Marigold Companions (2024)

Our Herb Garden > Marigold Companions

Growing Marigolds

(tips on growing marigold in your garden)

Marigold Companions (1)

Blooming Marigold

Bright orange flowers add a splash of color to your garden. But, those lovely marigold flowers can also provide a natural pest deterrent as well as strength to other plants.

We talk about a number of plants that make great companions for marigold and have found two vegetables that experts disagree on. After you check out the rest of this marigold companion guide, be sure to also check out our guides on growing marigold and companion planting guides.

Marigold Companion Planting

Marigold companion planting enhances the growth of basil, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, gourds, kale, potatoes, squash and tomatoes. Marigold also makes a good companion plant to melons because it deters beetles.

Beans and cabbage are listed as bad companion plants for marigolds.

Marigolds, Cabbage & Broccoli.

As you might have noticed, I listed cabbage on both the good companions and the bad companions lists. Like so many things in gardening, the experts often have differing opinions. Cabbage and I suspect it’s fellow Brassica broccoli appear to be questionable companions. Since neither of our conflicting sources mentioned why they felt positively or negatively about cabbage as a companion, it might be best to assume the worst and consider both broccoli and cabbage as bad companions for marigolds.

Marigold & Insects

Marigolds have traditionally been used as borders around treasured flower beds and vegetable gardens. Scented varieties of marigold will deter beetles, beet leaf hoppers, Mexican bean beetle and nematodes. Pot marigold repels asparagus beetle and tomato worm and Mexican marigold is thought to repel rabbits.

We found out the hard way that the newer hybrid marigolds have not retained this natural pest controlling scent. We purchased some light yellow plants and the ravenous aphids promptly destroyed them. Of course, I suppose, you could argue that the nasty little things were so busy eating our marigolds that they left our vegetable garden unmolested.

Not all the news about marigold is good though. They do tend to attract spider mites and slugs.

Marigolds as a Natural Pesticide.

The roots of French marigolds produce a chemical that is so strong it is an effective pesticide for years after the plants are gone.

Mexican marigolds produce a stronger version of this chemical which has the potential to inhibit the growth of some of the more tender herbs.

Additional Marigold Information

(Calendula officinalis, Linn.)

To learn more about growing marigolds be sure to check out our marigold fact sheet.

Further Reading

Marigold Companions (2)Marigold Companions (3)

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore marigolds. Their colors are so bright and striking in a garden. But, when it comes down to it, many of us plant them in hopes that they will be able to chase away harmful garden pests or at least keep them away from more valuable things like our prize tomatoes. If you are trying to keep your garden pesticide free, The Organic Gardener’s Handbook of Natural Pest and Disease Control: A Complete Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Garden and Yard the Earth-Friendly WayMarigold Companions (4) might offer some additional ideas to winning the war against aphids or whatever little insect demons are plaguing your garden.

  1. I am 75 years old and just decided to learn about the beautiful marigold and after learning all their qualities I love them more now than ever beforre!


    1. No worries. There’s so many variables involved that what works in one area might not work in another (or just might be folklore that doesn’t work at all). I’ve heard time and time again to plant marigolds to deter bunnies. Yet, I’ve seen where bunnies actually ate them – guess they didn’t get the memo they’re supposed to hate them.


  2. I have a very small back area and have marigold starts against the fence. I ended up with several strong marigold seedlings and I’m wondering if I can plant a couple in the area of the morning glories or if that is a bad idea. I’m sorry if this is not the right place for such a question. Thank you


    1. Sorry I meant I have morning glory starts against the fence and wondering if I could put a couple Marigold starts next to them


      1. To be honest, I’m guessing here, but; our experience with morning glory is it kinda grows where it wants to; and it often grows in odd places. I would think if they’re already established that the marigolds wouldn’t bother it. Maybe just plant a few starts? Hopefully, we’ll get someone else to stop by and share their own experience.


  3. Your first paragraph is rather unclear. Your first sentence states marigolds are good companions for cabbage and your second sentence says cabbage is a bad companion for marigolds???


