Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (2024)

December 11, 2012Basic Sewing

Most Popular Finishes

EDITOR: Liz Johnson

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (1)

In sewing, there’s a difference between stitches you use for construction and ones you use for finishing. When you’re first learning to sew, your immediate focus is getting all those pieces to fit together correctly. From the moment you cut the fabric, you’re concerned with maintaining the shape of the pattern pieces. You tediously concentrate on perfecting seam allowances, matching cut pieces end to end, lining up seams, and measuring hems exactly. When a project is finally completed, you’re so happy; your sense of accomplishment is overwhelming… but, what about the inside edges beyond where you sewed? One of the signs of a truly well-made project is that it looks nearly as good on the inside as it does on the outside. If you want your projects to look “handmade” but not “homemade,” it’s well worth it to give your seams a professional finish.

No matter how much you love to sew, there are still many times you need to buy something from the store. But when you know how things are made, you become one tough customer. You shop from the inside out, because that’s the true test of how well an item is made. You can tell immediately if something is going to last one washing or one hundred washings. When a manufactured item falls apart, you’ll find yourself, shouting, “I could’ve made that better myself!” Because you can!

There are a number of reasons most, if not all, fabric raw edges should be finished inside a sewn item. If a fabric frays aggressively, it must be finished or you risk the seam allowance raveling away and creating a hole in the seam. Or, how about a sheer fabric? You certainly want to finish the seams since you can’t hide them. Then there are the items you plan to wear and, therefore, launder on a regular basis. Their seams and finishes have to hold up through all that washing. Sometimes, it’s simply about how it looks. In garment sewing, if a jacket is unlined, you wouldn’t want unsightly raw edges hanging in breeze, would you? Thankfully, there’s a solution for each of these scenarios using your trusty sewing machine.

No matter what make or model sewing machine you own, chances are you have at least two stitches you can use for finishing raw edges. After reading through this tutorial, we encourage you to sit in front of your sewing machine with the instruction manual in hand to review the exact stitches (and appropriate feet) and their recommended uses. You may be surprised to find a few more stitches you can use for finishes that you’ve been skipping over. Or, visit your sewing machine retailer for assistance. In the Sew4Home studio, we use Janome sewing machines exclusively, therefore, we’re featuring the stitches and feet associated with this brand throughout this tutorial. If you’re interested in seeing their current line of sewing machines, visit their website.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (2)

Standard foot – On most sewing machines, the standard foot (the one that comes on the machine when you take it out of the box) is used for most of the available stitches, especially the straight and zig zag stitches.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (3)

Overcast foot– Used with an overlock stitch, this foot has a black guide on the front so you can feed the fabric evenly along the raw edge. The three wires in the middle help to form the overcast stitch. However, those same wires require that the stitch be 5.0mm wide or wider.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (4)

Overedge foot – It makes sense that you would use the Overedge foot with an overedge stitch. This foot is designed to keep the fabric flat along the edge as the stitch wraps the raw edge. That’s why there’s a little brush on it; it acts like faux fabric for the needle to go through as an additional stitch is formed off the raw edge of the fabric. There’s also a guide at the right side of the foot to help you maintain a straight seam finish.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (5)

Side cutter – For quite a few years, you’ve been able to find a specialty attachment/foot called a side cutter. Side cutters are generally brand specific, but can sometimes be found in generic versions. Basically, the foot functions like a faux serger. It allows you to sew with an overcast or zig zag stitch and trims the edge of the fabric at the same time for a clean finish in one step. Our exclusive sewing machine sponsor, Janome, currently has the Jem Gold Plus with this feature built-in (pictured above)!

As you review the options below, it’s important to note sometimes the finishing technique is completed on only one layer of fabric at a time, while others are completed with two layers. In addition, some finishes are best completed prior to actual construction, yet others require the seam to already be sewn. Remember, there’s a difference between a reference to the seam stitches and finishing stitches.

Ultimately, your best guide for which technique to use is the actual fabric type. Some fabrics can be finished using multiple techniques, while others require a more specific approach. You can research a little bit about your selected fabric before getting started. Or, if you’re following a pattern, there’s usually finishing information included for the recommended fabric type.

The sewing machine settings for each stitch (stitch width and length options) are truly dependent on the type of sewing machine you own. Electronic sewing machines may not have as many options as computerized ones. However, on computerized machines, some finishing stitches have a set width and only the length can be adjusted. Again, your sewing machine’s instruction book is a great guide, as is a visit to your local retailer.

Most importantly, before trying any of these techniques on your final project, always test, test, test on scraps first!

NOTE: Always confirm you’re using the appropriate needle type and size and thread type for your selected fabric.

Straight stitch

You may be surprised to learn the common straight stitch can help you finish a raw edge. You can use it in a couple of ways (of course depending on the fabric type): a clean finish or a turned and stitched finish.

