Malenia Blade of Miquella | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)

Malenia, Blade of MiquellaBoss Video Guide

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Malenia, Blade of Miquella Tips & Strategies

General Tips

  • Malenia damage is physical only, so stack reduction against it such asthe Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman, the consumable Boiled Crab,the Opaline Hardtear in your Flask of Wondrous Physick, or the incantations Black Flame's Protection or Golden Vow.
    • 50-60% damage reduction should make this fight slightly easier
  • Malenia haslow Poiseso it doesn't take much to break her stance and leave her open to a critical attack, builds with good physical damage may want to use Stonebarb Cracked Tear. Additionally, she is vulnerable to knockdown attacks in her first phase, so using a weapon or Spirit Ash that abuses this can be helpful.The Blasphemous Blade's Unique Skill: Taker's Flames is also good option for this as itdeals good fire damage and will often knock Malenia down, while each strike heals the player a bit, and can stunlocked Malenia for what is essentially the entire fight.
  • Malenia heals herself for a percentage of all damage she inflicts, even if the attack is blocked, making shields suboptimal. This makes it even more important to dodge attacks. Ensure you have enough stamina for dodging, the Green Turtle Talisman and Pickled Turtle Neck consumable can help.It is better to dodgetowards Malenia's katana than away from it.
  • Inflict status effects. Malenia is weak to Frost and neutral to Fire. You can Frostbite Malenia, which deals 7% of her maximum health on its own, then remove the frostbitten debuff by inflicting fire damage, and repeat the process. Malenia also has relatively low resistance to Hemorrhage, inflicting bleed on her can allow players to outpace her self-healing, this makes the Rivers of Blood's unique skill Corpse Pilera good option against her as it deals Physical and Fire damage and inflicts Bleed buildup.
    • Frost debuff can be used to stun her from Waterwolf Dance
    • Frost can be also used for minor damage buff whennon-fire weapons/spells are used
  • Players can use summonssuch as Redmane Knight Ogha Ashes, whose greatarrows will often stagger Malenia and can even interrupt her during thePhantom Spiritsattack. Additionally, he will stay in the back and she will focus on you as long as you keep her attention. Black Knife Ticheis also a good option, as she can dodge Malenia's attacks and limit her self-healing. Latenna The Albinauric is also a good option as she can be summoned by the door while the player keeps Malenia away from her. Summons more focused on tanking are not recommended, as Malenia will just heal herself off of them. Dragon Knight Kristoffcan stagger Malenia reliably, especially when chain casting Thunderbolt. He is also very tanky and can usually stay alive for the fight.
  • Malenia is able to dodge spells,what makes most of spells useless

Fight Breakdown

Malenia, Blade of Miquella is a two-phase fight, with the second phase beginning once her health is reduced to zero for the first time.

Phase one:Malenia is slightly less aggressive, and willmostlyonly attack if the player tries to attack her. Additionally, if the player does not target lock the camera on her, she is likely to stay away from the player just walking left and right, use this to your advantage when you need some breathing room for example to drink a healing flask. If attacked with projectiles, she will attempt to dodge them and then rush at the player to attack them. Malenia has a few attacks that she can use to quickly close to gap, the most notable of these is her grab attack, which deals obscene amounts of damage, thus healing her for a big amount. If she takes too much damage, Malenia will attempt to disengage by jumping backwards 2 times, distancing herself from the player.

OnceMalenia goes below 75% HP, she unlocks herWaterfowl Danceattack: she leaps into the air sword ready and, after a brief pause, lungesat the player four times with a flurry of cuts. The third leap has more range than the two before it. The fourth leap has massive range, and Malenia will attempt to get behind the player with it. After this final fourth flurry, a final cut strikes around her. All steps of this attack deal massive damage, getting hit by it all will very likely kill the player even at full health. Read the attacks & counter section for tips on how to avoid this attack.

After getting Malenia to 0 health, a cutscene plays and phase 2 starts with Malenia at 80% health. Note that critical attacks will not trigger phase 2, Malenia will survive them even if she has 0 health. Only a non-critical attack will work.

Phase two:Malenia, floating in the air, rapidly crashes on the player usingScarlet Aeoniadealing massive damage, then blooms into an orange flower which deals massive damage and inflicts massive amounts of Scarlet Rot. To dodge it, simply run towards Malenia and get behind her, she will miss because she cannot steer that much while charging the attack. Malenia will repeat this attack every 3 minutes.

