Mechanisms regulating melanogenesis (2024)

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Mechanisms regulating melanogenesis (1)

Instructions for authorsPrevious IssuesSubmit a manuscriptAnais Brasileiros de Dermatologia

An Bras Dermatol. 2013 Jan-Feb; 88(1): 76–83.

PMCID: PMC3699939

PMID: 23539007

Language: English | Portuguese

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer


Skin pigmentation is an important human phenotypic trait whose regulation, in spiteof recent advances, has not yet been fully understood. The pigment melanin isproduced in melanosomes by melanocytes in a complex process called melanogenesis. Themelanocyte interacts with endocrine, immune, inflammatory and central nervoussystems, and its activity is also regulated by extrinsic factors such as ultravioletradiation and drugs. We have carried out a review of the current understanding ofintrinsic and extrinsic factors regulating skin pigmentation, the melanogenesisstages and related gene defects. We focused on melanocyte-keratinocyte interaction,activation of melanocortin type 1 receptor (MC1-R) by peptides(melanocyte-stimulating hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone) resulting fromproopiomelanocortin (POMC) cleavage, and mechanisms of ultraviolet-induced skinpigmentation. The identification and comprehension of the melanogenesis mechanismfacilitate the understanding of the pathogenesis of pigmentation disorders and thedevelopment of potential therapeutic options.

Keywords: Keratinocytes, Melanocytes, Pigmentation disorders, Skin pigmentation, Solar radiation


A pigmentação da pele é um importante traçofenotípico do ser humano mas apesar dos recentes avanços a suaregulação não está ainda totalmente esclarecida. Opigmento melanina é produzido nos melanossomas pelos melanócitos, numprocesso complexo designado por melanogénese. O melanócito interatuacom os sistemas endócrino, imunitário, inflamatório e nervosocentral e a sua atividade é também regulada por fatoresextrínsecos como a radiação ultravioleta e fármacos.Fizemos uma revisão do conhecimento atual sobre os fatores intrínsecose extrínsecos reguladores da pigmentação cutânea, etapasda melanogénese e defeitos genéticos relacionados. Fizemos enfoque nainteração melanócito-keratinócito, naativação do receptor da melanocortina tipo 1 (MC1-R) pelospéptidos (hormona estimuladora do melanócito e hormonaadrenocorticotrófica) resultantes da clivagem da proopiomelanocortina (POMC) emecanismos da pigmentação induzida pela radiaçãoultravioleta. A identificação e compreensão dos mecanismosreguladores da pigmentação cutânea facilitam o conhecimento dosmecanismos patogénicos dos distúrbios da pigmentação e odesenvolvimento de potenciais opções terapêuticas.


The skin has epidermal units that are responsible for melanin production anddistribution, a process called melanogenesis. These units are composed of a melanocytesurrounded by keratinocytes and regulated by a closed paracrine system. Melanin is theprimary determinant of skin, hair, and eye color. Besides defining an important humanphenotypic trait, it has a critical role in photoprotection due to its ability to absorbultraviolet radiation (UVR).1-3 The Fitzpatrick system is the mostcommonly used system to distinguish different skin pigmentation phenotypes. Itcharacterizes six phototypes (I-VI) by grading erythema and acquired pigmentation afterexposure to UVR.14 Constitutive pigmentation reflects the genetically determined level of melanin andcan be changed by several regulatory factors.3,5 These factors may beintrinsic (released by keratinocytes and fibroblasts, endocrine, inflammatory andneuronal cells) or extrinsic (UVR and drugs).3,6

Melanogenesis is a complex process with different stages. When disturbed, it maydetermine different types of pigmentation defects, which are classified as hypo orhyperpigmentation and which may occur with or without an altered number ofmelanocytes.1,2,7 There areseveral dermatoses associated with pigmentation defects which can be congenital oracquired, permanent or temporary, systemic or skin-restricted.7 Since these dermatoses have an important impact on patient quality of life andtheir treatment can be unsatisfactory, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries have beencontinuously seeking new solutions.8,9 The understanding of the mechanisms of melanogenesis helps us to explain thepigmentation defects observed in genodermatoses and allows the development of potentialtherapeutic strategies.3,10 In this review, we describe the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that regulatehuman skin pigmentation, focusing on melanogenesis mechanisms and relatedgenodermatoses.