    1. And, the next paragraph said that the “expert” opinions did not explain why companion planting marigold with cabbage is preferred or not; which is why I mentioned both and suggested to assume the worst rather than risk losing your crop.


  4. Your yellow “marigolds” were probably actually calendula officinallis, sometimes referred to as pot marigolds, but are not at all the same as what we know as Marigolds (tagetes …). Here’s a link to help with the confusion.
    They are completely different plants, and I’ve definately noticed that Calendula do not hold up to pests like Marigolds do.


    1. That would make a ton of sense! Particularly as we watched the very pests that were supposed to hate marigolds happily munching on them. But after visiting the article you suggested; we did have true marigolds. I do wonder though if they’ve been so very hybridized that they have become somewhat less effective for pest management.


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Marigold Companions (2024)


What pairs well with marigolds? ›

Marigolds come in vibrant yellow, red, and orange hues, which can be beautifully paired with complementary colors of other flowers in the garden landscape. Try interplanting marigolds with allium, coreopsis, roses, salvia, bachelor buttons, lavender, and geranium plants for eye-catching appeal.

What should not be planted with marigold? ›

Marigold – French Marigolds (Tagetes patula) produce chemicals that repel whitefly, Mexican bean beetles, root knot nematodes, and root lesion nematodes. Avoid planting them near beans.

Can I plant marigolds close together? ›

In planting beds, space African marigolds 10 to 12 inches apart, while French marigolds should be 8 to 10 inches apart. If you're planting marigolds into containers, use a pot that's at least 10 inches across for African and larger French types.

Which marigolds keep bugs away? ›

Marigolds – The marigold is probably the most well-known plant for repelling insects. French marigolds repel whiteflies and kill bad nematodes. Mexican marigolds are said to offend a host of destructive insects and wild rabbits as well.

How many marigolds should you plant together? ›

Marigold seeds are planted 1/2 inch deep, 4 per square foot, in the full sun. Take care to notice what plants are around the area as well, see the companion plant section below. Your seeds should sprout within 14-21 days.

Can marigolds and zinnias grow together? ›

The Short Answer. Absolutely! With similar growth requirements, zinnias and marigolds are perfect together in a cut flower garden, landscape, or in a pot. They are also both relatively easy to grow, and they will not compete too aggressively for nutrients in the area that they grow.

What grows well near marigold? ›

What to Plant with Marigolds
  • Cucumbers.
  • Melons.
  • Eggplants.
  • Squash.
  • Potatoes.
  • Lettuce.
  • Pumpkins.
  • Tomatoes.
Jun 14, 2021

Are marigolds good to plant around a garden? ›

Marigolds actually attract beneficial insects such as ladybugs, parasitic wasps and lacewings which all prey on harmful garden insects reducing the amount of damaging insects found around your garden. Marigolds also help eliminate nematodes, with toxins found within the plant.

Do marigolds spread out? ›

Do marigolds spread? Marigolds are rapidly growing plants and most varieties are self-seeding, which means they will drop seeds and spread throughout your yard or garden. Limit the ability to self-seed by deadheading before blooms go to seed.

How do I arrange marigolds in my garden? ›

Plant after danger of frost in holes predug to the same depth and slightly wider than the packs or pots. Space dwarf varieties 6 inches apart, medium types 10 to 12 inches apart, and allow at least 12 inches of space between larger marigolds. Water thoroughly. Fertilize as recommended for seed-grown marigolds.

How do you keep marigolds short and bushy? ›

Pinching the tips of growing stems stops, at least temporarily, their growth, in so doing coaxing growth of side shoots. The result: bushier plants. Even though plants such as lavatera, marigold and zinnia are naturally bushy, pinching the tips of their stems makes them more so.

Do marigolds repel rodents? ›

Plants and herbs known to keep mice and other rodents away include: Marigolds.

Do marigolds get rid of mosquitoes? ›

Marigolds, an easy-to-grow annual flower, emit a smell that deters mosquitoes. Grow them in pots and place them near your patio or entrance to your home to keep bugs out. Marigolds are also a popular addition to borders and vegetable gardens.

