Meme Stocks: Understanding Internet-Fueled Investing (2024)

June 12, 2023June 12, 2023/David Baughier

Meme Stocks: Understanding Internet-Fueled Investing (1)

Welcome to our comprehensive exploration of Meme Stocks, a social media-driven investing phenomenon. This article describes their origins, impacts, notable examples, investment strategies, and potential future in the financial market.

We underscore that while Meme Stocks present opportunities for short-term gains, they come with substantial risks. Importantly, this article does not advocate for Meme Stocks as a foundational strategy for retirement savings or achieving financial independence.

Instead, we aim to equip you with knowledge to understand and navigate this new wave in the investing landscape responsibly.

What Exactly Are Meme Stocks?

A Meme Stock is essentially a stock whose popularity has surged dramatically, primarily due to a frenzy of interest and hype generated on social media platforms, not necessarily because of the company’s financial performance or solid market fundamentals.

This fascinating interplay between investing and internet culture represents a new wave of market dynamics, disrupting traditional norms and shifting the power balance in financial markets.

Here is a list of primary characteristics of Meme Stocks:

  1. Social Media Driven: Meme Stocks owe their rise to social media platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook. It is here that discussions and hype around certain stocks begin and later explode into a buying frenzy.
  2. Retail Investors: Meme Stocks are largely influenced by retail investors. Unlike institutional investors, these individuals invest personal finances, often pooling together in an attempt to influence stock prices.
  3. Short Squeezes: Many Meme Stocks have been targets of short squeezes. Retail investors often aim to drive up the stock price of companies heavily shorted by hedge funds, causing the latter to buy back the shares at higher prices.
  4. High Volatility: Meme Stocks typically experience high price volatility. The dramatic swings are a direct result of the speculative nature of these investments and the rapid inflow and outflow of capital.
  5. Detached from Fundamentals: Typically, stock prices are tied to a company’s performance and future earnings potential. However, Meme Stocks often defy this logic, their prices driven by hype and speculation rather than intrinsic value.
  6. Temporary Phenomenon: The popularity of a Meme Stock is often short-lived. Once the initial hype subsides, these stocks may see a sharp decline in price.

Meme Stocks represent a new paradigm in investing, driven largely by internet culture and collective retail investing. While they offer the prospect of significant returns due to their volatility, the risks involved are equally substantial. Navigating this new territory requires an understanding of these characteristics and an informed, calculated approach to investing.

How Did Meme Stocks Come Into Existence?

The genesis of Meme Stocks is largely tied to a series of interconnected events and conditions that have revolutionized the financial markets.

  1. Democratization of Financial Information: This is the foremost catalyst behind the rise of Meme Stocks. There was a time when financial information and trading capabilities were confined to a select few – professional brokers and traders. However, the advent of the internet and digital technology made financial data widely accessible, enabling a new class of retail investors to participate actively in the stock market.
  2. Emergence of Online Trading Platforms: Platforms such as Robinhood, eToro, and others have simplified stock trading by providing easy-to-use tools, affordable trading options, and extensive educational resources. These platforms have broadened participation, allowing even novice investors to get a piece of the action.
  3. Role of Social Media: Social media platforms have played a significant role in the birth of Meme Stocks. Platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter have become gathering places for individuals to share investment tips, strategies, and trends. They’ve turned investing into a social activity, leading to coordinated buying pushes that can significantly influence stock prices.
  4. Pandemic Influence: The COVID-19 pandemic also indirectly contributed to the rise of Meme Stocks. As more people found themselves with free time and reduced spending, some turned to online trading as a source of entertainment and potential income, further fueling the interest in Meme Stocks.

In essence, their existence is a testament to the shifting landscape of the financial markets, where technology, social media, and global events have democratized investing and ushered in a new era of market dynamics.

What Impact Have Meme Stocks Had On The Market?

The ripple effects of Meme Stocks on the market are indeed profound, leading to a new set of dynamics that both investors and regulators are learning to navigate.

  1. Price Volatility: The most immediate impact of Meme Stocks is the severe price volatility they introduce. Driven by hype and speculation, these stocks can experience rapid and unpredictable price swings, a factor that can present both opportunities and challenges for investors.
  2. Market Instability: The dramatic fluctuations in price associated with Meme Stocks can contribute to increased market instability. The rapid rise and fall of these stocks can send shockwaves through the market, affecting investor sentiment and causing broader market turbulence.
  3. Short Squeezes: Meme Stocks have been instrumental in triggering massive short squeezes, where short sellers are forced to buy stocks to cover their positions due to rising prices. This can escalate the stock’s price even further, leading to significant losses for the short sellers and potential market disruption.
  4. Shift in Market Power: Meme Stocks have showcased the collective power of retail investors, demonstrating their ability to drive market trends when acting en masse. This disrupts the traditional power dynamics, where large institutional investors and hedge funds typically influence the market.
  5. Regulatory Scrutiny: The phenomenon of Meme Stocks has also drawn increased scrutiny from regulatory bodies. Concerns around market manipulation and investor protection have been raised, with regulators looking into ways to ensure fair and transparent trading practices.

