Marketing a Blog - How to Market a Blog on Social Media - Daily Checklist - Dividend Income Investor (2024)

Marketing a Blog – How to Market a Blog on Social Media – Daily Checklist to promote your blog or online business on social media.

Marketing a blog?

Social media marketing is a powerful way to create awareness for your blog.

It is a method to attract page views in the initial stages of blogging before your blog ranks in Google search engines, and it’s a low cost way to share your brand’s message.

Personally, I’ve used social media to grow my blog to over 10,000 page views per month. Of course, search engine optimization (SEO) and other tactics for bloggers are useful as well. But most of my blog’s traffic comes from Pinterest and Twitter.

Because so much of my blog’s traffic comes from social media, I decided to create a daily checklist to market a blog on social media. This post is intended to be a reminder for myself, and I also want it to be a helpful resource on social media marketing for bloggers.

The check list features methods I’ve used to build my social media networks and e-mail subscription list up to almost 5,000 individuals.

Everything I share about marketing a blog was learned from a combination of the following:

  • I studied Business Marketing in College.
  • Worked in social media during my professional career.
  • Trial and error while blogging.
  • Observing successful Blogger’s social media marketing strategies.
  • And of course, I’ve learned a lot from Gary Vaynerchuk.

As a preface, the first 7 points are centred around a checklist that can be completed daily, however, the next 9 points focus on important aspects of social media marketing to remember.

Here are 16 social media tactics I currently use to drive traffic to my blog per day:

Marketing a Blog – How to Market a Blog on Social Media

Daily Checklist:

1. Post 100 Pieces of Content Per Day (30 to 50 Minimum)

I realize that publishing 100 pieces of content per day may seem excessive, but with so much competition for your audiences’s attention, there must be a constant reminder of your blog’s brand in order to stand out. The 100 pieces of content per day concept is based on Gary Vaynerchuk’s approach to social media.

Post on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, but focus on the channels you are most natural at.

The best channels for bloggers are Pinterest and Twitter in my opinion. Otherwise, time is better spent on SEO.

In the case of RTC, I prefer to publish posts hourly during the day on Twitter, Facebook, and on Pinterest.

Here is an example of my IDEAL 100-pieces-of-content-per-day social media posting schedule:

  • 24 Tweets (hourly if possibly).
  • 24 Facebook posts (hourly if possibly).
  • 45 to 60 pins (post 3 per hour if possible).
  • At least 1 post to my Instagram story.
  • 3 advertisem*nts on FB, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • 3 Quotes on FB, Twitter, and Instagram.

By the way, a piece of content is any link, quote, photo, or advertisem*nt that is promoting the blog.

In other words, one piece of content is posted each time I share a post link on Twitter.

2. Follow at least 1 new account per day on each Social Media Platform

In the midst of posting 100 pieces of content per day, I would recommend following at least 1 account per day on each social media channel. This is because it helps to attract new followers and grow the social media platforms.

For example, if you have a Twitter account to promote your blog, follow 1 new Twitter account per day.

There are a few conditions, though; the new accounts must produce a similar type of content or be related, they must be actively using the platform, and they must be within the same community. In RTC’s case, I try to follow other blogs that create content on personal finance, dividend investing, financial independence, and blogging.

3. Like and Retweet Related Content

The idea is to get your brand noticed as much as possible. Over and over and over again. But the goal is to build relationships and network with others in the community.

Eventually a post will be compelling enough, and the brand will sink in enough, to entice a visitor that repeatedly notices the brand.

But also, like and retweet as a service to the community in the same way a city contributes to its community.

Of course, it must be positive interactions that build up a community, and it must help or support others.

Essentially your brand is there all the time. It will eventually get noticed by supporting others.

Building your own social media following through sharing content with a mix of your own content is viable strategy in the beginning when you don’t have a lot of content to share.

So curate, support, like, engage, share, and do this all as much as possible.

4. Create at least 1 Engagement per Social Media Platform per Day – Relationship Building

Just like in the real world, professional blogging requires networking and relationship building.

Any why not? Why not share and engage with other like-minded people on social media.

It adds to the conversation’s topic, gets your brand name out there, and builds rapport with other content creators.

I aim to add at least one thoughtful comment per day on Twitter and Instagram.

A major key I learned from Gary Varynerchuk is to use hashtags to search for individuals talking about your blog’s topic on social media. Once you find people discussing your topic on social media, you can add an insightful comment to their original post.