Do marigolds attract hummingbirds? ›

Many popular flowers that gardeners love just don't do it for the hummers! Either due to low nectar content, lackluster color, or other factors, hummingbirds are not usually attracted to: roses, tulips, marigolds, irises, lilacs, lilies, sunflowers, daffodils, gardenias, or peonies.

Which marigolds are best for mosquitoes? ›

African or Aztec Marigold – How To Repel Pests With Marigolds. The African Marigold is perhaps the most common type of marigold there is. It's grown around the world and known for its striking, bold-colored double blooms. It is also one of the best marigold varieties of all for keeping pests away.

Do marigolds like to be crowded? ›

French marigolds should generally be spaced 8-10 inches apart while the larger African varieties should be spaced 10-12 inches apart. Marigolds planted in containers can become crowded if planted too close together. Water: Marigolds are drought tolerant and so be careful not to overwater.

How do you increase marigold yield? ›

Marigold flowers are plucked when they have attained the full size. Harvesting of flowers is done in the evening, just before the flowers are fully opened. Field should be irrigated before plucking so those flowers keep well for longer period after harvest. Regular picking improves the yield.

How fast do marigolds spread? ›

They bloom within 45 days after planting, are very hardy and grow considerably quickly. Like many other kinds of flowers, marigolds are able to multiply. This is because most varieties of the plant are self-seeding, which means that they spread throughout the flower bed or garden in which they are planted every year.

Can I plant geraniums and marigolds together? ›

Marigolds are great companions for geraniums because they repel slugs. However, these lovely flowers also repel mosquitoes and, for this reason, will help you enjoy your garden more.

Can you plant marigolds and begonias together? ›

Begonias are often paired with other sun-loving plants to create beautiful color combinations. Impatiens, coleus, dusty miller and marigolds have similar growing conditions and offer contrasts in color. Mix them together for an eye-catching display.

Can you plant lavender and marigolds together? ›

Yes! Marigolds can be planted with lavender and make great planting companions. They are both easy to establish, and require little to no maintenance. These drought tolerant plants can add many benefits to you and your surrounding plants.

Where is the best place to plant marigolds? ›

Most marigolds prefer to be located in an area with full sun but will tolerate some shade. During times of extreme heat, some afternoon shade is beneficial. T. erecta varieties should be planted in an area protected from strong winds and damaging rainfall.

Do marigolds deter deer and rabbits? ›

Some flowers that rabbits and deer tend to avoid eating include astilbe, daffodils, marigolds, snapdragons, daylilies, primrose and peonies. Snapdragons are a good choice for attractive flowers that ward off deer from your garden. Choose a suitable planting location for your rabbit and deer-resistant flowers.

Do marigolds like Miracle Gro? ›

Benefits: Better Blooms, More Colorful Blooms, Easy to Use

If you go to any farm or farmer's market the only type of fertilizer they will recommend using is this water-soluble solution by miracle-gro.

How do you keep marigolds blooming all season? ›

Marigolds don't require deadheading, but if dying blossoms are regularly removed, it will encourage the plant to continue blooming profusely. When you water marigolds, allow the soil to dry somewhat between waterings, then water well and repeat the process. Water more in high heat. Do not water marigolds from overhead.

How long do marigolds live for? ›

Calendula and Tagetes are annuals, so they only live for one year. However, if sown early and then deadheaded or regularly cut for the vase, marigolds will flower for months, sometimes from May to November.

What happens if you don't deadhead marigolds? ›

In a few words, no, you don't need to deadhead marigolds. Your plants will continue to grow without this bit of maintenance and they'll still bloom, and they'll keep on keepin' on until the first frost.

What kills marigolds? ›

Insects such as grasshoppers can start eating your plants and slugs will steadily move towards them. While birds don't actually eat marigolds, they can destroy the plants looking for food. Rabbits are also a fan of marigolds and can inadvertently trample other plants around them.

How do you make marigolds bushier? ›

Pinching helps marigolds bush out, rather than sending only one shoot up. Use your thumb and forefinger to pinch off the top growing tip of the plant. Deadheading is removing the flowers that have died. This forces the plant to keep blooming, rather than focusing on seed production.

