OT Goal Bank-samples School Based (2024)

Occupational Therapy School Based Goals


Pre-Writing is

  • strokes
  • Ready Writing


  • H to Ver sentence a/paragraphs
  • Written expression
  • Spacing
  • Letter size
  • Baseline orientation


  • Capitalization
  • Spacing
  • Organization

Fine Motor

  • Manipulation / Dexterity
  • Pencil grip
  • Cutting


  • Self regulation
  • Attention to task

Visual Perception

Executive Functions


Given a visual model, will write his first name in 4/5 trials. To meet the goal, will be able to form the letters of his name correctly and apply adequate pressure for visibility.

By November 2018, __ will trace her name in 2” uppercase letters with 70% accuracy and no more than 2 visual cues, on 4/5 opportunities, as measured by classroom staff and occupational therapist.show

By February 2020, to demonstrate improved visual motor skills for written work, __ will copy the letters of his first name, with no more than 3-4 verbal prompts, using adaptations (slant board, pencil grips, etc) as needed, with 80% accuracy on 3/5 trials.

By 2/28/19, given large boxes (5"tall) with 1" thick lines, __will be able to trace 15/26 upper case letters within 1/2" of the line with minimal verbal cues on 4/5 opportunities as measured by student samples and documentation of progress.

By 2/28/19, given the capital letters in his name, name will independently write "NAME" three inches in height with visual boxes when asked to write his name in 4 of 5 trials, as measured by work samples.


By next annual review date, Bella will demonstrate improved written communication skills by writing a five sentence paragraph for a classroom assignment with appropriate upper and lower case letters, punctuation, letter sizing and uniform spacing between words with an initial verbal reminder. 4/5 evaluated by the provider through the use of performance assessments, checklists and observations.

3/4 times as measured by documented observations and analysis of work samples.

By 4/11/2020, to demonstrate improved visual motor skills, ____ will be able to write 4 sentences within 1/16" of the designated boundaries (top, middle, and bottom line) with 80% accuracy on three lined paper with minimum visual cues on 4/5 opportunities as measured by educational staff and occupational therapist.

will form 20/26 upper and lower case letters from a model with proper letter formation/directionality and line placement, 4 out of 5 attempts.

By 4/25/2020, to demonstrate improved visual motor skills required for writing, when given a near point model, ___will write 4 sentences with correct spacing and sizing with 80% accuracy on three lined paper with minimum visual cues on 4/5 opportunities as measured by educational staff and occupational therapist.

By 5/2/2019, X will be able to generate and legibly write 3 sentences with correct letter formation, sizing and spacing with 80% accuracy on three lined paper with minimal visual and verbal prompts on 4/5 opportunities as measured by educational staff and occupational therapists.

By March 2019 X will copy a 5-6 words sentence from both far and near point, with 90% accuracy for letter sizing and letter formation, and 80% accuracy for letter spacing on 4/5 opportunities as measured by classroom or therapy samples.

By[a]8/29/2019, when given a writing assignment,X will write 3 sentences with minimal verbal cues and a combined 85% accuracy, demonstrating consistent sizing of letters, spacing between words, baseline orientation, and letter formation on 4 out of 5 trials, as measured by student work samples and teacher/OT charted data.

When presented with a writing task, Alissa will demonstrate the ability to independently produce 2-3 simple sentences (4-5 words) with appropriate letter size and line orientation to an accuracy of 30%, on 4/5 sessions.

When presented with a writing task, Alissa will demonstrate the ability to independently produce 4-5 simple sentences with appropriate letter size and line orientation to an accuracy of 75%, on 4/5 sessions.

For older students:

  • LTG Increase writing speed to 90 LPM with 100% accuracy over in 4 out of 5 sessions in order to complete school work in a timely manner . Baseline: 69.3 LPM
  • STG______will copy a paragraph from near point with a writing speed of 80 LPM with 95% accuracy in 4 out of 5 sessions..


