Real Estate Content Marketing: Ultimate Guide | Carrot (2024)

With competitive forces like Zillow, Realtor, Redfin, and Trulia (plus all the other real estate agents in your market), how can you cut through the clutter onlineand slice your piece of the real estate pie?

Real Estate Content Marketing: Ultimate Guide | Carrot (1)

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In this post, that’s what we’re going to teach you how to:

  1. Use content marketing to build authority in your market
  2. Pick your content marketing niche
  3. Use location-specific content in your strategy
  4. Create your content marketing publishing schedule

Real Estate Content Marketing: Ultimate Guide | Carrot (2)

1. Tell People Who You Are and What You Believe In

The first step in your content marketing also called evergreen marketing, journey is to write down your mission and/or values if you never have before.


Because when people are deciding on a product to buy (whether it be a restaurant to eat at, a new computer, or a piece of real estate), they don’t buy because of what you do; they buy because of whyyou do what you do.

Cue the clip of Simon Sinek’s TED Talk:

And that isn’t just the case with Apple; it’s the case with your business and even with Carrot. Consider this testimonial from our company’s #General Slack channel earlier today…

“Hello Trevor,

I want to thank you for being so honest. Your character is very impressive, and for that reason I am going to join Carrot later today…

A person’s character is very important to me, and seeing yours I know I will be connecting with a company that will grow and succeed.

Thank you for your character.”

– Rob Mundras

If you need help determining your mission/values, ask yourself these questions.

  1. Why do you do what you do? Because you love helping other people? Or is there a more profound belief that drives why you do what you do?
  2. What’s your motivation for being in real estate?

For inspiration, here are our core values at Carrot…

  1. Be a Beacon ofPositivityandPossibility
  2. HaveFunandBe Different
  3. Take the initiativeandShow You Care
  4. CraftAmazing Experiences
  5. Adapt, Evolve,& AlwaysImprove

Feel free to borrow any of those values for your own business.

Then, record 1 or 2 videos about why you do what you do. Just talk honestly about the mission and values you came up with and how those apply to your real estate business.

Try to keep each video to between 5 and 8 minutes. Post those videos to Facebook and YouTube once you’re finished recording them.

2. Pick Your Content Marketing Niche

Now, one of the best ways that you can crack through the clutter is to niche down. And we’ve also done the same thing here at Carrot with our software company.

It’s in universal principle that whenever you can narrow down the focus of who you serve and narrow down your messaging, it will resonate more and more with the person you’re looking after. Conversely, the more generic your message, the harder it is to have someone raise their hand and go, yeah, that’s me; I resonate with that.

So we’re going to help you niche down in this video. So, earlier in a separate video, I laid out our entire content marketing framework with this pyramid, so go check out that video. It’s probably linked up somewhere.

This video is specifically on the niche part of it.

What Are Niches?

So what are niches?

I was talking with a real estate agent the other day, a brand new agent and not a brand new one, but she’d done several transactions. I said, “Hey, what are your niches?” And she said, “Well, I don’t really have any,” and then we walked through how to discover a niche.

On the flip side, I talked to another real estate agent, a brand new one, who hadn’t done a transaction yet in California in a competitive market, and I said the same thing. I said, “Who is it that you can serve, and who can you niche down in your messaging to serve?” He said, “Man, I don’t know.” I said, “Well, who would you want to focus on?”

He said, “Anyone who wants to buy a house in x city in Carmel, California.” I said, “That’s amazing, but that’s not a niche. That’s something that every single one of the agents in your market is also going after.”

So I asked him a couple of questions, and they’re all based around who are the people that you can serve, what locations they might live in, and whether there are certain situations in which you can better help serve people than others.

On the people’s side of it, in this example with that gentleman, I said, “Okay, what is it that you like? How old are you? What’s your life look like?”

And he said, “I have two kids, in my mid-thirties.” And he started to talk about things he loves to do. He loves cars and all kinds of cool stuff like that.

So one thing you could really do a niche down on is helping families in Carmel, California, find the home of their dreams to fit their family and lifestyle. So that’s the same thing you probably would have been doing before you niche down anyway, but now we’re at least niching down some of our messaging.

So he wrote down: Helping young families in Carmel, California, find the homes to fit their lifestyle.

That’s a niche because every time he’s communicating or doing a video, he’s doing it from that framework.

“Hey, this is Mark here in Carmel. I’m at a soccer match with my kids…” whatever it is. So then you’re talking about things other people in that market might be discussing.


Locations. One of the agents here locally in Roseburg, Oregon, the G-team, the number one or at least top, one of the top Century 21 teams, the whole northwest. They’re amazing in a few things. They are good at river homes of this particular river called the North Umpqua River here in town.