Do florists use marigolds? ›

The scent is probably why marigolds, which make fine cut flowers, do not get used in floral arrangements more often. Most of the smell, however, is concentrated in the foliage. The flowers themselves are almost odorless. If you strip off the foliage, the scent of marigolds won't permeate the house.

Should I water marigolds every day? ›

Seedlings are more susceptible to “drowning” when they are overwatered. Too much water at once can also cause the plant to uproot itself, as soil washes away easier when the plant doesn't have a solid root structure in place. Plan on watering your marigolds seedlings every few days, or even daily.

Why are my marigolds growing tall but not flowering? ›

Marigolds can't get enough sunlight. All-day sun, from morning to evening, and they're perfectly happy. Don't be tempted to place them somewhere shady. While a little bit won't hurt, anything less than six hours of sun and you probably won't see flowers.

Why do marigolds get leggy? ›

Leggy/Stretched Out Stems

Due to the lack of sunlight, your marigolds can become leggy and look stretched. Plants become leggy when they aren't getting enough sunlight. Marigolds grow best in areas that receive full sun, as much as they can get.

Do marigolds keep snakes away? ›


'These sturdy roots are the snake repellents. They emit a strong odor that repels snakes, gophers, and moles. They can also reach wherever a snake might be burrowing and hiding in, so the smell will reach deep into the soil.

What eats marigolds at night? ›

Snails and slugs eat irregular holes in marigold leaves and chew new flower buds before they open. They feed at night and affect the marigold plants at all stages of development. Slug injury is sometimes difficult to diagnose because slugs hide during the day.

Do marigolds attract squirrels? ›

Plant squirrel-repelling flowers, such as nasturtiums, marigolds, and mustard as a border around your vegetable garden; these plants have a strong aroma. Do not plant bulbs squirrels love such as tulips and crocuses.

Do marigolds keep wasps away? ›

Marigolds. The colorful marigold makes an attractive addition to gardens, and like most of the other plants on this list, its smell is what keeps insects away. Though it doesn't necessarily ward off nectar-seeking honeybees, it is not attractive to wasps.

Are marigolds poisonous to dogs? ›

Spider plants, ferns and colourful bromeliads and marigolds are all harmless to dogs and cats.

Do marigolds deter ants? ›

unless marigolds actually have some reason to be there. Evidence that marigolds can repel ants or other insects is lacking. However, chemicals released from the roots of some marigold species are toxic to certain nematodes (roundworms); some nematodes are pests and can destroy plant root systems.

What is a hummingbird's favorite flower? ›

Brightly-colored flowers that are tubular tend to produce the most nectar, and are particularly attractive to hummingbirds. These include perennials such as bee balms, columbines, daylilies, and lupines; biennials such as foxgloves and hollyhocks; and many annuals, including cleomes, impatiens, and petunias.

What birds do marigolds attract? ›

Watch for motion—of both birds and plants. Willowy cosmos stems sway under the weight of goldfinches; marigolds and ornamental millet will bend to the ground as juncos and sparrows jump up to pull down seed heads; flashes of wings will give away cardinals, jays, chickadees and others sampling the sunflowers.

Are marigolds good for butterflies? ›

Annual Nectar Flowers for Monarch Butterflies

The marigold is a common summer bedding flower that not only provides nectar for monarchs, but also repels undesirable insects from the garden.

What is the number one plant to keep mosquitoes? ›

Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) and citronella grass (C. nardus) have proven mosquito-repelling abilities thanks to the citronella oil contained within their leaves.

What is the thing mosquitoes hate the most? ›

Mosquitoes hate peppermint much like wasps and other common pests. Lavender – Lavender is not only an effective mosquito repellent, it's also touted as a powerful ointment to relieve itchy mosquito bites. This oil has a pleasant floral scent and is the safest choice for children.

What plant do mosquitoes hate the most? ›

11 Plants & Herbs That Naturally Repel Mosquitoes
  • Citronella. Chances are, you've heard of this one before- it's one of the most common ingredients in most mosquito repellents. ...
  • Lemon Balm. ...
  • Catnip. ...
  • Marigolds. ...
  • Basil. ...
  • Peppermint. ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Pennyroyal.
Jun 14, 2016

What color compliments marigolds? ›

Since marigold isn't overly bright or dark this color can be paired with a variety of colors for spring and fall color palettes. Add marigold to vivacious springtime colors like bright orange, lime green, sea blue, and magenta for a fun and bouncy spring palette.