Each of Malenia's attacks in this phase inflicts Scarlet Rot, the player should ensure they have Preserving Boluses to cleanse this condition should they be afflicted.

In addition to all her previous attacks and the aforementioned Scarlet Aeonia, Malenia gains a few new attacks in this phase. Most notably, as a follow-up to other sword attacks, Malenia can jump and then slam her sword into the ground to create a delayed explosion. Finally, Malenia can leap very high into the air, leaving behind her a small vortex of rot that deals massive damage, she will then summon phantoms of herself to lunge at the player one after the other, before finally lunging herself.


While standing on the shallow water poodle in the middle of the arena, Malenia (and the player) gain 10% damage reduction to Fire Damage and lose 10% damage reduction to Lightning Damage.

Using any ranged attacks, perfumes, or throwables will cause Malenia to not only dodge left or right to avoid them, but also cause her to rush the player. Spells or incantations that can track her are recommended. Once she reaches 75% health and starts using Waterfowl Dance, she will proceed to dodge any range attack as usual but may then use Waterfowl Dance directly afterwards. The only time the player should use ranged attacks is if Malenia is being distracted by a summon. Night Sorceries will not trigger her evasion, as they are invisible to non-player characters.

After avoidingthe Scarlet Aeonia attack by running behind Malenia so she misses, there is a window of about 5-7 seconds whereplayers can counterattack from range. Use this opportunity to unleash powerful ranged attacks or spells/incantations with a DoT area effect. If you have the FP, Comet Azur can take offa sizable chunk of her HP before she becomes active again. This can be repeated every time she does this attack and is your best opportunity for heavy damage.

If Malenia is running at you at the start of the fight, she will proceed to rush you with a horizontal spinning attack once you are in range. This attack is telegraphed and easily parried. If you're not good at parrying, then dodge toward Malenia's left side (the player's right). If she slows down or starts moving left or right, she will not do the spin attack.

In order to avoid her Waterfowl Dance comboyou must start running away from her while maintaining lock-on as soon asshe leaps, which will let youavoidthe first two spin attacks entirely if done soon enough (if not you will have to roll the second one). The thirdspin attack has to be rolled through, and make sure to stay away from her until the final AoE triggers. If you are caught by the attack it is better to roll towards her than away; the extreme edges of the attack seem to have more hitboxes.

Ash of War: Bloodhound's Step makes dodging Waterfowl Dance significantly easier. Using that ability, you can completely avoid the combo, even if you're close to Malenia when she starts its windup. Dash away from her, out of range of the first and second flurries (possibly multiple times depending on how far away she is), and toward her (once) to avoid the third flurry. (During the third flurry she jumps to you regardless of the distance, but the first and second flurries have a fixed jump range.)

In Phase 2, make sure you are constantly topped up to full HP. Many of her basic combo attacks are strong enough to deal well over 1000 damage to heavy armour users very quickly, so sitting at 80% HP or below to save on flasks is liable to get you killed.

A weapon with the Ash of War: Wild Strikes and thebloodaffinitycan trivialize the first phase of the fight.

Ash of War: Golden Parry is useful for easily parrying most of her attacks. The increased parry range and window can be of tremendous help to players with less experience in parrying her attacks.

Melee Strategy

The main trick here is to attack her when she's not in an attack animation in order to stagger her, typically after she is done with a combo. Once you hit her and it staggers her, keep attacking to keep the stagger going while paying attention to when she side hops as this interrupts the stagger. When she does so, roll out of the way, keep some distance, and dodge her attacks until you get another opening, while keeping a keen eye on the startup for her waterfowl dance, to which you should run away from the first two volleys and dodge through the final volley. Be mindful of your positioning at all times, you do not want your back to a wall when she does her waterfowl dance. Stay calm, do not panic, watch some videos of her attacks, and you'll realize her flashy moves just seemed intimidating/impossible at first. Do not rely on a shield to do the work for you due to her healing ability, at most you should only use it to block the stray hit. Talisman suggestions would be Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman(or your best one), Ritual Shield Talisman, and Green Turtle Talisman to help mitigate damage and improve stamina regeneration.