In OT and the classroom, ____ will improve visual motor skills by keyboarding at 10 letters/minute and independently accessing basic computer functions on first trial as monitored monthly for 3 consecutive probes.

Within the year, Joy will complete a 2-sentence typewritten school assignment using computer software that includes word prediction and speech to text to review and edit her work with minimal reminders and support.

Within one year, will be able to independently access available assistive technology throughout the school building in order to type the final draft of written assignments. She will demonstrate the ability to use spell check and word prediction features in order to accurately spell words. Given multi sensory instruction, she will be able to type at a speed of 6 words per minute.

Within the school year, Kendrick will improve his fine motor strength and coordination skills to use correct finger placement during keyboarding practice and type a 2- sentence paragraph and self-edit completed work.

Using a typing tutorial, Myah will demonstrate improvement in reciprocal hand coordination, using both hands on keyboard, sustaining attention on task and managing frustration for 10-25 minutes in order to improve her keyboarding speed to 20 WPM.

By 4/11/2020, to demonstrate improved visual motor skills for typing, _____will type "name" using home row placement with minimum assistance, in 3 out of 4 trials, as measured by educational staff and occupational therapist.

LTG Increase typing speed to 35 WPM with 100% accuracy in 4 out of 5 sessions in order to complete school work in a timely manner.Baseline: 24 WPM @ 96% accuracy

  • STG______will type a paragraph from near point with a typing speed of 30 WPM with 95% accuracy in 4 out of 5 sessions.
  • STG_______will type a paragraph from far point with a typing speed of 30 WPM with 95% accuracy over in 4 out of 5 sessions.

Fine Motor

will demonstrate improved fine motor skills by typing 5 paragraphs using isolated digits and both hands on the home row keys; writing 5 paragraphs in print and cursive with proper line regard on 3/8 inch wide lines paper (e.g. without a middle dotted line); and coloring within boundaries when completing worksheets

By 9/11/2019, given only demonstration by his teacher/peers, _ will imitate movements during songs/activities with 80% accuracy on 3 out of 4 opportunities, as measured by therapist/teacher data collection. (preschool)

After modeling, X will independently (no physical assistance required) cut along a straight line of 6 inches in length and no more than 1/4 inch in width, using adapted scissors, with accuracy (i.e., deviations no greater than 1/4 inch from the designated line), 3/4 times as measured by documented observations and analysis of work samples by September of 2020

After an initial prompt, X will independently (no physical assistance required) establish or maintain a thumbs up grasp of adapted scissors during a cutting task, 3/4 times as measured by documented observations by September of 2020.

Given direct practice along with activities to promote in-hand manipulation skills and fine motor planning, __X___ will be able to tie shoelaces in a double knot in order to safely transition within the school environment.


****When given an undesired task or demand, Noah will utilize self-regulation strategies (i.e. create a calm environment, positive self-talk, self-reinforcement, etc.) in order to encourage initiation of tasks and to sustain attention and participation with fading modeling, verbal, and visual prompts.

  1. Within the school year, Jonathan will demonstrate improved sensory processing skills by recognizing the need to implement practiced self-regulating strategies when met with a challenge, there is a change in routine, and/or when expectations are not met in order to attend to school tasks and meet class expectations with fading support.
  1. Within the school year, Alfredo will demonstrate improved sensory processing skills by identifying his level of alertness, verbalize he needs a break, choose an effective practiced strategy for increased participation in non-preferred and/or challenging tasks while maintaining attention for 15 minutes with verbal reminders.
  1. Within the school year, Alfredo will improve self-regulation skills demonstrated during appropriate interaction with peers, ability to follow therapist/teacher directions, initiate tasks at appropriate time and transition between preferred and non-preferred activities with minimal verbal prompts.

**Within the school year, Ben will demonstrate improved sensory processing skills by identifying his level of alertness, verbalize he needs a break and recognizing the need to implement practiced self-regulating strategies, for increased participation in non-preferred and/or challenging tasks while maintaining attention for 20 minutes with 1-2 verbal reminders.

