Kim Izumi (2024)


Kim Izumi (28) is a human and Fairhaven's butcher.


They came to Fairhaven a year ago to open a butcher shop. They're guarded and aloof, but Angus has hinted that Kim might want a relationship -- they just don't know how to start.

They're a natural with kids in a way they aren't with adults, and they can't wait to have children of their own one day.



  • 1 About
    • 1.1 Background
  • 2 Favorite Food
  • 3 Schedule
  • 4 Quests
  • 5 Relationship Cutscenes
    • 5.1 Acquaintance
    • 5.2 Casual Friend
    • 5.3 Good Friend
    • 5.4 Intimate Friend
    • 5.5 Dating
    • 5.6 Partner
    • 5.7 Engaged
    • 5.8 Spouse
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 See Also


Kim grew up in a restaurant, where they learned to work with food. Their relationship with their dad is strained, but Kim has positive memories of making sushi with him.

Kim is nonbinary, which is acknowledged as a source of tension between them and their family. They comment that some folks in town still get their pronouns wrong, but they do seem to feel largely respected and welcome in the community. Other characters always use Kim's correct pronouns while talking to Tara.

If Tara is in a relationship with Amira, Kim makes subtle offhand comments about how Amira used to be into them. Kim also makes a comment attempting to throw doubt about Amiraā€™s loyalty by saying they ā€œsaw Amira and Giva walking up the mountain in snow shoes together but donā€™t worry itā€™s not like sheā€™ll ditch you over the cute new girl in townā€.

See Also

If you choose not to be in a relationship with either Amira or Kim, they end up together after the main game is over. Theyā€™re the only ones of potential love interests that end up with someone else.

Favorite Food[]

Kim Izumi (1)
Rice Wine
Kim Izumi (2)
Kim Izumi (3)
Buddha's Delight
Kim Izumi (4)
Kim Izumi (5)
Miso Soup


On Sunday they go fishing on the far side of the ocean.


Relationship Cutscenes[]


Trigger: Visit Kim at their store during business hours.

Kim: Hey there! Thanks for stopping in.

Tara: What made you decide to become a butcher?
Kim: My parents own a restaurant back home, and I hung around the kitchen and learned what I could. What about you? Is this your first time working with food?
--[Choice: I used to work in a kitchen too]
-Tara: No, I worked in a kitchen to help pay my way through college and I have the burn scars to prove it. See?
-Kim: Gnarly! Ah, itā€™s a small price to pay for culinary greatness, am I right?
--[Choice: I was a terrible waitress]
--[Choice: Iā€™ve only worked desk jobs]
-Tara: Ya, this is my first time at a job that isn't behind a desk.
-Kim: Well, you're trying something new, right?
Kim: I like the freedom of running my own place. Kind of miss the chaos of the kitchen though, ribbing the line cooks and shouting over the banging pots. Itā€™s too quiet here sometimes.
Tara: Well, if you want just give me a call and Iā€™ll come and clang pots over your head anytime!
Kim: Haha! Okay, itā€™s a deal.

Casual Friend[]

Trigger: Find Kim on the section of beach below the light house when they are not working. (Found on Friday at 1 PM and Monday at 9.50am.)

Tara: Hi Kim! Any luck today?

Kim: Not yet. I come out just to relax, really. I tried to drag my ex out on fishing charters when I lived in the city, but she got terribly seasick the first time and refused to come out on the water again.
--[Choice: Vomit makes good chum]
-Tara: Hey, vomit makes good chum.
-Kim: That is disgusting. And also very true! Itā€™s not every day I run into a girl who knows what chum is. Iā€™m impressed.
--[Choice: The ferry would have been a problem]
-Tara: It's probably for the best that you broke up. The ferry would hav been a problem.
-Kim: That's exactly it. We tried doing the long distance thing for a little while, but once she realized the ferry would be a regular thing I think it helped speed up the relationship's demise. It was for the best though.
--[Choice: Maybe fish guts are gross?]
Kim: Things are fine with my ex. Weā€™re still friends. She got custody of the cat, but I still visit him whenever Iā€™m back in town.
Tara: No way. You gave up the cat?
Kim: Eh, I was allergic anyway. Thereā€™s a stray around here, I feed it fish scraps and pet it sometimes, then I wish my hands like Iā€™m scrubbing into surgery. All the kitty companionship, none of the constant sneezing. Itā€™s a win-win. Well, thanks for keeping me company out here. Itā€™s nice to have a new friend thatā€™s not completely turned off by fish hooks and cut bait. Maybe next time you can tell me your tales of romantic woe!

Good Friend[]

Trigger: Find Kim at Seton's Bakery when they are not working (Mondays and Saturdays from 9-5).

Kim: Heheā€¦ Angus, even for you that was a terrible joke.