Stitched and pinked

Once the seam is sewn, fold the two main layers to one side to expose one side of the seam allowance.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (6)

Sew approximately ⅛” to ¼” from the raw edge with an average length stitch. Repeat to stitch on the opposite side of the seam allowance.

This finish is suitable for fabrics that do not fray much, such as a firmly woven fabric.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (7)

In addition to the stitch, you can also pink raw edge, making sure not to clip into your seam line. However, pinked edges in general are not meant for long term durability or to completely prevent fray-prone fabrics from fraying.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (8)

Turned and stitched

Also known as a clean finish, this technique is ideal for light to medium weight woven fabrics. If you happen to have a straight-stitch-only machine, this is your go-to finish for most projects.

It starts just like the straight stitch finish above. Once the seam is sewn, fold the two main layers to one side to expose one side of the seam allowance. Sew approximately ⅛” to ¼” from the raw edge with an average length stitch. Repeat to stitch on the opposite side of the seam allowance.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (9)

Using the stitch lines as a guide, fold under the fabric to the wrong side and press in place.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (10)

Stitch again close to the folded edge through the seam allowance only. Repeat on the other side.

NOTE: We found moving our needle position to the left for this step very helpful!

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (11)

Press open. Here’s the final finished seam.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (12)

Zig zag

The most common stitch is the zig zag. It can be used for a variety of sewing tasks, one of them being overcasting the raw edge of fabric. Depending on the type of machine you own, varying the width and length of your zig zag can provide you with more flexibility in your finishing.

Similar to above, sew on one side of the seam allowance at a time with a zig zag stitch. Be sure to sew in from the edge slightly. Then, trim away the excess beyond the zigzag, making sure not to clip into any of the stitching.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (13)

You can also use two rows of zigzag for extra “fray-stopping” power.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (14)

Or, you can zig zag the two layers of the seam allowance together, then press to one side. The success of this technique depends on the bulk of the fabric; it doesn’t work as well with heavier fabrics.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (15)

Either zig zag approach is ideal for woven fabrics that fray as well as for knits. Don’t forget to adjust the width and length to test which size of zig zag is best for your project.

Multiple zig zag

Also known as a tricot stitch, this specialty zig zag stitch is ideal for overcasting the edge of knits. The best way to utilize this stitch is to sew the multiple zigzag approximately ⅛” to ¼” in from the raw edge, then trim away the excess (making sure not to clip into the stitching, of course).

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (16)

NOTE: Check out our tutorial on Sewing With Knitsfor more hints on finishing and other techniques unique to knits.


An overcast stitch on a sewing machine sews and finishes the raw edge at the same time. One thing to keep in mind with this stitch is that the seam allowance is only about ¼”, or the width of the actual stitch. You need to account for this ¼” measurement when using the stitch for sewing and finishing in once pass. You can also use this stitch as the second part of a two step process: first sew your seam with a standard straight stitch, then overcast along just raw edge. The photo below sews a ¼” seam and overcast, which has been done with one pass.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (17)

Double Overedge

If you’ve selected a fabric that aggressively frays, such as linen, you’ll want to use a double overedge stitch along the raw edge. This unique stitch creates two rows of zig zag stitches simultaneously to help control that crazy fraying. It can be stitched on a double layer of seam allowance or single layer (as we did below)

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (18)


You may have heard a reference or two to overlock stitches. This term is usually equated with a serger (also called an overlocker), but many home sewing machines also have an overlock stitch. Finishing the raw edge is the main purpose of this stitch. It has an extra line of stitching along the raw edge for added strength. This stitch is designed to wrap the edges of the fabric with adjacent triangle shaped stitches to help prevent fraying on medium to heavyweight fabrics, especially those known to fray easily, like linen or tweed. Similar to the overcasting stitch, it can be used to construct and finish the edge at the same time.

NOTE: This is an example of a stitch where the width cannot be adjusted.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (19)

Knit Stitch

Some home sewing machines have stitches that are for sewing and finishing specific fabric types. The knit stitch on our studio Janome machine is a perfect example. This stitch is designed to be sewn about ⅛” to ¼” in from the raw edge, then trimmed away (similar to the multiple zig zag above).

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (20)


If your sewing machine has a stitch that looks like a squiggly line, it’s most likely a serpentine stitch, which can be used for finishing similar to how you use your zig zag stitch.

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (21)

Thoughtfully consider how you sew the pieces of a project together. Many times it’s best to finish the raw edge of fabric prior to construction. Plus, it’s simply easier to do.

Finishing stitches always provide added strength to a seam and the fabric edge.

Never underestimate the visual appeal of finishing stitches.

It’s recommended you even finish fabrics that don’t appear to require a finish! It helps to reduce bulk on certain fabrics, like fleece.

