ref>{{tweet|jeb_|667000226524372992|The problem is that you need to be able to craft the crystals on worlds in which the dragon has been destroyed already|November 18, 2015}}</ref>* A historical rendition of the [[beacon]] block featured an animated entity within it, which resembled a yellow miniaturized end crystal. The bedrock platform of the end crystal entity would also render below the beacon, though this would normally be hidden within the block below.* Using a [[piston]] to push an end crystal's fire into an end portal block deletes the end portal block. However, natural portal blocks regenerate if the end crystal is moved.== Gallery ==<gallery>End Crystal Usage.png|Using end crystals to respawn the ender dragon.Crystal Link.png|An ender dragon being hit with the "healing beam" of an end crystal.Ender Crystal.png|An end crystal.EnderCrystalOverworld.png|An end crystal in the Overworld spawned using {{cmd|summon}} {{code|end_crystal}}.Ender Dragon Revival.png|End crystals respawning the ender dragon.CagedEnderCrystal.png|A caged end crystal.Respawn ender dragon.png|A [[player]] trying to respawn the ender dragon.End Crystal (item).gif|An animation of the item of the end crystal.</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}{{Entities}}{{Items}}[[de:Enderkristall]][[el:Κρύσταλλος του Ender]][[es:Cristal del End]][[fr:Cristal de l'End]][[ja:エンドクリスタル]][[ko:엔드 수정]][[nl:Endkristal]][[pl:Kryształ Endu]][[pt:Cristal do End]][[ru:Кристалл Края]][[th:คริสตัลเอนด์]][[uk:Кристал Енду]][[zh:末影水晶]]</li><li>[[Lead|Lead]]<br/>{{About|the item used for leashing and leading mobs|the element|Element#Lead}}{{Item| image = Lead.png| stackable = Yes (64)| renewable = Yes}}'''Leads''' are [[tool]]s used to leash and lead passive and neutral [[animal]]s, [[golem]]s and some [[monster]]s.== Obtaining ===== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|lead}}=== Crafting ==={{Crafting |A1= String |B1= String |A2= String |B2= Slimeball |C3= String |Output= Lead,2 |type= Tool}}=== Mob loot ===[[Wandering Trader|Wandering trader]]s always spawn with 2 [[llama|trader llama]]s, each held with a lead. When a trader llama is detached, either by killing it or the wandering trader, dragging them far apart, or putting the llama in a [[boat]] or a [[minecart]], the lead drops at the llama's position.== Usage ===== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}=== Leashing mobs ===[[File:SuspendedPigs.png|190px|thumb|One block tall mobs, such as pigs, suspend at 7 blocks above the ground.]][[File:SuspendedCows.png|190px|thumb|Two block tall mobs, such as cows, also suspend at 7 blocks above the ground.]]{{control|Using}} a lead on a [[mob]] ties the lead to the mob, allowing it to be moved by the player. Multiple mobs can be held by leads at once, but each mob held requires its own lead.It is possible to leash the following mobs and other entities:{{columns-list|colwidth=20em|* {{EntityLink|Allay}}* {{EntityLink|Axolotl}}* {{EntityLink|Bee}}* {{EntityLink|Boat}}{{only|bedrock}}* {{EntityLink|Camel}}* {{EntityLink|Cat}}* {{EntityLink|Chicken}}* {{EntityLink|Chicken Jockey}} (only the mount)* {{EntityLink|Cow}}* {{EntityLink|Dolphin}}* {{EntityLink|Donkey}}* {{EntityLink|Fox}}* {{EntityLink|Frog}}* {{EntityLink|Glow Squid}}* {{EntityLink|Goat}}* {{EntityLink|Hoglin}}* {{EntityLink|Horse}}* {{EntityLink|Iron Golem}}* {{EntityLink|Llama}}* {{EntityLink|Mooshroom}}* {{EntityLink|Mule}}* {{EntityLink|Ocelot}}* {{EntityLink|Parrot}}* {{EntityLink|Pig}}* {{EntityLink|Polar Bear}}* {{EntityLink|Rabbit}}* {{EntityLink|Sheep}}* {{EntityLink|Skeleton Horse}}* {{EntityLink|Skeleton Horseman}} (only the mount)* {{EntityLink|Sniffer}}* {{EntityLink|Snow Golem}}* {{EntityLink|Squid}}* {{EntityLink|Strider}}* {{EntityLink|Trader Llama}}* {{EntityLink|Wolf}}* {{EntityLink|Zoglin}}* {{EntityLink|Zombie Horse}}}}Additionally, [[villager]]s, [[wandering trader]]s, and [[monster]]s other than the ones listed above, can be leashed using a map editor or [[NBT]] editor. With a mob on a lead held by the player, {{control|using}} the lead on any type of [[fence]] (or [[wall]]{{only|bedrock|short=1}}) attaches the lead to it with a visible knot, tying the mob to it. To attach it to a wall on Bedrock Edition, the player must hold a lead in the main hand.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-108078}}</ref> Multiple leads may be attached to one fence post. A mob tied to a fence tends to stay within 5 blocks of the fence post.A lead is broken by pressing the {{control|use item}} control on the mob again, hitting the knot, or removing the attached fence post. Leads also break when hit by projectiles. Whenever a lead is removed or broken, it drops as an [[item (entity)|item]] at the location of the mob. However, it does not drop when unleashed in Creative mode.{{only|java}}<ref>{{bug|MCPE-79639}}</ref> A lead does not break if the attached animal dies.A lead can stretch a maximum of 10 blocks. If the mob is able to move towards the player or fence post, it does so. If not, or if the mob is moving very quickly away from the player, the lead breaks.When the player or the knot is more than 7 blocks above the ground, the mob being leashed becomes suspended.Most mobs that can be leashed can still be leashed even if attacking the player leashing them, and any attached leads do not break.[[Wolf|Wolves]] cannot be leashed after becoming angry. Despite this, if they become angry while already leashed, the lead does not break, but it cannot be reattached when broken through other methods while the wolf is still angry.A lead attached to a hoglin breaks if it becomes a [[zoglin]].A lead does not prevent mobs from despawning if they normally would despawn.When moving downwards and accelerating towards the ground, leashed mobs accumulate fall damage and take it if they hit the ground while still accelerating. When moving up or decelerating (such as when the lead is stretched to its limit), the fall distance is set to one block and the mob therefore does not take any fall damage if it touches the ground.If the player walks into and back out of a [[nether portal]] while holding a lead connected to a mob, the lead remains attached to the mob. However, if a mob attached to a lead walks into a nether portal, the lead breaks and drops as an item in the other dimension.A lead can be used to remove a mob from a boat without needing to break the boat, if the mob can normally be leashed.If a chunk unloads while containing a leashed mob (either by the player walking too far away, or traveling to another dimension via a portal), the lead breaks and drops as an item, leaving the mob free to wander around.== Sounds =={{Edition|Java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Lead Knot break1.ogg|sound2=Lead Knot break2.ogg|sound3=Lead Knot break3.ogg|subtitle=Leash Knot breaks|source=neutral|description=When a leash knot is destroyed|id=entity.leash_knot.break|translationkey=subtitles.entity.leashknot.break|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Lead Knot place1.ogg|sound2=Lead Knot place2.ogg|sound3=Lead Knot place3.ogg|subtitle=Leash Knot tied|source=neutral|description=When a leash knot is placed on a fence|||volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{Edition|Bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Lead Knot break1.ogg|sound2=Lead Knot break2.ogg|sound3=Lead Knot break3.ogg|source=neutral|description=When a leash knot is broken by {{ctrl|interacting}} with it|id=leashknot.break|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Lead Knot place1.ogg|sound2=Lead Knot place2.ogg|sound3=Lead Knot place3.ogg|source=neutral|description=When a leash knot is placed on a fence or wall||volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}== Leash Knot =='''Leash knot''' is an entity created when the [[player]] right-clicks the fence while having a mob leashed.{{Entity| title = Leash Knot| image = Knot.png|imagesize= 100px|networkid='''[[JE]]''': 77}}=== Data values ======= ID ===={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Leash Knot|spritetype=entity|nameid=leash_knot|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Leash Knot|spritetype=entity|nameid=leash_knot|id=88|foot=1}}==== Entity data ====Leash knots have entity data that define various properties of the entity.{{el|java}}:{{main|Entity format}}{{/ED}}{{el|bedrock}}:: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Lead|spritetype=item|nameid=lead|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Lead|spritetype=item|nameid=lead|id=547|form=item|foot=1}}== Achievements =={{load achievements|So I Got That Going for Me}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|When the Squad Hops into Town}}== History =={{missing information|The history of a lot of mobs be leashed}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|[[File:Lead JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leads. |Leads do not currently have a tooltip and are called “leashes” in [ the change notes].}}{{History|||snap=13w16b|Leads have been given a tooltip.}}{{History|||snap=13w18a|Leads have been given a [[crafting]] recipe.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w50a|Added a [[sound]] for leads: <code></code>.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The [[entity]] ID of the knot has been changed from <code>LeashKnot</code> to <code>leash_knot</code>.}}{{History|||snap=16w39a|Leads can now be found in [[woodland mansion]] chests.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 420.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Lead JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of leads has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added [[wandering trader]]s, which are naturally equipped with leads.}}{{History||1.15|snap=?|[[Bee]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w09a|[[Skeleton horse]]s and [[zombie horse]]s can now be leashed.<ref>{{bug|MC-166246}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=?|[[Hoglin]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w27a|[[Zoglin]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.17|snap=21w19a|[[Squid]]s and [[glow squid]]s can now be leashed.<ref>{{bug|MC-136647}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=?|[[Axolotl]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Lead may now be found in [[ancient city]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History|||snap=?|[[Frog]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w42a|[[Camel]]s can now be leashed.|Mobs no longer accumulate fall damage when dangling on leads.<ref>{{bug|MC-14167||Mobs build up fall damage when dangling on a lead|Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History||1.20 (Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=?|[[Sniffer]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Lead can now be found in [[suspicious gravel]] and [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].}}{{History|||snap=23w16a|Lead no longer generates in [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].|Due to the split of the archaeological loot tables for the suspicious gravel within the [[trail ruins]]; lead now is in the common loot.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Lead JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leads.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Leads now have better "physics".|The [[entity]] ID of the knot has been changed from <code>leashknot</code> to <code>leash_knot</code>.|Leads can now be found inside [[woodland mansion]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Leads can now be found inside [[buried treasure]] [[chest]]s.|Leads can now be used on [[boat]]s.}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Leads can now be used to craft [[balloon]]s.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Lead JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of leads has been changed.|[[Wandering trader]]s now [[drops|drop]] leads after they are detached from trader [[llama]]s.}}{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|Leads can now be used on [[polar bear]]s, [[ocelot]]s, [[parrot]]s, [[dolphin]]s and old [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.19.0|snap=beta|Allays can now be leashed.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Lead JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leads.}}{{History||xbox=TU43|xbone=CU33|ps=1.36|wiiu=Patch 13|[[Sound]]s have been added for leads.}}{{History|Ps4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Lead JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of leads has been changed.}}{{History|3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Lead JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leads.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list|Lead|Leash}}== Trivia ==[[File:Steve wearing Lead.png|100px]] [[File:Alex wearing Lead.png|100px]]* The lead is named as "leash" in the texture file.* If a [[player]] goes to sleep while holding a mob on a lead, the lead remains attached.* {{IN|Java}}, when using the {{cmd|item}} command to put a lead in a player's head slot, the item gets rotated and positioned in such a way that it looks like the player is wearing a monocle.== Gallery ==<gallery>Multiple_Leash.png|Many animals can be tied to one fence post.HorseLeashedOnAFence.png|A [[horse]] wearing [[golden horse armor]] that is leashed to a fence post.ThreeTiedSheep.png|Three sheep tied to the same fence.More accurate lead mobs.png|A shot of all the mobs that could be tied with leads as of 1.6.1, except donkeys and mules.Yo Yo.png|With the use of the leash, it is possible to suspend animals in the air by tying the leash on high-up fence posts.YoYo.png|A [[donkey]] with the Grumm/Dinnerbone [[name tag]] [[easter egg]] tied to a fence with a lead to make a yo-yo.Flying_Sheep.png|Several [[sheep]] hanging in the air in [[Creative]] mode.Pocket Edition Lead.jpg|First image of a lead in ''Bedrock Edition''.</gallery>== References =={{Reflist}}== External Links ==*[ Taking Inventory: Lead] – on April 8, 2022{{items}}{{entities}}[[Category:Tools]][[de:Leine]][[es:Rienda]][[fr:Laisse]][[hu:Lasszó]][[it:Guinzaglio]][[ja:リード]][[ko:끈]][[nl:Leidtouw]][[pl:Smycz]][[pt:Laço]][[ru:Поводок]][[th:เชือกจูง]][[zh:拴绳]][[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul></nowiki>
12w32aIron golems now attack slimes and magma cubes.
?One iron golem can now spawn for every 10 villagers in a village.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Totem of Undying|Totem of Undying]]<br/>{{redirect|Totem}}{{Item| image = Totem_of_Undying_JE2_BE2.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = No| rarity = Uncommon|effects=: {{EffectLink|Absorption}} II (0:05): {{EffectLink|Regeneration}} II (0:45){{only|java|short=yes}}/ II (0:40){{only|bedrock|short=yes}}: {{EffectLink|Fire Resistance}} I (0:40)}}A '''totem of undying''' is an uncommon [[combat]] item that can save holders from death. It is dropped by [[Evoker|evokers]], which spawn in [[woodland mansion]]s and [[raid]]s.== Obtaining ===== Mob loot ===Evokers always drop one totem of undying upon death. The drop rate is not affected by [[Looting]].== Usage ==[[File:Totem of Undying Animation.gif|alt=The totem animation in Java Edition.|thumb|Animation of the totem activating {{in|java}}.]][[File:Totem of Undying Bedrock Animation.gif|alt=The totem animation in Bedrock Edition.|thumb|Animation of the totem activating {{in|bedrock}}.]]If the [[player]] is holding a totem of undying in their [[off-hand]] or main-hand slot and receives otherwise fatal [[damage]], the totem saves the player from [[death]]. The totem of undying must be in the player's hand (main hand or offhand) for it to work—it does not work if it is in the [[Heads-up display#Hotbar|hotbar]], unless selected. Any [[mob]] that can hold a totem of undying (in a hand or in the mouth) can use it while holding it.{{only|JE}} The totem can be used only once; it disappears after use. It does not save the player from death caused by [[void]] damage, the {{cmd|kill}} [[command]]s or even a [[tipped arrow]] with [[Instant Damage|harming]] effect damage.<ref>{{bug|MC-206307}}</ref>== Effect ==When activated, the totem of undying restores {{hp|1}}, removes all existing [[status effect]]s, then grants 40{{only|bedrock|short=1}} or 45{{only|java|short=1}} seconds<ref>{{bug|MCPE-90716}}</ref> of [[Regeneration]] II, 40 seconds of [[Fire Resistance]] I and 5 seconds of [[Absorption]] II. An animation shows the totem of undying appearing to hover in front of the [[player]]'s screen, similar to the animation seen when a player receives the [[Bad Omen]] or [[Hero of the Village]] effect{{only|bedrock|short=1}} or encounters an [[elder guardian]]. When killed by an [[Instant Damage]] tipped [[arrow]], the arrow's instant damage takes effect after the totem has been activated.The totem of undying also works in [[Hardcore]] mode.== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Totem of Undying.ogg|subtitle=Totem activates|source=dependent|description=When something dies, using a totem of undying|id=item.totem.use|translationkey=subtitles.item.totem.use|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Totem of Undying.ogg|source=player|description=When something dies, using a totem of undying|id=random.totem|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Totem of Undying|spritetype=item|nameid=totem_of_undying|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Totem of Undying|spritetype=item|nameid=totem_of_undying|aliasid=totem|id=568|form=item||foot=1}}== Achievements =={{load achievements|Cheating Death}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Postmortal}}== History =={{History||2016|[[File:Totem of Undying (pre-release).png|32px]] An early version of the totem of undying was seen during Minecon shortly before its reveal.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|[[File:Totem of Undying JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added totem of undying.}}{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|The ID name has now been changed from <code>totem</code> to <code>totem_of_undying</code>.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 449.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Totem of Undying JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the totem of undying has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w47a|The totem of undying is now [[renewable resource|renewable]] as [[evoker]]s now spawn in [[raid]]s.}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w28a|The totem of undying now gives the [[Fire Resistance]] II status effect for 40 seconds.}}{{History|||snap=20w29a|The level of Fire Resistance given by the totem of undying is now reduced from II to I.<ref>{{bug|MC-194220}}</ref>}}{{History||1.20.2|snap=23w31a|Totems of undying now trigger [[sculk sensor]]s when they activate.<ref>{{bug|MC-261427||Sculk sensors and calibrated sculk sensors don't detect totem of undying activating|Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Totem of Undying JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added totem of undying.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Totem of Undying JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the totem of undying has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|The totem of undying is now [[renewable resource|renewable]] as [[evoker]]s now spawn in [[raid]]s.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The level of Fire Resistance given by the totem of undying is now reduced from II to I.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-52364}}</ref>}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of totems of undying has been changed from <code>totem</code> to <code>totem_of_undying</code>.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU54|xbone=CU44|ps=1.52|wiiu=Patch 24|switch=1.0.4|[[File:Totem of Undying JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added totem of undying.}}{{History||xbox=TU56|xbone=CU48|ps=1.55|wiiu=Patch 26|switch=1.0.6|The totem of undying now applies [[Fire Resistance]] II when used.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Totem of Undying JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the totem of undying has been changed.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.91|wiiu=none|switch=none|The totem of undying is now [[renewable resource|renewable]] as [[evoker]]s now spawn in [[raid]]s.}}{{History|new3ds}}{{History||1.9.19|[[File:Totem of Undying JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added totem of undying.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* If a [[mob]] holds a totem of undying, the mob also resurrects upon [[Health#Death|death]] and the [[sound]] effect plays. However, the animation does not appear.* In the {{el|ds}}, the totem of undying can be put in any hotbar slot to activate it, due to the lack of an [[Dual wield|off-hand slot]] in that version.* Being able to obtain totems of undying in [[raids]] without exploring [[woodland mansions]] is considered a "massive game play design flaw" by Mojang.<ref>{{ytl|YRPlscod34Y}}</ref>== Gallery ==<gallery>File:Particle totem of undying.png|Screenshot of the totem of undying being used mid-animation after a [[drowned]] deals otherwise fatal damage to the player.File:Totem of Undying activating.gif|Animation of the totem activating.File:Totem animation in third person mode.png|The totem animation in third person mode.</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}{{Items}}[[de:Totem der Unsterblichkeit]][[fr:Totem d'immortalité]][[ja:不死のトーテム]][[ko:불사의 토템]][[lzh:保命符]][[nl:Totem der onsterfelijkheid]][[pl:Totem nieśmiertelności]][[pt:Totem da imortalidade]][[ru:Тотем бессмертия]][[th:Totem of Undying]][[zh:不死图腾]][[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Netherite Ingot|Netherite Ingot]]<br/>{{About|the refined item|the scrap|Netherite Scrap|the ore|Ancient Debris|other uses|Netherite}}{{Item| rarity = Common| renewable = No| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Netherite ingots''' are items obtained from crafting [[netherite scrap]]s and [[gold ingot]]s together, as well as loot from [[bastion remnant]] loot chests. Unlike other items, they are immune to fire and [[lava]] damage. They are primarily used to upgrade [[diamond]] gear and craft [[lodestone]]s.== Obtaining ==Netherite ingots are obtained by crafting four [[netherite scrap]]s and four [[gold ingot]]s. It is a shapeless recipe, therefore the placement of the netherite scraps and gold ingots does not matter when crafting it.=== Crafting ==={{Crafting|head=1|showname=0|Netherite Scrap|Netherite Scrap|Netherite Scrap|Netherite Scrap|Gold Ingot|Gold Ingot|Gold Ingot|Gold Ingot|Output=Netherite Ingot|type=Material}}{{Crafting |Block of Netherite|Output=Netherite Ingot,9|type=Material|foot=1}}=== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|netherite-ingot}}== Usage ==Netherite ingots are crafting materials used to make netherite tools, weapons, and armor.=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}=== Smithing ingredient ===Netherite ingots can be used on a [[smithing table]] to upgrade diamond items to netherite items, as well as trim any armor piece. Data such as durability, enchantments, and custom names are preserved.{{Smithing|head=1|ingredients=[[Netherite Upgrade]] +<br>Any [[diamond]] gear +<br>[[Netherite Ingot]]|Netherite Upgrade|Diamond Helmet; Diamond Chestplate; Diamond Leggings; Diamond Boots; Diamond Sword; Diamond Pickaxe; Diamond Axe; Diamond Shovel; Diamond Hoe|Netherite Ingot|Netherite Helmet; Netherite Chestplate; Netherite Leggings; Netherite Boots; Netherite Sword; Netherite Pickaxe; Netherite Axe; Netherite Shovel; Netherite Hoe}}{{Smithing|ingredients=Any Armor Trim +<br/>Any Armor Piece + <br/>Netherite Ingot|Any Armor Trim Smithing Template|Diamond Chestplate|Netherite Ingot|Netherite Trim Diamond Chestplate|showdescription=1|description = All armor types can be used in this recipe,<br/>a diamond chestplate is shown as an example.<br/>|tail=1}}'''Trim color palette'''The following color palettes are shown on the designs on trimmed armor:* {{TrimPalette|netherite ingot}}* {{TrimPalette|netherite ingot|darker=1}} (a darker color palette is used when a netherite armor piece is trimmed using a netherite ingot).=== Repairing ===Netherite ingots are the repair items for the netherite [[tier]] and [[armor material]], and thus can be used to [[item repair|repair]] the following items in an [[anvil]]:* {{ItemLink|Netherite Helmet}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Chestplate}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Leggings}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Boots}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Sword}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Pickaxe}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Axe}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Shovel}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Hoe}}=== Beacons ===A netherite ingot could be used to select powers from a [[beacon]] instead of using an [[emerald]], [[gold ingot]], [[iron ingot]], or a [[diamond]]. The player must select one of the available powers, and then insert an ingot in the item slot. The [[gold]] option is more efficient than the netherite option because it consumes 3 fewer gold and no [[Netherite Scrap|netherite scrap]].== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showitemtags=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Netherite Ingot|spritetype=item|nameid=netherite_ingot|itemtags=beacon_payment_items|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Netherite Ingot|spritetype=item|nameid=netherite_ingot|id=603|form=item|foot=1}}=== Advancements ==={{load advancements|Serious dedication}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[File:Netherite Ingot JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added netherite ingots.}}{{History|||snap=20w07a|Netherite ingots can now be used to power [[beacon]]s.}}{{History|||snap=20w10a|The [[crafting]] recipe for netherite [[tools]] and [[armor]] has been changed so that a [[smithing table]] is used instead of a [[crafting table]] and [[enchanting|enchantments]] are preserved when upgrading [[item]]s.}}{{History|||snap=20w13a|Netherite ingots can now be used to craft [[lodestone]]s.}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Netherite ingots can now be found in [[bastion remnant]] chests.}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w30a|Increased the chance of finding netherite ingots in bastion remnant chests from 16.8% to 42.1%.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|Netherite ingots can now be used as an armor trim material.|Upgrading diamond tools and armor to netherite now requires the netherite upgrade [[smithing template]] in addition to a netherite ingot.}}{{History|||snap=23w05a|Netherite ingots can now be used to trim netherite armor.}}{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Netherite ingots are now usable for trimming without requiring the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack to be enabled.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Ingot BE1.png|32px]] Added netherite ingots.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Netherite ingots can now be used to power [[beacon]]s.|The [[crafting]] recipe for netherite [[tools]] and [[armor]] has been changed so that a [[smithing table]] is used instead of a [[crafting table]] and [[enchanting|enchantments]] are preserved when upgrading [[item]]s.|Netherite ingots can now be used to craft [[lodestone]]s.|Netherite ingots can now be found in [[bastion remnant]] chests.}}{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Ingot JE1 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of netherite ingots has been changed to match ''Java Edition''.}}{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.80|snap=beta|Netherite ingots can now be used as an armor trim material.|Upgrading diamond tools and armor to netherite now requires the netherite upgrade [[smithing template]] in addition to a netherite ingot.}}{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Netherite ingots are now usable for trimming without requiring the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle to be enabled.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== See also ==* {{EnvLink|Bastion Remnant}}* {{BlockLink|Block of Netherite}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Scrap}}* {{BlockLink|Ancient Debris}}*{{BlockLink|Lodestone}}== External Links ==* [ Taking Inventory: Netherite Ingot] – on May 28, 2020{{Items}}[[de:Netheritbarren]][[es:Lingote de netherita]][[fr:Lingot de Netherite]][[it:Lingotto di netherite]][[ja:ネザライトインゴット]][[ko:네더라이트 주괴]][[pl:Sztabka netherytu]][[pt:Barra de netherita]][[ru:Незеритовый слиток]][[th:แท่งเนเธอไรต์]][[uk:Незеритовий злиток]][[zh:下界合金锭]][[Category:Non-renewable resources]]</li></ul>
13w36aBecause roses have been replaced with poppies, the iron golem's drop has been changed.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Honeycomb|Honeycomb]]<br/>{{distinguish|Honeycomb Block}}{{Item| image = Honeycomb.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Honeycombs''' are [[item]]s obtained from [[bee nest]]s and beehives.== Obtaining =={{See also|Tutorials/Honey farming}}When a bee nest or beehive at {{cd|honey_level}} 5 is [[shear]]ed, it drops 3 honeycombs and angers any [[bee]]s inside, causing them to attack. Having a lit [[campfire]] or lighting a [[fire]] underneath the nest or hive prevents the bees from becoming hostile.A [[dispenser]] with [[shears]] inside can be used to shear the nest or hive without angering the bees. A honeycomb item drops out after using the shears.== Usage ===== Signs ==={{Control|Using}} a honeycomb on a [[sign]] or a hanging sign prevents the sign from being edited.=== Waxing ==={{Control|Using}} a honeycomb on a [[block of copper]] changes the block into its waxed variant, preventing oxidation of the copper.=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Beehive shear.ogg|subtitle=Shears scrape|source=neutral|description=When honeycombs are collected from a beehive|id=block.beehive.shear|translationkey=subtitles.block.beehive.shear|volume=0.8|pitch=1.0/0.9/0.8|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Wax on1.ogg|sound2=Wax on2.ogg|sound3=Wax on3.ogg|subtitle=Wax on|source=block|description=When a honeycomb waxes something|id=item.honeycomb.wax_on|translationkey=subtitles.item.honeycomb.wax_on|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0/0.9/1.1|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Beehive shear.ogg|source=block|description=When honeycombs are collected from a beehive|id=block.beehive.shear|volume=0.8|pitch=0.8-1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Wax on1.ogg|sound2=Wax on2.ogg|sound3=Wax on3.ogg|source=neutral|description=When a honeycomb waxes something|id=copper.wax.on|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8-1.2|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Honeycomb|spritetype=item|nameid=honeycomb|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Honeycomb|spritetype=item|nameid=honeycomb|id=591|form=item|foot=1}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Wax on;Wax off}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|[[File:Honeycomb JE1.png|32px]] Added honeycombs.|Honeycombs can be used to craft [[beehive]]s.}}{{History|||snap=19w41a|Honeycombs can now be used to craft [[honeycomb block]]s.}}{{History|||snap=Pre-release 3|[[File:Honeycomb texture change 1.15pre2 to 1.15pre3.gif|32px]] The texture file of honeycombs has been slightly changed. The color channel of transparent pixels are now filled to black. The in-game texture has not been changed.}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Honeycomb can now be used to craft [[candle]]s and [[waxed copper]].}}{{History|||snap=21w11a|Honeycomb can now be used to wax copper blocks by right clicking or dispensing honeycomb onto the block.}}{{History|||snap=21w14a|Honeycomb can now be used to wax oxidized copper blocks.}}{{History|||snap=21w19a|Honeycomb can no longer used to craft candles.}}{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Honeycomb can once again used to craft candles.}}{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|[[Sign]]s and hanging signs can now be waxed with honeycomb to prevent them from being edited.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|[[File:Honeycomb BE1.png|32px]] Added honeycombs.}}{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Honeycomb BE2.png|32px]] The texture of honeycombs has been changed to match {{el|je}}'s.}}{{History||Caves & Cliffs (experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.17.0|snap=beta|Honeycomb can now be used to craft [[waxed copper]].|Honeycomb can now be used to wax copper blocks by right clicking or dispensing honeycomb onto the block.}}{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Honeycomb can now be used to wax oxidized copper blocks.}}{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|Honeycomb can now be used to craft [[candle]]s.}}{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.80|snap=beta|[[Sign]]s and hanging signs can now be waxed with honeycomb to prevent them from being edited.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}{{items}}[[cs:Plástev medu]][[de:Honigwabe]][[es:Panal]][[fr:Rayon de miel]][[ja:ハニカム]][[ko:벌집 조각]][[pl:Plaster miodu]][[pt:Favo de mel]][[ru:Пчелиные соты]][[zh:蜜脾]][[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Elytra|Elytra]]<br/>{{Item| image = Elytra.png| rarity = Uncommon| renewable = No| durability = 432| stackable = No}}'''Elytra''' ({{Audio|ElytraPronunciation.mp3|/ˈɛl ɪ trə/|link2=''ᴇʟ-i-trə''}}<ref>“Elytron.” '' Dictionary'', Merriam-Webster, Accessed 22 May. 2022.</ref>)<!--"Elytra" is the plural of "elytron," a single half of a beetle's protective wing covers. Verbs should agree accordingly (e.g. "Elytra allow flight").> are rare wings found in [[end ship]]s that are a source of flight in [[Survival]] mode.== Obtaining ===== Natural generation ===Elytra are found only in [[end city|end cities]] in [[item frame|item frames]] in the treasure room of the [[end ship]]. A [[shulker]] guards the elytra and the ship's two loot chests.=== Repairing ===Elytra can be enchanted with [[Mending]] so that they get [[Item repair|repaired]] as the player collects [[experience]] orbs while wearing/holding them.Elytra can also be repaired in the player crafting grid, by combining two damaged pairs of elytra together. {{crafting|showname=0|showdescription=1|ignoreusage=1|Damaged Elytra|Damaged Elytra|Output= Elytra|description= The durability of the two pairs is added together, plus an extra 5% durability, but removes any enchantments.|type= Transportation}}Similarly, two damaged elytra pairs can be combined on a [[grindstone]].{{Grinding|showdescription=1|ingredients=2x Damaged [[Elytra]]|Damaged Elytra|Damaged Elytra|Elytra|description=The durability of the two pairs is added together, plus an extra 5% durability, but removes any enchantments.}}Elytra can also be repaired at an anvil using [[phantom membrane]]s, which has the advantage that it preserves [[enchantments]] on elytra. Each phantom membrane restores 108 durability points, exactly 25% of the elytra's total durability. {| class="wikitable" data-description="Repairing elytra"! scope="col" style="width:64px;" | Name! Ingredients! [[Anvil]] usage|-! scope="row" style="text-align: center;" | '''Elytra'''| [[Elytra]] +<br>[[Phantom Membrane]]| style="width: 260px; padding: 1px;" | {{Anvil| title = Elytra|Input1=Damaged Elytra|Input2=Phantom Membrane, 2|Output=Elytra}}|-|}Each repair on the anvil, however, also increases the [[Anvil mechanics|prior work]] penalty for the Elytra, making every subsequent repair increasingly expensive and eventually reaching an upper limit where repairs are no longer allowed because they are "too expensive" (even if the player has many xp levels to spare). However, the prior work penalty can be reset to 0 for an enchanted elytra pair when it is disenchanted on a grindstone. Unenchanted elytra cannot be used on the grindstone alone.== Usage ==[[File:Steve in elytra.png|75px]] [[File:Alex in elytra.png|75px]]Elytra are equipped in the [[chestplate]] slot, either by placing the item directly in the slot, by pressing {{ctrl|use item}} while [[hotbar|held in hand]], or by firing a point-blank [[dispenser]] at a target. They are gray in color by default, but they adopt the design of any [[cape]] the player is wearing. They maintain their in-world texture design even when they're [[#Repair|broken]] or [[enchanted]].=== Flying ===To fly, the player must press the {{ctrl|jump}} key while falling, and the elytra spread apart like a beetle's elytra. The player can aim their view around to turn or adjust their pitch. Losing altitude increases speed, and gaining altitude decreases speed. [[Firework rocket]]s can be used to increase speed. Additionally, speed is quickly lost from sharp changes in direction.Directly hitting any surface while gliding too fast causes damage to the player and their armor proportional to flight speed (although this may be calculated from another factor). When a player dies in this way, they receive the [[death messages|death message]] "'''<player> experienced kinetic energy'''". The player does not take [[fall damage]] from colliding at a shallow angle or a low enough speed. The critical, damaging angle is about 50° with the collision surface, and the calculation for damage seems to be as if the player had fallen from their maximum potential glide height to the height of the struck surface. A safe and simple cruise with the highest travel distance can be achieved by aiming directly at the horizon while at the glide's altitude limit. The player's speed is slow enough to allow them time to do other things during a long flight, like sort out their inventory.In [[Creative]] mode or when the "mayfly" [[ability]] has been given, the player can alternatively hold the {{ctrl|jump}} key to fly up,{{only|bedrock}} or double press the jump key to move around freely. Flight can be stopped by pressing the [[jump]] key.{{only|bedrock}} ==== Speed and altitude ====Elytra have a minimum speed of about 7.2 m/s (obtained by gliding at the altitude cap with a strong upward pitch of 30°). If the diver drops to 0 speed, they quickly get accelerated back up to at least this minimum. The diver can increase speed by choosing to descend faster, but afterward, they do not regain nearly as much altitude. In the real world, drag increases with speed, and drag, in turn, slows the aircraft; Minecraft mimics this. To glide from cliff to cliff, a player's best bet is to aim slightly above the horizon.Sharp turns are a fast way to lose speed. Quicker turns cause greater losses, while gentle movements have small effects. Making a hairpin turn can actually be used for making high-speed landings safe as well as for precise landings on small targets like rooftops. The player aims to glide just above the target, then as they're right over it they immediately reverse directions, then they make readjustments as necessary.The lowest rate of altitude loss is about 1.5 m/sec, obtained by gliding at the altitude cap with a slight upward pitch (12° or 15°).To get the best possible glide ratio (and thus the furthest distance out of their altitude), the diver pilot should aim directly at the horizon. This ratio is about 9.47 to 1.[[Slow Falling]] potions greatly decrease the player's vertical (fall) speed, which also greatly decreases their ''horizontal'' speed (clearly, it depends on the vertical fall rate, as one might expect from flight modeling). The net result is that the player flies extremely slowly - but their Elytra still takes durability damage at the usual rate (1 durability per second without Unbreaking, etc.). Due to this combination, Elytra plus Slow Falling is largely a novelty that most players won't use. The [[Feather Falling]] enchantment does not affect Elytra speed and does not reduce fall damage from hitting things with elytra.It is possible to calculate the glide range by dividing the altitude by tan of the glide angle (altitude/tan(glide angle)). For example, if the player glides from an altitude of 64 blocks above ground with a glide angle of 15 degrees, they can glide for 237 blocks (assume that they are on superflat), since floor(64 / tan(15)) is 237.==== Stalling ====Trying for too high a pitch reduces the player's lift. At a pitch of 30° above the horizon, the player has the lowest possible airspeed of 7.2 m/sec. Above that, the player might be considered to be in a stall. Increasing the pitch gets closer to a free-fall, and stalled flight at 60° is enough to cause fall damage. Stalling at 90° is a true free-fall.Recovering from a stall is done by readjusting to any safe pitch as quickly as the player likes. This can be just changing to look at the horizon.==== Powered flight ===={{fakeImage|{{invSprite|Firework Rocket}}|Firework rockets are used for speed boosts while gliding.}}[[Firework rocket]]s can be used for propulsion during flight by placing it in either hand and {{ctrl|using}}. Using a firework rocket while gliding quickly maximizes the player's speed for a time similar to the rocket's flight duration.If the rocket is equipped with [[firework star]]s, it explodes at the end of its flight, inflicting damage based on the number of stars.It is possible to gain altitude during powered flight. This makes it possible to glide for extreme distances and had been used extensively by [[far lands]]/[[World Border]] challenges.=== Durability and Repair ==={{fakeImage|{{invSprite|Broken Elytra}}|A broken pair of elytra.}}[[Durability]] decreases by one point each second when gliding. A pair of elytra has 432 durability, allowing 7 minutes and 12 seconds of gliding time without enchantments, providing more than 10,000 blocks of transport distance. It is possible to apply the [[Unbreaking]] enchantment using an [[anvil]] and an [[enchanted book]], which affects the elytra, in the same way it does to [[tool]]s. Unbreaking III increases elytra's flight time to about four seconds per durability point, a total of 28 minutes and 44 seconds.When the durability reaches 1, elytra stop working until they are repaired, adopting a tattered texture in the inventory. The damage ends at durability 1, so they can never fully break. A pair may be repaired by either using the [[Mending]] enchantment, combining two pairs in a [[grindstone]], or combining it in an anvil with [[phantom membrane]]s. In an anvil, each piece of membrane repairs elytra by 108 durability points, requiring 4 pieces to fully repair them.Each repair on the anvil will also increase the [[Anvil mechanics|prior work]] penalty for the Elytra, making every subsequent repair increasingly expensive, with an upper limit where repairs are no longer allowed because they are "too expensive". However, the prior work penalty can be reset to 0 for an enchanted elytra pair when it is disenchanted on a grindstone (by adding nothing to it). Unenchanted elytra cannot be used on the grindstone alone.=== Enchantments ===Elytra can receive the following [[enchantments]] by combining in an anvil:{| class="wikitable sortable"|-! Enchantment ! Max Level![[Enchanting|Method]]|-| [[Unbreaking]]| III|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-| [[Mending]]| I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-| [[Curse of Vanishing]] | I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-| [[Curse of Binding]] | I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|}{{notelist|columns=1}}== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Equip leather1.ogg|sound2=Equip leather2.ogg|sound3=Equip leather3.ogg|sound4=Equip leather4.ogg|sound5=Equip leather5.ogg|sound6=Equip leather6.ogg|subtitle=Elytra rustles|source=player|description=When a pair of elytra is equipped|id=item.armor.equip_elytra|translationkey=subtitles.item.armor.equip_elytra|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Elytra loop.ogg|subtitle=MC-177084|source=player|description=While flying with a pair of elytra|id=item.elytra.flying|translationkey=-|volume=0.0-1.0 <ref group=sound>Is a quarter of the player's velocity. If flying for less than 1 second, it is 0.0; otherwise, if flying for less than 2 seconds, it is between 0.0 and a quarter of the player's velocity (scaling up with time until 2 seconds)</ref>|pitch=1.0 <ref group=sound>If the volume is greater than 0.8, 0.8-volume is added to the pitch</ref>|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|subtitle=Item breaks|source=dependent|description=When a pair of elytra's durability is exhausted|id=entity.item.break|translationkey=subtitles.entity.item.break|volume=0.8|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Equip leather1.ogg|sound2=Equip leather2.ogg|sound3=Equip leather3.ogg|sound4=Equip leather4.ogg|sound5=Equip leather5.ogg|sound6=Equip leather6.ogg|source=player|description=When a pair of elytra is equipped|id=armor.equip_leather|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Elytra loop.ogg|source=player|description=While flying with a pair of elytra|id=elytra.loop|volume=''Depends'' {{checkthecode}}|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|source=player|description=When a pair of elytra's durability is exhausted|id=random.break|volume=1.0|pitch=0.9|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Elytra|spritetype=item|nameid=elytra|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Elytra|spritetype=item|nameid=elytra|id=564|form=item|foot=1}}== Achievements =={{Load achievements|Super Sonic}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Sky's the Limit}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.9|snap=October 5, 2015|slink=|[[Tommaso Checchi]] tweets that [[Jeb]] is working on a secret feature for Minecraft Java Edition, saying "it's like [[W:c:Mario:Super Mario 64|Mario 64]]."}}{{History|||snap=October 6, 2015|slink=|[[Jeb]] tweets a [ animated GIF] revealing a [[player]] gliding around an [[end city]]. Elytra have a dragon-wing texture.}}{{History|||snap=October 6, 2015|slink=|Jeb tweets an [ image] of folded wings, which replace the cape the player is wearing.}}{{History|||snap=October 6, 2015|slink=|Jeb tweets another [ animated GIF] of his character with Mojang-themed elytra, gliding along a [[river]] through a [[taiga]] forest.}}{{History|||snap=15w41a|[[File:Elytra JE1 BE1.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Elytra (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Broken Elytra (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added elytra.|Elytra are currently repaired with [[leather]] when using [[anvil]].}}{{History|||snap=15w42a|Elytra now spread slightly when the [[player]] crouches.|The player can now take [[damage]] from gliding into walls, and crashing into a wall now has its own [[Health#Death messages|death message]].|When flying with elytra, players are only 0.6 blocks tall. They, therefore, can now fit through 1-block gaps while gliding.|The [[player]] can no longer go higher than the starting point of the glide.}}{{History|||snap=15w43a|The player's point of view now shifts while gliding.}}{{History|||snap=16w06a|Elytra now recognize the [[player]]'s [[cape]] and adopt a different elytron design for every official cape (see [[#Gallery|Gallery]]). In addition, Jeb is working on a feature to allow players to change the elytron design like regular player skins.}}{{History|||snap=16w07a|Elytra are now activated by jumping mid-air. The player no longer glides automatically when falling.|The cape option in the [[options|options menu]] now also disables custom elytra textures.|Added the [[game rule]] {{cd|disableElytraMovementCheck}}.}}{{History||1.9.1|snap=pre1|[[Sound]]s while gliding with elytra have been added.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|Elytra can now be placed on [[armor stand]]s, just like any other [[chestplate]].}}{{History|||snap=16w38a|Elytra are now visible on [[zombie]]s, [[skeleton]]s, and armor stands.}}{{History|||snap=16w41a|Elytra now have their own [[sound]] when equipped.}}{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|Elytra can now be propelled through the [[air]] by using [[firework rocket]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 443.}}{{History|||snap=18w14a|Elytra now require [[phantom membrane]] to be repaired, instead of [[leather]].}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Elytra JE2 BE2.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Elytra (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Broken Elytra (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of the elytra have been changed.}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w39a|The deployment animation of elytra causes [[player]] blinks when the deployment events has overlapped.}}{{History|||snap=19w42a|The deployment and folding animations of elytra have been improved and become smoother.|Elytra can now start to glide immediately after a jump, not only during falls.}}{{History||1.18|snap=experimental snapshot 7|Elytra no longer use up durability when gliding regularly. Durability is now only consumed when a [[firework rocket]] is used.|Speed boosts from firework rockets are slightly weaker.|Now break when the item reaches 0 durability.}}{{History|||snap=21w37a|The elytra changes in experimental snapshot 7 have been reverted.}}{{History||1.19|snap=Pre-release 1|Equipping elytra through the inventory now plays a sound.<ref>{{bug|MC-94060||Equipping armor/elytra through inventory or dispenser doesn't play sounds|Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History||1.19.4|snap=23w05a|Equipping elytra while held with an item already in the chestplate slot now swaps the two items.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Elytra JE1 BE1.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Elytra (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Broken Elytra (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added elytra. In-game, they are known as ''elytra wings''.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Elytra can now be propelled through the [[air]] by using [[firework rocket]]s.}}{{History||1.2.3|snap=beta|''Elytra Wings'' have been renamed to ''Elytra''.}}{{History||1.6.0|snap=beta|Elytra can now be repaired in an [[anvil]] using [[phantom membrane]], instead of [[leather]].}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Elytra JE2 BE2.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Elytra (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Broken Elytra (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of elytra have been changed.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Elytra JE1 BE1.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Elytra (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Broken Elytra (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added elytra.}}{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|Elytra can now be propelled through the [[air]] by using [[firework rocket]]s.}}{{History||xbox=TU69|xbone=none|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|switch=none|Elytra are now repaired on the [[anvil]] using [[phantom membrane]] instead of [[leather]].}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Elytra JE2 BE2.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Elytra (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Broken Elytra (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of elytra have been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||1.7.10|[[File:Elytra JE1 BE1.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Elytra (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Broken Elytra (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added elytra.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* The singular form of elytra is an {{w|elytron}}.* In reality, elytra are not used for flight. They are the tough forewings of beetles and earwigs that cover the wings they actually use for flight. However, like ''Minecraft'' elytra, beetles can use them for gliding.* A flying player has a shorter hitbox than usual: A 0.6 block cube centered on the player's feet.* It is possible to glide while on a [[ladder]], by pressing {{key|shift}} followed by {{key|space}}, causing the player to fall with a speed determined by the player's visual angle. This means that the player can descend fast on a ladder, but if the speed is too fast when hitting the ground, they can take fatal fall damage. Using a [[firework rocket]] can also speed up the player's descent. * {{IN|java}} if the player glides into deep [[water]] with elytra equipped, the animation does not stop, giving it the appearance of a [[swimming]] animation.<ref name="MC-97190">{{bug|MC-97190||While gliding into water or lava, player continues gliding|WAI}}</ref> The animation stops once the player touches the ground. Additionally, [[firework rocket]]s can be used with elytra underwater with a short boost duration.* Elytra do not deactivate when the player flies into [[lava]].<ref name="MC-97190"/>* Elytra can be equipped onto some [[mob]]s using [[command]]s. This has no effect unless the mob has the {{cd|FallFlying}} tag set to {{cd|1b}}. Mobs glide forward, unable to control the movement before landing, at which time they regain their AI. ** Exceptions to this are [[squid]]s as the squid's AI causes it to attempt swimming in midair, making it fall straight down because it conflicts with the elytra mechanics.**Because [[chicken]]s fall slowly, they can move more distance.** [[Enderman|Endermen]], tamed [[wolf|wolves]] and tamed [[cat]]s that are not sitting cannot teleport until they hit the ground.** Because mobs do not regain control until they hit the ground, [[vex]]es fall until they die or despawn as they cannot touch the ground. ** Mobs capable of flying, such as [[parrot]]s or vexes can steer in air, though they cannot travel up or down. Dolphins also have this ability.* [[4J Studios]] created an elytron-centered tutorial map for console edition when elytra were first introduced to this platform, this map is themed as "ruins of an ancient civilization of ''[[Minecraft]]'' worshipers" and showcases the new amplified terrain generation. This map can be seen behind the scenes.<ref>{{Mcnet|learning-fly|Learning To Fly}}</ref> On 28 March 2017, 4J Studios added an elytron-themed [[Mini Games]] for console edition called "Glide;" it consists of Time Attack and Score Attack mode.<ref>{{Mcnet|glide-mini-game-consoles-tomorrow|Glide Mini Game on Consoles Tomorrow|March 23, 2017}}</ref><ref>{{Mcnet|mini-game-masters-glide-console|Mini Game Masters Glide onto Console|March 28, 2017}}</ref>* A player who jumps with both elytra and the [[Slow Falling]] effect travels slightly upward, which is a cheap but time-consuming alternative to [[fireworks]] and [[Riptide]]-enchanted [[trident]]s.* On May 5, 2019, [[Mojang]] tweeted '[[The End]] never yields enough adequate resources, sadly,' along with a sad emoji.<ref>{{tweet|Minecraft|1125053038757068802|The End never yields enough adequate resources, sadly. 😔}}</ref> The first letter of each word spells 'T E n y e a r s' (Ten Years). Attached was a picture of [[player|Steve and Alex]] wearing both a [[chestplate]] and elytra. The next day, they tweeted, "Have you noticed something ''suspic10us'' here lately?"<ref>{{tweet|Minecraft|1125415169495064576|Have you noticed something suspic10us here lately?}}</ref>* Mojang has considered the suggestion of combining elytra with a chestplate, but eventually decided against it, stating that elytra taking up armor is an intentional decision of game balancing.<ref>{{cite|url=| title = Part of the tradeoff of having an Elytra is it takes up half your armor.|website=Minecraft Feedback|date=July 12, 2018}}</ref>== Gallery ==<gallery>ElytraFlight.gif|The first image of elytra, tweeted by [[Jeb]]. Click to play.FoldedWings.png|Folded elytra, which resembles the [[cape]] the user is wearing.Minecon2015Alternative.png|The minecon 2015 cape elytra.Dinnerbone Elytra.png|[[Dinnerbone]] flying upside down.ElytraEnd.png|Elytra in an [[end ship]].PlayerElytraBack.png|A [[player]] wearing elytra.PlayerElytraFront.png|A player using elytra.Broken Elytra.png|Elytra with only 1 [[item durability|durability]].UpcomingElytras.jpg|Elytra designs fitting to the official capes, posted by Jeb on {{w|Reddit}}.FlyBlock.png|A player gliding while blocking with a [[shield]].Suspic10us.jpg|An image of players using elytra.Steve Gliding with Elytra.png|Steve gliding with elytra.Alex Gliding with Elytra.png|Alex gliding with elytra.Enchanted Elytra (item).gif|A pair of enchanted elytra.</gallery>=== Console exclusive ===<gallery>Glide Score Cavern 2.png|Screenshot of Glide mini-games.Glide Time Cavern 2.png|Another screenshot of Glide mini-games.GLIDE Official.jpg|''Glide'' launch poster.Elytra Tutorial Map.jpg|Official elytra themed tutorial map.</gallery>(These maps can be found for a price on the Microsoft Store)=== Designs when wearing capes ===<blockquote>Designs that are not listed here have default elytron texture or don't have any.</blockquote><gallery>File:Mojang employees Elytra.png|Old [[Mojang]] capeFile:Mojang employees 2015 Elytra.png|New Mojang capeFile:Mojang Studios employees 2021 Elytra.png|Mojang Studios capeFile:Crowdin Translator Elytra.png|[[Crowdin]] Translator capeFile:DannyBstyle's Elytra.png|dannyBstyle's capeFile:JulianClark's Elyrtra.png|JulianClark's capeFile:Millionth Customer Elytra.png|Millionth Customer capeFile:MINECON 2011 Attendees Elytra.png|[[MINECON 2011]] Attendees capeFile:MINECON 2012 Attendees Elytra.png|[[MINECON 2012]] Attendees capeFile:MINECON 2013 Attendees Elytra.png|[[MINECON 2013]] Attendees capeFile:MINECON 2015 Attendees Elytra.png|[[MINECON 2015]] Attendees capeFile:MINECON 2016 Attendees Elytra.png|[[MINECON 2016]] Attendees capeFile:MINECON LIVE 2019 Founder's Elytra.png|[[MINECON Live 2019]] Founder's capeFile:Mojira Moderator Elytra.png|[[bug tracker|Mojira]] Moderator capeFile:MrMessiah's Elytra.png|MrMessiah's capeFile:Prismarine Elytra.png|[[Prismarine]] capeFile:Realms Mapmaker Elytra.png|[[Realms]] mapmaker's capeFile:Cobalt Elytra.png|[[Cobalt (game)|Cobalt]] capeFile:Scrolls Elytra.png|[[Scrolls]] capeFile:Turtle Elytra.png|[[Turtle]] capeFile:PancapeElyR.png|Pancape capeFile:MSCapeElyR.png|Migrator capeFile:Gr8 Escape's elytra.png|Gr8_Escape's capeFile:Valentine Elytra.png|Valentine capeFile:Vanilla Cape Elytra JE.png|Vanilla cape{{only|java}}File:Vanilla cape elytra BE.png|Vanilla cape{{only|bedrock}}</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[ Taking Inventory: Elytra] – on December 14, 2019{{Items}}[[de:Elytren]][[es:Élitros]][[fr:Élytres]][[ja:エリトラ]][[ko:겉날개]][[nl:Dekschild]][[pl:Elytry]][[pt:Élitros]][[ru:Элитры]][[tr:Elitra]][[zh:鞘翅]][[Category:Non-renewable resources]]</li></ul>
14w03aIron golems now drop only iron ingots when killed by the player, either through combat, potions, or player-activated mechanisms such as manually lit TNT. If killed without player intervention, they now drop only poppies.
14w04aThe previous change has been reverted; iron golems always drop iron ingots again.
Iron golems can now be spawned by dispensing a pumpkin.
14w25aIron golems can now be built sideways and upside-down instead of just upright.
14w26cJack o'lanterns can no longer be used to build iron golems.
