Paraffin Wax vs. Soy Wax Candles (2024)

Check the labels on the candles in your home and you’ll probably notice that some are made from paraffin wax and some are made from soy wax–and you might wonder if there’s really a big difference between paraffin wax vs. soy wax. While they’re both common candle waxes, the distinctions between them are very real, and there’s a reason why we’ve chosen soy wax for most of our Homesick candles. (Though don’t miss out on our collection of all natural coconut wax candles either!)

Here are seven reasons we prefer soy wax candles vs. paraffin wax:

Soy wax is all natural.

Soy wax is made from soybeans, while paraffin wax is made from petroleum (yes, the same petroleum used to make oil and gas). Discovered in 1850, paraffin wax is made by removing the waxy substance from crude oil. Soy wax was discovered in 1991 as an alternative to paraffin wax and is a hydrogenated form of soybean oil. Not only is soy wax all natural, it’s also sustainable since we can grow more soybeans. Paraffin wax is not sustainable because fossil fuels cannot be renewed.

Soy wax emits less soot.

All candles emit some amount of soot, but given the same conditions (length of the wick, presence of a draft, etc.), a paraffin candle will emit more soot than a soy candle. This soot can discolor the candle container and sometimes get on your walls, furniture and curtains as well, especially if you have a lot of air circulation that moves the soot around. If you light a soy candle and a paraffin candle next to each other, you’ll notice the difference in the soot.

Soy wax releases less toxins.

Soot isn’t the only thing that paraffin wax emits. Burning or melting paraffin wax releases 11 known toxins—two of which are carcinogens—into the air. (A carcinogen is any substance or agent that promotes cancer.) Because soy wax is a biodegradable wax made from soybeans, which we eat, it does not contain these toxins and carcinogens. Not only is soy wax better for the environment, it’s also better for you, your family members and your pets.

Paraffin Wax vs. Soy Wax Candles (1)

Soy wax burns for longer.

All things being equal, soy wax will burn anywhere between 30 percent to 50 percent longer than a paraffin candle. Again, this depends on the height and width of the candle, the length of the wick and other factors. To maximize how long your sox candle burns, you should trim the candle wick down to ⅛ - ¼ inch before relighting again (learn how to trim a candle wick here). Don’t burn the candle for more than four hours, as this can cause the wax to overheat. Keep the candle away from drafts, and recenter the wick if it moves when the wax is melted.

Soy wax has a lower melting point.

Because of its large, defined crystal structure, paraffin wax has a higher melting point, between 120-160°F (49-71°C). Soy wax has a lower melting point than that, making it easier to burn in cooler environments or during colder seasons like winter. This lower point also lowers your risk of accidentally burning yourself if the candle gets knocked over or there’s some sort of accident. Soy wax can melt on its own if you live in a very hot area where temperatures rise into the lower end of that range. Because of the crystal structure, paraffin wax also tends to be harder and more brittle, while soy wax is softer and more pliable.

Paraffin Wax vs. Soy Wax Candles (2)

Soy wax has a stronger fragrance.

Due to the lack of soot and toxins released into the air, soy wax candles have a stronger scent profile than paraffin wax candles. The chemicals released by paraffin wax can interfere with the scent during burning, which kind of defeats the point of lighting a candle. Since you can’t add extra fragrances to candles (too much fragrance oil will compromise the wax), having a clean burn that really shows off the aroma is important. After all, you’re probably not burning the candle for light, but rather for its scent.

Soy wax supports American farmers.

The United States is the world’s greatest producer of soybeans, so chances are good that your soy candle is made from crops grown here in the U.S. Buying our soy candles helps support farmers and workers in the United States and strengthens the local economy.

When it comes to candles, you can’t go wrong with soy wax. Shop our collection of soy wax candles today to get your new favorite gift.

Paraffin Wax vs. Soy Wax Candles (2024)


Is paraffin wax better than soy wax for candles? ›

Due to its crystal structure paraffin wax has a higher melting point. This means it requires more heat to burn affecting the life of your candles. Whereas with soy wax candles the melting point is lower, allowing for a longer burn time. Soy candles have a stronger scent throw than paraffin wax candles.

