Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (2024)

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (1)

By Cameron-Leigh Henning

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (2)

Reviewed by Korana Braun

Updated March 2, 2023.

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (3)

We all know that water is critical for keeping our bodies functioning properly as it makes up 60% of the human body, and every cell, tissue, muscle, and system requires water to run effectively. Thus, it goes without saying that staying hydrated is essential for supporting our organs.

Most people need eight glasses of water per day, but this will vary depending on their lifestyle choices and how active a person is. And with so many different water types, it may be overwhelming to know which one is the best—as not all water is equal. Different types of water vary in nutritional benefits and caloric intake, so let’s take a closer look at which is the healthiest and best water to drink.

Which Water Is the Healthiest to Drink?

When it comes to the healthies water to drink, we first need to discuss the 7 different types of water and the pros and cons of each type of drinking water.

1. Structured Water

Structured water, also called hexagonal water, is water with a structure that has been altered to form a hexagonal molecule cluster. It's believed that highly structured water, also known as H3O2 living water, shares similarities with water that has been uncontaminated by human processes.


  • Molecules are charged, so they hold energy and recharge and hydrate the body better than ordinary water
  • Long-lasting hydration


  • Further studies on itshealth benefits are needed

Swirl Your Way to Healthier, Structured Water

With MAYU Swirl, you can easily enhance your water’s texture and ensure you drink the healthiest structured water.

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Water Structuring Carafe

Mayu Swirl



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TheMAYU Swirl water structuring carafe harnesses the gentle power of the spiral motion to deliver reoxygenated, rebalanced, and rejuvenated living water that tastes great and provides long-lasting hydration.

How Mayu Swirl makes your water better:

  • Restores water structure by allowing it to flow in its natural swirling motion
  • The movement of water increases pH levels and improves the taste
  • The swirling motion aerates the water and infuses fresh oxygen into it
  • Vortex accelerates the evaporation of some volatile compounds (chlorine, THMs, CO2, odors, and other VOCs)

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (8)

Mayu Swirl

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Why Is Structured Water the Best Water to Drink?

To understand why structured water is the healthiest water to drink, here is a short comparison between unstructured and H3O2 structured water.

Structured Water

  • Has higher alkalinity levels
  • Water molecules are more easily absorbed in the cells, making it better for hydration
  • Structured water is soft and more energized

Unstructured Water

  • Has a balanced pH of 7
  • Water molecules shape may not be as effective for cell absorption and may cause dehydration
  • The body isn't gaining energy from water

2. Tap Water

Tap water goes through various purification methods with purifying agents such as chlorine and Ozone before it makes it to your tap. Although these purifying agents are useful for removing bacteria, pathogens, and contaminants and making tap water drinkable, these also strip the water from nutrients.

When it comes to the question does tap water have electrolytes, the answer may vary, depending on how many purification processes are done. It is generally considered to contain electrolytes and dissolved minerals, but the best course of action is to addessential mineral drops to your tap water to ensure you get its mineral-rich benefits.


  • Purified
  • Contains dissolved minerals, or electrolytes
  • Cheap and readily available
  • No plastic bottles needed, which is more eco-friendly


  • Might lack nutrients
  • Distinct odor or taste in certain areas may be unappealing
  • Could contain harmful compounds, likemicroplastics andchlorine

Enrich Your Water With Essential Minerals

Enrich your filtered water with 75 essential minerals and different microelements, ensuring you drink healthy, remineralized water.

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Enrich Your Filtered Water

Essential Mineral Drops



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Water filtration systems, such as the ones for reverse osmosis or distillation, remove pollutants making the water clean and safe for drinking, but these also remove essential minerals. Drinking water low in minerals is detrimental to your health, thus addingMayu Essential Mineral Drops will ensure you’re drinking nutrient-rich, healthy water.

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (13)

Essential Mineral Drops

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3. Mineral Water

Mineral water is abundant in essential minerals like sulfur, magnesium, and calcium, and comes from underground sources, i.e., protected underground mineral springs. These essential minerals give this type of water a characteristic salty taste.

The most important mineral water benefits are that it supplies the body with electrolytes necessary for hydration, lowers blood pressure, and works wonders for ourmuscles and bones.

The recommended mineral content in drinking water is at least 250 parts per million of mineral solvents.


  • High mineral content lowers blood pressure, boosts muscle growth, and improves bone density


  • Some brands have high levels of sodium
  • Is a more costly option

4. Spring or Glacier Water

Spring or glacier water is bottled water that claims to be bottled at the source from where the water flows—either a glacier or a spring. This water is typically clean, organic, free from any treatment or toxins, and high in minerals.

If you are wondering about what is the difference between spring water and purified water, the answer is simple—spring water is naturally filtered underground, while purified water undergoes filtration and purification processes to remove contaminants and impurities.


  • Comes straight from the source, so it's less likely to contain contaminants
  • Contains good levels of essential minerals
  • Refreshing taste


  • Could still contain contaminants like metals, nitrates, chlorine, and other unwanted elements

5. Distilled Water

Distilled water is any water that has been purified byboiling the water until it turns into a vapor, capturing the gas, and condensing it back to a liquid state.

Is distilled water safe to drink? Yes. It undergoes purification processes that remove contaminants like sulfur and sodium. When it comes to the question of can you drink distilled water every day, the answer is not that simple. Though it is safe to drink, the purification of distilled water removes all vitamins and minerals, making it lose its long-term hydrating ability as well as taste.

However, you can always addessential minerals in the form of drops to distilled water to improve its quality.


