Jasmine Oil Uses & Benefits, Including for Stress & Mood - Dr. Axe (2024)

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By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

July 23, 2018

Jasmine Oil Uses & Benefits, Including for Stress & Mood - Dr. Axe (1)

Jasmine oil, a type of essential oilderived from the jasmine flower, is a popular natural remedy for improving mood, overcoming stressand balancing hormones. Jasmine oil has been used for hundreds of years in parts of Asia as a natural remedy fordepression,anxiety, emotional stress, low libido and insomnia.

Research suggests that jasmine oil, which has genus species name Jasminum officinale, works by positively influencing the nervous system. Through aromatherapy or by penetrating the skin, the oils from the jasmine flower have an effect on a number of biological factors — including heart rate, body temperature, stress response, alertness, blood pressure and breathing. (1)

Many people refer to jasmine oil as a natural aphrodisiac because it’s said to have a “seductive” scent that can increase sensuality. In fact, jasmine oil is sometimes nicknamed “queen of the night” — both because of the strong smell of jasmine flower at night and also because of its libido-boosting qualities. (2)

What Is Jasmine Oil?

Traditionally, jasmine oil has been used in places like China to help the body detox and relieve respiratory and liver disorders. It’s also used to decrease pain associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Here are some of the most well-researched and loved benefits of jasmine oil today:

  • Dealing with stress
  • Reducing anxiety
  • Fighting depression
  • Increasing alertness
  • Helping to fight low energy or chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Reducing menopausal symptoms and working as a natural remedy forPMSand cramps
  • Helping with sleep
  • Acting as an aphrodisiac

How can you use jasmine oil?

  • It can either be inhaled through the nose or applied directly to the skin.
  • It doesn’t need to be combined with a carrier oil and instead is recommended to be used undiluted for the best results.
  • You can also diffuse it in your home or combine it with other lotions, moisturizing coconut oil or essential oils for many different household and body uses — like homemade massage oil, body scrubs, soaps and candles, for example.
  • You can combine it with other essential oils to create a homemade perfume (recipe included in this article). What scents blend well with jasmine? Citrus oils, lavender and more!

11 Jasmine Oil Uses & Benefits

1. Depression and Anxiety Relief

Many studies have found improvements in mood and sleepafter using jasmine oil either as an aromatherapy treatment or topically on the skin, as well as it being a way to boostenergylevels. Results demonstrate that jasmine oil has a stimulating/activating effect of the brain and also helps improve mood at the same time.

A study published inNatural Product Communicationsfound that jasmine oil used on the skin over an eight-week period helped participants feel an improvement in their moods and a decrease in both physical and emotional signs of low energy. (3)

2. Increase Arousal

Compared with a placebo, jasmine oil caused significant increases of physical signs of arousal — such as breathing rate, body temperature, blood oxygen saturation, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure — in a study done on healthy adult women. Subjects in the jasmine oil group also rated themselves as more alert and more vigorous than subjects in the control group. The study results indicate that jasmine oil can increase autonomic arousal activity and help elevate mood at the same time. (4)

3. Improve Immunity and Fight Infections

Jasmine oil is believed to have antiviral, antibiotic and antifungal properties that make it effective for boosting immunity and fighting illness. In fact, jasmine oil has been used as a folk medicine treatment for fighting hepatitis, various internal infections, plus respiratory and skin disorders for hundreds of years in Thailand, China and other Asian countries. In vitro and in vivo animal studies show that oleuropein, asecoiridoid glycoside found injasmine oil, is one of the oil’s primary active ingredients that can fight harmful infections and increase immune function. (5)

Jasmine oil has also specifically been shown to have antimicrobial activity towards the bacteria that causes staph infections and the fungus that causes candida. (6)

Inhaling jasmine oil, either directly or by infusing it in your home, can help clear mucus and bacteria within the nasal passages and respiratory symptom. Applying it to your skin can also reduce inflammation, redness, pain and speed up time needed toheal wounds.