Which is safer paraffin wax or soy wax? ›

Soy wax contains nothing artificial, which makes it a better alternative to old-fashioned paraffin wax, which is made from petroleum oil and produces harmful by-products when burned or melted. Soy wax is non-toxic making it better both for the environment and your health!

Does paraffin wax last longer than soy wax? ›

As previously stated, soy wax is more dense than paraffin and typically requires more heat to burn it up. This means that a soy wax candle would probably burn longer than a paraffin candle.

Which candle wax holds the most fragrance? ›

Paraffin wax—a very inexpensive wax—is most widely used across candle brands, says Fitchl, because it can hold a high amount of fragrance and color. It also comes in various melt points, making it suitable for making many different types of candles, from containers to pillars.

What is the healthiest candle wax? ›

Beeswax candles are the healthiest choice in candles. Made from the caps of bee honeycombs, beeswax candles burn clean, are very long-burning, and give off a pleasant natural fragrance as they burn. Beeswax candles are dripless when burned properly, and release negative ions which help clean the air in a room.

When should you not use paraffin wax? ›

You should not use paraffin wax if you have:
  1. poor blood circulation.
  2. numbness in your hands or feet.
  3. diabetes.
  4. any rashes or open sores.

What wax does Yankee candle use? ›

Yankee candles are made from paraffin wax, as well as essential oils for fragrance and cotton for the wicks.

Why we dont use soy wax? ›

These same studies show that when soy and paraffin candles are burnt they release formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, toluene, benzene, and acetone, carcinogens that can lead to cancer and other health problems.

Is paraffin wax unhealthy? ›

Although Paraffin is easier to use and more economical option, it can be toxic to humans and a less sustainable option for our environment. If possible, it is best to switch to a natural wax that produces less soot with a cleaner burn.

What are the disadvantages of paraffin wax? ›

Most candles today are made of paraffin wax which creates highly toxic benzene and toluene when burned (both are known carcinogens). In fact, the toxins released from paraffin candles are the same as those found in diesel fuel fumes and are linked to asthma and lung cancer.

What wax is best for long lasting candles? ›

Soy wax can burn up to 50 percent longer than paraffin, although this depends on factors like candle size, wick height, etc. Case in point: one Homesick candle jar can burn 60 to 80 hours. Soy wax is also healthier than paraffin wax. It emits less soot and few toxins.

How many times can you reuse paraffin wax? ›

Paraffin wax is left to act for around fifteen minutes and then peeled off. It cannot be reused, so conduct the treatment and discard it. To wrap up the treatment, a layer of deeply hydrating and moisturizing lotion can be applied.

How can I make my candles smell stronger? ›

Ensuring your wick is trimmed to at least half an inch before each burn time is vital for the candle to produce a strong enough scent. If the wick is too long, then the flame will be too large and burn the melted wax at a faster rate – giving the scent less time to evaporate and fill a room.

What candles smell last the longest? ›

The first step is understanding the wax. This is where soy reigns supreme. Paraffin wax tends to be cheaper, and burns at a much faster rate than soy wax. In comparing two candles of the same size, a paraffin candle will usually have a lifespan of 35 to 40 hours whereas a soy candle can burn for 50 to nearly 80 hours.

What holds fragrance the longest? ›

Parfums contain the largest volume of essential oils, which means they take the longest to evaporate. Eau de parfums (EDPs) are next in line for lingering time, followed by eau de toilette (EDT). Eau de cologne contains the least amount of long-lasting essential oils and will therefore not last as long on the skin.

What kind of candle is least toxic? ›

Soy wax, coconut wax and beeswax candles are all great options. Be sure to make sure labels say the candles are 100% soy or beeswax (companies like to create blends with paraffin wax because it's cheaper) and if possible, I like to buy sustainably sourced and cruelty-free candles!

Is paraffin wax candle healthy? ›

The safety of paraffin wax was supported by a study in the Journal of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology that found that scented paraffin candles do not pose any health risks when used under normal conditions.

Can bacteria grow in paraffin wax? ›

Yeast and Bacterial Cell Production from Paraffin Wax. When paraffin wax is dispersed in medium as emulsion, some kinds of bacteria and yeasts readily grow on it.

