Karmic Debt Numbers in Numerology (2024)

During our long evolutionary path, we have accumulated a wealth of wisdom and made many positive choices that benefited our future.

We have also made mistakes, and sometimes abused the gifts we were given. To rectify these errors, we may take on an additional burden to learn a specific lesson we failed to learn previously. In numerology, this burden is called a Karmic Debt.


The numbers that indicate a Karmic Debt are 13, 14, 16, and 19

These double-digit numbers take on great significance when they are found among your core numbers: the most important numbers, the Life Path, Expression, Heart's Desire (or Soul Urge), Personality, and Birth Day. They are also significant in various cycles during the course of your lifetime. Each has unique characteristics and distinct difficulties.



Those with a 13 Karmic Debt will work very hard to accomplish any task.

Obstacles will stand in your way and must be overcome time and again. You may feel burdened and frustrated by the seeming futility of your efforts, and have a tendency to give up on the goal believing it was impossible to attain to begin with.

Some with the 13 Karmic Debt fall to laziness and negativity. But efforts are not futile, and success is well within reach - one simply must work hard and persevere to reach the goal. Many highly successful people in all walks of life including business, art, and sports, have a 13 Karmic Debt.


The key to succeeding with the 13 is focus.

Very often, people with a 13 Karmic Debt don’t concentrate their energies in a specific direction or on a single task, but scatter their attention over many projects, none of which amount to much.

A temptation with the 13 is to take shortcuts. Easy success doesn't come often, causing regret and the desire to give up. The result is a poor self-image and the belief that one is incapable of amounting to much.


It is essential to maintain order in your life.

Stick to a schedule, keep appointments, and follow through. Keep your environment neat and under control, and never procrastinate. If you sustain a steady and consistent effort, you will realize much reward.

Your co-workers recognize your discipline and come to rely upon you. Ironically, you may feel that you have yet to find the work you truly love or were meant to do.

There may be a feeling that your talents are buried too deep for you to find them. This can lead to try many different vocations without a feeling that you have truly found your place.


You can be stubborn and rigid, refusing to allow new and creative ideas to penetrate your rigid adherence to established methods. This can, and often does, lead to frustration and repression for you. Things seem to take forever, especially when you resist bringing fresh approaches into your very tidy and comfortable ways of doing things.


Your challenge is to make the most of what you are doing right now.

The keys to your success are your willingness to maintain order and discipline in your life, and to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.



The 14 Karmic Debt arises from previous actions where human freedom has been abused.

Those with a 14 Karmic Debt are forced to adapt to ever-changing circ*mstances and unexpected occurrences.

There is an acute danger of falling victim to drug abuse, alcohol, or overindulgence in sensual pleasures, such as food and sex. Moderation in all affairs is crucial to overcome this Karmic Debt.

The 14 Karmic Debt arises from previous actions where human freedom has been abused.


Flexibility and adaptability are at the very core of this struggle.

You must be ready to adapt to unexpected occurrences, while continuing to maintain focus on your goals and dreams.

An organized personal environment is crucial to maintain clarity and focus. Mental and emotional stability must be attained to avoid being thrown about by the changing fortunes in the external environment.


The key to the 14 Karmic Debt is commitment.

Life will resemble a roller coaster at times, but it will always travel in the right direction if your heart is set on what is true and good. Set yourself a high goal, maintain order wherever possible, avoid excessive indulgence, and maintain faith. Above all, do not give up on your dreams and goals.

Those with the 14 Karmic Debt can experience success, significant spiritual development, and life to the fullest by maintaining a high dream and focus. Major changes in life should be studied well before you make them. The 14 can be over-confident and headstrong, but you also tend to be lucky and a natural gambler.


Underlying their love of change is much insecurity.

Beneath an exterior of calm or coolness lies much emotional turbulence, which reflects itself in their life as rapid change and mercurial mood swings. The challenge is to ground in a particular profession or lifestyle that will provide limits and form for their considerable creativity.

A Karmic Debt 14 is exceedingly versatile and talented. There are few things they cannot do. They are also industrious once they have made a commitment to a specific task.