They’re good at high-end lifestyle homes, charming homes that maybe aren’t on the river, but they’ve got a great view and good-to-income properties.

So when I was talking with Ricky about their niches, he never thought about it before, but he listed those three things off because I’m not sure if I should put the income property thing down like rental properties. After all, it’s kind of unrelated. I said it’s not. It’s the same prospect because if I’m looking for a luxury home on the North Umpqua River or a lifestyle home up on a mountain with a great view, I probably have some discretionary income to invest in rental properties.

Therefore I’d want to also work with you to buy those rental properties. So there, he’s serving the same person in different situations.

Write down the different types of people you would want to work with, and the way that I like to do that is, who is the “most fun to work with?” Which transactions do you make the most money that helps you reach the goals that you’re looking for?

Scenarios and Situations

Write down those scenarios and those situations, and you’ll start to hone in on who you want to work with the most.

If you’re a brand new real estate agent, many real estate agents tend to go for a first-time home buyer because that first-time home buyer’s kind of like you, you’re new, and it’s all new to you, but I would also challenge you. I would challenge you to focus on something else.

If you’ve been a nurse and you’re leaving the nursing profession to come over and be a real estate agent. Awesome. That’s a niche right there waiting, waiting for you to grab is, helping medical professionals find amazing homes that they and their families can live and thrive in, in your area.

Then you can start to use that messaging. You begin to put up videos and updates to the medical community. You can start to find homes that are perfect for that. You can begin to find medical practices recruiting medical professionals and talk to them and help show them around.

Find Niches

So find niches, hone your message, start recording videos of those niches, and then start. As we teach here, you will record seven to 10 videos as your base initial content in that niche, showing you as the expert.

Those videos will go on Facebook, YouTube, and your website. Then, you will build that amazing stockpile of content that will resonate with your market.

Every week or whenever you’re out there, find opportunities to take out your cell phone and record some quick content. Three to five minutes in that niche, in those locations, showing your expertise.

Share the information out there and go deep in your niche.

3. How to Pick Your Niche Locations

Real Estate Content Marketing: Ultimate Guide | Carrot (4)

We’re going to be talking about locations now. So by this time, you’ve already discovered your core values. Why are you in business? You’ve written those down. You’ve done a simple video about why you’re in business and love working with buyers and sellers.

That’s going to help people resonate.

You’ve also picked between one and three niches. You can drill down on where you can tailor your message, your videos, your content, and how you speak to people.

First, you can tailor your audience to that message because now you will resonate with those in those niches. It will help you target your marketing the same way we’ve grown here at Carrot.

That’s because this solution is universal. We could sell our solution to plumbers, real estate agents, investors, and financial planners. The solution solves all of it. But when we can niche our product and marketing, we can better serve you and ensure our content resonates with you so you notice it.

Real Estate Niche Location

The next step is locations. Many people think locations are just cities, towns, etc. But what I would like to challenge you is that locations are any particular spot or type of property on which you can focus a specific message.

Here are some examples. It could be towns. It could be here in Roseburg, Oregon. You create a page that has the Roseburg properties for sale on there from your IDX listings from Carrot.

Then Sutherland, Winston, and Reedsport are all different towns around Roseburg. We would definitely want all those towns with a page on the website with a title that’s something like a Homes for Sale In (insert city). Then probably a video.

I’m going out there with something that my competition can’t; they can’t put a video of me on their website. So put a video of yourself on your website explaining that location. Then put your IDX property listings after maybe a few paragraphs of content.

Now other types of locations can be neighborhoods. So if you’re in a bigger city or even a small town like Roseburg, there are specific neighborhoods in which people really want to buy and sell houses. Hucrest is one, even in a town of 30,000 people.

If you go to Google and start to type up homes for sale in Roseburg, you’ll also see other suggested searches for neighborhoods there, which is cool.

Hucrest is a neighborhood, Melrose is a neighborhood that is pretty sought after here. If people are searching for them, I want to create a locations page that ranks well in Google for those. I also want to create that video and get it up on YouTube and Facebook. So I could turn those into ads if I want to.

There are other types of things that are property types. So if you’re a specialist, if one of your niches is river homes in a particular river or a country club or whatever it is, then you should create a locations page for that niche.

For example, G Team is a Century 21 brokerage here in Roseburg. They’ve done amazingly well, and they focus on a few niches. On North Umpqua River, homes, lifestyle properties with great views, and income properties. They all happen to be about the same type of avatars. The same type of person who probably has some income is looking to get a fantastic house and grow their revenue with rental properties. So you can also create a page for property types like river homes.

So here on Carrot, we launched a page. It’s homes for sale on the North Umpqua, Roseburg, Oregon.