This review includes research articles which are indexed in PubMed (basic electronicbibliographic database), written in English, and available on the Internet. They can befound through the following search terms: Human melanogenesis; MelanocyteBiology and Pigmentation Skin; Pigmentation disorders. The abbreviationsused in this article are listed in chart 1.

Chart 1

List of abbreviations

ACTHAdrenocorticotropic hormone
α-MSHMelanocyte-stimulating hormone
bFGFBasic fibroblast growth factor
BMPBone morphogenic protein
cAMPCyclic adenosine monophosphate
cGMPCyclic guanosine monophosphate
c-kitMast cell growth factor
CREBcAMP response element
GM-CSFGranulocyte-macrophage colony-sti mulating factor
IP3/DAGInositol triphosphate/diacylglycerol
MAPMitogenic activated protein
MATPMembrane-associated transporter protein
MC1-RMelanocortin recetor type 1
MITFMicrophthalmia-associated transcription factor
NGFNeuronal growth factor
NONitric oxide
PKAProtein kinase A
PKC-βProtein kinase C-β
ROSReactive oxygen species
SCFStem cell factor
TNF-αTumor necrosis factor α
TRPTyrosinase-related protein
UVRUltraviolet radiation


Stages of the melanogenesis process

Melanocytes originate in neural crest melanoblasts that migrate todifferent destinations, including the basal layer of the epidermis and hairfollicles, after closure of the neural tube.3,11,12 Their migration, proliferation, and differentiation into melanin-producingcells depend on mediators produced by cells of the dorsal neural tube, ectoderm andkeratinocytes, such as the family of glycoproteins WNT, endothelin 3 (EDN3), and stemcell factor (SCF), which binds the c-Kit receptor tyrosine kinase in melanocytes and melanoblasts.3,12 Bone morphogenic proteins antagonize these events, and their expression isreduced in melanocyte migration. Piebaldism, a genodermatosis withdepigmented macules, is caused by mutations in the c-kit and SCF genes (Chart 2).3,10,12

Chart 2

Genodermatoses with hypopigmentation or depigmentation

GenodermatosesDefect in melanogenesisAffected geneHeredity; clinical characteristics
PiebaldismMelanoblast proliferation skin maculesC-KIT, SCFAutossomic Dominant (AD); depigmented and migration and whiteforelock
Waardenburg Syndrome (WS)Melanoblast proliferation and migrationWS1 and WS3, PAX3Autossomic Dominant (AD); depigmented skin macules and whiteforelock, heterochromia of the iris, deafness
WS4: SOX10, EDN3
Tietz SyndromeMelanoblast proliferation and migrationMITFAutossomic Dominant (AD); hypopigmentation and deafness
Oculocutaneous Albinism (OCA)Melanin synthesisOCA1: TRAutossomic Recessive (AR); pink skin, white hair, blonde,brown, red pupils, reduced visual acuity, nystagmus, photophobia
OCA2: OCA2 (p gene)
Menkes SyndromeMelanin synthesisATP7AX-linked recessive; sparse scalp hair, spleen, white or gray,neurological disorders
Chediak-Higashi SyndromeMelanosome synthesisLYSTAutossomic Recessive (AR); silvery sheen of the skin and hair, hypopigmentation of the iris, neurological disorders, ocular albinism,immunodeficiency, pancytopenia
Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome (HPS)Melanosome synthesisHPSAutossomic Recessive (AR) white patches on the skin and ocular albinism, bleeding tendency
Griscelli Syndrome (GS)Melanosome transferGSl: MYO5AAutossomic Recessive (AR); skin and hairhypopigmentation, ocular albinism, neurological disorders

Adapted from DessiniotI C et al., 2009.10

LYST (gene of factor that regulates lysosome transport); OCA2 (gene ofproton pump p-protein), TR (gene of tyrosinase).