The key to their success is balance; they must avoid making major changes just to escape the routine, or as a means of avoiding responsibility for difficult situations. By grounding in a particular field and committing their considerable talents to work, they can become very successful.



The 16 Karmic Debt – in any area it appears in a chart - means destruction of the old and birth of the new. It is about the fall of the ego and all it has built for itself. It is a watershed, a cleansing. Things the ego has constructed to separate a person from the source of life, are destroyed.

Through the 16, reunion with higher consciousness may be achieved. This can be a painful process because it usually comes after much ego inflation, resulting in a struggle between the ego and higher ideals.

Life will present challenges to your grand plans which you may resent and struggle against. It is a losing battle… and you will likely feel humbled in the face of the collapse that follows. However, humility is the key to later success, as you learn to follow the intimations of a deeper reality.

In the destruction of the old, an inner rebirth takes place with an entirely new awareness. This rebirth affects every area of your life - a far better life for the fall.


Those with the 16 Karmic Debt must be careful of egoism.

Often, those with the 16 use their highly intuitive and refined intellect to look down on others. This can cause acute alienation and loneliness. In addition, it invites retribution, for the egotist is humbled more harshly than any other.

When the 16 is found in one of the core numbers, the process of destruction and rebirth is a continual cycle that serves to bring you into higher consciousness and a deeper connection to elevated ideals.

The 16 Karmic Debt can be a path of progress and great spiritual growth if it is viewed properly. One develops faith in life by broadening a limited outlook, listening (expanding intuition), questioning old ways, and staying open to a new path.


The great pitfall you face is the choice of becoming aloof and critical.

This will result in alienation and even bitterness. You can also easily lift off the ground, becoming impractical and dreamy. If you indulge too much in flight of fancy, you may drift from reality and give up the possibility of earning an adequate living.

The 16 excellent intuition, not unlike the Master number 11, and may even possess psychic ability. Trust your intuition and use it as a guide in life. But always, be practical in your application of your insights.

With a Karmic Debt 16, you can easily lose interest in your projects and must work hard to finish what you start. You must have faith and let opportunities come your way.

You are sensitive and feel deeply, but you don't share your feelings easily, nor do you communicate them well. The realm of the heart troubles you for its shifting, nebulous qualities. You must work hard to understand this area of life.



A person with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn independence and the proper use of power. You will be placed in situations where you are forced to stand up for yourself (and often be left standing alone).

One of the central lessons for people with the 19 Karmic Debt revolves around stubbornly resisting help from others. Much of your independence is self-imposed - you simply want to do it your own way.

The 19 Karmic Debt can become a self-imposed prison if you don’t recognize the need for interdependence and the mutual need for love.

Although you seek to stand on your own feet, you are inextricably connected to others and in need of the support and understanding that all people need - this is the most important lesson for the 19 Karmic Debt.

Those with the 19 Karmic Debt learn the hard way that "no one is an island," and that we are, indeed, "all bits of the main!"


Strong and individualistic, self-reliant, and confident; this Karmic Debt number can bring loneliness and alienation due to a lack of support from others.

You tend to struggle to achieve the degree of self- sufficiency you desire and may endure considerable frustration in your struggle for independence. The reason: your desire for independence is so strong is that it eclipses many other balancing perspectives.


Your challenge is to achieve a wider degree of perspective on yourself and others.

Exchange ideas with others, lest you become insulated and isolated by your own perspective. This can become a kind of prison for you.

You can be highly stubborn, which emanates from fear. Try to see that all of life is but an ecosystem, a life cycle delicately balanced in such a way that everyone is supporting.


You will be placed in situations where you are forced to stand up for yourself (and often be left standing alone).

Difficulties are faced and overcome through personal struggle. You are highly ambitious and have a strong drive for success and power.

Although self-confident, you like to be encouraged. You are a hard worker and an important fixture in any enterprise in which you are involved. People are attracted to your deep commitment to your work, and the steadiness with which you do it. You are a pioneer at heart; you are willing to take risks to get what you desire. As such, you are willing to change your environment often, and even enjoy doing so.


