Money Saving Tips from the Depression Era (2024)

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by Alea Milham 14 Comments

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These money saving tips from the Depression Era can still be used today to help you can save money in practical ways.
Money Saving Tips from the Depression Era (1)

Most everyone knows that during the Great Depression people had to look for ways to save every penny they could. Some of these ways are hard to apply to today, but many of the money saving tips from the Depression Era can be used today.

Money Saving Tips From the Depression Era

Make your own bread and other convenience foods. There were very few convenience foods in the depression-era. People made what they used from scratch for the most part and buying bread was very rare. This money saving tipis something that can be applied to today and will save you a bundle. Here is an easy rustic French bread recipe to get you started. What convenience foods do you buy? Search for a homemade recipe. You may find that making the item from scratch doesn’t take that much more time.

Money Saving Tips from the Depression Era (2)

Money Saving Cooking Tips from the Great Depression:

How to Build a Depression Era Pantry

Filling Depression Era Breakfast Recipes

Frugal and Flavorful Depression Era Recipes

Depression Era Tips to Stretch Your Food Budget

Find free fun. The library has movies, books, music, and classes in many communities. You may even get lucky and live near a library that is almost like a community center offering free concerts, free movies with popcorn and craft activities. Many local museums have one day a month that they are free to the public. There is no reason to spend money on entertainment when there is so much to do for free.

Money Saving Tips from the Depression Era (3)

Learn to sew and stop throwing out clothes that have holes or are missing buttons. During the great depression, people often only had 1-2 outfits. They had to make do with this meager wardrobe so they sewed things up as many times as they could as well as made a lot of their clothing.It might be worth the investment to be able to sew like this so be sure to take a class or two if you don’t know how. Here are tips for saving money on fabric and sewing supplies and here are resources for free patterns.

Use cloth instead of paper. There was also no such thing as paper napkins, paper towels, disposable diapers. Women made their own napkins, used rags, and new moms made their own cloth diapers. While most of us wouldn’t want to make our own diapers, it is still possible to save money by using cloth in place of paper products. Here are5 easy ways to use cloth instead of paper products. And here are tips for how you can save money using cloth diapers.

Grow your own food whenever you can. Not all people lived out in the country during the great depression, but most people grew what they could on window sills, in buckets on balconies and where ever they could find to space togrow produce in an urban garden. Gardening today can still save you a lot if you focus on growing the more expensive vegetables. Here are tips for growing vegetables in a container garden.

Before you throw something out, think about if it can be used for something else. We have grown so accustomed to tossing things when we are done with them that we have almost lost the very fine art that most households possessed of reusing everything that can be reused. While you don’t have to go to the extreme of using cardboard boxes cut into sole liners for your shoes, you can reuse many things you toss out without thinking. Here are5 Things You Can Reuse in Your Home.

Be willing to lend a hand. Neighbors helped neighbors during the great depression. Because services were very hard to pay for, people helped each other with what their talents were. If you know someone who is good with sewing, maybe trade services with them if you are good at baking bread or cutting hair. When you help each other, you keep expenses down.

Use up everything until it is absolutely gone. Don’t toss out that toothpaste tube until you get all of the remaining product out. Add a little water to an almost empty jar of dressing, barbecue sauce, or jam to make a marinade. Stop buying things in every color. Be conscious of your consumer ways and really give yourself a reality check if you think you need to buy more of something that still works or that you haven’t used up.

Go back to basics with cleaning supplies. Vinegar and baking soda will do most cleaning jobs around your home. The best part about these two natural cleaners is, they are both very low cost. Here are 5 easy and frugal homemade cleaners.

Question the necessity of every purchase. While the above tips may seem small, start adding up how much you spend eating out, and buying convenience foods. Just switching to cooking at home can add up to a savings of several hundred dollars a month. Look over your receipts. How much are you spending on paper products? cleaning products? How much is wasted on buying something new, when you could have fixed or repurposed an old item? Those who lived through the Great Depression questioned every expenditure, we would be wise to do the same!

Money Saving Tips from the Depression Era (4)

More Frugal Tips from the Great Depression

Depression Era Gardening Tips

Depression Era Jobs to Make Extra Money

Frugal Household Hacks from the Great Depression

Depression Era Health and Beauty Tips You Can Still Use Today

8 Forgotten Depression Era Money Saving Tips

Frugal Beauty Tips from the Great Depression

More Money Saving Tips

  • How to Get Started Couponing
  • 10 Secrets of Frugal Shoppers
  • How to Avoid Supermarket Spending Traps
  • 10 Ways to Save on Groceries without Using Coupons

This was originally published on February 26, 2014. It was updated on July 24, 2017.