14w33aZombies, skeletons, spiders, cave spiders, slimes, magma cubes and blazes now attack iron golems, without provocation.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[:Category:Tools|Category:Tools]]<br/>[[Category:Items]][[fr:Catégorie:Outil]][[it:Categoria:Attrezzi]]</li><li>[[Ender Pearl|Ender Pearl]]<br/>{{ItemEntity|image=Ender Pearl.png|renewable=Yes|stackable=Yes (16)|size=Height: 0.25 Blocks<br>Width: 0.25 Blocks}}An '''ender pearl''' is an [[item]] that can be thrown and [[teleport|teleports]] the thrower to where it lands, and used to craft [[eye of ender|eyes of ender]] which are required to access [[the End]].== Obtaining ===== Mob loot ===An [[enderman]] has a 50% chance to drop 1 ender pearl when killed. The drop is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], with a maximum of 4 with Looting III.=== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|ender-pearl}}A [[trapped chest]] always containing 2 ender pearls can be found in the "fake end portal" room of [[woodland mansion]]s.=== Trading ==={{IN|java}}, expert-level [[Trading#Cleric|cleric villagers]] have a {{frac|2|3}} chance to sell an ender pearl for 5 [[emerald]]s.{{IN|bedrock}}, expert-level cleric villagers sell one ender pearl for 5 emeralds.=== Bartering ===[[Piglin]]s have a {{frac|10|459}} (4.27) chance to [[barter]] 3-4 ender pearls when given a [[gold ingot]].== Usage ==Ender pearls can be thrown by pressing {{control|use}}. After it is thrown, the ender pearl is consumed, and the player teleports to where it lands, taking {{hp|5}} [[fall damage]]. Wearing armor enchanted with [[Protection]] and/or [[Feather Falling]] reduces the damage taken from the ender pearl. Ender pearls have a small cone of travel; they do not all follow the same path when thrown in the same direction. The direction and velocity of ender pearl throws is slightly randomized. They can travel about 30 blocks when thrown straight up, and up to 54 blocks forward when thrown at an optimum launch angle of ~35° (on even ground).The thrower's vertical velocity influences the throw. Hence timing a throw with a jump can increase the throwing range to 42 blocks when thrown straight up and 64 blocks forward at a 35° angle. Throwing while falling significantly decreases the range. Ender pearls collide with all [[minecart]] types, [[boat]]s, [[end crystal]]s and [[nether portal]]s, and travel through [[end portal]]s. Ender pearls that fall into the [[void]] disappear, and do not trigger the player to teleport. However, ender pearl entities (instead of dropped items) are ''not'' destroyed by lava and will teleport the player to the bottom of lava pools/lava oceans.Ender pearls have a cooldown of one second before they can be used again. The cooldown is shown in the hotbar by a white overlay on the ender pearl that shrinks and must disappear before the player can use it again. If there are other inventory or hotbar slots containing ender pearls, they are covered with the white overlay as well.<ref>{{bug|MC-88236|||WAI}}</ref> Ender pearls can be thrown into [[end gateway]]s to reach the outer islands of the End. They can also be thrown into the [[exit portal]] to reach the player's spawn point.Ender pearl teleportation makes no sound ''itself''{{only|java}}, but does emit a "small fall" sound at the destination when applying teleportation damage to the player.=== Stasis chamber ===Ender pearls are affected by [[bubble column]]s. An ender pearl can remain afloat on top of an upward bubble column, allowing it to be stored indefinitely. A mechanism can then be triggered to make the ender pearl hit a solid surface (e.g. by closing a [[trapdoor]]), teleporting the thrower back to the setup wherever they are.=== Spawning endermites ===An ender pearl has a 10% chance to spawn an [[endermite]] when it lands. This is the only way through which endermites can spawn, without using cheats. The endermite spawns at ''the player's position'' when the pearl lands{{only|je}}, or at the pearl's landing site{{only|be}}.=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:<br>Thrown ender pearls use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.{{Sound table|sound=Bow shoot.ogg|subtitle=Ender Pearl flies|source=neutral|description=When an ender pearl is thrown|id=entity.ender_pearl.throw|translationkey=subtitles.entity.ender_pearl.throw|volume=0.5|pitch={{frac|1|3}}-0.5|distance=16|foot=1}}{{Edition|Bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Bow shoot.ogg|source=player|description=When an ender pearl is thrown|id=random.bow|volume=0.5|pitch=0.33-0.5|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Item|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Ender Pearl|spritetype=item|nameid=ender_pearl|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Entity|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Thrown Ender Pearl|spritetype=entity|spritename=Ender Pearl|nameid=ender_pearl|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Item|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Ender Pearl|spritetype=item|nameid=ender_pearl|id=422|foot=1}} {{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Entity|shownumericids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Ender Pearl|spritetype=entity|nameid=ender_pearl|id=87|foot=1}}===Entity Data===Thrown ender pearls have entity data that define various properties of the entity.{{el|java}}:{{main|Entity format}}{{/ED}}{{el|bedrock}}:: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].== Achievements =={{Load achievements|Beam Me Up}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Remote Getaway;Bullseye}}== History =={{History|java beta}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|[[File:Ender Pearl JE1.png|32px]] Added ender pearls along with [[endermen]]. |Ender pearls have no use, but can stack up to 64.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|Ender pearls are now less commonly found near bodies of [[water]] since [[endermen]] now teleport away when in contact with water. Before this version, endermen didn't attempt to teleport and were [[damage]]d/killed from water much more frequently, causing numerous ender pearls to occur around bodies of water.|Later, on a suggestion from [[wikipedia:Reddit|Reddit]] user isJesus, [[Notch]] implemented the teleporting feature for ender pearls.<ref></ref><ref>{{Tweet|notch|118614580539826176}}</ref><ref></ref>}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|Added teleporting feature to ender pearls.|Using an ender pearl to teleport resulted in being kicked from servers for "hacking". This is due to a check triggering that was supposed to prevent modified clients from moving too quickly.|Ender pearls now only stack up to 16.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Ender pearls are now used to craft [[eyes of ender]].|Ender pearls can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] altar [[chest]]s.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w24a|[[File:Ender Pearl JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of ender pearls has been changed.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|As part of the revamp of the trading system, cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] ender pearls.}}{{History|||snap=14w03a|Villager clerics no longer buy ender pearls.}}{{History|||snap=14w11b|Ender pearls have a 5% chance to spawn [[endermite]]s when used.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Ender pearls can now be thrown in [[Creative]] mode.}}{{History|||snap=15w34c|Ender pearls now have a cooldown after using them.}}{{History|||snap=15w41a|[[Villager]] clerics now [[trading|sell]] ender pearls for 4–7 [[emerald]]s, as one of their tier III trades.}}{{History|||snap=15w49a|Thrown ender pearls now take the user's motion into account. For example, an ender pearl thrown forward will land closer if the player is falling, and land farther if the player is ascending.}}{{History||1.10|snap=16w21a|Ender pearls can now teleport riders off their mounts.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID of ender pearls has been changed from <code>ThrownEnderpearl</code> to <code>ender_pearl</code>.}}{{History|||snap=16w39a|Ender pearls can now be found in [[woodland mansion]]s' fake portal room [[chest]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 368.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Ender Pearl JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of ender pearls has been changed.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|Ender pearls have a {{frac|2|109}} (~1.83%) chance of being offered by [[piglin]]s when [[bartering]], in a stack size of 2–4.}}{{History|||snap=20w09a|Ender pearls now have a {{frac|10|226}} (~4.42%) chance of being offered by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}{{History|||snap=20w10a|Ender pearls now have a {{frac|20|411}} (~4.87%) chance of being offered by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 4–8.}}{{History|||snap=20w20a|Ender pearls now have a {{frac|20|423}} (~4.73%) chance of being offered by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 4–8.}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w28a|Ender pearls now have a {{frac|10|459}} (~2.18%) chance of being offered by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 2–4.}}{{History|||snap=Pre-Release 1|Ender pearls are now affected by [[bubble column]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-125758|||Fixed}}</ref>|Ender pearls no longer get destroyed at contact with non-solid blocks.<ref>{{bug|MC-73884|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Ender Pearl JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added ender pearls. |While fully implemented, ender pearls currently have no assigned ID and are currently unobtainable in-game.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Ender pearls are now obtainable in-game.|Ender pearls can now be used to craft [[eyes of ender]].}}{{History|||snap=alpha|Ender pearls now require a 1-second cooldown.}}{{History|||snap=alpha|Ender pearl cooldown now has an animation.}}{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Ender pearls can now be [[trading|bought]] from cleric [[villager]]s for 4-7 [[emerald]]s.}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Ender pearls can now be found in [[woodland mansion]]s' [[chest]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Ender Pearl JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of ender pearls has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed, expert-level cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] an ender pearl for 5 [[emerald]]s as part of their trade.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Ender pearls can now be obtained from [[bartering]] with [[piglin]]s.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|Ender pearls now have a {{frac|10|459}} (~2.18%) chance of being offered by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 2–4.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU5|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Ender Pearl JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added ender pearls.}}{{History||xbox=TU7|A teleporting feature has been added to ender pearls.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Ender Pearl JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of ender pearls has been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||1.7.10|[[File:Ender Pearl JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added ender pearls.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==*Ender pearls can be used to teleport/move through non-[[solid block]]s without suffocation and solid blocks by pressing against the blocks and using the ender pearl at the player's feet until the player goes through.<ref>{{bug|MC-2164}}</ref><ref>{{ytl|KA1UmxraeUg}}</ref>*In ''Java Edition'', it is possible to spawn a thrown ender pearl using commands, but it does not teleport, unless it is assigned an owner.*If the player throws an ender pearl and then dies before impact while the pearl is in a loaded chunk, the pearl disappears and the player is not teleported. Pearls in unloaded chunks do not disappear if their owner dies.*If the player throws an ender pearl in Survival mode and changes to Creative mode before the pearl lands, the player is still teleported.*The player is still teleported by throwing an ender pearl and entering [[the Nether]] before it lands. The pearl is not lost if an ender pearl is thrown into a [[nether portal]] and the player travels through the portal; the pearl lands and teleports the player as usual.*If multiple ender pearls are thrown in succession, the player can be hurt only once from fall damage within about a one-second span.*If a [[player]] dies from ender pearl teleportation, the [[death message]] says: "<player> hit the ground too hard".*A thrown ender pearl faces toward the player in first-person view, while it appears rotated horizontal in [[third-person view]]. This is the case for all throwable items (ender pearl, [[egg]], [[snowball]], and all throwable [[potion]]s).*Ender pearls and [[snowball]]s have the exact same range when fired. Therefore, snowballs can be used to predict the trajectory of ender pearls, or simply for practicing ender pearl throwing. This can be very helpful when the player has to throw ender pearls in dangerous environments, such as the Nether or the End.*Despite the fact that ender pearls deal no damage to anything they're thrown at, provokable mobs (such as iron golems and piglins) will be provoked by the player if one is thrown at them.== Gallery ==<gallery>Ender Pearl Suggestion.gif|The original suggestion image for teleporting with ender pearls.Enderlake.png|Ender pearls were formerly found in [[water]], however endermen now teleport out to prevent damage.</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}== See also ==*[[End Dimension]]*[[Ender Dragon]]*[[Ender Portal]]*[[Enderman]]{{Items}}{{entities}}[[cs:Endová perla]][[de:Enderperle]][[es:Perla de ender]][[fr:Perle de l'Ender]][[hu:Véggyöngy]][[ja:エンダーパール]][[ko:엔더 진주]][[nl:Enderparel]][[pl:Enderperła]][[pt:Pérola de ender]][[ru:Жемчуг Края]][[th:ไข่มุกเอนเดอร์]][[tr:Ender İncisi]][[uk:Перлина Краю]][[zh:末影珍珠]]</li></ul>
pre1Jack o'lanterns can now be used to build iron golems again.
Creepers no longer attack iron golems.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Rabbit's Foot|Rabbit's Foot]]<br/>{{Item| image = Rabbit's Foot.png|type=| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}A '''rabbit's foot''' is a [[brewing]] item obtained from [[rabbit]]s.== Obtaining ===== Mob loot ===Each [[rabbit]] has a 10% chance to drop a rabbit's foot when killed by the [[player]]. This chance can be increased by 3% per level using a sword enchanted with [[Looting]].A [[fox]] sometimes spawns with a rabbit's foot in its mouth, which always drops upon death. Alternatively, the player can drop a [[food]] item, which causes the fox to drop the rabbit's foot.=== Cat gifts ==={{main|Cat#Gifts}}A tamed [[cat]] has a 70% chance of giving the player a gift when the player wakes up from a [[bed]], and the gift has a 16.13% chance to be a rabbit's foot.== Usage ===== Brewing ingredient ==={{Brewing |head=1 |Rabbit's Foot |Mundane Potion |base=Water Bottle}}{{brewing |foot=1 |showname=1 |Rabbit's Foot |Potion of Leaping}}=== Trading ===Journeyman-level cleric [[villager]]s buy rabbit's feet for an [[emerald]] as part of their trade: {{in|java}} they buy 2, and {{in|bedrock}} they buy 4.== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|Ba3QN3uCniU}}</div>== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Rabbit's Foot|spritetype=item|nameid=rabbit_foot|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Rabbit's Foot|spritetype=item|nameid=rabbit_foot|id=528|form=item|foot=1}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.8|snap=June 30, 2014|slink=|[[Ryan Holtz]] tweeted images of a rabbit's foot with some other new [[item]]s.}}{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE1.png|32px]] Added rabbit's foot.|Added the [[potion of Leaping]]; it is [[brewing|brewed]] by adding a rabbit's foot to an [[awkward potion]]. The rabbit's foot also creates the [[mundane potion]] when brewed into a [[water bottle]].}}{{History|||snap=14w33b|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of the rabbit's foot has been changed. The new texture was created by [[wikipedia:Reddit|Reddit]] user [ zeldahuman].<ref>{{reddit|2bjzes/a_reminder_of_the_blocks_and_items_added_in_18_so|cj69zie|context=3}}</ref><ref>{{reddit|2c5f35/minecraft_snapshot_14w31a_has_been_released|cjct7gb}}</ref>}}{{History||1.8.1|snap=pre1|Potions of Leaping, which use rabbit's foot, can now be extended using [[redstone]].}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w46a|The drop rate of rabbit's foot has been quadrupled.{{more info|Before/After rates}}}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 414.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of rabbit's foot has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w44a|[[Cat]]s now offer rabbit's feet as [[Cat#Gifts|gifts]].}}{{History|||snap=19w07a|Added [[fox]]es, which sometimes spawn with rabbit's feet in their mouths.}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] rabbit's feet.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added rabbit's foot to the [[Creative]] mode [[inventory]].}}{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Rabbit's foot can now be obtained as a rare [[drops|drop]] upon killing [[rabbit]]s.|Rabbit's foot can now be [[brewing|brewed]] to make [[potions of Leaping]].}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Tamed [[cat]]s can now give the [[player]] rabbit's foot as a gift.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of rabbit's foot has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Rabbit's foot can now be [[trading|sold]] to cleric [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Added [[fox]]es, which can [[drops|drop]] rabbit's foot.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added rabbit's foot.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of rabbit's foot has been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added rabbit's foot.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* The superstition that [[wikipedia:Rabbit's_foot|a rabbit's foot is a lucky charm]] applies equally to Minecraft as it does in the real world: it does not actually increase luck.== Gallery ==<gallery>Rabbit Items 4 Ryan Holtz.png|First image of the item by [[Ryan Holtz]].Rabbit Items 5 Ryan Holtz.png|Ryan Holtz brewing the item into a potion.Rabbit Items 6 Ryan Holtz.png|Ryan Holtz enhancing the potion.</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[ Taking Inventory: Rabbit's Foot] – on May 3, 2019{{items}}[[de:Hasenpfote]][[es:Pata de conejo]][[fr:Patte de lapin]][[it:Zampa di coniglio]][[ja:ウサギの足]][[ko:토끼발]][[nl:Konijnenpootje]][[pl:Królicza łapka]][[pt:Pé de coelho]][[ru:Кроличья лапка]][[uk:Кроляча лапка]][[zh:兔子脚]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[Category:Brewing recipe]]</li><li>[[Water Bucket|Water Bucket]]<br/>{{Item| title = Water Bucket| renewable = Yes| image = Water Bucket.png| stackable = No}}A '''water bucket''' is a [[bucket]] filled with [[water]].== Obtaining ===== Interacting ===To fill an empty [[bucket]] with water, {{control|use}} it on a [[water]] source block. The water is consumed in the process. Flowing water does not fill a bucket.{{control|Using}} an empty bucket on a [[cauldron]] filled with water (water level 3) empties the cauldron and fills the bucket.Water buckets can also be filled by placing an empty one in the fuel slot of a [[furnace]], and a wet [[sponge]] into the oven slot. The bucket is filled when the [[smelting]] process completes, which also leaves the sponge dry and ready to be reused.=== Chest Loot ==={{LootChestItem|water-bucket}}== Usage =={{Control|Using}} a water bucket on a solid block places a water source block against that block, emptying the bucket; using a water bucket on a [[waterlogging|waterloggable]] block waterlogs the block. In [[the Nether]], however, the water evaporates, making a fire extinguishing sound and displays smoke particles while nothing gets placed.=== Dispensers ===A [[dispenser]] can be loaded with a water bucket, and when activated it places a water block directly before it, emptying the bucket. A dispenser loaded with an empty bucket and a water source right in front of it draws the source into the bucket when activated.=== Cauldrons ===A single water bucket can fill a [[cauldron]], and using an empty bucket on a water-filled cauldron fills the bucket. Empty buckets cannot be filled from partly-filled cauldrons.=== Filling bucket with mobs ===Water buckets can be used on a [[fish]], [[axolotl]] or [[tadpole]] to create a [[bucket of aquatic mob]].=== Transportation ==={{main|Tutorials/Elevators#Water elevators}}Water buckets can be used as a means of quickly descending great heights in the [[Overworld]] and [[the End]], either by creating a waterfall or using the water bucket while falling to create a safe water landing.Water buckets can also be used to climb vertical surfaces anywhere but [[the Nether]] by repeatedly creating higher waterfalls from the bottom and swimming up them.== Sounds =={{el|je}}:{{Sound table|sound=Fill water bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill water bucket2.ogg|sound3=Fill water bucket3.ogg|subtitle=Bucket fills|source=player|description=When a bucket is filled with water|id=item.bucket.fill|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.fill|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty water bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty water bucket2.ogg|sound3=Empty water bucket3.ogg|subtitle=Bucket empties|source=block|description=When the bucket is placed|id=item.bucket.empty|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.empty|volume=1.0 <ref group=sound>Except for the second copy of {{cd|empty1}}, which is 0.9</ref>|pitch=1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{el|je}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Fill water bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill water bucket2.ogg|sound3=Fill water bucket3.ogg|source=block|description=When a bucket is filled with water|id=bucket.fill_water|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty water bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty water bucket2.ogg|sound3=Empty water bucket3.ogg|source=block|description=When a water bucket is emptied|id=bucket.empty_water|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|rowspan=2|sound=Water Splash Old.ogg|source=block|description=When a water bucket is placed in a cauldron<wbr><ref group=sound name=bucketsplash>{{Bug|MCPE-135919}}</ref>|id=cauldron.fillwater|volume=0.1|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|source=block|description=When a water bucket is removed from a cauldron<wbr><ref group=sound name=bucketsplash/>|id=cauldron.takewater|volume=0.1|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}==Data values===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Water Bucket|spritetype=item|nameid=water_bucket|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Water Bucket|spritetype=item|nameid=water_bucket|aliasid=bucket / 8|id=362|form=item||foot=1}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Tactical fishing;The Cutest Predator;Bukkit bukkit}}==History=={{History|java infdev}}{{History||20100615|[[File:Water Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added water buckets.}}{{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.2.6|{{control|use|text=Using}} a water bucket on [[block]]s with GUIs ([[chest]]s, [[furnace]]s, etc.) no longer places the water.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|Water buckets can now be used to fill [[cauldron]]s.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w15a|[[Dispenser]]s have now been given the ability to dispense water buckets. They can also collect if activated again.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w25a|A water bucket is now shown as the icon when [[water]] is used as a layer in [[Superflat]].}}{{History|||snap=14w25b|[[Smelting]] a wet [[sponge]] while an empty bucket is in the fuel slot fills the bucket with water.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w44a|A full [[cauldron]] can now be emptied with a bucket, yielding a water bucket.}}{{History|||snap=15w50a|Added sounds for collecting and pouring water using a bucket.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to the ''[[Flattening]]'' this item's numerical ID was 326.}}{{History|||snap=18w08b|Water buckets can now be used to pick up [[fish]] mobs.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Water Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of water buckets has now been changed.|Water buckets can now suck up liquids directly adjacent to the side they are facing. How this works is unknown, given the water bucket clearly already contains a liquid.}}{{History|||snap=18w48a|Water buckets can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] fishing cottages.}}{{History|||snap=19w02a|Water buckets can now be used to put out [[campfire]]s.}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w51a|Water buckets can now be used to collect [[axolotl]]s.}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|Water buckets can now be used to collect [[tadpole]]s.}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w45a|Water buckets can now be emptied into [[waterlogging|waterlogged]] blocks, instead of placing water against them.<ref>{{bug|MC-127110|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History|upcoming java}}{{History||Villager Trade Rebalance<br>(Experimental)|link=Java Edition 1.20.2|snap=23w31a|[[Wandering trader]]s now have a chance to [[trading|buy]] a water bucket from the player.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Water Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added water buckets.|Water buckets were simply called "Bucket".}}{{History||v0.7.4|Water buckets no longer stack to 64.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Dispensers can now shoot out water from water buckets.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Water buckets can now be used to pick up [[fish mob]]s.|Moved all bucket items, including water buckets, from the Equipment tab to the Items tab in the [[Creative inventory]].{{verify|type=update}}{{info needed}}<!---please check snapshots, only 1 major release version was checked each--->}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Water Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of water buckets has now been changed.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of water buckets has been changed from <code>bucket/8</code> to <code>water_bucket</code>.}}{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Water buckets can now be used to collect [[axolotl]]s.}}{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|Water buckets can now be used to collect [[tadpole]]s behind the "Wild Update" experimental toggle.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Water Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added water buckets.}}{{History||xbox=TU9|[[Dispenser]]s have now been given the ability to shoot out the [[liquids]] inside water buckets. They can also suck up the liquids if activated again, but a bug prevents the empty [[bucket]] from being filled. Whether this was ever fixed is unknown.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Water Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of water buckets has now been changed.}}{{History|New Nintendo 3DS Edition}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Water Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added water buckets.}}{{History|foot}}==Issues=={{issue list}}==Gallery==<gallery>Water Bucket SDGP.png|Water bucket in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].</gallery>==References=={{Reflist}}{{Items}}[[Category:Renewable resources]][[Category:Tools]][[de:Wassereimer]][[ja:水入りバケツ]][[pt:Balde de água]][[th:ถังน้ำ]][[uk:Відро води]][[zh:水桶]]</li></ul>
15w39aIron golems are now slightly shorter (2.7 blocks tall rather than 2.9).
15w46aIron golems now spawn with 100% knockback resistance.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[:Category:Armor|Category:Armor]]<br/>[[Category:Items]]</li><li>[[Tag (item)|Tag (item)]]<br/>{{About|the April Fools item|the standard item used to rename mobs|Name Tag}}{{wip}}{{joke feature}}{{exclusive|java}}{{Item| title = Tag| image = Tag.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}Tags and Bits are items exclusive to the [[Java Edition 23w13a or b|23w13a_or_b]] [[Easter eggs#April Fools|April Fools' joke]] snapshot from 2023. They are used to craft in-game representations of [[NBT format|NBT tags]].==Obtaining==A [[stonecutter]] can be used to cut a [[Name Tag|name tag]] into either 16 "Name" or 16 "Tag" items. These can be cut into 16 Bit items each.{{Stonecutting|head=1|showdescription=1|Name Tag|Name, 16; Tag, 16|description=The resulting "Name" items must be named in an [[anvil]].}}{{Stonecutting|showdescription=|Name; Tag|Bit, 16|foot=1}}To be able to proceed from here the <code>nbt_crafting</code> vote must be approved. Bits can be used in a crafting table to craft Left Curly, Right Curly, Left Square, and Right Square. In appears like these are the only tag items that can be crafted from Bits.A [[Crafting Table|crafting table]] can be used to convert a "Tag" item into a "Byte Tag." The amount of [[stick]]s added to the crafting recipe specifies the value of the Byte, as a [[wikipedia:Signed number representations#Two's complement|signed 8-bit value]]. For example, a "Tag" and a full stack of sticks make a Byte with the value <code>64b</code>, while 255 sticks result in <code>-1b</code>. Only one of the sticks is consumed. Two Bytes can be crafted into a "Short Tag" (equivalent to 16 bit), two Shorts into an "Int Tag" (equivalent to 32 bit), and two Ints into a "Long Tag" (equivalent to 64 bit). Many other combinations that form either 16, 32, or 64 bit are possible. For example, two Shorts and an Int make a Long. When combining values, their digits are stuck together in the given order, e.g. <code>1b</code> and <code>0b</code> make <code>256s</code> (equivalent to 0100<sub>16</sub> in [[wikipedia:Hexadecimal|hexadecimal]]). Undoing any of these crafting actions in e.g. a stonecutter is not possible."Float" and "Double Tags" can be crafted by adding one or two [[boat]]s to any numeric tag. A "String Tag" is crafted with a "Tag" and a piece of [[string]].{{Crafting|head=1|showdescription=1|A1= Bit; ; Bit; Bit |B1= ; Bit; Bit; Bit|A2= ; Bit; Bit; |B2= Bit; ; ; Bit|A3= Bit; ; Bit; Bit |B3= ; Bit; Bit; Bit|Output= Right Curly; Left Curly; Left Square; Right Square|ignoreusage=1}}{{Crafting|Tag|String|Output= String Tag|description=String tags must be named in an [[anvil]] to set their value.|ignoreusage=1}}{{Crafting|Tag; Tag; Tag|; Stick; Stick, 64|; ; Stick, 63|Output= Byte Tag; Byte Tag; Byte Tag|description=Only 1 stick is consumed. 128 and more sticks make [[wikipedia:Signed number representations#Two's complement|two's complements]]:128 sticks = <code>-128b</code><br>129 sticks = <code>-127b</code><br>⋮<br>254 sticks = <code>-2b</code><br>255 sticks = <code>-1b</code>|ignoreusage=1}}{{Crafting|Byte Tag; Byte Tag; Byte Tag|Byte Tag; Byte Tag; Byte Tag| ; Byte Tag; Byte Tag| ; Byte Tag; Byte Tag| ; ; Byte Tag| ; ; Byte Tag| ; ; Byte Tag| ; ; Byte Tag|Output= Short Tag; Int Tag; Long Tag|description=Shorts and Ints can be combined the same way, even mixed.Digits are appended, e.g. two <code>1b</code> tags make <code>257b</code> (0101<sub>16</sub> in [[wikipedia:Hexadecimal|hexadecimal]]).|ignoreusage=1}}{{Crafting|Byte Tag; Short Tag; Int Tag; Long Tag|Any Boat; Any Boat; Any Boat; Any Boat|Output= Float Tag; Float Tag; Float Tag; Float Tag|ignoreusage=1}}{{Crafting|Byte Tag; Short Tag; Int Tag; Long Tag|Any Boat; Any Boat; Any Boat; Any Boat|Any Boat; Any Boat; Any Boat; Any Boat|Output= Double Tag; Double Tag; Double Tag; Double Tag|ignoreusage=1}}{{Crafting|Left Curly; Left Curly|Name; Name|Byte Tag; Byte Tag|Right Curly; Name |; Byte Tag | |; Name |; Byte Tag |; Right Curly|Output= Compound Tag; Compound Tag|description=Instead of Bytes any other tag can be used, including other compound tags.|ignoreusage=1}}{{Crafting|Left Square; Left Square|Byte Tag; Byte Tag|Right Square; Byte Tag |; Byte Tag |; Byte Tag |; Byte Tag |; Byte Tag |; Byte Tag |; Right Square|Output= List Tag; List Tag|description=Instead of Bytes any other tag can be used, including other list tags.|ignoreusage=1}}{{Crafting|Compound Tag; List Tag|Compound Tag; List Tag|Output= Compound Tag; List Tag|description=Up to 9 can be combined.When compound tags contain identical names, only the latest of the corresponding values is used.|ignoreusage=1|foot=1}}"Name" and "String Tags" must be named in an [[anvil]] before they can be used. Unnamed Names and Strings always produce a "Sssyntax Error". None of the other tag items can be named.All these items can be combined in a crafting table to form a short sequence of JSON code, as long as the resulting syntax is valid. For example: *A pair of Curlies that enclose a named "Name" item and some value, e.g. a Byte, create a "Compound Tag" with the content <code>{Example:0b}</code>.**Because of the limited size of the crafting table only 3 name-value pairs can be put between Curlies at a time. Compound Tags of any length can be created by concatenating two or more Compound Tags.**An empty pair of Curlies produces an empty Compound Tag with the content <code>{}</code>.*A pair of Square brackets that enclose any number of values, e.g. 7 Bytes, create a "List Tag" with the content <code>[0b,0b,0b,0b,0b,0b,0b]</code>.**Because of the limited size of the crafting table only 7 values can be put between Square brackets at a time. List Tags of any length can be created by concatenating two or more List Tags.**An empty pair of Square brackets produces an empty List with the content <code>[]</code>.**"Name" items cannot be used in a List.The resulting Compound and List Tags can be used as values in other Compound and List Tags, as deeply nested as you want.==Usage==Tags appear to have no further functionality. They cannot be eaten or placed in the world, except in an item frame, as each other item can. However, Compound Tags with values like <code>{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:127b}]}</code> will show the [[Enchanting|enchantment]] glint and actually act accordingly when used.<ref></ref> This appears to work with many weapon and tool [[Enchanting#Summary of enchantments by item|enchantments]].In theory, an extremely lucky <code>replace_recipe_output</code> vote can change the crafting recipe for compound tags to output something else. When cheats are enabled you can test this with a command like <code>/vote rule minecraft:replace_recipe_output approve {key:"minecraft:compound_tag",value:"minecraft:netherite_sword"}</code>. However, as long as this vote is approved no other compound tag can be crafted. Use <code>/vote rule minecraft:replace_recipe_output repeal *</code> to undo all recipe replacements.In combination with the <code>midas_touch</code> vote tag items can be converted into [[Gold Ingot|gold ingots]]. These retain their NBT data. When the world is loaded in another version of the game tag items disappear, but gold ingots persist.==Trivia==*This implies that a [[Name Tag|name tag]] is 128 bit.*Compound and list tags are special in so far that the value they show in their [[tooltip]] is not merely a property of the item, but their ''actual'' [[NBT format|NBT data]]. This is also the reason why naming them is disabled as that would mess up the NBT data.*The snapshot also contains an [[History of textures/Unused textures|unused texture]] for an {{ItemLink|End Tag}}.==History=={{History|java}}{{History||23w13a_or_b|[[File:Tag.png|32px]] Added tags.}}{{History|foot}}==Gallery==<gallery>Tag.png|TagBit.png|BitByte Tag.png|Byte TagDouble Tag.png|Double TagEnd Tag.png|End TagFloat Tag.png|Float TagInt Tag.png|Int TagLeft Curly.png|Left CurlyLeft Square.png|Left SqaureList Tag.png|List TagLong Tag.png|Long TagName (23w13a or b).png|NameRight Curly.png|Right CurlyRight Square.png|Right SquareShort Tag.png|Short TagSssyntax Error.png|Sssyntax ErrorString Tag.png|String Tag</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}{{items}}{{jokes}}[[pt:Tag (item)]][[Category:Joke items]]</li></ul>
16w32aThe entity ID of the iron golem has been changed from VillagerGolem to villager_golem.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[:Category:Dyes|Category:Dyes]]<br/>These are items that can be used to dye sheep, wool blocks, or combined to make other dyes.[[Category:Items]][[es:Categoría:Tintes]][[fr:Catégorie:Teinture]][[hu:Kategória:Festékek]][[zh:Category:染料]]</li><li>[[Lava|Lava]]<br/>{{About|the fluid|the [[bucket]]|Lava Bucket}}{{Fluid| image = Lava.gif| image2 = Lava BE.gif| invimage = Lava Bucket| invimage2 = Lava| renewable = Yes| transparent = Yes| light = Yes (15)| tool = Bucket| infinite = No| flowrate = 30 [[tick]]s/block (Overworld, End)<br> 10 [[tick]]s/block (Nether)| flowdistance = 4 blocks (Overworld, End)<br>8 blocks (Nether)}}'''Lava''' is a light-emitting [[fluid]] that causes fire [[damage]], mostly found in the [[altitude|lower reaches]] of the [[Overworld]] and [[the Nether]].== Obtaining ==Lava blocks do not exist as items (at least {{in|java}}), but can be retrieved with a [[Lava Bucket|bucket]]. {{IN|bedrock}}, they may be obtained as an item via glitches (in old versions), add-ons or inventory editing.Lava may be obtained [[renewable resource|renewably]] from [[cauldron]]s, as [[pointed dripstone]] with a lava source above it can slowly fill a cauldron with lava.=== Natural generation ===During world generation, lava replaces [[air]] blocks generated in [[cave]]s and [[canyon]]s between Y=-55 and Y=-63. [[Aquifer]]s are sometimes filled with lava below Y=0. Lava does not replace air blocks inside [[mineshaft]]s, [[monster room]]s, [[amethyst geode]]s, or [[stronghold]]s.Lava can also occur as lava flows from a single [[spring]] block, pouring down walls into pools. The spring block can be on the side of a cave, ravine, mineshaft, or stone cliff above ground.Lava also generates as small [[lava lake]]s, which can be found above Y=0 within any [[biome]].Two blocks of lava can also be found in plains, snowy plains, and desert [[village]] weaponsmith buildings, or one source in savanna village weaponsmith buildings.Fifteen blocks of lava can be found in the [[end portal]] room of a [[stronghold]]: 3 along each side wall, and 9 below the portal frame.Lava also generates in [[woodland mansion]]s: two blocks of lava generate in the "blacksmith room", and 25 blocks of lava generate in a secret "lava room".In [[the Nether]], lava is more common than [[water]] in the [[Overworld]]. [[Terrain features#Lava sea|Seas of lava]] occur, with sea level at y-level 32, about a quarter of the total height of the Nether (as the usable space in the Nether is 128 blocks tall). They can extend down to about y-level 19-22. Lava also randomly appears [[Spring#Hidden lava|in single blocks]] inside [[netherrack]] formations. Lava is also generated as a single source in well rooms in [[nether fortress]]es. There are also large pockets of lava generated under y-19 and can reach all the way down to bedrock level. These pockets are generally over 12 blocks in height and often connect to a large lava lake on y-32; the size of these pockets in 1.18 can range from the size of a singular pre-1.18 ravine to multiple ravines combined.Lava generates as [[delta]] shapes, which can be found commonly in the [[basalt deltas]] biome. Lava also generates in [[ruined portal]]s and [[bastion remnant]]s.=== Post-generation ===Unlike [[Water#Source blocks|water source blocks]], new lava source blocks cannot be created in a space by two or more adjacent source blocks. However {{in|Java}}, if the [[game rule]] {{cd|lavaSourceConversion}} is set to {{cd|true}}, new lava source blocks can form in a similar way to water source blocks.== Usage ===== Fuel ===When used in a [[furnace]], a bucket of lava lasts 1000 seconds (100 items).=== Burning ===[[File:Inside Lava.png|thumb|What it looks like inside lava.]][[File:Under lava fire resistance.png|thumb|What it looks like inside lava using Fire Resistance {{in|java}}.]]Most [[entity|entities]] take {{hp|4}} damage every half-second while in contact with lava, and are set on [[fire]]. An entity/player in lava will also have its {{code|remainingFireTicks}} set to 300, setting it on fire for 15 seconds. This timer is reset to 300 every tick that the victim spends in lava, so it will only start counting down once the victim leaves the lava. Once the victim does exit the lava source, it will burn for just under 15 seconds, taking fire damage 14 times. This is due to the fact that for the first tick outside of lava, its {{code|remainingFireTicks}} decrease to 299, and entities take fire damage when {{code|remainingFireTicks}} is a multiple of 20 and greater than 0. If the victim touches water or [[rain]] falls on it, the fire is extinguished, but the lava continues to damage them directly.In addition, a dense [[fog]] effect will be applied for players under lava to obscure vision. This can be slightly mitigated via the [[Fire Resistance]] effect.An entity/player moving in lava has their horizontal movement speed reduced by 50% and their vertical movement speed reduced by 20%.{{IN|bedrock}}, a player with the Fire Resistance effect or a total [[Fire Protection]] of 7 or higher does not catch fire. [[Vex]]es, [[zoglin]]s, Nether [[mob]]s (excluding [[piglin]]s and [[hoglin]]s), [[Wither|withers]], [[Warden|wardens]], and players or mobs affected by the [[Fire Resistance]] effect are not damaged when touching lava. The embers or fireballs that fly out of lava are purely decorative and do not cause fires or damage to entities. When rain falls on lava, the black ember particles appear more frequently.A player in lava lasts a few seconds before dying:==== ''Java Edition'' ====* 2.5 seconds with no armor* 3.5 seconds with full leather armor, no enchantments* 4 seconds with full gold armor, no enchantments* 4.5 seconds with full chain armor, no enchantments* 5.5 seconds with full iron armor, no enchantments* 10.5 seconds with full diamond armor, no enchantments* 11 seconds with full netherite armor, no enchantments==== Bedrock Edition====* 2.5 seconds with no armor* 3.5 seconds with full leather armor, no enchantments* 4.5 seconds with full gold armor, no enchantments* 5 seconds with full chain armor, no enchantments* 6.5 seconds with full iron armor, no enchantments* 12.5 seconds with full diamond armor, no enchantments* 12.5 seconds with full netherite armor, no enchantmentsIf the player is wearing armor enchanted with [[Fire Protection]], they can last even longer. With the maximum bonus, the damage is small enough that the natural healing from a full hunger bar can outpace it {{only|JE|short=1}}, so a player could survive indefinitely as long as they have food and their armor holds up (non-netherite armor is damaged by lava). This maximum bonus can be obtained by wearing 2 pieces of armor with [[Fire Protection|Fire Protection IV]] and 1 with [[Protection|Protection IV]], or 1 piece of armor with [[Fire Protection|Fire Protection IV]] and 3 with [[Protection|Protection IV]].==== Fire spread ====Lava can cause fires by turning air blocks to fire blocks.In order for air above lava to turn to fire, a block adjacent to the air has to be [[Fire#Burning blocks|flammable]], or one of the wood-constructed [[Fire#Non-flammable blocks|non-flammable]] blocks. Since catching fire depends on air blocks, even torches or lava itself can prevent a flammable block from catching fire. Additionally, not all flammable or wood-constructed blocks can be ignited by lava.The lava of any depth can start fires this way, whether or not it appears to have a current.Additional conditions must be met, depending on the edition of Minecraft.===== Java Edition ====={{FakeImage|align=right|{{BlockGrid|scale=2|L=lava|w=Oak Planks|p=Orange Stained Glass|s=Light Gray Stained Glass|wwwwwwwww|wwsssssww|wspppppsw|wwspppsww|wwwsLswww|wwwwwwwww}}|Example for JE. The orange area represents areas<br>where air could catch flame if the<br>gray and orange areas contain<br>flammable blocks. The wood<br>is all at a safe distance.}}Air block must be in a 3×1×3 area right above the lava or in a 5×1×5 2 blocks above the lava.Note that an air block in the 5x1x5 area will not catch on fire if the 3x1x3 area is completely filled, even if the latter is filled with flammable blocks.===== Bedrock Edition =====The block to be set on fire must be in a 3×3×3 cube centered on a lava block, above which there must be either air or an ignitable block.=== Flow ==={{See also|Fluid}}Lava flows from "source blocks". Most streams or "lava-falls" come from a single source block, but lava lakes (including the "flood lava" in the bottom 10 layers) are composed entirely of source blocks. A source block can be captured only with a [[lava bucket|bucket]].In the [[Overworld]] and [[the End]], lava travels 3 blocks in any horizontal direction from a source block. Lava flows far more slowly than water (1 block every 30 game ticks, or 1.5 seconds), and sourceless lava flows linger for a short time more. In [[the Nether]], lava travels 7 blocks horizontally and spreads 1 block every 10 game ticks, or 2 blocks per second, which is half the speed as water in the Overworld. In all dimensions, lava spreading uses the same mechanic as water: for every adjacent block it can flow into it tries to find a way down that is reachable in four or fewer blocks from the block it wants to flow to. When found, the flow weight for that direction is set to the shortest path distance to the way down. (This can result in lava flows turning toward dropoffs that they cannot reach in the Overworld and the End.)Flowing lava destroys the following in its path: [[sapling]]s, [[cobweb]], [[tall grass]], [[dead bush]], [[wheat]], [[flower]]s, [[mushroom]]s, [[snow]] on ground (but snow blocks are immune), [[lily pad]]s, [[vines]], [[lever]]s, [[button]]s, all three types of [[torch]]es, [[redstone]], [[redstone repeater|repeaters]], [[end rod]]s, and [[rail]]s. [[Sugar cane]]s hold back lava, but disappear if the sugar cane's water source is destroyed by the lava. Lava also slows down entities, including those that are normally immune to lava damage.Using redstone wire, a one-block lava flow can be redirected by supplying power to the source block, which causes it to reset the flow toward the now-nearest terrain depression. It cannot, however, be reversed. This re-calculation is made because of the redstone wire when toggled changes the block from redstone (on) to redstone (off). Whenever a block updates on any side of the lava, the lava re-calculates where to flow, but does not cut off its current direction of flow. In Bedrock Edition using the /setblock command can be used to create stationary lava without the use of barriers. Flowing lava can push entities.==== Flow arrangement tables ========= Overworld and the End ====={| class="wikitable"|+|||!4||||-||!4!3!4|||-|!4!3!2!3!4||-!4!3!2!1!2!3!4|-|!4!3!2!3!4||-||!4!3!4|||-|||!4||||}{| class="wikitable"|+! colspan="2" |Range!Height in blocks|-!1|block|1|-!2|blocks|0.75-1|-!3|blocks|0.5-0.75|-!4|blocks|0.25-0.5|}===== The Nether ====={| class="wikitable"|+||||||!7|||||||-|||||!7!6!7||||||-||||!7!6!5!6!7|||||-|||!7!6!5!4!5!6!7||||-||!7!6!5!4!3!4!5!6!7|||-|!7!6!5!4!3!2!3!4!5!6!7||-!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!2!3!4!5!6!7|-|!7!6!5!4!3!2!3!4!5!6!7||-||!7!6!5!4!3!4!5!6!7|||-|||!7!6!5!4!5!6!7||||-||||!7!6!5!6!7|||||-|||||!7!6!7||||||-||||||!7|||||||}{| class="wikitable"! colspan="2" |Range!Height in blocks|-!1|block|1|-!2|blocks|0.75-1|-!3|blocks|0.625-0.75|-!4|blocks|0.5-0.625|-!5|blocks|0.375-0.5|-!6|blocks|0.25-0.375|-!7|blocks|0.125-0.25|}=== Lava and water ==={{Main|Fluid#Mixing}}Water and lava can produce [[stone]], [[cobblestone]], or [[obsidian]] based on how they interact. Lava can also generate basalt when above soul soil and touching blue ice.=== Light source ===Lava blocks emit a [[light]] level of 15.=== Other ===[[File:LavaDropletsExample.png|thumb|If there is lava flowing above a [[block]], the lava seeps through.]]Lava above a non-transparent block (does ''not'' include stairs, fences, and slabs) produces dripping particles on the underside of that block. These droplets do not do anything other than warn the player that a deluge of lava lies above that block. The particles function identically to their water counterparts, except that they drip slower.Flowing lava can set off tripwires because it breaks placed string. Lava triggers a tripwire only once.Any [[item (entity)|item]] dropped into lava is immediately destroyed, except for [[netherite]]-related items. [[Lodestone|Lodestones]], however, can be destroyed by lava despite containing netherite.<ref>{{bug|MC-176618|||WAI}}</ref>Lava can be placed in an empty [[cauldron]].If lava is above a non-transparent block supporting [[pointed dripstone]], dripping particles are created on the end. These can fill cauldrons with lava.== Farming =={{main|Tutorials/Lava farming}}Lava farms can be created by placing a lava source block on top of a solid block and a [[pointed dripstone]] and a [[cauldron]] underneath.== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Lava.ogg|subtitle=Lava pops|source=block|description=Randomly|id=block.lava.ambient|translationkey=subtitles.block.lava.ambient|volume=0.2-0.4|pitch=0.9-1.05|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Fizz.ogg|subtitle=Lava hisses|source=block|description=When lava mixes with water, making a block|id=block.lava.extinguish|translationkey=subtitles.block.lava.extinguish|volume=0.5|pitch=1.8-3.4|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Lava pop.ogg|subtitle=Lava pops|source=block|description=When a lava bubble particle spawns|id=block.lava.pop|translationkey=subtitles.block.lava.ambient|volume=0.2-0.4|pitch=0.9-1.05|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg|subtitle=Bucket empties|source=block|description=When lava is placed with a bucket|id=item.bucket.empty_lava|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.empty|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg|subtitle=Bucket fills|source=player|description=When lava is collected with a bucket|id=item.bucket.fill_lava|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.fill|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Fizz.ogg|subtitle=Fire extinguishes|description=When something [[freezing]] is dunked into lava|source=block|id=entity.generic.extinguish_fire|translationkey=subtitles.entity.generic.extinguish_fire|volume=0.7|pitch=1.2-2.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Lava.ogg|source=block|description=Randomly|id=liquid.lava|volume=0.4-0.6|pitch=0.9-1.05}}{{Sound table|sound=Fizz.ogg|source=block|description=When lava mixes with water, making a block|id=random.fizz|volume=0.5|pitch=1.8-2.4}}{{Sound table|sound=Lava pop.ogg|source=block|description=When a lava bubble particle spawns|id=liquid.lavapop|volume=0.4-0.6|pitch=0.9-1.05}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg|source=block|description=When lava is placed with a bucket|id=bucket.empty_lava|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg|source=block|description=When lava is collected with a bucket|id=bucket.fill_lava|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Fizz.ogg|source=block|description=When something freezing is dunked into lava|id=random.fizz|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Lava|showblocktags=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Block|spritename=lava|spritetype=block|nameid=lava|blocktags=strider_warm_blocks|form=block|foot=1}}{{ID table|firstcolumnname=Lava|showfluidtags=y|displayname=Fluid|spritename=lava|spritetype=block|nameid=lava|fluidtags=lava}}{{ID table|displayname=Flowing Fluid|spritetype=block|spritename=lava|nameid=flowing_lava|fluidtags=lava|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Lava|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Flowing|spritename=lava|spritetype=block|nameid=flowing_lava|id=10|form=block}}{{ID table|displayname=Stationary|spritename=lava|spritetype=block|nameid=lava|id=11|form=block|foot=1}}Lava spends most of its time as stationary, rather than 'flowing' – regardless of its level, or whether it contains a current downward or to the side. When specifically triggered by a block update, lava changes to 'flowing', update its level, then change back to stationary. Lava springs are generated as flowing, and lava lakes are generated as stationary.=== Block states ==={{see also|Block states}}{{/BS}}=== Fluid states ==={{see also|Block states}}{{/FS}}== Achievements =={{load achievements|Stayin' Frosty;Super Fuel;Feels Like Home}}== Advancements =={{Load advancements|Hot Stuff;Feels Like Home}}== History =={{main|/History}}{{History|java classic}}{{History||0.0.12a|snap=May 19, 2009|slink=Java Edition Classic 0.0.12a/Development#Lava test (May 19, 2009)|Lava is shown.}}{{History|||snap=release|slink=Java Edition Classic 0.0.12a|[[File:Lava JE1.png|32px]] Added lava.|The texture is transparent.|Lava spreads by duplicating itself to open horizontal and downward squares.|Lava is slower than [[water]] and can be easily outrun.|Model has z-fighting with blocks below lava.}}{{History||0.0.13a|[[File:Lava JE2.png|32px]] The texture has changed to be opaque.}}{{History||0.0.13a_03|Lava lakes no longer generate.}}{{History||0.0.15a|link=Java Edition Classic 0.0.15a (Multiplayer Test 1)|[[File:Lava JE3.png|32px]] The model is no longer shaded.}}{{History||0.0.19a|[[File:Lava JE4.png|32px]] Added a [[Procedural animated texture generation|procedural animated texture]] to lava. Old texture is still retained for use as a [[animation placeholder texture|placeholder]].|Upscaled model 2% to fix z-fighting with blocks below lava. It's created lava or water models overlapping and z-fighting with each other.|Added lava layer to the bottom of the map.<!--as it traps the [[player]] and prevents the player from leaving unless [[water]] is let in and collides with it or if the player places a [[sand]] or [[gravel]] block, letting it [[drops|drop]] into the lava. If water is let into the area where the lava is, the lava becomes [[stone]], allowing the stone block to be removed to expose bedrock underneath.-->}}{{History||0.0.20a_02|[[File:Lava JE5.png|32px]] Changed model scale back to normal with 1% offset on all coordinates.}}{{History||0.0.22a|[[File:Lava JE6.png|32px]] Lava's generated texture has changed - it now appears brighter overall.}}{{History||August 25, 2009|link=|Lava has been shown to deal [[damage]].}}{{History||0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST|Lava now deals damage.}}{{History||0.26 SURVIVAL TEST|[[File:Lava JE7.png|32px]] UV mapping on side faces now has 11% v offset up.}}{{History||0.28|[[File:Lava JE6.png|32px]] Fixed UV mapping.}}{{History|java indev}}{{History||0.31|snap=20091223-2|Lava is now luminous.}}{{History|||snap=20100110|Lava now sets [[fire]] to flammable materials.}}{{History|||snap=20100122|Added [[lava spawner]]s that spawn lava on sides and bottom.|It appears in the player's inventory in a stack of 5.|Lava now flows, but more slowly than water.<ref>[[wordofnotch:347976621]]</ref>|Dropped [[item]]s now burn in lava.|Shot [[arrow]]s catch [[fire]] and not burn in lava.}}{{History|||snap=20100124|Lava spawner can no longer be found in the player's inventory. Instead, a full stack (99) can be found inside the [[Indev house]] chests.}}{{History|||snap=20100125-1|Lava now has [[particles|particle]] effects.}}{{History|||snap=20100130|Re-added the infinite lava sea to the bottom of the map.}}{{History||20100219|[[File:Lava JE8.png|32px]] The model is shaded again.}}{{History|java infdev}}{{History||20100227-1|Lava no longer flows due to changes in chunk handling for infinite worlds.}}{{History||20100607|[[File:Lava JE9.png|32px]] UV mapping now has 1% uv offset on top and bottom faces and 1% u, 11% v offset on side faces.}}{{History||20100608|[[File:Lava JE8.png|32px]] Fixed UV mapping, once again.}}{{History||20100615|[[File:Lava JE10.png|32px]] The model has been changed.|Added flowing lava.|Lava now creates flowing lava for a total distance of 7 blocks "away" from the source block.|Flowing lava flows in a single line toward the nearest terrain depression within four blocks.}}{{History||20100616-1|[[File:Lava JE11.png|32px]] Added flowing lava texture for sides and vertex offset.|Lava and flowing lava now have visual connection to blocks.|A large lava flow is now visible in the dark from a long distance.}}{{History||20100617-2|[[File:Lava JE12.png|32px]] Removed vertex offset.|Lava now flows 3 blocks horizontally instead of 7.|Lava and flowing lava touching water, flowing water, water spawner, or lava spawner now replaces with [[obsidian]].|Removed the infinite lava sea at the bottom of the map.}}{{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.0.2_02|Flowing of lava has been tweaked.}}{{History||v1.0.4|Added [[ice]] and [[snow]], which lava can melt.}}{{History||v1.0.15|Lava now sets nearby [[block]]s on [[fire]].}}{{History||v1.2.0|snap=preview|Added [[the Nether]], which contains lava.}}{{History||v1.2.2|Lava now flows further in the Nether.}}{{History||v1.2.6|Added [[lava lake]]s, which can generate at any [[altitude]].}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|[[File:Lava JE13.png|32px]] Changed [[lighting]].|When lava is touched by [[rain]], it emits smoke [[particles]].|Lava now generates in the blacksmiths of the newly added [[village]]s.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|Added lava dripping.|Lava blocks now form [[stone]] when falling directly onto [[water]] source blocks.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Lava now generates in the newly added [[end portal]] rooms of [[stronghold]]s.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5|Only in this version, it is possible to create an infinite lava source using a plus-sign shaped arrangement of [[block]]s with four lava source blocks flowing into a central empty block.}}{{History|||snap=RC1|[[File:Lava JE14.png|32px]] Faces on model now 0.1% moved to center to fix z-fighting on inner faces.}}{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w05a|Lava (as well as the embers that pop out of it) now makes [[sound]]s. These sounds were in the game files for a long time, but they had not played in-game.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Lava can now be collected and dispensed by [[dispenser]]s containing buckets.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38a|Flowing lava now has a constant [[sound]].}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w02a|[[File:Lava JE15.png|32px]] The model of lava now uses animated texture files.|There is now "hidden lava" in [[the Nether]].|Lava now flows much more quickly in the Nether.}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w18a|Lava no longer lingers after the source is removed.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w37a|Flowing lava, which previously could be destroyed by a few [[block]]s of [[TNT]], can no longer be destroyed by [[explosion]]s.}}{{History||1.10|snap=16w21a|[[File:Lava JE16.png|32px]] [[File:Lava (bottom view) 16w21a.png|32px]] Lava is now [[color]]ed red ({{color|#ff0000}}) except for the bottom face.<ref>{{bug|MC-102511}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=16w21b|[[File:Lava JE15.png|32px]] Lava is no longer colored.|Added 2 [[splash]]es referencing colored lava: "Rule #1: it's never my fault", "Replaced molten cheese with blood?".}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Lava can now generate in [[woodland mansion]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=18w15a|[[File:Lava JE17.png|32px]] [[File:Swamp Lava 18w15a.png|32px]] [[File:Swamp Hills Lava 18w15a.png|32px]] [[File:Warm Ocean Lava 18w15a.png|32px]] [[File:Lukewarm Ocean Lava 18w15a.png|32px]] [[File:Cold Ocean Lava 18w15a.png|32px]] [[File:Frozen Ocean Lava 18w15a.png|32px]] Lava is now biome colored except for the bottom face. This is linked to new biome coloring for water.<ref>{{bug|MC-128233}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=18w16a|[[File:Lava JE15.png|32px]] Lava is no longer biome colored.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w09a|Lava now pushes [[Entity|entities]].}}{{History|||snap=20w13a|Added [[strider]]s, which can be [[saddle]]d and ridden across lava.|When lava flows over [[soul soil]] next to [[blue ice]], it now turns into [[basalt]].}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Lava now generates as part of [[bastion remnants]] and [[ruined portal]]s.}}{{History|||snap=Pre-release 3|Visibility under lava is now slightly better when under the effect of [[Fire Resistance]].}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|[[Cauldron]]s can now be filled with lava.}}{{History|||snap=20w48a|Added a [[renewable]] way of obtaining lava through cauldrons and [[pointed dripstone]].}}{{History|||snap=21w06a|Lava no longer replaces air below Y{{=}}11.}}{{History|||snap=21w08a|Lava now replaces air below Y{{=}}-53.|Lava [[spring]]s are able to generate below Y{{=}}0.}}{{History|||snap=21w11a|[[Spectator]] mode players can now see through lava.<ref>{{bug|MC-71530|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=21w13a|Lava is now fully renewable, as pointed dripstone can be obtained in Survival without custom generation.}}{{History|||snap=21w15a|The changes to lava generation in 21w06a and 21w08a have been reverted.}}{{History||1.18|snap=Experimental Snapshot 1|The changes to lava generation in the 1.17 snapshots have been reintroduced.|[[Aquifer]]s below Y{{=}}0 sometimes generate with lava instead of water.}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w44a|Added [[game rule]] {{cd|lavaSourceConversion}}, which allows the formation of new lava source blocks when set to {{cd|true}}.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.1.0|[[File:Lava BE1.png|32px]] Added lava.}}{{History||v0.3.3|Lava no longer creates [[fire]], due to a game breaking spreading bug.}}{{History||v0.7.0|Lava now lights flammable [[block]]s around it on fire.|[[File:Lava BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lava BE2.gif|32px]] Lava now has a flowing animation.}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 5|Lava flowing directly into [[water]] now actually spreads out over it.}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Underground ponds of lava can now be found, making lava much more easy to obtain.|Lava dripping [[particles]] have been added.|Lava now generates in [[village]] blacksmiths and [[stronghold]] end portal rooms.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[Player]]s are now able to [[swimming|swim]] in lava.|Lava now generates in [[the Nether]].}}{{History|||snap=build 6|[[File:Lava BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Lava BE3.gif|32px]] Lava is now brighter shaded.}}{{History|||snap=build 8|Lava now cancels all fall [[damage]].}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Lava now generates in [[woodland mansion]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|[[File:Lava BE4.png|32px]] The texture for lava has been changed to match ''Java Edition''.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Lava can now push entities.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Lava now generates as a [[delta]] that can be found in [[basalt deltas]].|Lava now generates as part of [[bastion remnants]] and [[ruined portal]]s.|When lava flows over [[soul soil]] next to [[blue ice]], it now turns into [[basalt]].}}{{History|||snap=beta|Lava can no longer push entities.}}{{History||1.17.30|snap=beta|Lava can now push entities, once again.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-75124}}</ref>}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Lava JE12.png|32px]] Added lava.}}{{History||xbox=TU12|[[File:Lava JE15.png|32px]] The texture for lava has been changed.|Lava (as well as the embers that pop out of it) now makes [[sound]]s.}}{{History||xbox=TU25|xbone=CU14|ps=1.17|Lava can be used in custom superflats. It appears as a 3D block in the block selection screen of the custom superflat interface.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Lava BE3.png|32px]] Added lava.}}{{History|foot}}=== Data history ==={{History|java}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these blocks' numeral IDs were 10 and 11.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{Issue list}}== Trivia ==* A player with [[Fire Resistance]] can swim in lava without taking damage, although the swimming speed does not become faster.* A player cannot sprint-swim in lava.* An arrow catches fire when shot into flowing lava, but not still lava.* [[Water]] flows into lava-occupied blocks as though it were empty space, and vice versa.* Although lava is a fluid, it is not possible to drown in lava. This applies to all mobs. However, it is still possible to suffocate in lava. This applies to almost every mob.{{only|bedrock}}<ref>{{bug|MCPE-17073}}</ref>* A player sleeping in a bed cannot be damaged by lava.* If the lava is changed to be transparent via a [[resource pack]], it does not become transparent.* {{IN|bedrock}}, lava does not deactivate [[elytra]] like [[water]] does.* Despite flowing identically to water while in [[the Nether]], it was not possible to create an infinite spring of lava before [[Java Edition 1.19.3|1.19.3]].** Before Lava source conversion was implemented, the ''Minecraft: Combat Handbook'' (2014) stated the possibility to create infinite sources of lava by simply creating a cross shape with 4 nether bricks and placing lava in the middle. As expected, this turned out to be false, as confirmed by [[Nathan Adams|Dinnerbone]].<ref>[[bugtracker:MC-71088|MC-71088]]</ref>* Geologically, lava in the Overworld is consistent with [[wikipedia:Felsic lava|felsic lava]], and lava in the Nether is consistent with [[wikipedia:mafic lava|mafic lava]]. Felsic lava is slow, sticky, and does not run as far as mafic lava, which is relatively thin and runny.* When lava source conversion was implemented, any text where lava was supposed to be said "lave" instead.** A splash text now says "Made with 'lave'".== Gallery ==<gallery>Lavameltpattern1.png|Lava's melting pattern for snow and ice.Water and lava springs.png|A natural lava spring near a waterfall.Cave Lava.png|The lava "ocean" layer of [[cave]]s.Lavastreamwithores.png|A naturally-occurring stream of lava next to diamond and iron ore.Spawn Point Lava Warning.png|The warning in [[Legacy Console Edition]] when trying to place lava near the spawn point.Lave found close under the dessert.png|A running lava source (origin not seen) uncovered six blocks below the surface of desert terrain.Lava with Night vision potion.png|The inside view of lava with the night vision effect.Ladders Blocking Lava.png|Ladders can stop lava from flowing.Lava flowing off cliff.png|A lava [[spring]].Minecraft Surface LavaFall.png|Lava spreading into dirt.Exposed Cavern Lava.png|Lava in a ravine.Lava in Ravine.png|Lava found in a snowy [[ravine]].BedrockLava.png|Lava generates on bedrock. BedrockPostLavaRemoval.png| Lava being extinguished near bedrock. LavaRiver.png| Lava pool and water pool meeting each other naturally. Lavafall.png| Two lava springs meeting water in a savannah plateau.Lava spring.png| Lava spreading in the Overworld. Minecraft lavalake.png| A lava spring spreading into a lava lake. Lava cane.png|Sugar cane growing with lava flowing around it.TallLavafall.png|Tall lavafall flowing into ravine.RavineandStornghold.png|Ravine with multiple ores, water and lava falls, and stronghold bridge over it.Underground Lava Lake.png|Another example of underground lava lake.Lwava.png|Lava pouring from a cliff.Extreme Hills Falls.png|Lava and water pouring from a cliff.Lavalake.png|Lava and ores in a cave underground.Cavern2.png|Lava texture in Classic [[0.0.21a_01]].Lavaspring.png|Lava setting fire to [[grass]].File:Mobbo Destroyed Village.jpeg|A [[village]] ravaged by lava.File:Lava Moodlight.jpg|An officially licensed lava block moodlight.</gallery>== References =={{Reflist}}== External links ==*[ Block of the Week: Lava] – on September 29, 2017*[[wikipedia:Lava|Real-life lava on Wikipedia]]*[[wikipedia:Magma|Real-life magma on Wikipedia]]{{Blocks|natural}}{{Items}}[[Category:Fluids]][[Category:Natural blocks]][[Category:Non-solid blocks]][[Category:Generated structure blocks]][[Category:Light sources]][[cs:Láva]][[de:Lava]][[es:Lava]][[fr:Lave]][[hu:Láva]][[it:Lava]][[ja:溶岩]][[ko:용암]][[nl:Lava]][[pl:Lawa]][[pt:Lava]][[ru:Лава]][[th:ลาวา]][[tr:Lav]][[uk:Лава]][[zh:熔岩]]</li></ul>
