Over 50 Ways to Save Money on Food (2024)

Table of Contents
Saving Money on Food Starts Before You Shop 1. Make a grocery list – and check it twice! 2. Create a weekly menu plan 3. Take an inventory of the food you have 4. Plan to Cook From Scratch When Time Allows 5. Don’t Shop on An Empty Stomach 6. Shop on Sales Days 7. Don’t Take the Kids to the Grocery Store 8. Take Advantage of Bulk Cooking 9. Go the Store Only Once Per Week 10. Be Willing to Try New Grocery Stores Saving Money at the Store 11. Keep Your List Out 12. Avoid Processed Foods 13. Stay on the Perimeter of the Store 14. Avoid the Middle of Shelves 15. Look at Per Unit Price 16. Be Willing to Try Store Brands 17. Shop Late in the Day 18. Buy In Season Produce 19. Buy Frozen Vegetables and Fruit 20. If It’s Not on Your List, Don’t Buy It! Keep Saving After You Shop 21. Store All Food Properly 22. Plan to Eat Perishables Before They Spoil 23. Stick to Your Meal Plans 24. Take Leftovers for Lunch 25. Clean Out Your Pantry Before Putting Away New Items Save Money by Reducing Food Waste 26. Rotate Your Stock 27. Make Freezer Meals 28. Label Containers Carefully 29. Know How to Store Fruits and Vegetables Properly 30. Take Dates With a Grain of Salt 31. Check Your Refrigerator and Freezer Temperatures 32. Don’t Overstuff Your Refrigerator and Freezer 33. Use Leftovers to Make Meals 34. Make and Freeze Your Own Vegetable Stock 35. Stretch Your Portion Sizes 36. Keep Your Perishable Foods in Sight 37. Wash Fruits and Vegetables Right Away 38. Coordinate Ingredients for Each Meal 39. Get Organized! 40. Buy Only What You’ll Actually Eat 41. Use Your Crock Pot or Slow Cooker What Foods to Avoid Buying 41. Individually-Bagged and Boxed Snacks 42. Paper Products 43. K-cups 44. Bottled Water 45. Pop, Soda, Sports Drinks 46. Pre-Cooked Foods What You Should Buy 47. Glass Containers 48. Insulated Water Bottle 49. A Good Coffee Maker 50. Common Ingredient Substitutes Save Money on Food Using Your Phone 51. Ibotta 52. Checkout51 53. Walmart Grocery Pickup Save Money on Food by Buying in Bulk 55. Costco/Sam’s Club 56. Amazon Final Word FAQs

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We’ve all been there: you’re checking out at the grocery store, and when the last item crosses the conveyor belt, the total cost sends you into shock. It happens to even the most frugal savers, and it hurts. But the truth is that it’s fairly simple to save money on food — you just need to implement a few of the best money saving tips, stick to a plan, and watch the food savings add up.

My wife and I have tried just about everything when it comes to saving money on food: coupons, phone apps, the cash wallet system, a weekly food budget, online ordering, and more. We realized that what works for one person may not work for everyone.

That’s why we put together this lengthy list of over 50 ways to save money on food. We’re confident that the suggestions below will help you cut your grocery spending without sacrificing your family’s health and quality of diet. Whether your grocery budget is $50 per week or $2,000 per month, these tips will help you lower your food costs whenever you can.

Over 50 Ways to Save Money on Food (1)

Saving Money on Food Starts Before You Shop

You know what they say – fail to plan, plan to fail. Check out a few of our favorite ways to save on food before you even leave the house.

1. Make a grocery list – and check it twice!

This one’s pretty simple, but it earned the top spot on our list for one big reason: saving money on food is virtually impossible if you shop without a list.

An organized grocery list doesn’t take long to make, but the benefits are enormous:

  • A grocery list empowers you to avoid impulse buys
  • It also helps you prevent duplicate purchases from one week to the next
  • An organized list will help you get in and out of the store faster

2. Create a weekly menu plan

In the past, my wife and I used to look at each other every night around 5:00 and say, “What’s for dinner?” As new parents, we realized we needed to get organized and create a weekly menu plan.