What's wrong with paraffin wax candles? ›

When paraffin candles burn, they emit black soot and toxic fumes—similar in chemistry to diesel exhaust—containing poisonous chemicals such as benzene, toluene, naphthalene, tri-decane, tetra-decane, penta-decane, and hexadecane.

What are the pros and cons of paraffin wax? ›

It's great for adding fragrance as it burns at a hotter temperature than many natural waxes and the scent molecules fill the air well. However, it also has a lot of its own toxins which when inhaled can have adverse reactions including nausea, vomiting, headaches or even benzene pollution that can lead to lung cancer.

What kind of wax is Bath and Body Works candles? ›

Bath & Body Works candles are a great example. On their website, the company states that “The main ingredients for all formulas are vegetable wax, paraffin wax, and soy. Our Signature Collection Candles are considered vegetable wax candles.

What wax does Jo Malone use in her candles? ›

I'm pleased to see the candles are made from soy wax, which is created using soybean oil and is sustainable.

What are the best smelling candles made of? ›

Paraffin wax: Paraffin wax is a great choice when you want a candle with a great throw, as it's able to pack more fragrance inside. Beeswax: Beeswax candles are natural and sustainable, and, as a result, have less toxins than other candles.

Are 100% soy candles safe? ›

As long as you are taking care of your candle, trimming the wick appropriately, and being sure to light it in a place free from drafts, soy wax is totally healthy and safe to burn in your house!

Are soy candles unhealthy? ›

Though these chemicals can be dangerous, studies conclude that exposure to these chemicals when burning candles is too low to present a direct health hazard. If you are concerned about chemical exposure, candles made of natural waxes, such as soy or beeswax, are better choices than the more common paraffin wax.

What are Ikea candles made of? ›

Our unscented candles are crafted from quality materials—including plant-based wax, paraffin wax and stearin—and are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, styles and hues to meet all your candle wants and needs.

What are the two benefits of paraffin wax? ›

Another great thing about paraffin is that it can be used for several medical purposes: like to massage on muscles and sore joints to relieve pain as it produces soothing effects. Also, it helps in increasing blood flow and improving joint stiffness.

Why paraffin wax is not eco friendly? ›

Crude oil, being the origin of paraffin wax, is considered highly unsustainable due to it being a non-renewable resource. It has also been the cause of a slew of environmental calamities, in oil spills, damage of natural habitats and climate change.

Is paraffin wax toxic to smell? ›

Paraffin candles released undesired chemicals such as alkanes, alkenes, and toluene, all of which are toxic to humans. Inhaling these compounds over a long period can increase the risk of developing chronic conditions such as common allergies, asthma, and even certain types of cancer.

What ingredient makes candles last longer? ›

Adding salt serves the same purpose as putting the candle in the freezer—it slows down the rate at which the wax melts, giving you a longer, more economical burn. When you use salt in addition to the freezing method, you're doing all that can be done to squeeze extra time out of a candle.

Can I mix soy and paraffin wax? ›

Typically, you can mix together 2 parts soy wax and 3 parts paraffin wax. This will make for a great-looking and smelling candle. If you want to make a pillar candle, then we suggest blending 7 parts paraffin wax and 3 parts soy wax. For a harder wax, you should blend 80 percent soy wax and 20 percent paraffin wax.

Can paraffin wax grow fungus? ›

His research revealed that bacteria and fungi are NOT at all likely to grow in these paraffin baths. That is probably because the water content is so low that infectious organisms could not survive. He also theorized that the wax seals around the hand to prevent bacteria or fungal organisms from escaping into the wax.

How many times do you need to soak the hand in the paraffin wax? ›

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4: Dip your hand 6-8 times, waiting a few seconds between each dip. This allows layers of wax to form over your hand.

Can you remelt candles to make new ones? ›

The simple answer is yes. The best thing to do is melt down the remaining wax and pour it into a smaller votive—et voilà, you have yourself a new candle. Make sure you combine all the same type of wax (beeswax, paraffin, or soy).

Why can't I smell my homemade candles? ›

You may have become 'nose blind' to the scent

Can you smell the candle now? If so, you've probably gotten so used to the scent you can't smell it anymore. If you've been burning the same candle scent, try burning a different aroma, or leaving the room for 15 to 20 minutes before returning.