17w47aIron golems can now also use a carved pumpkin to be created.
pre5The entity ID of the iron golem has been changed from villager_golem to iron_golem.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Warped Fungus on a Stick|Warped Fungus on a Stick]]<br/>{{Item| image = Warped Fungus on a Stick.png| durability = 100| renewable = Yes| stackable = No}}A '''warped fungus on a stick''' is an item that can be used to control saddled [[strider]]s.== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting|head=1|showdescription=1 |A1=Fishing Rod; Damaged Fishing Rod|B2=Warped Fungus|Output= Warped Fungus on a Stick|description=Crafting from a damaged fishing rod is available only {{in|bedrock}}. ''Java Edition'' requires a pristine fishing rod. The [[2×2 grid]] can also be used for crafting instead of a crafting table.|type= Transportation}}{{crafting|foot=1|ignoreusage=1|Damaged Warped Fungus on a Stick|Damaged Warped Fungus on a Stick|Output= Warped Fungus on a Stick|description= The durability of the two warped fungi on sticks is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.|type= Transportation}}=== Mobs ===A [[zombified piglin]] that spawns as a strider jockey holds a warped fungus on a stick instead of a {{ItemLink|golden sword}}, and has an 8.5%{{Only|java|short=y}} or 25%{{Only|bedrock|short=y}} chance to drop it if killed by a player or tamed [[wolf]], or upon death when angry. chance is increased by 1%{{Only|java|short=y}} or 5%{{Only|bedrock|short=y}} per level of Looting, for a maximum of 11.5%{{Only|java|short=y}} or 40%{{Only|bedrock|short=y}} with Looting III.== Usage ==[[File:Strider riding.gif|A [[player]] shown using a warped fungus on a stick to ride a [[strider]] (click to see animation).|thumb|350px]]Similar to how a [[carrot on a stick]] is used to control [[pig]]s, the [[player]]s can use a warped fungus on a stick to control a [[strider]]. To do this, the player simply holds the [[item]] in one hand and any nearby striders within view is attracted toward the player. If mounted on a [[saddle]]d strider, the strider moves in the direction the player is facing while holding the warped fungus on a stick. Right clicking with the item makes the strider go faster, but reduces the item's durability by 1 for every speed boost. If the item durability reaches 0, it turns into a fishing rod.Due to a strider's ability to walk on [[lava]], this is a beneficial [[tools|tool]] for using striders as a safe transport across [[the Nether]]'s terrain, which is otherwise considered difficult to traverse.=== Enchantments ===A warped fungus on a stick can receive the following enchantments, but only through an [[anvil]]:{|class="wikitable col-2-center col-3-right"|+!Name!Max Level![[Enchanting|Method]]|-|[[Unbreaking]]|III|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Mending]]|I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Curse of Vanishing]]|I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|}== Sounds =={{Edition|Java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|subtitle=Item breaks|source=player|description=When a warped fungus on a stick's durability is exhausted|id=entity.item.break|translationkey=subtitles.entity.item.break|volume=0.8|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16|foot=1}}{{Edition|Bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Random break.ogg|source=player|description=When a warped fungus on a stick's durability is exhausted|id=random.break|volume=1.0|pitch=0.9|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Warped Fungus on a Stick|spritetype=item|nameid=warped_fungus_on_a_stick|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Warped Fungus on a Stick|spritetype=item|nameid=warped_fungus_on_a_stick|id=618|form=item|foot=1}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|This Boat Has Legs}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w13a|[[File:Warped Fungus on a Stick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added warped fungus on a stick.}}{{History|||snap=20w14a|Now has 100 durability instead of 25.|Now takes only 1 damage every time the strider is speed boosted.}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=Pre-release 1|The [[zombified piglin]] riding a [[strider]] now spawns holding a warped fungus on a stick.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Warped Fungus on a Stick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added warped fungus on a stick.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Warped Fungus on a Stick can now be enchanted.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The [[zombified piglin]] riding a [[strider]] now spawns holding a warped fungus on a stick.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{Issue list}}== See also ==* {{ItemLink|Carrot on a Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Saddle}}== References =={{Items}}[[Category:Renewable resources]][[de:Wirrpilzrute]][[es:Caña con hongo distorsionado]][[fr:Champignon biscornu sur un bâton]][[ja:歪んだキノコ付きの棒]][[lzh:譎蕈釣竿]][[pl:Spaczony grzyb na patyku]][[pt:Vara com fungo distorcido]][[ru:Удочка с искажённым грибком]][[zh:诡异菌钓竿]]</li><li>[[Cocoa Beans|Cocoa Beans]]<br/>{{Block|image=<gallery>Cocoa Age 0.png|Age 0 JECocoa Age 1.png|Age 1 JECocoa Age 2.png|Age 2 JE</gallery>|image2=<gallery>Cocoa Age 0 BE.png|Age 0 BECocoa Age 1 BE.png|Age 1 BECocoa Age 2 BE.png|Age 2 BE</gallery>|transparent=Yes|light=No|tool=axe|renewable=Yes|stackable=Yes (64)|flammable=No|lavasusceptible=No}} '''Cocoa beans''' are items obtained from cocoa pods and are used to plant them, as well as to craft [[dye|brown dye]] and [[cookie|cookies]].'''Cocoa pods''' are [[Bone Meal|bonemealable]] [[plant]]s placed on [[Log|jungle log]] sides that grow cocoa beans, and can be found naturally in [[Jungle|jungles]].==Obtaining==In ''Java Edition'', cocoa beans are only obtained through the natural generation of cocoa pods, while in ''Bedrock Edition'', they can also be gotten in bonus chests, from [[fishing]] inside the jungle, bamboo jungle and sparse jungle biomes and during a [[trading]] with a wandering trader.Cocoa beans come from cocoa pods, which are found on the trunks of normal-sized naturally-generated [[jungle tree]]s in [[jungle]], [[bamboo jungle]]s and [[sparse jungle]] temperate [[biome]]s.Cocoa pods can be mined with any item, but [[axe]]s are the quickest. Fully grown cocoa pods drop 3 cocoa beans. Using a tool enchanted with Fortune does not increase the amount of cocoa beans dropped.{{breaking row|horizontal=1|Cocoa|Axe|sword=1|link=none}}The block itself can be obtained by inventory editing or [[add-on]]s {{in|bedrock}}.From one to two cocoa beans can be found in 40% of bonus [[chest]]s {{in|bedrock}}.{{LootChestItem|cocoa-beans}}Cocoa beans can be obtained from [[fishing]] in a jungle {{in|bedrock}}.[[Wandering trader]]s may sell 3 cocoa beans for an [[emerald]] during a [[trading]] {{in|bedrock}}.==Usage=====Farming==={{main|Tutorials/Cocoa bean farming}}Placing cocoa beans on the side of a jungle [[log]] plants a new cocoa pod. The log does not need to be attached to a tree. A cocoa pod can be placed on jungle logs, jungle [[wood]], stripped jungle logs and stripped jungle wood.[[File:Cocoaplant farm.png|thumb|left|A somewhat efficient cocoa pod farm, minimizing space and wood use.]]Cocoa has three stages of growth. During its first stage, the pod is small and green. In the second stage, the plant is bigger and colored tan. In its last stage, the pod is even larger and orange. The cocoa block has a 20% chance to grow a stage when receiving a [[Tick#Random tick|random tick]], giving it an average time of 5 minutes and 41 seconds per stage. When destroyed in the first two stages, the pod yields only one cocoa bean. When destroyed in the third stage, it gives 3 cocoa beans. [[Bone meal]] can be used to force the cocoa pod forward by one growth stage. Cocoa pods burst and drop their beans when struck by flowing water, pushed by a piston or if their [[log]] or wood are removed by any means.===Composting===Placing cocoa beans into a [[composter]] has a 65% chance of raising the compost level by 1. {{IN|bedrock}}, cocoa beans are accepted as a direct substitute of brown dye in many recipes.===Crafting ingredient==={{crafting usage}}{{Dye usage}}{{IN|bedrock}}, cocoa beans can be also used in banner patterns:{{banner crafting usage}}{{Banner loom usage|Cocoa Beans}}==Sounds=={{Sound table/Block/Wood}}==Data values=====ID==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Cocoa|spritetype=block|nameid=cocoa|form=block}}{{ID table|displayname=Cocoa Beans|spritetype=item|nameid=cocoa_beans|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showforms=y|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Cocoa|spritetype=block|nameid=cocoa|id=127|form=block}}{{ID table|displayname=Cocoa Beans|spritetype=item|nameid=cocoa_beans|aliasid=dye / 3|id=412|form=item||foot=1}}===Block states==={{see also|Block states}}{{/BS}}==History==''For a more in-depth breakdown of changes to textures and models, including a set of renders for each state combination, see [[/Asset history]]''{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.2|[[File:Cocoa Beans JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cocoa beans.|Cocoa beans are currently obtainable only through an inventory editor.}}{{History||1.2_02|Prior to this, Cocoa Beans were misspelled as 'Coco Beans'.}}{{History||1.4|Cocoa beans have been formally brought into the game as a reward found in [[dungeon]] chests.<ref>{{tweet|notch|53161729990987776}}</ref> (53% chance) Also, brown [[sheep]] now naturally spawn, making brown [[wool]] obtainable without hacking the game.|Cocoa beans can now be used to craft [[cookie]]s.}}{{History|java}}{{History||May 8, 2012|link={{tweet|jeb|199867730927697920}}|[[Jeb]] revealed cocoa with a screenshot.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w18a|For only this snapshot, cocoa beans have been given a small (0.5%) chance of dropping from destroyed [[jungle tree]] [[leaves]] in a similar fashion to [[apple]]s from oak leaves, which makes cocoa beans [[renewable resource|renewable]] for the first time.}}{{History|||snap=12w19a|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) JE1.png|32px]] Added cocoa. The top textures of cocoa always keep a completely constant rotation, regardless of what direction they face. They also not shaded.|[[File:Cocoa Beans JE2.png|32px]] The texture of cocoa beans has been changed.|Cocoa has replaced jungle [[leaves]] as the main method of finding cocoa beans.|[[File:Cocoa Age 3 (S) JE1.png|32px]] Cocoa with values 12–15 is inaccessible normally, and use the texture of the [[dragon egg]]. This is due to the dragon egg texture being to the left of the ripe cocoa texture in <samp>[[terrain.png]]</samp>, as cocoa textures are arranged with the oldest on the left and the youngest on the right, resulting in the unusually ripe cocoa reading the dragon egg texture.}}{{History|||snap=1.3|[[File:Cocoa Beans JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cocoa beans has been changed.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Cocoa beans have been given the ability to [[Armor#Dyeing|dye]] leather [[armor]] and [[wolf]] collars.}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Cocoa beans can now be [[crafting|crafted]] with [[gunpowder]] to create a [[firework star]].}} {{History||1.5|snap=13w02a|Due to textures being stored in individual files, cocoa beans with data 12–15 no longer have a texture to use, and now crash the game if a [[chunk]] containing one is loaded.}}{{History|||snap=13w03a|Cocoa with data values 12–15 now only crash the game if one is directly in the field of view.}}{{History|||snap=13w04a|[[Bone meal]] now grows cocoa by only one stage.}}{{History|||snap=13w10a|[[File:Cocoa Age 3 (S) JE2.png|32px]] Cocoa with data 12–15 now use the age 2 texture, resulting in a broken appearance, preventing previously mentioned crashes.}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w18a|Cocoa beans have been removed from [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History|||snap=13w19a|Brown [[Terracotta|stained clay]] can now be [[crafting|crafted]] using cocoa beans.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w41a|Brown [[stained glass]] can now be crafted using cocoa beans.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w07a|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (S) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (S) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE1.png|32px]] The top textures of cocoa now rotate with the blocks themselves (cocoa facing north remaining visually unaffected), and cocoa of age 3 has [[Missing model|no model]].}}{{History|||snap=14w10a|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (S) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (S) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] The large section of cocoa is shaded, and the missing model (which age 3 cocoa uses) has changed.}}{{History|||snap=14w25a|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (S) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (S) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) JE4.png|32px]] The connecting region of cocoa is now shaded.}}{{History|||snap=14w26a|Cocoa with data 12–15 has been effectively removed from the game, as such blocks now convert to a proper value with {{cmd|setblock}}. Loading worlds with existing out of range cocoa crash the game.}}{{History|||snap=14w30a|Cocoa beans can now be used to dye [[banner]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>dye</code> ID have been split up into their own IDs.|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this block's and item's numeral ID were respectively 127 and 351.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Cocoa beans can now be used to craft [[brown dye]].|Cocoa beans can no longer be used as a [[dye]].|All of the dye-related functions and crafting recipes of cocoa beans (except cookies) have been transferred to brown dye.|"Cocoa Beans" item has been renamed to "Cocoa".|[[File:Cocoa Beans JE4 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of cocoa has been changed.|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (S) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (S) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) JE5.png|32px]] The textures of cocoa have been changed.|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (texture) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (texture) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Textures for cocoa age 0 and 1 has palette left, visible only on particles.|Cocoa now has a placement [[sound]].}}{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placing cocoa into the new [[composter]] has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Cocoa now has a 65% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.}}{{History|||snap=19w11b|"Cocoa" item has been renamed back to "Cocoa Beans".{{verify|was this not just one bug that affected other crops as well? if so cite the ticket and add to all other affected pages}}}}{{History||1.18|snap=Pre-release 5|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (texture) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (texture) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] Textures for cocoa age 0 and 1 were changed. This visually changes only particles.}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) JE6.png|32px]] The texture and model of cocoa age 2 have been changed.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Cocoa Beans JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cocoa beans. They are currently unobtainable and serve no purpose.}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Cocoa Beans JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cocoa beans has been changed.|Cocoa beans can be [[crafted]] from an [[orange dye]] and an [[ink sac]], or from [[dandelion yellow]], [[rose red]], and an ink sac, despite there being no way of obtaining ink sacs at the time.}}{{History|||snap=build 3|Cocoa beans are now available in [[creative]].}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) JE1.png|32px]] {{info needed|How did 12-16 appear?}} Added cocoa.|Cocoa provides an additional way of obtaining cocoa beans.|Cocoa beans are now used to craft [[cookie]]s.}}{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 14|Cocoa now grows over time.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-7887}}</ref>}}{{History||?|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (S) BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (S) BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) BE2.png|32px]] Cocoa no longer has a stem connecting it to the log.}}{{History||v0.15.0|snap=Realms build 4|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) JE1.png|32px]] Cocoa stems now render again.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-13579}}</ref>}}{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|Cocoa beans can no longer be crafted from [[orange dye]] and an ink sac.|Cocoa beans can no longer be crafted from rose red, dandelion yellow and ink sacs.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Cocoa beans can now be used to dye [[shulker]]s.}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Cocoa beans can now be used to dye [[shulker box]]es and [[bed]]s.|Cocoa beans can now be used to craft [[concrete powder]].}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Cocoa beans can now be used to dye [[banner]]s, [[firework star]]s, and [[glass]].|Cocoa beans can now be found in [[bonus chest]]s.}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Cocoa beans can now be used to craft brown [[balloon]]s and [[glow stick]]s.}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Cocoa beans can now be used to craft [[brown dye]].}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Cocoa beans are now [[trading|sold]] by [[wandering trader]]s.|[[File:Cocoa Beans JE4 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of cocoa beans has been changed.|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (S) BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (S) BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) BE4.png|32px]] The textures of cocoa have been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Cocoa beans can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of cocoa beans has been changed from <code>dye/3</code> to <code>cocoa_beans</code>.}}{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (texture) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (texture) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] Textures for cocoa age 0 and 1 were changed. This visually changes only particles.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Cocoa Beans JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cocoa beans.}}{{History||xbox=TU9|[[File:Cocoa Beans JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cocoa beans has been changed.}}{{History||xbox=TU12|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (S) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (S) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) JE3.png|32px]]{{verify|Were these the models used?}} Added cocoa.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Cocoa Beans JE4 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of cocoa beans has been changed once again.|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (S) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (S) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) JE5.png|32px]]{{verify|Were these the models used?}} The textures of cocoa have been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Cocoa Beans JE3 BE2.png|32px]] Added cocoa beans.|[[File:Cocoa Age 0 (S) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 1 (S) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cocoa Age 2 (S) JE3.png|32px]]{{verify|Were these the models used?}} Added cocoa.}}{{History|foot}}=== Cocoa "item" ==={{:Technical blocks/Cocoa}}== Issues =={{issue list|Cocoa Beans|Cocoa Pod}}== Trivia ==*Cocoa pods have a different hitbox for each size; however, the top is always 0.25 blocks below the top of the [[log]] it is on.*If a cocoa pod grows while the player is standing next to it, the player is forced into the appropriate form of [[suffocation prevention]] depending on available space.*{{IN|be}}, the pixels on top of the fully grown pod are 8/7 the size of those on the side.<ref>{{bug|MC-109055||Fixed}}</ref><ref>{{bug|MCPE-152862}}</ref>== Gallery ==<gallery>CocoaReveal.png|The first screenshot of cocoa pods tweeted by [[Jens Bergensten]], which revealed the plants.CocoaPlant.png|A screenshot tweeted by Jens Bergensten, showing the pod.Cocoa Plants in a Jungle Biome (12w19a).png|Naturally generated cocoa pods.CPlantsJWood.png|A cocoa pod farm.Cocoa2.jpg|A cocoa farm.Cocoa beans phases.png|Three growing phases of the cocoa pod.AreaOptimizedBeanPods.gif|A log and pod layout for optimizing an example area of 14×14 (including walls).File:CocoaBean15.png|Cocoa beans with values greater than 12 appeared this way</gallery>==Literature=====References==={{reflist}}===External Links===*[ Taking Inventory: Cocoa Beans] – on December 5, 2019{{Items}}{{Blocks|vegetation}}[[Category:Dyes]][[Category:Food]][[Category:Plants]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[Category:Non-solid blocks]][[Category:Natural blocks]][[cs:Kakaové boby]][[de:Kakaobohnen]][[es:Semillas de cacao]][[fr:Fèves de cacao]][[hu:Kakaóbab]][[ja:カカオ豆]][[ko:코코아 콩]][[nl:Cacaobonen]][[pl:Ziarna kakaowe]][[pt:sem*ntes de cacau]][[ru:Какао-бобы]][[uk:Какао-боби]][[zh:可可豆]]</li></ul>
18w43aIron Golem (23) The texture of iron golems has been updated.
18w47aIron golems now spawn in cages next to pillager outposts.
19w08aA single iron golem now always spawns as part of a village.
Iron Golem (24) The texture of the iron golem has been tweaked. The bottom of the left arm is now the same as the right arm. The part of the under of the head and the under of the waist has been changed.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Lava Bucket|Lava Bucket]]<br/>{{Item| title = Lava Bucket| image = Lava Bucket.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = No }}A '''lava bucket''' is a [[bucket]] filled with [[lava]].== Obtaining ===== Interacting ===To fill an empty [[bucket]] with lava, {{control|use}} it on a [[lava]] source block or lava in a [[cauldron]]. The block is consumed in the process. Flowing lava does not fill a bucket.If there is a lava source above the [[pointed dripstone]] stalactite, there is a {{frac|15|256}} (~5.9%) chance for it to completely fill an empty cauldron within 10 blocks under the tip with lava after a [[random tick]]. This lava can then be scooped with a bucket, making it a renewable resource.==Usage==A lava bucket can be used to place down lava sources with the {{key|Use Item}} button. Doing so gives the player the bucket back. Lava buckets can be used to replace some transparent, non-full blocks such as [[tall grass]] and [[water]], both flowing and sources.{{IN|java}}, lava buckets can be used to break [[Nether Portal (block)|Nether portal blocks]] by placing the lava on the side of a block next to the portal block.=== Smelting ===A lava bucket can be used as an efficient [[fuel]]. It has the longest burning value of 1000 seconds, compared to 800 seconds for a [[coal block]] (a lava bucket smelts 100 items, and a coal block smelts 80). After smelting starts, the lava bucket turns into an empty bucket.=== Trading ==={{IN|bedrock}}, journeyman-level armorer villagers buy a lava bucket for one [[emerald]] as part of their trades.{{IN|java}}, journeyman-level armorer villagers have a 40% chance of offering to buy a lava bucket for one emerald.=== Cauldrons === A lava bucket can be used to fill a [[cauldron]] with lava. The lava damages any entity standing inside the cauldron, unless the entity is immune to fire damage.<!-- ex: nether mobs--> Flowing water or waterlogging does not affect the lava in the cauldron.== Sounds =={{el|je}}:{{Sound table|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg|subtitle=Bucket fills|source=player|description=When a bucket is filled with lava|id=item.bucket.fill_lava|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.fill|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg|subtitle=Bucket empties|source=block|description=When a lava bucket is emptied|id=item.bucket.empty_lava|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.empty|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{el|be}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg|source=block|description=When a bucket is filled with lava|id=bucket.fill_lava|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg|source=block|description=When a lava bucket is emptied|id=bucket.empty_lava|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}==Data values===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Lava Bucket|spritetype=item|nameid=lava_bucket|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Lava Bucket|spritetype=item|nameid=lava_bucket|aliasid=bucket / 10|id=363|form=item||foot=1}}== Achievements =={{load achievements|Super Fuel}}== Advancements =={{Load advancements|Hot Stuff}}==History=={{History|java infdev}}{{History||20100615|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}{{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.1.0|Buckets of lava can now be used to fuel a [[furnace]] for 100 [[smelting|smelts]], consuming the [[lava]] and the [[bucket]]. This is the highest number of smelts of any single [[item]] in the game.}}{{History||v1.2.6|{{control|use|text=Using}} a lava bucket on [[block]]s with GUIs ([[chest]]s, furnaces, etc.) no longer places the lava.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.2.1|snap=1.2|Changed name from "Lava bucket" to "Lava Bucket".}}{{History||1.3|snap=12w22a|[[Smelting]] in a [[furnace]] with a lava bucket now leaves an empty [[bucket]] for the [[player]] to retrieve.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w25a|A lava bucket is now shown as the icon when [[lava]] is used as a layer in [[Superflat]].}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w50a|Added sounds for filling and pouring lava buckets.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to the ''[[Flattening]]'' this item's numerical ID was 327.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Lava Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lava buckets has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Armorer villagers can now [[trading|buy]] lava buckets.}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Lava buckets can now be used to fill a [[cauldron]] with lava.}}{{History|||snap=21w13a|The lava bucket is now fully renewable, as [[pointed dripstone]] can now be obtained in Survival mode without custom generation.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}{{History||v0.7.4|Lava buckets can now be used as [[fuel]] in a [[furnace]].|Lava buckets no longer stack to 64.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Moved all bucket items, including lava buckets, from the Equipment tab to the Items tab in the [[Creative inventory]].{{verify|type=update}}{{info needed}}<!---please check snapshots, only 1 major release version was checked each--->}}{{History||1.9.0|snap=beta|Lava bucket can now be used to fill a [[cauldron]].}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Lava Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lava buckets has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Lava buckets can now be [[trading|sold]] to armorer [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of lava buckets has been changed from <code>bucket/10</code> to <code>lava_bucket</code>.}}{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|The lava bucket is now fully renewable, as [[pointed dripstone]] can now be obtained in Survival mode without custom generation.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}{{History||xbox=TU9|[[Dispenser]]s have now been given the ability to shoot out the [[liquids]] inside lava buckets. They can also suck up the liquids if activated again, but do not fill up the [[bucket]]s with the liquid dropped due to a bug.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Lava Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lava buckets has been changed.}}{{History|New Nintendo 3DS Edition}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{Issue list}}==Trivia==* One lava bucket has the highest number of [[smelting|smelts]] in the game at 100 items per bucket.** This makes it 12.5 times more efficient than [[coal]] and [[charcoal]].* A lava bucket is used as Steve's Down-Smash attack in the crossover fighting game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.{{Items}}[[Category:Renewable resources]][[Category:Tools]][[de:Lavaeimer]][[ja:溶岩入りバケツ]][[pt:Balde de lava]][[th:ถังลาวา]][[uk:Відро лави]][[zh:熔岩桶]]</li><li>[[Leather|Leather]]<br/>{{About||the leather from rabbits|Rabbit Hide|the armor material|Armor materials}}{{Item| image = Leather.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Leather''' is an [[item]] used to make [[item frame]]s, [[armor]] and [[book]]s.== Obtaining ===== Mob loot ===Upon death, [[cow]]s, [[mooshroom]]s, [[horse]]s, [[donkey]]s, [[mule]]s, [[llama]]s and [[trader llama]]s drop 0–2 leather, while [[hoglin]]s drop 0–1 leather. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 5 leather (4 leather from hoglins) with Looting III.A [[fox]] sometimes spawns holding leather, which always drops upon death. Alternatively, a player can drop a [[food]] item, causing the fox to drop the leather.=== Fishing ===Leather can be obtained as a "junk" item from [[fishing]].=== Crafting ==={{Crafting |A1= Rabbit Hide |B1= Rabbit Hide |A2= Rabbit Hide |B2= Rabbit Hide |Output=Leather |type=Material}}=== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|leather}}=== Villager gifts ==={{in|java}}, leatherworker [[villager]]s throw leather at players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.=== Bartering ===[[Piglin]]s may [[barter]] 2-4 leather when given a [[gold ingot]].== Usage ===== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}=== Trading ===Novice-level leatherworker villagers have a {{frac|2|3}} chance to [[trading|buy]] 6 leather for one [[emerald]] {{in|java}}, and always offer the trade {{in|bedrock}}.=== Repairing ===Leather is the repair item for the [[armor materials|leather armor]], and thus can be used to [[item repair|repair]] the following items in an [[anvil]]:* {{ItemLink|Leather cap}}* {{ItemLink|Leather tunic}}* {{ItemLink|Leather pants}}* {{ItemLink|Leather boots}}== Achievements =={{load achievements|Cow Tipper}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showitemtags=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Leather|spritetype=item|nameid=leather|itemtags=ignored_by_piglin_babies|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Leather|spritetype=item|nameid=leather|id=381|form=item|foot=1}}== History =={{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.0.8|[[File:Leather JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leather.|Leather [[drops]] from [[cow]]s.|The [[crafting]] recipe for leather [[armor]] has been changed from cloth to leather (leather armor was previously [[craft]]ed with [[wool]], and was called "cloth armor" in the game code).}}{{History||v1.0.17|[[Chicken]]s in [[Survival]] [[multiplayer]] now [[drop]] leather if killed by [[fire]], fall [[damage]] or [[cactus]].}}{{History||v1.2.6|Chickens dropping leather was fixed by this version at the latest.{{when|It would be nice to know exactly when. It's at most a 3 1/2 month bug, though it was at the beginning. Might count as short-lived.}}.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w17a|Leather is now required to craft [[book]]s.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Leather is now used to craft the newly added [[item frame]]s.}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|Leather is now used to craft [[horse saddle]]s.|[[Horse]]s now [[drop]] leather.}}{{History|||snap=13w18a|Leather is no longer used to craft [[horse saddle]]s.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Leather can be obtained as one of the "junk" [[item]]s in [[fishing]], making it possible to obtain it without killing any [[animal]]s.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Leather can now be [[trading|sold]] to leatherworker [[villager]]s, at 9–12 leather for 1 [[emerald]].}}{{History|||snap=14w27b|Leather can now be crafted using 4 [[rabbit hide]].}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w41a|Leather can now be used to repair [[elytra]].}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|[[Llama]]s now [[drop]] leather.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 334.}}{{History|||snap=18w07a|[[Phantom]]s now drop leather.}}{{History|||snap=18w14a|Phantoms no longer [[drop]] leather.|[[Phantom membrane]]s are now used to repair [[elytra]], instead of leather.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Leather JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of leather has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w48a|Leather can now be found in chests in [[village]] tanneries.}}{{History|||snap=19w07a|Added [[fox]]es, which sometimes spawn with leather in their mouths.}}{{History|||snap=19w08a|Leather is now used to [[craft]] leather [[horse armor]].}}{{History|||snap=19w13a|Leatherworker villagers now give leather to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|Leather is dropped by the new [[hoglin]]s.|Leather has a {{frac|5|109}} (~4.59%) chance of being given by the new [[piglin]]s when [[bartering]], in a stack size of 2–7.}}{{History|||snap=20w09a|Leather now has a {{frac|20|226}} (~8.84%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Leather now generates in[[bastion remnants]]chests.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Leather JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leather. It is currently unobtainable and serves no purpose.}}{{History||v0.6.0|Leather is now obtainable by killing [[cow]]s.|Leather can be used to craft leather [[armor]].}}{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Leather can now be obtained as one of the "junk" [[item]]s in [[fishing]], making it possible to obtain it without killing any [[animal]]s.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Leather is now required to craft [[book]]s.}}{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Leather can now be [[craft]]ed using 4 [[rabbit hide]].}}{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Leather is now used to craft leather [[horse armor]].}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Leather can now be used to repair [[elytra]].}}{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|9-12 leather can now be [[trading|sold]] to leatherworker [[villager]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.6.0|snap=beta|[[Phantom membrane]]s are now used to repair [[elytra]], instead of leather.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Leather can now be found in [[village]] tannery house [[chest]]s.|[[File:Leather JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of leather has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed, leatherworker [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 6 leather for an [[emerald]].}}{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Added [[fox]]es, which can drop leather.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Hoglins now drop leather.|Leather can now be obtained from bartering with piglin.|Leather can now be found in[[bastion remnants]]chests.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Leather JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leather.}}{{History||xbox=TU60|xbone=CU51|ps=1.64|wiiu=Patch 30|switch=1.0.11|Leather is now used to [[craft]] leather [[horse armor]].}}{{History||xbox=TU69|xbone=none|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|switch=none|[[Phantom membrane]]s are now used to repair [[elytra]], instead of leather.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Leather JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of leather has been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Leather JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leather.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}{{Items}}[[Category:Renewable resources]][[cs:Kůže]][[de:Leder]][[es:Cuero]][[fr:Cuir]][[hu:Bőr]][[it:Cuoio]][[ja:革]][[ko:가죽]][[nl:Leer]][[pl:Skóra]][[pt:Couro]][[ru:Кожа]][[th:หนังสัตว์]][[uk:Шкіра]][[zh:皮革]]</li></ul>
pre1Panicking villagers now have a higher chance of spawning iron golems.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Nautilus Shell|Nautilus Shell]]<br/>{{Item| type =| stackable = Yes (64)| renewable = Yes}}A '''nautilus shell''' is an item that is used for crafting [[conduit]]s.==Obtaining=====Fishing==={{main|Fishing#Junk and treasure}}Nautilus shells can be rarely obtained as a treasure item from fishing. The drop chances of nautilus shells slightly increase with each level of [[Luck of the Sea]] on the [[player]]'s [[fishing rod]].===Mob loot===[[Drowned]] have a 3%{{only|java|short=1}} or 8%{{only|bedrock|short=1}} chance to spawn with a nautilus shell in their off-hand, and this nautilus shell always drops upon [[death]].===Trading===[[Wandering trader]]s may [[trading|sell]] a nautilus shell for 5 [[emerald]]s each, but they only sell 5 of them at a time.==Usage=={{IN|bedrock}}, a nautilus shell is one of the few items that can be held in the off-hand.===Crafting ingredient==={{crafting usage}}=== Trading ===Nautilus shells can be given to trident-wielding drowned with a chance for the drowned to pick up the shell and drop the trident.<sup>[''[[Bedrock Edition]] only'']</sup>==Data values=====ID==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Nautilus Shell|spritetype=item|nameid=nautilus_shell|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Nautilus Shell|spritetype=item|nameid=nautilus_shell|id=570|form=item|foot=1}}==History=={{History|java}} {{History||1.13|snap=18w15a|[[File:Nautilus Shell JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added nautilus shells.}}{{History||1.14|snap=19w05a|Added [[Wandering Trader|wandering trader]]s, which sell nautilus shells.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|[[File:Nautilus Shell BE1.png|32px]] Added nautilus shells.}}{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Nautilus Shell JE1 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of nautilus shells has now been changed.}}{{History||1.5.0|snap=beta|[[Drowned]] now sometimes spawn holding a nautilus shell.|Nautilus shells are no longer behind [[Experimental Gameplay]].}}{{History|||snap=beta|Nautilus shells can now be used to craft [[conduit]]s.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Nautilus shells can now be obtained from [[trading]] with [[wandering trader]]s.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU69|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|[[File:Nautilus Shell JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added nautilus shells.}}{{History||xbox=none|ps=1.91|wiiu=none|Nautilus shells can now be obtained from [[trading]] with [[wandering trader]]s.}}{{History|foot}}==Issues=={{issue list}}==Trivia==*[[wikipedia:Nautilus|Nautilus]]es are animals that occupy deep oceans in the real world. However, they are absent in Minecraft and there are currently no plans to add nautilus [[mob]]s into the game.*Because {{el|bedrock}} allows for Nautilus shells to be held in the off-hand (since drowned hold them), they are the only item in that version that can be put in the off-hand slot without having a specific function.{{items}}[[de:Nautilusschale]][[es:Caparazón de nautilo]][[fr:Coquille de nautile]][[it:Conchiglia di nautilus]][[ja:オウムガイの殻]][[ko:앵무조개 껍데기]][[nl:Nautilusschelp]][[pl:Muszla łodzika]][[pt:Concha de náutilo]][[ru:Раковина наутилуса]][[th:เปลือกหอยงวงช้าง]][[uk:Мушля наутилуса]][[zh:鹦鹉螺壳]][[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Redstone Repeater|Redstone Repeater]]<br/>{{Block| image = <gallery>Redstone Repeater.png|Redstone RepeaterRedstone Repeater BE.png|Redstone Repeater (BE)</gallery>| extratext = View [[#Renders|all renders]]| transparent = Yes| light = No| tool = any| stackable = Yes (64)| flammable = No| lavasusceptible = No| renewable = Yes}}{{about|the block|repeater circuits|Transmission circuit#Repeater|other topics related to redstone|Redstone (disambiguation)}}A '''redstone repeater''' is a [[block]] that produces a full-strength [[Redstone Dust|output signal]] from its front when its back is powered, with four configurable delay settings. It can also be locked into a power state by its side being directly powered by a repeater or a [[Redstone Comparator|comparator]].== Obtaining ===== Breaking ===A redstone repeater can be broken instantly using any [[tool]], or without a tool, and drops itself as an item. To remove a redstone repeater, {{control|mine}} it.A redstone repeater is removed and drops as an item if:* its attachment block is moved, removed, or destroyed;* [[water]] or [[lava]] flows into its space;{{only|java}}* a [[piston]] tries to push it or moves a block into its space.=== Natural generation ===[[File:Redstone Repeater naturally generated.png|thumb|A redstone repeater generated in the jungle temple's hidden room.]]A single redstone repeater is generated naturally in each [[jungle temple]].They also generate in [[Ancient City|ancient cities]].=== Crafting ==={{Crafting|A2= Redstone Torch|B2= Redstone Dust|C2= Redstone Torch|B3= Stone|C3= Stone|A3= Stone|Output= Redstone Repeater|type= Redstone}}== Usage =={{see also|Redstone circuit}}A redstone repeater can be used in four different ways: to "repeat" redstone signals back to full strength, delay signals, prevent signals moving backwards, or to "lock" signals in one state.A repeater can be placed only on top of [[opaque]] blocks (dirt, stone, etc.), on top of upside-down [[slab]]s, upside-down [[stairs]], furnaces, and glass. {{IN|be}}, a repeater can also be placed on fences and stone walls. They can also be placed on some transparent blocks. See [[Opacity/Placement]] for more information. To place a repeater, use the {{control|Place Block}} [[control]].A redstone repeater has a front and back – the arrow on the top points to the repeater's front. A repeater also has two small redstone torches on its top – the color of the torches indicates whether its output is on (dark red when off, bright red when on) and the distance between them indicates the delay the repeater adds to the signal transmission.A repeater is 0.125 ({{frac|1|8}}) blocks high.=== Signal transmission ===A repeater transmits signals only from its back to its front, but its behavior can be modified from the side (see [[#Signal locking|signal locking]], below).[[File:Redstone Torch Power.png|Different ways to power a repeater|thumb]]A redstone repeater can be powered by any of the following components at its back:* an active [[power component]] (redstone torch, lever, block of redstone, etc.)* powered [[redstone dust]]* a powered [[redstone comparator]] or another powered redstone repeater facing the repeater* a powered opaque block (including any opaque [[mechanism component]]s, such as [[dispenser]]s, [[redstone lamp]]s, etc.)A redstone repeater can power any of the following components at its front:* redstone dust* a redstone comparator or another redstone repeater facing away from the repeater* any opaque block (including any opaque [[mechanism component]]s)A redstone repeater can activate any [[mechanism component]] it is facing.An opaque block powered by a redstone repeater is called "strongly-powered" (as opposed to an opaque block "weakly-powered" by redstone dust). A strongly-powered opaque block can power adjacent redstone dust, as well as other redstone components.=== Signal repeating ==={{see also|Transmission circuit#Repeater}}A redstone repeater can "repeat" a [[Redstone Dust|redstone]] signal, boosting it back up to power level 15.Redstone signals have a maximum power level of 15 and that level drops by 1 for every block of [[redstone dust]] the signal travels through. If a signal must travel through more than 15 [[block]]s of redstone dust, a redstone repeater can be used to boost the signal back up to full strength. An extra two blocks of distance can be achieved by placing solid opaque blocks before and after the repeater.While redstone repeaters can allow signals to travel great distances, each always adds some delay to the transmission since the minimum amount of delay is 1 redstone tick (0.1 seconds, barring lag).=== Signal delay ===When initially placed, a redstone repeater has a delay of one [[redstone tick]] (equivalent to two game ticks, or 0.1 seconds barring lag).A repeater's delay can be modified by using the {{control|Use Item}} control. Each use increases the repeater's delay by one redstone tick, to a maximum of four redstone ticks, then back to one redstone tick. Longer delays can be made with multiple repeaters – for example, a repeater set to 'four' and another to 'one' provides a half-second delay (0.4s + 0.1s = 0.5s).A repeater set to a delay of two to four redstone ticks increases the length of any shorter [[Pulse circuit#Pulses|on-pulse]] to match the length of the repeater's delay, and suppress any shorter off-pulse. For example, a repeater set to a 4-tick delay changes a 1-tick, 2-tick, or 3-tick on-pulse into a 4-tick on-pulse, and does not allow through any off-pulse shorter than 4 ticks.Although a repeater cannot be set to have a delay of zero, [[Transmission circuit#Instant repeater|instant repeater circuits]] are possible (circuits that repeat a signal with no delay).In Bedrock Edition, the first repeater have a delay of zero but the repeater is still showing 1-tick{{info needed}}=== {{anchor|diode}} Signal direction ==={{see also| Mechanics/Redstone/Transmission circuit#Diode}}A redstone repeater acts as a diode – it allows redstone signals through in one direction (unlike [[redstone dust]] or opaque blocks that can transmit redstone signals in any direction).A diode can be used to protect a [[redstone circuit]] from redstone signals feeding back into the circuit from its output, or can be used to isolate one part of a circuit from another.=== {{anchor|lock}} Signal locking ==={{see also| Mechanics/Redstone/Memory circuit}}[[File:Latch.png|thumb|The left repeater has been locked in an unpowered output state by the right repeater.]]A redstone repeater can be "locked" by another powered redstone repeater facing its side. When locked, the repeater does not change its output (whether powered or unpowered), no matter what the input does. When the side repeater turns back off, the repeater returns to its normal behavior.A repeater can also be locked by a powered [[redstone comparator]] facing its side. This offers additional possibilities for locking signals because a comparator's output can be affected from 3 sides as well as by containers.If a repeater is locked again too quickly after unlocking (e.g. the lock is controlled by a fast clock circuit), or the lock and the input are changed only on the same tick (e.g. because they're fed by the same clock and both repeaters have the same delay), the repeater does not switch states.== Sounds =={{Edition|java}}:{{Sound table/Block/Stone/JE}}{{Edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table/Block/Wood/BE}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Redstone Repeater|spritetype=block|nameid=repeater|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Redstone Repeater|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Unpowered block|spritename=unpowered-repeater|spritetype=block|nameid=unpowered_repeater|id=93|form=block|translationkey=-}}{{ID table|displayname=Powered block|spritename=powered-repeater|spritetype=block|nameid=powered_repeater|id=94|form=block|translationkey=-}}{{ID table|displayname=Item|spritename=redstone-repeater|spritetype=item|nameid=repeater|id=419|form=item|foot=1}}=== Block states ==={{see also|Block states}}{{/BS}}== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|0Ij_qMLiRzE}}</div>== History ==''For a more in-depth breakdown of changes to repeater textures and models, including a set of renders for each state combination, see [[/Asset history]]''{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.3|[[File:Redstone Repeater (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Redstone Repeater (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added redstone repeaters.|Originally, the four possible settings were "1, 2, 5 and 7",<ref></ref> but [[Jeb]] decided to change the settings to "1, 2, 3, and 4".<ref></ref>|The particles when [[breaking]] redstone repeaters erroneously use the [[pumpkin]] top texture.}}{{History||unknown|The breaking particles of redstone repeaters now use the smooth stone [[slab]] top texture, even though none of the elements on the [[model]] use it.}}{{History||1.7|[[File:Redstone Repeater (S) JE2.png|32px]] The side texture of redstone repeaters has been changed to the previous bottom part of the texture.|[[Redstone dust]] now automatically connects to the input of a redstone repeater. Previously, it needed to be specifically pointed towards the repeater like with other blocks.}}{{History||unknown|Redstone dust now visually connects to the output of redstone repeaters, though this does not change its behavior.}}{{History|java}}{{History||unknown|The breaking particles of redstone repeaters have been changed to an unlit [[redstone torch]] when unpowered and a lit redstone torch when powered.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w22a|Redstone repeaters now naturally generate inside [[jungle temple]]s.}}{{History|||snap=1.3|[[File:Redstone Repeater (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of redstone repeater [[item]]s have been changed.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w42a|[[File:Redstone Repeater (S) JE3.png|32px]] The top texture of redstone repeaters has now been changed.|[[File:Locked Redstone Repeater (S) JE1.png|32px]] Added repeater locking to redstone repeaters. Interestingly, the smallest face of the bedrock cuboid's texture changes depending on the delay, but the other two faces remain the same. When/if this changed is unknown.}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w02a|[[File:Redstone Repeater (S) JE4.png|32px]] The side textures of redstone repeaters have been changed to use the top texture of stone [[slab]]s.}}{{History||unknown|The breaking [[particles|particle]] of redstone repeaters has been changed once again and now matches the top texture of redstone repeaters.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w06a|Repeaters no longer produce block [[light]] when powered.}}{{History|||snap=14w10a|[[File:Powered Redstone Repeater (S) JE5.png|32px]] Torches on repeaters now no longer have protruding features.|The torches underneath redstone repeaters have now been shortened, which has changed the underside textures from [[File:Redstone Repeater JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Locked Redstone Repeater JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] to [[File:Redstone Repeater JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]].}}{{History|||snap=14w10b|[[File:Powered Redstone Repeater (S) JE4.png|32px]] Repeater torches now have protruding features again.<ref>{{bug|MC-50242}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=?|[[File:Powered Redstone Repeater (S) JE7.png|32px]] The torches on redstone repeaters are now affected by directional shading.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|All 3 IDs for the redstone repeater have now been merged into 1 ID: <code>repeater</code>.|Added powered block state to redstone repeaters.|Redstone repeaters now render their underside, which has changed their undersides from [[File:Redstone Repeater JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] to [[File:Redstone Repeater JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]].|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[block]]s' numeral IDs were 93 and 94, and the [[item]]'s 356.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Redstone Repeater (S) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Redstone Repeater (S) JE9.png|32px]] [[File:Locked Redstone Repeater (S) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Locked Redstone Repeater (S) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Redstone Repeater (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of redstone repeaters have now been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w50a|[[File:Locked Redstone Repeater (S) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Locked Redstone Repeater (S) JE7.png|32px]] As the texture of [[bedrock]] has been changed, the textures of locked redstone repeaters have also now been changed.}}{{History|||snap=19w12b|Redstone repeaters can now be placed on [[glass]], [[ice]], [[glowstone]] and [[sea lantern]]s.}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Redstone repeaters now generate in [[Ancient City|ancient cities]].}}{{History||1.20.2|snap=23w33a|Redstone repeaters now use stone sounds instead of wood sounds.<ref>{{bug|MC-182820|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Redstone Repeater (S) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Redstone Repeater (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added redstone repeaters.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Redstone repeaters now render their underside, which has changed their undersides from [[File:Redstone Repeater JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Locked Redstone Repeater JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] to [[File:Redstone Repeater JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Active Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater Delay 2 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater Delay 3 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File: Locked Active Redstone Repeater Delay 4 JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]].}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Redstone Repeater (S) BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Redstone Repeater (S) BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Redstone Repeater (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of redstone repeaters have now been changed.}}{{History||1.20.30|snap=beta|Redstone Repeaters now use the <code>minecraft:cardinal_direction</code> [[block state]] instead of <code>direction</code>.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Redstone Repeater (S) JE3.png|32px]]{{verify|Was this model actually used here?}} [[File:Redstone Repeater (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added redstone repeaters.}}{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Locked Redstone Repeater (S) JE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Was this model actually used here?}} Added repeater locking to redstone repeaters.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Redstone Repeater (S) JE4.png|32px]]{{verify|Was this model actually used here?}} [[File:Redstone Repeater (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of redstone repeaters have now been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Redstone Repeater (S) JE3.png|32px]]{{verify|Was this model actually used here?}} [[File:Redstone Repeater (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added redstone repeaters and repeater locking.}}{{History|foot}}=== Redstone repeater "items" ==={{:Technical blocks/Redstone Repeater}}== Issues =={{Issue list}}== Trivia ==* The recipe and appearance of redstone repeaters are a likely reference to the old method of repeating signals, which would also use two torches at a time, inverting each other== Gallery ==<gallery>Repeater clock.gif|A redstone clock formed from a redstone torch and a repeater.Repeater feedback.gif|A redstone clock formed from two repeaters.Two way repeater.gif|MCRedstoneSim diagram of a two-way repeater.Repeater bridge.png|Crossing redstone wires using repeaters.Jeb Repeaters 1.png|Jeb Repeaters 2.png|Jeb Repeaters 3.png|</gallery>=== Renders ===<gallery>Redstone Repeater.pngRedstone Repeater Delay 2.pngRedstone Repeater Delay 3.pngRedstone Repeater Delay 4.pngPowered Redstone Repeater.pngPowered Redstone Repeater Delay 2.pngPowered Redstone Repeater Delay 3.pngPowered Redstone Repeater Delay 4.pngLocked Redstone Repeater.pngLocked Redstone Repeater Delay 2.pngLocked Redstone Repeater Delay 3.pngLocked Redstone Repeater Delay 4.pngPowered Locked Redstone Repeater.pngPowered Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 2.pngPowered Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 3.pngPowered Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 4.pngRedstone Repeater BE.pngRedstone Repeater Delay 2 BE.pngRedstone Repeater Delay 3 BE.pngRedstone Repeater Delay 4 BE.pngPowered Redstone Repeater BE.pngPowered Redstone Repeater Delay 2 BE.pngPowered Redstone Repeater Delay 3 BE.pngPowered Redstone Repeater Delay 4 BE.pngLocked Redstone Repeater BE.pngLocked Redstone Repeater Delay 2 BE.pngLocked Redstone Repeater Delay 3 BE.pngLocked Redstone Repeater Delay 4 BE.pngPowered Locked Redstone Repeater BE.pngPowered Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 2 BE.pngPowered Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 3 BE.pngPowered Locked Redstone Repeater Delay 4 BE.png</gallery>== References =={{Reflist}}{{Redstone}}{{Blocks|Utility}}{{Items}}[[Category:Mechanics]][[Category:Redstone mechanics]][[Category:Redstone]][[Category:Mechanisms]][[Category:Manufactured blocks]][[Category:Generated structure blocks]][[Category:Non-solid blocks]][[de:Redstone-Verstärker]][[es:Repetidor de redstone]][[fr:Répéteur de redstone]][[hu:Redstone-jelismétlő]][[it:Ripetitore di redstone]][[ja:レッドストーンリピーター]][[ko:레드스톤 중계기]][[nl:Redstoneversterker]][[pl:Przekaźnik]][[pt:Repetidor de redstone]][[ru:Красный повторитель]][[tr:Kızıltaş tekrarlayıcı]][[zh:红石中继器]]</li></ul>