Now, before we shop or order our groceries (more on that below), we create a detailed meal plan for the week. This new practice has virtually eliminated dinner time stress and helped us save money on food – a double win!

Over the past few months, we’ve gotten really efficient with our meal planning and can get it done in about 10 minutes per week. But for some people, planning out 7 days of meals each week can be just about as hard as drafting blueprints for a new house.

If you struggle with meal planning or just don’t have the time to do it, check out $5 Meal Plan. To date, over 35,000 families have cut their average meal plan time from just over 2 hours down to practically no time at all thanks to $5 Meal Plan.

When you grab your free 14 day trial, $5 Meal Plan will send you a highly-frugal meal plan (we’re taking $2 per person, per meal) for each meal. It’s one of the easiest ways to reclaim time with your family, eliminate meal time stress, and get back to living your life.

The best part? It's 100% risk free to try, and if you stick with $5 Meal Plan, it's only $5 per month.

3. Take an inventory of the food you have

One major reason why many people overspend on groceries is because they take too many trips to the store. When they run out of milk or flour, a quick Target run turns into an unnecessary full-blown grocery trip.

The best way to avoid this? Keep a simple inventory of the basic pantry staples you have and immediately add them to your list when you notice that they are running low.

4. Plan to Cook From Scratch When Time Allows

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience and lack of time are two big factors that drive up a family’s food spending. But if you plan ahead and allow time to cook from scratch, you can easily save money on food.

Just by ditching the drive-thru and cooking at home, you can save upwards of $2,000 per year. And if you cook from scratch and ditch boxed or bagged meals, you can save even more.

Over 50 Ways to Save Money on Food (2)

5. Don’t Shop on An Empty Stomach

When it comes to grocery shopping, never forget: hunger is your enemy. Hunger will find a way to convince you to toss that rotisserie chicken, box of Snickers bars, and tub of ice cream in your shopping cart.

Eat a sensible meal before you shop. It’s that simple.

6. Shop on Sales Days

If you still receive weekly grocery store circulars in the mail, you probably know when your local stores run their weekly sales. You can save money on food by studying these sales and shopping on the right days.

7. Don’t Take the Kids to the Grocery Store

When I was a kid, my family went for our weekly grocery shopping trip on Saturday night after dinner. My parents were savvy in making sure we didn’t shop while hungry, which drastically reduced their grocery costs each month. But taking me and my sister on those weekly trips was a costly mistake.

The simple truth is that each person who accompanies you on your grocery trip is likely to try convince you to stray from your list. So shop alone and save yourself the trouble!

8. Take Advantage of Bulk Cooking

According to Business Insider, the average American family wastes enough food to feed another person for 228 days. The core of this problem is poor planning and wasteful habits.

One of the easiest ways to avoid throwing away spoiled food is to cook in bulk and use ingredients for multiple meals before they spoil. For example, my wife often cooks a large batch of lean ground beef and uses it in tacos, chili, and enchiladas. These meals also allow us to use tortillas, corn chips, cheese, and sour cream efficiently without having to throw out old ingredients.

9. Go the Store Only Once Per Week

This simple point is worth repeating – extra trips to the grocery store will cost you in the long run. Stick to weekly shopping trips to save the most money on groceries.

10. Be Willing to Try New Grocery Stores

Our last tip for saving money on food in the planning stages is an important one – you need to be willing to shop around to get the best deals. Over time, you’ll begin learning which local stores offer the best deals on items you purchase regularly.

Saving Money at the Store

Now that you’ve got a shopping plan in place, let’s explore ways to save on food while you’re at the grocery store.

11. Keep Your List Out

Shopping without the grocery list you prepared is the quickest way to buy things you don’t need. Our best advice: make an electronic shopping list on your mobile device.