In her second phase her attacks start to flow together more, but good ones to punish are her slamming attacks as she takes some time to create a rot burst in front of her.

Rivers of Blood and Blasphemous Blade are great options for weapons. If focusing on bleed damage, Curved Swords are a good choice as their dual-wielded jumping attack hits four times allowing quick Bleed build-up. This can be paired with the Raptor's Black Feathers, Claw Talisman, Beastman's Curved Sword,and Rotten Winged Sword Insignia for high DPS. The Scavenger's Curved Sword dual wielded with another Curved sword with a bleed affinity is a good choice for such a build. For Strength Arcane builds, Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear can be used for inflicting bleed from a distance rapidly by using Bloodboon Ritual weapon skill.

Magic and Ranged Strategy

ForIncantationusers, Swarm of Flies is a good option when summoning, especially Black Knife Tiche Ashes. Once Malenia focuses on Tiche, start casting Swarm of Flies.A slight delay between casts is a little more effective than constant spam, as it seems to catch her fully in each swarm rather than clipping her as she dodges out. If she leaps, just keep your distance and get ready to dodge Waterfowl Dance. With luck, one of your swarms will cause blood loss and she'll be staggered, but because you're keeping range, you should be able to dodge much, if not all, of the Waterfowl Dance. On phase 2, the recovery of Scarlet Aeonia is the perfect time to spam Swarm of Flies.

Other good incantations are Borealis's Mist to inflict Frostbite, Giantsflame Take Thee for its massive damage and high chance to knock Malenia down, Aspect of the Crucible: Tail and Aspect of the Crucible: Horns to knock down Malenia, or Dragonmaw whichdeals good damage and knocks her down. Protect yourself withboth Golden Vowand Black Flame's Protection as they stack. Don't use offensive Holy incantations because Malenia has 40% damage reduction against Holy damage. Rotten Breath or Ekzyke's Decay are not terrible, but Malenia does have very high resistance to Scarlet Rot and Poison. For INT+FTH builds, Ancient Death Rancor is also a very good option, as it deals good damage, has good poise damage, and good tracking.

ForSorceryusers, starting the fight with Ranni's Dark Moon can be helpful as it lowers her magic resistance and deals frostbite damage.

Do not use projectile attacks such as Great Glintstone Shardbecause she will just dodge them. Instead, use sorceries with good tracking capabilities such as the aforementioned moon or Stars of Ruin. Malenia, as all other NPCs, cannot see Night Sorceries so she will not dodge them, making Night Cometa fantastic option especially when paired with a Staff of Loss on the other hand to buff its damage (or, even better, with two Staves of Loss if you can get a second one from another player or a new game + playthrough).

Other good sorceries against her are Greatblade Phalanx for its high poise damage, which can be good if playing with a weapon that can inflict critical attacks once you stagger her, but this is not as good for pure mages that only use staves. Carian PiercerandCannon of Haimaare also good for knocking her down. For INT+FTH builds, Ancient Death Rancor is also a very good option, as it deals good damage, has good poise damage, and good tracking.

If using summons, Malenia might dodge fewer projectiles as she's busy focusing on the summon. This opens the door for spells such as Comet or Shard Spiral. Alternatively, spamming Ranni's Dark Moon while Malenia focuses on the summonsis also a valid strategy, though this requires a lot of FP. If not spamming the moon, Glinstone Icecrag can help trigger Frostbite.Finally, Comet Azur can be considered for phase 2 to punish Malenia during her Scarlet Aeonia after dodging it.

Malenia, Blade of Miquella Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
Malenia's Dance (1.00 only) Malenia raises sword to herleft and makes 4 long steps - after each steps she attacks with a flurry of attacks. After that she jump towards Tarnished with attack and performs a finalwhirlstrike, knocking down the target.

Attack not used in current version of the game. However, if player wants to face her in 1.00 version of the game, it is best to simply run away

Waterfowl Dance Malenia leaps into the air, after a short pause she dives onto the player and slashes around her in an AoE. She then slashes two more times, closing the gap with a smaller dash each time. Her final slash is then followed with a short AoE that she doesn't move for. This attack also builds up scarlet rot very quickly in phase two. This attack can be blocked.