19w41aIron Golem (25) Iron Golem (26) Iron Golem (27) Iron golems now crack as they take damage.
Iron golems can now be healed with iron ingots.
19w44aIron golem's damage progress is now based on the ratio of current health to max health.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Flint and Steel|Flint and Steel]]<br/>{{Item| image = Flint and Steel.png| rarity = Common| renewable = Yes| durability = 64| stackable = No}}'''Flint and steel''' is a [[tool]] used to create [[fire]] or to ignite certain blocks, structures and mobs.== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting|head=1|showname=0|showdescription=1|Iron Ingot|Flint|Output=Flint and Steel|type=Tool}}{{crafting|foot=1|ignoreusage=1|Damaged Flint and Steel|Damaged Flint and Steel|Output= Flint and Steel|description= The durability of the two tools is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.|type= Tool}}=== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|flint-and-steel}}== Usage ===== Igniting ===When {{control|use|text=used}} on the space above any solid top surface, on any side of any flammable block or any side of any [[obsidian]] block within a valid unlit [[nether portal]] frame regardless of if there is a solid top surface available, the flint and steel places a [[fire]] there.Flint and steel can be used to light unlit [[campfire]]s, [[candle]]s and [[cake|cakes with candles]].Flint and steel can be used to light [[nether portal]]s, as any fire existing within an appropriate [[obsidian]] frame will instantly be replaced with [[Nether Portal (block)|nether portal blocks]] that occupy the entirety of the frame.Using flint and steel on [[TNT]] ignites it. The explosion damage dealt by TNT ignited with flint and steel in this specific way counts as the player's attack. If the player is {{Control|sneak|text=sneaking}} a fire is instead placed on the side of the TNT the flint and steel was used on.A flint and steel can be used on a [[creeper]] to force it to explode. Explosions initiated in this way cannot be cancelled.When powered, a [[dispenser]] containing flint and steel can place fires or ignite relevant blocks such as TNT or campfires in the space directly in front of it. This reduces the flint and steel's durability. A dispenser containing a flint and steel cannot detonate creepers.=== Enchantments ===Flint and steel can receive the following [[enchantment]]s:{|class="wikitable col-2-center col-3-right"|+!Name!Max Level![[Enchanting|Method]]|-|[[Unbreaking]]|III|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}} |-|[[Mending]]|I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}} |-|[[Curse of Vanishing]]|I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}} |}== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|rowspan=2|sound=Flint and steel click.ogg|subtitle=Flint and Steel click|source=block|description=When a flint and steel is used to place fire|id=item.flintandsteel.use|idnote=<ref name=incorrecteventnames group=sound>{{Cite bug|MC|177457|Fire charge and flint and steel sound event names do not follow item IDs|date=April 5, 2020}}</ref>|translationkey=subtitles.item.flintandsteel.use|translationkeynote=<ref name=incorrecteventnames group=sound/>|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16}}{{Sound table|subtitle=Flint and Steel click|source=hostile|description=When a flint and steel is used to light a creeper|id=item.flintandsteel.use|idnote=<ref name=incorrecteventnames group=sound/>|translationkey=subtitles.item.flintandsteel.use|translationkeynote=<ref name=incorrecteventnames group=sound/>|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|subtitle=Item breaks|source=player|description=When a flint and steel's durability is exhausted|id=entity.item.break|translationkey=subtitles.entity.item.break|volume=0.8|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}};{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Flint and steel click.ogg|source=block|description=When a flint and steel is used to place fire|id=fire.ignite|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8-1.2}}{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|source=player|description=When a flint and steel's durability is exhausted|id=random.break|volume=1.0|pitch=0.9|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Flint and Steel|spritetype=item|nameid=flint_and_steel|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Flint and Steel|spritetype=item|nameid=flint_and_steel|id=299|form=item|foot=1}}== Achievements =={{Load achievements|Into the Nether}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|We Need To Go Deeper}}== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|caz8BBG48VU}}</div>== History =={{more sounds|type=old|There is within the possible realm a different use sound from 2015-era Pocket Edition, can this be uploaded?}}{{History|java indev}}{{History||0.31|snap=20100110|[[File:Flint and Steel JE1.png|32px]] Added flint and steel.|Flint and steel can be used to set [[fire]].}}{{History|||snap=20100129|[[File:Flint and Steel JE2.png|32px]] The steel part of the texture has been brightened.|Flint and steel can be used alongside [[lava]] to [[smelting|smelt]] [[ores]] and cook [[food]].<ref></ref>}}{{History|||snap=20100201-2|Flint and steel can now sometimes be dropped as loot from killing [[mobs]].}}{{History||20100219|[[File:Flint and Steel JE3 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of flint and steel has been changed, due to its new crafting recipe.|Flint and steel can no longer drop from mobs.|Flint and steel can now be crafted from an [[iron ingot]] and the newly added [[flint]].|[[Furnace]]s have been added to replace the cooking and [[smelting]] function of flint and steel.}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.7|Flint and steel, along with [[fire]] itself, [[explosion]]s and [[Mechanics/Redstone/Circuit|redstone]] are now the only ways to activate [[TNT]].<ref>{{tweet|jeb_|78154891637436416}}</ref>}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|The [[player]] can now [[trading|buy]] 1 flint and steel from farmer [[villager]]s for 3 [[emerald]]s, making flint and steel [[renewable]].}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38a|The [[sound]] when using flint and steel has been changed.}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w04a|[[Dispenser]]s are now able to use flint and steel on the [[block]] in front of them.}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w18a|Flint and steel can now be found in the new [[chest]]s in [[nether fortress]]es.}}{{History|||snap=13w25a|Flint and steel now loses [[durability]] when igniting [[TNT]].}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Flint and steel now has a shapeless crafting recipe.{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed" data-description{{=}}"Old recipe"! Old recipe{{!}}-{{!}}{{Crafting|A1=Iron Ingot|B2=Flint|Output=Flint and Steel|ignoreusage=1}}{{!}}}|Using flint and steel on a [[creeper]] now causes it to [[explosion|explode]].}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Villager]]s no longer [[trading|sell]] flint and steel, making it no longer renewable. However, if a villager selling flint and steel already exists in the world, it can be continuously traded with to obtain flint and steel renewably.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|The average yield of flint and steel in [[nether fortress]] [[chest]]s has been slightly reduced.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 259.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Flint and Steel JE4 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of flint and steel has been changed.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|[[Gravel]] now can be given by the [[piglin]]s when [[bartering]], making flint and steel renewable again.}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Flint and steel can now be found inside [[ruined portal]] chests.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Flint and Steel JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Added flint and steel.}}{{History||v0.7.0|Flint and steel can now be used to set [[fire]].}}{{History||v0.7.4|Using flint and steel on a [[creeper]] now causes it to [[explosion|explode]].}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Added flint and steel to the [[creative]] [[inventory]].}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Flint and steel can now be used to activate a [[nether portal]].|Flint and steel can now be found in [[nether fortress]]es.|Flint and steel can now be [[enchanted]] in [[anvil]]s.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Flint and steel can now be used inside [[dispenser]]s when powered.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Flint and Steel JE4 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of flint and steel has been changed.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Flint and steel can now be obtained by [[bartering]] with [[piglin]]s.|Flint and steel can now be enchanted with [[Curse of Vanishing]] through an [[anvil]].}}{{History|||snap=beta|Flint and steel are no longer obtainable from [[bartering]].|Flint and steel can now be found inside [[ruined portal]] chests.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Flint and Steel JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Added flint and steel.}}{{History||xbox=TU3|Flint and steel, along with [[fire]] itself, [[explosion]]s and [[redstone (disambiguation)|redstone]] are now the only ways to activate [[TNT]].}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Flint and steel now makes [[sound]]s when igniting [[block]]s.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Flint and Steel JE4 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of flint and steel has been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Flint and Steel JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Added flint and steel.}}{{History|foot}}Historical sounds:{| class="wikitable"! Sound! From! to! Pitch|-| {{sound||Flint and Steel old.ogg}}|?|?|?|}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* In [[Adventure mode]], flint and steel cannot light fires, nor can it ignite nether portals (unless it has the tag {{cd|CanPlaceOn:obsidian}}). However, it can still ignite TNT and creepers.* The name "Flint and Steel" may be misleading and is inaccurate considering the game doesn’t have and possibly will have [[Java Edition mentioned features#Steel|steel]] in the game and it's crafted with iron instead. This is similar to the [[Old Growth Taiga|Old Growth Pine Taiga]], as there are no pines in the game and they have [[Spruce|Spruce Trees]] instead.**In real life, Iron can’t be used as a fire striker, so Mojang had to rename it to Flint and Steel so it makes more sense. This explains why it is called Flint and Steel, but there is no steel in the game.**Steel was mentioned by Mojang, as a “stronger” iron, but shortly rejected, and there are no currently no plans to add it to the game.* Flint and steel cannot light end portals.* Flint and Steel is the first item to mention another item that is not in the game.*In the April Fools Snapshot, [[Java Edition 23w13a or b]], one of the possible voted was “Flint and Steel can ignite any block”.==References=={{Reflist}}{{Items}}[[Category:Renewable resources]][[cs:Křesadlo]][[de:Feuerzeug]][[es:Mechero]][[fr:Briquet]][[hu:Kovakő acéllal]][[ja:火打石と打ち金]][[ko:부싯돌과 부시]][[nl:Vuursteen en staal]][[pl:Krzesiwo]][[pt:Pederneira]][[ru:Огниво]][[zh:打火石]]</li><li>[[Potato|Potato]]<br/>{{about|the raw potato|the cooked potato|Baked Potato|the potato that can inflict poison|Poisonous Potato}}{{Item| group = Age 0-1| 1-1 = Potatoes Age 0-1.png| 1-2 = Potatoes Age 0-1 BE.png| group2 = Age 2-3| 2-1 = Potatoes Age 4-6.png| 2-2 = Potatoes Age 2-3 BE.png| group3 = Age 4-6| 3-1 = Potatoes Age 4-6.png| 3-2 = Potatoes Age 4-6 BE.png| group4 = Age 7| 4-1 = Potatoes Age 7.png| 4-2 = Potatoes Age 7 BE.png| image = Potato JE3 BE2.png| renewable = Yes| heals = {{hunger|1}}| stackable = Yes (64)}}A '''potato''' is a [[food]] [[item]] obtained from potato crops that can be used to plant them, consumed raw or [[cook]]ed to make [[baked potato]]es.'''Potato crops''' are planted in [[farmland]] and used to grow potatoes and, rarely, [[Poisonous Potato|poisonous potatoes]].== Obtaining ===== Natural generation ===[[Village]] farm plots have a chance of being planted with potatoes. The exact chance depends on the style of the village:{| class="wikitable"! Village style!! Chance|-| {{EnvSprite|snowy-village}} Snowy || 70%|-| {{EnvSprite|plains-village}} Plains || 15%|-| {{EnvSprite|taiga-village}} Taiga || 10%|}Fully grown potato crops drop 2 to 5 potatoes ({{frac|3|5|7}} per crop harvested on average) and have a 2% chance of dropping an additional [[poisonous potato]]. Potato yield can be increased using a tool enchanted with [[Fortune]], with Fortune III harvesting an average of {{frac|5|3|7}} potatoes. [[Bone meal]] can be used to mature the potato to its last stage of growth.The first two potatoes always drop, and then three more attempts are made to drop a potato with a success rate of 57.14286% to yield the extra 0–3 drops. Each level of Fortune enchantment increases the number of attempts by one.=== Mob loot ===[[Zombie]]s, [[husk]]s, and [[zombie villager]]s have a 2.5% ({{frac|1|40}}) chance of dropping either an [[iron ingot]], [[carrot]], or potato when killed by a player or tamed wolf. This is increased by 1% ({{frac|1|100}}) per level of looting. This gives potatoes the following chances of dropping:* {{frac|1|120}} (about 0.83%)* {{frac|7|600}} (about 1.17%) with Looting I* {{frac|9|600}} (1.50%) with Looting II* {{frac|11|600}} (about 1.83%) with Looting IIIIf a zombie, husk, or zombie villager is killed with fire, it drops a baked potato instead.=== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|potato}}== Usage ===== Farming ==={{main|Tutorials/Crop farming}}When farmed, potatoes require 8 [[Block tick|stages]] to grow. However, there are four ''visible'' stages due to having only four distinct textures: every two stages have the same texture, except that growth stage 7 keeps the same appearance as stages 5–6, so that only stage 8 has the final, mature appearance. Planted potatoes require a light level of 9 or greater to continue growing. If the light level is 7 or below, the crops instantly un-plant themselves ("pop off"). It is not possible to plant potatoes if the light level is too low.Crops grow faster if the farmland they are planted in is [[Farmland#Hydration|hydrated]]. Using [[bone meal]] on crops also increases the speed of growth by randomly increasing their growth stage by 2 to 5.Crops break if pushed by a [[piston]] or if their supporting farmland breaks or turns to dirt (i.e. by being trampled), dropping their usual drops.=== Food ===To eat a potato, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the [[hotbar]]. Eating a potato restores {{hunger|1}} hunger and 0.6 [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].=== Breeding ===[[Pig]]s follow and can be [[bred]] by a player holding a potato.[[Villager]]s can pick up potato items to become willing, which allow them to breed. Villagers require 12 potatoes to become willing.=== Smelting ingredient ==={{Smelting|showname=1|Potato|Baked Potato|0.35}}=== Trading ===Novice-level farmer villagers have a 25%{{only|bedrock}} or 40%{{only|java}} chance to buy 26 potatoes for an [[emerald]] as part of their trade.=== Composting ===Placing a potato into a [[composter]] has a 65% chance of raising the compost level by 1. This is less efficient than composting with [[Baked Potato|baked potatoes]], which has a higher success chance of 85%.== Sounds ===== Block ==={{Sound table/Block/Crop}}=== Item ==={{Sound table/Entity/Food}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showblocktags=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Potatoes|spritetype=block|nameid=potatoes|blocktags=bee_growables, crops|form=block}}{{ID table|displayname=Potato|spritetype=item|nameid=potato|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Potatoes|spritetype=block|nameid=potatoes|id=142|form=block}}{{ID table|displayname=Potato|spritetype=item|nameid=potato|id=280|form=item|foot=1}}=== Block states ==={{see also|Block states}}{{/BS}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|[[File:Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added potatoes.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE1.png|32px]] Added potato crops.}}{{History|||snap=12w36a|Potatoes can now be found in [[village]]s.}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w09b|The [[Fortune]] enchantment now works when harvesting potatoes.<ref>{{bug|MC-1680}}</ref>}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Potatoes can now be [[trading|sold]] to farmer [[villager]]s, at 15–19 potatoes for 1 [[emerald]].}}{{History|||snap=14w04a|Farmer villagers now harvest fully grown potatoes.|Villagers can now be made willing using 12 potatoes.}}{{History|||snap=14w06a|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE2.png|32px]] Potato crops are now a pixel higher - previously they were offset one pixel down as to match farmland's sunken model. This is likely an accidental result of model conversion.}}{{History|||snap=14w10a|[[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]]<br>Potato crops of all stages [[Missing model|no longer have a model]].}}{{History|||snap=14w10b|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE4.png|32px]] Potato crops now have models again.<ref>{{bug|MC-50232}}</ref> In addition, they are now offset downwards by one pixel once more.<ref>{{bug|MC-50155}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=14w25a|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE5.png|32px]] Potato crops are now darker and subject to directional shading.}}{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE6.png|32px]] Potato crops are no longer subject to directional shading.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Potatoes can now be used to lead and breed [[pig]]s.}}{{History|||snap=15w38a|The [[drop]] chances of potatoes has now been slightly improved from average {{frac|2|3|5}} per potato crop harvested to {{frac|2|5|7}}.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this block's numeral ID was 142, and the item's 392.}}{{History|||snap=18w11a|Potatoes now have a chance of generating in [[shipwreck]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Potato JE2.png|32px]] The texture of potatoes has been changed.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE7.png|32px]] The textures of potato crops have been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w47a|Potatoes now generate in [[pillager outpost]] chests.}}{{History|||snap=18w48a|Potatoes can now be found in chests in [[plains]] village houses.}}{{History|||snap=18w49a|Potatoes can now be found in chests in [[snowy tundra|snowy]] village houses.}}{{History|||snap=18w50a|Potatoes can now be found in chests in [[taiga]] village houses.|[[File:Potato JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of potatoes has been changed, once again.}}{{History|||snap=19w03a|Added placement and new breaking [[sound]]s to potatoes.|Placing a potato into the new [[composter]] has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Potatoes now have a 65% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate potato crops.}}{{History||1.17|snap=21w13a|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE8.png|32px]] The "crop" template model has changed such that pixels appear in the same physical positions on opposite sides of texture planes, changing the potato crop's appearance in the process.<ref>{{bug|MC-199242}}</ref>}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added potatoes.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE6 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} Added potato crops.|Potatoes are a rare [[drops|drop]] from killing [[zombie]]s.}}{{History|||snap=build 3|Potatoes now have a chance to drop when tilling [[grass block]]s.}}{{History|||snap=build 4|Potatoes are no longer dropped from tilling grass blocks.}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Potato crops now naturally spawn in [[village]]s.|Potatoes can now be used to lead and breed [[pig]]s.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Potatoes now restore [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].|Farmer (profession) [[villager]]s now plant and harvest potatoes.}}{{History||v0.16.2|Potatoes can now be found in the [[chest]] inside large houses in [[ice plains]] and [[cold taiga]] [[village]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Potatoes can now be found in [[pillager outpost]]s and [[plains]] [[village]] houses.|[[File:Potato JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of potatoes has been changed.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE7.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} The textures of potato crops have been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Potatoes can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.|Potatoes can now be found in [[taiga]], [[snowy taiga]] and [[snowy tundra]] village house [[chest]]s.}}{{History|||snap=beta|[[Trading]] has now been changed, farmer [[villager]]s now have a 25% chance to [[trading|buy]] 26 potatoes for an [[emerald]].}}{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate potato crops.}}{{History||?|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 BE.png|32px]] Potato crop planes use a mapping that results in very unnatural mirroring when viewed from certain angles, such as northwest.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-146936}}</ref>}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU14|xbone=CU1|ps=1.04|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added potatoes.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE6 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} Added potato crops.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Potato JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of potatoes has been changed.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE7.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} The textures of potato crops have been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added potatoes.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE6 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} Added potato crops.}}{{History|foot}}=== Potatoes "item" ==={{:Technical blocks/Potatoes}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Gallery ==<gallery>AllSeeds.png|All the seeds that exist in the game (except [[Pitcher Plant|seeds fr]][[Torchflower Seeds|om 1.20,]] [[nether wart]] and [[cocoa beans]]).VillageGrowingCarrotsAndPotatoes.png|[[Carrot]]s and potatoes found growing naturally in a [[village]].File:Hot Potato.jpeg|Official render of a potato to celebrate National Potato Day.<ref>| Hot potato! @ a friend to toss it.</ref></gallery>== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[ Taking Inventory: Potato] – on December 16, 2021{{items}}{{blocks|vegetation}}[[Category:Plants]][[Category:Food]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[Category:Non-solid blocks]][[Category:Generated structure blocks]][[cs:Brambora]][[de:Kartoffel]][[es:Patata]][[fr:Pomme de terre]][[hu:Burgonya]][[it:Patata]][[ja:ジャガイモ]][[ko:감자]][[nl:Aardappel]][[pl:Ziemniak]][[pt:Batata]]<br />[[ru:Картофель]][[th:มันฝรั่ง]][[uk:Картопля]][[zh:马铃薯]]</li></ul>
20w19aVillagers can now spawn iron golems regardless of their profession status or latest working time.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Glowstone Dust|Glowstone Dust]]<br/>{{Item| image = Glowstone Dust.png|type=| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Glowstone dust''' is an [[item]] obtained from mining [[glowstone]], and is mainly used to create [[potion]]s with increased strength and decreased duration.== Obtaining ===== Mining ===When broken using anything other than a [[Silk Touch]]-enchanted [[tool]], a [[glowstone]] block drops 2-4 glowstone dust. A [[Fortune]] enchantment increases the chances of higher drops, with Fortune III allowing an average yield of 3.5 glowstone dust per block.=== Mob loot ===[[Witch]]es have a chance of dropping 0–6 glowstone dust upon death. This is increased by 3 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 0-15 glowstone dust. <!-- Do not add the blaze as it is in violation of MCW:UPTODATE due to the Legacy Console Edition being discontinued. Any edit that adds the blaze to this section will be immediately reverted. -->=== Trading ==={{IN|bedrock}}, journeyman-level cleric [[villager]]s sell one glowstone dust for 4 [[emerald]]s as part of their trades.== Usage ===== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}=== Brewing ingredient ==={{brewing|showname=1|head=1|Glowstone Dust|Thick Potion|base=Water Bottle}}{{brewing |name=Increased Potency |showbase=1 |Glowstone Dust |base=[Potion of Healing II]Potion of Healing;[Potion of Regeneration II]Potion of Regeneration;[Potion of Strength II]Potion of Strength;[Potion of Swiftness II]Potion of Swiftness;[Potion of Harming II]Potion of Harming;[Potion of Poison II]Potion of Poison;[Potion of Leaping II]Potion of Leaping |foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Glowstone Dust|spritetype=item|nameid=glowstone_dust|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Glowstone Dust|spritetype=item|nameid=glowstone_dust|id=394|form=item|foot=1}}== History =={{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.2.0|snap=preview|[[File:Glowstone Dust JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added glowstone dust.|Glowstone dust currently uses nine dust to [[crafting|craft]] 1 [[glowstone]] block.|Also, each glowstone block drops only one glowstone dust.}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.6.6|The crafting recipe for glowstone blocks has been changed from 9 glowstone dust to 4.|Each glowstone block now drops 2-4 glowstone dust when broken.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Glowstone dust can now be [[brewing|brewed]] in a [[water bottle]] to create a [[thick potion]].|Glowstone dust now strengthens the [[potion]]s of [[Swiftness]], [[Healing]], [[Harming]], [[Poison]], [[Regeneration]] and [[Strength]].}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4|Glowstone dust now strengthens the new potion of [[Regeneration]].}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Glowstone dust has become a renewable resource, as priest [[villager]]s now sell glowstone blocks.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38b|[[Witch]]es now have a chance of [[drops|dropping]] glowstone dust.}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Glowstone dust can now be used to [[crafting|craft]] a [[firework star]] with a twinkle effect.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w27a|Glowstone dust now strengthens the new [[potion of Leaping]].}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Glowstone dust is now used to craft [[spectral arrow]]s.|Glowstone dust can no longer be added to extended [[potion]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 348.}}{{History|||snap=18w07a|Glowstone dust now strengthens the new [[potion of the Turtle Master]].}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Glowstone Dust JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of glowstone dust has been changed.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|Glowstone dust has a {{frac|2|109}} (~1.83%) chance of being offered by [[piglin]]s when [[bartering]], in a stack size of 2–4.}}{{History|||snap=20w09a|Glowstone dust now has a {{frac|10|226}} (~4.42%) chance of being offered by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w28a|Glowstone dust can no longer be obtained from bartering with piglins.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Glowstone Dust JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added glowstone dust. It is currently unobtainable and serves no purpose.}}{{History||v0.5.0|Glowstone dust is now obtainable through the [[nether reactor]].|Glowstone dust can be used to craft [[glowstone]] blocks.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Glowstone dust can now be obtained through [[the Nether]] instead of the nether reactor.|Glowstone dust is now available in the [[creative]] [[inventory]].|Glowstone dust can now be used to [[brewing|brew]] thick [[potion]]s and to strengthen potions.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Added [[witch]]es, which have a chance of [[drops|dropping]] glowstone dust upon [[death]].}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Glowstone dust can now be used to [[crafting|craft]] a [[firework star]] with a twinkle effect.}} {{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Glowstone Dust JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of glowstone dust has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Glowstone dust can now be [[trading|bought]] from cleric [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Glowstone dust can now be obtained from [[bartering]] with [[piglin]]s.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|Glowstone dust can no longer be obtained from [[barter]]ing with [[piglin]]s.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Glowstone Dust JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added glowstone dust.}}{{History||xbox=TU8|0–2 glowstone dust is now [[drops|dropped]] when a [[blaze]] is killed.}}{{History|Ps4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Glowstone Dust JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of glowstone dust has been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Glowstone Dust JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added glowstone dust.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}{{Items}}[[Category:Renewable resources]][[Category:Brewing recipe]][[de:Glowstonestaub]][[es:Polvo de piedra luminosa]][[fr:Poudre lumineuse]][[hu:Izzókő-por]][[ja:グロウストーンダスト]][[ko:발광석 가루]][[nl:Gloeisteenstof]][[pl:Jasnopył]][[pt:Pó de pedra luminosa]][[ru:Светокаменная пыль]][[tr:Işık Taşı Tozu]][[uk:Пил світлокаменю]][[zh:荧石粉]]</li><li>[[Minecart|Minecart]]<br/>{{about|the rideable minecart in Minecraft|other uses|Minecart (disambiguation)|}}{{distinguish|Minecraft}}{{ItemEntity|image=Minecart.png|renewable=Yes|stackable=No|size=Height: 0.7 Blocks<br>Width: 0.98 Blocks|networkid='''[[JE]]''': 10|drops={{ItemLink|Minecart}} (1)|health={{hp|6}}}}A '''minecart''' is a train-like vehicle [[entity]] that runs on [[Rail (disambiguation)|rail]]s.== Obtaining ==Minecarts can be retrieved by {{control|attack|text=attacking}} them for some time. Minecarts can also be retrieved with one attack from a [[pickaxe]] provided the player's attack cooldown is reset. A minecart is also destroyed if it makes contact with a [[cactus]], or if shot with a [[bow]] and arrow.=== Crafting ==={{Crafting|A2= Iron Ingot|C2= Iron Ingot|A3= Iron Ingot|B3= Iron Ingot|C3= Iron Ingot|Output= Minecart|type= Transportation}}=== Entity loot ===[[Minecart with command block]]s can be given to the player with the {{cmd|/give}} command or through the creative inventory under certain conditions{{only|java}}; [[minecart with spawner]]s{{only|java}} are available only via the {{cmd|/summon}} command. Each drop 1 minecart when broken.== Usage ==[[File:RideableMinecart.png|thumb|right|A rideable minecart on rails surrounded by wood slabs]]A minecart can be placed in the same manner as most blocks but can be placed only on top of a [[rail]]. Once placed, it may be derailed by pushing it off the end of the track. After this, it can be railed again by placing a rail directly below it or pushing it onto a track.=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}=== Transportation ===[[File:Steve Riding a Minecart.png|thumb|right|upright|[[Steve]] riding a minecart]]{{see also|Transportation|Riding}}Minecarts can be ridden by {{control|use|text=pressing the "use" control}} on them. Once inside, an external impulse may be needed to make the minecart start moving. The player can slowly move the minecart forward while riding it, by pressing {{control|forward}}. If a mob walks in front of an empty minecart, it is pulled into the cart.After rolling off of the end of a track, a minecart can be pushed around on open blocks. If a minecart is pushed onto or falls onto tracks, it "snaps" to those tracks. When riding a minecart, if the minecart lands on a rail, the player does not take any fall damage. <!--Minecarts and arrows don't interact anymore.-->Unlike with [[bed]]s, there is no message above the hotbar for attempting to enter a fully occupied minecart.<ref>{{Cite bug|MC|161251|Attempting to enter an occupied bed displays a message over the hotbar, but attempting to enter an occupied vehicle does not|date=September 18, 19|resolution=Works as Intended}}</ref>=== Dismounting ===Players can exit the minecart by pressing {{control|sneak}}. When a player or mob dismounts a minecart, either by choice, by breaking the minecart, or by passing over an [[activator rail]], the minecart tries to find a safe ejection destination one block away. First it checks the eight horizontally adjacent blocks in the following order of priority relative to direction of travel: right, left, rear right, rear left, front right, front left, rear, front. A valid destination has a block underneath with a solid (not necessarily full) top surface and a space with enough headroom and width for the passenger to fit in when standing at the center. The space can even contain liquid or have open trapdoors if the mob is slim enough, and presence of other mobs doesn't matter. If no valid destination exists on same horizontal level, the minecart then checks the blocks one above, then one below. For a player, the minecart also checks for crawlable destinations. If still none, the minecart chooses its own location. Once the minecart picks a destination, it actually ejects the passenger one block up in the air and the passenger settles down on its own. Under a low ceiling this may cause one tick of suffocation damage. The air drop exists to allow passengers to land on carpet or bottom slabs.== Behavior ===== Speed ===Minecarts have a predefined speed limit of exactly 8 blocks per second. However, this speed limit does not change the minecart's speed value but instead limits how far a minecart can travel each tick to 0.4 blocks. Therefore, a minecart moving from powered rail to normal rail will move at constant speed for some time until decelerating because its internal speed value is over its speed limit of 8.[[Powered rail]]s powered by redstone give minecarts a boost of speed. Speed is gradually decreased (due to drag) if there are no powered rails to assist its movement, and an unpowered powered rail slows down a minecart rapidly. The speed decreases at a faster rate when going uphill, compared to when moving horizontally. A minecart does not need powered rails to assist its movement down a hill.<!-- Is this comparison to real-life physics necessary? - One unit of kinetic energy could be defined as the energy gained by a cart going down a one-block slope and lost by a cart when it goes up a one-block slope. If a 45-degree downward slope is connected directly into an upward slope, an initial height of 60 blocks results in a final height of 40 blocks, a loss of 20 units of potential energy. But if 20 sections of flat track are inserted between the slopes, the final height is 35. This implies that one unit of energy is lost for every 4 sections of horizontal track traveled with an initial stored energy of between 60 and 40. At much lower speeds, much less energy is lost, implying that the energy lost is a percentage of the cart's current energy. The above gives about 0.5% energy loss per section of track. One implication of this is that more energy lost when the cart has more energy, so a gradual slope should allow you to travel much farther distances than a steep slope followed by a long flat section. (This is different from real-life physics, where friction does not increase with velocity. However, it may be an attempt to mirror air resistance, which ''does'' increase with velocity.) -->Anything in the way of the minecart brings it to a stop. Once a minecart has left the track, it rapidly decelerates within one or two blocks. When mobs touch a minecart, they affect it in the same way a player would, i.e. mobs that move up against a still cart set it in motion.If a minecart is moving fast enough, it can skip across one block without a track and reattach to track on the other side, at significantly reduced energy and speed. A minecart's hitbox can skip turns if the minecart is boosted using enough powered rails.<ref>{{Cite bug|MC|179971|Minecart skips turns if too fast|date=April 22, 2020}}</ref>The speed and momentum of a minecart can differ depending on whether or not it is empty, and in the case where a minecart has a container, the speed can differ depending on the quantity and type of items inside.=== Merged minecarts ==={{IN|java}}, two or more minecarts can be merged by pushing them into each other so that they overlap. Merged minecarts move as a collective, like a train, and can be useful for long-distance transport because while moving in a straight line, they ''do not need powered rails to keep their speed''.To summarize:* Minecarts can also be merged by ''dropping'' a minecart on another minecart.* Merged minecarts do not lose speed while traveling on straight rails* ''Corners'' in the rails might cause merged minecarts to unmerge.* Minecarts with ''chest'' (even fully filled) can also be merged and also do ''not'' require powered rails.=== Distance traveled by empty carts starting on a downward slope ===This table shows the distance traveled by an unoccupied minecart on a downward slope, with a boost (or no boost). The most efficient way is to use only 1 boost at the bottom of the incline on the flat surface. Using 2 increases distance by about 20% or 1.5 blocks. All distance trends based on the height seem to be logarithmic.The carts started from rest, on a slope Height blocks up.{| class="wikitable" data-description="Distance traveled"|-! Height!! No Boost!! Bottom!! Bottom and Top!! All boosts on incline and bottom|-| 1 || 2.77m || 8.77 || 10.8 || 10.8|-| 2 || 4.59m || 9.59 || 10.83 || 13.37|-| 3 || 5.81m || 9.81 || 11.66 || 15.12|-| 4 || 7.04m || 10.04 || 12.46 || 16.95|-| 5 || 7.87m || 10.87 || 12.29<!--(Yes, it did actually travel less)--> || 17.95|-| 10 || 11.65m || 13.38 || 15.12 || 21.68|-| 100 || 15.87m || 17.05 || 17.54 || 25.34|}=== Collision ===Minecarts are about the same size as a block (1×1). Because of this, a ladder, door, or trapdoor prevents it from falling down a 1×1 hole. Carts on [[rail]]s also ignore collision in certain situations. A cart traveling uphill, downhill, or on a curve with a block placed in front of it, goes through the block.<ref>{{Cite bug|MC|8004|Minecarts glitch through the stop block of a track that ends with a turn or a downward slope|date=January 20, 2013}}</ref>A minecart that reaches the end of a rail up against an opaque solid block bounces back, but if the block is transparent then it stops. The minecart can even bounce against an opaque block from a standstill if the rail underneath is powered. A player or mob riding in a minecart does not collide with or suffocate in any transparent blocks but suffocates inside opaque blocks.Minecarts are completely unaffected by [[ice]], [[packed ice]], and [[blue ice]]<ref>{{Cite bug|MC|8265|Minecarts don't slide on any sort of ice|date=January 25, 2013}}</ref>; they can also be destroyed by coming in contact with [[lava]] or [[fire]].=== Mobs ==={{missing information|section|some other mobs that cannot be picked up by minecarts}}[[File:Minecart shake.gif|thumb|right|Minecart shaking due to being on top of an activator rail.]]Mobs can ride minecarts, but cannot control them. Mobs cannot exit the minecart unless the minecart is destroyed or moves onto an active [[activator rail]].<ref>{{bug|MC-3866||Endermen, Tamed Wolves and Ocelots cannot teleport when in a Minecart|WAI}}</ref> However, {{in|bedrock}}, [[endermen]] are able to teleport out of minecarts.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-31761||Endermen can still teleport out of the boats and minecarts}}</ref>A mob can ride a minecart when pushing by a moving minecart on rails {{in|java}} or when colliding with a minecart {{in|bedrock}}. It is easier to pick up a mob when a minecart is turning. {{IN|bedrock}}, [[armor stand]]s can also be picked up.Most mobs can be picked up by minecarts, except [[ender dragon]]s, [[warden]]s, and [[wither]]s. {{IN|java}}, [[iron golem]]s cannot be picked up either.A [[jockey]] riding a minecart automatically accelerates the minecart.<ref>{{bug|MC-71998||Minecarts that have passengers within them riding mobs can move automatically when not on rails}}</ref> Mobs in minecarts don't despawn, and don't count towards the mob cap.{{only|java}}<ref>{{bug|MC-182897||Some passenger mobs don't count to the mob cap|WAI}}</ref>=== Boats ==={{exclusive|java|section=yes}}{{UsesBug|section=yes}}Due to the bug {{bug|MC-113871}}, [[boat]]s can be captured by minecarts. When a boat is placed in a minecart, the minecart travels faster on rails, approximately as fast as on powered rails. The movement in the boat minecart is glitchy and moving forward with the W key moves the cart backward relative to the player, and vice versa for moving backward with the S key. The minecart also moves on the rail-less ground at a crawling speed, but it does not float in the water despite being in a boat. Using this glitch can be far more resource-efficient since the boat minecart can move at the speed of a powered rail track on flat ground and on slopes. Another physics glitch with the boat minecart is the extreme reduction in friction when the minecart is on rails, which is similar to the lack of friction when a boat is riding on ice. This glitch can be done in Survival without cheats simply by pushing a minecart into a boat on the track. This bug is now patched.== Sounds =={{Edition|Java}}:<br>Minecarts use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.<ref group="sound" name="oddcats" />{{Sound table|sound=Minecart inside.ogg|subtitle=MC-177078|source=Friendly Creatures <ref group="sound" name="oddcats">{{Cite bug|MC|42132|The sounds of minecarts aren't controlled by the correct sound slider|date=December 13, 2013}}</ref>|overridesource=1|description=While the player is inside of a moving minecart |id=entity.minecart.inside|translationkey=-|volume=0.0-0.75 <ref group=sound name=insidevolume>Based on horizontal speed; it is clamped between 0.0 and 0.75 and will not play if speed is less than 0.01</ref>|pitch=1.0|distance=16 (technical) / rider only (effective)}}{{Sound table|sound=Minecart inside underwater1.ogg|sound2=Minecart inside underwater2.ogg|sound3=Minecart inside underwater3.ogg|subtitle=MC-204124|source=Friendly Creatures <ref group="sound" name="oddcats"/>|overridesource=1|description=While inside of a moving minecart when the player's eye level is underwater |id=entity.minecart.inside.underwater|translationkey=-|volume=0.0-0.75 <ref group=sound name=insidevolume/>|pitch=1.0|distance=16 (technical) / rider only (effective)}}{{Sound table|sound=Minecart rolling.ogg|subtitle=Minecart rolls <ref group="sound">Shows far less often than it should - see {{bug|MC-181831}}</ref>|source=Friendly Creatures <ref group="sound" name="oddcats"/>|overridesource=1|description=While a minecart is moving|id=entity.minecart.riding|translationkey=subtitles.entity.minecart.riding|volume=0.0-0.35 <ref group=sound>Relates linearly with horizontal velocity (max 0.5)</ref>|pitch=0.0-1.0 <ref group=sound>Will increase by 0.0025 per tick if the minecart's horizontal velocity is more than 0.01</ref>|distance=16|foot=1}}{{Edition|Bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Minecart inside.ogg|source=neutral|description=While the player is inside of a moving minecart|id=minecart.inside}}{{Sound table|sound=Minecart rolling.ogg|source=neutral|description=While a minecart is moving|id=minecart.base|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Item|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Minecart|spritetype=item|nameid=minecart|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=java|generatetranslationkeys=y|firstcolumnname=Entity|displayname=Minecart|spritetype=entity|nameid=minecart|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Item|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Minecart|spritetype=item|nameid=minecart|id=370|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Entity|shownumericids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Minecart|spritetype=entity|nameid=minecart|id=84|foot=1}}=== Entity data ===Minecarts have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the entity.{{el|java}}:{{main|Entity format}}{{/ED}}{{el|bedrock}}:: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]]== Achievements =={{load achievements|On A Rail}}== History =={{History|java infdev}}{{History||20100618|[[File:Minecart JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added minecarts. |Minecarts are not rideable but instead are used to store things in.|Right-clicking minecarts opens them like a [[chest]] (with the container called "Minecart". Filling them up makes the [[dirt]] layer inside them rise.}}{{History||20100624|[[File:Minecart JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The entity model and item texture of minecarts have been changed.|The minecart mechanics have been changed to being rideable, removing their ability to store items.| Minecarts now render a chest inside for unknown reasons.}}{{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.0.4|[[File:Minecart JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Removed the phantom chest from minecarts.|A [[sitting]] animation for riding minecarts has been added.}}{{History||v1.0.14|Minecarts are now used to craft [[minecart with furnace]] and [[minecart with chest]].}}{{History||v1.2.2|Minecarts now appear to other players and can be ridden in multiplayer.|Minecarts are no longer fully solid - they no longer block movement, and can no longer be stood on top of.}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.5|Minecarts now break faster with hands.|[[Powered rail]]s have been introduced, which enables minecarts to move automatically, although previous methods of boosting no longer works, or does not work as effectively.|The [[detector rail]]s have been introduced for use in detecting minecarts. Prior to this update, carts were detected by using [[pressure plate]]s in line with cart tracks. This had the often undesirable effect of dramatically slowing or even stopping the minecart, which limited the use of this design mostly to boosters.}}{{History||1.6|snap=Test Build 3|A minecart now transfers any [[Damage#Fall damage|fall damage]] it suffers onto its rider and is not destroyed upon impact.}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|If the [[player]] punches a minecart when descending from a jump, it shows the [[Damage#Critical hit|critical hit]] animation. This also happens if the player punches the cart while still in it.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|[[Daniel Rosenfeld|C418]] posted a [[sound]] showing the sound that minecarts make.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6|The texture of minecarts has changed slightly.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w15a|Minecarts can now be shot out from [[dispenser]]s.}}{{History|||snap=12w21b|The [[player]] no longer spawns on top/inside of the minecart after getting out. Instead, the player gets out a few [[block]]s away. Also, the player can nudge a stationary minecart while inside it to move onto a [[Powered Rail|powered rail]], etc.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38b|[[Sound]]s for minecarts have been added.}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w02a|Minecarts can now be edited with a third-party program to show any [[block]] inside of it (it does not take on the characteristics of this block), as well as make it take on the characteristics of any cart.|Minecart types no longer all share the same [[entity]] ID – <code>Minecart</code> – and are no longer distinguished by a <code>Type</code> field. They have been given separate entity IDs.|Minecarts are now used to craft [[TNT minecart]]s.}}{{History|||snap=13w03a|Minecarts are now used to craft [[hopper minecart]]s.}}{{History|||snap=13w06a|Added [[minecart with spawner]].}}{{History||1.6.2|snap=release|A [[player]] in a moving minecart no longer turns with the minecart.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w39a|Added [[minecart with command block]].}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w11a|Minecart physics have been changed - they now go faster and further, can derail at corners if going too fast and refuse to go uphill and they can also (if going fast enough) go over 1 [[block]].|The collision and position handling of minecarts have been improved.}}{{History|||snap=14w17a|All changes to old minecart physics used before 14w11a have been reverted.}}{{History||1.9.1|snap=pre2|Extreme typos in minecarts with hoppers and chests, reading "''container.minecart'''' have been fixed.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The [[entity]] ID has been changed from <code>MinecartRideable</code> to <code>minecart</code>.|The player's [[hunger]] bar is now visible when riding in a minecart.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[Java Edition 1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 328.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Minecart JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of minecarts have been changed.}}{{History|||snap=19w13a|Minecarts now move much slower when pushed along standard [[rail]]s using the W key, even slower on unpowered golden rails, and cannot be pushed off of unpowered golden rails without the [[player]] looking at a certain angle.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w09a|Minecart now checks dismount position height against entity height.}}{{History|||snap=20w16a<!--cannot confirm due to how assets are handled - assuming this due to MC-91163 fix version-->|Minecarts no longer have subtitles for movement.}}{{History|||snap=20w18a|Mobs in minecarts no longer [[Spawn#Despawning|despawn]].}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Minecarts can now move in [[water]].}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Minecarts no longer drop when breaking a [[Minecart with Chest|minecart with chest]], [[Minecart with Hopper|hopper]], [[Minecart with Furnace|furnace]], or [[Minecart with TNT|TNT]].<ref>{{bug|MC-249493|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History||1.20|snap=23w16a|Sniffers can now enter [[minecart]]s.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 2|[[File:Minecart JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added minecarts.}}{{History|||snap=build 3|Minecarts now ride smoother.}}{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|[[Sound]]s for minecarts have been added.}}{{History|||snap=build 2|Minecarts now stack on top of each other.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Minecarts can now be used to craft [[Minecart with Chest|storage]], [[Minecart with TNT|TNT]], and [[Minecart with Hopper|hopper minecart]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Minecart JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of minecarts have been changed.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Minecart JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added minecarts.}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|Minecarts are now twice the speed than in other editions.}}{{History||xbox=TU12|Minecarts are now slower.}}{{History||xbox=TU13|ps=1.0|Minecarts are now faster again.}}{{History||xbox=TU21|xbone=CU9|ps=1.14|The minecart limit has been increased.}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Minecart [[sound]]s have been updated.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Minecart JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of minecarts has been changed.}}{{History|new 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Minecart JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart_(item)_JE2_BE1.png|32px]] Added minecarts.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* Minecarts appear to float above the track, as their model has no wheels.* If the player views their inventory while riding in a minecart, they appear sitting down in mid-air.* The player can teleport to another minecart while sitting in a minecart by right-clicking a minecart in their range. This can be used as an elevator to quickly rise up when minecarts are placed on top of each other.* If the sound is muted in the options while riding a minecart, and then turned back up, the minecart no longer makes noise in the client until the player exits the minecart.* If a saddled pig is riding a minecart, the player can ride the pig. Doing so causes the minecart to be able to ride freely at the player's walking speed. It is unknown whether this is a glitch.* It seems that hunger does not deplete while inactive in a minecart (at least in normal difficulty).* A minecart (alongside rails and powered rails) are used as Steve's Side-Special in the crossover fighting game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.== Gallery ==<gallery>Minecart fire pig.png|A pig inside a burning minecartMinecartInfdev1.png|A Minecart opened in Minecraft InfdevMinecartInfdev2.png|A Minecart filled in Minecraft Infdev2ed Spawner Minecart Image and 1st Dispenser cart image.jpg|An image of two [[Minecart with Spawner]]s and unimplemented Minecart with Dispensers.Minecart with chest and head thing.png|The first image [[Jens Bergensten|Jeb]] released.<ref>{{Tweet|jeb|289000646210904064}}</ref>Pocket Edition v0.8.0 alpha Development minecarts.png|The first image of minecarts in {{edition|PE}}.Minecart Booster.png|Minecart booster.MinecartStack.png|Minecarts being stacked on each other.Villager minecart.png|Villager in a minecart.Minecartride.jpg|Player in minecart.Blocks in Invisible Minecarts.png|Minecarts can be edited to show any block inside, and can also be edited to be invisible.File:Minecart (Trails and Tales Summer Event) Render.png|A wooden minecart, featured in the [[Trails & Tales Event]].File:Minecoins 5.png|Two minecarts, as depicted on [[Minecraft Marketplace|Minecoin]] gift cards.</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[ Taking Inventory: Minecart] – on September 6, 2019{{Items}}{{entities}}[[Category:Mechanics]][[cs:Vozík]][[de:Lore]][[es:Vagoneta]][[fr:Wagonnet]][[hu:Csille]][[it:Carrello da miniera]][[ja:トロッコ]][[ko:광산 수레]][[nl:Mijnkar]][[pl:Wagonik]][[pt:Carrinho de mina]][[ru:Вагонетка]][[th:รถราง]][[uk:Вагонетка]][[zh:矿车]]</li></ul>
22w12aSpawning area changed from 16×13×16 to 17×13×17.
22w19aIron golems can now spawn on any block with a full top surface.[verify]
pre1Iron golems now only spawn on blocks with a full top surface and a movement-blocking material.
?Iron golems now spawn every 35 seconds instead of 30 seconds due to a bug.[7]
1.19.3Tropical fish also have assigned names that can be seen after capture. In Java Edition, the smaller text under the item name is displayed showing the fish name, similar to the text that displays enchantments under enchanted items. In Bedrock Edition, the item name is displayed showing "Bucket of <fish name>". Their colors are mostly named according to the colored block names, though with a few exceptions:
  • White
  • Silver
  • Gray
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Lime
  • Green
  • Teal
  • Sky
  • Blue
  • Plum
  • Magenta
  • Rose