Melanin synthesis occurs in melanosomes, lysosome-related organelles(LROs) whose defects are responsible for Chediak-Higashi Syndrome andHermansky-Pudlak Syndrome, diseases with cutaneous hypopigmentationand systemic manifestations (Chart 2).6,10,11,13

The key proteins involved in skin pigmentation, such as the components of thefibrillar matrix that binds to melanin (glycoprotein Pmel17) and melanogenic enzymes,are located in melanosomes. In these organelles, the structural matrix is arranged,the tyrosinase enzyme is acquired, and melanin is synthesized along four maturation stages.2,3,6,13 The acquisition of melanogenic enzymes is regulated by a membraneassociatedtransporter protein (MATP), and mutations of the respective gene determineOculocutaneous Albinism type 4.3,6,10When melanin synthesis is completed, melanosomes move bi-directionally fromthe perinuclear area towards melanocyte dendrites, in a movement controlled bymicrotubule proteins (kinesin, dynein). This transport ends with melanosomes bindingactin filaments through a complex formed by myosin Va, Rab27a, and melanophilin (mlph).2 Mutations in the corresponding genes determine various forms ofGriscelli Syndrome (Chart 2).6,10 An increase in intramelanosomal pH from 5 to 6.8, which depends on the protonpump p-protein in the melanosomal membrane, is needed for full maturation of melanosomes.14 On the one hand, the importance of this stage is supported byOculocutaneous Albinism type 2, a disease which is caused by loss offunctional p-protein and, on the other hand, it is supported by lower response torepigmentation treatment options, which is observed in Vitiligo patientswho are also treated with proton pump inhibitors (Chart 2).6,12,14

In the epidermis, each melanocyte interacts through dendrites with 30 to 40keratinocytes, allowing transfer of mature melanosomes to the cytoplasm ofkeratinocytes positioned strategically over nuclei.1,11 This transfer is not fully understood, and different mechanisms such asexocytosis, citophagocytosis, fusion of plasma membranes, and transfer by membranevesicles are described.2

Phenotypic diversity of pigmentation and types of melanin

Phenotypic diversity of pigmentation is not due to a variation in melanocyte number,which is relatively constant in different ethnic groups, but to the size and numberof melanosomes, the amount and type of melanin, and melanin transfer and distributionin keratinocytes.1,3,11 The melanosomes of dark-skinned individuals are larger, more numerous, andelongated, resulting in delayed degradation in keratinocytes and consequently inincreased visible pigmentation.3,11,13 These differences in melanosomes are present at birth and are not determinedby extrinsic factors such as UVR.3

There are two types of melanin: eumelanin brown-black or dark insolublepolymer -and pheomelanin - red-yellow soluble polymer formed by theconjugation of cysteine or glutathione (Figure1).11,13,15 Eumelanin is the major type in individuals with dark skin and hair and is moreefficient in photoprotection. Pheomelanin is predominantly found in individuals withred hair and skin phototypes I and II, in whom skin tumors are more common.5,11

Mechanisms regulating melanogenesis (2)

Synthesis of the two types of melanin and representation of the functions ofthe major enzymes involved

Enzymes of melanogenesis

Tyrosinase is a glycoprotein located in the melanossomal membrane, withan internal, a transmembrane, and a cytoplasmic domain. It is a copperdependentenzyme that catalyzes the conversion of Ltyrosine into L-DOPA, the rate-limitingstage in melanin synthesis (Figure 1).2,14,15 Mutations that inactivate this enzyme are responsible for the most severe formof Albinism, that is, Oculocutaneous Albinism type 1 (Chart 2).6The cytoplasmic domain participates in the transport of the enzyme from thenucleus to melanosomes. The internal domain contains the catalytic region(approximately 90% of the protein) with histidine residues, where the copper ions bind.2 Mutations in the copper carrier (ATP7A) result in Menkes Disease (Chart 2).6If copper is oxidized, the enzyme is inactivated and can be activated byelectron donors such as L-DOPA, ascorbic acid, superoxide anion, and possibly nitricoxide (NO).14,15 Due to the fact that this enzyme can use superoxide anion as a substrate formelanogenesis, it may protect melanocytes from reactive oxygen species (ROS).11,16 The phosphorylation of two serine residues from the cytoplasmic domain byprotein kinase C-β (PKC-β) is also important for tyrosinase activation.17

Tyrosine hydroxylase isoform I (THI) is present in the melanosomalmembrane adjacent to tyrosinase and catalyzes the conversion of L-tyrosine intoL-DOPA, promoting the activation of tyrosinase.