What is the best temperature to add fragrance to soy wax? ›

You want to bring the wax to a higher temperature than just the melt point to ensure the wax molecules have fully expanded. That way each fragrance molecule will be fully encapsulated and trapped within the wax. Most fragrances should be added between 175-185° F.

Why do my scented candles not smell? ›

If you can no longer smell your candle, it does not mean the scent has disappeared; more than likely your brain had enough and switched off so you no longer notice the scent. After burning your candle for 2 hours, try stepping outside for about 15 minutes to clear your scent palate and come back in.

Who makes the strongest smelling candles? ›

But my nose doesn't lie when it determined that not one but two brands smelled strongest — WoodWick by Yankee Candle Co. and Bath & Body Works.

What are the slowest burning candles? ›

Beeswax candles are the slowest burning candle wax and 100% non toxic.

Is perfume still good after 20 years? ›

Some will begin to expire in less than a year and others will last upwards of 10 years. However, three to five years is the average shelf life of a fragrance. According to experts, perfumes with heavier base notes will last the longest. Some people compare these perfumes to a fine wine—they get better with age.

Does Vaseline make fragrance last longer? ›

Apply a little Vaseline on your pulse point before you spritz your perfume. The ointment in petroleum jelly helps hold the fragrance for longer. You can also use an unscented moisturizer to lock the scent in and keep it lingering around longer.

Can a fragrance last 10 years? ›

Many perfumes don't have a set expiry date and can last anywhere between 1-10 years. However, three to five years is often the average shelf life of a fragrance and most of Shay & Blue's fragrances will still perform for the length of time. According to experts, perfumes with heavier base notes will last the longest.

Do soy candles burn longer than paraffin? ›

Soy candles can burn anywhere from 35% to over 50% longer than paraffin candles because soy wax has a lower melting point, making it a cooler burning temperature than paraffin wax.

What is the best candle wax for essential oils? ›

Without the soot and toxins released into the air, soy wax also has a stronger scent profile. While a paraffin wax candle does hold scent better, this also depends on the oil quality used to create the fragrance. A higher-quality essential oil needs only a fraction in soy wax, compared to its paraffin counterpart.

What is the disadvantage of paraffin? ›

Paraffin is highly flammable, and poses fire risk when contaminated by water or other fuels; when used in malfunctioning appliances; when used by youth, intoxicated individuals, or other vulnerable individuals; when used purposely in acts of aggression or self-harm; and in dozens of other situations.

What wax Do luxury candles use? ›

Luxury candles tend to use higher-end alternatives to paraffin, such as coconut wax, beeswax, and soy wax. For example, our candles are made with natural soy wax, which burns less quickly than paraffin and allows you to savor the ambience and aroma up to 50% longer.

Why can't you burn candles for more than 4 hours? ›

If you burn your candle for more than 4 hours at a time, carbon will collect on the wick, and your wick will begin to "mushroom." This can cause the wick to become unstable, the flame to get too large, your candle to smoke, and soot to be released into the air and around your candle container.

Why can't you burn candles for more than 3 hours? ›

Burning a candle for too long will cause carbon to collect on the wick, leading it to “mushroom.” The wick will then become unstable and produce a dangerously large flame. Plus, your candle will start to smoke and release soot. Avoid this by always following the manufacturer's instructions.

What type of candle lasts the longest? ›

The first step is understanding the wax. This is where soy reigns supreme. Paraffin wax tends to be cheaper, and burns at a much faster rate than soy wax. In comparing two candles of the same size, a paraffin candle will usually have a lifespan of 35 to 40 hours whereas a soy candle can burn for 50 to nearly 80 hours.

Why don't my homemade candles smell? ›

Little or No Scent Throw: Scent is less than expected when candle is burning. Possible Causes: Too small amount of fragrance oil used, poor quality of fragrance oil, adding fragrance at too low or too high temperature, not letting your candles cure after pouring, type of wax used, improper wick or wick sizing issue.

What happens if you put too much essential oil in a candle? ›

Add too much fragrance: Using more fragrance oil does not always guarantee a stronger scent throw. Each wax has a recommended fragrance oil load and going beyond that limit can cause the fragrance oil to separate from the wax which could be a potential fire hazard (not to mention the ugly "gooey" spots it can create).

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.