Real Estate Content Marketing: Ultimate Guide | Carrot (5)

Image Source:G Team Real Estate

Then we create a video about homes for sale in North Umpqua River and how they can help you. How they own a home in the river, and her parents own a home on the river, and they’ve sold tons of homes on the river. All in a short little video. You can do the same thing.

Then below the video, we’ve put up a custom search through the IDX that only shows river homes for sale in that area. We’ve drawn a little boundary around there, and its river homes for sale, so now they can drive people to a page specifically for North Umpqua River homes for sale in the Roseburg area.

They can drive traffic from Facebook or YouTube, or when talking with someone locally, they can say, “Hey, go to, forward slash river, and you can see all the updated properties.”

Here’s proof that this style of real estate content marketing works. We shot a quick video for The G Team, had it transcribed using our VideoPost tool, and now beat Zillow in Google with their Carrot real estate agent website.

Attracting New Buyers and Sellers With Niched Down Content

When you’re going through and doing this, leverage our tutorials here at Carrot to walk you through how to create those pages, or we have services that can do it for you.

If you’re not a Carrot customer, no big deal. It will be a little harder to set them up yourself to get them ranked well and Google on a different platform. But you can still launch locations pages for all these locations you do business in, and don’t forget to create neighborhood ones or niche down property types if those are within your niche.

Those will help you get better rankings in Google, attract new prospects, get people on your retargeting list for Facebook, and it will give you more content you can continually drive people back to in your content.

Here’s one idea for you.

Let’s say you’ve got your niches down, and your locations down, and you’re taking out your cell phone and doing a piece of content on a river home today. Take it out and give your three to five-minute talk about a tip or something like that about river homes, and then you can give a call to action to drive to this page for them or the landing page.

You could say, “Hey, just go to forward slash river to get an updated list of all of the North Umpqua River property homes for sale in this area, and you’re gonna be the first one to get notified of them. Go check it out. Xyz Dot com, forward slash river.”

It’s going to continually drive leads, build you up as the expert for that type of property, and you’re going to cut through that clutter and grow your business.

You’re not going to be stuck with whatever Zillow is giving you. You’re not even going to care if there are a million other agents in the market because you’re the only one claiming the space for that niche.

4. Find A Content Marketing Cadence

Real Estate Content Marketing: Ultimate Guide | Carrot (6)

To get the best content marketing results, increase brand awareness, and drive high-quality website traffic, you’ll want to continue to create content in the foreseeable future.

The easiest way to make that happen is by determining how often you’ll create new content – will you do it once per week, two times per week, or once per month?

How often you create content matters less thandoing it. Just set a commitment and stick to it.

By now, you’ve picked your niches, nailed your core values and mission, and know which locations you’re helping serve your buyers and sellers.Here’s the fun part: we’ve already created those initial videos, and now you get to go out there and do our business and document some of the things you’re doing.

Reality shows on TLC and HDTV have blown up over the past decade because people are interested in what people do for work, and your business is no different. People are interested in what you do for business. People love to see homes, people love to explore their area, and they would love to follow you doing that.

Here are a few tips on what you can do daily and weekly, just with your cell phone, to continually stay in front of your prospects and your community to add value and build relationships and authority. Just through regular content, we show them what you’re already doing in business.

Creating Weekly and Monthly Content Pillars

There are a couple of different things I want you to do. I want you to write on a piece of paper right now, weekly and then monthly, and I want you to create these weekly and monthly content pillars.

This isn’t hard; this is less than 30 minutes a week all it’s going to take you, and less than 30 minutes a month for the monthly. So this isn’t hard. It’s a couple of hours a month, is all.

Every single person has a couple of hours a month, and if you don’t, you’ll have a lot more time in two years to do whatever you want to do because you’re probably going to be out of business.

At Carrot, we make creating content easy for our members. We offer 12-24 monthly content articles (already written – ready to publish) and our videopost feature. All you’ll need to do is shoot a video, and we’ll transcribe it directly into a blog post.

Weekly Content

So, every week, that cadence is what I call on-the-job content. That’s where you’re answering questions that people commonly have about that type of property or that area.

You’re addressing objections that you see come up quite a bit; you might be showing some interesting stuff because people like to see fun, exciting stuff when they’re scrolling down Facebook or looking on Instagram or YouTube.

You need to show some action. People want to see interesting things that are moving, and I’m not just talking about you moving around the camera; I’m talking about one time you’re in the car doing it, another time you’re out there at a property with the client, another time you’re sitting in your office.

So move locations because it’s interesting and people will start to really look forward to your videos and your content coming out.