4. Help with Falling Sleep

Feel like you’re always tired but have trouble getting good sleep? Jasmine oil exhibits a calming effect that can act as a natural sedative and help you sleep better.

A study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that jasmine tea odor had sedative effects on both autonomic nerve activity and mood states. Inhaling jasmine along with lavender helped reduce heart rate and bring on feelings of calm and relaxation, which are all important for dosing off and avoiding restless nights. (7)

To diffuse jasmine oil in your home, combine several drops in a diffuser along with other soothing oils, like lavender oil or frankincense oil.

5. Decrease Symptoms of Menopause

Using jasmine oil either as an aromatherapy treatment or applying it directly to the skin can help decrease emotional and physical symptoms of menopause and work as a natural remedy for menopause relief.

In a study published in theJournal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, when menopausal women applied jasmine oil to their skin over an eight-week period, they showed improvements in energy levels, mood and menopause-related symptoms, including hot flashes, pain and depression, compared to women who weren’t using jasmine oil. (8)

6. Prevent or Improve PMS Symptoms

Studies show that jasmine oil is among a group of essential oils thathelp balance hormone levels by acting as phytoestrogens, plant constituents with a phenolic structure similar to estrogen. This gives therapeutic-grade oils, including jasmine oil, the ability to help correct PMS, menopause and other hormone-related issues.

For example, after testing women for 11 common symptoms related to hormone fluctuations — including insomnia, nervousness, weakness and headaches — researchers found that aromatherapy and massage with phytoestrogen oils helped decrease symptoms without causing any negative side effects. (9)

Massaging jasmine oil onto your skin or inhaling it can help to reduce PMS symptoms, including headaches, stomach cramps, acne and other skin flair-ups or restlessness.

7. Help with Post-Pregnancy Symptoms

Jasmine is known to help ease postpartum symptoms, including anxiety, depression, muscle pain and low energy, which isn’t surprising based on jasmine research.

A 2013 study published in the Journal of Health Research tested the mood-lifting effects of jasmine oil on 20healthy volunteers and found an improvement in brainwave actives that help regulate mood. Jasmine oil was inhaled by all the study participants, and then central nervous system function and mood responses were tested. Participants had electrodes placed on their heads and also filled out personal questionnaires.

Compared to the electrode and test results prior to inhaling jasmine oil, the results after using jasmine oil showed a significant improvement in cognitive-emotional responses. Researchers observed improved levels of activity in beta wave power in the anterior center and the left posterior regions of the brain, which help control emotions and stress responses. Participants reported feeling an increase in positive thoughts and feelings — including a reduction in stress but a renewed feeling of being more active, awake and romantic. (10)

It alsobeen used traditionally to increase production of breast milk. Additionally, applying jasmine oil to the skin may help decrease signs of stretch marks and prevent scarring.

8. Boost Concentration

Jasmine oil is scientifically known for its stimulating and arousing properties. Diffusing jasmine oil or rubbing it onto your skin can help wake you up and boostenergy. Its active ingredients have been shown to increase heart rate, body temperature and brain activity that are needed for active learning and problem solving.

Forty healthy human subjects who were exposed to jasmine aroma felt more attentive, more energetic and less tranquilized than subjects in the control group.Also, these findings revealed a stimulating and activating effect and verified the use of jasmine absolute in aromatherapy. (11)

Try adding some to your bath water or rubbing it onto your skin during a morning shower to help you get ready for your day. Have a test coming up or doing a presentation? Sniff some jasmine oil.

9. Promote Healthy Skin

A scientific review titled “Commercial Essential Oils as Potential Antimicrobials to Treat Skin Diseases” published in 2017 features Jasminum officinalefor its use in dermatology for general skin care, revitalization, dry skin, anti-aging, reducing inflammation, oily skin conditions and psoriasis. (12) Talk about some majorjasmine oil benefits for face concerns!

Try mixing jasmine oil into your face cram, shower gel or body lotion to reduce blemishes, improve dryness, balance oily skin, prevent wrinkles and fine lines, and calm shaving irritation. Just make sure to first test your reaction to any essential oil by applying a small amount to a patch of skin in order to check for allergies.

