Podcasting Starter Guide: 7 Tips for a Successful Podcast (2024)

Podcasts have never been more popular than they are today.

In fact, there are more than 800,000 active podcasts as of 2019, which is a number that only looks to increase in the years to come.

So why are podcasts so popular?

Because they are incredibly huge moneymakers.

Almost a third of Americans listen to at least one podcast a month, and advertisers have noticed.

They poured in almost half a million dollars in podcast advertising in 2018, and it’s fairly reasonable to assume that number is just going to keep increasing as the months (and years) march on.

Not only that, podcasts are a form of marketing that can not only grow your brand’s audience, but also its credibility.

And the best part?

It has never been easier to launch one.

It used to be that you’d need prohibitively expensive recording equipment like mics and editing software to release a podcast, but those days are over.

With advances in technology, anybody with a reasonably functional laptop can record and release their very own podcast.

There are a million reasons to get one started, and not a single reason not to.

Having said that, there is a huge difference between launching a podcast nobody listens to and launching a successful podcast that can help with your brand’s marketing, branding, and maybe even brings in some big bucks.

Here are our top seven tips to launch a successful podcast.

1. Invest in Decent Equipment

While you don’t need to blow a few thousand dollars on state of the art recording equipment or software, you should at least have a decent microphone to start with.

After all, a podcast with poor audio quality probably doesn’t have much of a chance at success.

Podcasts are a form of entertainment.

Nobody wants to have to strain just to hear what you and your guests are saying.

Having a decent microphone, a headset, and some basic audio editing software can make huge difference in how your podcast audio sounds.

And sounding like a true professional can make all the difference when it comes to whether you will be successful in your new career as a podcaster.

The initial investment is relatively small compared to the potential gains, which makes it a no-brainer.

2. Choose the Right Theme

The theme of your podcast will play a huge role in determining its success.

This doesn’t mean that you should choose a topic you believe will capture a large audience, however.

What it means is that you should pick a theme you can commit to for the long haul.

If you are truly passionate about what you are talking about, that will resonate with others who share the same passion.

Nobody wants to listen to somebody spout out amateurish nonsense on a topic they clearly are not interested in.

Being genuinely informed and interested in whatever you choose to talk to will keep your audience engaged, and they will appreciate you for it.

Plus, there’s a higher probability that they will share your podcast with others who have the same interests.

If you’re only jumping on whatever bandwagon topic is trending that week, pretty soon you’re going to run out of steam, and your listeners will notice.

Stick to something you know and love.

The people listening will always be able to tell the difference.

3. Come Out with Quality Podcasts

This should be obvious, but it’s amazing how many would-be podcasters are so focused on their podcast’s title, artwork, and launch, that they forget about the most important thing: the podcast itself.

It may seem easy, but unless you are an experienced media veteran with years of broadcasting under your belt, your first few podcast episodes probably won’t be very good.

Like all things in life, you will have to practice podcasting to get good at it.

Joe Rogan wasn’t a podcasting expert when he started the Joe Rogan Experience a decade ago.

He made a lot of mistakes, but he just kept at it.

What you’re listening to today is 10 years’ worth of experience, learning, and practice.

In order to have a successful podcast, you are going to have to become a good podcaster.

And the only way to get to that level is to keep recording.

If you are serious about being the proud owner of a successful podcast, you are going to have to pay your dues.

Chances are, unless you are already some sort of celebrity, few people will be hearing those, anyway.

Keep learning and honing your craft, and keep striving to produce the best podcast content you can.

Eventually, you’ll get to a level where people will enjoy listening to what your podcast has to offer.

4. Find the Balance

After some time, you will probably start receiving comments and suggestions from your listeners.

Some listeners may want you to change the format, and others will have requests for special guests.

While it’s always wise to hear out your audience, it is also important to stay true to your podcast’s identity.

It’s never a good idea to pander to your audience – a podcast that sparks real conversations will always be infinitely more interesting than one that just goes with the flow.

Be decisive, and control the direction of where you want your podcast to go and what you want your podcast to be.

Podcast audiences don’t want to listen to pushovers. They want real, hard-hitting podcasting.

Have an opinion, and a solid identity your listeners can slowly get to know and enjoy.

This isn’t to say that you should completely ignore what your listeners want, however.