About Alea Milham

Alea Milham is the owner of Premeditated Leftovers and the author of Prep-Ahead Meals from Scatch. She shares her tips for saving money and time while reducing waste in her home. Her favorite hobby, gardening, is a frugal source of organic produce for her recipes. She believes it is possible to live fully and eat well while spending less.


  1. Laura says

    So fascinated with the frugality of the depression era way of doing. Wish I knew more!


  2. Julie says

    Sewing clothing, home necessities, gifts, etc., is often more about quality than cost. Patterns can be had for $1 on sale. You can spend as much or as little as you want on fabrics or get creative and use sheets or other imaginative sources. (Check out an “Altered Couture” magazine for inspiration!) If you usethe best materials you can afford/find, you will end up with a better fitting and constructed, longer lasting product than the cheap, disposable fashions available today. Plus, sewing has been shown to reduce stress!


  3. Marion Rodriguez says

    Tambien cuando mis hijos eran pequeños hice mucha ropa para ellos y ahora que tengo una niña despues de los cuarenta mi entusiasmo es mayor aqui en uruguay la ropa es muy cara y las telas esta un poco mas barato


    • Alea Milham says

      That’s awesome! I enjoy sewing as well and when I can find a deal on fabric it is much less expensive.

  4. Annie says

    When my children were young, I made all their pj’s, underpants, t-shirts, shorts etc using repurposed fabric from thrift shops. Dresses with full skirts, large t shirts, shift dresses all have large amounts of fabric without seams which can be cut down for yard clothes. Hand knitted sweaters can be unravelled and the wool reused. Sometimes I would dye the wool a different colour, my boys weren’t fond of pink!!!


  5. karen segal says

    patterns are $1 at our Fabric store a few times a year. and I get them at good will. Sometimes fabric at tag sales.


  6. Jessica says

    Cloth disappearing is a wonderful thing! Using cloth sanitary napkins is also depression era, friendly to the environment and a huge cost savings! They are also a LOT more comfortable!


  7. Ducks n a Row says

    Great tips. Even if the whole economy isn’t there, many people go through their own financial “depressions” and this advice will be a huge help.
    What I like to keep mindful of is that everything is a season. Though you may be in a long, tough time, it is not forever. Keep believing, working hard and know there is a brighter day coming.


  8. catherine says

    I agree with you stephanie on the clothes making thing…and my son never really appreciated my smocking and embroidery all that much anyway (grin)…but you can save tons of money on anyone out of mainstream…my son was 6’5″ by the time he was 12. I am a larger than life size and even underwear is more expensive in larger sizes. Prom or party dresses are so steep…you can save a ton by making those. Simple things like jammies and gowns and swim suit cover ups and simple dresses are quite a bit cheaper to make too. I feed my food that is too far gone to the chickens and then use their poop on the garden. Circle of life or something…


  9. Stephanie says

    I got so fed up with the bits of lotion being left in the bottom of plastic bottles that I bought a cheap serrated knife. I hack open the bottle when I get to the end and get at least two or three more days out of it. We also don’t throw away food–unless it’s so far gone, it’s not safe to eat. But usually it’s been repurposed into a quesadilla or fried quinoa by then!

    The only thing I don’t find to be a savings is sewing. Clothes can be bought so cheap now. I’ll patch holes, but by the time I buy fabric and other materials, I could have bought the kids whole outfits at Old Navy.


    • Mila says

      Patterns and material are so expensive. Wise shopping beats making clothes. I stopped seeing a long time ago.


      • Martha Matthews says

        I buy new patterns at Thrift stores take them home and iron fusible bonding to the pattern. Open the pattern envelope and tape iit to a large manilia evevelope and put the pattern inside. I have patterns that are 10 years old. I look for fabric at yard sale. I love to sew.


    • Jim says

      I agree with the sewing. I look for sales (clearance) it seems to be cheaper than purchasing material and buttons etc to make it!


  10. Linda Thomson says

    I absolutely agree with ALL of your suggestions! As Americans we buy too much and then throw it all away. Cooking from scratch is not that hard. We all could use a little practice in making do with less.