Is jasmine oil good for your hair? Using jasmine oil for hair not only can result in your locks, it can also help to counter dryness and add shine, just like it does with your skin.

10. Create a Calming or Invigorating Massage Oil

Depending on what other oil it’s used with, jasmine oil can make a massage more on the uplifting or soothing side. Want an energizing massage? Try combining the floral oil with invigorating peppermint or rosemary oilplus a carrier oil of your choice.

Looking for a calming massage? Combine jasmine oil with lavender or geranium oil and a carrier oil. Jasmine oil can increase alertness and arousal when needed, but it can also have relaxing and pain-reducing effect that makes it a perfect massage oil. It has been used topically for centuries to reap its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. (13)

11. Serve as a Natural Mood-Lifting Perfume

As I mentioned earlier, studies have confirmed jasmine oil’s mood-lifting benefits. Instead of using expensive store-bought perfumes, try dabbing jasmine oil onto your wrists and neck as a natural, chemical-free fragrance.

Jasmine oil has a warm, flowery smell similar to many women’s perfumes. A little bit goes a long way, so only use one or two drops at first, and mix it with a carrier oil to tone down the strength of the smell if you’d like.

DIY Recipe for Jasmine Oil

In order to get the most results from jasmine oil, you need to use a high-quality, “therapeutic” grade oil. Synthetic jasmine oil is often sold for much lower prices than true jasmine oil because real jasmine oil is expensive to produce. If you see ajasmine oil diffuser for sale in a store or line, beware that it likely may be a synthetic aroma.

Jasmine flowers are very small and only produce tiny amounts of oil, so it costs manufacturers thousands of dollars just to extract one pound of pure jasmine oil. Therefore, it’s important to always carefully check the ingredients in the oil; make sure the genus species name is listed asJasminum officinale.

Although jasmine oil might be one of the more costly essential oils on the market, it has a ton of uses and won’t go to waste. Just two to threedrops also makes a big impact, so a small bottle will last a very long time.You can also find jasmine oil absolute, which includes another oil like jojoba and significantly brings the price per bottle down. However, the drawback to absolutes is that they are created using solvents like hexane.

What goes well with jasmine oil? It blends well with many other oils to either promote an awakened state or help with relaxation. For an uplifting scent, try using jasmine oil with citrus oils. For its aphrodisiac effects, combine jasmine oil with rose essential oil, sandalwood essential oil and ylang ylang oil. And as a sleep aid and relaxant, lavender and frankincense make good additions to jasmine oil since all act as mild sedatives and promote a reduction in pain and anxiety.

To make a warming, homemade, chemical-free fragrance using jasmine oil, try the following recipe:

Homemade Jasmine Oil Perfume


  • 30 drops jasmine oil
  • 5 drops vanilla essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops orange essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons vodka
  • 1 tablespoon orange blossom water (or distilled water)


  1. Mix the essential oil blend with the vodka in a glass mason jar or bottle, and leave it to sit on a countertop for two days. Keep it covered and somewhere that’s room temperature and away from the sun.
  2. Add the orange blossom water or distilled water, and stir together. Add the mixture to an old perfume spray bottle or regular aluminum spray bottle. Keep the mix somewhere around room temperature, and use on your skin, clothes, sheets, rugs, etc.

Jasmine Oil Side Effects

Jasmine is generally considered safe and non-irritating, but there’s always a risk for allergies or irritations occurring whenever you use essential oils. Especially if you’re new to using essential oils or have sensitive skin, make sure to start with a small amount and try diluting it with carrier oils.

Jasmine has an intense aroma that’s very flowery, so some people prefer to mix it with other oils to prevent it from becoming overpowering. In a small group of people, jasmine oil might cause headaches, skin reactions or nausea due to its strength. It can always be toned down by combining it with coconut, almond or jojoba oil and avoiding direct contact with the skin.

Can jasmine oil be ingested? I typically only recommend jasmine oil for aromatherapy and topical use.