Marketing a Blog - How to Market a Blog on Social Media - Daily Checklist - Dividend Income Investor (1)Marketing a Blog - How to Market a Blog on Social Media - Daily Checklist - Dividend Income Investor (2)

5. 1 Advertisem*nt per Day

Now, this is just my own idea, but it is based on business marketing books I’ve read like “Purple CowMarketing a Blog - How to Market a Blog on Social Media - Daily Checklist - Dividend Income Investor (3),” and the marketing concepts of Gary Vaynerchuk.

This idea is to share at least one advertisem*nt per day on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

And it’s just a regular share too. I’m not referring to paid advertising because I’m not an expert on it.

I’m simply referring to one Image or video per day that reminds the audience of the happiness associated with your brand’s product or service.

Each advertisem*nt should associate a feeling of happiness with your brand.

So, if your blog is trying to market financial independence, the goal is to market the happiness that financial independence could provide. The lifestyle options are the motivation to read and learn more about personal finance and investing.

Related post: The Perfect Lifestyle is the reason behind Financial Independence

6. Create a new Pin per day

It took some time but I have surely realized the value of Pinterest for blogging.

Pinterest is actually my number one driver of traffic out of all social media platforms, including Twitter.

I have slowly become better at Pins visually, but I still use my own images and designs for the most part. But I have started to use Canva images more lately. I am realizing that I am a professional Blogger, not a Photographer. I must do whatever drives the most traffic, not what makes me feel the most artistic.

Anyways, since Pinterest is a blog traffic generating machine, I try to create one new Pin per day to always have a new Pin to share to different boards.

7. Post to Facebook Groups once per day

I alluded to the benefits of posting in Facebook groups recently in my post about building a successful blog.

Simply put, it is a fantastic way to drive engaged traffic and connect with like-minded people.

It’s also an easy way to get your content in front of a much larger audience on Facebook.

Although I haven’t been posting every single day, I am hoping this post helps as a reminder.

To begin engaging in Facebook groups, seek out Facebook groups that focus on the same topic as your blog. After you apply and are accepted to contribute to the group, read what the group members are saying. Like and comment on posts you can provide value to. Then begin sharing content that answers their questions daily.

Things to Remember:

8. View your Blog as a Media Company

To market a blog on social media, you must first view yourself as a media company. I alluded to this concept in my blogging goals for 2020.

Share every single piece of content you think would be valuable to your readers as if you were sharing to a personal friend.

Ideally, you want a constant stream of relevant information being shared to your following.

The goal behind this concept is to use other content and your own content to create a connection. The audience must see your brand and continue to build the association to it and its topics.

In 2020, everyone is their own media company.

9. Use Canva to Create Images, Pins, Advertisem*nts, and for Branded Images.

Canva has been one of my favourite apps ever from the moment I discovered it.

In short, it is an app that allows you to design and add words to images. It’s how I create my Pins and blog images.

I would highly recommend using Canva for marketing a blog on social media.

10. Utilize the Social Media Platform that suits your skillset

Another point that should be mentioned is that it’s important to use the social media platform that best suits your abilities. If video content is the best way to express yourself, focus on Tik Tok, Snap Chat, and Instagram. If written format is best, focus on Twitter and Facebook. Alternatively, if photography is your skill, your social media time may be best spent on Instagram and Pinterest.

11. But be on as many Social Media Platforms as possible

Ultimately, you want your blog to be noticed as much as possible. Therefore it is best to be on as many social media platforms as possible.

Obviously they should be social networks that make sense. For example, I don’t do video so I’m not on Tik Tok or SnapChat.

12. Add Context and Share Old Content

There are now more than 225 published posts on this blog.

Frankly, many of the early posts need to be edited and updated. They’re not up to current standards.

But there are a few good posts and ideas to improve upon.

For example, I still believe saving is more important than paying off debt. The idea is good. But the post needs to be edited and updated.

Until then, I could still share it on Twitter with new context. Maybe the markets relate to the post, or maybe an event happened during the day.

Tie current events and inspirations into an older post for a new audience to find.

13. Utilize Hootesuite and TailWind

Hootesuite and TailWind are apps or websites you can use to schedule your social media posts in advance. It is great for attracting page views at times when you would normally be sleeping, or it can be a great time saver if you’re short on time for creating content.

Because I aim to use RTC social accounts as naturally as possible, I don’t maintain an active Tailwind account at the moment. I’ve used the free trial before, though. However, I do utilize Hootesuite to schedule content in the early morning.

I definitely do notice a difference in blog traffic on days that I schedule Tweets and Facebook posts using Hootsuite.