There are several methods in dodging the attack, the method depends on the distance between you and her:

1) If you are distanced aboutfour or more meters out of her sword's reach, immediately start running back the moment she leaps in the air. The first two slashes will miss as long as you keep running. Immediately stop running after she finishes her second slash and roll towards her, the third slash will miss since it's programmed to send her behind you. If you've timed this right the fourth slash will miss as well without requiring any additional inputs from you.

2) If she jumps up while you're within her sword's reach, immediately start running back. The timing is precise and requires some training. The moment her foot touches the ground to begin the first slash, jump or roll away from her, this move will dodge the first slash. She'll now wind up her second slash, move towards her while keeping your eyes on her sword arm, then roll towards her left arm (right side from your POV) the moment her sword arm starts to move for a second slash. If timed right this will dodge her second slash. For the third slash, simply roll towards her again and then roll away from her to avoid the fourth slash.

3) If you have a weapon with high bleed build-up (such as dual curved swords with Ash of War: Seppuku), the bleed effect will stagger her out of the Waterfowl Dance attack.

4) Ash of War: Bloodhound Step can also be used to easily dodge through this attack. You can apply the Ash of War to an off-hand dagger and quickly switch to it whenever she begins the Waterfowl Dance animation.

5) Ash of War: Vow of the Indomitable can be used to partially dodge the first volley with the right timing. The I-frames don't last long enough to completely dodge the first volley, but you can dodge afterwards and still take no damage.

Another way to dodge this attack when you're at close range (albeit a lot more difficult), is to circle her (without locking-on) when she's in the air, double roll away from her for the first dash, lock-on to her again and do the same thing as above for the other three dashes.

Alternatively, block with a shield that has relatively high stability. She will recover her health, but it is more preferable than dying. At this point in the game you should deal enough damage to make up for health regained.

Note: She tends to use this attack more often, if she is engagedwith range weaponry/spells (needs further testing).


Malenia will rush the player before she swipes at the player with her leg (unparryable), which can then be followed up by one of four attacks. A slightly delayed stabbing dash attack, a sword swipe followed up by an overhead slam on the ground, or two quick slices followed by another slice. It can also be followed up with a grab attack (see below).

The kick is fairly easy to avoid. Creating distance can keep you safe from the latter two follow ups. The stabbing dash attack is telegraphed by a small flash on her sword, helping you time a roll. The kick can also be blocked, but consumes high amounts of stamina.

Malenia will slightly jump into the air, followed bya very quick thrusting attack, dealing a huge amount of pierce damage. This attack usually catches player off-guard. Can be parried at melee.

Malenia usually does this attack when the player is healing at mid-range. So if you want to heal, make sure to run far away from her first before healing, or wait for the thrust before healing. To avoid the thrust, simply roll left or right (backwards works as well but it's a bit risky). Because of pierce damage, this attackdeals increased damage if the player is in counterattack frames. If the player is far enough away from her, it's possible to jump over the thrust.

Malenia will shorten her blade (indicated by a pingsound) then rush the player, do three quick attacks in succession, followed by a final horizontal attack that can be delayed. This attack can end up quickly healing her along with devastating the player's health. This attack can also occur on its own, in the middle of a combo, or to end a combo (usually indicated by her delaying the final sweep). Can be parried.

Malenia uses this attack only if her blade is to her right (the player's left if they are looking at her) which means you can be better prepared for it. Listen for the pingsound to indicate the weapon change, then roll towards her (into the attack) to her right. Back up and if needed roll away from her once you are clear to avoid the final sweep.

Do not rush in for an attack unless the final sweep is delayed, which would indicate the end of a combo and an opening for the player. Avoid dodging backwards, as the third hit will clip you. She may sometimes follow it up with the same attack - this can happen multiple times in a row.

Uppercut + Slam OR Charge + Spin

Malenia will hold her sword back, then do one of the two damaging attacks depending on the player's location:
(i) If the player is at close range, she will do an uppercut, then leap upwards and slams down.
(ii) Ifthe player is at long range, she will charge towards the player at fast speed, then spin her sword, followed by a slam.

The two attacks are very delayed and extremely damaging, so make sure you recognize thestarting animation (indicated by her holding her sword back) immediately and be prepared for the attacks.

For Uppercut + Slam: Roll backwards to avoid the uppercut, then wait for her to slam down and roll forward left or forward right. If you are brave enough, you can get a few hits in before her uppercut, then dodge at the very last second.