This simply means that you should establish who you are as a podcast first, and then let your core audience help you smooth out the rough edges in your podcast identity later on.

5. Make Your Podcast SEO-Friendly

While there are other great posts that cover Podcasting SEO in-depth (like this one and this one), it would be impossible to create a ‘how to create a successful podcast’ article without mentioning SEO.

Most people probably don’t realize that iTunes and Google Podcasts are actually search engines.

To illustrate this, try typing “paleo” in the search option of either app.

What pops out?

Lots of podcasts with “Paleo” in their title and/or descriptions.

Given this newfound information, it only makes sense to sneak in a few keywords in your podcast’s title and descriptions, if only to give you a little boost in the rankings.

Don’t go overboard with the keywords, though.

Get your keywords in, but try to keep your title sounding as natural as you can.

Having keywords in your podcast title, subtitle, and description should just make it a little easier to find and rank, and can definitely help your podcast’s success.

6. Get Great Guests – and Be a Great Guest

Guests can be an incredibly valuable factor in the success of your podcast.

An expert guest will not only have intelligent and interesting things to share on your pod for your listeners, but they will also most likely be bringing in plenty of their own followers.

You might be an expert on your podcast topic, but there is always value in hearing a different perspective than yours, both for yourself and for your audience.

Of course, if you are fortunate enough to get a great guest for your podcast, be sure to treat them with respect.

This means not only sticking to whatever questions and script you may have written out for the podcast, but allowing them to explore topics and experiences they want to share as well.

It also goes the other way. If you are given the opportunity to be a guest on another podcast, seize the chance to expose a whole new audience to your personality and podcast.

Promote your show at every opportunity you can get.

You won’t be stealing the audience of the podcast you’re guesting on, simply giving their audience the chance to discover something new they might enjoy.

7. Be Consistent

Like everything in life, consistency is key when it comes to having a successful podcast.

Find a schedule you can commit to, and commit to it fully.

Your listeners want to know they can rely and depend on you to come out with a podcast on a regular basis.

You are in a relationship with your audience, and they need to know you can be counted on.

By giving them a sense of security that you are there for them, you can begin to build loyalty with your listeners.

Nothing will lose you listeners faster than a sporadic and inconsistent podcasting schedule.

You want to be part of their lives and their routines.

You want to be something they can look forward to in their commute or alone time.

Now Go Launch Your Podcast

Podcasting is definitely a medium that is here to stay. Podcasts are accessible, easy to listen to, and require very minimal effort for the listeners.

They are a great marketing tool, and a fantastic branding vehicle. For anybody looking to start a successful podcast, it would be a good idea to keep the tips above in mind.

Category Content

Podcasting Starter Guide: 7 Tips for a Successful Podcast (2024)


Podcasting Starter Guide: 7 Tips for a Successful Podcast? ›

Use actionable language that accurately reflects the content of your episode, and be sure to include relevant keywords that will help your podcast rank in search engines. Keep your episodes updated regularly, and promote new ones across your social media channels and website to help drive traffic and build an audience.

How do you start a podcast and make it successful? ›

If you're interested in starting a podcast but don't know where to begin, completing the following steps will set you up for success.
  1. Define Your Niche or Topic. ...
  2. Build Your Brand and Online Presence. ...
  3. Source Recording Equipment and Editing Software. ...
  4. Record and Edit Your First Podcast. ...
  5. Promote Your Podcast.
Aug 20, 2022

How do I get 1000 listeners for my podcast? ›

Use actionable language that accurately reflects the content of your episode, and be sure to include relevant keywords that will help your podcast rank in search engines. Keep your episodes updated regularly, and promote new ones across your social media channels and website to help drive traffic and build an audience.

How many listeners does a podcast need to be profitable? ›

To put harder numbers on it, many sponsorship agencies look for 3000 to 5000 listeners, per episode, before they'll take you on. But, if you're doing it yourself, it's perfectly possible to earn a decent sponsorship income once you pass the 200 to 300 mark, especially if you have a particularly niche audience.

How many listeners does a podcast need to make money? ›

While you can try the previous strategies at any level, this strategy is in the big leagues: most companies will want a regular, dedicated listenership at least several thousand strong before they'll consider contracting with you. At that point, you can try to sell ads on your own.