The only reason I am not using TailWind right now is because of the upfront cast, which is actually not a lot. Technically, I could use my next Google Adsense payment to cover the cost. It’s smart to reinvest earnings.

Related post: Google Ads: Why I prefer Google Adsense for Blog Monetization

Anyways, it’s smart to utilize Hootesuite and Tailwind. They will help alleviate the social media workload, and also optimize my posting times.

Even though Pinterest is already my primary traffic driver, I see a lot of room for growth. TailWind could be the answer. I must also read an eBook to learn more about Pinterest Marketing.

14. Trust the Numbers

Trust the numbers.

In other words, go with what works.

Don’t be stubborn like me and hold yourself back early on.

Look at your blog numbers on Google Analytics. Is Twitter your primary traffic driver? Focus on that.

Alternatively, if most of your blog traffic is coming from Pinterest, focus more attention on Pinterest.

Related Post: Analytics, Social Media, and Blog Income after 1 Year

15. Create a Group Board on Pinterest

Another Pinterest tactic that has worked well is creating well named Pinterest Group Boards.

I created the Pinterest board, Financial Independence, which now has over 65 contributors. I still receive e-mails about joining the group board all the time, which I appreciate.

Starting a Pinterest Board for a particular community is a great way to create awareness for your blog.

After you create the group board and have a few of your own pins added, you can invite and e-mail other contributors to get your list started. Eventually others will be interested in contributing.

16. Always incorporate your Brand’s Message and Look

Although I have been less focussed on this since I read Hearts and Hustle’s income report, I still do believe in branding.

In H&H’s post, Andrea, who happens to be an outstanding Blogger, mentions how her strategy doesn’t focus on branding at all—her focus is on content creation.

And while I do realize that the most important part of successful blogging is quality content, I still believe a recognizable, memorable brand image has an impact.

Every time your brand is seen on social media, it should be recognizable, memorable, and it should reflect your brand’s message.

Frequently using the same colours is an easy way to brand your blog. And obviously, a logo and tag line helps too.

But mostly, aim to market the happiness that is associated with your blog, product or service.

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Marketing a Blog – Final Thoughts

I truly believe that following the 16 steps daily will grow your social media audience and slowly increase your blog’s traffic.

In addition, social media can help you get recognized by those who have larger followings. In turn, you can grow your blog through cross promotion.

As we all know, there are negative sides to social media. And it’s certainly not the only way to drive traffic available for Bloggers. There are other tactics to build a successful blog.

Depending on your blog, product, or service, it’s probably better to focus on SEO first. But with Google’s ability to adjust an algorithm, it’s smart to acquire traffic through more than one channel.

Moreover, in 2020, social media marketing is undoubtedly a critical component of any proper marketing strategy.

Although I am not always consistent with my daily steps to market a blog on social media, I have noticed positive results when I have consistently posted 100 pieces of content per day.

In summary, these are the 16 points I focus on to market my blog. The first 7 points are daily exercises, while the final 9 are important elements to remember.

I hope my social media marketing tips help grow your blog!

For more information on ways to build a successful blog, check out these 6 Tactics to Build a Successful Blog.

I am not a licensed investment or tax adviser. All opinions are my own. This post contains advertisem*nts by Google Adsense. This post also contains internal links, affiliate links, links to external sites, and links to RTC social media accounts.

Earn passive income through dividend investing with RTC’s link below ($50 in free trades):

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Marketing a Blog - How to Market a Blog on Social Media - Daily Checklist - Dividend Income Investor (2024)


How to promote a blogger blog? ›

Drive visits from social media
  1. Optimize your blog posts for social media. ...
  2. Share your posts on social media. ...
  3. Be active on social media. ...
  4. Consider relevant forums and Q&A sites. ...
  5. Include links to your blog on your social profiles. ...
  6. Encourage others to share your blog posts. ...
  7. Consider paid promotion on social media.

What are the five ways of social media marketing? ›

5 Social Media Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Brand's...
  • Develop a unique brand voice. ...
  • Research how your target audience uses social media. ...
  • Share relevant content from across the Internet. ...
  • Start an industry related Facebook group. ...
  • Use paid social advertising to promote your brand.
Mar 28, 2023

What are the marketing strategies for social media? ›

Social media marketing requires an evolving strategy with measurable goals and includes: Maintaining and optimizing your profiles. Posting pictures, videos, stories, and live videos that represent your brand and attract a relevant audience. Responding to comments, shares, and likes and monitoring your reputation.

Does Blogger pay you? ›

There are many different ways that a blogger can get paid: Ads on their blog. Brand sponsorships/partnerships. Monetization on social media sites.