For Charge + Spin: Roll twice as soon as you see her charging towards you to dodge both the spin and the slam altogether.

Malenia will be wide open for attacks after performing these two attacks. You can either do a charged strong attack or even a weapon's skills such as Lion's Claw or Spinning Slash.

Lunging Grab

Malenia will raise her hand in preparation for a grab attack, then lunge in a straight line towards the player very quickly. If the grab connects she will toss the player into the air and impale them, dealing 2225 base thrusting damage, before tossing their body onto the ground. During Phase two, this attack can be immediately followed by a flying sweep + thrust attack. This attack cannotbe blocked or parried.

Dodge roll when Malenia lunges, preferablyto the sides (backwards works too if you time it right). During Phase two, be prepared for the flying sweep + thrust attack (See below) as it may catch the player off-guard. While this attack can be interrupted by most player attacks while she winds up the grab, it's not suggested to do so because of the risks.

Scarlet Aeonia Phase two only. Malenia will dive onto the player and summon a giant flower that explodes around her. This leaves a lingering mist that applies scarlet rot and a DoT effect in the area. This attack isalways used as her first attack in phase two. Roll as soon as you see her sword is lifted, then sprint away for her for a little bit (around half a second), then roll away from her again. Remember to not attack her right away after the explosion as the rot will linger for quite a bit (around4 - 5 seconds), use this time window to heal, recover FP, reapply buffs, or even castsome spells if you're a ranged user. After the scarlet rot is gone (indicated by the flower disappearing), she will be unable to move for a while, and is wide open for attacks, use this time window to use yourskill (or a charged strong attack) on her to deal massive damage in a single hit.
Scarlet Explosion Phase two only. Malenia will retain its original moves from Phase one, however there is a chance that she will do a follow-up on most attacks, where she flies up into the air briefly, then slams down her sword, dealing a huge amount of damage and creating on the ground a small vortex of rot, which then explodes after a brief delay and builds up scarlet rot. The explosion can also occur from the slamming attacks from Phase one, which she can follow up and result in a double Scarlet Explosion.

This attack usually occur when she is done with her regular Phase one combo. Roll in any direction to avoid the slam, roll again if you're unsure whether exploson will hit you. This attack can be heavily punished if you roll into her and get to her back, as she will be wide open for attacks after the slam.
To differentiate between this attack and the Waterfowl Dance (as these two attacks have similar starting animation), if she twirls before flying up, it's the Waterfowl Dance; if she flies upwards without twirling, she's doing the Scarlet Explosion attack.

Flying Sweep + Thrust Phase two only. Malenia will fly up into the air, and glides down onto the player from the left, followed by a very quick thrust attack. This attack can be followed upwith the Scarlet Explosion attack. She will usually do this attack when you're at long range. Roll left to avoid the first sweep, then roll left or right to avoid the thrust. Or, roll the sweep, then jump the thrust. See aboveto learn how to dodge the Scarlet Explosionfollow-up.Because of pierce damage, the follow up thrust attack deals increased damage if the player is in counterattack frames.
Counter Kick Phase two only. Sometimes, when the player hit Malenia, she will follow-up by countering the player with a kick (different from a regular kick). Although this kick doesn't do a lot of damage, it'll usually catch the player off guard and stagger them greatly. Never attack twice in a row when she's in a walking/running animation and always be prepared for the counter kick, roll backwards when she begins to lift her leg to avoid the attack. Unlike the regular kick, Maleniawill not follow this up with another attack and will stand still for a solid second. You can exploit this weakness by doing an attack after dodging the counter kick (either doing a running attack, quick weapon's skills, or just a simple attack if you have a long weapon).
Phantom Spirits Phase two only. Malenia will fly into the air, creating a pool of scarlet rot on the ground below her, and consecutively fire out four phantom versions of herself that will do two horizontal sweeps, a vertical slam, a third horizontal sweep followed by a quick thrust, one final thrust, before Malenia herself comes down with a high speed flying thrust to player, dealing high damage. The first and last phantom will stay longer in order to do a single thrust attack each, occurring after the fourth's sweep attack.

Roll in the directions as the following order: Backwards twice (delay a bit between these two rolls), followed by two forward rolls (immediately after one another), then roll to the left twice (immediately after one another). The timing for the third and fourth roll might be a bit difficult to get a grasp on (and will usually result in death as you'll get hit by two phantoms), but once you get those two rolls right, you'll never get hit by the phantoms.