How quickly do podcasts grow? ›

It can take five to six months (or even longer) to increase podcast downloads. There's no shortcut to fame. It takes time and persistence. In fact, your numbers may go up and down for each episode, but if you keep publishing great content, they will trend upward over time.

How long do podcasts take to grow? ›

How long does it take a podcast to grow? You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over month, even if it's a small amount. Slow and steady growth is a good thing in the podcasting space.

What are the 7 skills for the future podcast? ›

These skills are Adaptability, Critical Thinking, Empathy, Integrity, Being Proactive, Optimism and Resilience. Our world is changing - so fast, so furiously, so ferociously - that to stand out, to be happy and to feel calm, you need to tap into your own resources and competences.

What are the 4 phases of a podcast? ›

However, a podcast production should have phases consisting of planning, set up, recording, post-production, and distribution even if the steps in each one differ for different people.

What are the 4 P's of marketing for a podcast? ›

Podcast, Price, Promotion and Place - The 4Ps of Podcast Marketing.

How long should a beginner podcast be? ›

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

What should the first topic of a podcast be? ›

Your favorite topic

The first podcast idea is also the most obvious. A podcast about something you find enjoyable. This could be your favorite book series, movie genre, professional industry, or music scene. Avoid topics you don't find interesting even if you think they would do well.

What percentage of podcasts fail? ›

According to many in the business, most podcasts that fade die out as early as their 7th episode. In fact, research indicates that the podfading rate is as high as 50% among new podcasts.

How much does the average podcast pay? ›

Typically, a podcaster with around 10,000 downloads per episode can expect to earn somewhere between $500 to $900. Very successful podcasts can earn much more, reaching up to $30 million in annual income. How much money you can make podcasting depends on a few factors.

Can you make a living off a podcast? ›

We hear the question “How much money can podcasters make” all the time. As you can see, there's a big range. While most podcasters make very little in the beginning, podcast and can be a lucrative career if you stick with it, engage your audience, and consistently create quality content.

How often should I post a podcast? ›

Weekly. A weekly podcast publishing frequency is great if you're covering trending news or have an interview-style or storytelling-type podcast. Publishing on a weekly basis is perfect for episodes over 30 minutes because it allows your fans time to actually listen to your episode and get excited about the next one.

How do you know if a podcast is successful? ›

Metrics That Matter
  1. Build audience relationships. # of subscribers. ...
  2. Grow the listener base. % change in subscribers. ...
  3. Educate the market on the value of podcasting. # of leads through podcast-driven content (episodes, blogs, Audiograms, etc.) ...
  4. Drive demand and influence buying decisions. Pipeline influenced by podcasts.

How do I get millions of podcast listeners? ›

Best ways to get more podcast listeners
  1. Be consistent. ...
  2. Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) in each episode. ...
  3. Cross-promote with fellow podcasters. ...
  4. Promote your podcast where your listeners hang out. ...
  5. Repurpose content. ...
  6. Make it easy for your guests to share their episode. ...
  7. Distribute your show where listeners will find it.
Dec 6, 2022

What not to do when making a podcast? ›

10 Tips You Need to Rock your Podcast
  1. Do: Target a Specific Niche.
  2. Don't: Use Excessive Jargon.
  3. Do: Maintain a Specific Routine.
  4. Don't: Be Overly Rigid.
  5. Do: Edit Thoroughly.
  6. Don't: Make Editing Obvious.
  7. Do: Keep Your Podcast to 30 Minutes or Less.
  8. Do: Measure Success.

What not to do when starting a podcast? ›

If you're thinking of starting a podcast, here are a few mistakes I'd recommend avoiding:
  1. Spending too much money. ...
  2. Believing LibSyn is the only hosting option. ...
  3. Not respecting your niche. ...
  4. Not using a subtitle. ...
  5. Not actively collaborating with other podcasting hosts. ...
  6. Having unrealistic expectations. ...
  7. Inconsistency.
Jul 23, 2019

What to avoid when starting a podcast? ›

10 Beginner Mistakes Podcasters Need to Avoid
  1. Your Focus Is on the Best Equipment.
  2. You're Starting Your Podcast Without A Niche.
  3. Obsessing over Statistics Will Lead You down a Dark Hole.
  4. You're Waiting for Your Audience to Find You.
  5. Starting Your Podcast Without Pre-Recorded Episodes.
  6. Talking down to Your Audience.