12. Avoid Processed Foods

In most cases, processed foods are priced significantly higher than their fresh counterparts – and they don’t keep you full and satisfied for long.

13. Stay on the Perimeter of the Store

In nearly all grocery stores, the majority of fresh and inexpensive items you need will be found on the perimeter of the store. This is where you’ll find fresh produce, deli options, seafood, and dairy items.

14. Avoid the Middle of Shelves

The grocery industry is far bigger and smarter than most people consider – and they know your habits better than you do! Research proves that most grocers place higher-priced items on the middle of shelves at eye-level because you are more likely to buy them.

You can save money on food by comparing pricing on items on the top and bottom shelves.

15. Look at Per Unit Price

Most stores try to draw in shoppers with flashy signage, sales, and buy-one-get-one-free offers. And there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with taking advantage of these kinds of offers when your shopping list calls for sale items.

But before you casually toss sale items into your cart and assume you’re getting the best deal, take a closer look and compare per unit prices on items you are planning to buy. Sometimes regularly-priced competitor options still beat sale prices!

16. Be Willing to Try Store Brands

Did you know can reduce your grocery budget by an average of 25 percent by buying store brands? According to Consumer Reports, these savings can be as little as 5 percent and range up to 60 percent!

More often than not, when you compare ingredients and taste, the differences will be minimal – but the savings will add up over time.

17. Shop Late in the Day

Shopping later in the day — especially if your grocery store has a set closing time – is one of the best ways to get discounts on deli and bakery items.

18. Buy In Season Produce

When planning and purchasing produce, you can almost always save money by buying produce that is currently in season in your area. In season produce is less expensive for grocers and shoppers alike because it is often locally-sourced and less expensive to ship.

Not sure what produce is in season in your area this time of year? Check out this seasonal produce guide from the USDA.

19. Buy Frozen Vegetables and Fruit

And when the produce you need isn’t in season in your area, you can save money by buying frozen options. As a bonus, they won’t spoil, even after you open packaging, if you keep them properly sealed and stored.

20. If It’s Not on Your List, Don’t Buy It!

By now this should go without saying, but the quickest way to destroy your grocery budget is buying items you don’t need. Stick to the list!

Keep Saving After You Shop

Saving money doesn’t stop after you shop – in fact, this is when most people waste the most money!

21. Store All Food Properly

Earlier we shared how much food the average family wastes per year. And poor storage habits are often to blame.

Fortunately, you can reduce your food waste by making sure that you store all perishable and non-perishable foods according to best practices.

Related: 13 Easy Tips to Reduce Your Food Waste and Save Money

22. Plan to Eat Perishables Before They Spoil

Some last for weeks, while others barely survive for a few days, but one thing is certain: your perishable purchases are going to go bad at some point! So make sure you keep tabs on them and use them up before they expire.

23. Stick to Your Meal Plans

Simply put, the best plans are useless if you don’t follow them. Even if you get busy, resist the urge to run through the drive-thru and stick to your meal plans! If you know you’re due for a busy day soon, plan to cook a cheap crock pot meal for the family to enjoy when you get home.

24. Take Leftovers for Lunch

Have you ever calculated how much you could save if stopped eating out for lunch every day? Let’s get conservative and estimate that you spend $3 per day on lunch and only eat out four days per week.

$3 x 4 days/week x 50 weeks/year* = $600

*2 weeks of vacation per year

Add this total to the cost of left overs that you throw out each week, and Houston, we have a problem.

The solution? You could easily save upwards of $1,000/year by taking leftovers for lunch.

25. Clean Out Your Pantry Before Putting Away New Items

Before you put away newly purchased food, take a few minutes to clean out any old, unwanted items and empty boxes. You’ll free up significant space in your pantry – and you’ll actually be able to see the food you just bought.

Over 50 Ways to Save Money on Food (3)

Save Money by Reducing Food Waste

Despite your best intentions to buy only what you need and use it wisely, it’s easy to let food items go to waste if you’re not careful. Fortunately, a few smart adjustments can help you reduce your food waste.