Note: This attack can target more than 1player.

Elden Ring Malenia Lore, Notes & Trivia

FAQ:Is Malenia the hardest Elden Ring boss?

  • The Souls games are well-known to be one of the most challenging games around; forcing players to adjust to each encounter and improve their Combat skills and reactions according to the opponent's movesets. Amongst all the Bosses, the community has been polarized on Malenia. Her design, fighting style, arena, and voice acting have been universally prasied. Conversly, some of Malenia's mechanics have been strongly criticized, such as her ability to lifesteal without even damaging the player, as well as the massive range and damage of Waterfowl Dance. Some critics deem Malenia as an unfair boss, while her supports argue that this is why she is an optional boss. Polls have even previously been conducted surveying players on who they believe is the hardest Elden Ring boss, and most people agree that it would be Malenia.
  • In Elden Ring, FromSoftware has given the tools to allow players a choice in how difficult they want their combat encounters to be. A few returning souls players will opt to face these bosses without the additional aid, 'OP' Weapons or Spirit Ashes. The available tools that the developer provided in the game is said to determine the gameplay difficulty since there are no official difficulty settings in the game. However, a little assist for players does not hurt if it helps them progress and improve. Someways to alleviate the difficulty would be toexperiment with different Builds,Weaponsand equipment. A Faith or Bleed build could prove to be more effective aginst her. Spirit Ashes can also be summoned for additional help in the arena against her. There are plenty of Spirit Ashes to choose from depending on how much help the player needs during her encounter.

Elden Ring Malenia OtherNotes

  • "In the first year after launch, From Software reported that Malenia had killed players 329 million times" - How Many Times Players Attempted Malenia
  • In version 1.04 of Elden Ring, there was a bug related to the healing mechanic, which was present only when players fought Malenia in co-op - each attack would result in heal, even if the attack missed due to i-frames.This has since been fixed as of update 1.04.1
  • Malenia first unleashed the Scarlet Rot in her battle with Radahn, destroying the region of Caelid in the process.
  • She is an Empyrean like Ranni and her brother Miquella.
  • Melina's armor set can be found in the area directly before Malenia's boss room. This and the similarity of their names has led many fans to speculate that they are related in some way.
  • In the Elden Ring trailer shown at E3 2021, Malenia's arena is slightly different, with a much darker appearance and fewer roots in the background. However, the clip from her pre-battle cutscene has the final arena design.
  • First phase can't be finished with a critical strike or damage caused by inflicting status effect - Malenia will remain with 1 HP left, even with poison or rot damage.In a very earlier version of the game, if the player managed to finish that phase withcritical strike, 2nd phase Malenia would spawn with 1 HP.
  • After the player parries her three times and she enters the animation that allows for a critical hit, she can be staggered by any attack (including things like throwing knives), knocking her out of the critical animation.
  • Malenia is featured in the game's Collector's Edition, which includes a statue of her and a replica of her helmet.
  • Bug: If player depletes her poise while she performs attack with hyper-armor, she will not be put in a state that allows to perform a riposte.
  • Bug (possible only in co-op or with Spirit Ash): If player manage toend first phase with a riposte while Malenia's HP is 0, she will spawn with 1HP in 2nd phase.
    • This can cause some odd situation in her attacks, as her first one will not be Scarlet Aeonia.
  • Game-wise, this boss is treated as 1 encounter instead of 2 as it is more common in case of bosses where phases are separated by cutscene
  • Voice Actress: Pippa Bennett-Warner



I dreamt for so long.

My flesh was dull gold...and my blood, rotted.

Corpse after corpse, left in my wake...

As I awaited... his return.

... Heed my words.

I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella.

And I have never known defeat.

During Fight

Defeating player in phase 1 (1.00): Now do you understand? I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella...

Defeating player in phase 1 (after 1.00): I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella...

Defeating player in phase 2: Let your flesh be consumed. By the scarlet rot.



The scarlet bloom flowers once more

You will witness true horror.

Now, rot!

After Fight

Your strength, extraordinary...

The mark...of a true Lord...

O, dear Miquella...

O, dearest Miquella, my brother...

I'm sorry. I finally met my match...

Malenia Blade of Miquella | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)
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