The base color comes first, and if the pattern color is different, it comes after that. Lastly, the fish bucket is given a name according to the shape and pattern of the fish:

Iron Golem (28)

Some tropical fish don't follow the normal naming system, and instead, reference real-life fish species. Apart from these names, these types of fish aren't different from regular tropical fish in terms of design or behavior.

These varieties are:

AnemoneOrange-Gray Stripey
Black TangGray Flopper
Blue Dory ‌[Bedrock Edition only]Gray-Sky SunStreak
Blue Tang ‌[Java Edition only]Gray-Blue Flopper
Butterfly Fish ‌[Bedrock Edition only]/Butterflyfish ‌[Java Edition only]White-Gray Clayfish
CichlidBlue-Gray SunStreak
ClownfishOrange-White Kob
Cotton Candy BettaRose-Sky Spotty
DottybackPlum-Yellow Blockfish
Emperor Red SnapperWhite-Red Clayfish
GoatfishWhite-Yellow Spotty
Moorish IdolWhite-Gray Glitter
Ornate Butterfly ‌[Bedrock Edition only]/Ornate Butterflyfish ‌[Java Edition only]White-Orange Clayfish
ParrotfishTeal-Rose Dasher
Queen Angel Fish ‌[Bedrock Edition only]/Queen Angelfish ‌[Java Edition only]Lime-Sky Brinely
Red CichlidRed-White Betty
Red Lipped BlennyGray-Red Snooper
Red SnapperRed-White Blockfish
ThreadfinWhite-Yellow Flopper
Tomato Clown ‌[Bedrock Edition only]Red-White SunStreak
Tomato Clownfish ‌[Java Edition only]Red-White Kob
TriggerfishGray-White SunStreak
Yellowtail Parrot ‌[Bedrock Edition only]/Yellowtail Parrotfish ‌[Java Edition only]Teal-Yellow Dasher
Yellow TangYellow Flopper
22w44aIron Golem (29) Added spawn eggs for iron golems.[8]
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Super Fertilizer|Super Fertilizer]]<br/>{{education feature}}{{Exclusive|Bedrock|Education}}{{Item| image = Super Fertilizer.png| renewable = No| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Super fertilizer''' is a powerful form of [[bone meal]] that is created using [[ammonia]] and [[phosphorus]].== Obtaining ===== Lab table ==={| class="wikitable"! Result! Materials Needed|-!rowspan=2|{{slot|Super Fertilizer}}<br>[[Super Fertilizer]]|{{slot}}{{slot|Ammonia|link=Compound}}{{slot|Phosphorus|link=Element}}{{slot}}|-|<center>[[Compound|Ammonia]], [[Element|Phosphorus]]</center>|}== Usage ==Super fertilizer can be used in the same way as bone meal. It produces more [[flowers]] in a larger area when used on [[grass block]]s compared to bone meal. When super fertilizer is used on a [[sapling]], a [[tree]] is instantly grown after one use, instead of multiple uses as with bone meal. Super fertilizer matures crops with a single use.Note that super fertilizer does not instantly grow a hanging [[mangrove propagule]]. This could be a bug.== Sounds =={{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Gravel hit1.ogg|sound2=Gravel hit2.ogg|sound3=Gravel hit3.ogg|sound4=Gravel hit4.ogg|source=player|description=When super fertilizer is created by a [[lab table]]|id=step.gravel|volume=1.0|pitch=0.2/0.4}}{{Sound table|sound=Bonemeal1.ogg|sound2=Bonemeal2.ogg|sound3=Bonemeal3.ogg|sound4=Bonemeal4.ogg|sound5=Bonemeal5.ogg|description=When super fertilizer is successfully used|source=Blocks|id=item.bone_meal.use|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Super Fertilizer|spritetype=item|nameid=rapid_fertilizer|id=597|form=item|foot=1}}== History =={{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|[[File:Super Fertilizer BE1.png|32px]] Added super fertilizer.}}{{History|education}}{{History||1.0.27|[[File:Super Fertilizer BE1.png|32px]] Added super fertilizer.}}{{History|foot}}{{items}}{{Education Edition}}[[Category:Plants]][[Category:Non-renewable resources]][[Category:Education Edition items]][[de:Superdünger]][[ja:スーパー肥料]][[ko:슈퍼 비료]][[lzh:神肥]][[pl:Supernawóz]][[pt:Super fertilizante]][[uk:Супердобриво]][[zh:超级肥料]]</li><li>[[Balloon|Balloon]]<br/>{{exclusive|bedrock|education}}{{education feature}}{{ItemEntity|image=White Balloon.png|extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]]|invimage=White Balloon|invimage2=Orange Balloon|invimage3=Magenta Balloon|invimage4=Light Blue Balloon|invimage5=Yellow Balloon|invimage6=Lime Balloon|invimage7=Pink Balloon|invimage8=Gray Balloon|invimage9=Light Gray Balloon|invimage10=Cyan Balloon|invimage11=Purple Balloon|invimage12=Blue Balloon|invimage13=Brown Balloon|invimage14=Green Balloon|invimage15=Red Balloon|invimage16=Black Balloon|renewable=No|stackable=Yes|size=Height: 0.4 Blocks<br>Width: 0.4 Blocks}}'''Balloons''' are [[entities]] that float upward when placed.== Obtaining ==Balloons are not available in the [[Creative]] inventory or [[commands]].=== Crafting ==={{Crafting|A1= Latex|B1= Matching Dye|C1= Latex|A2= Latex|B2= Helium|C2= Latex|A3= Latex|B3= Lead|C3= Latex|Output= Matching Balloon|description={{only|bedrock|education}}|type= Miscellaneous|head=1}}{{Crafting|A1= Latex|B1= Bone Meal; Lapis Lazuli; Cocoa Beans; Ink Sac|C1= Latex|A2= Latex|B2= Helium|C2= Latex|A3= Latex|B3= Lead|C3= Latex|Output= White Balloon; Blue Balloon; Brown Balloon; Black Balloon|description={{only|bedrock|education}}|type= Miscellaneous|foot=1}}== Usage ==When {{control|used}} on a [[mob]], a [[fence]], or a [[wall]], balloons attach to the mob or block, similarly to a [[lead]]. Balloons float into the air faster than the speed the [[player]] flies up, but remain grounded if tied to a fence. If tied to a mob, the balloon floats away and carries the mob into the air, before both eventually [[despawn]] or disappear.{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: left;"|+ Balloon-attachable mobs! Mob! Mass|-| {{EntityLink|Chicken}} | 0.6|-| {{EntityLink|Cow}} | 1.0|-| {{EntityLink|Donkey}} | 1.0|-| {{EntityLink|Horse}} | 1.0|-| {{EntityLink|Iron Golem}} | 2.0|-| {{EntityLink|Llama}} | 1.0|-| {{EntityLink|Mule}} | 1.0|-| {{EntityLink|Mooshroom}}| 1.0|-| {{EntityLink|Panda}}| 1.5|-| {{EntityLink|Pig}}| 0.75|-| {{EntityLink|Sheep}}| 0.75|-| {{EntityLink|Snow Golem}}| 1.0|-| {{EntityLink|Fox}}| 0.6|}When a balloon is shot by an [[arrow]] or a [[trident]], or floats into a solid block, it pops, summons [[particles]], and is destroyed. It drops nothing. A balloon tied to a fence post bursts when a player strikes it in any direction.== Sounds =={{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Balloon pop1.ogg|sound2=Balloon pop2.ogg|source=neutral|description=When a balloon collides with a block from above|id=balloon.pop|volume=10.0|pitch=1.75/2.0|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Balloon|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Item|spritename=balloons|spritetype=item|nameid=balloon|id=598|form=item|,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|foot=1}} {{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Balloon|shownumericids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Entity|spritename=balloons|spritetype=entity|nameid=balloon|id=107|foot=1}}=== Metadata ===In ''Bedrock Edition'', balloon items use the following data values:{{/DV}}== History =={{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|[[File:White Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silver Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Balloon BE1.png|32px]] <br> [[File:White Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silver Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added balloons.}}{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|[[Bee]]s, [[boat]]s, tamed [[cat]]s, [[dolphin]]s, [[glow squid]]s, [[goat]]s, [[hoglin]]s, [[ocelot]]s, [[panda]]s, [[parrot]]s, [[polar bear]]s, [[squid]]s, [[strider]]s, tamed [[wolves]] and [[zoglin]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.18.30|snap=beta|Added the [[boat with chest]], which can be leashed.}}{{History|education}}{{History||1.0.27|[[File:White Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Balloon.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silver Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Balloon.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Balloon BE1.png|32px]] <br> [[File:White Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silver Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added balloons.}}{{History||1.18.32|snap=|[[Bee]]s, [[boat]]s, tamed [[cat]]s, [[dolphin]]s, [[glow squid]]s, [[goat]]s, [[hoglin]]s, [[ocelot]]s, [[panda]]s, [[parrot]]s, [[polar bear]]s, [[squid]]s, [[strider]]s, tamed [[wolves]] and [[zoglin]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History|foot}}==Gallery===== Colors ===<gallery>Orange Balloon.pngMagenta Balloon.pngLight Blue Balloon.pngYellow Balloon.pngLime Balloon.pngPink Balloon.pngGray Balloon.pngLight Gray Balloon.pngCyan Balloon.pngPurple Balloon.pngBlue Balloon.pngBrown Balloon.pngGreen Balloon.pngRed Balloon.pngBlack Balloon.png</gallery>=== [[Event servers]] ===<gallery>File:Legends Balloon.png|Differently designed balloons featured in the ''[[Minecraft Legends Live Event]]''.File:Sniffer Balloon (Trails and Tales Summer Event) Render.png|A [[Sniffer]] balloon, featured in the [[Trails & Tales Event]].File:Camel Balloon (Trails and Tales Summer Event) Render.png|A balloon of a [[Camel]], featured in the Trails & Tales Event.File:Balloon Bundle (Trails and Tales Summer Event) Render.png|Bundle of balloons from the Trails & Tales Event.</gallery>{{Items}}{{Entities}}{{Education Edition}}[[Category:Education Edition entities]][[Category:Education Edition items]][[de:Ballon]][[it:Palloncino]][[ja:風船]][[ko:풍선]][[pl:Balon]][[pt:Balão]][[ru:Воздушный шар]][[zh:气球]]</li></ul>
23w31aIron golems now spawn every 30 seconds again.
Pocket Edition Alpha
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[:Category:Minecraft Earth items|Category:Minecraft Earth items]]<br/>All items in ''[[Minecraft Earth]]''.[[Category:Items]][[Category:Minecraft Earth|Items]]</li><li>[[Nether Sprouts|Nether Sprouts]]<br/>{{Block|title=Nether Sprouts|image=Nether Sprouts.png|image2=Nether Sprouts (texture) JE2 BE2.png|transparent=Yes|tool=shears|light=No|renewable=Yes|stackable=Yes (64)|flammable=No|lavasusceptible=Yes}}'''Nether sprouts''' are a non-solid fungi block that generate in [[warped forest]]s.== Obtaining ===== Natural generation ===Nether sprouts generate in [[warped forest]] biomes.=== Breaking ===Nether sprouts can be mined instantly with any item. The block also breaks if the block below is removed, or if [[water]] flows into its space. The block only drops if broken with [[shear]]s.=== Post-generation ===Applying [[bone meal]] to warped [[nylium]] creates nether sprouts on that block and surrounding nylium, along with both types of [[roots]] and [[fungi]].== Usage ==[[File:RootsSproutsPlaceBlock.png|thumb|All of the blocks that nether sprouts can be placed on.]]Nether sprouts can be planted on the same blocks that [[fungus|fungi]] and [[roots]] can be placed on: [[nylium]], [[soul soil]], [[Grass Block|grass]], [[podzol]], [[mycelium]], [[Moss Block|moss]], [[dirt]], [[coarse dirt]], [[rooted dirt]], and [[farmland]]. However, they cannot be planted in [[flower pot]]s.=== Composting ===Placing nether sprouts into a [[composter]] has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1.== Sounds =={{Sound table/Block/Nether sprouts}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|generatetranslationkeys=y|showforms=y|displayname=Nether Sprouts|spritetype=block|nameid=nether_sprouts|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Nether Sprouts|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Block|spritename=nether-sprouts|spritetype=block|nameid=nether_sprouts|id=493|form=block|itemform=item.nether_sprouts}}{{ID table|displayname=Item|spritename=nether-sprouts|spritetype=item|nameid=nether_sprouts|id=621|form=item||foot=1}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[File:Nether Sprouts JE1 BE1.png|24px]] [[File:Nether Sprouts (texture) JE1 BE1.png|24px]] Added nether sprouts.}}{{History|||snap=20w10a|[[File:Nether Sprouts JE2 BE2.png|24px]] [[File:Nether Sprouts (texture) JE2 BE2.png|24px]] The textures of the nether sprouts have now been changed.}}{{History|||snap=20w15a|Nether sprouts can now be [[composter|composted]].}}{{History|||snap=20w19a|Nether sprouts now only [[drops|drop]] if [[breaking|broken]] with [[shears]].}}{{History|||snap=20w21a|[[File:Nether Sprouts (item) JE3 BE2.png|24px]] The [[inventory]] texture of the nether sprouts have now been changed.|The [[block]] [[model]] of nether sprouts is now centered of the block rather than positioned randomly.}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w44a|Nether sprouts now make sounds when being walked on.<ref>{{bug|MC-171621|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Nether Sprouts JE1 BE1.png|24px]] [[File:Nether Sprouts (texture) JE1 BE1.png|24px]] Added nether sprouts.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Nether sprouts can now be [[composter|composted]].}}{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Nether Sprouts JE2 BE2.png|24px]] [[File:Nether Sprouts (item) JE3 BE2.png|24px]] The textures of the nether sprouts have now been changed.|[[File:Nether Sprouts Glitched BE.png|32px]] Nether sprouts now appear with a glitched texture when [[breaking|broken]] in [[survival]] mode or when picking the [[block]] in [[creative]] mode. The [[item]] received is also nameless.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-74339}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=beta|Nether sprouts now give the [[player]] the correct item when broken in survival mode or when picking the block in creative mode.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* Unlike other warped "plants", nether sprouts don't have a crimson equivalent. This is also the case with [[nether wart]], which lacks a warped equivalent.== References =={{Reflist}}{{Blocks|vegetation}}{{Items}}[[Category:Nether blocks]][[Category:Fungi]][[Category:Natural blocks]][[Category:Non-solid blocks]][[de:Nethersprossen]][[de:Nethersprossen]][[es:Rastrojo del Nether]][[fr:Germes du Nether]][[ja:ネザースプラウト]][[pl:Netherowe kiełki]][[pt:Brotos do Nether]][[ru:Адские ростки]][[zh:下界苗]]</li></ul>
build 1Iron Golem (30) Added iron golems.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Lime Dye|Lime Dye]]<br/>{{Item| image = Lime_Dye_JE2_BE2.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Lime dye''' is a [[Dye#Quasi-Primary|quasi-primary dye]] obtained by combining one [[green dye]] and one [[white dye]] in a crafting square, or by smelting a [[sea pickle]].== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting |head=1 |showname=0 |showdescription=1 |Green Dye |White Dye |Output=Lime Dye,2 |type=Material}}{{Crafting |foot=1 |Green Dye |Bone Meal |Output=Lime Dye,2 |description={{only|bedrock|education}} |type=Material}}=== Smelting ==={{Smelting|head=1|foot=1|Sea Pickle|Lime Dye|0,2}}=== Trading ===[[Wandering trader]]s sell 3 lime [[dye]] for 1 [[emerald]].== Usage =={{dye usage}}=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage|continue=1}}{{banner crafting usage}}=== Loom ingredient ==={{Banner loom usage|Lime Dye}}=== Trading ===Journeyman-level shepherd villagers have a 20% chance to buy 12 lime dye for an emerald as part of their trades.‌== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Lime Dye|spritetype=item|nameid=lime_dye|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Lime Dye|spritetype=item|nameid=lime_dye|aliasid=dye / 10|id=405|form=item||foot=1}}== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|5oPGO6jL1zQ}}</div>== History =={{History|java beta}}{{History||1.2|[[File:Lime Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lime dye.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Added the ability to [[Armor#Dyeing|dye]] leather [[armor]] and [[wolf]] collars.}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Lime dye can now be [[crafting|crafted]] with [[gunpowder]] to create a [[firework star]].}} {{History||1.6.1|snap=13w19a|[[Stained clay]] can now be crafted.}}{{history||1.7.2|snap=13w41a|[[Stained glass]] can now be crafted.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w30a|Added [[banner]]s, which can be dyed.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Added the ability to dye [[shulker box]]es.}}{{History||1.12|snap=17w15a|Added the ability to dye [[bed]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>dye</code> ID have now been split up into their own IDs.|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 351.}}{{History|||snap=18w14b|Lime dye can now be smelted from [[sea pickle]]s.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Lime dye is now crafted using [[white dye]], instead of [[bone meal]].|[[File:Lime_Dye_JE2_BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lime dye has now been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w44a|Lime dye can now change the text color on [[sign]]s to lime.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added the [[wandering trader]], which sells lime dye.}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Lime dye can now be [[trading|bought]] by shepherd villagers.}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Lime dye can now be used to craft [[lime candle]]s.}}{{History|||snap=21w19a|Lime dye can no longer be used to craft lime candles.}}{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Lime dye can now once again be used to craft lime candles.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Lime dye can now change the text color on [[hanging sign]]s to lime.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Lime Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lime dye. It is currently unobtainable and serves no purpose.}}{{History||v0.4.0|Lime dye is now craftable with [[cactus green]] and [[bone meal]].|Lime dye can now be used to craft lime wool.}}{{History||v0.6.0|Lime dye can now be used to dye [[sheep]].}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 11|Lime dye can now be used to craft colored [[terracotta]].}}{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Lime dye can now be used to dye tamed [[wolf]] collars.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Lime dye can now be used to dye [[water]] in [[cauldron]]s.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Lime dye can now be used to dye [[shulker]]s.}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Lime dye can now be used to craft [[concrete powder]], colored [[bed]]s and dyed [[shulker box]]es.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Lime dye can now be used to craft [[firework star]]s, [[stained glass]] and patterns on [[banner]]s.}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Lime dye can now be used to craft [[balloon]]s and [[glow stick]]s.|Lime dye can now be obtained from smelting [[sea pickle]]s.}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Lime dye can now be used to dye tamed [[cat]] collars.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Lime dye is now [[trading|sold]] by [[wandering trader]]s.|Lime dye can now be used to dye white [[carpet]]s and undyed [[glass pane]]s.|[[File:Lime_Dye_JE2_BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lime dye has now been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Lime dye can now be [[trading|sold]] to shepherd [[villager]]s.‌}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of lime dye has been changed from <code>dye/10</code> to <code>lime_dye</code>.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|switch=1.0.1|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Lime Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lime dye.}}{{History|PS4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Lime_Dye_JE2_BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lime dye has now been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Lime Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lime dye.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== References =={{Reflist}}{{Items}}[[Category:Dyes]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[cs:Světle zelené barvivo]][[de:Hellgrüner Farbstoff]][[es:Tinte verde lima]][[fr:Teinture vert clair]][[hu:Neonzöld festék]][[ja:黄緑色の染料]][[ko:연두색 염료]][[nl:Lichtgroene kleurstof]][[pl:Jasnozielony barwnik]][[pt:Corante verde-limão]][[ru:Лаймовый краситель]][[zh:黄绿色染料]]</li><li>[[Bone Meal|Bone Meal]]<br/>{{Item| image = Bone Meal.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Bone meal''' is a material that can be used as a fertilizer for most plants and fungi, as well as a crafting ingredient for [[dye]]s.== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting|Bone|Output=Bone Meal,3|type=Material|showname=0|head=1}}{{Crafting|Bone Block|Output= Bone Meal,9|type=Material|foot=1}}=== Mob loot ======= Fish ====All fish mob variants ([[cod]], [[salmon]], [[tropical fish]], and [[pufferfish]]) have a 5% chance to drop 1 bone meal upon death.{{only|java}} In [[Bedrock Edition]], they drop [[bones]] instead.=== Composters ===When a [[composter]] is completely filled, a single bone meal drops the next time the composter is {{ctrl|used}}.=== Trading ===[[Wandering trader]]s sell 3 bone meal for an [[emerald]].{{only|bedrock}}== Usage ===== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}{{IN|bedrock}}, bone meal can be also used in [[banner pattern]]s:{{banner crafting usage}}=== Loom ingredient === {{Banner loom usage|Bone Meal}}=== Dye ==={{Dye usage}}=== Fertilizer ===Bone meal can also be used on the following [[plants]] to have a chance to increase their growth stage:{| class="wikitable"|+!Plant!Action|-|{{BlockLink|Wheat}}<br>{{BlockLink|Carrots}}<br>{{BlockLink|Potatoes}}|The plant matures 2–5 growth stages.|-|{{BlockLink|Beetroots}}|The plant has a 75% chance of growing to the next growth stage.|-|{{BlockLink|Bamboo}}|Grows the [[bamboo]] by 1-2 stems.|-|{{BlockLink|Melon Stem|link=Melon seeds|text=Melon Seeds}}<br>{{BlockLink|Pumpkin Stem|link=Pumpkin seeds|text=Pumpkin Seeds}}|The planted stem matures 2–5 growth stages. Bone meal affects only the stem's growth; it does not cause [[melon]]s or [[pumpkin]]s to sprout from a mature stem.|-|{{BlockLink|Saplings}}<br>{{BlockLink|Azalea}}<br>{{BlockLink|Flowering Azalea}}<br>{{BlockLink|Mangrove Propagule}} (not hanging)|The [[sapling]] has a 45% chance of growing to the next growth stage, if possible. Saplings have two growth stages (with no visible difference between them) before growing into trees as the third stage. A tree cannot grow unless the sapling is planted in proper ground and sufficient space is available. Using bone meal on such an obstructed sapling with no chance of growing wastes the bone meal.|-|{{BlockLink|Sunflower}}s<br>{{BlockLink|Lilac}}s<br>{{BlockLink|Rose Bush}}es<br>{{BlockLink|Peony|Peonies}}|The corresponding item form drops, without destroying the original plant.|-|{{BlockLink|Grass}}<br>{{BlockLink|Fern}}s<br>{{BlockLink|Seagrass}}|A one-block-high tall [[grass]], [[fern]], or [[seagrass]] (that is on [[grass block]], [[dirt]], [[coarse dirt]], [[rooted dirt]], [[farmland]], [[podzol]], [[mycelium]], [[moss block]], [[mud]], or [[muddy mangrove roots]] (only exception is seagrass, will need to on a full surface)) grows into a two-block-high tall grass, fern or seagrass.|-|{{BlockLink|Mushrooms}}|Has a 40% chance of growing into a {{EnvLink|huge mushroom}} if on [[grass block]], [[dirt]], [[coarse dirt]], [[rooted dirt]], [[farmland]], [[podzol]], [[mycelium]], [[moss block]], [[mud]], or [[muddy mangrove roots]].|-|{{BlockLink|Cocoa}}|The cocoa plant matures 1 growth stage.|-|{{BlockLink|Sweet Berry Bush}}|Grows every stage.|-|{{BlockLink|Sea Pickle}}|If the [[sea pickle]] is on a [[coral block]] and in [[water]] at least 2 blocks deep, the sea pickle colony grows, and additional sea pickles generate nearby.|-|{{BlockLink|Sugar Cane}}{{only|bedrock|short=1}}|The sugar cane grows to maximum height (three blocks tall).|-|{{BlockLink|Kelp}}|The kelp plant grows by 1 block per bone meal used, up to its maximum height.|-|{{BlockLink|Flower|id=poppy}} (excluding wither roses){{only|bedrock|short=1}}|One-block-high flowers make more flowers of the same type grow in the surrounding area.|-|{{BlockLink|Fungus|id=fungi}}|Grows into [[huge fungi]], but only if on the respective [[nylium]].|-|{{BlockLink|Weeping Vines}}|Grows the [[weeping vine]]s a few blocks downward.|-|{{BlockLink|Twisting Vines}}|Grows the [[twisting vine]]s a few blocks upward.|-|{{BlockLink|Cave Vines}}|Produces [[glow berries]] if the vine did not have any [[glow berries]] on it already.|-|{{BlockLink|Glow Lichen}}|The [[glow lichen]] spreads to a random adjacent block.|-|{{BlockLink|Moss Block}}|The [[moss block]] causes nearby [[stone]], [[cave vine]]s, and [[dirt]] to become moss blocks.|-|{{BlockLink|Big Dripleaf}}<br>{{BlockLink|Small Dripleaf}}|A [[big dripleaf]] grows one block higher, and a [[small dripleaf]] becomes a big dripleaf.|-|{{BlockLink|Rooted Dirt}}|Causes [[hanging roots]] to grow underneath the [[rooted dirt]] if there is space.|-|{{BlockLink|Mangrove Leaves}}|Creates a hanging [[mangrove propagule]] under the [[mangrove leaves]].|-|{{BlockLink|Mangrove Propagule}} (hanging)|The [[mangrove propagule]] matures 1 growth age.|-|{{BlockLink|Pink Petals}}|Produces another pink petal in the block. If there are already four pink petals in the block, it will drop a pink petal as an item.|-|{{BlockLink|Torchflower Crop}}<br>{{BlockLink|Pitcher Crop}}|Grows every stage.|}Bone meal does not affect:* [[Cactus]]* [[Vines]]* [[Nether wart]]* [[Sugar cane]]{{only|JE}}* [[Chorus plant]]s, or other plants not listed above.==== Wasting bone meal ====Bone meal can be used on the following objects in the following situations, consuming it without any real effect:* On [[grass]], [[fern]]s, and [[seagrass]] that do not have enough space to grow.<ref>{{bug|MC-125642}}</ref>* On [[seagrass]] that doesn't have [[water]] above.* On a [[dark oak sapling]] that is not in a group of four.<ref>{{bug|MC-168446}}</ref>* On a [[mushroom]] that is not on a block that allows it to grow into a huge mushroom.<ref>{{bug|MC-173213}}</ref>* On a [[sea pickle]] that is already in a group of four and has no valid locations to expand to.<ref>{{bug|MC-127995}}</ref>* On a [[bamboo]] (not [[bamboo shoot]]) that is blocked in the way.* On a [[sea pickle]] that is not on a [[coral block]].* On a [[fungus]] that is not on its respective [[nylium]].* Any plants that can't grow due to being block by the [[build limit]].=== Creating new plants ===If bone meal is {{ctrl|used}} on a [[grass block]]; [[tall grass]], [[grass]], [[flower]]s, and [[pink petals]] form on the targeted block and on random adjacent grass blocks in an 15×5×15{{only|java|short=1}}/7×5×7{{only|bedrock|short=1}} area centered on the targeted block. The flowers/pink petals that appear depend on the biome, meaning that in order to obtain specific flowers, the player must travel to biomes where the flowers are found naturally. See {{slink|Flower|Flower biomes}} for more information.Using bone meal on a 2-block flower (rose bushes, sunflowers, lilacs or peonies) will cause one of the same type of flower to drop, without breaking the original. This is the only way to reproduce these flowers, since they cannot generate from using bone meal on grass blocks.Using bone meal on a non-transparent block that is underwater generates [[seagrass]] on that block and surrounding blocks. Sometimes, if in a [[warm ocean]] biome, [[coral]] and [[coral fan]]s may have a chance to generate as well, and in Bedrock Edition, coral (not coral fan) can be generated in any biome. In order for this to work, there must be 2 water blocks above the block the bone meal is being used on, and the lower one must be non-flowing water.Using bone meal on a [[sea pickle]] on a [[coral block]] creates sea pickles. This generates sea pickles up to 3 [[block]]s (of coral) away, so a 7+ × 7+ block (49+ blocks) of coral may be necessary, to return the most sea pickles per given bone meal attempt (more attempts grows them more numerously, exactly - including the range of it growing, like grass with heights on grass blocks - as coral and coral fans, though those others being non-solid blocks).Using bone meal on [[netherrack]] adjacent to [[nylium]] converts the netherrack into nylium of the same type. If both crimson and warped nylium are adjacent to the netherrack that was applied with bone meal, there is a 50% chance that either type of nylium is created.Using bone meal on [[nylium]] causes the corresponding [[roots]] and both types of [[fungi]] to appear on the nylium block and other nylium nearby, with the type of fungi matching the type of nylium being more common. In addition, using bone meal on the side of warped nylium creates [[nether sprouts]] and [[twisting vines]].=== Farmer villagers ===[[Villager]]s with the farmer profession can collect bone meal from a full [[composter]], with which they can make their crops grow faster.== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Bonemeal1.ogg|sound2=Bonemeal2.ogg|sound3=Bonemeal3.ogg|sound4=Bonemeal4.ogg|sound5=Bonemeal5.ogg|subtitle=Bone Meal crinkles|description=When bone meal is successfully used|source=block|id=item.bone_meal.use|translationkey=subtitles.item.bone_meal.use|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|be}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Bonemeal1.ogg|sound2=Bonemeal2.ogg|sound3=Bonemeal3.ogg|sound4=Bonemeal4.ogg|sound5=Bonemeal5.ogg|description=When bone meal is successfully used|source=block|id=item.bone_meal.use|volume=1.0|pitch=0.9-1.1|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Bone Meal|spritetype=item|nameid=bone_meal|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Bone Meal|spritetype=item|nameid=bone_meal|aliasid=dye / 15|id=411|form=item||foot=1}}== History =={{History|java beta}}{{History||1.2|[[File:Bone Meal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bone meal.|Bone meal can now only be applied to [[sapling]]s and [[wheat]].}}{{History||1.6.6|Bone meal can now be applied on [[grass block]]s.}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Bone meal can now be used on [[mushroom]]s to make [[huge mushroom]]s, and the block the mushroom is on changes to [[dirt]].}}{{History|||snap=Pre-release 2;)|Bone meal can now be applied on [[pumpkin seeds|pumpkin]] and [[melon seed]]s.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w19a|Bone meal can now be applied on [[cocoa bean]]s.}}{{History|||snap=1.3|[[File:Bone Meal JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bone meal has been changed.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Bone meal can now be used to dye [[leather armor]] and [[tamed wolf]]'s collar.}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Bone meal can now be [[crafted]] with [[gunpowder]] to create a [[firework star]].}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w04a|Bone meal has been significantly nerfed.<br>[[Wheat]], [[melon seeds|melon]] and [[pumpkin seed]]s, [[potato]]es and [[carrot]]s: one bone meal is now consumed for all seven stages of growth (melon and pumpkin seeds do not spawn right away).<br>[[Sapling]]s: one bone meal is now consumed for each of the two growth stages, then it grows into a tree.<br>[[Cocoa]]s: one bone meal is now consumed for each of the three stages of growth.|Green [[particle]]s are now displayed when bone meal is used.|Bone meal can now be used from [[dispenser]]s.}}{{History|||snap=13w05a|The balancing of bone meal has been adjusted. Growing a plant to its last state now takes on average 2-5 uses of bone meal (results vary from plant to plant).<ref></ref>}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w19a|Bone meal can now be used to craft white [[stained clay]].}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|The [[flower]]s generated when using bone meal on grass blocks is now biome dependent.}}{{History|||snap=13w41a|Bone meal can now be used to craft white [[stained glass]].}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w30a|Added [[banner]]s, which can be dyed with [[bone meal]].}}{{History||1.10|snap=16w20a|Bone meal can now be used to craft [[bone block]]s.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39b|Bone meal can now be used to dye [[shulker box]]es.}}{{History||1.12|snap=17w06a|Bone meal can now be used to craft white [[concrete powder]].}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>dye</code> ID have been split up into their own IDs.|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 351.}}{{History|||snap=18w07a|Bone meal can now be used underwater to create [[seagrass]].}}{{History|||snap=18w14b|Bone meal can now be used for spreading [[sea pickle]]s.}}{{History||1.13.1|snap=18w31a|Bone meal used in [[water]] of warm ocean biomes now has a chance of growing [[coral]].|[[Cod]], [[salmon]], [[tropical fish]], and [[pufferfish]] now have a chance of dropping bone meal upon death.}}{{History|||snap=18w32a|Bone meal used in [[water]] of warm ocean biomes now has a chance of growing [[coral fan]]s.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Bone meal can now used to craft [[white dye]].|Bone meal can no longer be used as a [[dye]].|All of the dye-related functions and crafting recipes of bone meal (except bone blocks) have been transferred to white dye.|[[File:Bone Meal JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of bone meal has been changed.|Bone meal can now be used on [[bamboo]] and [[bamboo shoot]].}}{{History|||snap=19w03a|Bone meal can now be obtained from [[composter]]s.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|Bone meal can now be used to grow [[fungi]] into [[huge fungi]].|Bone meal can now be used to spread [[nylium]] onto netherrack.}}{{History|||snap=20w09a|Using bone meal to grow fungi now works only on the respective [[nylium]].}}{{History|||snap=20w11a|Bone meal can now grow [[kelp]], [[weeping vines]], and [[twisting vines]].}}{{History|||snap=20w12a|Bone meal can now be used to grow [[roots]], [[fungi]], and [[nether sprouts]] on nylium.}}{{History|||snap=20w13a|Farmers can now use bone meal to grow crops.}}{{History||1.17|snap=21w03a|Bone meal can now be used to spread [[glow lichen]]s.}}{{History|||snap=21w05a|Bone meal can now be used on [[moss block]]s, [[small dripleaf]], [[big dripleaf]], and [[cave vines]].}}{{History|||snap=21w11a|Bone meal can now be used on [[rooted dirt]].}}{{History|||snap=21w15a|Bone meal now makes a sound when used.}}{{History|||snap=21w16a|Moss patches obtained from fertilizing moss blocks contain less vegetation and are now smaller and more irregular in shape.|Bone meal can now be used on [[azalea]] and [[flowering azalea]].}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|Bone meal can now be used on [[mangrove propagule]]s and [[mangrove leaves]].}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|Bone meal can now be used on [[pink petals]] and [[torchflower crop]]s.|Using bone meal on [[cherry grove]]s now have a chance to generate [[pink petal]]s.}}{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Bone meal can now be used on [[pitcher crop]]s.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Bone Meal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bone meal. It is currently unobtainable and serves no purpose.}}{{History||v0.3.3|Bone meal can now be crafted from bones.|Bone meal can now be applied to grass blocks and saplings.}}{{History||v0.4.0|Added the first [[crop]]s, which bone meal can be applied to.}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Bone Meal JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bone meal has been changed.|Bone meal no longer instantly grows [[crop]]s to full size.|Bone meal can now be used to craft white [[wool]].}}{{History|||snap=build 5|[[Pumpkin]] and [[melon]] stems now grow by only one stage when bone meal is used.|Some [[flower]]s now spawn certain other flowers when bone meal is used on them.|Bone meal can now grow [[fern]]s and [[tall grass]] in [[survival]] and [[creative]].|Bone meal can now grow [[sugar cane]]s to maximum height.}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 11|Bone meal can now be used to dye tamed [[wolf]] collars.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Bone meal can now be used from [[dispenser]]s.|Bone meal can now be used to dye [[water]] in [[cauldron]]s.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Bone meal can now be used to dye [[shulker]]s.}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Bone meal can now be used to craft white [[concrete powder]], white [[bed]]s and white [[shulker box]]es.}}{{History||1.1.3|snap=alpha|Bone meal can now be used to craft [[bone block]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Bone meal can now be used to craft white [[stained glass]].|Bone meal can now be used to craft [[firework star]]s.|Bone meal can now be used to create [[banner]] patterns.}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Bone meal can now be used underwater for growing [[seagrass]] and [[coral]].}}{{History|||snap=beta|Bone meal can now be used for spreading [[sea pickle]]s.|Bone meal can now be used to craft white [[balloon]]s and white [[glow stick]]s.}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Bone meal can now be used to grow [[bamboo]].}}{{History|||snap=beta|Bone meal can now be used to craft [[white dye]].}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Bone meal are now sold by [[wandering trader]]s.|[[File:Bone Meal JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of bone meal has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Bone meal can now be obtained from [[composter]]s.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Bone meal can now grow [[fungus|fungi]] into [[huge fungi]].|Bone meal can now be used to turn [[netherrack]] into [[nylium]].|Bone meal can now be used to grow [[roots]], [[fungi]], and [[nether sprouts]] on nylium.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of bone meal has been changed from <code>dye/15</code> to <code>bone_meal</code>.}}{{History||1.16.210|snap=beta|Bone meal used in [[water]] now has a chance of growing [[coral fan]]s.}}{{History||1.16.220|snap=beta|Bone meal can now be used on [[moss block]]s, [[small dripleaf]], [[big dripleaf]], [[cave vines]] and [[rooted dirt]].}}{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Bone meal can now be used to spread [[glow lichen]]s.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Bone meal can be used to grow [[azalea]]s into azalea trees.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Bone meal now makes a sound when used.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Bone Meal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bone meal.}}{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|Bone meal no longer instantly grows [[crop]]s to full size.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Bone Meal JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of bone meal has been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Bone Meal JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Added bone meal.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* Bone meal can be used on the sides or bottom of a [[grass block]], as well as on a grass block with [[plant]]s already on top of it.* Regardless of if it succeeds in fertilizing, bone meal makes green sparkles. However, like smoke from a [[torch]], the sparkles appear only if the [[player]] has [[particles]] set All or Decreased.* In real life, [[Wikipedia:bone meal|bone meal]] is used as a fertilizer to provide nitrogen and phosphorus to plants.==Gallery==<gallery>File:Bone Meal On Grass.png|Bone meal used on [[grass block]]s.</gallery>== See also ==* [[Farming]]== References =={{reflist}}{{Items}}[[Category:Dyes]][[Category:Plants]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[cs:Kostní moučka]][[de:Knochenmehl]][[es:Polvo de hueso]][[fr:Poudre d'os]][[hu:Csontliszt]][[ja:骨粉]][[ko:뼛가루]][[nl:Beendermeel]][[pl:Mączka kostna]][[pt:Farinha de osso]][[ru:Костная мука]][[th:ผงกระดูก]][[zh:骨粉]]</li></ul>
build 4Iron golems now damage players in Peaceful difficulty.
Pocket Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Apple|Apple]]<br/>{{for}}{{Item| title = Apple| image = Apple.png| renewable = Yes| heals = {{hunger|4}}| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Apples''' are [[food]] items that can be eaten by the [[player]].== Obtaining ===== Block loot ===Oak and dark oak [[leaves]] have 0.5% ({{frac|1|200}}) chance of dropping an apple when decayed or broken, but not if burned. Breaking leaves with a [[tool]] enchanted with the [[Fortune]] enchantment increases the chances of dropping an apple: 0.556% ({{frac|1|180}}) with Fortune I, 0.625% ({{frac|1|160}}) with Fortune II, and 0.833% ({{frac|1|120}}) with Fortune III.=== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|apple}}=== Trading ===Apprentice-level [[Trading#Farmer|farmer]] [[Villager|villagers]] have a 50% ({{frac|1|2}}){{only|bedrock}} or 66.7% ({{frac|2|3}}){{only|java}} chance of selling 4 apples as part of their trades.== Usage =={{see also|Tutorials/Hunger management|title1=Hunger management}}To eat an apple, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|4}} [[hunger]] and 2.4 [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}=== Composting ===Placing an apple into a [[composter]] has a 65% ({{frac|13|20}}) chance of raising the compost level by 1.== Sounds =={{Sound table/Entity/Food}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Apple|spritetype=item|nameid=apple|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Apple|spritetype=item|nameid=apple|id=257|form=item|foot=1}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}== History =={{History|java indev}}{{History||0.31|snap=20091231-2|[[File:Apple JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added apples. |Apples are currently non-functional in this version.}}{{History|||snap=20100110|Apples are now functional and are edible, restoring {{hp|2}}. They are intended to replace [[mushroom]]s, which were previously edible.}}{{History|||snap=20100128|Apples now used to [[craft]] [[arrow]]s.}}{{History|||snap=20100129|Apples no longer used to craft [[arrow]]s.}}{{History||20100206|Apples now use the texture of [[golden helmet]]s.}}{{History|java infdev}}{{History||February 23, 2010|link=none|At the bottom of a [[crafting]] guide they made, a player named JTE jokingly indicated that [[Notch]] dropped an apple when killed, and that apples could be crafted into something called a "[[golden apple]]" – this was a joke on the fact that apples were totally unobtainable.<ref></ref><ref name="JTECraftingGuide"> (This is an unofficial recreation with the original domain)</ref>}}{{History||20100227-1|Players named "[[Notch]]" now drop an apple when they die in addition to their [[inventory]].|Apples are now used to craft golden apples.|Apples now correctly use the apple texture again.}}{{History||20100327|With the addition of the respawn feature, apples have become legitimately obtainable in Survival and renewable for players named "Notch".}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Apples can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] storeroom [[chest]]s, making them obtainable in normal [[Survival]] gameplay for the first time.|Apples now restore {{hunger|4}} instead of {{hp|4}}.|Apples are now stackable.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Apples are now found in the new stronghold altar chests.}}{{History||1.1|snap=11w48a|Oak [[leaves]] now have a 1/200 chance of dropping an apple when destroyed, making apples fully [[renewable]].}}{{History|||snap=12w01a|Apples are now found in the new [[village]] blacksmith chests.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w16a|Apples can now be found in the new [[bonus chest]]s.}}{{History|||snap=12w18a|"[[Notch]]" players no longer drop apples when they die.}}{{History|||snap=12w21a|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trade|sell]] 5 apples for 1 [[emerald]].|Apples are now used to craft [[enchanted golden apple]]s.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w37a|[[File:Apple JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The apple's texture has been changed: the [[item]] sprite no longer has a dark outline and now has a more detailed look.}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w09b|The [[Fortune]] enchantment now increases the chance of dropping apples.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w43a|Added [[dark oak]] leaves, which drop apples.}}{{history||1.9|snap=15w43a|Apples may now be found in [[igloo]] basem*nt chests.}}{{history|||snap=15w44a|Average yield of apples has been slightly increased in bonus chests.|Apples can no longer be used to craft enchanted golden apples.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w33a|Farmer villagers now sell 5–7 apples for 1 emerald.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this item's numeral ID was 260.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Apple JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of apples has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w48a|Apples can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[plains]] village houses.}}{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placing an apple into the new [[composter]] has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Apples now have a 65% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Apple JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added apples.}}{{History||v0.5.0|Apples now restore {{hp|4}} instead of {{hp|2}}.}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Apple JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The apple's texture has been changed: the item sprite no longer has a dark outline and now has a more detailed look.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Added apples to the [[Creative inventory]].|Apples are now stackable.|Apples now restore {{hunger|4}} instead of {{hp|4}}.|The [[Fortune]] [[enchantment]] can now be used to increase chance of dropping apples.|Apples can now be used to craft golden apples and enchanted golden apples.}}{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Apples can now be used to feed [[horse]]s.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Apples can now be found inside [[igloo]] chests.}}{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Farmer villagers now sell 5-7 apples for 1 emerald.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Apples can no longer be used to craft enchanted golden apples.|Apples can now be found inside bonus chests.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Apples can now be found in [[plains]] village weaponsmith chests and plains house chests.|[[File:Apple JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of apples has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Apples can now be found in [[desert]], [[savanna]], [[taiga]] and [[snowy taiga]] village weaponsmith chests.|Apples can now be used to fill up composters.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Farmer villagers now sell 4 apples as part of their second tier trades.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Apple JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added apples.}}{{History||xbox=TU5|Apples are now stackable.|Apples now restore {{hunger|4}} instead of {{hp|4}}.}}{{History||xbox=TU12|ps=1.03|[[File:Apple JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The apple's texture has been changed: the item sprite no longer has a dark outline and now has a more detailed look.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Apple JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of apples has been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Apple JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Added apples.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==*Prior to the texture update in Java Edition 1.4.2, the sprite of the apple was the same one used in [[Notch]]'s game ''[[Legend of the Chambered]]''.*Before it was added to ''Minecraft'', apples dropping from trees was already a feature in ''[[Minicraft]]''.== Gallery ==<gallery>Apple in Stronghold.png|An apple found in a stronghold chest.Apple Item.png|An apple that dropped from decaying leaves.Obtaining an apple by trading.png|Obtaining apples via villager trading.File:Candy Apple (Trails and Tales Summer Event) Render.png|The Candy Apple, an item featured in the [[Trails & Tales Event]].</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[ Taking Inventory: Apple] – on November 23, 2018{{items}}[[Category:Plants]][[Category:Food]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[cs:Jablko]][[de:Apfel]][[es:Manzana]][[fr:Pomme]][[hu:Alma]][[it:Mela]][[ja:リンゴ]][[ko:사과]][[nl:Appel]][[pl:Jabłko]][[pt:Maçã]][[ru:Яблоко]][[th:แอปเปิ้ล]][[uk:Яблуко]][[zh:苹果]]</li><li>[[Lapis Lazuli|Lapis Lazuli]]<br/>{{Item| image = Lapis Lazuli.png|type=| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}{{About|the item|the ore|Lapis Lazuli Ore|the mineral block|Lapis Lazuli Block}}'''Lapis lazuli''' is a mineral required to [[Enchanting|enchant]] items in an [[Enchanting Table|enchanting table]].== Obtaining ===== Mining ===When mined with a stone [[pickaxe]] or better, [[lapis lazuli ore]] drops 4–9 lapis lazuli. With the [[Fortune]] III enchantment, a single block has a chance of dropping up to 36 items.=== Crafting ==={{Crafting |Block of Lapis Lazuli |Output=Lapis Lazuli,9 |type=Material}}=== Smelting ==={{Smelting |showname=1 |Lapis Lazuli Ore; Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore |Lapis Lazuli |0.2}}=== Villager gifts ==={{IN|java}}, cleric [[villager]]s give [[player]]s lapis lazuli if they have the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.=== Trading ===Apprentice-level cleric villagers sell one lapis lazuli for an [[emerald]] as part of their trades.{{IN|bedrock}}, [[wandering trader]]s may sell 3 lapis lazuli for an emerald.=== Chest loot ==={{see also|Lapis Lazuli Ore#Natural generation}}{{LootChestItem|lapis-lazuli}}== Usage ===== Enchanting ===1–3 pieces of lapis lazuli are required to use an [[Enchanting Table|enchanting table]] to enchant an [[items|item]]. More specifically, the enchanting table UI shows 3 options (see [[Enchanting mechanics]] for details): the first, second, and third options cost 1, 2, and 3 lapis lazuli, respectively.=== Crafting ingredient ===Lapis lazuli can be used to make [[blocks of lapis lazuli]] and [[blue dye]]. {{IN|bedrock}}, it can also be used directly as a substitute for blue dye.{{crafting usage}}{{IN|bedrock}}, lapis lazuli can be also used in banner patterns:{{banner crafting usage}}=== Loom ingredient === {{Banner loom usage|Lapis Lazuli}}=== Dye ==={{Dye usage}}=== Smithing ingredient ==={{Smithing|head=1|ingredients=Any Armor Trim +<br/>Any Armor Piece + <br/>Lapis Lazuli|Any Armor Trim Smithing Template|Netherite Chestplate|Lapis Lazuli|Lapis Trim Netherite Chestplate|showdescription=1|description = All armor types can be used in this recipe,<br/>a netherite chestplate is shown as an example.<br/>|tail=1}};Trim color paletteThe following color palette is shown on the designs on trimmed armor:*{{TrimPalette|lapis lazuli}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Lapis Lazuli|spritetype=item|nameid=lapis_lazuli|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Lapis Lazuli|spritetype=item|nameid=lapis_lazuli|aliasid=dye / 4|id=414|form=item||foot=1}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Enchanter}}== History =={{History|java beta}}{{History||1.2|[[File:Lapis Lazuli JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lapis lazuli.}}{{History||1.2_02|[[Lapis lazuli ore]] can now be found at [[bedrock]] level and now drops 4–8 lapis lazuli per block mined (increased from 1) on [[singleplayer]] only. However, servers have not been affected yet.}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Lapis lazuli can now be found in [[mineshaft]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Lapis lazuli can now be used to [[Armor#Dyeing|dye]] leather [[armor]] and [[wolf]] collars.}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Lapis lazuli can now be [[crafting|crafted]] with [[gunpowder]] to create a [[firework star]].}} {{History||1.6.1|snap=13w19a|Lapis lazuli can now be used to craft blue [[stained clay]].}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w41a|Lapis lazuli can now be used to craft blue [[stained glass]].}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Enchanting]] now requires lapis lazuli. Different enchantments require different amounts of levels and different amounts of levels now require different amounts of lapis lazuli (between 1-3).|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 1–2 lapis lazuli for 1 [[emerald]], making it a [[renewable resource]].}}{{History|||snap=14w30a|Lapis lazuli can now be used to dye [[banner]]s.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w44a|The average yield of lapis lazuli in [[mineshaft]] [[chest]]s has been decreased.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Added the ability to dye [[shulker box]]es.}}{{History||1.12|snap=17w06a|Can now be used to craft blue [[concrete powder]].}}{{History|||snap=17w15a|Added the ability to dye [[bed]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>dye</code> ID have been split up into their own IDs.|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 351.}}{{History|||snap=18w11a|Lapis lazuli now generates in [[shipwreck]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Lapis lazuli can now be used to craft [[blue dye]].|Lapis lazuli can no longer be used as a [[dye]].|All of the dye-related functions and crafting recipes of lapis lazuli (except lapis lazuli blocks) have been transferred to blue dye.|[[File:Lapis Lazuli JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lapis lazuli has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w50a|Lapis lazuli can now be found in chests in [[village]] temples.}}{{History|||snap=19w13a|Cleric villagers now give lapis lazuli to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}{{History||1.17|snap=21w08a|Lapis lazuli can now drop and be smelted from [[deepslate lapis lazuli ore]].}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|Lapis lazuli can now be used as an armor trim material.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Lapis Lazuli JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lapis lazuli.}}{{History||v0.3.2|Lapis lazuli can now be crafted into lapis lazuli blocks, and vice versa.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Lapis lazuli is now required for [[enchanting]].}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Lapis lazuli can now be found inside [[minecart with chest]]s in [[mineshaft]]s.|Lapis lazuli can now be used to dye [[water]] in [[cauldron]]s.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 1–2 lapis lazuli for 1 [[emerald]].|Lapis lazuli can now be used to [[dyeing|dye]] [[shulker shell]]s.}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Lapis lazuli can now be used to dye [[shulker box]]es and [[bed]]s.|Lapis lazuli can now be used to [[crafting|craft]] blue [[concrete powder]].}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now be used to dye [[banner]]s, [[firework star]]s and [[glass]].}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now be found in [[shipwreck]] treasure chests.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now be used to craft [[balloon]]s and [[glow stick]]s.}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now be used to craft [[blue dye]]s.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli are now [[trading|sold]] by [[wandering trader]]s.|[[File:Lapis Lazuli JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lapis lazuli has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now be found in [[desert]] [[village]] temple [[chest]]s.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] one lapis lazuli for one [[emerald]].}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of lapis lazuli has been changed from <code>dye/4</code> to <code>lapis_lazuli</code>.}}{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now drop and be smelted from [[deepslate lapis lazuli ore]].}}{{History||1.19.80|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now be used as an armor trim material.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Lapis Lazuli JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lapis lazuli.}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|switch=1.0.1|Lapis lazuli can now be used in [[enchanting]].}}{{History|Ps4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Lapis Lazuli JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lapis lazuli has been changed.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* In real life, lapis lazuli is a blue gem that can be ground and processed into ultramarine pigment. Lapis lazuli pigment has been famously used in the production of illuminated manuscripts, stained glass, and cave paintings. [[Wikipedia:Lapis lazuli|See the Wikipedia article for more information]].* Lapis lazuli is the only [[ore]] that can be used as a [[dye]]{{only|BE|short=1}} or making a dye.* It is the only item that can be put in the second slot of an [[enchantment table]].== References =={{reflist}}{{Items}}[[Category:Dyes]][[cs:Lazurit]][[de:Lapislazuli]][[es:Lapislázuli]][[fr:Lapis-lazuli]][[hu:Lazurit]][[ja:ラピスラズリ]][[ko:청금석]][[nl:Lapis lazuli]][[pl:Lazuryt]][[pt:Lápis-lazúli]][[ru:Лазурит]][[th:แร่แลพิสแลซูลี]][[uk:Лазурит]][[zh:青金石]][[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul>
alpha golems no longer attack players in Peaceful difficulty.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Potato|Potato]]<br/>{{about|the raw potato|the cooked potato|Baked Potato|the potato that can inflict poison|Poisonous Potato}}{{Item| group = Age 0-1| 1-1 = Potatoes Age 0-1.png| 1-2 = Potatoes Age 0-1 BE.png| group2 = Age 2-3| 2-1 = Potatoes Age 4-6.png| 2-2 = Potatoes Age 2-3 BE.png| group3 = Age 4-6| 3-1 = Potatoes Age 4-6.png| 3-2 = Potatoes Age 4-6 BE.png| group4 = Age 7| 4-1 = Potatoes Age 7.png| 4-2 = Potatoes Age 7 BE.png| image = Potato JE3 BE2.png| renewable = Yes| heals = {{hunger|1}}| stackable = Yes (64)}}A '''potato''' is a [[food]] [[item]] obtained from potato crops that can be used to plant them, consumed raw or [[cook]]ed to make [[baked potato]]es.'''Potato crops''' are planted in [[farmland]] and used to grow potatoes and, rarely, [[Poisonous Potato|poisonous potatoes]].== Obtaining ===== Natural generation ===[[Village]] farm plots have a chance of being planted with potatoes. The exact chance depends on the style of the village:{| class="wikitable"! Village style!! Chance|-| {{EnvSprite|snowy-village}} Snowy || 70%|-| {{EnvSprite|plains-village}} Plains || 15%|-| {{EnvSprite|taiga-village}} Taiga || 10%|}Fully grown potato crops drop 2 to 5 potatoes ({{frac|3|5|7}} per crop harvested on average) and have a 2% chance of dropping an additional [[poisonous potato]]. Potato yield can be increased using a tool enchanted with [[Fortune]], with Fortune III harvesting an average of {{frac|5|3|7}} potatoes. [[Bone meal]] can be used to mature the potato to its last stage of growth.The first two potatoes always drop, and then three more attempts are made to drop a potato with a success rate of 57.14286% to yield the extra 0–3 drops. Each level of Fortune enchantment increases the number of attempts by one.=== Mob loot ===[[Zombie]]s, [[husk]]s, and [[zombie villager]]s have a 2.5% ({{frac|1|40}}) chance of dropping either an [[iron ingot]], [[carrot]], or potato when killed by a player or tamed wolf. This is increased by 1% ({{frac|1|100}}) per level of looting. This gives potatoes the following chances of dropping:* {{frac|1|120}} (about 0.83%)* {{frac|7|600}} (about 1.17%) with Looting I* {{frac|9|600}} (1.50%) with Looting II* {{frac|11|600}} (about 1.83%) with Looting IIIIf a zombie, husk, or zombie villager is killed with fire, it drops a baked potato instead.=== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|potato}}== Usage ===== Farming ==={{main|Tutorials/Crop farming}}When farmed, potatoes require 8 [[Block tick|stages]] to grow. However, there are four ''visible'' stages due to having only four distinct textures: every two stages have the same texture, except that growth stage 7 keeps the same appearance as stages 5–6, so that only stage 8 has the final, mature appearance. Planted potatoes require a light level of 9 or greater to continue growing. If the light level is 7 or below, the crops instantly un-plant themselves ("pop off"). It is not possible to plant potatoes if the light level is too low.Crops grow faster if the farmland they are planted in is [[Farmland#Hydration|hydrated]]. Using [[bone meal]] on crops also increases the speed of growth by randomly increasing their growth stage by 2 to 5.Crops break if pushed by a [[piston]] or if their supporting farmland breaks or turns to dirt (i.e. by being trampled), dropping their usual drops.=== Food ===To eat a potato, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the [[hotbar]]. Eating a potato restores {{hunger|1}} hunger and 0.6 [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].=== Breeding ===[[Pig]]s follow and can be [[bred]] by a player holding a potato.[[Villager]]s can pick up potato items to become willing, which allow them to breed. Villagers require 12 potatoes to become willing.=== Smelting ingredient ==={{Smelting|showname=1|Potato|Baked Potato|0.35}}=== Trading ===Novice-level farmer villagers have a 25%{{only|bedrock}} or 40%{{only|java}} chance to buy 26 potatoes for an [[emerald]] as part of their trade.=== Composting ===Placing a potato into a [[composter]] has a 65% chance of raising the compost level by 1. This is less efficient than composting with [[Baked Potato|baked potatoes]], which has a higher success chance of 85%.== Sounds ===== Block ==={{Sound table/Block/Crop}}=== Item ==={{Sound table/Entity/Food}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showblocktags=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Potatoes|spritetype=block|nameid=potatoes|blocktags=bee_growables, crops|form=block}}{{ID table|displayname=Potato|spritetype=item|nameid=potato|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Potatoes|spritetype=block|nameid=potatoes|id=142|form=block}}{{ID table|displayname=Potato|spritetype=item|nameid=potato|id=280|form=item|foot=1}}=== Block states ==={{see also|Block states}}{{/BS}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|[[File:Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added potatoes.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE1.png|32px]] Added potato crops.}}{{History|||snap=12w36a|Potatoes can now be found in [[village]]s.}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w09b|The [[Fortune]] enchantment now works when harvesting potatoes.<ref>{{bug|MC-1680}}</ref>}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Potatoes can now be [[trading|sold]] to farmer [[villager]]s, at 15–19 potatoes for 1 [[emerald]].}}{{History|||snap=14w04a|Farmer villagers now harvest fully grown potatoes.|Villagers can now be made willing using 12 potatoes.}}{{History|||snap=14w06a|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE2.png|32px]] Potato crops are now a pixel higher - previously they were offset one pixel down as to match farmland's sunken model. This is likely an accidental result of model conversion.}}{{History|||snap=14w10a|[[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]]<br>Potato crops of all stages [[Missing model|no longer have a model]].}}{{History|||snap=14w10b|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE4.png|32px]] Potato crops now have models again.<ref>{{bug|MC-50232}}</ref> In addition, they are now offset downwards by one pixel once more.<ref>{{bug|MC-50155}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=14w25a|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE5.png|32px]] Potato crops are now darker and subject to directional shading.}}{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE6.png|32px]] Potato crops are no longer subject to directional shading.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Potatoes can now be used to lead and breed [[pig]]s.}}{{History|||snap=15w38a|The [[drop]] chances of potatoes has now been slightly improved from average {{frac|2|3|5}} per potato crop harvested to {{frac|2|5|7}}.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this block's numeral ID was 142, and the item's 392.}}{{History|||snap=18w11a|Potatoes now have a chance of generating in [[shipwreck]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Potato JE2.png|32px]] The texture of potatoes has been changed.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE7.png|32px]] The textures of potato crops have been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w47a|Potatoes now generate in [[pillager outpost]] chests.}}{{History|||snap=18w48a|Potatoes can now be found in chests in [[plains]] village houses.}}{{History|||snap=18w49a|Potatoes can now be found in chests in [[snowy tundra|snowy]] village houses.}}{{History|||snap=18w50a|Potatoes can now be found in chests in [[taiga]] village houses.|[[File:Potato JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of potatoes has been changed, once again.}}{{History|||snap=19w03a|Added placement and new breaking [[sound]]s to potatoes.|Placing a potato into the new [[composter]] has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Potatoes now have a 65% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate potato crops.}}{{History||1.17|snap=21w13a|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE8.png|32px]] The "crop" template model has changed such that pixels appear in the same physical positions on opposite sides of texture planes, changing the potato crop's appearance in the process.<ref>{{bug|MC-199242}}</ref>}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added potatoes.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE6 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} Added potato crops.|Potatoes are a rare [[drops|drop]] from killing [[zombie]]s.}}{{History|||snap=build 3|Potatoes now have a chance to drop when tilling [[grass block]]s.}}{{History|||snap=build 4|Potatoes are no longer dropped from tilling grass blocks.}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Potato crops now naturally spawn in [[village]]s.|Potatoes can now be used to lead and breed [[pig]]s.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Potatoes now restore [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].|Farmer (profession) [[villager]]s now plant and harvest potatoes.}}{{History||v0.16.2|Potatoes can now be found in the [[chest]] inside large houses in [[ice plains]] and [[cold taiga]] [[village]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Potatoes can now be found in [[pillager outpost]]s and [[plains]] [[village]] houses.|[[File:Potato JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of potatoes has been changed.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE7.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} The textures of potato crops have been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Potatoes can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.|Potatoes can now be found in [[taiga]], [[snowy taiga]] and [[snowy tundra]] village house [[chest]]s.}}{{History|||snap=beta|[[Trading]] has now been changed, farmer [[villager]]s now have a 25% chance to [[trading|buy]] 26 potatoes for an [[emerald]].}}{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate potato crops.}}{{History||?|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 BE.png|32px]] Potato crop planes use a mapping that results in very unnatural mirroring when viewed from certain angles, such as northwest.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-146936}}</ref>}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU14|xbone=CU1|ps=1.04|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added potatoes.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE6 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} Added potato crops.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Potato JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of potatoes has been changed.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE7.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} The textures of potato crops have been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added potatoes.|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE6 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} Added potato crops.}}{{History|foot}}=== Potatoes "item" ==={{:Technical blocks/Potatoes}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Gallery ==<gallery>AllSeeds.png|All the seeds that exist in the game (except [[Pitcher Plant|seeds fr]][[Torchflower Seeds|om 1.20,]] [[nether wart]] and [[cocoa beans]]).VillageGrowingCarrotsAndPotatoes.png|[[Carrot]]s and potatoes found growing naturally in a [[village]].File:Hot Potato.jpeg|Official render of a potato to celebrate National Potato Day.<ref>| Hot potato! @ a friend to toss it.</ref></gallery>== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[ Taking Inventory: Potato] – on December 16, 2021{{items}}{{blocks|vegetation}}[[Category:Plants]][[Category:Food]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[Category:Non-solid blocks]][[Category:Generated structure blocks]][[cs:Brambora]][[de:Kartoffel]][[es:Patata]][[fr:Pomme de terre]][[hu:Burgonya]][[it:Patata]][[ja:ジャガイモ]][[ko:감자]][[nl:Aardappel]][[pl:Ziemniak]][[pt:Batata]]<br />[[ru:Картофель]][[th:มันฝรั่ง]][[uk:Картопля]][[zh:马铃薯]]</li><li>[[Tropical Fish (item)|Tropical Fish (item)]]<br/>{{Item| title = Tropical Fish| image = Tropical Fish.png| renewable = Yes| heals = {{hunger|1}}| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Tropical fish''' is a [[food]] item that cannot be cooked.== Obtaining ===== Fishing ===Tropical fish can be obtained from [[fishing]]. The wait time of one being caught is decreased with the [[Lure]] enchantment and the chance of one being caught is slightly decreased with the [[Luck of the Sea]] enchantment (named as such because it increases treasure, not fish).Tropical fish cannot be caught when fishing in [[jungle]] biome and variants.{{only|bedrock}}<!--1-6 exp-->=== Mob drops ===[[Guardian]]s and [[elder guardian]]s have a 2.5% chance of dropping a random fish upon death. This has a 2% chance of being tropical fish. The chance of getting the fish drop can be increased by 1% per level of [[Looting]], but the type of fish is not affected.[[Tropical fish]] always drop 1 tropical fish in its item form when killed. This drop is not affected by Looting.<ref>{{bug|MC-212795||Salmon & Fish mobs are not affected by Looting}}</ref>== Usage ===== Food ===Tropical fish restores {{hunger|1}} [[hunger]] and 0.2 [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].=== Trading ===Expert-level fisherman [[villager]]s have a {{frac|1|7}} chance to buy a single tropical fish for one [[emerald]].{{only|bedrock}}Expert-level fisherman villagers always offer to buy 6 tropical fish for an emerald.{{only|java}}=== Wolves ==={{IN|Bedrock}}, tropical fish can be used to feed [[wolves]], healing them by {{hp|1|mob=1}}. However, unlike other wolf food, tropical fish cannot be used to breed or speed up the growth of baby wolves. Tropical fish can be fed only to a wolf that is not at full health.==Sounds=={{Sound table/Entity/Food}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showitemtags=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Tropical Fish|spritetype=item|nameid=tropical_fish|itemtags=fishes, axolotl_tempt_items|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showaliasids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Tropical Fish|spritetype=item|nameid=tropical_fish|aliasid=clownfish|id=266|form=item||foot=1}}== Achievements =={{load achievements|Lion Hunter}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet;Fishy Business}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|[[File:Tropical Fish JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added clownfish.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w25a|Clownfish are now obtainable as a rare [[drops|drop]] from [[guardian]]s and [[elder guardians]].}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>fish</code> ID have been split up into their own IDs.|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 349.}}{{History|||snap=18w08b|[[Tropical fish]] have been added as [[mob]]s, which [[drops|drop]] clownfish as their [[item]] form when killed.|[[File:Tropical Fish JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of clownfish has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w19a|"Clownfish" has been renamed to "Tropical Fish".}}{{History|||snap=pre5|The [[item]] ID has now been changed to <code>tropical_fish</code>.}}{{History||1.14|snap=19w11a|Fisherman [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] tropical fish.}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w51a|Tropical fish can be used to [[breeding|breed]] the new [[axolotl]]s.|Tropical fish can be used to make axolotls attack drowned and guardians.}}{{History|||snap=21w20a|Axolotls can no longer be bred using tropical fish, but instead can only be bred with [[Bucket of aquatic mob|buckets of tropical fish]].}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Tropical Fish JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added clownfish.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Clownfish now restore [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|Clownfish can now be [[drops|dropped]] by [[guardian]]s and [[elder guardian]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|"Clownfish" has been renamed to "Tropical Fish".|[[Tropical fish]] have been added as [[mob]]s, which [[drops|drop]] tropical fish as their [[item]] form when killed.|[[File:Tropical Fish JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of tropical fish has been changed.}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Tropical fish can now be used to fed [[ocelot]] to gain their trust.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Tropical fish can now be [[trading|sold]] to fisherman [[villager]]s.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Tropical Fish JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added clownfish.}}{{History||xbox=TU69|xbone=none|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|switch=none|"Clownfish" has been renamed to "Tropical Fish".|[[File:Tropical Fish JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of tropical fish has been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Tropical Fish JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added clownfish.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== See also ==* [[Fishing]]== References =={{reflist}}{{items}}[[de:Tropenfisch (Nahrung)]][[es:Pez tropical (objeto)]][[ja:熱帯魚 (アイテム)]][[ko:열대어 (아이템)]][[it:Pesce tropicale (oggetto)]][[ru:Тропическая_рыба_(предмет)]][[zh:热带鱼(物品)]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[Category:Food]]</li></ul>