In cytosol, phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH), cofactor 6BH4(6-tetrahydrobiopterin)-dependent, catalyzes the conversion of L-phenylalanine toL-tyrosine, the tyrosinase substrate, thus also promoting its activation.14,15 Schallreuter et al., underlining the central role of tyrosinase, consider thatthese three enzymes are required for the beginning of melanogenesis.14

Two proteins similar to tyrosinase (40% hom*ologous amino acids),tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TRP-1) and tyrosinase-related protein-2 (TRP-2),are also present in the membrane of melanosomes. Although its precise role isnot yet clarified, it is possible that TRP-1 has a role in the activation andstabilization of tyrosinase, melanosome synthesis, increased eumelanin/pheomelaninratio and a role against oxidative stress due to its peroxidase effect (Figure 1).2,15 The results found by Jimbow et al. suggest that the premature death ofmelanocytes in Vitiligo is related to an increased sensitivity tooxidative stress caused by changes in TRP-1.18 Mutations in TRP-1, present in Oculocutaneous Albinism type 3,result in skin and hair hypopigmentation (Chart 2).6TRP-2 acts as a dopacrome tautomerase and, similarly to tyrosinase, requires ametal ion for its activity, zinc instead of copper (Figure 1).2,14,15Figure 1 shows the synthesis of the two typesof melanin and the functions of the major enzymes involved.

Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1-R)

Melanocortin receptors belong to the family of G-protein receptors. MC1-Rpredominates in melanocytes and its agonists include melanocyte stimulating hormone(α-MSH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), both cleavage products ofproopiomelanocortin (POMC). POMC is cleaved by carboxypeptidase-1 in ACTH andβ-lipotrophin and by carboxypeptidase-2 β in endorphin and ACTH. ACTHis fragmented in ACTH 1-17 and α-MSH. ACTH and α-MSH share thetetrapeptide His-Phe-Arg-Trp, which is essential for melanotropic activity. Thispeptide is the main intrinsic regulator of pigmentation, but its pituitary productionis insufficient to stimulate melanogenesis; thus, keratinocytes and melanocytes arethe main responsible for its production on the skin.1,5,11,13,15,16,19Addison's Disease with high levels of ACTH, ACTH-producing tumors(Nelson Syndrome), and cases of prolonged administration of this hormoneare associated with hyperpigmentation, particularly in sun-exposed areas.1,2,15

MC1-R genetic polymorphisms are responsible for ethnic differences of constitutivepigmentation and for different responses to UVR exposure.2,5,11,16 In individuals with red hair and light skin there is a high incidence of MC1-Rmutations, which may be responsible for a decreased response to α-MSH,resulting in decreased eumelanogenesis and reduced pigmentation induced by UVR exposure.11

The Agouti signaling protein, although poorly documented, is theonly known antagonist of MC1-R, competing with a-MSH and, therefore,stimulating pheomelanogenesis. MC1-R activation by POMC peptides stimulates theaccumulation of eumelanin instead of pheomelanin.

MC1-R agonists activate the adenylate cyclase enzyme, increasing intracellular cAMPand activating protein kinase A (PKA). PKA phosphorylates CREB (cAMP responseelement), which acts as a transcription factor in several genes, including themicrophthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF). MITF in its phosphorylatedactive form regulates the expression of melanogenic enzymes, promoting eumelanogenis.2,5,11,13,15 Its phosphorylation depends on kinases of mitogen-activated protein (MAP)whose activity is induced by the binding of keratinocyte-produced-SCF to the c-kitreceptor tyrosine kinase.11,12 In addition to CREB, the expression of the MITF protein is regulated by othertranscription factors and mediators produced by keratinocytes and fibroblasts.6,20 Moreover, the MITF protein regulates the expression of the Rab27a protein,which is important in melanosome transport, the melanosomal matrix protein Pmel17,and an anti-apoptotic protein (bcl-2) of melanocytes, which is often expressed in melanomas.2,10,12,20 MITF gene mutations are responsible forWaardenburg Syndrome type 2, with cutaneous and iris hypopigmentation, andTietz Syndrome, with hypopigmentation and deafness (Chart 2).1,10,20