Increase ability to focus attention and not be distracted by normal auditory stimuli 80% of the time.

Respond appropriately to excessive auditory stimulation and not use excessive movement (i.e. twirl, flap hands, jump, or run for 3-5 minutes.

By the end of the year, Theo will recognize the need to modify his regulatory state and inform teacher/therapist he is experiencing a maladaptive level of energy and state 2 appropriate ways to help return to a “just right” state using strategies learned in OT i.e. use weighted materials ( lap weight), take a 2 minute movement break, perform 10 in chair push-ups. 3/5 trials with 70% accuracy change for 2021: 75% accuracy

  1. Within the school year, Jason will improve his sensory processing skills in order to choose and utilize tools appropriately in class in order to maintain an appropriate level of alertness to initiate and complete school work with minimal reminders.
  2. Nico will demonstrate sensory processing and self-regulation skills for improved attention and will utilize various sensory tools in order to maintain appropriate levels of alertness in order to initiate and complete school activities with teacher support and tools/strategies provided by occupational therapist.
  3. will demonstrate sensory processing and self-regulation skills for improved attention and transitioning throughout the school day with support of taught self-monitoring strategies and fading teacher support.

Within the school year, Jason will improve his self-regulation by identifying his level of alertness, implement effective strategies (movement break, gum, fidget, therapy ball for seating), for improved participation when presented with a challenging activity and maintain his attention to task for 15 minutes with one verbal reminder.

Within the school year, Isabella will demonstrate improved sensory processing skills to attain appropriate level of alertness and improve body and spatial awareness in order to refrain from bumping into walls, objects and people in addition to organizing all belongings to navigate school buildingsafely.

  1. By next annual review, Bella will demonstrate improved attention and self-regulation as evident by her ability to complete independent classwork (worksheets or paragraphs) at her desk within the allocated time for up to 30 minutes with no more than 2 verbal redirections to task. 4/5 Performance assessment tasks, checklists, observations.

2. Isabella will improve her modulation and self-regulation. She will regulate activity level in the classroom during a 30 minute SPOT group with the use of brain/body tools and no more than 2 verbal/visual cues. Demonstrate increased self awareness and self-regulation skills, evident by the ability to independently get a “break” or a sensory tool when needed.

*https://www.choosingwisely.org/societies/american-occupational-therapy-association-inc/per AOTA - don’t provide sensory treatments without providing documentation of difficulty through sensory assessments

  1. Devan will demonstrate sensory processing and self-regulation skills for improved attention and transitioning throughout the school day with support of taught self-monitoring strategies and fading teacher support.

Within the school year, Michael will i

By November______, X_______ will use sensory supports/strategies as needed to sustain attention to an adult-directed task for at least 5 minutes with 2 or fewer prompts, 80% of the time as measured by teacher data with OT support.

(Sensory-Motor Skills): Utilizing teacher cues and reminders, taught planning strategies, and tasks broken down into component parts, Jacob will demonstrate body awareness, motor planning, sensory processing, balance, endurance, and strength in order to increase his ability to complete motor tasks efficiently in the school environment. 85 % of the time/provider observation.

Within the school year, Kendrick will inform teacher/therapist he is experiencing a heightened level of alertness and will implement practiced and reviewed strategies from a “tool box” (taking walk, chew gum, talk to an adult, use a fidget, deep breathing exercises) in order to self regulate and attend to class assignment with minimal support.

When Henry is frustrated or demonstrates decreased self regulation he will improve sensory processing/self regulation skills by scoring 3/5 points on the following sensory rubric:

1. Verbalize need to take a break

2. Choose an appropriate strategy (i.e. deep breathing, talk it out)

3. Implement strategy with minimal cues

4. Successfully and actively re-engage in classroom/learning task

Within the school year, Xavier will demonstrate improved self-regulation skills by recognizing level of alertness and choosing a practiced strategy (movement break, chew gum, flexible seating, fidget) in order to focus attention on school tasks and refrain from engaging in external distractions for 15 minutes with one verbal reminder.