alpha entity ID of the iron golem has been changed from irongolem to iron_golem.
Bedrock Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Chain|Chain]]<br/>{{about|the block|the enchantment in Minecraft Dungeons|MCD:Chains|the armor tier named chainmail|Armor|the armor material called chainmail|Armor materials}}{{Block|image=<gallery>Chain Axis Y.png | Y-axisChain Axis X.png | X-axisChain Axis Z.png | Z-axis</gallery>| transparent = Yes| light = No| tool = Wooden pickaxe| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)| flammable = No| lavasusceptible = No}}'''Chains''' are metallic decoration [[block]]s.== Obtaining ===== Breaking ===Chains can be mined using any [[pickaxe]]. If mined without a pickaxe, it drops nothing.{{breaking row|Chain|Pickaxe|Wood|horizontal=1}}=== Natural generation ===Chains generate in [[bastion remnant]]s and sometimes in [[ruined portal]]s that generate in the Nether. They always generate above [[magma cube]] spawners, also found in [[bastion]]s.Chains can also generate in [[mineshafts]]. They generate on the sides of a wooden bridge (a mid-air corridor) when the distance between the bridge and the highest solid block below it is higher than the distance to the lowest solid block above it. Chains here generate vertically in a pillar between the bridge and the ceiling. The lowest block of the pillar, connecting the chain to the bridge, is always an [[oak fence]].=== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|chain}}=== Crafting ==={{Crafting|B1=Iron Nugget|B2=Iron Ingot|B3=Iron Nugget|Output=Chain|type=Building block}}== Usage ==Chains can be used to suspend [[bell]]s, [[hanging sign]]s, or both types of [[lantern]]s (normal lanterns and soul lanterns), as the chain texture connects to the chain of the lantern seamlessly as if it were part of it, and it connects the hanging sign chains together. Chains do not require a supporting block to be placed whether it is on the top, next to it or at the bottom. It can exist completely free-standing in mid air<ref>{{bug|MC-178791}}</ref> and it can be rotated. Chains connect horizontally or vertically, but not across different orientations (so a chain with N orientation does not connect to a chain with E orientation in the adjacent block).Horizontal chains one block above a surface may be walked over. Horizontal chains two blocks above a surface prevent players from traveling past them. Vertical chains block travel if targeted directly, but may be skirted.Precision is required, but chains can be walked on, allowing for inconspicuous, although somewhat costly, bridges.Chains can be pushed by [[piston]]s without being broken.=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}== Sounds =={{Sound table/Block/Chain}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Chain|spritetype=block|nameid=chain|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Chain|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Block|spritename=chain|spritetype=block|nameid=chain|id=541|form=block|itemform=item.chain}}{{ID table|displayname=Item|spritename=chain|spritetype=item|nameid=chain|id=619|form=item||foot=1}}=== Block states ==={{see also|Block states}}{{/BS}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w16a|[[File:Chain (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chain Axis Y JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added chains.|Chains generate in the newly added [[bastion remnant]]s, and can be found in their [[chest]]s.|Chains currently use the generic metal [[block]] [[sound]]s.}}{{History|||snap=20w17a|Unique [[sound]]s have been added for chains.}}{{History|||snap=20w18a|Chains can now be [[waterlogged]].}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w30a|The chance of finding chains in bastion remnant chests is decreased from 31.5% to 24.4%.}}{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|[[File:Chain Axis X JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chain Axis Z JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Chains can now be placed in all orientations.}}{{History||1.17|snap=21w07a|Chains can now generate in [[mineshaft]]s.}}{{History|||snap=21w13a|[[File:Chain (UD) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Chain (NS) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Chain (EW) JE2.png|32px]] The model of chains has been changed so that the backside texture is mirrored.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Chains are now used to craft [[hanging sign]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Chain_(item)_JE1_BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chain Axis Y JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added chains.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Unique [[sound]]s have been added for chains.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|[[File:Chain Axis X JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chain Axis Z JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Chains can now be placed in all orientations.}}{{History||1.20.0<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.50|snap=beta|Chains are now used to craft [[hanging sign]]s.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* A vertical chain, being a solid, but not a full [[block]], allows for many sizes of [[mob]]s and [[player]]s to pass alongside each piece horizontally.* Despite its name, it cannot be [[crafted]] into [[chainmail armor]].<ref>{{bug|MC-178979}} - Invalid</ref>* Chains do not stick together when moved by pistons, regardless of orientation.== Gallery ==<gallery>Chained Stone Bricks.jpg|Chains and stone bricks.Barbell.jpg|Chains and chiseled blackstone.Barbell Evoker.jpg|An evoker lifting weights.Chain with Lantern.png|A [[lantern]] hanging from a chain.Chain with Spawner.png|A [[spawner]] hanging with a chain found in the bastion remnants.</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}{{blocks|Building}}{{Items}}[[Category:Manufactured blocks]][[Category:Generated structure blocks]][[Category:Nether blocks]][[de:Kette]][[es:Cadena]][[fr:Chaîne]][[ja:鎖]][[ko:사슬]][[pl:Łańcuch]][[pt:Corrente]][[ru:Цепь]][[zh:锁链]]</li><li>[[Hoe|Hoe]]<br/>{{Item| image = <gallery>Wooden Hoe.png | WoodenStone Hoe.png | StoneIron Hoe.png | IronGolden Hoe.png | GoldenDiamond Hoe.png | DiamondNetherite Hoe.png | Netherite</gallery>|rarity = Common|renewable = * '''Netherite''': No * '''All others''': Yes| durability = * Wood: 59* Stone: 131* Iron: 250* Golden: 32* Diamond: 1561* Netherite: 2031| stackable = No}}A '''hoe''' is a [[tool]] used to harvest certain plant-based or organic blocks more quickly, as well as to till most types of [[Dirt (disambiguation)|dirt]] into [[farmland]] and convert [[Coarse Dirt|coarse dirt]] and [[Rooted Dirt|rooted dirt]] to regular [[dirt]].== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting|head=1|showname=0|showdescription=1|name=[[Hoe]]|A1= {Any Planks}; Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond|B1= {Any Planks}; Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond|B2= Stick|B3= Stick|Output=Wooden Hoe; Iron Hoe; Golden Hoe; Diamond Hoe|type=Tool}}{{Crafting|name=[[Stone Hoe]]|A1=Any stone-tier block |B1=Any stone-tier block|B2=Stick|B3=Stick|Output=Stone Hoe|type=Tool||description=Can use cobblestone and its other variants interchangeably.}}{{Crafting |foot=1 |ignoreusage=1 |name=[[Hoe]] |ingredients=Damaged Matching Hoe |Damaged Wooden Hoe; Damaged Stone Hoe; Damaged Iron Hoe; Damaged Golden Hoe; Damaged Diamond Hoe; Damaged Netherite Hoe |Damaged Wooden Hoe; Damaged Stone Hoe; Damaged Iron Hoe; Damaged Golden Hoe; Damaged Diamond Hoe; Damaged Netherite Hoe |Output=Wooden Hoe; Stone Hoe; Iron Hoe; Golden Hoe; Diamond Hoe; Netherite Hoe |description= The durability of the two hoes is added together, plus an extra 5% durability. |type= Tool}}=== Upgrading ===Like other diamond tools, a diamond hoe can be upgraded to a netherite hoe, increasing its durability and slightly increasing its mining speed.{{Smithing|head=1|Netherite Upgrade|Diamond Hoe|Netherite Ingot|Netherite Hoe|tail=1}}=== Repairing ======= Grinding ===={{Grinding|showdescription=1|ingredients=2x Damaged [[Wooden Hoe]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Stone Hoe]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Iron Hoe]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Golden Hoe]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Diamond Hoe]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Netherite Hoe]]|Damaged Wooden Hoe; Damaged Stone Hoe; Damaged Iron Hoe; Damaged Golden Hoe; Damaged Diamond Hoe; Damaged Netherite Hoe|Damaged Wooden Hoe; Damaged Stone Hoe; Damaged Iron Hoe; Damaged Golden Hoe; Damaged Diamond Hoe; Damaged Netherite Hoe|Wooden Hoe; Stone Hoe; Iron Hoe; Golden Hoe; Diamond Hoe; Netherite Hoe|description=The durability of the two hoes is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.}}==== Unit repair ===={{main|Anvil mechanics#Unit repair}}{{/Repairing with Anvils}}A hoe can be repaired in an [[anvil]] by adding units of the [[tiers]]' repair material (or the same hoe of that tier), with each repair material restoring 25% of the hoe's maximum durability, rounded down. It also keeps the hoe's [[Enchanting|enchantments]].=== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|wooden-hoe,diamond-hoe,golden-hoe,random-enchanted-golden-hoe,damaged-level-enchanted-diamond-hoe}}=== Trading ===Novice-level toolsmith [[villager]]s have a chance to sell a stone hoe for one [[emerald]], and journeyman-level toolsmiths have a chance to sell a diamond hoe for 4 emeralds. {{IN|bedrock}}, these are 25% chances, and {{in|java}}, these are 40% chances.=== Villager gifts ===Toolsmith [[Villager|villagers]] occasionally throw stone hoes at players with the [[Hero of the Village]] status effect.{{Only|java}}== Usage ===== Harvesting ===Hoes are used to harvest certain plant-based or organic blocks more quickly. Breaking one of these blocks takes 1 [[durability]].{{breaking row|Sculk Catalyst|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Sculk Shrieker|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Sculk Sensor|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Calibrated Sculk Sensor|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Nether Wart Block,Warped Wart Block|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Shroomlight|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Hay Bale|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Target|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Dried Kelp Block|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Sponge,Wet Sponge|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Leaves|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Sculk|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Sculk Vein|sort=1|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Moss Block|foot=1}}Breaking any other block takes 0 durability if the block breaks instantly when broken by hand, or 1 otherwise.=== Tilling ===Hoes are used to turn dirt, grass blocks, and dirt paths into [[farmland]]. To till, press {{control|use}} on a grass or dirt block while holding a hoe. This does not work on [[mycelium]] or [[podzol]],<ref>{{bug|MC-8231||Mycelium and podzol cannot be tilled with hoes}}</ref> nor does it work if there are other blocks on top of the targeted blocks, including snow layers or torches. However, mycelium and podzol can be first converted to dirt paths with a shovel, then tilled into farmland with a hoe.Hoes can be used to convert [[coarse dirt]] into regular dirt by pressing {{control|use}} on the coarse dirt. Similar to tilling dirt, the space above the coarse dirt must be empty for it to be tilled.Hoes can also be used on [[rooted dirt]], which turns it into normal dirt, and yields a [[hanging roots]] item.Tilling is effectively instantaneous, regardless of material, and uses 1 durability. Breaking blocks with a hoe uses 0 or 1 durability, depending on the block.Hoes are unable to work on blocks with a plant on top, even if that plant could normally be placed on top of farmland without reverting it to dirt.<ref>{{bug|MC-167846||Hoe cannot be used on blocks with certain blocks on top even if said blocks can normally exist on farmland|WAI}}</ref>=== Weapon ===Hoes may be used as a weapon, although they deal only {{hp|1}} damage {{in|java}}. {{IN|bedrock}}, hoes can do as much as a pickaxe in terms of damage. Hoes use 2 durability when used as a weapon.{{IN|java}}, hoes have an attack speed modifier depending on the material: wood and gold have a modifier of -3 (refill in 1s), stone has a modifier of -2 (refill in 0.5s), iron has a modifier of -1 (refill in 0.33s), and diamond and netherite have a modifier of 0 (refill in 0.25s).{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" data-description="Attack damage"! Attack damage! colspan="4" | Attack speed! colspan="4" | Damage/Second (DPS)|-| {{hp|1}}| {{ItemSprite|Wooden Hoe}}{{ItemSprite|Golden Hoe}} 1| {{ItemSprite|Stone Hoe}} 2| {{ItemSprite|Iron Hoe}} 3| {{ItemSprite|Diamond Hoe}}{{ItemSprite|Netherite Hoe}} 4| {{ItemSprite|Wooden Hoe}}{{ItemSprite|Golden Hoe}} 1| {{ItemSprite|Stone Hoe}} 2| {{ItemSprite|Iron Hoe}} 3| {{ItemSprite|Diamond Hoe}}{{ItemSprite|Netherite Hoe}} 4|}Hoes always attack instantly {{in|bedrock}}.=== Enchantments ===A hoe can receive the following enchantments and curses:{| class="wikitable col-2-center"|+!Name!Max Level![[Enchanting|Method]]|-|[[Efficiency]]|V|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Fortune]] <ref group=note name=note1>Fortune and Silk Touch are mutually exclusive.</ref>|III|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Unbreaking]]|III|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Silk Touch]] <ref group=note name=note1>Fortune and Silk Touch are mutually exclusive.</ref>|I|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Mending]]|I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Curse of Vanishing]]|I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|}{{Notelist}}=== Fuel ===Wooden hoes can be used as a [[fuel]] in [[furnace]]s, smelting 1 item per hoe.=== Smelting ingredient ==={{Smelting|showname=1|Iron Hoe;Golden Hoe|Iron Nugget;Gold Nugget|0,1}}===Piglins==={{EntityLink|Piglin|Piglins}} are attracted to golden hoes and run toward any golden hoes on the ground, and inspect them for 6 to 8 seconds before putting them in their inventory.== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Hoe till1.ogg|sound2=Hoe till2.ogg|sound3=Hoe till3.ogg|sound4=Hoe till4.ogg|subtitle=Hoe tills|source=block|description=When a block is tilled into farmland|id=item.hoe.till|translationkey=subtitles.item.hoe.till|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|subtitle=Item breaks|source=player|description=When a hoe's durability is exhausted|id=entity.item.break|translationkey=subtitles.entity.item.break|volume=0.8|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Gravel hit1.ogg|sound2=Gravel hit2.ogg|sound3=Gravel hit3.ogg|sound4=Gravel hit4.ogg|source=block|description=When a block is tilled into farmland|id=use.gravel|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8}}{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|source=player|description=When a hoe's durability is exhausted|id=random.break|volume=1.0|pitch=0.9|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Wooden Hoe|spritetype=item|nameid=wooden_hoe|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Stone Hoe|spritetype=item|nameid=stone_hoe|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Iron Hoe|spritetype=item|nameid=iron_hoe|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Diamond Hoe|spritetype=item|nameid=diamond_hoe|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Golden Hoe|spritetype=item|nameid=golden_hoe|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Netherite Hoe|spritetype=item|nameid=netherite_hoe|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Wooden hoe|spritetype=item|nameid=wooden_hoe|id=329|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Stone hoe|spritetype=item|nameid=stone_hoe|id=330|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Iron hoe|spritetype=item|nameid=iron_hoe|id=331|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Diamond hoe|spritetype=item|nameid=diamond_hoe|id=332|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Golden hoe|spritetype=item|nameid=golden_hoe|id=333|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Netherite hoe|spritetype=item|nameid=netherite_hoe|id=608|form=item|foot=1}}== Achievements =={{load achievements|Time to Farm!; MOAR Tools;Oooh, shiny!}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Oh Shiny;Serious Dedication;A Seedy Place}}== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|Wkqfv6QLEs0}}</div>== History =={{History|java indev}}{{History||20100206|[[File:Wooden Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added hoes.|Compared to other golden tools, golden hoes had much higher durability, which was 513 instead of 33.}}{{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.0.17|Golden hoes' durability has been decreased from 513 to 65, matching the stone tools.}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.2|Golden hoes now have the same durability as the other gold tools.}}{{History||1.6|snap=Test Build 3|Before, using a hoe on [[grass block]]s was the only way to collect [[Wheat Seeds|seeds]] for planting. As [[tall grass]] has been introduced, this feature has been removed.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w07a|Player is now unable to till [[dirt]] or [[grass block]] when there is block on top of them.}}{{History||1.2.4|snap=release|[[Spruce planks]], [[birch planks]], and [[jungle planks]] can now be used to craft wooden hoes.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w18a|Wooden hoes can now be used as [[Smelting#Fuel|fuel]] in a [[furnace]].}}{{History|||snap=12w21a|Blacksmith [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 1 diamond hoe for 7 [[emerald]]s, and 1 iron hoe for 4–5 emeralds.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38a|Hoes now have a [[sound]] when tilling [[dirt]].}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=1.7.1|[[Acacia planks]] and [[dark oak planks]] can now be used to craft wooden hoes.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Villagers no longer trade iron or diamond hoes, making diamond hoes [[non-renewable resource|non-renewable]].}}{{History|||snap=14w32a|Hoes can now be used to convert [[coarse dirt]] into regular [[dirt]].}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w34c|Stone, iron and diamond hoes now do slightly more [[damage]] than an unarmed attack.}}{{History|||snap=15w34d|All hoes now lose 1 [[durability]] when used as a [[weapon]].}}{{History|||snap=15w35a|Hoes now all do the same damage, but better materials have higher speeds.}}{{History|||snap=15w50a|Added a [[sound]] for hoes: <code>item.hoe.till</code>.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Diamond hoes are now found in the new [[woodland mansion]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|Golden and iron hoes can now be [[smelting|smelted]] down into one of their respective [[nugget]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to ''[[1.13/Flattening|The Flattening]]'', these items' numeral IDs were 290 (wooden), 291 (stone), 292 (iron), 293 (diamond) and 294 (golden).}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Wooden Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all hoes have been changed.}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Toolsmith villagers now sell stone hoes and diamond hoes, making diamond hoes [[renewable resource|renewable]] again.}}{{History|||snap=19w13a|Toolsmith villagers now give stone hoes to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[File:Netherite Hoe JE1.png|32px]] Added netherite hoes.|Netherite hoes are obtained by combining one diamond hoe and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.|[[Crimson planks]] and [[warped planks]] can now be used to craft wooden hoes.}}{{History|||snap=20w09a|Hoes can now break [[Nether Wart Block|nether wart and warped wart block]]s quickly.|Netherite hoes can now be obtained through [[bartering]] with [[piglin]]s.|[[File:Wooden Hoe JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Hoe JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Hoe JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of wooden, golden, and diamond hoes have been changed.}}{{History|||snap=20w10a|Each tier of hoes now has different a speed while [[breaking|mining]] blocks they are effective against.|Hoes can now be enchanted with [[Efficiency]], [[Fortune]] and [[Silk Touch]].|Hoes now mine [[hay bale]]s faster than other tools.|Netherite hoes are now less common when bartering with piglins.|Hoes now lose 2 durability when used as a weapon.|[[File:Netherite Hoe JE2.png|32px]] The texture of netherite hoes has been changed.|Netherite hoes can no longer be [[crafted]].|Netherite hoes are now obtained by combining one diamond hoe and one [[netherite ingot]] in a [[smithing table]].}}{{History|||snap=20w11a|Hoes can now mine [[dried kelp block]]s, [[target]]s, and [[shroomlight]]s faster than other [[tool]]s.}}{{History|||snap=20w12a|Hoes can now mine [[sponge]]s faster than other tools.}}{{History|||snap=20w15a|Hoes can now mine [[leaves]] faster.|Stone hoes can now be crafted using [[blackstone]].}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Golden hoes now generate randomly enchanted in[[bastion remnant]]sand [[ruined portal]] chests.}}{{History|||snap=20w20a|Netherite hoes can no longer be obtained through bartering with piglins, making them no longer renewable.}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w49a|Hoes can now mine [[sculk sensor]]s faster than other tools.}}{{History|||snap=21w11a|Hoes are now the appropriate tool for breaking [[moss block]]s.}}{{History|||snap=21w08a|Stone hoes can now be crafted using [[cobbled deepslate]].}}{{History|||snap=21w20a|Hoes can now be used on [[rooted dirt]], turning it into normal dirt, yielding a [[hanging roots]] item.}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[Mangrove planks]] can now be used to craft wooden hoes.}}{{History|||snap=22w12a|Hoes can now mine mangrove [[leaves]] faster.<ref>{{Cite bug|MC|249270|Mangrove leaves do not have a hoe as their preferred tool|date=March 19, 2022}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=22w13a|Diamond hoes may now be found in [[ancient city]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|Upgrading diamond hoes to netherite hoes now requires the netherite upgrade [[smithing template]].}}{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Wooden hoes may now be found when brushing [[suspicious sand]] and [[suspicious gravel]] in cold and warm [[ocean ruins]] and [[trail ruins]].}}{{History|||snap=23w16a|Wooden hoe no longer generates in [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].|Due to the split of the archaeological loot tables for the suspicious gravel within the [[trail ruins]]; wooden hoe now is in the common loot.}}{{History|upcoming java}}{{History||Combat Tests|snap=1.14.3 - Combat Test|The attack speed of wooden hoes has been changed to 2, stone to 2.5, and diamond and gold to 3.5.|The [[damage]] dealt for wooden, stone, and gold hoes have been changed to {{hp|2}} and iron and diamond hoes to {{hp|3}}.|The attack reach of hoes has been increased to 4 [[block]]s.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Wooden Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added hoes. |Only iron hoes are available in the Creative inventory.|[[Wheat seed]]s are now obtained by using a hoe on [[grass]] blocks.}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 3|[[Beetroot seeds]], [[carrot]]s, and [[potato]]es are now obtained by using a hoe on [[grass]] blocks.}}{{History|||snap=build 4|[[Carrot]]s and [[potato]]es no longer spawn from tilling [[grass]] blocks with a hoe.}}{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 11|Wooden, stone, golden, and diamond hoes are now available in the [[creative]] [[inventory]].}}{{History|||snap=build 12|Wooden, stone, golden, and diamond hoes have been removed from creative.}}{{History|||snap=build 13|All hoes are now available in [[creative]] mode again.}}{{History||v0.16.2|Wooden hoes can now be found inside the [[chest]] in the large house of [[ice plains]] [[village]]s.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Iron and golden hoes are now [[smelting|smeltable]].|Diamond hoes can now be found inside [[woodland mansion]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Hoes can now be used to transform [[coarse dirt]] into normal [[dirt]].}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Due to [[village]]s being overhauled, wooden hoes can no longer be found in [[village]]s.|[[File:Wooden Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all hoes have been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Stone and diamond hoes can now be [[trading|bought]] from toolsmith [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.12.0|snap=beta|The price of diamond hoes [[trading|sold]] by toolsmith villagers has been lowered to 4 [[emerald]]s.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Hoe BE1.png|32px]] Added netherite hoes.|Netherite hoes are obtained by combining one diamond hoe and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.|[[File:Wooden Hoe JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Hoe JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Hoe JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of wooden, golden, and diamond hoes have been changed.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Each tier of hoes now has different a speed while [[breaking|mining]] blocks they are effective against.|Hoes can now break [[hay bale]]s, [[dried kelp block]]s, [[target block]]s, [[Sponge|dry and wet sponges]], [[shroomlight]]s, [[leaves]], [[Nether Wart Block|nether wart and warped wart block]]s quickly.|Hoes can now be enchanted with [[Efficiency]], [[Fortune]] and [[Silk Touch]].|Netherite hoes can now be obtained through [[bartering]] with [[piglin]]s.|Netherite hoes can no longer be [[crafting|crafted]].|Netherite hoes are now obtained by combining one diamond hoe and one [[netherite ingot]] in a [[smithing table]].|Stone Hoes can now be created using Blackstone.|Golden and netherite hoes now generate randomly enchanted in[[bastion remnants]]chests.|Golden hoes now generate randomly enchanted in ruined portal chests.|Hoes now deal the same damage as pickaxes of each tier.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|Netherite hoes can no longer be obtained through [[bartering]] with [[piglin]]s, making them no longer renewable.}}{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Hoe JE2.png|32px]] The texture of netherite hoes has been changed to match ''Java Edition''.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Wooden Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added hoes (all five types).}}{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|Iron and golden hoes are now [[smelting|smeltable]].}}{{History|ps4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Wooden Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Hoe.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Hoe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all hoes have been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Wooden Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Hoe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added hoes.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==*Tilling a [[dirt]] block that has a dirt block on top of it changes it to [[farmland]] even though it cannot be used. If a hoe is used on a [[block]] horizontally adjacent to such a block, the first block reverts to dirt and the selected block is not tilled.*When a hoe breaks, it does not display the tool breaking animation like on other tools, because tilling is not predicted client-side.*The textures for the post 1.14 iron and stone hoes have an error, where the color for the edge of the handle is partly the same color as the edge of the top part. This isn't present in any other tool.== Gallery ==<gallery>Stone Hoe SDGP.png|Stone hoe in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].Kingbdogz Hoe.jpg|[[Kingbdgoz]] holding a hoe.</gallery>=== Enchanted hoes ===<gallery>Enchanted Wooden Hoe.gifEnchanted Stone Hoe.gifEnchanted Iron Hoe.gifEnchanted Golden Hoe.gifEnchanted Diamond Hoe.gifEnchanted Netherite Hoe.gif</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[ Taking Inventory: Hoe] – on June 25, 2019{{Items}}[[Category:Combat]][[cs:Motyka]][[de:Hacke]][[es:Azada]][[fr:Houe]][[hu:Kapa]][[it:Zappa]][[ja:クワ]][[ko:괭이]][[nl:Schoffel]][[pl:Motyka]][[pt:Enxada]][[ru:Мотыга]][[tr:Çapa]][[uk:Мотика]][[zh:锄]]</li></ul>
beta Golem (31) The texture of iron golems has been updated.
Iron golems now spawn in cages next to pillager outposts.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Kelp|Kelp]]<br/>{{About|the plant|the dried variant|Dried Kelp}}{{For}}{{Block|image=Kelp.gif|invimage=Kelp|transparent=Yes|tool=Any|renewable=Yes|stackable=Yes (64)|flammable=No|lavasusceptible=No|light=No|hardness=0}}'''Kelp''' is an underwater plant that generates in most [[ocean]]s.== Obtaining ===== Natural generation ===Kelp naturally generates in any [[ocean]] [[biome]]s (except in [[Frozen Ocean|frozen]], [[Deep Frozen Ocean|deep frozen]] and [[Warm Ocean|warm]]), near and around [[seagrass]]. Each chunk has {{frac|1|18}} chance to generate a [[vegetation]] of kelp.=== Breaking ===Kelp can be mined instantly with any [[tool]] or with the player's fist. Removing water from the kelp block destroys the kelp. Breaking one part of a kelp stalk destroys all kelp [[block]]s above it. Each block drops a kelp [[item (entity)|item]].=== Trading ===Kelp can be bought from [[wandering trader]]s for 3 emeralds.== Usage ==Kelp can be placed underwater by hand, or anywhere by the use of [[commands]] such as {{cmd|setblock}}. Placing it by hand gives it a random {{code|age}} value between 0 and 24. Kelp can be placed only in [[water]] source blocks or downward-flowing water, not horizontally flowing water.When placed in downward-flowing water, the flowing water transforms into a water source block,<ref>{{bug|MC-134229}}</ref> which is useful for faster [[bubble column]] elevator creation.Any building block can be placed on top of a kelp plant, which is useful for building structures over a deep ocean without needing to build from the ocean floor (see also [[lily pad]]).=== Cooking ingredient ==={{smelting| showname = 1| Kelp| Dried Kelp| 0.1}}=== Composting ===Placing kelp into a [[composter]] has a 30% chance of raising the compost level by 1.=== Growth mechanics ===Kelp can be planted on a broad variety of blocks. It grows underwater if it has either a source block of water or, {{in|Java}}, flowing water above it.<ref>{{bug|MC-133354}}</ref> Neither [[player]]s nor [[dispenser]]s can remove the water source block that kelp grows in without breaking the kelp first.Kelp does not require any [[light]] level to grow. Kelp also grows without having [[sky]] access. [[Bone meal]] can be used to grow kelp by 1 block on each use.Kelp, when planted, is generated with a randomly chosen age value, which can be checked when pressing [[Debug screen|<kbd>F3</kbd>]]{{only|java}}. The age value of a newly planted kelp plant varies randomly from 0 to 24. Each time the kelp grows in height by one block, the newly generated top of the kelp plant increases its age by 1. When the top block of the kelp plant reaches an age of 25, it stops growing. This means that kelp can naturally grow to a height between 2 (if the first kelp plant had an age of 24) and 26 blocks (if the first kelp plant had an age of 0). When a kelp plant block is broken, the age of the kelp plant block underneath is randomized to a value from 0 to 24 and the kelp continues growing until it reaches age 25. It is possible to use this mechanic to cultivate a kelp plant to increase its growth height beyond its natural maximum height of 26 blocks. This can be done by breaking the top-most block of the kelp plant each time it reaches age 25. A kelp plant cultivated by a player in this way repeatedly grows until it reaches the water surface.Each time it receives a [[random tick]], kelp has a 14% chance of growing.If [[shears]] are used on the topmost block of kelp, that block automatically sets its {{cd|age}} value to {{cd|25}} and stop growing.{{only|JE}}=== Farming ==={{Main|Tutorials/Kelp farming}}Kelp farming is similar to farming [[sugar cane]], although kelp must be placed underwater. Automation of harvest is easier because items float up in water.== Sounds ===== Generic ==={{Sound table/Block/Wet grass}}=== Unique ==={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Shear.ogg|subtitle=Plant cropped|source=block|description=When the tip of kelp is cropped with [[Shears#Cropping growing plants|shears]]|id=block.growing_plant.crop|translationkey=subtitles.block.growing_plant.crop|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}: ''None''== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Kelp|spritetype=block|nameid=kelp}}{{ID table|displayname=Kelp Plant|spritetype=block|nameid=kelp_plant|form=block|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Kelp|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Item|spritename=kelp|spritetype=item|nameid=kelp|id=382|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Block|spritename=kelp|spritetype=block|nameid=kelp|id=393|form=block|itemform=item.kelp|translationkey=-|foot=1}}=== Block states ==={{see also|Block states}}{{/BS}}== History =={{History|java classic}}{{History||May 21, 2009|link=|[[Notch]] shows interest in adding a "[[seaweed]]" [[block]].}}{{History|java}}{{History||November 18, 2017|link={{YouTubeLink|mAapz_nIC_Y}}|Kelp plants were shown in a clip of [[MineCon Earth]].}}{{History||1.13|snap=18w07a|[[File:Kelp JE1 BE1.gif|32px]] [[File:Kelp (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added kelp.}}{{History|||snap=18w07b|Kelp now behaves more like [[water]], meaning [[mob]]s can no longer spawn within the plant under water nor can they replenish their breath by [[swimming]] through it.}}{{History|||snap=18w10a|[[File:Kelp JE2.gif|32px]] The texture for kelp has been overhauled.}}{{History|||snap=18w14a|[[File:Kelp.gif|32px]] Top of the kelp textures have been shifted slightly downward.|The generation rules for kelp have been changed, it now mainly generates in [[cold ocean]] [[biome]]s and can no longer generate in [[warm ocean]]s.}}{{History|||snap=18w20a|The {{cd|kelp_top}} has been changed ID to {{cd|kelp}} and {{cd|kelp}} has been changed to {{cd|kelp_plant}}, for both the [[block]] and [[item]] forms.}}{{History|||snap=pre2|Kelp is now destroyed by [[sponge]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-127111}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=pre6|Added 5 new [[sound]] events that apply to kelp: <code>block.wet_grass.break</code>, <code>block.wet_grass.fall</code>, <code>block.wet_grass.hit</code>, <code></code>, and <code>block.wet_grass.step</code>.}}{{History||1.14|snap=19w03a|Placing kelp into the new [[composter]] has a 10% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Kelp now has a 30% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.|Added [[Wandering Trader|wandering trader]]s, which sell kelp.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w11a|Kelp can now be grown with [[bone meal]].}}{{History|||snap=20w13a|Kelp has been moved from the Miscellaneous tab to the Decoration Blocks tab in the [[Creative inventory]].<ref name="misc decoration"></ref>}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w46a|Kelp no longer generates on magma blocks.<ref>{{Bug|MC-185605|resolution=Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History||1.18|snap=21w37a|Kelp now stops growing if [[shears]] are used on the tip.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|[[File:Kelp JE1 BE1.gif|32px]] [[File:Kelp (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added kelp.}}{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Kelp (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] The kelp [[item]] texture has been updated to the {{el|je}}'s.}}{{History||1.5.0|snap=beta|[[File:Kelp.gif|32px]] The texture of the kelp plant has been updated.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Kelp can now be bought from [[wandering trader]]s for 3 [[emerald]]s.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Kelp can now be used to fill [[composter]]s.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU69|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|[[File:Kelp.gif|32px]] [[File:Kelp (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added kelp.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* In real life, [[wikipedia:kelp|kelp]] is not considered a [[wikipedia:plant|plant]]. It is classified by scientists as a [[wikipedia:Brown algae|brown algae]].** Kelp in real life absorbs nutrients directly from the water, instead of through its root-like structure, [[wikipedia:Holdfast (biology)|holdfast]], which merely attaches it to the seabed. This is in accordance with kelp being able to grow on almost any solid block in ''Minecraft''.== Gallery ==<gallery heights="60">SeaPlantsMineConEarth2017.jpg|Kelp shown in a clip from MINECON Earth 2017. Kelp in ocean with Jappa textures.jpg|Naturally generated kelp in an [[ocean]] biome.Kelp on shoreline.png|Naturally generated kelp near the shore.Ocean life.png|An ocean with kelp visible in the far distance.Kelp on Land.png|Kelp placed outside of [[water]] using the {{cmd|setblock}} command before 18w07b.Waterless kelp.png|What kelp looks like without water (water removed using a [[resource pack]]).Coral reef at night.png|Kelp within a [[coral reef]].Floating Kelp.png|Kelp that generated in mid-air due to an [[ocean monument]]'s water cutting through it.Kelp in ocean.jpg|Multiple kelps.Kelp 255 blocks tall.png|Without obstacles, kelp can grow all the way to building limit.ArgoMajor Kelp.jpg|First image of kelp in ''Bedrock Edition''.</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}{{Blocks|vegetation}}{{Items}}[[Category:Plants]][[Category:Natural blocks]][[Category:Non-solid blocks]][[de:Seetang]][[es:Alga]][[fr:Algue]][[ja:コンブ]][[ko:켈프]][[pl:Wodorosty]][[pt:Alga]][[ru:Ламинария]][[th:สาหร่ายทะเล]][[zh:海带]]</li><li>[[Firework Rocket|Firework Rocket]]<br/>{{redirect|Firework}}{{ItemEntity|image=Firework Rocket.png|renewable='''Trail Effect''':No<br>'''All Others''':Yes|stackable=Yes (64)‎|size=Height: 0.25 Blocks<br>Width: 0.25 Blocks|networkid=76}}A '''firework rocket''' is an [[item]] (and [[entity]]) used for creating decorative explosions, boosting when flying with [[elytra]], and loading into a [[crossbow]] as ammunition.== Obtaining ==Fireworks can be obtained by crafting. {{IN|java}}, a firework with no explosion effect is available on the [[Creative]] inventory and can be crafted as shown below. {{IN|bedrock}}, fireworks with the different base colors or no explosion are available in the Creative inventory.=== Crafting ==={{Crafting|head=1|showname=0|showdescription=1|Paper|;; Gunpowder|; Gunpowder; Gunpowder|Gunpowder|Output=Firework Rocket,3|description=When crafted this way (without a firework star), the rocket does not have explosion effects. The value of gunpowder affects the [[Firework Rocket#Duration and direction|flight duration]].|type=Miscellaneous}}{{Crafting|Any Firework Star|Paper|;; Gunpowder|; Gunpowder; Gunpowder|Gunpowder|Output= Firework Rocket,3|description=Adding more gunpowder increases the duration of the rocket. Up to three gunpowder can be used. Up to five firework stars can also be used with three gunpowder. Up to seven firework stars can be used by using firework stars instead of additional gunpowder. All firework stars explode almost simultaneously when the rocket detonates.|type=Miscellaneous|foot=1}}== Usage ===== Launching fireworks ===To launch a firework rocket, {{control|use}} its item on a block. They can also be launched from [[dispenser]]s and [[crossbow]]s. If shot from a [[Multishot]] [[crossbow]], then 3 rockets fire with the same effects.=== Elytra ==={{control|Using}} a firework rocket while flying with [[elytra]] propels the player in the direction they are facing. The duration of the speed boost depends on the flight duration of the rocket. If the rocket is equipped with a firework star of any kind, the player takes damage when it explodes.=== Crossbow ===A firework rocket can be used as ammunition for [[crossbow]]s, although it deals [[damage]] only if it has an [[explosion]] effect. A higher flight duration gives the firework rocket a longer range, and more damage is added per firework star. The [[Piercing]] enchantment has no effect on firework rockets shot from a crossbow.{{IN|java}}, if a firework rocket shot from a [[crossbow]] hits an [[entity]], the rocket instantly [[explosion|explodes]], no matter the flight duration. Attempting to do this {{in|bedrock}}, however, results in the firework passing through the entity,<ref>[[bugtracker:MCPE-52675|MCPE-52675]]</ref> so the [[player]] must plan where to aim.== Behavior =={{see also|Firework Star#Effects}}Once launched, fireworks fly out vertically, with random horizontal offset up to 5 blocks. {{IN|bedrock|java}}, fireworks can fly in any of the 6 directions a dispenser can point. After [[#Duration and direction|some time]], the firework explodes into a colorful explosion based on the effects of the [[firework star]]s added upon crafting, or no explosion if no firework star was used. If multiple firework stars were added to the rocket upon crafting, they all explode simultaneously.The explosion of a firework rocket deals damage to mobs and players that are within 5 blocks and not obstructed by [[solid block]]s. The maximum damage of a rocket with one firework star is {{hp|7}}, with the damage decreasing with distance. Each additional firework star on the rocket adds {{hp|2}} points of damage, for a maximum damage of {{hp|19}} with 7 stars. Using commands to add additional firework stars results in more damage. The damage dealt is unaffected by any other ingredients used. The explosion does not destroy end crystals nor damage the Ender dragon, but does destroy armor stands.There is a delay between the detonation and the player hearing the sound, emulating real fireworks, but this sound travels much more slowly than in the real world.<ref>{{Tweet|jeb|277075644804907009|However, no sound effects for fireworks yet... but everything's implemented, so they can be added without doing a new snapshot|December 7, 2012}}</ref><ref>{{Tweet|jeb|277075517226762242|Haha, @igblan , the speed of sound is 40 m/s, because the realistic speed of ~340 m/s didn't work well in Minecraft scale|December 7, 2012}}</ref> {{IN|java}}, the explosion of a firework can be seen 64 blocks away, regardless of its height. {{IN|bedrock}}, the explosion can be seen from your render distance.If the explosion exceeds the (unmodded) [[particle]] limit of 16,384, the oldest particles are removed before displaying new ones, resulting in severely diminished firework quality / duration. At most a firework should have 3 trail stars, more than that could waste diamonds, firework stars, and other fireworks. Particle counts per star are:{| class="wikitable" data-description="Particle counts per firework star"|-! Ball Type!! Plain!! Trail|-| Small || 98 || ~1300|-| Large || 387 || 4000+|-| Star || 122 || ~1600|-| Creeper || 266 || ~3500|-| Burst || 72 || ~930|}Twinkle effect adds 2 particles to the count.Like most other entities, they can be moved by [[water]] and [[explosion]]s, and teleported via [[portal]]s. They also cannot move through solid surfaced blocks, upon hitting one, they either move to a side or explode based on the duration. If a firework explodes under a block, its explosion is flattened.=== Duration and direction ===Fireworks travel different heights based on the amount of gunpowder added. The number is displayed as a tag on the item's tooltip with the description of "Flight Duration".The height it rises is between 8 and 20 blocks with 1 gunpowder, 18 to 34 blocks with 2 gunpowder, and 32 to 52 blocks with 3 gunpowder. (Note: Using command blocks, firework rockets with higher durations go higher and keep accelerating with virtually no terminal velocity. If the duration is long enough, the firework rocket could reach heights of over 1,000,000 blocks and speeds of over 10,000m/s in a matter of minutes. Such fireworks with significant X and Z motions speed up sideways exponentially and reach outside the world boundary in a matter of seconds.{{only|java}})When spawned, <!-- server-side --> fireworks have a vertical speed of .05 and a random small X and Z speed (random value near zero with a standard deviation of .001). Each firework also determines its lifetime in ticks by 10 × (number of gunpowder + 1) + random value from 0 to 5 + random value from 0 to 6, after which it explodes. Each tick, the firework accelerates horizontally by multiplying its X and Z velocities by 1.15, and vertically by adding a constant factor of .04.Fireworks can be made to travel different directions by being dispensed or launched under flowing water. The firework's direction combines with the flow of the water to go diagonally.Firework rockets without firework stars shot from a crossbow upon hitting terrain elements will traverse along until stopped by a ledge or into unobstructed terrains again continuing its original flight path. Ledges as tall as one pixel high (e.g. from [[Dirt Path|Dirt Paths]] to [[Grass Block|Grass Blocks]]) will also block the firework. They will still vanish if they hit entities early amidst their flight.==Village Raids==After successfully defending a village from a [[Raid]] the villagers may celebrate by setting off firework rockets.==Boosting elytra==Fireworks can be used to boost [[elytra]] when in flight. Normally, elytra can glide for a short distance, but with the use of fireworks, the player can fly a long distance, gain speed, and take off from the ground. Simply using the firework rocket with elytra spread boosts the player in the direction the player faces. It can leave behind a trail sometimes.Although fireworks with firework stars can be used, the player takes blast damage if they use it in flight. There are four types of rockets, with three types of flight duration. Higher flight durations mean longer boosts. {{IN|bedrock}}, the fireworks obtained from the Creative menu have a flight duration of 1, while {{in|java}}, the fireworks obtained in the Creative menu have a flight duration of 1, 2, or 3.==Sounds =={{Edition|Java}}:<br>Firework rockets use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.{{Sound table|sound=Firework blast.ogg|subtitle=Firework blasts|source=ambient|description=When a non-large firework rocket explodes within a 16-block radius of the player|id=entity.firework_rocket.blast|translationkey=subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.blast|volume=20.0|pitch=0.95-1.05|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Firework blast far.ogg|subtitle=Firework blasts|source=ambient|description=When a non-large firework rocket explodes greater than 16 blocks away from the player|id=entity.firework_rocket.blast_far|translationkey=subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.blast|volume=20.0|pitch=0.95-1.05|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Firework large blast.ogg|subtitle=Firework blasts|source=ambient|description=When a large firework rocket explodes within a 16-block radius of the player|id=entity.firework_rocket.large_blast|translationkey=subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.blast|volume=20.0|pitch=0.95-1.05|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Firework large blast far.ogg|subtitle=Firework blasts|source=ambient|description=When a large firework rocket explodes greater than 16 blocks away from the player|id=entity.firework_rocket.large_blast_far|translationkey=subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.blast|volume=20.0|pitch=0.95-1.05|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Firework twinkle.ogg|subtitle=Firework twinkles|source=ambient|description=When a twinkle firework rocket explodes within a 16-block radius of the player|id=entity.firework_rocket.twinkle|translationkey=subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.twinkle|volume=20.0|pitch=0.9-1.05|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Firework twinkle far.ogg|subtitle=Firework twinkles|source=ambient|description=When a twinkle firework rocket explodes greater than 16 blocks away from the player|id=entity.firework_rocket.twinkle_far|translationkey=subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.twinkle|volume=20.0|pitch=0.9-1.05|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Firework launch.ogg|subtitle=Firework launches|source=ambient|description=When a dispenser shoots, a player uses, or a crossbow fires a firework rocket|id=entity.firework_rocket.launch|translationkey=subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.launch|volume=3.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Bow shoot.ogg|subtitle=Firework launches|source=neutral|description=When a dispenser fires a firework rocket|id=entity.firework_rocket.shoot|translationkey=subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.launch|volume=1.0|pitch=1.2|distance=16|foot=1}}{{Edition|Bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Firework blast.ogg|source=ambient|description=When a non-large firework rocket explodes|id=firework.blast|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Firework large blast.ogg|source=ambient|description=When a large firework rocket explodes|id=firework.large_blast|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Firework twinkle.ogg|source=ambient|description=When a twinkle firework rocket explodes|id=firework.twinkle|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Firework launch.ogg|source=ambient|description=When a dispenser shoots, a player uses, or a crossbow fires a firework rocket|id=firework.launch|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Bow shoot.ogg|source=ambient|description=''Unused sound event''|id=firework.shoot|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}==Data values=====ID==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Item|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Firework Rocket|spritetype=item|nameid=firework_rocket|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Entity|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Firework Rocket|spritetype=entity|nameid=firework_rocket|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Item|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Firework Rocket|spritetype=item|nameid=firework_rocket|aliasid=fireworks|id=519|form=item||foot=1}} {{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Entity|shownumericids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Firework Rocket|spritetype=entity|nameid=fireworks_rocket|id=72|foot=1}}===Item data==={{el|java}}:{{main|Player.dat format}}<div class="treeview">* {{nbt|compound|tag}}: The item's '''tag''' tag.{{:Player.dat_format/Firework Rockets}}</div>{{el|bedrock}}:: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Item format]].===Entity data==={{el|java}}:{{main|Entity format}}{{/ED}}{{el|bedrock}}::See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].==Advancements =={{load advancements|Bullseye;Ol' Betsy}}==History=={{History|java}}{{History||November 24, 2012|link=none|[[Jeb]] stated that there may be fireworks in ''Minecraft'' at the ''Future Updates with the Minecraft PC Team'' panel at [[MINECON 2012]].}}{{History||December 5, 2012|link={{tweet|jeb|276367442362630144}}|Jeb released the first image of fireworks, along with the information that colors, fade, height, effects and shapes are [[crafting|craftable]].}}{{History||December 7, 2012|link=|Jeb mentions that fireworks should probably scare [[wolves]] and potentially have other effects on mobs.}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|[[File:Firework Rocket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added firework rockets.|Firework rockets cannot be obtained within the [[Creative inventory]].}}{{History|||snap=12w50a|Added [[sound]] and more effects to firework rockets.}}{{History||1.10|snap=16w20a|The firework rocket [[crafting]] recipe now produces 3 rockets, rather than 1.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID has been changed from <code>FireworksRocketEntity</code> to <code>fireworks_rocket</code>.}}{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|Firework rockets can now cause [[damage]] to [[entity|entities]] that are within their [[explosion]] radius.|Firework rockets can now boost [[player]]s while flying with [[elytra]].}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The ID has been changed from <code>fireworks</code> to <code>firework_rocket</code>.|The fade effects on fireworks can now be added by combining the firework star with [[dye]]s.|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 401.}}{{History||1.13|snap=?|Firework rockets are now available in the [[Creative]] [[Inventory]]. However, it does not show a flight duration}}{{History|||snap=pre5|The [[entity]] ID of firework rockets has been changed to <code>firework_rocket</code>.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Fireworks can now be shot from [[crossbow]]s.|[[File:Firework Rocket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of firework rockets has been changed.}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w36a|Firework rockets dispensed from a [[dispenser]] now travel in the direction they were fired.}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Simple firework rockets with one gunpowder can now be crafted using the [[recipe book]].}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w45a|All three flight durations of firework rockets are now available in the Creative inventory.<ref>{{bug|MC-194390||A firework rocket from the creative inventory doesn't show a flight duration|Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|[[File:Firework Rocket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added firework rockets. |Firework rockets are available in the Creative inventory in 17 variants, sixteen colors in small ball duration 1, plus one additional preset with only duration 1.{{verify|type=update|Is this the right snapshot?}}{{info needed}}}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Firework rockets can now be held in the off-hand and be shot from [[crossbow]]s.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Firework Rocket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of firework rockets has been changed.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of firework rockets has been changed from <code>fireworks</code> to <code>firework_rocket</code>.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Firework Rocket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added firework rockets.|Firework rockets are available in five types in the Creative inventory. The presets are as follows:* Duration 1, small ball, light blue, twinkle* Duration 2, creeper shaped, green* Duration 2, burst, red, fade to orange* Duration 3, burst, magenta, fade to blue, twinkle* Duration 2, star shaped, yellow, fade to orange, trail}}{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|The crafting interface has been updated to allow crafting [[firework star]]s and fireworks.}}{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|Firework rockets can now boost [[player]]s while flying with [[elytra]].}}{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|Firework rockets now [[damage]] players if there is a [[firework star]] applicated to the firework rocket.}}{{History||xbox=TU56|xbone=CU47|ps=1.55|wiiu=Patch 26|switch=1.0.6|Firework rockets now produce 3 rockets upon [[crafting]] them instead of 1.}}{{History||xbox=TU60|xbone=CU51|ps=1.64|wiiu=Patch 30|switch=1.0.11|Added new firework rocket models.}}{{History|PS4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Firework Rocket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of firework rockets has been changed.}}{{History|foot}}==Issues=={{issue list}}== Trivia==* Launching a rocket by hand on a wooden [[pressure plate]] activates it. The same doesn't hold for stone pressure plates, or for a [[dispenser]] placing a rocket onto a wooden pressure plate.* New Year's Eve is what inspired [[Jeb]] to add fireworks.<ref>{{tweet|jeb|277080498814189568|@SPvs_TheWorld New Year's Eve|December 7, 2012}}</ref>*If the player shoots a firework into a [[Nether portal]], it explodes in [[the Nether]].*There are around 2×10{{^|136}} distinct fireworks.==Gallery==<gallery>File:Firework jeb twitter.jpg|[[Jeb]]'s first image of Fireworks, also showing that they can be shot from dispensers.File:1.4.6 release image.png|1.4.6 Release image.File:Flatexplosion.png|An example of a flattened firework explosion.File:Creeper firework.png|Creeper face shaped firework.</gallery>==References=={{Reflist}}{{Items}}{{Entities}}[[cs:Rachejtle]][[de:Feuerwerksrakete]][[es:Cohete de fuegos artificiales]][[fr:Feu d'artifice]][[hu:Tűzijáték rakéta]][[ja:ロケット花火]][[ko:폭죽 로켓]][[nl:Vuurpijl]][[pl:Fajerwerk]][[pt:Fogo de artifício]][[ru:Пиротехническая ракета]][[th:ดอกไม้ไฟ]][[zh:烟花火箭]][[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul>