Every week, once again, it’s on-the-job content. I’m out at a river home, and I keep using this example because it’s such a good one. What are the questions or objections that pop up with someone who’s looking to buy a home on the river? It’s probably not a cheap house, so there’s a big financial stake there.

So you have to look at, “Well shoot, I know river homes so well,” the water situation’s always something that trips people up—most people who’ve never bought a river home never know what to do.

So I’m going to do a few videos on what you need to do with water and water rights and how I get my drinking water are you going to use a filtration system, or is there a well?

All those are critical things; if you’re the one doing that content, I will work with you because you’re the expert, and I don’t want to lose a ton of money buying a river home with Aunt Betty, who just became a real estate agent last week.

There could be an amazing home on the river with this killer pool, or it has this cool retaining wall or something like that. Take out the camera and say, “Hey, this is Mark. I’m out at a river home on the North Umpqua River. I want to show you this pool; it’s an amazing pool, look at the view that it has. Look at all the possibilities with a home on the river.”

What that’s doing is building desire for that type of property that they’re already wanting, but they’re building desire for, and you’re the person that’s helping them build that. Or there’s action, once again. You can take them on a little tour of different homes on the river and put all those little things out in three, five, 10 minutes max videos.

Monthly Content

Then on the monthly side, stand in front of a camera, take out your phone, or whatever you want to do, and do some report because reports build expertise.

The other content types are fun, and they build expertise as well, but the report is something they can look forward to the same content piece each month.

Every month, I get an email from this real estate investment company, and it shows the market snapshot and the market report and what’s happening right now. I open that one every month because I want to know what’s happening.

I want to get ahead of the curve and ahead of what’s happening, and your buyers and sellers are no different. If a seller is looking to sell, they want to know, “Should I be selling right now? Is it too late to sell? Is it too soon to sell? Is it a good time to sell?” Whatever it is, your monthly report should address that.

I want to know when to buy right now if I’m a buyer. “Should I be buying a property? Should I wait to get a better deal? Are there good deals coming up? Is it the right time to buy? Are financing programs drying up? Could new ones be added?” This is where you can do that with your monthly reports.

What is a Real Estate Market Report?

What is a monthly report? It should be an under 10-minute video, ideally. I’m saying a video because anyone can do a written report. Anyone can send an email that says, “Here’s a bunch of market stats.” All the other real estate agents in your market are already doing that.

Here’s an example from one of our Carrot members:

“June Market Update – Unemployment Rates”

Real Estate Content Marketing: Ultimate Guide | Carrot (7)

You don’t win the market by doing what everyone else is doing. You win the market by being you and going out there and building a brand, trust, and credibility. Showing them, you’re the expert.

You could send out an with a bunch of words, but I would send out a video, and put it on your Carrot website as a video post, so you take your YouTube video, you put in that URL, our system goes out and yanks out all the words, makes up blog posts for you.

For example, Krista utilized the above video as a VideoPost: “June 2020 Market Update – Unemployment Rates.”

Now you can send people to that from Facebook and YouTube to the actual full official monthly report with your video, with the written words below it and a call to action to connect with you.

Some other things you can do:

  • Get market stats.
  • Ups and downs of the market.
  • Is it the right time to sell?
  • Is it the right time to buy?
  • What’s happening with loan programs?
  • What events are coming up in the community?

So if part of your niches is based on families or certain community segments, let’s say you’re focused on retirees. In my monthly report, I’m going to go through the report with the frame, with the lens of how a retiree would be looking at the real estate market and what they would care about, and then at the end, I’m going to say,

“Hey, here are some really cool events happening this next month in Roseburg. Here are these six things, these cool concerts and acts. To check out more events, search our website for events. There’s a whole list of events for retirees and groups of people who love wine and wine country, just like me.”

So now I’m not only delivering information but also things to do, and they’re going to love you for that.

Go figure out your weekly cadence and your monthly report. This is atotal of a couple of hours a month. All you have to do is put in a couple of hours a month, less than one full day a year. One full day a year to stay in front of your prospects and build trust, honesty, and credibility.

People are going to notice you in town. They will say, “Hey, you’re the guy, the gal that keeps putting out that great stuff. Thank you for doing that.”

They will tell other people about you, and your business will grow and get momentum in the next six, 12, 18 months. So go execute the entire plan, don’t get lazy.

Execute the entire plan and then be diligent with it. You’re going to see some excellent momentum happening after that.

Last Tip

Make sure every video you do, you upload to YouTube, you upload to Facebook, and then you upload it to video posts on your Carrot website to turn that into written words, so now you not only have Facebook, and YouTube, you’re also going to have Google organic results as another thing to help you get more traffic, build more credibility and to build your business.

Real Estate Content Marketing: Ultimate Guide | Carrot (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.