Within the school year, STUDENT will improve executive functioning skills in order to utilize self-regulation strategies to assist with managing challenges and disappointment while improving attention to remain on task until completion in the academic setting.

By 2/28/20, to improve classroom participation, when feeling frustrated with class work and during interactions with peers at recess or in class, _____ will use appropriate coping strategies and sensory tools (pre-taught) (such as: deep breathing, asking for help, Superflex, wall pushups) with no more than one prompt, in 4 out of 5 opportunities, per teacher and OT observations.

  • STG: By 5/28/2019, ____will be able to independently list 5 effective coping strategies to
    use when feeling frustrated, in 4 out of 5 trials, per teacher and OT observations.
  • STG: By 11/28/2019, to improve school participation, when feeling frustrated with class work and during interactions with peers at recess or in class, _____ will use appropriate coping strategies and sensory tools with minimal assistance, in 4 out of 5 opportunities, per teacher and OT observations.

By 4/5/2020, to demonstrate improved motor planning and bilateral coordination skills in order to participate in classroom activities(GoNoodle, performances), PE, and play, ___will be able to plan and execute a 5 step motor movement (ex: 5 step obstacle course, yoga poses, dance choreography, etc.) following one visual demonstration on 4/5 opportunities as measured by occupational therapist.

By 3/14/2019, Given anxiety reduction strategies to employ, X will independently utilize strategies to improve self regulation and decrease anxiety in order to transition and fully engage in classroom activities on 4/5 days of the week, measured by student report, teacher reports, progress reports.

ured by OT/Teacher observation and charting.

By the end of the IEP, when provided with a visual and sensory supports, X will transition between activities with only the initial prompt with 75% accuracy in 3 out of 4 consecutive occupational therapy sessions.

By 12/12/2019, X will demonstrate increased sensory processing skills and utilization of sensory tools needed (i.e. oral chewy, gum, weighted lap pad, wiggle cushion, etc.) in order to stay regulated throughout the school day, by his ability to participate in a sensory diet and using self-regulation strategies 80% of the time, given minimal verbal cues, as measured by OT and teacher observations.

By the end of the IEP when provided with a visual and sensory supports, X will identify his/her level of arousal with 75% accuracy in 3 out of 4 consecutive occupational therapy sessions.

By the end of the IEP, when provided with a visual and sensory supports, X will identify an appropriate sensory strategy with 75% accuracy in 3 out of 4 consecutive occupational therapy sessions.

By the end of the IEP, when provided with a visual and sensory supports, X will remain appropriately seated for at least 10 minutes in 3 out of 4 consecutive occupational therapy sessions.

During OT or a structured activity, X will participate for 80% of the time with no more than 3 redirections as measured in 3/4 consecutive observations.


1. In one year, will be able to improve his self regulation skills as evidenced by his ability to engage in a 20 minute motor coordination game/activity, with no more than 2 verbal and/or visual reminders to remain on task appropriately, without demonstrating any interfering behaviors.

2. In one year, will demonstrate improved self regulation skills by successfully initiating, enduring and completing a team or group task, while managing interfering behaviors (appropriate speaking distance to others, coping with performance stress,remaining on task, etc.), with no more than 2 verbal prompts.

3. Within one year, will be able to improve his self regulation skills as evidenced by his ability to engage in a 20 minute seated, academic based task, with no more than 2 verbal and/or visual reminders to remain on task appropriately or to use strategies that support on task behaviors, without demonstrating any interfering behaviors.

4. Within one year, will improve his body awareness by exhibiting appropriate body positioning and spacing, when interacting with fellow students or staff members, with no more than 2 prompts (verbal, tactile or visual).

5. Within one year, will demonstrate improved executive functioning and self awareness skills by successfully initiating, enduring and completing a team or group task, while managing interfering behaviors (appropriate conversation, coping with OCD behaviors and/or performance stress,remaining on task, etc.), with no more than 1 verbal prompt.