Although it’s been used in pregnant women and new moms for centuries, speak with your doctor before using essential oils if you’re pregnant, nursing or experiencing hormone-related problems. Jasmine oil has an effect on hormones due to its phytoestrogen effects, so it’s always smart to air on the side of caution.

Final Thoughts

  • Jasmine oil is created from jasmine flowers and not surprisingly has a very floral scent.
  • Look for jasmine oil labeledJasminum officinale.
  • How to use jasmine oil: either pure or diluted with a carrier oil, it can be applied topically for massage or used to make a homemade natural perfume. It can also be diffused.
  • Jasmine oil benefits are known to include:
    • Dealing with stress, anxiety and depression
    • Increasing alertness
    • Helping to fight low energy
    • Boosting skin health
    • Reducing hormone-related problems like menopause and PMS symptoms
    • Encouraging a better night’s sleep
    • Fighting off harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi

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As a seasoned enthusiast in the field of essential oils and their therapeutic applications, it's evident that Dr. Axe's article on Jasmine Oil is well-grounded in scientific evidence. The article is not only authored by Dr. Josh Axe, a chiropractor, doctor of natural medicine, and clinical nutritionist, but it also highlights the importance of evidence-based information by mentioning that the content is medically reviewed and fact-checked.

Dr. Axe emphasizes the credibility of the information by linking to academic research institutions and medically peer-reviewed studies, underlining the commitment to providing accurate and reliable content. The team behind the article comprises licensed nutritionists, dietitians, health education specialists, and fitness experts, demonstrating a multidisciplinary approach to health and wellness.

Now, delving into the concepts covered in the article:

  1. What Is Jasmine Oil?

    • Jasmine oil is an essential oil derived from the jasmine flower, known for its popularity as a natural remedy for improving mood, relieving stress, and balancing hormones.
  2. Traditional Uses of Jasmine Oil:

    • Traditionally, jasmine oil has been used in Asia to address various health issues, including depression, anxiety, emotional stress, low libido, insomnia, respiratory and liver disorders, and pain associated with pregnancy and childbirth.
  3. Mechanism of Action:

    • Research suggests that jasmine oil positively influences the nervous system through aromatherapy or skin penetration, affecting heart rate, body temperature, stress response, alertness, blood pressure, and breathing.
  4. Aphrodisiac Qualities:

    • Jasmine oil is often referred to as a natural aphrodisiac due to its seductive scent, earning it the nickname "queen of the night."
  5. Benefits of Jasmine Oil:

    • The article lists several well-researched benefits of jasmine oil, including stress reduction, anxiety relief, depression relief, increased arousal, immunity boost, sleep aid, menopause symptom relief, PMS symptom relief, post-pregnancy symptom relief, improved concentration, skin health promotion, and mood-lifting effects.
  6. Methods of Use:

    • Jasmine oil can be inhaled, applied topically, or diffused. It can be used undiluted for the best results and blended with other oils for various applications like massage oils, perfumes, and household products.
  7. Scientific Studies and Evidence:

    • The article cites various studies supporting the benefits of jasmine oil, such as its effects on mood improvement, arousal, immunity, sleep, menopause symptoms, and PMS symptoms.
  8. DIY Recipe for Jasmine Oil Perfume:

    • The article provides a DIY recipe for making a natural perfume using jasmine oil, emphasizing the importance of using high-quality, therapeutic-grade oil.
  9. Side Effects and Precautions:

    • Jasmine oil is generally considered safe, but potential side effects include headaches, skin reactions, or nausea, particularly in individuals with sensitive skin. Caution is advised during pregnancy and hormone-related issues due to jasmine oil's phytoestrogen effects.

In summary, Dr. Axe's article on Jasmine Oil not only showcases a deep understanding of the topic but also provides a comprehensive and evidence-based guide for readers seeking information on the uses and benefits of jasmine oil in various aspects of health and wellness.

Jasmine Oil Uses & Benefits, Including for Stress & Mood - Dr. Axe (2024)
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