When finishing the edges of delicate fabrics, where you’ll be using a straight stitch, try to use a straight stitch foot and needle plate. It helps to stabilize the stitching area.

For a true couture finish, you can use a hand overcast stitch. For this, we recommend our quick overview of hand stitching.

An alternative to seam finishes, is to cut the pattern pieces along the selvedge of the fabric. This is a sure way to prevent the fabric from fraying, but there’s only so much selvedge on each yardage cut, so this technique is best for small segments.


Sample Creation and Instructional Outline: Jodi Kelly

Machine Sewn Seam Finishes – Part 1 of 4 (2024)


What is a 1/4 stitch on a sewing machine? ›

The Quarter Inch Foot is used for straight stitch sewing only and is perfect for 1/4″ Seams. Accurate 1/4″ Seam Allowances are achieved with the Quarter Inch Foot because the distance from center needle opening to the right hand edge of the needle, is a 1/4″.

What are the 4 kinds of seams? ›

All basics seams used in clothing construction are variants on four basic types of seams:
  • Plain seams.
  • French seams.
  • Flat or abutted seams.
  • Lapped seams.

What does 1 4 seam allowance mean? ›

A seam allowance is the area between the fabric edges and the line of stitches. Seam allowances can range from 1/4" wide to as much as several inches. Most patterns call for a specific seam allowance. In general, our patterns call for a 1/4" or 1/2" seam allowance.

Where is the 1/4 seam allowance? ›

Typically lining up the edge of your fabric with the right side of your presser foot is a good guide for keeping your seam allowance consistent. Some newer sewing machines come with a specific ¼″ quilter's foot with a seam allowance marked by the edge of the presser foot being ¼″ away from the needle.

How do you use a 1/4 seam foot? ›

The first quarter inch side marking on the narrow part of the sewing machine foot is fantastic for knowing when to start turning the fabric when you get near a corner. Simply stop stitching when you are level with that mark, leave the needle down and pivot the fabric before you start sewing again.

What are the types of seam finishes? ›

Types of seam finishes
  • Pinking.
  • Edge Stitched.
  • Double Stitched.
  • Overcast Seam Finish.
  • Herringbone Seam Finish.
  • Bound seam Finish.
16 Nov 2011

What are 5 seams? ›

In clothing construction, seams are classified by their type (plain, lapped, bound, flat) and position in the finished garment (centre back seam, inseam, side seam).

What are the 7 different types of seams? ›

There are several different types of seams, each with its own characteristics.
  • Plain seam. A plain seam is the simplest type of seam and can be used on almost any item. ...
  • Double-stitched seam. ...
  • French seam. ...
  • Bound seam. ...
  • Flat-felled seam. ...
  • Welt seam. ...
  • Lapped seam.
12 Aug 2021

What is the difference between 1 4 and scant 1 4? ›

A scant 1/4″ seam allowance is a seam allowance that is ever so slightly narrower than one 1/4″ inch. You can notice here that where the seam folds in, the top of the assembly dips a little. A few of the fibres of the fabric that get swallowed up in that dip.

How much is a scant 1 4 inch? ›

A scant 1/4″ seam is just a thread or two short of exactly 1/4″.

Is the same as the running stitch but with longer stitches between 1 4 and 1/2 inches? ›

The Basting Stitch

This stitch is just the running stitch but longer. Instead of making your stitches a centimeter apart, make them ¼ inch to ½ inch apart from each other. The basting stitch will go even faster than the running stitch once you get into a flow.

Is a quilting foot the same as a walking foot? ›

The purpose of quilting feet, often called a walking foot or an even-feed foot, is to evenly feed the three layers that make up a quilt through your machine during the quilting process. Typical sewing machines have a presser foot that is used when constructing garments and other projects requiring heavier fabrics.

Can I use a walking foot for regular sewing? ›

A walking foot isn't just for quilting!

This prevents shifting and puckering that may occur with a normal presser foot. Because of this feature, the walking foot is just as useful for garment sewing as it is for quilting.

What is the most common seam allowance in sewing? ›

5/8” is the standard seam allowance for sewing apparel. And you'll see a 3/8” seam allowance in various sewing circles, including garments and other sewing projects. Always check your pattern or tutorial for seam allowances before starting!

Is there a scant 1 4 inch presser foot? ›

The newly developed Janome Scan 1/4 Inch Quilting Seam the answer. The Janome Scan 1/4 Inch Quilting Seam Foot. has the indention in the foot to allow you to move your needle over to the right to achieve a scant 1/4 inch seam.

What is the smallest seam allowance? ›

Sewing industry seam allowances range from 1⁄4 inch (6.4 mm) for curved areas (e.g. neck line, armscye) or hidden seams (e.g. facing seams), to 1 inch (25 mm) or more for areas that require extra fabric for final fitting to the wearer (e.g. center back).