Where should I put marigolds in my garden? ›

Marigolds will grow in a wide range of soil types and conditions. All they really demand is plenty of sunlight. As long as you plant them in areas of full sun, they should be particularly trouble-free plants.

What are the best flower combinations? ›

stunning combinations that can brighten any landscape design or lawn!
  • Roses and Blue Perennial Salvia. ...
  • Veronica and Coneflower. ...
  • Petunias and Geranium. ...
  • Yellow Gazania, Dahlberg Daily, and White Sweet Alyssum. ...
  • Build A Layered Garden. ...
  • Early Bloom: Primrose, Foxgloves, Calluna, Crocus, and Cotoneaster.
Mar 30, 2017

What does marigold symbolize? ›

Marigolds were often linked to the powerful strength of the sun and represent power, strength, and light that lives inside of a person. The marigold has also come to symbolize a feeling of despaired love. If someone has lost someone they love, whether it be by death or a broken relationship.

Do marigolds and lavender together? ›

Yes! Marigolds can be planted with lavender and make great planting companions. They are both easy to establish, and require little to no maintenance. These drought tolerant plants can add many benefits to you and your surrounding plants.

Do marigolds like a lot of water? ›

How to Water Marigolds. When growing marigolds, check soil weekly: When the top inch is dry, it's time to water. (Marigolds growing in containers may need more frequent watering.) Each time you water, be sure to drench the soil, and aim the nozzle or spout of your watering device toward the base of the plants.

Do marigolds do well in hot sun? ›

Marigolds thrive in full sunshine and can often withstand very hot summers. African and signet marigolds are drought tolerant, while French marigolds are more tolerant of wet conditions. If planted in shade and cool, moist areas, marigolds are prone to powdery mildew and won't bloom well.

Should you deadhead marigolds? ›

The first and overwhelmingly large majority will say that, yes, you absolutely should deadhead. This is because marigolds don't respond very positively to fertilizers – they tend to get leggy and flop over – so it is the best and easiest way to ensure strong and consistent blooms.

How long do marigolds last in a garden? ›

Do marigolds come back every year? Calendula and Tagetes are annuals, so they only live for one year. However, if sown early and then deadheaded or regularly cut for the vase, marigolds will flower for months, sometimes from May to November. Calendulas will often self-sow, giving you more flowers the following year.

What 3 plants grow well together? ›

The crops of corn, beans, and squash are known as the Three Sisters. For centuries these three crops have been the center of Native American agriculture and culinary traditions. It is for good reason as these three crops complement each other in the garden as well as nutritionally.

What flowers have the golden ratio? ›

The number of petals in a flower consistently follows the Fibonacci sequence. Famous examples include the lily, which has three petals, buttercups, which have five (pictured at left), the chicory's 21, the daisy's 34, and so on.

What is the happiest flower? ›

All You Need to Know About Sunflowers - The Happiest Flower on Earth. The majestic sunflowers are said to bag the title of the happiest flowers on earth – and much can be attributed to their brilliant, yellow petals and tall green stems that remind us of the sweet summer sun.

What flower represents God? ›

Pinks hold a deep Christian significance. They were associated with the nails used in the Crucifixion and coronations, while the name dianthus translates to “flower of God” (from the original Greek Dios for Zeus), and can be found represented in numerous illuminated manuscripts.

Is marigold in the Bible? ›

Marigolds, as the story goes, were given to the Virgin Mary by those who could not afford gold as gifts. Despite the biblical heritage, there are also many other meanings attached to the marigold.

What is the story behind marigolds? ›

The British called the French Marigold the “Rose-of-the-Indies”. In Spain, the flowers were the favorites to be placed on the altar of the Virgin Mary. Eventually they became known as Mary's Gold and hence, marigold. In India, the plants grew to have religious significance and became known as the Friendship Flower.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.