Angus: Whatever, youā€™re laughing! How about this one: What do you call a gay pride parade in Fairhaven? ā€¦Four people and a flag! What about you, Miss Tara? What side of the parade would you fall on? Inquiring minds want to know.
Kim: Angus, thatā€™s none of your business! Tara, you donā€™t have to answer that.
--[Choice: I donā€™t care about labels]
-Tara: I follow my heart wherever it leads. I donā€™t really care about labels, to be honest.
-Angus: Oooh, I like her, Kim.
--[Choice: Whoā€™s asking?]
-Tara: I'll answer when you tell me who wants to know, Angus.
-Angus: Oh, nobody. Certainly no one in this room.
--[Choice: Kim is right]
Angus: Forgive me if I overstepped. Itā€™s just that I want to try a recipe for this romantic chocolate fondue to go with my fresh pound cake, and there are no new couples around here to give it a whirl! Let me know if you know anyone who might be interestedā€¦.

Intimate Friend[]

Trigger: Find Kim at their store during business hours.

Kim: Hey Tara! Whatā€™s up? Iā€™m packing up a batch of ikura on ice to send home to my sister and her baby later.

Tara: Do you usually send a baby fish eggs?
Kim: Yeah, itā€™s a perfect baby food ā€“ all the omega acids for little growing brains! My dad used to make us chirashi bowls with ikura and fresh uni. Iā€™m totally doing the same for my little ones someday.
--[Choice: I bet youā€™ll be a great parent]
-Tara: I bet youā€™ll be a great parent. Just will have to keep the knives up high.
-Kim: Oh yeah, no doubt! My parents were militant about us staying out of the kitchen after my sister got too close to an open flame and the end of her ponytail caught fire! I got to dump a glass of water on her head with no repercussions, though, so that was awesome.
--[Choice: Kids? Like, plural?]
-Tara: So, how many kids are you thinking of having, Kim?
-Kim: Oh, I don't know. I guess me and my partner will have to figure that out. I'd like at least two though. Childhood is way more fun with a sibling to torment.
--[Choice: Donā€™t you need a partner first?]
Kim: I gotta say, this would be a pretty idyllic place to raise a family. I can see why Hazel chose it. Maybe you came back because you feel the same way.
Tara: I havenā€™t really thought about that stuff yet. Iā€™m still trying to get the farm in order.
Kim: Well, I bet when the time comes, youā€™ll be a great mom. If thatā€™s what you want.


Trigger: Talk to Kim after gaining 5 full hearts.

Kim: Iā€™m really glad to see you today, Tara.

Tara: Really? Whatā€™s up?
Kim: I feel like Iā€™ve gotten to know you a bit over the last few weeks. Iā€™ve been wondering if youā€™d be interested in going on a date with me sometime?
Tara: Sure, Iā€™d love that!
Kim: Iā€™m so glad to hear it! Iā€™ll think of someplace great!
Kim: Sophia, it smells amazing in here! Tara, Iā€™ve always been kind of a blunt person, I donā€™t know how to dance around things really, so Iā€™ll just say it. My road to self-acceptance was long, but Iā€™m there now. I really like who I am. And I like you. I feel something happening between us, but if you donā€™t, Iā€™m cool either way. I just want you to feel free to be upfront with me about how you feel.
--[Choice: I feel the same way]
-Tara: I feel the same way, Kim. Iā€™ve been trying to figure out how to tell you.
-Sophia: Yay! Maybe I really am a matchmaker! Ah, I love love!
--[Choice: I donā€™t feel the same way]


Trigger: After gaining 6 full hearts Kim will send a letter to Tara, letting her know to meet them by the bridge outside the mine on Sunday.

Hey Babe!

Meet me near the bridge by your mine this Sunday! I want to show you something!
Tara: Hi Kim, whatā€™s up?
Kim: Do you like folktales, Tara? My favorite one comes from both of my cultures. Itā€™s the Tanabata festival in Japan, and itā€™s inspired by a Chinese story: The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, who lived among the stars. In the story, the weaver girl, Orihime, and her beloved, the cowherd Hikoboshi, lived on opposite sides of the Heavenly River, the Milky Way. When Orihime and Hikoboshi fell in love, Orihime stopped weaving cloth for the sky king, and Hikoboshi let his cows stray all over heaven. So the sky king separated them.
Tara: Thatā€™s terrible!
Kim: But Orihimeā€™s tears moved the king to pity, and he agreed to let them meet on the 7th day of the 7th month if she finished her weaving in time. But when the day arrived, there was no bridge for them to cross to reach each other. So a flock of magpies made a bridge with their wings so the lovers could be together.
Tara: That is a really romantic story.
Kim: I feel like Iā€™ve been waiting more than 7 months to meet someone like you. Iā€™ve been waiting my whole life. I love you, Tara.
Tara: Oh, Kim, I love you too! Wait a moment. Am Iā€¦ the cowherd in this story?
Kim: Well obviously.
Tara: Great. Thatā€™s great.


Trigger: After gaining a seventh full heart, a letter will arrive in the mailbox that starts a quest line to get engaged.

Tara: Hey, I have a gift for you.

Kim: Aww, you beat me to it!
Tara: Will you marry me, Kim?
Kim: Of course! When? Letā€™s do it now!
Tara: Orā€¦ maybe next week?
Kim: Sorry, I just got excited! Iā€™ll set everything up at the Silver Willow tree!