Intrinsic regulation of skin pigmentation

Melanocytes produce POMC peptides, cytokines, NO, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes,which act via an autocrine or paracrine way on keratinocytes, and are involved inimmune and inflammatory responses. Keratinocytes also produce several factors inresponse to UVR exposure, with paracrine action on melanocytes, which may stimulateor inhibit melanogenesis (Chart 3).2,6,11,12Our group investigated the role of the recently described cutaneousendocannabinoid system in melanogenesis and demonstrated that UVR also activatesendocannabinoid production by keratinocytes and that a paracrine cannabinoid receptortype 1-mediated endocannabinoid signaling negatively regulates melanin synthesis.21

Chart 3

Effects of factors secreted by keratinocytes after exposure to UVR, withparacrine action

Melanocyte proliferationDendricityMelanin synthesisMelanosome transferSurvival / Cytoprotection

Adapted from Wolff K et al., 2007.12

ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), α-MSH (melanocyte-stimulatinghormone), bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor), BMP-4 (bone morphogenicprotein-4), ET-1 (endotheIin-1), GM-CSF (granulocyte-macrophagecolony-stimuIating factor), IL-1 (interleukin 1), NO (nitric oxide), NGF(nerve growth factor); PGE2/PGF2α (prostaglandin E2 and F2α),TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α).

Although POMC/MC1-R/cAMP is the main pathway, there are other melanocyte receptorsassociated with adenyl cyclase and cAMP production, such as muscarinic receptors andα and β estrogen receptors. The increase in estrogen levels duringpregnancy can cause hyperpigmentation (melasma, areolar hyperpigmentation andline nigricans).6 Catecholamines may be produced by keratinocytes from L-DOPA, the melaninprecursor, and can bind to α1 and β2 adrenergic receptors inmelanocytes, stimulating melanogenesis via the cAMP pathway and PKC-β.15,22 This redundancy of cAMP production reveals the importance of this secondmessenger in melanogenesis. However, norepinephrine/α1 adrenergic receptor,ACTH 1-17/MC1-R can also activate the inositol trisphosphate/diacylglycerol (IP3/DAG)pathway, which promotes the release of calcium in the cytoplasm of melanocytes.2,14,22 DAG is important for the activation of PKC-β, which phosphorylatestyrosinase, and can also be released from melanocytes through UVR action in the lipid membrane.3,14,17Figure 2 illustrates some of the differentpathways, receptors, second messengers, and melanogenic enzymes involved inmelanogenesis.

Mechanisms regulating melanogenesis (3)

Melanocyte role and representation of the different signaling pathwaysregulating melanogenesis: activation factors, receptors, second messengers, andmelanogenic enzymes

Extrinsic regulation of skin pigmentation by ultraviolet radiation (UVR)

UVR is the most important extrinsic factor in the regulation of melanogenesis. It isthe main stimulus for induced or acquired pigmentation, known as "tanning".1,2,6,11 There are two types of induced pigmentation, which depends on genetic factorsand is more evident in individuals with dark skin and hair.3,23Immediate pigmentation, which appears 5-10 minutes after exposure toUVR, disappears minutes or days later, is largely due to UVA, and is not dependent onincreased melanin synthesis, but on the oxidation of pre-existingmelanin and redistribution of melanosomes to the epidermal upper layers.Delayed pigmentation, which occurs 3-4 days after exposure to UVR,disappears within weeks, is due to UVA and mainly UVB radiation, and results from anincreased level of epidermal melanin, particularly eumelanin, providing photoprotection.3,12,13,16,23

On the one hand, UVR increases proliferation and/or recruitment of melanocytes, thenumber of dendrites, and the transfer of melanosomes to a supranuclear location onthe keratinocytes for DNA photoprotection. On the other hand, the expression of POMCpeptides, MC1-R, and melanogenic enzymes increases in keratinocytes and melanocytes respectively.11,13,16,23