26. Rotate Your Stock

Any experienced couponer or savvy saver will tell you that rotating your stock on items purchased in bulk is absolutely critical. Sure, it takes a bit of your time, but the savings will add up over time.

27. Make Freezer Meals

Chances are good that you’ve bought ingredients with the best intentions in the past, only to see them go to waste. With freezer meal prep, those days can be over. And all you need to get started is a freezable meal and adequate freezer space.

If you’re looking for a few basic and easy freezer meals, we recommend checking out this list of quick freezer meals– it has options for virtually everyone’s tastes.

If you have a bit more freezer space and an hour to devote to freezer meal preparation, we recommend checking out MyFreezeEasy, our favorite freezer meal guide.

Here’s how it works:

  • MyFreezeEasy will walk you through the prep work for 10 freezer meals that you can prepare in under an hour.
  • Meal plan options exist for all diets.
  • All recipes are budget-friendly, and the meal plans and walk-through videos make them easy to prepare.
  • Interactive tools/apps help you choose meals based on what meat is on sale in your area.
  • When you’re ready to eat a meal, simply take it out of the freezer and follow the meal plan instructions.

The best part? MyFreezeEasy offers flexible monthly, quarterly, and yearly membership options that are affordable on virtually any budget.

Learn more about MyFreezeEasy.

28. Label Containers Carefully

My least favorite monthly household chore is cleaning out the refrigerator; I always seem to find a small, moldy container of leftovers that look a science project gone wrong. And this happens a few times per year, even in spite of my best intentions to label containers.

29. Know How to Store Fruits and Vegetables Properly

Not all fruits and vegetables should be stored in the same manner, but who can keep track of all of the specific rules?

Fill out the quick form below and download our free printable guide to storing common fruits and vegetables.

30. Take Dates With a Grain of Salt

In today’s litigious world, it’s no wonder that grocers and food suppliers are very cautious when it comes to expiration dates. But expiration dates shouldn’t scare you.

In fact, most dates you see on food are really suggested “use by” dates, and they have much more to do with quality of taste and texture than they do with food safety. According to the Cleveland Clinic, taste may diminish after these dates, but overall food safety does not.

The exception, of course, is dates that are clearly labeled as expiration dates for the purpose of food safety. All other labels, such as “best by,” “sell by,” and “fresh until” are indicators of taste, not food safety.

***Please note: This section is not intended to replace common sense advice when it comes to food safety. Always trust your judgment, and when in doubt, throw it out! No amount of money saved is worth taking a risk and getting food poisoning!***

Over 50 Ways to Save Money on Food (4)

31. Check Your Refrigerator and Freezer Temperatures

While we’re still on the topic of food safety and freshness, one of the easiest steps you can take to keep your food fresher for the longest time possible is to ensure that your refrigerator and freezer are set to the correct temperatures.

According to the FDA, you should keep your refrigerator below 40 degrees F and your freezer below 0 degrees F. Check these temperatures periodically, and if your temperature gauge stops functioning, it is inexpensive to purchase a replacement.

32. Don’t Overstuff Your Refrigerator and Freezer

Most of today’s modern appliances operate at levels of efficiency that previous generations never imagined. Even so, your refrigerator and freezer will not function at their highest levels if you they do not have sufficient space for air to circulate. This causes motors and condensers to work too hard and my cause expensive damage to your appliances.

33. Use Leftovers to Make Meals

Pop culture makes leftovers seem very undesirable, but the truth is you can get creative and use them to invent creative meals. Just be sure to use them promptly before they spoil.

34. Make and Freeze Your Own Vegetable Stock

When it comes to leftovers, there is a use for just about everything, including vegetables. We recommend saving your vegetable scraps when you prepare a meal to make and freeze your own vegetable stock.

35. Stretch Your Portion Sizes

In the US, portion sizes have grown dramatically since the 1950s. One of the easiest ways to save money on food is to keep your portion sizes scaled down to align with recommended nutritional guidelines.