The influence of this new strategy on the market underscores the evolving nature of investing in the digital age. While they introduce a new layer of complexity and risk, they also present unique opportunities for investors who understand and navigate these new dynamics effectively.

What Are Some Notable Examples of Meme Stocks?

When it comes to Meme Stocks, certain companies have become poster children for this phenomenon due to their significant price movements driven by retail investors. Here, we explore some of these key examples:

  1. GameStop Corp.: GameStop Corp., a video game retailer, stands as the most iconic example of a Meme Stock. In early 2021, the company’s stock experienced a stratospheric rise. This was largely due to a coordinated effort by retail investors on Reddit’s WallStreetBets forum, who sought to instigate a short squeeze against institutional investors betting against the company. The result was a historic market event that highlighted the potential power of collective retail investing.
    • Peak Moment: GameStop’s stock price surged from around $20 at the beginning of January 2021 to a peak of $483 on January 28, 2021.
  2. AMC Entertainment Holdings: AMC Entertainment Holdings, a well-known movie theatre chain, is another company that earned Meme Stock status. Similar to GameStop, AMC experienced a dramatic rise in its share price due to a surge of interest from retail investors, many rallying on social media platforms.
    • Peak Moment: AMC’s stock price climbed from approximately $2 in early January 2021 to a high of $72.62 on June 2, 2021.
  3. BlackBerry Limited: Known for its once-popular smartphones, BlackBerry Limited found new life as a Meme Stock. Despite its waning relevance in the smartphone industry, the company’s stock price saw significant increases driven by investor activity on social media.
    • Peak Moment: BlackBerry’s stock price rose from around $6.58 in early January 2021 to a peak of $28.77 on January 27, 2021.

These examples serve as testament to the influence of retail investors, demonstrating their capacity to rally behind stocks and create substantial market movements. They underscore the reality of Meme Stocks as a new force within today’s financial markets.

What Strategy Should Investors Adopt For Meme Stocks?

Navigating the waters of Meme Stocks requires a thoughtful, informed, and risk-averse approach. These stocks offer the potential for lucrative returns, but they also carry a significant level of risk, as their volatility is driven more by social media hype and speculation rather than the company’s financial fundamentals.

Here are key strategies that investors should adopt when dealing with Meme Stocks:

  1. Keep Up-to-Date: Meme Stocks often rise in popularity quickly, driven by trending discussions on social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter. Staying abreast of these conversations can provide early indications of potential Meme Stocks. However, remember that the hype can also quickly fade, causing stock prices to plummet just as fast as they rose.
  2. Risk Management: Given the high volatility of Meme Stocks, it is vital to only invest money that you can afford to lose. While the prospect of rapid gains can be enticing, remember that the losses can be equally swift and substantial. It’s crucial to assess your financial situation and risk tolerance before jumping in.
  3. Portfolio Diversification: Diversification is a fundamental principle of investing and it’s particularly relevant when dealing with Meme Stocks. Balancing your portfolio with a mix of assets can help cushion potential losses from Meme Stocks and ensure your investments are not overly reliant on their performance.
  4. Do Your Own Research: While social media can highlight potential investment opportunities, always conduct your own due diligence. Investigate the company’s fundamentals, market position, and financial health. Remember, informed investing is always safer investing.
  5. Avoid Timing the Market: The price volatility of Meme Stocks can make it tempting to try and time the market. However, this strategy is notoriously difficult and can lead to significant losses. Instead, consider a long-term investment strategy that is less reliant on short-term market fluctuations.
  6. Remember, It’s Speculation: Finally, always bear in mind that investing in Meme Stocks is a form of speculation, not an investment strategy based on a company’s underlying value. While some investors may strike it rich, many others could face considerable losses.

While the investing landscape has changed, it’s important to approach them with caution. The thrill of potential quick profits should never overshadow the fundamental principles of investing – careful research, risk management, and a diversified, long-term strategy.

What Does The Future Hold For Meme Stocks?

Predicting the future is a tricky endeavor. However, one thing is clear: Meme Stocks have already left an indelible mark on the financial landscape, demonstrating the transformative power of digital technology and the collective action of retail investors.

  1. Continued Volatility: Given their nature, Meme Stocks are likely to continue exhibiting high price volatility. They are fundamentally driven by social media hype and speculation, factors that can lead to rapid price swings. This underlines the need for investors to exercise caution and maintain robust risk management strategies.
  2. Persistent Market Influence: The rise of Meme Stocks has disrupted traditional market dynamics, elevating the influence of retail investors. This shift is likely to persist, although the extent of its impact will depend on a myriad of factors, including regulatory responses and the evolving nature of social media-driven investing.
  3. Greater Regulatory Scrutiny: The phenomenon of Meme Stocks has already drawn attention from regulatory bodies worldwide. As these stocks continue to shape market trends, it’s reasonable to anticipate further regulatory scrutiny and potential policy adjustments aimed at protecting investors and ensuring fair market practices.
  4. Integration into Mainstream Investing: Despite their speculative nature, Meme Stocks could gradually become an accepted, albeit risky, element within the broader investing landscape. However, this does not detract from their inherent risks, nor does it mean they should form a substantial part of an individual’s investment portfolio.