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Money Saving Tips from the Depression Era (2024)


How did people save money in the depression? ›

While previous studies have often assumed that cash hoarding was the primary vehicle of precautionary savings during the Great Depression, we will show that the best candidates were instead savings institutions and life insurances.

What saved people during the Great Depression? ›

The TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) provided jobs and brought electricity to rural areas for the first time. The FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration) and the WPA (Works Progress Administration) provided jobs to thousands of unemployed Americans in construction and arts projects across the country.

How frugal were people during the Great Depression? ›

During the Depression, men passed the time in Sophie's Alley in the 2200 block of East Main Street. Theirs is a generation marked by frugality. It was a time when a single man could live on $40 a month -- bread cost a nickel, a suit could be had for about $25 and a streetcar ride cost 7 cents.

What did people believe was a great way to make money quickly during the Great Depression? ›

As stock prices rose to unprecedented levels, investing in the stock market came to be seen as an easy way to make money, and even people of ordinary means used much of their disposable income or even mortgaged their homes to buy stock.

How did some people stay rich during the Great Depression? ›

But some investors built their wealth during this era. Jesse Lauriston Livermore was one of those people. He wasn't afraid to short stocks and leaned on technical analysis for his investing decisions. Jesse's returns from the Great Depression earned him the nickname The Great Bear Of Wall Street.

What assets did well in the Great Depression? ›

The best performing investments during the Depression were government bonds (many corporations stopped paying interest on their bonds) and annuities.

What thrived during the Great Depression? ›

Communications. Print and radio boomed during the depression. Nowadays, streaming and teleconferencing.

Who was the richest person during the Great Depression? ›

Howard Hughes

In 1932, at the height of the nation's economic woes, he formed the Hughes Aircraft Company. He built the company into a major-league defense supplier and by the time he died in 1976, his fortune totaled a reported $2.5 billion. Maybe there's something to that whole urine saving thing.

What jobs thrived during the Great Depression? ›

Entertainment: During the Great Depression, the movie industry boomed as people craved escapism and had time to burn. That would very likely be the same today: The film, video game, sports, and creative arts industries should remain viable. Utilities: This is the classic defensive stock investment.

What was cheap during the Great Depression? ›

On the other hand, quite a few items, such as rents, haircuts and cars, were tantalizingly affordable in the Great Depression. The 1930s were a time of struggle and heartache for millions. But for those who maintained solid employment, there were silver linings.

How did families make money during the Great Depression? ›

Farm Families and the Great Depression

Chickens supplied both meat and eggs, while dairy cows produced milk and cream. Many women had sewing skills and began producing much of their family's clothing. Wherever they could, families cut down on expenses. A major problem was taxes, which had to be paid in cash.

How did people lose all their money in the Great Depression? ›

As stocks continued to fall during the early 1930s, businesses failed, and unemployment rose dramatically. By 1932, one of every four workers was unemployed. Banks failed and life savings were lost, leaving many Americans destitute. With no job and no savings, thousands of Americans lost their homes.

What to own during a depression? ›

The Great Depression was one of the greatest teachers the world has ever seen when it comes to how to protect wealth in a depression.
  • Gold And Cash. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Domestic Bonds, Treasury Bills, & Notes. ...
  • Foreign Bonds. ...
  • In The Bank. ...
  • In Bank Safe Deposit Boxes. ...
  • In The Stock Market. ...
  • In A Private Vault.
Mar 26, 2020

How to become rich during a depression? ›

How to make money in a recession
  1. Invest in stocks. Every investor wants to buy low and sell high. A stock market downturn during a recession might be an opportune time for bargain hunters. ...
  2. Invest in real estate. Real estate offers another potentially lucrative opportunity during a recession.

How did people save money in the Great Depression? ›

To save money, families neglected medical and dental care. Many families sought to cope by planting gardens, canning food, buying used bread, and using cardboard and cotton for shoe soles.

What was the savings rate during the Great Depression? ›

The 2006 figure was lower than a negative 0.4 percent in 2005 and was the poorest showing since a negative 1.5 percent savings rate in 1933 during the Great Depression.

Where did people hide money during the Depression? ›

They removed their cash and valuables from traditional banking institutions and hid them in various creative places—from piano legs to mattresses.

What did many Americans do to earn money during the depression? ›

Final answer: In November 1930, many Americans engaged in odd jobs, sold homemade goods, and participated in government programs like the CCC and WPA to earn money during the Great Depression.

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