  • Good option if your tap water contains chemicals or pollutants


  • No vitamins and minerals, which could negatively affect your health through mineral leaching

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (14)

6. Alkaline Water

Alkaline water has a pH of 8 or 9, which is higher than normal tap water with a neutral pH of 7. Alkaline water is one of the healthiest water to drink as it contains properties that may even help protect the body from free radicals, which are usually linked to numerous chronic diseases and inflammation. It is also believed that it helps in more effective oxygen distribution throughout the body.

However, it is important to keep in mind that alkaline water may have side effects—consuming too much alkaline water may lower pH levels in the body, which can result in the weakening of the immune system and bones.


  • May hydrate the body better than regular bottled or tap water
  • May help protect the body from free radicals
  • May help distribute oxygen more effectively in the body


  • More research is needed to confirm its health benefits
  • Could change stomach acid levels, which could cause discomfort for some
  • Could lower pH levels in the body

» Discoverhow to naturally increase the pH of drinking water

7. Purified Water

Purified water is typically tap or groundwater that has been treated to remove harmful substances like bacteria and parasites, and other impurities, making it suitable for use. This type of water is nowadays purified by various processes, including carbon filtering, microfiltration, capacitive deionization, andreverse osmosis.

Purified water is a safe option if water sources in your area are contaminated. However, purification strips the water of minerals and electrolytes that our bodies need, thus it's best toremineralize it or addelectrolyte drops for optimum and safe hydration.


  • A good option if your primary water sources are contaminated


  • Doesn't contain minerals or electrolytes the body needs

How to Choose the Right Water for You

When choosing the right water for you, the most important thing to take into consideration is the composition of water, i.e., that all elements and minerals act synergistically. Here are some questions to ask yourself before making the decision.

  • What does the water taste like? Do I like the taste?
  • Does it contain necessary essential minerals and electrolytes?
  • How much is it going to cost monthly/yearly?
  • Is it easy and convenient for me to drink?

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (15)

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (16)

Mayu Swirl

5.0/5(322 reviews)

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Balancing the Pros and Cons

There are pros and cons for each type of water, so let's sum it up.

  • Tap water is the most convenient and cost-effective type of water to drink, however, it may contain harmful chemicals and pollutants.
  • Mineral, structured, and pure spring water are some of the healthiest water you can drink because they're clean and contain all the essential minerals your body needs.
  • Filtered water removes contaminants but might also remove essential minerals. However, there is the option of adding essential minerals and electrolytes back into your drinking water.

Having taken everything into consideration, it is safe to say that the most important thing is that you're drinking enough healthy water and keeping your body hydrated. Simply opt for the type that suits your lifestyle and tastes the best to you, and be sure to add essential minerals and electrolytes if necessary.

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (2024)


Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog? ›

Mineral, structured, and pure spring water are some of the healthiest water you can drink because they're clean and contain all the essential minerals your body needs.

What is the healthiest water to drink everyday? ›

Mineral, structured, and pure spring water are some of the healthiest water you can drink because they're clean and contain all the essential minerals your body needs.

What is the best water for the human body? ›

Without a doubt, spring water is the winner. It is considered the best water to drink, providing vital nutrients as it moves through the body. This is, of course, spring water that is bottled at the source and proven to be actual living spring water.

Is Mayu water structured water? ›

The innovative technology of MAYU Swirl provides a convenient and sustainable way to enjoy clean, structured water without contributing to plastic waste. The swirling motion of the Mayu Swirl aerates the water, improving its taste and quality, while also rejuvenating the water with beneficial minerals.

What bottled water is real spring water? ›

Crystal Geyser® Alpine Spring Water® is the only major U.S. bottled water that's captured directly at authentic natural springs — naturally.

What is the best water for kidneys? ›

Pure-filtered water for good kidney health

Pure, naturally-filtered water is the best thing you can drink for good kidney health.

What is the best cleanest water to drink? ›

Again, the healthiest water to drink is water that's free of pathogens and contaminants, yet rich in key minerals. But, if there was one water option to pick, it's likely going to be spring water or clean artesian water—water that still contains healthy mineral content and is free of pathogens.

Which water body is the purest? ›

Lake Vostok, Antarctica

The lake is said to have been sealed under a massive ice sheet for 15 million years, but still maintains a temperature of 27 °F. The reason the water hasn't froze all these years is due to the pressure from the ice above, acting as an insulator from the harsh temperatures outside.

Does Mayu water really work? ›

I wouldn't say it was a massive difference, but there was indeed a difference, to my surprise. Mayu Swirl creates an vortex which aerates water. It offers slight improvement in taste and texture, while offering an attractive display.

Do Japanese drink alkaline water? ›

Kangen Water Alkaline/Ionized water has been in use in Japan for over 50 years.

Why is Japanese water so good? ›

Japan's tap water is drinkable and safe. The national water infrastructure is reliable, and purification facilities are well-maintained, so the tap water is good quality and easy on the stomach. Most of the water supply in Tokyo and major cities comes from dams, reservoirs, or comes from rivers.

Is there any drink as healthy as water? ›

Water is the best choice for quenching your thirst. Coffee and tea, without added sweeteners, are healthy choices, too. Some beverages should be limited or consumed in moderation, including fruit juice, milk, and those made with low-calorie sweeteners, like diet drinks.

Is spring water better than purified water? ›

While spring water has been naturally filtered through underground aquifers, purified water also goes through a strict treatment and filtration process for purity. So both are excellent sources of hydration, but while purified water is classed as 'pure', spring water can be better for you.

Should I drink distilled water? ›

Is Distilled Water Safe to Drink? Distilled water is safe to drink. But you'll probably find it flat or bland. That's because it's stripped of important minerals like calcium, sodium, and magnesium that give tap water its familiar flavor.

Is Fiji water good for kidneys? ›

Fiji Artesian Water is the choice of water for those suffering from kidney stones and urinary tract infection, as the water is said to be beneficial in removing or preventing these ailments.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.