beta single iron golem now always spawns as part of a village.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[End Crystal|End Crystal]]<br/>{{ItemEntity|image=End Crystal.gif|imagesize=150px|invimage=End Crystal|renewable=Yes|stackable=Yes (64)|rarity=Rare|drops=None|size=Height: 2 Blocks<br>Width: 2 Blocks}}An '''end crystal''' is an [[entity]] that can be [[Crafting|crafted]] or found on [[the End]]'s main island, where it heals the [[Ender Dragon|ender dragon]]. It can only be placed on [[obsidian]] or [[bedrock]] and [[Explosion|explodes]] instantly when attacked or damaged in most ways.== Spawning ===== Natural generation ===An end crystal is found atop each [[obsidian pillar]] on the central island of the End, each on top of a piece of [[bedrock]]. There are 10 end crystals in total, of which two are protected in "cages" of [[iron bars]]. All end crystals respawn one after another as the respawning process of the [[ender dragon]] starts.== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting |A1=Glass |B1=Glass |C1=Glass |A2=Glass |B2=Eye of Ender |C2=Glass |A3=Glass |B3=Ghast Tear |C3=Glass |Output= End Crystal |type= Decoration block}}== Usage ===== Healing the ender dragon ===Their primary purpose is to recharge the health of the ender dragon, who gains a charge from the nearest crystal within a cuboid extending 32 blocks from the dragon in all directions. The dragon is healed {{hp|1}} each half-second. If multiple ender dragons are spawned, an end crystal can affect multiple dragons at the same time. The healing beam is neither obstructed nor is its power diminished by entities or blocks.=== Respawning the ender dragon ===[[File:End Crystals on the Exit portal.png|right|thumb|How to arrange end crystals on the exit portal to respawn the ender dragon.]]As items, end crystals may be placed on bedrock and [[obsidian]], if the two blocks above the bedrock or obsidian block are air or replaceable blocks and no other entities intersect the area. When an end crystal is placed in [[the End]], a [[fire]] block is created at the end crystal location. If four are placed on the end [[exit portal]], one on each of the flat sides, the crystals respawn the original end crystals on the obsidian pillars, as well as resurrect the dragon itself, before exploding. The top of each pillar also explodes, destroying any player-placed blocks. This happens even if TNT explosions are turned off in settings.If the exit portal is ever broken for any reason, end crystals can still be placed on obsidian blocks with the same location as the exit portal.=== Explosions ===End crystals explode when attacked or damaged in most ways, even by attacks that normally do zero damage. They are not affected by exploding fireworks, and if damaged by an explosion, they disappear instead of exploding.{{Only|Java}}<ref>{{bug|MC-118429||End crystals don't explode when destroyed by nearby explosions}}</ref> The end crystal's [[explosion]] has an [[Explosion#Explosion strength|explosion strength]] of 6, the same as a [[charged creeper]]. The end crystal's fire often remains after the crystal explodes. Any ender dragon charging from the crystal when it is destroyed takes {{hp|10}} damage.{{IN|java}}, an end crystal's explosion can be [[blocking|blocked]] by a [[shield]].Although an ender dragon damages most blocks and entities in its path, it cannot destroy end crystals simply by going near them.Placing [[water]] on the end crystal will neutralize the blast effect, but not the [[damage]] or knockback.End crystals with obsidian or bedrock below them will not damage blocks below them when they explode.{{IN|bedrock}}, having the game rule {{cd|mobGriefing}} to {{cd|false}} will prevent the End Crystal from destroying any blocks. While {{in|java}} the same game rule will not prevent the End Crystal from destroying any blocks.=== Beams ===The end crystal naturally shoots a beam at the ender dragon and heals it when the dragon is within range. This beam can be manually created using the command {{cmd|data merge entity @e[type{{=}}end_crystal,limit{{=}}1] {BeamTarget:{X:0, Y:0, Z:0<nowiki>}}}}. The beam can be pointed in any direction, allowing it to mark locations or objects.=== Properties ===[[File:End Crystal (Slateless).gif|thumb|A base-less end crystal.]] End crystals are of two kinds: the ones with a base beneath them are created either by game mechanism or by the {{cmd|summon}} command; while the base-less ones are created by players by manually placing the crystal items on top of [[obsidian]] or [[bedrock]].The base appears to be made of bedrock, with a crystal hovering over it. While in the End, a crystal continually generates fire at its current position, one block above the base (directly on top of the block the base is embedded in), replacing any other block at that location. This fire is capable of spreading.The end crystal entity is not solid and can be walked through freely. End crystals can be pushed by [[piston]]s, but they explode if moved while on fire. Because fire is checked only when an entity moves, end crystals do not normally take damage from their own fire unless moved.== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Explosion1.ogg|sound2=Explosion2.ogg|sound3=Explosion3.ogg|sound4=Explosion4.ogg|subtitle=Explosion|source=block|description=When an end crystal explodes|id=entity.generic.explode|translationkey=subtitles.entity.generic.explode|volume=4.0|pitch=0.56-0.84|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Explosion1.ogg|sound2=Explosion2.ogg|sound3=Explosion3.ogg|sound4=Explosion4.ogg|source=block|description=When an end crystal explodes|id=random.explode|volume=4.0|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Item|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=End Crystal|spritetype=item|nameid=end_crystal|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Entity|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=End Crystal|spritetype=entity|nameid=end_crystal|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Item|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=End Crystal|spritetype=item|nameid=end_crystal|id=637|form=item|foot=1}} {{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Entity|shownumericids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=End Crystal|spritetype=entity|nameid=ender_crystal|id=71|foot=1}}=== Entity data ===End crystals have entity data that define various properties of the entity.{{el|java}}:{{main|Entity format}}{{/ED}}{{el|bedrock}}:: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].== Achievements =={{load achievements|The End... Again...}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|The End... Again...}}== History ==[[File:End Crystal 19w38a.gif|thumb|Java Edition 19w38a]]{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added ender crystals.}}{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w04a|Previously, ender crystals could be spawned using [[spawn egg]]s with ID 200 (in a [[server]], these were created using {{cmd|give 383 1 200}}). The spawned crystal would be positioned where a natural crystal would be if there was a bedrock block at the location. It was still possible until 1.9 to obtain an end crystal spawn egg, but it would not spawn anything.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Ender crystals can now be spawned with the {{cmd|summon}} command.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w06a|Ender crystals now generate one [[block]] lower. The fire they generate destroys the [[bedrock]] block that is supposed to be underneath (see {{bug|MC-47526}}).}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Ender crystals generate at the correct Y-level again.}}{{History|||snap=15w33c|Respawning the ender dragon now also respawns the ender crystals on the obsidian pillars.|Ender crystals now have a compound BeamTarget tag that hold the X, Y, Z block location the beam points to.}}{{History|||snap=15w44a|"Ender crystals" have been renamed to "end crystals".|[[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] End crystals can now be obtained as an item.|End crystals now drop from [[skeleton trap]] horses and can be placed only on [[obsidian]] or bedrock. Placing several of them atop the end exit portal respawns the ender dragon.}}{{History|||snap=15w44b|End crystals are no longer dropped by [[skeleton horse]]s.|Added crafting recipe for end crystals, making end crystals [[renewable]].}}{{History|||snap=15w49a|End crystals now require [[air]]/replaceable [[block]]s and lack of [[entity|entities]] for placement.}}{{History|||snap=15w51a|End crystals can no longer be placed in [[Adventure mode]].}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID has been changed from <code>EnderCrystal</code> to <code>ender_crystal</code>.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 426.}}{{History|||snap=18w20b|Renamed to "End Crystal".}}{{History|||snap=pre5|Entity ID has been changed to <code>end_crystal</code>.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:End Crystal JE2.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of end crystals and the end crystal [[item]] have been changed.}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w43a|End crystal explosions can now be [[blocking|blocked]] by [[shield]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-188247|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added end crystals.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.6.0|snap=?|[[File:End Crystal BE2.png|32px]] [[File:End Crystal BE2.gif|32px]] The model of the end crystals has been changed. It has now two cubes instead of three.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:End Crystal BE3.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of end crystals and the end crystal item have been changed.}}{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|[[File:End Crystal JE2.png|32px]] The model of the end crystals has been changed to have three cubes again, and to match ''Java Edition''.}}{{History||1.19.70|snap=beta|Increased end crystal collision box size to match ''Java Edition''.|End crystals with obsidian or bedrock below them now will not damage blocks below them when they explode.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU9|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added ender crystals.}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Ender crystals now generate one block lower. The fire they generate destroys the [[bedrock]] block that is supposed to be underneath.}}{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|"Ender crystals" have been renamed to "end crystals".|[[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] End crystals can now be obtained as an [[item]]. |End crystals now drop from [[skeleton trap]] horses and can be placed only on [[obsidian]] or bedrock. Placing several of them atop the [[end portal|end exit portal]] respawns the ender dragon.|Added a crafting recipe for end crystals.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:End Crystal JE2.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of end crystals and the end crystal item have been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||1.7.10|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added end crystals.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* According to [[Jens Bergensten|Jeb]], the reason behind the current crafting recipe using glass as opposed to [[Chorus Fruit|chorus fruit]] or any materials introduced in [[Java Edition 1.9|1.9]] is as a means for players to craft end crystals in older worlds that the dragon has already been killed in.<ref>{{tweet|jeb_|667000226524372992|The problem is that you need to be able to craft the crystals on worlds in which the dragon has been destroyed already|November 18, 2015}}</ref>* A historical rendition of the [[beacon]] block featured an animated entity within it, which resembled a yellow miniaturized end crystal. The bedrock platform of the end crystal entity would also render below the beacon, though this would normally be hidden within the block below.* Using a [[piston]] to push an end crystal's fire into an end portal block deletes the end portal block. However, natural portal blocks regenerate if the end crystal is moved.== Gallery ==<gallery>End Crystal Usage.png|Using end crystals to respawn the ender dragon.Crystal Link.png|An ender dragon being hit with the "healing beam" of an end crystal.Ender Crystal.png|An end crystal.EnderCrystalOverworld.png|An end crystal in the Overworld spawned using {{cmd|summon}} {{code|end_crystal}}.Ender Dragon Revival.png|End crystals respawning the ender dragon.CagedEnderCrystal.png|A caged end crystal.Respawn ender dragon.png|A [[player]] trying to respawn the ender dragon.End Crystal (item).gif|An animation of the item of the end crystal.</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}{{Entities}}{{Items}}[[de:Enderkristall]][[el:Κρύσταλλος του Ender]][[es:Cristal del End]][[fr:Cristal de l'End]][[ja:エンドクリスタル]][[ko:엔드 수정]][[nl:Endkristal]][[pl:Kryształ Endu]][[pt:Cristal do End]][[ru:Кристалл Края]][[th:คริสตัลเอนด์]][[uk:Кристал Енду]][[zh:末影水晶]]</li><li>[[Sugar Cane|Sugar Cane]]<br/>{{Block|image=Sugar Cane.png|image2=Sugar Cane (item) JE3.png|extratext = View all [[#Gallery|renders]]|transparent=Yes|light=No|tool=any|renewable=Yes|stackable=Yes (64)|flammable=No|lavasusceptible=No}}'''Sugar cane''' is a block found as 1–4-block-tall. It plants near water in the [[Overworld]]. As an item, it is an important crafting ingredient.==Obtaining==Sugar cane can be mined instantly with anything.When the spot a sugar cane block is placed in becomes unsuitable, such as when the supporting block is removed, the sugar cane block uproots and drops as an item. {{IN|be}}, sugar cane uproots immediately after all adjacent water is removed. {{IN|je}}, sugar cane uproots on the next block update or [[Tick#Random tick|random tick]].A sugar cane block drops itself as an item if a piston tries to push it (trying to pull it does nothing) or moves a block into its space.===Natural generation===[[File:Sugar Canez.png|thumb|250px|Naturally-occurring sugar cane near a river.]]Sugar cane can generate naturally near [[water]] and [[ice]], as two ({{frac|11|18}} chance), three ({{frac|5|18}} chance), or four ({{frac|2|18}} chance) blocks tall. Rare taller sugar canes can be found if the world generator places two smaller canes on top of each other. It generates in approximately 0.8 sugar cane per chunk seeing as how they only generate near bodies of water.Sugar canes attempt to generate 10 times in any Overworld biome, which requires water. An extra 10 attempts are made in [[swamp]] biomes, and 50 in [[desert]] biomes, which makes sugar cane twice as frequent in swamps and six times as frequent in desert biomes, making the banks of [[river]]s that cut through deserts lined with sugar canes. Sugar canes do not grow faster in swamps or deserts they only spawn a increased amount.Sugar cane cannot generate in caves {{in|je}}.<ref>{{bug|MC-214959||Sugar cane generated in cave|Fixed}}</ref>===Trading===[[Wandering trader]]s can sell sugar cane for an [[emerald]].==Usage==Due to its water-displacing properties, sugar cane can interestingly be used to create underwater paths, allowing [[player]]s to move at normal speed and breathe if it is two blocks in height.{{only|java}}<ref>{{bug|MC-929||Sugar cane can be placed underwater|WAI}}</ref>Sugar cane takes on a different shade of green depending on the biome in which it is placed.===Crafting ingredient==={{crafting usage}}===Farming==={{main|Tutorials/Sugar cane farming}}[[File:Underground Sugar Farm.png|200px|thumb|An underground sugar cane farm.]]Sugar cane can generate naturally up to any number of blocks tall, but ''grow'' only to a height of three blocks, adding a block of height when the top sugar cane block has received 16 random [[Tick#Block tick|block tick]]s (i.e. on average every 18 minutes on ''Java Edition''<!-- Average 68.27 seconds/tick * 16 ticks/growth = 18.2 minutes --> or 54 minutes on Bedrock Edition, but the actual rate can vary widely). Sugar cane must be planted on a [[grass block]], [[dirt]], [[coarse dirt]], [[rooted dirt]], [[podzol]], [[mycelium]], [[sand]], [[red sand]], [[suspicious sand]], [[moss block]], or [[mud]] that is directly adjacent to [[water]], [[waterlogged]] block, or [[frosted ice]] (not merely above or diagonal to water), or on top of another sugar cane block. The adjacent water block can be covered with another block, whether [[opacity|opaque or transparent]], and sugar cane can still be placed and grow next to it. Sugar cane grows regardless of light level, even in complete darkness.[[File:4blockcane.png|thumb|A natural 4-block-high sugar cane plant.]]{{IN|bedrock}}, [[bone meal]] can be used to instantly grow sugar cane to three blocks. Only one bone meal is consumed. {{IN|java}}, bone meal cannot be used on sugar cane.<ref>{{bug|MC-73963||Can't use bonemeal on cacti or sugar cane|WAI}}</ref>On average, it takes [[Tutorials/Sugar_cane_farming#Mechanics|18 minutes]] for a single block of sugar cane to grow 3 blocks tall.=== Composting ===Placing sugar cane into a [[composter]] has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1.== List of colors =={{Missing information|Bedrock Edition colors (see [[Water#Color]]{{verify|it's there?}})}}=== ''Java Edition'' ===These values are generated by the biome dyeing algorithm. See [[Color#Biome colors|Biome colors]] for more information.<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="float: left">{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" data-description="Java edition biome colors"!Biome!! Category!! Rainfall!! Sugarcane Color!! Temperature Affects!! Render|-| {{BiomeLink|Badlands}} || Mesa || No || #90814d || No || [[File:Badlands Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Beach}} || Beach || Rain || #91bd59 || || [[File:Plains Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Birch Forest}} || Forest || Rain || #88bb67 || || [[File:Birch Forest Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Cold Ocean}} || Ocean || Rain || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Dark Forest}} || Forest || Rain || #507a32 || || [[File:Dark Forest Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Deep Cold Ocean}} || Ocean || Rain || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Deep Frozen Ocean}} || Ocean || Rain || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Deep Lukewarm Ocean}} || Ocean || Rain || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Deep Ocean}} || Ocean || Rain || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Desert}} || Desert || No || #bfb755 || || [[File:Desert Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|End Barrens}} || The End || No || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|End Highlands}} || The End || No || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|End Midlands}} || The End || No || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Eroded Badlands}} || Mesa || No || #90814d || No || [[File:Badlands Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Flower Forest}} || Forest || Rain || #79c05a || || [[File:Forest Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Forest}} || Forest || Rain || #79c05a || || [[File:Forest Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Frozen Ocean}} || Ocean || Snow || #80b497 || || [[File:Snowy Plains Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Frozen River}} || River || Snow || #80b497 || || [[File:Snowy Plains Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Old Growth Spruce Taiga}} || Taiga || Rain || #86b783 || || [[File:Taiga Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Old Growth Pine Taiga}} || Taiga || Rain || #86b87f || || [[File:Old Growth Pine Taiga Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Ice Spikes}} || Icy || Snow || #80b497 || || [[File:Snowy Plains Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Jungle}} || Jungle || Rain || #59c93c || || [[File:Jungle Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Sparse Jungle}} || Jungle || Rain || #64c73f || || [[File:Sparse Jungle Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Lukewarm Ocean}} || Ocean || Rain || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Windswept Hills}} || Extreme Hills || Rain || #8ab689 || || [[File:Windswept Hills Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Mushroom Fields}} || Mushroom || Rain || #55c93f || || [[File:Mushroom Fields Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Nether}} || Nether || No || #bfb755 || || [[File:Desert Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Ocean}} || Ocean || Rain || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Plains}} || Plains || Rain || #91bd59 || || [[File:Plains Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|River}} || River || Rain || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Savanna}} || Savanna || No || #bfb755 || || [[File:Desert Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Savanna Plateau}} || Savanna || No || #bfb755 || || [[File:Desert Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Windswept Savanna}} || Savanna || No || #bfb755 || || [[File:Desert Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Small End Islands}} || The End || No || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Snowy Beach}} || Beach || Snow || #83b593 || || [[File:Snowy Beach Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Snowy Taiga}} || Taiga || Snow || #80b497 || || [[File:Snowy Plains Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Snowy Plains}} || Icy || Snow || #80b497 || || [[File:Snowy Plains Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Stony Shore}} || None || Rain || #8ab689 || || [[File:Windswept Hills Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Sunflower Plains}} || Plains || Rain || #91bd59 || || [[File:Plains Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Swamp}} || Swamp || Rain || #6A7039 || If temperature below -0.1, used #4C763C. || [[File:Swamp Sugar Cane.png|32px]] / [[File:Swamp Sugar Cane (Cold).png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Taiga}} || Taiga || Rain || #86b783 || || [[File:Taiga Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Old Growth Birch Forest}} || Forest || Rain || #88bb67 || || [[File:Birch Forest Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|The End}} || The End || No || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|The Void}} || None || No || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Warm Ocean}} || Ocean || Rain || #8eb971 || || [[File:Ocean Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Wooded Badlands}} || Mesa || No || #90814d || No || [[File:Badlands Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|-| {{BiomeLink|Windswept Forest}} || Extreme Hills || Rain || #8ab689 || || [[File:Windswept Hills Sugar Cane.png|32px]]|}</div>{{clear}}=== Bedrock Edition ==={{empty section}}== Sounds =={{Sound table/Block/Grass}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Sugar Cane|spritetype=block|nameid=sugar_cane|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Sugar Cane|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|showaliasids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Block|spritename=sugar-cane|spritetype=block|nameid=reeds|id=83|form=block|itemform=item.reeds}}{{ID table|displayname=Item|spritename=sugar-cane|spritetype=item|nameid=sugar_cane|id=385|form=item|aliasid=reeds||foot=1}}=== Block states ==={{see also|Block states}}{{/BS}}== Video =={{Video note|This video was made before sugar cane had a different shade of green depending on the biome.|minor}}<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|zlOnwn3PH5o}}</div>== History =={{more images|Appearance when affected by {{bug|MC-48831}}}}{{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.0.11|[[File:Sugar Cane JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sugar Cane (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added reeds in the [[Seecret Updates|Seecret Friday Update 6]].|Reeds are informally referred to as "bamboo" or "papyrus" by many [[player]]s. |Since reeds can be washed away with [[water]] currents or instantly destroyed by removing the water adjacent to them, automated reed farms can be made. |Reeds can be used to craft [[paper]].}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.2|[[Notch]] has [[wikipedia:Retroactive continuity|retconned]] reeds into sugar cane so that it can now be [[crafting|crafted]] into [[sugar]], included in the recipe for the [[cake]]s.}}{{History||1.6|snap=Test Build 3|[[Arrow]]s no longer stick to sugar cane, and instead, they pass through. However, [[snowball]]s still come into contact with any sugar cane blocks, as if they are solid.}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Sugar cane can now grow and be placed onto [[sand]] as long as they are adjacent to [[water]]. This update allows sugar canes to appear next to [[water]] ponds in [[desert]] biomes.|Sugar cane is now available in the [[creative]] [[inventory]] in both block and item forms.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=?|The sugar cane block has been removed from the creative inventory.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|[[File:Sugar Cane JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Sugar cane is now [[tint]]ed depending on the [[biome]] it's in.|The item texture remained unchanged, however, and still used the color palette from Alpha to 1.6.4.<ref name="Bug">{{bug|MC-216227}}</ref>}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|Sugar cane no longer breaks if its adjacent [[water]] is turned to [[frosted ice]].}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The ID of sugar cane has now been changed from <code>reeds</code> to <code>sugar_cane</code>.|"Sugar Canes" have now been renamed to "Sugar Cane".|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[block]]'s numeral ID was 83, and the [[item]]'s 338.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Sugar Cane (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the sugar cane item has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placing sugar cane into a [[composter]] has a 20% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Sugar cane now has a 50% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.|Added [[wandering trader]]s, which sell sugar cane.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w13a|Sugar cane has been moved from the Miscellaneous tab to the Decoration Blocks tab in the [[Creative inventory]].<ref name="misc decoration"></ref>}}{{History||1.17|snap=21w11a|[[File:Sugar Cane (item) JE3.png|32px]] The texture of the sugar cane item has been changed, so that it actually matches the color it uses when placed again.<ref name="Bug"/>}}{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Sugar cane now generates in mushroom fields.<ref>{{bug|MC-226683}}</ref>}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w15a|Sugar cane can now be planted on mud.}}{{History||1.20|snap=23w14a|Sugar cane can now be planted on [[suspicious sand]].}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||Pre-release|[[File:Sugar Cane JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sugar Cane (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sugar cane.}}{{History||v0.2.0|Despite being visible in the inventory, sugar cane does not drop anything when mined, making it unobtainable in Survival mode.}}{{History||v0.2.1|Survival players now start with an infinite stack of sugar cane in the inventory.}}{{History||v0.3.0|Sugar cane now drops its item form when mined.|Survival players no longer start with an infinite stack of sugar cane in the inventory.}}{{History||v0.5.0|Sugar cane can now be grown on [[sand]].|Sugar cane can now be obtained after activating the [[nether reactor]].}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 5|[[Bone meal]] can now grow sugar cane to maximum height.}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Sugar Cane JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The color of sugar cane now changes depending on the [[biome]] they are in.|Using bone meal on sugar cane is no longer able to break blocks above it.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Sugar cane is no longer available from the [[nether reactor]].}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Sugar Cane JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Due to a bug, sugar canes no longer change color depending on the [[biome]].}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.13|snap=beta|[[File:Sugar Cane JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The color of sugar canes now changes depending on the [[biome]], once again.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Sugar Cane (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the sugar cane [[item]] has been changed.|Sugar cane can now be [[trading|bought]] from [[wandering trader]]s.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Sugar canes can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Sugar Cane (item) JE3.png|32px]] The texture of the sugar cane item has been changed, so that it actually matches the color it uses when placed again.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Sugar Cane JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sugar Cane (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sugar canes.|Sugar canes are solid, making it useful for growable walls. Unlike on Java Edition, they were never renamed to Sugar Cane.}}{{History||xbox=TU2|Sugar canes are no longer solid, and arrows pass through them.}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|[[File:Sugar Cane JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The color of sugar cane now changes depending on the [[biome]] they're in.}}{{History||xbox=TU60|xbone=CU51|ps=1.64|wiiu=Patch 30|switch=1.0.11|Sugar cane can now be grown with [[bonemeal]].}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Sugar Cane (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the sugar cane [[item]] has been changed.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.91|wiiu=none|switch=none|Sugar cane can now be [[trading|bought]] from [[wandering trader]]s.|Sugar canes can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}{{History|New Nintendo 3DS Edition}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Sugar Cane JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sugar Cane (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sugar cane.}}{{History|foot}}=== Sugar cane "item" ==={{:Technical blocks/Sugar Cane}}== Issues =={{Issue list}}== Trivia ==*When a sugar cane is broken at the second level, the time resets (for example, if a two-block high sugar cane is broken, but is just about to grow to the third stage, it would reset that time).*By placing more sugar canes on top of a sugar cane plant, it is possible to create tall sugar canes (up to y=319, the maximum height for building), although they do not naturally grow this high.*Before sugar cane received an official name, they were sometimes referred to as [[bamboo]], a block added 9 years later. Other names were "reeds" and "papyrus".== Gallery ===== Renders ===<gallery>Plains Sugar Cane.png|PlainsTaiga Sugar Cane.png|TaigaSnowy Plains Sugar Cane.png|Snowy plainsJungle Sugar Cane.png|JungleDesert Sugar Cane.png|DesertSwamp Sugar Cane (Cold).png|Swamp (cold)Swamp Sugar Cane.png|SwampBadlands Sugar Cane.png|Badlands</gallery>=== In-game ===<gallery>Huge Sugar Farm.png|A large sugar cane farm using 2×2 [[water]] holes.Sugar Cane Waterfall.png|Water flowing over sugar cane.UnderwaterSugarCane.png|Naturally generated sugar cane found underwater.Sugar and Cactus.png|A [[cactus]] and sugar cane stalk generated next to each other.SugarCaneRavine.png|Sugar cane found in the [[ravine]].Reeds in Winter mode.png|Reeds generated in the [[winter mode]].Sugar Cane Naturally Growing.png|Sugar cane growing between [[biome]]s.Mesa Sugar Cane.jpg|Sugar cane growing on [[red sand]] in a [[badlands]] biome.Sugarcanenowaterglitch.png|Sugar cane generated without a water source.SwampCane.png|Sugar cane generated in a [[swamp]] biome.Sugar cane savanna.png|Sugar cane growing in a [[savanna]] biome.ForestSugarcane.png|Sugar cane growing in a [[forest]] biome.Lava cane.png|Sugar cane growing with lava flowing around it.Before breaking.png|Sugar canes few seconds before breaking because the water is frozen.Undergroundreed.png|A sugar cane plant that generated in an underground [[water lake]].Cave Sugar.png|Another example.</gallery>=== Heights ===<gallery>Tall Sugar Cane.png|Four-block tall sugar cane.4RiverCane.png|Four-block tall sugar cane.4-block tall sugar cane.png|Four-block tall sugar cane in a [[plains]] biome.</gallery>== References =={{Reflist}}{{Blocks|vegetation}}{{Items}}[[Category:Plants]][[Category:Natural blocks]][[Category:Non-solid blocks]][[cs:Cukrová třtina]][[de:Zuckerrohr]][[es:Caña de azúcar]][[fr:Canne à sucre]][[hu:Cukornád]][[it:Canna da zucchero]][[ja:サトウキビ]][[ko:사탕수수]][[nl:Suikerriet]][[pl:Trzcina cukrowa]][[pt:Cana-de-açúcar]][[ru:Сахарный тростник]][[th:อ้อย]][[uk:Цукрова тростина]][[zh:甘蔗]]</li></ul></nowiki>
beta golems attack hoglins.
?Iron golems immediately attack zoglins instead of attacking only when the zoglin attacked first.[9]
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Raw Beef|Raw Beef]]<br/>{{Item| title = Raw Beef| image = Raw Beef.png| heals = {{hunger|3}}| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Raw beef''' is a [[food]] item that can be eaten by the [[player]] or cooked in a [[furnace]], [[smoker]], or [[campfire]] to make [[steak]].== Obtaining ===== Mob loot ===When adult [[cow]]s and [[mooshroom]]s are killed, they drop 1-3 raw beef. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 1-6 with Looting III. If killed while on fire, they drop [[steak]] instead.=== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|raw-beef}}== Usage ===== Food ===To eat raw beef, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|3}} hunger and 1.8 hunger [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].=== Smelting ingredient ==={{Smelting|showname=1|Raw Beef|Steak|0.35}}=== Wolves ===Raw beef can be used to [[breed]] and heal tamed [[wolves]], lead them around, and make baby tamed wolves grow up faster by 10% of the remaining time.=== Trading ===Journeyman-level Butcher villagers have a 50% chance to buy 10 raw beef for an emerald.{{only|bedrock}}Journeyman-level Butcher villagers always offer buy 10 raw beef for an emerald.{{only|java}}==Sounds=={{Sound table/Entity/Food}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Raw Beef|spritetype=item|nameid=beef|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Raw Beef|spritetype=item|nameid=beef|id=273|form=item|foot=1}}== History =={{History|java beta}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|[[File:Raw Beef JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw beef.|Raw beef is one of the new [[food]] items, [[drops|dropped]] by [[cow]]s in addition to their [[leather]].}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w03a|Raw beef can now be used to breed wolves.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Raw beef can now be [[trading|sold]] to butcher [[villager]]s, at 14–17 raw beef for 1 [[emerald]].}}{{History|||snap=1.3|[[File:Raw Beef JE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw beef has been changed.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w37a|[[File:Raw Beef JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw beef has been changed, so that it no longer has a dark outline.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Villager]]s no longer [[trading|trade]] for raw beef.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 363.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Raw Beef JE4 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of raw beef has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w49a|Raw beef can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] butcher shops.}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Butcher [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] raw beef.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Raw Beef JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw beef.}}{{History||v0.5.0|Raw beef now restores {{hp|3}} instead of {{hp|1}}.}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Raw Beef JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw beef has been changed, so that it no longer has a dark outline.}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Raw beef has been added to [[Creative]] mode.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Raw beef now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Raw Beef JE4 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of raw beef has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Raw beef can now be found in [[village]] butcher [[chest]]s.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Raw beef can now be [[trading|sold]] to butcher [[villager]]s.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU5|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Raw Beef JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw beef.}}{{History||xbox=TU12|[[File:Raw Beef JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw beef has been changed, so that it no longer has a dark outline.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Raw Beef JE4 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of raw beef has been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Raw Beef JE3 BE2.png|32px]] Added raw beef.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Gallery ==<gallery>File:Jeb steak.png|Raw Beef and [[Steak]] in a preview screenshot.</gallery>{{Items}}[[de:Rohes Rindfleisch]][[es:Filete crudo]][[fr:Bœuf cru]][[hu:Nyers marhahús]][[ja:生の牛肉]][[ko:익히지 않은 소고기]][[nl:Rauwe biefstuk]][[pl:Surowa wołowina]][[pt:Bife cru]][[ru:Сырая говядина]][[uk:Сира яловичина]][[zh:生牛肉]][[Category:Food]][[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Eye of Ender|Eye of Ender]]<br/>{{redirect|Ender Eye|the boss|Ender Dragon|item that teleports the player to where it lands|Ender Pearl}}{{ItemEntity|image=Eye of Ender.png|stackable=Yes (64)|renewable=Yes|size=Height: 0.25 Blocks<br>Width: 0.25 Blocks|networkid='''[[JE]]''': 72}}An '''eye of ender''' is a craftable item used to locate [[stronghold]]s and activate the [[end portal]]s within them.== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting |Blaze Powder |Ender Pearl |Output=Eye of Ender |type=Miscellaneous}}== Usage ===== Locating strongholds ===[[File:Eye of Ender (break).gif|thumb|right|An animation of an eye of ender shattering.]]To locate [[stronghold]]s (and the [[end portal]]s they house):* Pressing {{control|use}} while holding an eye of ender causes it to fly approximately 12 blocks in the direction of the nearest stronghold, traveling through any blocks necessary, and leave a trail of purple particles, the same particle effect used for [[endermen]] and [[ender chests]]. ** The eye leads to the [[chunk]] where a spiral staircase, the first room generated in the stronghold, is located.** The center of this entrance staircase is always exactly at the chunk coordinates 4, ~, 4, although the eye of ender leads to chunk coordinates 0, ~, 0 (the northwest corner of the chunk).* While over 12 blocks away from the northwest corner of the staircase chunk, the eye will travel upward to offer an easily-visible indication of the horizontal direction the player must travel.* When closer than 12 blocks to the northwest corner of the staircase chunk, the eye will travel downward, to indicate the player is above a stronghold and must mine downward.* After two or three seconds of travel, the eye floats in the air briefly, then either falls (becoming collectable again) or shatters in mid-air. The eye has a 20% chance of shattering (80% chance of surviving) per throw, therefore throwing it three times has approximately 50% overall chance to shatter the eye (0.8<sup>3</sup>=51.2%).* The eye of ender's flying function works only in the [[Overworld]]. It does nothing in [[the Nether]], [[the End]], [[custom dimension]]s{{verify|type=current}}, or in worlds with no strongholds.Note that the eyes may point to an incorrect location if the target chunks were generated with a different biomes map in an older version or through different generation settings.<ref>See also {{bug|MC-135996}}</ref>=== Activating end portals ===[[File:Active End Portal.png|thumb|right|An end portal activated with eyes of ender.]]Once an end portal is found, the eyes of ender are required to activate it. End portals require a total of 12 eyes of ender in order to activate, though each individual frame-block has a 10% chance of containing an eye of ender when generated. Eyes can be placed in empty [[End portal frame]]s by pressing {{control|use}} on them until the entire ring of 12 is filled, thereby activating the portal. Due to the fact that there is a 10% chance of each individual end portal frame having an eye in it, there is a one out of one trillion chance of every frame having an eye in it thereby activating the portal even if the player doesn't have any eyes of ender.{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"|+End Portal Pre-Filled Eyes!Eyes!0!1!2!3!4!5-12|-|Exactly|28%|38%|23%|9%|2%|<1%|-|Or More|100%|72%|34%|11%|3%|<1%|}=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}== Sounds =={{Edition|Java}}:<br>Eyes of ender use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.{{Sound table|sound=Ender Eye death1.ogg|sound2=Ender Eye death2.ogg|subtitle=Eye of Ender falls <ref group=sound name=LousyEvents>{{Bug|MC-98316||Wrong subtitles caused by missing distinction}}</ref>|source=neutral|description=When an eye of ender drops or breaks|id=entity.ender_eye.death|idnote=<ref group=sound name=LousyEvents/>|translationkey=subtitles.entity.ender_eye.death|translationkeynote=<ref group=sound name=LousyEvents/>|volume=1.3|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Ender Eye launch1.ogg|sound2=Ender Eye launch2.ogg|subtitle=Eye of Ender shoots|source=neutral|description=When an eye of ender is thrown|id=entity.ender_eye.launch|translationkey=subtitles.entity.ender_eye.launch|volume=0.5|pitch={{frac|1|3}}-0.5|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=End portal eye place1.ogg|sound2=End portal eye place2.ogg|sound3=End portal eye place3.ogg|subtitle=Eye of Ender attaches|source=block|description=When an eye of ender is placed in an end portal frame|id=block.end_portal_frame.fill|translationkey=subtitles.block.end_portal_frame.fill|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{Edition|Bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Item Frame break1.ogg|sound2=Item Frame break2.ogg|sound3=Item Frame break3.ogg|source=block|description=When an eye of ender breaks <ref group=sound>{{Bug|MCPE-115646}}</ref>|id=block.itemframe.break}}{{Sound table|sound=Bow shoot.ogg|source=player|description=When an eye of ender is thrown|id=random.bow|volume=0.5|pitch=0.33-0.5}}{{Sound table|sound=End portal eye place1.ogg|sound2=End portal eye place2.ogg|sound3=End portal eye place3.ogg|source=block|description=When an eye of ender is placed in an end portal frame|id=block.end_portal_frame.fill|volume=0.3|pitch=0.9/1.0/1.1|foot=1}}==Data values=====ID==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Item|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Eye of Ender|spritetype=item|nameid=ender_eye|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Entity|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Eye of Ender|spritetype=entity|nameid=eye_of_ender|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Item|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Eye of Ender|spritetype=item|nameid=ender_eye|id=433|form=item|foot=1}} {{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Entity|shownumericids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Eye of Ender|spritetype=entity|nameid=eye_of_ender_signal|id=70|foot=1}}===Entity data===The purple particles left by eyes of ender have entity data that define various properties of the entity.{{el|java}}:{{main|Entity format}}{{/ED}}{{el|bedrock}}::See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].==Advancements=={{load advancements|Eye Spy}}==Video =={{Video note|This video does not mention that eyes of ender can be used to craft [[ender chest]]s or [[end crystal]]s.}}<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|E0AhoxYLomc}}</div>==History=={{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|[[File:Eye of Ender JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added eyes of ender.|Eyes of ender can be used on a [[end portal frame|portal block]] to repair them, but repairing them does nothing.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4|Each eye can now be placed in a [[end portal frame|portal block]] or used to hone in on a [[stronghold]]. [[Jens Bergensten|Jeb]] demonstrated the new uses for an eye in his livestream.<ref></ref> An [[end portal]] within a stronghold could be seen in the stream with two eyes inserted into blocks.|In older worlds with chunks generated before [[Java Edition Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3]], the eyes may mislead the [[player]] to a place where there isn't a [[stronghold]] at all. This happens because the eyes lead to where a stronghold should be based on the world seed in the current version, but before Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3 strongholds generated differently based on the seed. Therefore, if the player saved the coordinates the eye traveled to in an old world and generated a new world with the same seed, the player could travel to those same coordinates and find a stronghold.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6|Eyes of ender no longer render like a tool in third person.}}{{History|||snap=RC1|The throwing sound of eyes of ender has been changed.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Eyes of ender can now be used to craft [[ender chest]]s.|Priest [[villager]]s would [[trading|buy]] 2–3 eyes of ender for one [[emerald]].}}{{History|||snap=12w22a|Priest villagers no longer buy eyes of ender, instead selling them for 7–10 emeralds.}}{{History||1.6.4|snap=1.6.3-pre|Eyes of ender now lead to [[stronghold]]s based on the structure data saved in the world file instead of calculating their approximate location via the [[seed (level generation)|world seed]]. Therefore, strongholds generated in old versions can still be found even if the distribution of strongholds is changed.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w41a|Eyes of Ender now lead to the entrance of a stronghold instead of the portal room.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|With changes that have been made to villagers and the [[trading]] system, cleric villagers now sell eyes of ender for 7–11 [[emerald]]s, as one of their tier III trades.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w41a|Eyes of ender are no longer [[trading|sold]] by cleric [[villager]]s.}}{{History|||snap=15w44b|An eye of ender is now used to craft an [[end crystal]].}}{{History|||snap=pre3|Eyes of ender now point to the 125 new strongholds.<ref>{{bug|MC-91173}} resolved as "Fixed"</ref>}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The [[entity]] ID has been changed from <code>EyeOfEnderSignal</code> to <code>eye_of_ender_signal</code>.}}{{History||1.12|snap=17w17a|A new ''pop'' [[sound]] has been added when a thrown eye of ender bursts.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 381.}}{{History|||snap=pre5|The [[entity]] ID has been changed to <code>eye_of_ender</code>.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Eye of Ender JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of eyes of ender has been changed.}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|Eyes of Ender now lead to the corner of the chunk (0, ~, 0) instead of the center (8-9, ~, 8-9).<ref>{{bug|MC-253394}}</ref>}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Eye of Ender JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added eyes of ender.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Eye of Ender JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of eyes of ender has been changed.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|The [[particles]] of eyes of ender have been changed to match {{el|je}}.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU7|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Eye of Ender JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added eyes of ender.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Eye of Ender JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of eyes of ender has been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||1.7.10|[[File:Eye of Ender JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added eyes of ender.}}{{History|foot}}=== Historical images ===<gallery>File:Held_Eye_of_Ender.png|The eye of ender used to appear large in third-person view.</gallery>==Issues=={{issue list}}==Trivia ==*When thrown in third-person view, the eyes of ender fly out from the player's feet instead of their hand.*Before [[Java Edition 1.9]], eyes of ender can be purchased from cleric villagers, which means players can find a [[stronghold]] and go to [[the End]] without accessing [[the Nether]] at all.*{{IN|bedrock}} if the player travels beyond a certain radius (roughly 740,000 blocks), eyes of ender always point to a stronghold near spawn, even though strongholds continue to generate past this limit. If one travels to this limit, they can see eyes of ender suddenly switching direction. A similar phenomenon occurs with the {{cmd|locate}} command.==Gallery=====Screenshots===<gallery>Stronghold Portal Room.png|An end portal frame containing a few eyes of ender.EnderChestexample.png|An [[ender chest]] depicting an eye of ender on the front.</gallery>===In other media===<gallery>File:Eye of Ender JINX.jpg|Official T-shirt artwork "Eye of Ender" sold by JINX.File:Happy Halloween Eye.jpg|A Halloween T-Shirt design featuring an eye of ender.</gallery>==External links==*[ A super-easy stronghold triangulation tool]*[ JSFiddle Eye of Ender triangulator - can guess the location of other 2 strongholds in the first ring]*[ Minecraft Stronghold Locator Eye of Ender throw plotting visualizer - zoomable to show all possible stronghold rings]*[ Python Eye of Ender throw plotting tool]*[ HTML Eye of Ender throw plotting visualizer (not updated after 1.9 stronghold placement changes)]*[ Chunk Base Stronghold Finder (seed-based)]*[ Amidst - File-based world visualizer]*[ Find strongholds by analyzing stronghold.dat file]== References=={{reflist}}{{Items}}{{entities}}[[cs:Endové oko]][[de:Enderauge]][[es:Ojo de ender]][[fr:Œil de l'Ender]][[hu:Végzet szeme]][[ja:エンダーアイ]][[ko:엔더의 눈]][[nl:Enderoog]][[pl:Oko Endera]][[pt:Olho de ender]][[ru:Око Края]][[th:ดวงตาแห่งเอนเดอร์]][[uk:Око Краю]][[zh:末影之眼]]</li></ul>
beta Golem (32) Iron Golem (33) Iron Golem (34) Iron golems now crack as they take damage.
Iron golems can now be healed with iron ingots.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Dragon's Breath|Dragon's Breath]]<br/>{{Item| image = Dragon's Breath.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)| rarity = Uncommon}}The '''dragon's breath''' is a [[brewing]] item that is used solely to make [[lingering potion]]s.== Obtaining ==The dragon's breath can be obtained by scooping up the [[ender dragon]]'s breath attack or the purple [[area effect cloud|effect clouds]] caused by [[dragon fireball]]s in an empty [[glass bottle]].== Usage ===== Brewing ingredient ===Dragon's breath may be added to any splash potion to upgrade it to a lingering potion, which can be used to create a lasting [[Lingering Potion#Area Effect Cloud|area effect cloud]], or to craft [[Arrow#Tipped arrows|tipped arrows]].{{brewing |name=[[Lingering Potion]] |showname=1 |Dragon's Breath |Any Lingering Potion |base=Any Splash Potion}}When put 2 or more dragon's breath in the brewing stand, after the brewing process, a glass bottle will drop as an [[Item (entity)|entity]]. However, if put only 1 dragon's breath in the brewing stand, after the brewing process, the glass bottle is consumed and cannot be retrieved.<ref>{{bug|MC-259583}}</ref>== Sounds =={{Edition|Java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Bottle fill dragon breath1.ogg|sound2=Bottle fill dragon breath2.ogg|subtitle=Bottle fills|source=neutral|description=Filling a glass bottle with dragon's breath|id=item.bottle.fill_dragonbreath|translationkey=subtitles.item.bottle.fill|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{Edition|Bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Bottle fill dragon breath1.ogg|sound2=Bottle fill dragon breath2.ogg|source=sound|description=When a bottle is filled with dragon's breath|id=bottle.dragonbreath|volume=0.7<wbr>{{Until|BE 1.20.40}}<br>1.0<wbr>{{Upcoming|BE 1.20.40}}|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}== Achievements =={{Load achievements|You Need a Mint}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|You Need a Mint}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Dragon's Breath|spritetype=item|nameid=dragon_breath|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Dragon's Breath|spritetype=item|nameid=dragon_breath|id=560|form=item|foot=1}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w33a|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added dragon's breath.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 437.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of dragon's breath has been changed.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added dragon's breath.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of dragon's breath has been changed.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added dragon's breath.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of dragon's breath has been changed.}}{{History|3ds}}{{History||1.7.10|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added dragon's breath.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* If the dragon's breath is used in a [[crafting]] recipe (using a [[mod]] or a [[data pack]]), it becomes an empty bottle instead of being entirely consumed.== References =={{reflist}}==External Links==*[ Taking Inventory: Dragon's Breath] – on June 9, 2023{{Items}}[[Category:Renewable resources]][[de:Drachenatem]][[fr:Souffle de dragon]][[it:Soffio di drago]][[ja:ドラゴンブレス]][[ko:드래곤의 숨결]][[nl:Drakenadem]][[pl:Oddech smoka]][[pt:Bafo do dragão]][[ru:Драконье дыхание]][[zh:龙息]][[Category:Brewing recipe]]</li><li>[[Lead|Lead]]<br/>{{About|the item used for leashing and leading mobs|the element|Element#Lead}}{{Item| image = Lead.png| stackable = Yes (64)| renewable = Yes}}'''Leads''' are [[tool]]s used to leash and lead passive and neutral [[animal]]s, [[golem]]s and some [[monster]]s.== Obtaining ===== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|lead}}=== Crafting ==={{Crafting |A1= String |B1= String |A2= String |B2= Slimeball |C3= String |Output= Lead,2 |type= Tool}}=== Mob loot ===[[Wandering Trader|Wandering trader]]s always spawn with 2 [[llama|trader llama]]s, each held with a lead. When a trader llama is detached, either by killing it or the wandering trader, dragging them far apart, or putting the llama in a [[boat]] or a [[minecart]], the lead drops at the llama's position.== Usage ===== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}=== Leashing mobs ===[[File:SuspendedPigs.png|190px|thumb|One block tall mobs, such as pigs, suspend at 7 blocks above the ground.]][[File:SuspendedCows.png|190px|thumb|Two block tall mobs, such as cows, also suspend at 7 blocks above the ground.]]{{control|Using}} a lead on a [[mob]] ties the lead to the mob, allowing it to be moved by the player. Multiple mobs can be held by leads at once, but each mob held requires its own lead.It is possible to leash the following mobs and other entities:{{columns-list|colwidth=20em|* {{EntityLink|Allay}}* {{EntityLink|Axolotl}}* {{EntityLink|Bee}}* {{EntityLink|Boat}}{{only|bedrock}}* {{EntityLink|Camel}}* {{EntityLink|Cat}}* {{EntityLink|Chicken}}* {{EntityLink|Chicken Jockey}} (only the mount)* {{EntityLink|Cow}}* {{EntityLink|Dolphin}}* {{EntityLink|Donkey}}* {{EntityLink|Fox}}* {{EntityLink|Frog}}* {{EntityLink|Glow Squid}}* {{EntityLink|Goat}}* {{EntityLink|Hoglin}}* {{EntityLink|Horse}}* {{EntityLink|Iron Golem}}* {{EntityLink|Llama}}* {{EntityLink|Mooshroom}}* {{EntityLink|Mule}}* {{EntityLink|Ocelot}}* {{EntityLink|Parrot}}* {{EntityLink|Pig}}* {{EntityLink|Polar Bear}}* {{EntityLink|Rabbit}}* {{EntityLink|Sheep}}* {{EntityLink|Skeleton Horse}}* {{EntityLink|Skeleton Horseman}} (only the mount)* {{EntityLink|Sniffer}}* {{EntityLink|Snow Golem}}* {{EntityLink|Squid}}* {{EntityLink|Strider}}* {{EntityLink|Trader Llama}}* {{EntityLink|Wolf}}* {{EntityLink|Zoglin}}* {{EntityLink|Zombie Horse}}}}Additionally, [[villager]]s, [[wandering trader]]s, and [[monster]]s other than the ones listed above, can be leashed using a map editor or [[NBT]] editor. With a mob on a lead held by the player, {{control|using}} the lead on any type of [[fence]] (or [[wall]]{{only|bedrock|short=1}}) attaches the lead to it with a visible knot, tying the mob to it. To attach it to a wall on Bedrock Edition, the player must hold a lead in the main hand.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-108078}}</ref> Multiple leads may be attached to one fence post. A mob tied to a fence tends to stay within 5 blocks of the fence post.A lead is broken by pressing the {{control|use item}} control on the mob again, hitting the knot, or removing the attached fence post. Leads also break when hit by projectiles. Whenever a lead is removed or broken, it drops as an [[item (entity)|item]] at the location of the mob. However, it does not drop when unleashed in Creative mode.{{only|java}}<ref>{{bug|MCPE-79639}}</ref> A lead does not break if the attached animal dies.A lead can stretch a maximum of 10 blocks. If the mob is able to move towards the player or fence post, it does so. If not, or if the mob is moving very quickly away from the player, the lead breaks.When the player or the knot is more than 7 blocks above the ground, the mob being leashed becomes suspended.Most mobs that can be leashed can still be leashed even if attacking the player leashing them, and any attached leads do not break.[[Wolf|Wolves]] cannot be leashed after becoming angry. Despite this, if they become angry while already leashed, the lead does not break, but it cannot be reattached when broken through other methods while the wolf is still angry.A lead attached to a hoglin breaks if it becomes a [[zoglin]].A lead does not prevent mobs from despawning if they normally would despawn.When moving downwards and accelerating towards the ground, leashed mobs accumulate fall damage and take it if they hit the ground while still accelerating. When moving up or decelerating (such as when the lead is stretched to its limit), the fall distance is set to one block and the mob therefore does not take any fall damage if it touches the ground.If the player walks into and back out of a [[nether portal]] while holding a lead connected to a mob, the lead remains attached to the mob. However, if a mob attached to a lead walks into a nether portal, the lead breaks and drops as an item in the other dimension.A lead can be used to remove a mob from a boat without needing to break the boat, if the mob can normally be leashed.If a chunk unloads while containing a leashed mob (either by the player walking too far away, or traveling to another dimension via a portal), the lead breaks and drops as an item, leaving the mob free to wander around.== Sounds =={{Edition|Java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Lead Knot break1.ogg|sound2=Lead Knot break2.ogg|sound3=Lead Knot break3.ogg|subtitle=Leash Knot breaks|source=neutral|description=When a leash knot is destroyed|id=entity.leash_knot.break|translationkey=subtitles.entity.leashknot.break|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Lead Knot place1.ogg|sound2=Lead Knot place2.ogg|sound3=Lead Knot place3.ogg|subtitle=Leash Knot tied|source=neutral|description=When a leash knot is placed on a fence|||volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{Edition|Bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Lead Knot break1.ogg|sound2=Lead Knot break2.ogg|sound3=Lead Knot break3.ogg|source=neutral|description=When a leash knot is broken by {{ctrl|interacting}} with it|id=leashknot.break|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Lead Knot place1.ogg|sound2=Lead Knot place2.ogg|sound3=Lead Knot place3.ogg|source=neutral|description=When a leash knot is placed on a fence or wall||volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}== Leash Knot =='''Leash knot''' is an entity created when the [[player]] right-clicks the fence while having a mob leashed.{{Entity| title = Leash Knot| image = Knot.png|imagesize= 100px|networkid='''[[JE]]''': 77}}=== Data values ======= ID ===={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Leash Knot|spritetype=entity|nameid=leash_knot|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Leash Knot|spritetype=entity|nameid=leash_knot|id=88|foot=1}}==== Entity data ====Leash knots have entity data that define various properties of the entity.{{el|java}}:{{main|Entity format}}{{/ED}}{{el|bedrock}}:: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Lead|spritetype=item|nameid=lead|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Lead|spritetype=item|nameid=lead|id=547|form=item|foot=1}}== Achievements =={{load achievements|So I Got That Going for Me}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|When the Squad Hops into Town}}== History =={{missing information|The history of a lot of mobs be leashed}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|[[File:Lead JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leads. |Leads do not currently have a tooltip and are called “leashes” in [ the change notes].}}{{History|||snap=13w16b|Leads have been given a tooltip.}}{{History|||snap=13w18a|Leads have been given a [[crafting]] recipe.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w50a|Added a [[sound]] for leads: <code></code>.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The [[entity]] ID of the knot has been changed from <code>LeashKnot</code> to <code>leash_knot</code>.}}{{History|||snap=16w39a|Leads can now be found in [[woodland mansion]] chests.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 420.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Lead JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of leads has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added [[wandering trader]]s, which are naturally equipped with leads.}}{{History||1.15|snap=?|[[Bee]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w09a|[[Skeleton horse]]s and [[zombie horse]]s can now be leashed.<ref>{{bug|MC-166246}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=?|[[Hoglin]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w27a|[[Zoglin]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.17|snap=21w19a|[[Squid]]s and [[glow squid]]s can now be leashed.<ref>{{bug|MC-136647}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=?|[[Axolotl]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Lead may now be found in [[ancient city]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History|||snap=?|[[Frog]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w42a|[[Camel]]s can now be leashed.|Mobs no longer accumulate fall damage when dangling on leads.<ref>{{bug|MC-14167||Mobs build up fall damage when dangling on a lead|Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History||1.20 (Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=?|[[Sniffer]]s can now be leashed.}}{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Lead can now be found in [[suspicious gravel]] and [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].}}{{History|||snap=23w16a|Lead no longer generates in [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].|Due to the split of the archaeological loot tables for the suspicious gravel within the [[trail ruins]]; lead now is in the common loot.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Lead JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leads.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Leads now have better "physics".|The [[entity]] ID of the knot has been changed from <code>leashknot</code> to <code>leash_knot</code>.|Leads can now be found inside [[woodland mansion]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Leads can now be found inside [[buried treasure]] [[chest]]s.|Leads can now be used on [[boat]]s.}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Leads can now be used to craft [[balloon]]s.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Lead JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of leads has been changed.|[[Wandering trader]]s now [[drops|drop]] leads after they are detached from trader [[llama]]s.}}{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|Leads can now be used on [[polar bear]]s, [[ocelot]]s, [[parrot]]s, [[dolphin]]s and old [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.19.0|snap=beta|Allays can now be leashed.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Lead JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leads.}}{{History||xbox=TU43|xbone=CU33|ps=1.36|wiiu=Patch 13|[[Sound]]s have been added for leads.}}{{History|Ps4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Lead JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of leads has been changed.}}{{History|3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Lead JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leads.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list|Lead|Leash}}== Trivia ==[[File:Steve wearing Lead.png|100px]] [[File:Alex wearing Lead.png|100px]]* The lead is named as "leash" in the texture file.* If a [[player]] goes to sleep while holding a mob on a lead, the lead remains attached.* {{IN|Java}}, when using the {{cmd|item}} command to put a lead in a player's head slot, the item gets rotated and positioned in such a way that it looks like the player is wearing a monocle.== Gallery ==<gallery>Multiple_Leash.png|Many animals can be tied to one fence post.HorseLeashedOnAFence.png|A [[horse]] wearing [[golden horse armor]] that is leashed to a fence post.ThreeTiedSheep.png|Three sheep tied to the same fence.More accurate lead mobs.png|A shot of all the mobs that could be tied with leads as of 1.6.1, except donkeys and mules.Yo Yo.png|With the use of the leash, it is possible to suspend animals in the air by tying the leash on high-up fence posts.YoYo.png|A [[donkey]] with the Grumm/Dinnerbone [[name tag]] [[easter egg]] tied to a fence with a lead to make a yo-yo.Flying_Sheep.png|Several [[sheep]] hanging in the air in [[Creative]] mode.Pocket Edition Lead.jpg|First image of a lead in ''Bedrock Edition''.</gallery>== References =={{Reflist}}== External Links ==*[ Taking Inventory: Lead] – on April 8, 2022{{items}}{{entities}}[[Category:Tools]][[de:Leine]][[es:Rienda]][[fr:Laisse]][[hu:Lasszó]][[it:Guinzaglio]][[ja:リード]][[ko:끈]][[nl:Leidtouw]][[pl:Smycz]][[pt:Laço]][[ru:Поводок]][[th:เชือกจูง]][[zh:拴绳]][[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul>
beta Golem (35) Added spawn eggs for iron golems.
Legacy Console Edition
TU12CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1Iron Golem (36) Added iron golems.
1.91 Iron golems now spawn in cages next to pillager outposts.
A single iron golem now always spawn as part of a village.
Panicking villagers now have a higher chance of spawning iron golems.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Rabbit's Foot|Rabbit's Foot]]<br/>{{Item| image = Rabbit's Foot.png|type=| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}A '''rabbit's foot''' is a [[brewing]] item obtained from [[rabbit]]s.== Obtaining ===== Mob loot ===Each [[rabbit]] has a 10% chance to drop a rabbit's foot when killed by the [[player]]. This chance can be increased by 3% per level using a sword enchanted with [[Looting]].A [[fox]] sometimes spawns with a rabbit's foot in its mouth, which always drops upon death. Alternatively, the player can drop a [[food]] item, which causes the fox to drop the rabbit's foot.=== Cat gifts ==={{main|Cat#Gifts}}A tamed [[cat]] has a 70% chance of giving the player a gift when the player wakes up from a [[bed]], and the gift has a 16.13% chance to be a rabbit's foot.== Usage ===== Brewing ingredient ==={{Brewing |head=1 |Rabbit's Foot |Mundane Potion |base=Water Bottle}}{{brewing |foot=1 |showname=1 |Rabbit's Foot |Potion of Leaping}}=== Trading ===Journeyman-level cleric [[villager]]s buy rabbit's feet for an [[emerald]] as part of their trade: {{in|java}} they buy 2, and {{in|bedrock}} they buy 4.== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|Ba3QN3uCniU}}</div>== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Rabbit's Foot|spritetype=item|nameid=rabbit_foot|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Rabbit's Foot|spritetype=item|nameid=rabbit_foot|id=528|form=item|foot=1}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.8|snap=June 30, 2014|slink=|[[Ryan Holtz]] tweeted images of a rabbit's foot with some other new [[item]]s.}}{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE1.png|32px]] Added rabbit's foot.|Added the [[potion of Leaping]]; it is [[brewing|brewed]] by adding a rabbit's foot to an [[awkward potion]]. The rabbit's foot also creates the [[mundane potion]] when brewed into a [[water bottle]].}}{{History|||snap=14w33b|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of the rabbit's foot has been changed. The new texture was created by [[wikipedia:Reddit|Reddit]] user [ zeldahuman].<ref>{{reddit|2bjzes/a_reminder_of_the_blocks_and_items_added_in_18_so|cj69zie|context=3}}</ref><ref>{{reddit|2c5f35/minecraft_snapshot_14w31a_has_been_released|cjct7gb}}</ref>}}{{History||1.8.1|snap=pre1|Potions of Leaping, which use rabbit's foot, can now be extended using [[redstone]].}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w46a|The drop rate of rabbit's foot has been quadrupled.{{more info|Before/After rates}}}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 414.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of rabbit's foot has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w44a|[[Cat]]s now offer rabbit's feet as [[Cat#Gifts|gifts]].}}{{History|||snap=19w07a|Added [[fox]]es, which sometimes spawn with rabbit's feet in their mouths.}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] rabbit's feet.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added rabbit's foot to the [[Creative]] mode [[inventory]].}}{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Rabbit's foot can now be obtained as a rare [[drops|drop]] upon killing [[rabbit]]s.|Rabbit's foot can now be [[brewing|brewed]] to make [[potions of Leaping]].}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Tamed [[cat]]s can now give the [[player]] rabbit's foot as a gift.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of rabbit's foot has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Rabbit's foot can now be [[trading|sold]] to cleric [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Added [[fox]]es, which can [[drops|drop]] rabbit's foot.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added rabbit's foot.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of rabbit's foot has been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Rabbit's Foot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added rabbit's foot.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* The superstition that [[wikipedia:Rabbit's_foot|a rabbit's foot is a lucky charm]] applies equally to Minecraft as it does in the real world: it does not actually increase luck.== Gallery ==<gallery>Rabbit Items 4 Ryan Holtz.png|First image of the item by [[Ryan Holtz]].Rabbit Items 5 Ryan Holtz.png|Ryan Holtz brewing the item into a potion.Rabbit Items 6 Ryan Holtz.png|Ryan Holtz enhancing the potion.</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[ Taking Inventory: Rabbit's Foot] – on May 3, 2019{{items}}[[de:Hasenpfote]][[es:Pata de conejo]][[fr:Patte de lapin]][[it:Zampa di coniglio]][[ja:ウサギの足]][[ko:토끼발]][[nl:Konijnenpootje]][[pl:Królicza łapka]][[pt:Pé de coelho]][[ru:Кроличья лапка]][[uk:Кроляча лапка]][[zh:兔子脚]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[Category:Brewing recipe]]</li><li>[[Key|Key]]<br/>{{About|the joke item|the golem|Key Golem|in-game control keys|Controls}}{{Exclusive|Java}}{{Joke feature}}{{Item| image = <gallery>Red Key.gif | RedYellow Key.gif | YellowBlue Key.gif | Blue</gallery>| renewable = * Blue: No* Red, Yellow: Yes| stackable = No}}'''Keys''' were a joke item from [[Java Edition 3D Shareware v1.34]].There are three different keys: '''red''', '''yellow''', and '''blue'''.== Obtaining ===== Mobs ===The red key was dropped by the [[wither]], the yellow key was dropped by [[ravager]]s, and the blue key was dropped by the [[elder guardian]].=== Cheat codes ===These keys were also obtainable by using the cheat code "IDKFA" when typing in chat.=== Natural generation ==={{LootChestItem|red-key,yellow-key,blue-key}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{ID table|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=java|displayname=Red Key|spritetype=item|nameid=red_key|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Yellow Key|spritetype=item|nameid=yellow_key|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Blue Key|spritetype=item|nameid=blue_key|form=item|foot=1}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||3D Shareware v1.34|[[File:Red Key.gif|32px]] [[File:Yellow Key.gif|32px]] [[File:Blue Key.gif|32px]] Added red, yellow, and blue keys.}}{{History|foot}}== Trivia ==*[[File:Green Key.png|32px]] A key with a similar appearance is present in ''The Europa Arcology Incident'', a game made by [[Notch]] in 2009.{{Items}}{{Jokes}}[[Category:Joke items]][[pt:Chave]]</li></ul>
Iron Golem (37) Added iron golems.