36. Keep Your Perishable Foods in Sight

Knowing how to store perishable fruits and vegetables is part of the battle. But it doesn’t matter if your perishables are stored out of sight, as you’ll most likely forget to eat them before they spoil.

37. Wash Fruits and Vegetables Right Away

If your kids (or husband – I’ll admit it, I’m guilty of this. . . ) are reluctant to eat fruits and vegetables because they have to wash them, beat them to it and pre-wash them. Then they won’t have any excuses.

38. Coordinate Ingredients for Each Meal

When preparing meals using ingredients that you will also use for meals later in the week, take care to be sure you don’t use more than what you planned for the current meal.

39. Get Organized!

If your overall pantry organization could use some help, check out these simple pantry organization designs that you can implement yourself.

40. Buy Only What You’ll Actually Eat

If it doesn’t fit in your plan, it doesn’t matter if it’s on sale – don’t buy it!

41. Use Your Crock Pot or Slow Cooker

As a last resort, if you have ingredients that are nearing their expiration date and don’t have adequate freezer space, quickly tossing them into your crock pot or slow cooker can be an easy way to salvage them.

What Foods to Avoid Buying

If you really want to save money on food, there are a few things you need to drastically reduce or eliminate from your grocery list altogether. Here are a few of the worst offenders.

41. Individually-Bagged and Boxed Snacks

You’re just paying (a lot) for convenience.

42. Paper Products


43. K-cups

If you can’t stand heating up coffee that has been sitting in the carafe, it’s time to get a filter-less coffee maker.

44. Bottled Water

Get a reusable water bottle instead.

45. Pop, Soda, Sports Drinks

I love them just as much as you do, but they should be an occasional treat.

46. Pre-Cooked Foods

Again, you’re paying a steep premium on pre-cooked foods.

What You Should Buy

These items will help you save money on food – guaranteed!

47. Glass Containers

Glass storage containers with firmly fitting lids will help you keep foods fresh longer.

48. Insulated Water Bottle

Bottled water is way too expensive.

49. A Good Coffee Maker

It’s the best part of waking up, at least if you’re a coffee drinker (or addict). A good coffee maker will reduce the urge to stop at Starbucks on the way to work.

50. Common Ingredient Substitutes

In a pinch, common substitutes for frequently used ingredients can prevent you from having to run out on a quick store run. This list of common ingredient substitutes should be added to your pantry ASAP.

Save Money on Food Using Your Phone

If you’ve made it this far, you’ve read just about every effective habit to save money on food that we have tried. The remaining tips will help you leverage technology to save even more money on your monthly grocery budget.

51. Ibotta

Would you believe that you can save money on food simply by scanning your grocery receipts after you shop? Believe it.

The Ibotta app is changing the way the world views couponing and is making it easier than ever before to save money on food and other household items. Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign-up with Ibotta (you’ll qualify for a $10 bonus once you redeem your first offer) and download the app.
  2. Check out local cash back offers before you go shopping and add them to your grocery list. Offers change frequently, but I have great luck with offers on items such as toiletries, milk, beer/wine, fresh produce, laundry detergent, diapers and baby formula, and over the counter medicine. (Ibotta has recently expanded offers to include new categories, including Travel, Clothing, Electronics, and Restaurants.)
  3. Redeem offers by snapping a photo of your receipt on your smartphone.
  4. You can request payment in the form of cash via Paypal or Venmo or receive gift cards to a variety of stores. The minimum payment threshold is $20.

This month, I saved nearly $5 on every grocery shopping trip thanks to Ibotta. Not every featured offer is a fit with my grocery list, but those that are tend to add up quickly.

Learn more about Ibotta here.

52. Checkout51

Checkout51 is another leading grocery saving app. It’s free to use – simply sign-up, find offers, and start saving money.

Offers are updated every Thursday morning, so if you’re like me and make a shopping list or order on Thursday nights, this is perfect timing.