How do I market myself as a blogger? ›

Consider the following tips to help you promote your blog and increase traffic:
  1. Repurpose your content. ...
  2. Invest in link building. ...
  3. Promote on social media. ...
  4. Invest in paid promotion. ...
  5. Take advantage of email marketing. ...
  6. Post articles frequently. ...
  7. Reach out to influencers. ...
  8. Take part in guest blogging.
Feb 22, 2022

What are the 4 P's of social media marketing? ›

Most people have heard of the four P's used in social marketing: Product (key benefits, service or behavior change), Price (the cost of stopping an unhealthy behavior or adopting a healthy one), Place (the opportunities and access to products, services and places to engage in the behaviors), and Promotion ( ...

What are the 4 stages of social media marketing? ›

by Adam Wasserman – Create a successful social media campaign by following these four steps: 1) Know your consumer, 2) Set your target, 3) Execute a plan, 4) Monitor.

How to do social media marketing as a beginner? ›

Follow these five tips to create the perfect social media marketing strategy for your business.
  1. Determine which social media platforms you will market on. ...
  2. Set goals and KPIs to track performance. ...
  3. Create useful and interesting content. ...
  4. Organize your posts in a calendar. ...
  5. Assess and update your strategy regularly.
Mar 14, 2023

What is the most powerful social media marketing strategy? ›

Template for Social Media Marketing Strategies

Identify your goals and target audience. Understand your competitors before planning and strategizing. Conduct a social media audit to know what has worked for you or not. Create a social media content calendar to schedule tasks and posting times for your social media.

How to market anything on social media in 500 words? ›

  1. Step1: Define Your Target Audience: ...
  2. Step2: Choose the Right Social Media Platforms: ...
  3. Step3: Create Engaging and Relevant Content: ...
  4. Step4: Utilize Influencer Marketing: ...
  5. Step5: Leverage User-Generated Content (UGC): ...
  6. Step6: Implement Social Media Advertising: ...
  7. Step7: Engage and Interact with Your Audience:
Jun 16, 2023

How much does social media marketing cost? ›

Average social media advertising pricing can cost anywhere from $15 to $200 per day to $450 to $6,000 per month to manage an account (paid to your agency or consultant), with monthly ad spend ranging from $200 to over $50,000 (paid to ad networks).

How to advertise without paying? ›

Create a website with some important keywords in the text and images, update it regularly, make sure it's indexed in the search engines, and link to other relevant sites. Blogging, creating videos, being active on social media, and getting good reviews from customers online can all help boost you up the rankings, too.

What are the steps in strategic marketing? ›

What is the strategic marketing process? The strategic marketing process involves conducting research and establishing goals and objectives that will maximize the effectiveness and success of your overall marketing strategy. This process is beneficial as it helps you be more intentional with your marketing.

How to get 1,000 views on Blogger? ›

How to get traffic to your blog
  1. Create great content. Quality content is your first step to blogging success. ...
  2. Post consistently. ...
  3. SEO your posts. ...
  4. Make sure your blog looks good. ...
  5. Optimise site navigation. ...
  6. Share your posts on social media. ...
  7. Create multiple pins for Pinterest for every blog post.
Jun 23, 2023

How do I attract viewers to my blog? ›

17 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Blog
  1. Publish Long-Form Blog Posts.
  2. Write About Trending Topics.
  3. Use Long Blog Post Headlines.
  4. Comment on Related Blogs.
  5. Repurpose Content For Different Platforms.
  6. Promote New Content In Email Newsletters.
  7. Guest Blog On Legit Blogs In Your Niche.
  8. Optimize Your Blog Posts For SEO.
Nov 16, 2023

How do I promote my blog for free? ›

17 ways to promote your blog
  1. Get active on social media.
  2. Participate in online forums.
  3. Continue the conversation in your newsletter.
  4. Optimize for SEO.
  5. Become a guest writer.
  6. Create cool visuals.
  7. Translate your posts to other languages.
  8. Make your blog shareable.

How can I increase my blog traffic fast on Blogger? ›

How to Get Traffic to Your Blog (14 Actionable Tips)
  1. Do Keyword Research for Every Blog Post.
  2. Follow a Content Calendar.
  3. Create Evergreen Content.
  4. Leverage Long-Form Blog Posts.
  5. Get New Topic Ideas with Keyword Gap.
  6. Follow Google's E-E-A-T Guidelines.
  7. Improve Your On-Page SEO.
  8. Create Engaging Infographics.
Feb 12, 2024

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.