DNA, the main cellular chromophore, directly absorbs UVR with the formation ofthymine dimers and other pyrimidine derivatives, and defects in DNA repair increasethe risk of skin cancer.1-3,5 The key observation that the UVR spectra for producing a delayed tan and forinduction of thymine dimers following UVR were virtually identical and within the UVBrange suggested for the first time a cause-effect relation between DNA damage and melanogenesis.24,25 In the last decade, it was recognized that the tumor-supressor protein p53 is atranscription factor that plays a pivotal role in the tanning response afterUVB-induced DNA damage.26 Using an elegant mouse model in which UVR causes tanning, it was demonstratedthat α-MSH production is regulated in keratinocytes by p53 via a p53consensus sequence in the POMC gene promoter.27 Furthermore, Eller et al. demonstrated in vitro that small fragments of DNAinduced pigmentation by increasing tyrosinase expression and activity and the levelsof the tumor suppressor protein p53.1,28 Cui et al. found that activation of p53 in keratinocytes increases theexpression and release of POMC peptides.27 Even in the absence of keratinocytes, there is a strong melanogenic responseto UVR mediated by p53 in human melanocytes and melanoma cells invitro, which can be explained by the fact that p53 regulates thetranscription of the hepatocyte nuclear factor 1α (HNF1 α), atyrosinase transcription factor, in melanocytes.2,14,26

UVR also enhances reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation in keratinocytes andmelanocytes, with consequent DNA damage.3,5

Regardless of the specific mechanisms, acquired pigmentation is part of the skinadaptive response, mediated by exposure to UVR and will provide skin protection infuture exposures.2,26

It has been shown that plasma membrane lipids are also affected by UVR to releasemembrane-associated diacylglycerol (DAG), which activates PKC-β In turn,PKC-β activates tyrosinase, resulting in stimulation of melanogenesis.14

An elderly individual, depending on constitutive pigmentation and cumulative UVRdose, may have hyperpigmented lesions (solar lentigines) that indicate photoaging.This can be explained by the fact that aged melanocytes possess an enhancedfunctional activity after years of cumulative UVR exposure. However, with aging,there is also a decrease in the number of functional melanocytes.3 Eumelanin acts as a natural sunscreen against photoaging andphotocarcinogenesis, in part by reducing ROS and increasing repair of DNA damage.5,13,15


Melanocytes are responsible for the cutaneous synthesis and distribution of melanin, anessential pigment for photoprotection. This process, which is called melanogenesis,involves different stages, from melanocyte embryogenesis to melanosome transfer toneighboring keratinocytes. The importance of each of these stages and their mechanismsis evident in clinical genetic defects (genodermatoses with depigmentation orhypopigmentation). The identification of these defects has contributed to a betterunderstanding of the melanocyte biology and melanogenesis regulation. The study ofmelanogenesis has revealed different kinds of interaction between melanocytes and othercells (including keratinocytes) and systems (CNS, immune, inflammatory, endocrine, andendocannabinoid), and this raises the role of skin as a neuroendocrine organ.

Many factors are known as regulators of melanin synthesis, and we point out UVR as animportant extrinsic factor and a-MSH as an important intrinsic factor. Alpha-MSH exertsits effect mainly as an agonist of MC1-R, whose genetic polymorphisms partially explainphenotypic diversity and different responses to UVR. In induced pigmentation, UVR has adirect effect mediated by p53 tumor suppressor protein and an indirect effect mediatedby keratinocyte production of intrinsic factors, promoting eumelanin synthesis. UVR isresponsible for "tanning", but is also associated with aging, skin with hyperpigmentedlesions, and development of skin tumors.

Investigating the mechanisms of melanogenesis is important for understandingpigmentation defects and for the consequent development of potential therapeutic agents.It also allows for the development of photoprotective measures, which reduce photoagingand photocarcinogenesis. This is an important area of research where there is still muchto be clarified and learned.


Conflict of interest: None

Financial Support: None

* Work conducted at the Institute of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, School ofMedicine, University of Porto (IFT -FMUP) - Porto, Portugal.


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Articles from Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia are provided here courtesy of Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia

Mechanisms regulating melanogenesis (2024)


What are the factors regulating melanogenesis? ›

The pigment melanin is produced in melanosomes by melanocytes in a complex process called melanogenesis. The melanocyte interacts with endocrine, immune, inflammatory and central nervous systems, and its activity is also regulated by extrinsic factors such as ultraviolet radiation and drugs.

What controls melanogenesis? ›

Pmel17/gp100, tyrosinase, dopachrome tautomerase, and tyrosinase-relatedprotein-1 (Tyrp1) are the core enzymes involved in melanin synthesis. Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) is considered to be the major regulator that governs melanocyte development, melanogenesis, and survival.