What is the number 1 most listened to podcast? ›

1. The Joe Rogan Experience. The Joe Rogan Experience is a popular podcast hosted by comedian and UFC commentator Joe Rogan.

How long should a daily podcast be? ›

Commuters might prefer podcasts between 15 and 30 minutes. People who spend more time at home might prefer podcasts that last up to 50 minutes. Kids might only have the attention span for podcasts that are 10 to 15 minutes long. And certain niche audience might prefer longer podcasts over an hour in length.

How long should podcasts last? ›

Ideally, you'd want listeners to be able to finish your podcast during their commute, so aim for under 50 minutes.

How many episodes should a podcast have? ›

There is no correct answer, but most podcasters release between six and thirteen episodes per season. This gives you enough content to keep listeners engaged without overwhelming them or burning out your creative ideas.

How long until a podcast is profitable? ›

Your podcast can make money between six to 12 months with the right strategy. What is this? Yes! But while businesses have only just added podcasting to their marketing channels, you're going to organize some targeted marketing to shorten the time to monetizing your podcast.

How many hours a week do people listen to podcasts? ›

The average of 9 hours and 3 minutes per week may sound impressive on its own considering all the other media choices that Americans have today. But Edison's data shows that three in ten people it surveyed reported they actually listen to podcasts for ten or more hours each week. That is led by Gen Z and Millennials.

What is 13 Ways to Lead podcast? ›

Thirteen Ways to Lead is an in-depth look at the leadership principals of Air National Guard's 13th Command Chief Master Sgt. Maurice L. Williams.

What must a podcast have? ›

11 Elements That Make a Good Podcast
  • An Original Idea. ...
  • Well-Structured and Planned Out Episodes. ...
  • Plenty of Host-To-Listener Interaction. ...
  • Good Storytelling. ...
  • Value (And Lots of It) ...
  • Regular Publishing Schedules. ...
  • Appropriate and Relevant Guests. ...
  • An Engaging and Interesting Host.

What are the pillars of podcasting? ›

In The Four Pillars of Podcasting, I breakdown everything you need to learn how to do, to successfully launch a podcast. The book is broken down into 4 steps: Pre-Production, Production, Post-Production, Marketing and Launch. You need to successfully build upon each pillar in order, before you move on to the next.

What is a good podcast structure? ›

Get these three elements right, and you've got yourself the perfect podcast structure. The beginning is where you've got to hook people into your episode, and the middle is for the main content of your show. The end is where you remind listeners exactly what they've gained and where they should go from here.

How do I get people to listen to my podcast? ›

6 Tips to Increase Podcast Listeners
  1. Create a Podcast trailer.
  2. Use Call to Actions.
  3. Promote your Podcast on social media.
  4. Repurpose your Podcast content.
  5. Podcast SEO.
  6. Invite guests and star as a guest.

How do you create a podcast strategy? ›

How Do You Develop a Podcast Strategy?
  1. #1. Set Clear Objectives. ...
  2. #2. Determine Your Target Audience. ...
  3. #3. Learn About Your Competitors' People-Attraction Strategies. ...
  4. #4. Choose Channels for Communications. ...
  5. #5. Develop a Content Plan. ...
  6. Frank Hamilton has been working as an editor at online essay writing service review.
Dec 10, 2021

How fast should you talk on a podcast? ›

Radio hosts, podcasters, as well as audiobooks use between 150 to 160 wpm. It is the upper range that people comfortably hear & vocalize words. In fact, ebook publishers officially recommend 150-160 words per minute, which is close to the maximum speaking rate that also ensures full comprehension.

Am I too old to start a podcast? ›

Podcasting is on the rise and evolving faster than ever. You might be thinking that you've missed your window of opportunity to jump on the trend, however, it's never too late to start.

How long should a 15 minute podcast script be? ›

Generally, a 15 minutes podcast will have no more than 2,000 words per show. While that doesn't sound like much more than a 10-Minute podcast, as you gain experience and become more of a professional, you'll be able to say more about your topic in the same amount of time.

What are the least crowded podcast categories? ›

At the other end of the spectrum, Misener's analysis shows the least-crowded categories are Science: Mathematics, Sports: Swimming, and Science: Chemistry. “With a scant 14 shows on the Apple Podcasts U.S. Swimming charts, it's one of the least competitive categories to chart in,” he wrote in the blog post.