After you shop, simply snap a photo of your receipt in the app to activate your savings. It’s really that easy!

Over 50 Ways to Save Money on Food (5)

53. Walmart Grocery Pickup

Walmart Grocery Pickup has been the latest addition to the FinanceSuperhero household grocery shopping hacks list, and I can’t minimize the impact it has had on our budget and time management.

My wife and I simply sit down, discuss what food we need to order for the week, place our order using the Walmart Grocery app, and pickup our order when it is ready.

With Walmart Grocery, we no longer spend hours each month walking the aisles of the grocery store and waiting in long checkout lines. Instead, we check in on the Walmart Grocery app before we even leave our house, and a Walmart associate grabs our order from its holding area and brings it directly out to our car when we arrive. Technically, you don’t even have to get out of your car if you don’t want to – but I always do.

Here are just a few of the highlights of Walmart Grocery Pickup:

  • You choose the items you need, and someone else does the shopping for you.
  • You can add and delete items from your order, even after it has been placed, until your order is locked in the system.
  • It is easy to choose items using the app. Over time, the Grocery app will remember your preferences and suggest items for you to add.
  • Walmart Grocery Pickup is 100% free to use, and the minimum order threshold is very low at $30.

Walmart Grocery Pickup has been a serious game-changer for our family, and as Walmart continues to expand its offerings of healthy and organic options, we will probably do 100% of our shopping this way.

The only con: you do need to be somewhat organized to use Walmart Grocery — simply throwing together an order and requesting the ability to pick it up a half hour later isn’t going to happen.

BONUS ALERT: As a FinanceSuperhero reader, you can sign-up to try Walmart Grocery Pickup and get $10 off your first order of $50.

Save Money on Food by Buying in Bulk

These bulk buying tips aren’t for casual savers – they require commitment!

55. Costco/Sam’s Club

Bulk retailers allow you to leverage their buying power and save lots of money on groceries. Just be sure that you study per unit pricing to be sure that you’re getting good deals.

56. Amazon

Believe it or not, buying on Amazon is a surprisingly effective way to save money on food – especially foods that do not perish easily. We often buy organic beef jerkey and protein bars via Amazon.

And if you’re an Amazon Prime member? Even better.

Final Word

Whew! If you made it this far, you’re a serious grocery savings champ! We’re confident that you can save money on food if you follow even half of this advice.

Like what you read? Please consider sharing this article on your favorite social media platforms.

Over 50 Ways to Save Money on Food (6)

Over 50 Ways to Save Money on Food (2024)


How to live off $150 a month for food? ›

Affordable and nutritious meal ideas for a $150 monthly budget include dishes like vegetable stir-fry with rice, bean and vegetable soups, pasta with homemade tomato sauce, and oatmeal with fruit for breakfast. These meals are cost-effective and can be made in large batches to provide multiple servings.

How seniors can save on groceries? ›

By taking advantage of coupons, seasonal sales, bulk items, loyalty programs, store brands, and other money-saving opportunities, you can save on grocery shopping even as prices continue to rise. U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. (2022).

What are 3 tips for saving money on food? ›

Here are 17 ways to save money on groceries.
  • Make a meal plan. ...
  • Shop alone if you can. ...
  • Shop during the quietest days of the week. ...
  • Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options. ...
  • Buy generic products. ...
  • Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store. ...
  • Stick to the store's perimeter. ...
  • Pay with a grocery rewards card.
Oct 23, 2023

How to pay less for groceries? ›

11 tips for saving money at the grocery store
  1. Pay with a grocery rewards card. ...
  2. Sign up for the loyalty program. ...
  3. Clip coupons. ...
  4. Join a wholesale club. ...
  5. Go in with a list and stick to it. ...
  6. Buy items on sale. ...
  7. Avoid pre-packaged items. ...
  8. Compare prices between stores.

What is the average food bill per month? ›

The average American household spends an average of $475.25 a month on groceries, according to the most recently available dataset from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2022.

