Real Estate Lawyer Toronto | LD Law | Property Law (2024)

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Toronto Real Estate Lawyers

LD Law specializes in all real estate matters, we ensure that our client’s legal needs are secure and protected. We serve across/all over Ontario. If you need professional lawyers for real estate in Toronto, Ontario, our experienced real estate lawyer ensures worry-free and convenient real estate closings, Call us now!

Real estate lawyer Toronto can guide you in matters of buying or selling commercial and residential property located in Toronto or anywhere in Ontario. The real estate lawyers in Toronto at LD Law LLP will assist corporate & individual clients with a full range of real estate services, including litigation. Buy or sell a property located in Toronto or anywhere in Ontario.

Call Now: 416-747-9900

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Real Estate Lawyer Toronto | LD Law | Property Law (10)

When you are in Toronto, owning real estate can be the reason for your hypertension unless you have a lawyer at your contact. LD Law is a professional law firm to provides you all kinds of help regarding real estate, wills, estate planning, and business law. Especially in the need for a real estate lawyer, nothing can be a better choice than anLD Law LLPfirm.

A real estate lawyer Toronto, is available for any kind of help protecting your property. At LD Law LLP our lawyers are available for their clients 24×7 for customer support. The finest work of Daniel La Gamba and David Baptista dos Reis accompanied by their LD Law firm will be enough to protect your real estate from creditors. You can find yourself an appointment with Mr. Gamba and Mr. Baptista.

When looking for a genuine real estate lawyer in Toronto, there are numerousfactorsyou need to take into consideration. From expertise to years of experience and a high reputation, finding a good lawyer could be a hectic task. Be it a car accident, divorce, or any legal case – a lawyer is always needed.

Call Now: 416-747-9900

Our Practice Areas

Real Estate Law

Buying or selling real estate? Refinancing your mortgage? Our team is able to handle all of your real estate needs.

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Family Law

We guide our clients through any simple or challenging family issue and work to resolve it efficiently and attain favourable results.

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Business Law

Looking to start your own business? Our business and corporate lawyers provide the necessary advice and tools to launch your business venture.

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Why Clients Choose Us?

We have worked with them on multiple home purchases and sales. Real estate lawyer Toronto’s professional approach, calm nature, and responsiveness are outstanding. Aside from professional expertise and valuable input, the real estate lawyer, Daniel is a great guy! Highly recommend them and wouldn’t go anywhere else. Thanks, Daniel and team!

My closing case was a bit special. I was not confident after consulting a couple of law firms before coming to LD Law. Here, I have come across the best real estate lawyer in Toronto who handled my case smoothly and even followed up on some hiccups.

Concise and efficient communication, quick response. Highly recommend this firm.

Transactions Closed

Why you need to use a Real Estate Lawyer Toronto?


A lawyer will make sure that everything in legal documents and procedures is done correctly and that your interests are protected. Review the purchase or sale agreement to make sure that it’s fair and accurate.


There are many legalities and red tape involved in property transactions, and a lawyer will make sure that everything is handled properly and in time so that you don’t run into any problems.


A real estate lawyer can help you to understand any covenants, easem*nts, or liens that may be on the property.

Call Now: 416-747-9900

Land Transfer Tax in Toronto

Our Team

Our Lawyers at LD Law

Real Estate Lawyer Toronto | LD Law | Property Law (11)

David Baptista dos Reis

Real Estate Lawyer

Real Estate Lawyer Toronto | LD Law | Property Law (12)

Daniel La Gamba

Real Estate Lawyer

Real Estate Lawyer Toronto | LD Law | Property Law (13)

Nicholaus Popadiuk

Wills and Estates Lawyer
Family Lawyer

Real Estate Lawyer Near Me

If you are searching for the best real estate law firm or real estate lawyers near me, then here is your answer.

LD Law is a top-rated real estate and business law firm in the Greater Toronto Area. With over 10 years of experience, we have helped our clients buy or sell property across Ontario countless times without any issues whatsoever! We work hard to ensure that you are getting exactly what your money deserves – peace of mind knowing LD Law has got it covered for every step along the way (from negotiating contracts until signing!).

If this sounds good but doesn’t know where to start then give us a call today.

Real Estate Lawyer Toronto Services vsNon-Legal Services Providers

In our society where people are always looking for the best deal, it’s important to know that there may be some differences in how services like real estate lawyers work between non-legal agents and lawyers. For example, if an error is made during your closing process with one type of agent then you can expect them to make up their own loss whereas another group won’t offer any compensation at all even though errors happen more often than most realize!