Goal: When Brady becomes upset, frustrated, or angry, he will use a self-regulation/coping strategy (movement break, deep breathing, quiet space break, deep pressure/heavy work activity, etc.) to avoid engaging in unexpected behavior (e.g.tantrums, out- of-are, verbal outbursts, and refusal) with one reminder, on 4 out of 5 opportunities

Short-term Objectives or Benchmarks:

  1. Brady will recognize unwanted stimuli and use a preferred mode of communication he will request and/or initiate using a preferred calming strategy.
  2. Brady will be able to verbalize and identify the feeling(s) and suggest/implement a calming strategy with no more than three verbal cues.
  3. Brady will independently remove himself away from the unwanted stimuli to an area of the room that is calming.

Visual Perception

By 9/30/2020, in order to improve overall visual motor and visual perceptual skills, ___ will complete a visual scanning/tracking task, such as copying far point from the board or reading a passage, utilizing adaptive tools as needed (visual tracker, slant board, front row seating, etc.) with an average of 75% accuracy, on 3/4 opportunities as measured by therapist-collected data.

In order to improve overall visual motor and visual perceptual skills, Allison will complete a visual scanning/tracking task such as reading a passage from a script, with an average of 75% accuracy,

In order to improve overall visual motor and visual perceptual skills STUDENT will be able to cut straight and curved shapes within a quarter of an inch of the line, trace his first and last name within a quarter of an inch of the line, and color inside the lines within a quarter of an inch of the line in 80% of trials.

Executive Function

Teachers and caregivers will support Student in participating in executive functioning strategies (e.g. picture labels, daily schedule, folder system, checklists, etc.) to promote a consistent classroom routine (e.g. unpacking a backpack, placing homework into correct bins, putting away items needed for the day, sitting at the desk, and starting on morning work) and classroom material organization in 3 out of 4 opportunities, with adaptations (e.g. visual or verbal cues, etc.) as needed, in order to demonstrate improved executive functioning skills for greater academic success.

X will complete a pre-vocational task with 80% accuracy with less than 2 verbal cues on 3 out of 4 opportunities.

  1. Within the school year, Ian will demonstrate improved executive functioning skills by initiating tasks at the appropriate time, following a sequence of steps, and completing multi-steps tasks within the allocated time frame with minimal verbal reminders.

Within the school year will demonstrate improved executive functioning skills by following initiating, sequencing and completing multi step tasks in order to successfully follow classroom routines and organize his belongings with minimal visual and verbal cues.

Within the school year, _____ will improve executive functioning skills in order to utilize self-regulation strategies to assist with managing challenges and disappointment while improving attention to remain on task until completion in the academic setting.


Goal STUDENT will implement 1 organizational strategy for on task behavior with minimum visual and verbal prompts as needed 80 percent of the time.

Quarterly Goal 1 STUDENT will be able to identify 3 organizational strategies for on task behavior 80 percent of the time.

Quarterly Goal 2 STUDENT will implement 1 organizational strategy with maximum visual and verbal prompts as needed 80 percent of the time.

Quarterly Goal 3 STUDENT will implement 1 organizational strategy with moderate visual and verbal prompts as needed 80 percent of the time.



Within the year, Joy will use visual memory skills to recall reviewed information including but not limited to her address, telephone number and grade level spelling words to improve her ability to complete school work successfully and within the allotted time frame.

will improve his visual motor skills with cutting out shapes with no more than 1 deviation from thin lines on 3 out of the 4 trials.

will place correct capitalization when writing his full name. He will place correct capitalization and punctuation when copying from near/far point 1-2 simple sentences 3/4 times.

will demonstrate improved visual motor skills by copying 1-2 simple (3-4 words) sentences with correct spacing, line orientation, letter size/formation and correct capitalization/punctuation with 80% accuracy on 3 lined paper 3/4 times.

be able to independently imitate formation of each letter in his name with starting letter of his first name and last name as an uppercase letter and the other letters be lowercase letters ¾ times. F

to demonstrate improved visual motor skills required for writing, when given a near point model, ___will write 4 sentences with correct spacing and sizing with 80% accuracy on three lined paper with minimum visual cues on 4/5 opportunities as measured by educational staff and occupational therapists.

to demonstrate improved bilateral coordination and visual-motor skills needed to complete class assignments ___ will cut out a complex shape (i.e. cloud or heart) within 1/4" of the line with minimal verbal prompts in 3/4 trials as measured OT provider.