Is a solo podcast a good idea? ›

Solo podcasts are a brilliant option for anyone who likes total creative freedom over what they make. They're also particularly good for building a direct personal connection with your audience.

What is the most popular style of podcasts? ›

Here are 7 Most Popular Podcast Formats: Choose the Right One for You;
  • Interview Podcast Format. ...
  • Chatty Podcast Format(co-hosted format) ...
  • Educational Podcast Format. ...
  • Solo Podcast Format. ...
  • Real-life narratives and current events. ...
  • Podcast Format theater. ...
  • Bite-sized content or limited run podcast series. ...
  • Panel Shows Podcast Format.

What is a good opening sentence for a podcast? ›

For example: “Hi guys, this is ______ podcast and I'm your host [name of host], [enter profession or qualifications, e.g. head of content marketing] at _____, and this is my co host _______. Again, keep it short and to the point. Your opening few lines aren't the place to talk about a host's full bio.

How much do podcasts get paid? ›

Typically, a podcaster with around 10,000 downloads per episode can expect to earn somewhere between $500 to $900. Very successful podcasts can earn much more, reaching up to $30 million in annual income. How much money you can make podcasting depends on a few factors.

How much money do you need to start a podcast? ›

Assuming you go with some lower-end equipment, your total start-up cost for podcasting would be about $350-$400 . This includes your computer, microphone, headphones, audio interface, and recording software. Of course, you can always upgrade your equipment down the road if you decide you need better quality gear.

How does podcasts make money? ›

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

Can a solo podcast be successful? ›

Starting a podcast by yourself is totally doable and we definitely encourage you to give it a try! There are sooo many successful solo podcasters out there and you can totally be one too!

How much money do small podcasts make? ›

For example, if someone is using affiliate sales, advertising, sponsorships, and paid subscriptions, they're likely to earn much more than someone who's only relying on one stream. In this case, we'd say that a podcaster can possibly earn somewhere around $300- $5 000 per episode with 10 000 downloads.

Are podcasts still profitable? ›

Although it requires hard work and dedication, it's definitely possible to start a podcast and make money from it. With the right strategies and dedication, you can even turn your podcasting hobby into a lucrative source of income.

How long should a podcast be? ›

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

Do you need a license to do a podcast? ›

Yes, podcast music does need to be licensed, in most cases. Unless you are the musician and own all rights to your original work, you will need to obtain a podcast music license for any music that plays during your podcast. This includes intro, background, and outro music, as well as sound effects.

How long before a podcast is profitable? ›

Your podcast can make money between six to 12 months with the right strategy. What is this? Yes! But while businesses have only just added podcasting to their marketing channels, you're going to organize some targeted marketing to shorten the time to monetizing your podcast.

Is starting a podcast worth it? ›

Overall, having a podcast in 2023 can be a great way to reach a new audience, become a “thought leadeer”, engage with listeners, and do so in a cost-effective manner. It's a versatile and powerful marketing tool that businesses and brands of all sizes can benefit from.

Who pays who to be on podcasts? ›

Typically, podcasts do not pay their guests. Their “Payment” comes from exposure to the audience as well as highlights to their services, e-books, products, etc. Even if a podcast is small now, there is an assumption by host and guests that the show will grow, and the exposure will increase.

How do I get sponsors for my podcast? ›

4 Strategies to Get Podcast Sponsors
  1. Reach Out to Sponsors Directly. The simplest strategy? ...
  2. Partner With a Hosting Service. Podcast hosting services give your podcast a home on the internet. ...
  3. Join a Podcast Network. Some networks let you list your show (sometimes for free) on their platform. ...
  4. Use a Directory.

How many listeners does a podcast need? ›

The median number of listeners who complete an episode can range from as low as 100 to several thousand. However, what matters the most is remembering that even with 100 listeners, a show can find its audience and expand its reach. There is no need to worry if your podcast doesn't have millions of downloads.

Can a nobody start a podcast? ›

You can start a podcast with no pre-existing audience, but you need to formulate a marketing plan on how to build that audience. Proven ways include SEO optimization, podcasting website, transcripts, and presence into multiple directories. Consider also appearing as a guest on shows in your niche.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.