You are demonstrative in your affections and willing to sacrifice for others. You are highly idealistic, but if your ideals fail, you can become bitter and negative. You are very sensitive, with many emotional ups and downs. You tend to find yourself in dramatic situations, yet you like to control your emotions in public and come off as if everything is under control.


With your determination and inventive and creative mind you have potential for achievement and financial reward!


Aside from Karmic Debt numbers, numerology also recognizes Karmic Lessons, which are derived from your full name at birth.

You should avoid Karmic Debts in your address or phone number


Karmic Debt Numbers in Numerology (2024)


Karmic Debt Numbers in Numerology? ›

It obviously has to do with past life deeds and their repayment. Karmic Debt theory in numerology is purely based on past life and its outcomes. Karmic Debt numbers are 13, 14, 16 and 19.

How do I know my karmic debt number? ›

Karmic debt is indicated in your numerology birth chart with one or more of the following four numbers: 13, 14, 16, and 19. Depending on which number and where it is in your chart, it shows areas you struggle with, such as love or power.

What is a karmic debt number for a house? ›

The karmic numbers in numerology are 13, 14, 16, and 19.

If one of these numbers shows up as a sum in your house numerology calculation, your home has a karmic debt. That doesn't mean anything bad about your home, but you may have an extra obstacle to overcome.

Why is 19 a karmic number? ›

19: The 19 karmic debt number indicates someone who abused their power in a past life and caused people to suffer. You may be selfish or manipulative, narcissistic, and very concerned with public appearances and perceived success. Your karma in this life is to make caring for others a priority.

Why is 16 a karmic number? ›

16 is the Karma of former illegitimate love. If found in the Heart's Desire—It warns of broken dreams (or heart), false friends, and misalliances. The person you trust most will backstab you. If found in the Expression—Loss of name, place, position, power, fortune.

Which number is unlucky for house? ›

Per feng shui, unlucky house numbers are considered 4, 5, and 7. Obviously you can't change your assigned house number, so often your positive or negative feng suis will be left to chance. If you're in the process of shopping for a new place to live, keep this in mind when choosing between properties.

What house number is the luckiest? ›

What is a Good House Number As Per Numerology? Numerous figures are regarded as ideal for houses. For residential properties like houses, numerals like 3, 6, 8, 9, 11 and house number 38 are all regarded as lucky or good house numbers in numerology.

Which houses are karmic? ›

In the birth chart Sanchita Karma is represented by the 4th, 8th and the 12th houses (Water signs in the Zodiac) which are traditionally called “dark” houses because they represent deep and hidden meanings and influences which are related to life's comforts, death and transformation in one's chart.

Is 2024 the year of karma? ›

Starting with our Year of Karma, 2024 is supposedly considered the year of karma because the number 8 is seen as the most karmic. Anastasia says that the number 8 signifies transformation, death, rebirth, and is considered the karmic number.

Are karmic debt numbers real? ›

In numerology, there isn't necessarily a "worst" karmic debt number, as each has its own challenges and lessons. However, the numbers 13, 14, 16, and 19 are generally considered karmic debt numbers because they are believed to carry extra challenges and obstacles due to past life issues.

What is a karmic master number? ›

On a karmic level, people born under a master number are thought to have learned the lessons of numbers 1-9 before birth and are here on earth to improve humanity. Together, all three master numbers form a trio of practical wisdom, elevated insight, and potentially even good luck.

How do I find my life number? ›

How do I calculate my life-path number? Write out your birthday in digits and then add them all up. For example, if your birthday is November 2, 1998, or 11/2/1998, you would add 1+1+2+1+9+9+8 = 31. Then keep adding until you get a single digit: In this case, 3+1 = a life-path number of 4.

How to calculate your personality number? ›

Your Personality Number is easy to calculate. It only requires your full name, unlike other core numbers that require your complete birth date or time of your birth. To calculate your Personality Number, add the digits that correspond to the consonant letters of your full name at the time of birth together.

How do you get your soul number? ›

The Soul number is calculated by adding the vowels in a name. Since I brought up the group Funkadelic, I will give a soul number example of the bands leader George Edward Clinton. The vowels in his full name are E-5, 0–6, E-5, E-5, A-1, I-9, and O-6. The numbers add up to 37, which is reduced to the number 1.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.