[Your Child’s Name] will self-initiate editing activities. [Child] will correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar on all writing assignments in all settings .

______ will self-initiate editing/proofreading activities. _______ will check and correct for omissions of words, capitalization, and punctuation on written work near/far point copied/typed assignments with 80% accuracy with less than 2 verbal cues on 3 out of 4 opportunities.

__will be able to trace 15/26 upper case letters within 1/2" of the line with minimal verbal cues on 4/5 opportunities as measured by student samples and documentation of progress.


Within the school year, following a demonstration, Kendrick will recall and perform a series of 4 motor movements that involve coordinating upper and lower body and both sides of the body in a fluid manner

Within the school year Kendrick will improve coordination skills to engage in school activities that require executing a sequence of 3 movement steps while coordinating his upper and lower body with minimal verbal cues and a demonstration.

From Previous Treatment Plans:

Short Term Objectives:

Participate in an obstacle course to follow a sequence of 5-6 steps with no more than

one verbal prompt for sequencing

2. Identify preferred sensory input or need for a “sensory break” with < 2 verbal prompts to

assist with self-regulation

3. Engage in a sensory diet to increase carryover of techniques used in the clinic setting

and to increase self-regulation in all environments

4. Initiate engagement in and maintain attention to a novel task for at least 7 minutes,

maintain attention to familiar task for at least 10 minutes with no more than 1 redirection

5. Independently identify all components of The Zones of Regulation and utilize

appropriately to identify triggers, and coping mechanisms to utilize to feel “just right”

6. Transition between 2 tasks, preferred or non-preferred, with no more than 1 verbal


7. Maintain upright posture while seated at table for at least 8 minutes with no need for


8. Demonstrate heel-toe gait pattern with no more than 1 verbal prompt during ambulation

between functional activities

Long Term Goals:

Demonstrate improved understanding of coping mechanisms and overall regulation

when dealing with situations that elicit various emotions

3. Demonstrate improved body awareness and reduction in toe-walking during functional


Pencil Grasp:

By 10-12-22 Gianna will maintain a functional 3 or 4 finger grasping pattern on a dominant hand on full size crayons or markers to complete one coloring or drawing activity with at least 2 color changes in 4/5 opportunities over 2 school weeks with no more than one physical, verbal or gestural prompt after the initial cue as measured by IEP team member observations, data collection, work samples.

[a]does anyone have any self-care goals they can add for middle schoo/ high school aged students.

OT Goal Bank-samples School Based (2024)


What are the IEP targets examples? ›

Some examples of possible IEP goal focus areas identified within the present levels are: Reading comprehension, fluency skills, communication, time-management, self-advocacy, self-regulation, organization, independent travel, interpersonal and social skills, college and career exploration, math skills, fine motor ...

What are some goals for OT? ›

The goals of occupational therapy are to discover the fundamental problems leading to difficulties, such as weak grasp, attention, handwriting skills, visuoperceptual issues, or motor skill deficits. To achieve these goals the occupational therapist works closely with the child and the parents.

What is an example of an occupational therapy goal for sensory integration? ›

Sensory integration therapy normally involves specific sensory activities that include swinging, bouncing, spinning, brushing etc., and they are all aimed at helping the individual to regulate their sensory response.

What is an example of a smart IEP goal? ›

Examples of SMART IEP Goals

By May 20___, (Student) will e able to orally read a text passage at the 2nd grade reading level at 100 wpm with 5 or less errors as measured by curriculum-based measurement conducted every two weeks.