How can you regulate melanin production? ›

1– The most simple and easiest way to limit the production of melanin and to reduce pigmentation is to stay indoors in the afternoon when the sun is vertically overhead and causes maximum damage to the skin. Actually the melanocytes protect our skin from the harmful rays of the sun by producing more melanin.

What regulates melanin synthesis? ›

Taken together, these data suggest that D-tyrosine negatively regulates melanin synthesis by inhibiting tyrosinase activity in melanocyte-derived cells. Keywords: D-tyrosine; L-tyrosine; melanin; melanogenesis; tyrosinase.

What stimulates melanogenesis? ›

Acting through melanocortin 1 receptor, α-MSH stimulates the production and release of melanin (a process referred to as melanogenesis) by melanocytes in skin and hair. Acting in the hypothalamus, α-MSH suppresses appetite. α-MSH secreted in the hypothalamus also contributes to sexual arousal.

What triggers melanogenesis? ›

Melanogenesis is mainly regulated by MSH-α and ACTH, which originate from POMC cleavage, activate the melanocortin receptor MC1-R, and stimulate melanotropic activity.

What inhibits melanogenesis? ›

We found that beauvericin inhibits melanogenesis through the downregulation of MITF, consequently inhibiting expression of tyrosinase, TRP1, and TRP2.

What are the enzymes involved in melanogenesis? ›

Although numerous enzymatic catalyzed and chemical reactions are involved in melanogenesis process, the enzymes such as tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TRP-1) and TRP-2 played a major role in melanin synthesis.

How can we reduce melanogenesis? ›

To further limit how much melanin your skin makes, you may want to consider these tips:
  1. limit your sun exposure.
  2. stay indoors from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., when the sun's rays are strongest.
  3. wear protective clothing, such as sunglasses, long sleeves, and hats.
  4. avoid tanning beds.
Sep 29, 2023

How do you fix melanin overproduction? ›

Do's for procedures to reduce excessive melanin
  1. Use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher everyday, even on cloudy days.
  2. Avoid sun exposure as much as possible. ...
  3. Protect your skin with hats and scarves.
  4. Eat a healthy diet containing carotenoids, flavonoids, and other antioxidants.
Apr 4, 2022

What disrupts melanin production? ›

Tyrosinase determines the color of mammalian skin and hair. Accumulation of this enzyme results in dermatological disorders such as melisma, age spots and actinic damage. Melanin production can be inhibited either by avoiding UV or by inhibition of melanocyte metabolism and proliferation.

What stimulates more production of melanin? ›

The primary stimulus for melanogenesis and subsequent melanosome production is UV radiation, which upregulates melanocyte production of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and its downstream products, alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

How to increase melanogenesis? ›

To boost melanin naturally, focus on a balanced, nutrient-rich diet. This includes antioxidant-rich foods, foods high in copper, and vitamins A and E. Besides, manage stress, guard your skin and hair against too much sun, and limit chemical treatments. This could help keep melanin levels in your hair high.

What is the name of the enzyme that controls melanin production? ›

Tyrosinase is an oxidase that is the rate-limiting enzyme for controlling the production of melanin.

What hormone controls melanin production? ›

The production of melanin is regulated by α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), which is produced from proopiomelanocortin (POMC). Keratinocytes release POMC along with lower levels of α-MSH and ACTH.

What are the factors that affect melanin production? ›

UV-A rays from the sunlight penetrate into the lower layers of the epidermis and trigger the melanocytes to produce more melanin. Melanin is produced as a defence mechanism. Sunlight is the major cause of increased melanin production. Other factors include hormonal imbalances, aging and inflammation processes.

How are melanocytes regulated? ›

Melanoblast/melanocyte proliferation and differentiation are regulated by the tissue environment, especially by keratinocytes, which synthesize endothelins, steel factor, hepatocyte growth factor, leukemia inhibitory factor and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor.

What are the factors that influence melanocytes? ›

The types and amounts of melanin produced by melanocytes are determined genetically and are influenced by a variety of extrinsic and intrinsic factors such as hormonal changes, inflammation, age and exposure to UV light.

What is the number one factor that triggers the melanogenesis cascade? ›

Active melanogenesis is often initiated by exposure to UV radiation; most commonly through intense sun exposure. The purpose of such an increase in melanogenesis is a protective one. Melanin absorbs the UV light thereby preventing it from causing DNA damage to cells in the hypodermis.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.