Trigger: 7 days after proposing, Tara and Kim will have a marriage ceremony in the woods.

Kim: Wow. You lookā€¦ wow.

Tara: Itā€™s just the same ā€˜ol me, babe.
Kim: Maybe. But now youā€™re all mine. Everyone else can eat their heart out.
Tara: Kim!
Gloria: I havenā€™t been home a long time, but when I first saw Tara and Kim together, I could feel a spark between them. I charge them now to nurture it and take care of each other, no matter what the future brings them. Kim, do you take Tara to be your wife?
Kim: I do!
Gloria: And Tara, do you take Kim to be your spouse?
Tara: Yes!
Angus: Theyā€™re so frickinā€™ cute!
Gloria: I now pronounce you married! I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.
Kim: Cā€™mon babe, letā€™s go home. I wanna get packed up and shacked up.


See Also[]

The Fairhaven CovenTara Wylde ā€¢ Hazel Wylde ā€¢ High Priestess ā€¢ Farseer ā€¢ Journeyman ā€¢ Adept ā€¢ Acolyte/Herbalist
RomanceablesAmira Syed ā€¢ Cameron Conner ā€¢ Damon Mthembu-Haas ā€¢ Giva Joshi ā€¢ Kai Hoapili ā€¢ Kim Izumi ā€¢ Westley Vuk
Angus Seton ā€¢ Bruno Soft ā€¢ Cleocatra ā€¢ Emmi Johnson ā€¢ Finn Johnson ā€¢ Marty Emerson ā€¢ Natalia Kuznetsova ā€¢ Otto Soft ā€¢ Parker Johnson ā€¢ SebastiĆ”n Miranda ā€¢ Shelby Demeter ā€¢ Sophia Moretti ā€¢ Thomas Lightfoot ā€¢ Vanessa Soft ā€¢ Violet Miranda
Ravenwood Hollow
Aryel ā€¢ Peri ā€¢ Zephyr Grimspark
Kim Izumi (2024)


What is the gender of Kim Izumi? ā€ŗ

Kim is nonbinary, which is acknowledged as a source of tension between them and their family. They comment that some folks in town still get their pronouns wrong, but they do seem to feel largely respected and welcome in the community.

Can you have children in Wylde Flowers? ā€ŗ

šŸŒø We can't wait to show you what's coming when the time is right, but we have confirmed a few things which will not be coming to Wylde Flowers. These are: Children.

What is not today seitan in Wylde Flowers? ā€ŗ

Not Today, Seitan is a quest given by Kim Izumi. It requires you to deliver 8x Wheat to them so they can make a meat substitute. The reward for completion is 600 coins.

What is Kai's schedule in Wylde Flowers? ā€ŗ

Schedule: Kai's schedule is the same for most of the week. He'll start the day upstairs in Dudley's inn, then he'll arrive at the beach at 8am. From 11:00 am to 1:00 pm he'll be in his shop, then he goes back outside until 5:00 pm.

Can you get married twice in Wylde Flowers? ā€ŗ

Marriage: You can now marry, divorce, and then remarry someone else.

Is there an end to Wylde Flowers? ā€ŗ

After the credits, there is a letter in the mailbox from the developers: Thanks for playing Wylde Flowers! You've reached the end of the main storyline, but you might still have a few loose ends to tie up.

Is Wylde Flowers appropriate for kids? ā€ŗ

There are occasional alcohol imagery/references, but otherwise, there's nothing inappropriate included in the gameplay.

Why is seitan not good? ā€ŗ

High sodium content

While seitan is a versatile plant-based protein, people with celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or gluten allergy should avoid it.

Can you marry Westley in Wylde Flowers? ā€ŗ

Trigger: 7 days after proposing, Tara and Westley will have a marriage ceremony in the woods.

Is seitan bad for your gut? ā€ŗ

It's generally low in calories but high in protein and pre-packaged varieties may also contain extra sodium, additives and fillers as well. In those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, eating seitan can cause adverse side effects like swelling, abdominal pain, diarrhea and cramps.

Where does Giva hang out in Wylde Flowers? ā€ŗ

Sunday: Weather station 9am-6pm. Likes to hangout in Sophia's diner. Likes to hangout by lighthouse.

Who is the highest priest in Wylde flower? ā€ŗ

The High Priestess is none other than Lina Dahl-Johnson. When not practicing her craft, Lina runs the general store with her husband, Parker. There is some strain on her relationship, given her status as a witch and spending all her time running the store and caring for her twins, Emmi and Finn.

Can you go into peoples houses in wylde flowers? ā€ŗ

You can't enter houses other than your own at the beginning of this game, which means that the only time you can interact with other town members is when they're at their shop, or if they're walking around.

How long can you play Wylde Flowers? ā€ŗ

51Ā½ Hours
Main Story453h 28m
Main + Extras1647h 22m
Completionist397h 36m
All PlayStyles2354h 59m

Can you have children going medieval? ā€ŗ

Short story: We've considered adding children to the game in the past during development, but we opted not to have children in Going Medieval.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.