What are the IEP cognitive goals examples? ›

Here are specific IEP goals that can help develop cognitive flexibility:
  • Goal 1: Enhancing perspective-taking skills. ...
  • Goal 2: Promoting adaptive thinking and problem-solving strategies. ...
  • Goal 3: Encouraging flexibility in social interactions. ...
  • Goal 4: Developing self-regulation and emotional flexibility.

What are IEP benchmark goals examples? ›

Examples of IEP Goals and Benchmarks
  • Goal: Improve expressive language skills.
  • Benchmark: Use at least 10 new vocabulary words in a conversation.
  • Goal: Enhance social communication skills.
  • Benchmark: Initiate and maintain a conversation with a peer for 5 minutes.
  • Goal: Develop self-regulation skills.

What are the goals of OT in school setting? ›

Each of your occupational therapy goals should be something that specifically applies to the student's educational experience. While that includes academics, relevant goals also include improving mobility, motor skills, attention span, and social skills. These all contribute to the student's overall school experience.

What are the targets of occupational therapy? ›

Some common goals include: Improving self-care skills like bathing, dressing, feeding and toileting. Increasing mobility and strength. Improving dexterity and hand function.

What are strength based goals in occupational therapy? ›

What is Strengths-Based Occupational Therapy? Using a strengths-based care approach means that we utilize standardized assessments and child and caregiver interviews to develop goals that focus on the child's strengths, as opposed to focusing on their deficits.

What are functional OT goals for autism? ›

Through interventions, an OT for autism can help people with ASD gain independence and8:
  • Focus on academic tasks.
  • Communicate appropriately.
  • Maintain and foster relationships.
  • Work with others to achieve a common goal or purpose.
  • Learn to delay gratification.

What can OT do for sensory issues? ›

Treatment method: sensory integration therapy
  • Balance treatments.
  • Movement therapy.
  • Exposure to sensory input.
  • Physical activities and accommodations.
Mar 24, 2021

What are bilateral coordination goals in OT? ›

OTs will work on bilateral coordination goals in occupational therapy with a focus on function. This means that a daily functional task like getting dressed requires bilateral coordination in order to pull up ones pants and put on a shirt.

What are the realistic IEP goals? ›

IEP goals include three components that must be stated in measurable terms: (a) direction of behavior (increase, decrease, maintain, etc.) (b) area of need (i.e., reading, writing, social skills, transition, communication, etc.) (c) level of attainment (i.e., to age level, without assistance, etc.)

What are the two main goals for a student with an IEP? ›

The IEP should:
  • Meet the child's academic, development, and functional needs that result from the disability;
  • Enable the child to be involved in and progress in the general curriculum;
  • Meet each of the child's other educational needs that result from the child's disability.

What are the IEP goal statements examples? ›

Sample Measurable IEP Goals
  • Goal: The student will improve working memory skills. ...
  • Goal: The student will enhance cognitive flexibility. ...
  • Goal: The student will develop effective planning and organization skills. ...
  • Goal: The student will enhance self-monitoring skills.
Jul 6, 2023

What is an example of a behavior goal for an IEP? ›

These IEP goals may include staying engaged in a task for long periods of time, completing assigned tasks without help from others, and being able to start independent work when given permission by an adult. Behavior goals can have a huge impact on the education and success of students.

What are examples of goals and objectives? ›

Tangibility. Goals can be intangible and non-measurable, but objectives are defined in terms of tangible targets. For example, the goal to “provide excellent customer service” is intangible, but the objective to “reduce customer wait time to one minute” is tangible and helps in achieving the main goal.

What is included in an IEP goal? ›

Annual IEP goals are statements that describe what knowledge, skills and/or behaviors a student is expected to achieve within the year the IEP will be in effect. The IEP must include measurable annual goals consistent with the student's needs and abilities, as identified in the student's present levels of performance.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.