Issues relating to "Iron Golem" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


Iron Golem (38)
  • The iron golem's holding out flowers to villagers is a reference to the ancient robots in Hayao Miyazaki's animated film Laputa: Castle in the Sky.[10] When baby villagers notice the poppy in its hand, they slowly approach, and take the flower eventually.[4] Iron golems do not actually pick up poppies; they spawn them in their hands.
  • Iron golems do not get into boats or minecarts on their own, although in Bedrock Edition, pushing a minecart on rails into a golem forces it into the minecart.
  • It is possible for an enderman to cause an iron golem to spawn by placing a pumpkin in the correct position on an arrangement of iron blocks previously placed by the player.
  • The iron golem is a purchasable avatar item on the Xbox 360 Marketplace.
  • It is impossible to spawn an iron golem holding a poppy using a command (such as summon or data). Its NBT matches with a naturally generated golem (HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:poppy",Count:1b},{}]), but does not visually update.



  • Iron Golem (39)

    Creation of an iron golem.

  • Iron Golem (40)

    An iron golem offers a villager a poppy.

  • Iron Golem (41)

    An iron golem offers a poppy to several villager children.

  • Iron Golem (42)

    An iron golem attacking a spider by throwing it into the air.

  • Iron Golem (43)

    An iron golem attacking a witch.

  • Iron Golem (44)

    An iron golem attacking the player.

  • Iron Golem (45)

    Iron golems acting strangely in a player-created village, by attempting to cross in a two-block-high gap.

  • Iron Golem (46)

    Two iron golems bump their heads.

Development images[]

  • Iron Golem (47)

    First image of iron golem.

In other media[]


  1. MC-111004—Iron golems do not follow the doMobSpawning gamerule
  2. MC-189332
  3. MC-200707—Looting does not increase drops for iron golems and cats
  4. a b Baby villagers have not accepted poppies in Java Edition since the Village & Pillage update due to a bug MC-159069.
  5. MC-153693—resolved as "Works As Intended".
  6. MC-195326
  7. MC-254100—Iron golem spawn rate decreased
  8. MC-189872—resolved as "Fixed".
  9. MCPE-74428—resolved as "Fixed".
  10. "@scambot Yes, thanks to @pgeuder who sent me inspirational pictures!"@jonkagstrom (Jon Kågström) on X, February 23, 2012

External Links[]

Iron Golem (2024)


Why isn t my iron golem attacking me? ›

Iron golems cannot attack targets that are three blocks high above the same ground level as the golem.

Why won't my iron golem spawn? ›

The village must be within a player's simulation distance volume. There must be space to spawn an iron golem within a 16×6×16 volume around the village center. There is less than one naturally generated or spawned (i.e. not player-created) iron golem for every 10 villagers in the village.

How do you get an iron golem to forgive you? ›

Each trade gives you popularity and Iron Golems will attack you on sight without provocation if you have a popularity of -20 or lower. So try to trade with them. If you still can't get it to stop trying to kill you, then just kill it off. Other Golems will spawn Naturally, or better yet just make your own.

Do you lose reputation for killing iron golem? ›

Reputation begins at 0, ranges from +30 to -30, and can be increased by Trading with Villagers. The reputation level is decreased if a villager or Iron Golem is harmed.

Why is my iron golem not attacking creepers? ›

They do not attack Creepers probably because they explode and may damage the Village the Iron Golem protects. Iron Golems can spawn naturally in larger Villages around the town square. Friendly: Fish (Mob) • Squid • Ocelot • Chicken • Villager • Bat • Cow • Mooshroom • ...

How do you make an iron golem defend you? ›

This means that if you want to use your Iron Golem as a personal security guard, your best option is to construct fences around your entire property. This will let your Iron Golem roam the grounds and attack enemies, but they won't wander away.

Why is my iron farm not working? ›

It is probably because of the location of the iron farm. It is a commonly known fact that iron farms don't work in certain locations. Included but not limited to : Plains, Savannah, Ice, Water, Grass, Jungle, Mesa, Taiga, Spruce Taiga, Sea, Ocean, Deep Sea, Nether, etc...

Why won't the golem spawn? ›

Like most bosses, Golem will despawn if the player travels too far away, including traveling back through the Lihzahrd Temple.

Do iron farms only work at night? ›

If the farm is built inside the spawn chunk and fully automatic, it will operate at any time, making it highly efficient.

How to make iron golem happy? ›

In this way, it won't attack you if you accidentally hit it.

Do Iron Golems forget you? ›

The quickest way to calm an iron golem is to simply run a fair distance away and break the sight line if you are far enough away the golem will forget about you and you can literally follow it around. Just take to not to get it pissed off at you again.

Why did the Iron Golem hit me? ›

Iron golems will only attack you if you hurt a villager or attack him first . Sand golem is not a thing . both sand golems and iron golems dont. they protect villages and they will only splatter you if you attack them or their villagers.

Does killing an iron golem with looting give more iron? ›

Looting has no effect in certain cases: Mobs with no drops, such as bats, bees, or endermites, are not affected by this enchantment. Withers, iron golems, cats and snow golems are not affected by this enchantment.

Does hitting an iron golem make villagers mad? ›

Villagers don't get angry when you kill the iron golem within their village.

Do iron golem kills give XP? ›

When an Iron Golem dies, it doesn't drop any XP.

What are the rules for iron golem spawning? ›

How Do Iron Golems Spawn
  • There are three or more villagers in the area.
  • The villagers are gossiping or panicking about a hostile mob.
  • No other Iron Golem is present to protect them.
  • The area has a valid spot where the Iron Golem can spawn.
Oct 4, 2022

How long until iron golems stay mad? ›

The hostility lasts until the player's popularity rises above -15 and their reputation with all nearby villagers goes above -100. If a village has multiple naturally-spawned iron golems and a player attacks one in the presence of others, all iron golems of that type in the village may become hostile towards the player.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.