While this trading strategy presents exciting opportunities for gains, remember that it is essentially a form of speculation. A prudent investor should remain steadfast in their focus on a long-term financial plan. High-risk ventures like this, if considered, should only make up a small portion of a well-diversified investment portfolio.

The path to financial independence is a journey best traveled with a solid, well-thought-out investment strategy. As we continue to navigate this new era of digital investing, keeping our financial goals in clear sight and sticking to sound investment principles is more crucial than ever.

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Meme Stocks: Understanding Internet-Fueled Investing (2024)


Is a meme stock a good investment? ›

It's a lot easier to open a broker account and invest in the market these days. But when you have massive volatility, such as associated with meme stocks, it may scare people away from the markets. That's going to be bad in the long run.

What is meme stock in simple terms? ›

Meme stocks are shares of companies that are actively traded by a dedicated online following of investors. Without their cult followings, meme stocks are not necessarily valuable assets. GameStop was the first meme stock, but today there are entire indexes and ETFs dedicated to meme stocks.

What happened to Roaring Kitty? ›

Gill dropped out of public life in 2021 after testifying before Congress about his role in the GameStop stock saga. It's unclear what he is doing today, or if he still owns his GameStop stock.

Why did people think GameStop stock was undervalued? ›

In August 2020, Ryan Cohen (the former CEO of online pet food retailer Chewy) revealed a 9-percent investment in GameStop, leading some to believe that the stock was undervalued. In January 2021, Cohen joined GameStop's board, triggering a stock rally.

Why are meme stocks risky? ›

“A key risk in the s1 is that meme stock channels - which started on Reddit (!) - could end up causing volatility in the stock price and trading similar to what happened with RobinHood, AMC, GameStop and others,” Kamran Ansari, venture partner at Headline told MarketWatch.

What is the point of meme stocks? ›

Meme stocks draw the attention of retail investors through social media forums, internet memes, and online excitement. This drives up their stock price and trading volumes. A stock's price may climb by 30% to 50% in a year. However, the price of a meme stock may do so in only a few hours or days.

What is a meme stock example? ›

“Meme stocks are shares of publicly traded companies that owe their popularity to social media and online activity,” Passas says. “GameStop is considered to be the first such stock.”

How long do meme stocks last? ›

As with other moments of viral skyrocketing stock prices, the meme stock trend may not last forever -- especially as some traders return to work and spend more time away from home. Short-term stock prices are driven by supply and demand, so price moves are unpredictable and can lead to quick losses.

What are the top meme stocks? ›

RankTickerFails-to-Deliver Score
2MARA Marathon Digital Holdings, Inc. Common Stock94
3SOUN SoundHound AI, Inc. Class A Common Stock100
46 more rows

Is the GameStop guy still rich? ›

While most assume he does, it is hard to say for sure, as he no longer posts video updates with screenshots of his portfolio holdings. As of 2023, several different sources reported Gill's estimated net worth to be around $30 million.

How much money did Roaring Kitty make? ›

Roaring Kitty a.k.a Keith Gill's net worth is $45 million. Keith Gill made over $30 million in profits through trading in GameStop. Keith Gill bought a $7.2 million mansion in Massachusetts and owns many other house properties as of 2024.

How much did Keith Gill invest in GameStop? ›

Financial analyst Keith Gill inspired a huge interest in the stock after pouring more than $50,000 into it.

What did Warren Buffett say about GameStop? ›

Buffett has said that most people will fare better by owning an S&P 500 index fund instead of betting on individual stocks. He said many of the novice investors who jumped into the market recently and drove up the value of video game retailer GameStop are essentially gambling.

Why did GameStop stock go crazy? ›

The analysis of some long investors was that GameStop was undervalued and salvageable, and that it would eventually be bought and reorganized. The initial run‐​up in GME's price may have been due to forced exits from short positions and long positioning by professional investors.

Do hedge funds lose money? ›

Hedge funds have always had a significant failure rate. Some strategies, such as managed futures and short-only funds, typically have higher probabilities of failure given the risky nature of their business operations.

Can you make money from memes? ›

One of the most popular ways to make money with memes is to sell them on merchandise. This could include t-shirts, coffee mugs, stickers, and other products. You can create your own designs or use existing ones, and set up an online shop to start selling. This can be done through sites like Etsy and Redbubble.

Are meme stocks pump and dump? ›

Unlike online pump-and-dump schemes aimed at defrauding unwitting investors, the promotion of meme stocks largely involves buying and holding with the above-mentioned strong hands even after the price spikes.

Is it worth buying GME stock? ›

The financial health and growth prospects of GME, demonstrate its potential to outperform the market. It currently has a Growth Score of A. Recent price changes and earnings estimate revisions indicate this would not be a good stock for momentum investors with a Momentum Score of F.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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