What is the average grocery cost per month for one person? ›

On average, groceries cost between $290 and $548 per month for one person. However, expenses can vary depending on location, dietary choices and personal spending habits. If you don't budget for groceries and instead just buy what you need — and want — at intervals throughout the month, you could be overspending.

Is there really a $900 grocery stimulus for seniors? ›

The $900 grocery stimulus for seniors is only a rumor that has its roots in a petition that was initiated in 2022 by the Senior Citizens League. The petition requested a one-time $1,400 lump-sum stimulus payment to help seniors cope with rising inflation.

Is the medicare grocery allowance real? ›

For seniors struggling to make ends meet, the concept of a grocery allowance connected to their Medicare benefits is appealing — and it is, in fact, real. However, it's not available with every plan.

How can a single person save money on groceries? ›

  1. Take stock of what's in your pantry and fridge. Ree proves that everyday, affordable ingredients can make mouthwatering food. ...
  2. Make a shopping list. ...
  3. Budget for an impulse buy. ...
  4. Use apps and technology to your advantage. ...
  5. Shop by unit price. ...
  6. Plan more vegetable-forward meals. ...
  7. Go generic. ...
  8. Buy whole vegetables.
Jan 8, 2024

What is a realistic food budget for one person? ›

The average food budget for a single person is between $250 and $300 a month, but that's just a guideline. If you can buy meals at a discount or visit family and eat with them, you might be able to spend less. Figure out the budget that works for you.

What grocery store saves you the most money? ›

  • Aldi. If you consider yourself a frugal spender, you've likely heard of the grocery store chain, Aldi. ...
  • Grocery Outlet. My personal favorite! ...
  • Winco Foods. ...
  • Walmart Neighborhood Market. ...
  • Food4Less. ...
  • Target. ...
  • Lidl. ...
  • Costco.
Apr 9, 2024

What is the 6 to 1 grocery method? ›

The 6-to-1 Grocery Method is a basic calculation (we're talking elementary-level math, basically counting), to plan your weekly grocery shop. Here's the system: Fill your grocery cart with six vegetables, five fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces or spreads, and one "fun" item for yourself.

Is eating out cheaper than eating at home? ›

For those who want a quick and easy answer: It's generally cheaper to cook food at home than eat out. The reason so many people can get stuck on the question is the human psychology variable. People don't always spend wisely, and it isn't as if prices are always the same at a supermarket or a fast food restaurant.

How much should two people spend on groceries a month? ›

According to a recent GOBankingRates article, average grocery costs range from $250 to $550 per person, per month. The USDA published a food plan, updated for 2023, that shares costs for a “nu*tritious, practical, cost-effective diet” for families of any size.

Is Walmart cheaper than Aldi? ›

Regardless, the prices don't lie. Aldi is considerably cheaper than Walmart in almost every instance (or they were about the same).

Is $150 a month enough for groceries? ›

The average American spends around $250-$550 per month on groceries. However, you can reduce this bill significantly. It's possible to slash your grocery bill down to $150 a month per person.

Is $200 a month enough for groceries for one person? ›

* YES! It is possible to eat healthy for $200 a month. 30 Days on $200 shopping list is intended for one person.

How to grocery shop for $150 a week? ›

What a $150 Grocery Budget Looks Like
  1. A Snippet of Our Grocery Spending.
  2. Get Organized and Plan Accordingly.
  3. Take Your Time.
  4. Buy Ingredients, Not Meals.
  5. Alternate Snacks.
  6. Stop Being So Loyal, Hunt For Sales.
  7. Use Savings Apps.

How to spend $200 a month on groceries? ›

Here are the most important habits that we regularly used to spend no more than $200 a month on food.
  1. Create a weekly perishable food inventory.
  2. Plan a menu each week.
  3. Focus on buying loss leaders.
  4. Find the markdowns.
  5. Buy in Bulk.
  6. Avoid processed foods.
  7. Your Turn.
Feb 21, 2024

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Article information

Author: Allyn Kozey

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.