Where is the 1 2 inch seam allowance on sewing machine? ›

On most sewing machines, the throat plate under the needle usually has markings for the seam allowance. You only need to keep the fabric edge on the necessary marking say 1/2 inch and your machine will sew the seam line with the 1/2 inch seam allowance. This is a good way to keep your stitching line straight.

What are the 2 main types of finishing processes for fabric? ›

On the basis of processes involved in application of finish, there are two types – chemical (wet) and mechanical (dry) finishes. i Chemical finishes: These are also known as wet finishes. In these, chemical treatment is given to fabric, either to change its appearance or basic properties.

What are the types of finishing? ›

Furthermore, it may receive considerable added value by applying one or more finishing processes.
  • Singeing.
  • Desizing.
  • Scouring.
  • Bleaching.
  • Mercerising.
  • Dyeing.
  • Printing.
  • Mechanical finishing.

What is the strongest seam? ›

Flat Felled Seam

It is also the strongest type of seam and a method that should be used on heavier fabrics that need more security to hold them together, such as side seams pants or jeans.

What is the name of seam finishing? ›

Seams have raw edges which tend to ravel out. Therefore the raw edge of seams are finished by different methods like double stitching over cast stitching, herring bone stitch, hem stitching, zig-zag stitch and bound finish.

How many types of seams are there? ›

Types of Seams and Uses Chart
Mock Flat Fell or Welt seamMediumNeatening is included in the seam or welt.
Bound seamMediumThe edges are bound with bias binding.
Slot SeamMediumNeatening included in the seam.
Lapped Seam TuckedDifficultNeatening included.
12 more rows

What is the easiest way to finish seams? ›

The most common and easiest way to finish seams that are pressed open is to use an overcasting stitch, found on most sewing machines. Alternatively you can use an overlocker, which sews overlocking stitches at a rate of knots and even trims off any excess fabric for you where appropriate.

What are the two main types of seams? ›

The popular and most commonly used types of seams are listed in detail below.
  • Plain Seam. A plain seam is the easiest sort of seam and can be utilized on practically anything. ...
  • Double Stitched Seam. ...
  • French seam. ...
  • Bound seam. ...
  • Flat Seam. ...
  • Flat Felled Seam. ...
  • Welt Seam. ...
  • Lapped Seam.
16 May 2022

How do you measure a 1 4? ›

1/4 teaspoon is about two good pinches between your thumb and both your forefinger and middle finger. A teaspoon is about the size of the tip of your finger (joint to tip). A tablespoon is about the size of half a ping-pong ball or the size of an ice cube. 1/4 cup is about the size of a large egg.

How do you read a 1/4 measuring tape? ›

Find/read the markings. On a standard tape measure, the biggest marking is the inch mark (which generally has the biggest number, if it has them). As the increments decrease, so does the length of the mark. For example, ½" has a bigger mark than ¼" which has a bigger mark than ⅛", and so on.

What size is 1 4 scale in inches? ›

The 1/4 inch = 1 foot scale is the most common in the U.S. and is also referred to as 1/48 size because there are 48 units of 1/4 inch in 12 inches. Shown below are two different U.S. customary scales. The 1/4 inch scale on the left indicates that for every 0.25 inches measured there is 1 foot of real distance.

What is a 1/4 in scale? ›

A 1/4" scale means that each 1/4" (inch) on the plan counts for 1' (feet) of actual physical length.

Is quarter and 1/4 the same? ›

A quarter is one-fourth of a whole number, and numerically it is represented as 1 / 4 . Three quarters mean 1 / 4 × 3 or 3 / 4 .

What is the mark after 1 4 on a tape measure? ›

Between 0 and 1 inch, there are marks that denote 1/16, 2/16 (or 1/8), 3/16, 4/16 (or 1/4), 5/16, 6/16 (or 3/8), 7/16, 8/16 (or 1/2), 9/16, 10/16 (or 5/8), 11/16, 12/16 (3/4), 13/16, 14/16 (or 7/8), 15/16, 16/16 (or 1) of an inch. There are a total of 192 of these lines on the ruler.

What does the nearest 1/4 inch mean? ›

If a line reaches to the 1/4-inch mark after the number 1, then the line is 1 inch and 1/4 inch long. But when writing it, we omit the “and” and write: The line is 1 1/4 inches long.

What does 1/4 mean on a ruler? ›

The third-biggest lines on a ruler are the 1/4 inch lines, which appear midway between the 1/2 inch and whole inch lines: If you counted in 1/4 inches on a ruler, you'd see that the fourth line after 0 inches equals 1/4 inch, the eighth line equals 2/4 (1/2) inch, and the 12th line equals 3/4 inch.

What is the general rule for a seam allowance? ›

A good general rule of thumb is to trim seams to 1/4" unless working with a loosely woven fabric, in which case trim to around 3/8". If working with a fabric that frays easily trim, finish then press the seam.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.