Frequently Asked Question

Closing Costs

Closing costs are an umbrella term for different legal fees and expenses paid on closing. They refer to closing adjustments including prepaid property taxes, maintenance, as well as, Land Transfer Taxes, legal fees, disbursem*nts and HST. Closing costs do not have a precise definition and will differ depending on the real estate transactions.

The fees included in closing costs vary widely per the nature of the real estate transactions. For example, some fees apply when buying or selling a new home, e.g., builder adjustments such as paving, Tarion warranty and the cost of tree planting, are not typically included in a resale home. Some of the most common closing costs in the real estate law include:

  • Land transfer tax

  • Legal fees

  • Home inspection fee

  • Property appraisal fee

  • Title search and insurance

  • Prepaid taxes and insurance

  • Prepaid maintenance for the closing month (for condos)

The buyer pays the closing costs, at the time of closing. This cost is then added to the payable total. Your Toronto real estate lawyer fees and disbursem*nts will be added to it as well. The land transfer taxes will be paid by your real estate lawyers to the Province and the other closing costs will likely be paid to the seller with your real estate lawyer Toronto retaining the money that is payable to him on account of fees, expenditures, and HST.

There are usually no ‘closing costs’ in a refinance transaction, other than legal fees and disbursem*nts, which would be payable to your real estate lawyer. In some circ*mstances, your lender may require pre-payment of property taxes for the full year.

The buyer usually pays the closing costs in a real estate transaction, whether on a commercial or residential property. The total closing costs are added to the property's price and are payable on the closing day. Your lawyer then disburses the closing costs to the relevant parties; for example, the land transfer tax is paid to the province and the tree planting costs to the seller. Legal fees and all other disbursem*nts costs are typically included in the closing costs, which means that your lawyer will retain their fee after completing all other payments.

In some cases, sellers can agree to pay a percentage of the closing costs.

If you're purchasing your property in cash, you will still have to pay closing costs. However, the closing costs might be a little less as you won't have to pay any of the loan-related fees.

This cost varies from builder to builder but excludes the Land Transfer Tax. Homebuyers in the City of Toronto pay Municipal Land Transfer Tax (“MLTT”) in addition to the Ontario Land Transfer Tax (conditions apply). The MLTT follows the same rate structure as the provincial tax. First-time homebuyers do get a rebate. It would be reasonable to set aside at least 1.0% of the purchase price on account of closing costs (excluding Land Transfer Taxes).

Whether paying cash or purchasing with a mortgage does not change the closing costs. The only cost that may change is that the expenditures with the experienced Toronto real estate lawyers maybe a couple of hundred dollars smaller.

Closings costs differ depending on the residential real estate transaction. A builder might include costs of- tree planting, property tax adjustments, extension fees, etc. Not all builders charge the same amount of closing costs. Closing costs do not apply to homes for resale.

Closing costs are normally limited to an adjustment in respect of any prepaid property taxes, fuel oil tank (if any), and prepaid maintenance for the month of closing, in the case of condos. Closing costs will include your real estate lawyer Toronto fees and expenditures.

A CAP rate is a type of ‘rate of return’. In simple terms, a cap rate is an estimate of annual net rents (excluding financing costs) divided by the price paid for the property. There are other forms of ‘rates of return’. Financing drastically alters the rate of return. Cheap financing is a source that greatly increases the rate of return whereas expensive financing (i.e., high-interest-rate loans) results in a lesser return.

Since an individual's ability to finance the property differs depending on individual circ*mstances, all transactions become even by eliminating financing as a factor and comparing the value of the properties as if they were purchased for ‘cash’ (i.e., without financing). This enables a better comparison of prices between different properties and helps in evaluating a property’s potential. CAP rate is inversely proportional to price.

Market participants need only refer to a CAP rate. A higher CAP rate is more beneficial to the owner than a lower CAP rate, and thus a purchaser wishes to buy at a HIGHER CAP rate and a seller wishes to sell at a LOWER CAP rate. The lower the CAP rate the greater the price must be.

The costs of refinancing your mortgage are not really closing costs since you are not selling or buying a home. The refinancing costs include legal fees, appraisal fees, mortgage registration fees, mortgage discharge fees, and more.

When buying a new real estate property, a purchaser should be ready to incur closing costs ranging from 1.5% to 4% of the property purchase price. New home buyers pay the builder's costs (paving, tree planting, etc.)in addition to legal fees, land transfer tax (LTT), and disbursem*nts. In Toronto, buyers incur a municipal land transfer tax (MLTT) in addition to the Ontario LTT. Note that first-time homebuyers may qualify for government rebates.

Capitalization rates, also referred to as Cap rates, are measures utilized in commercial real estate to estimate and compare rates or returns expected to be generated by similar real estate investment properties. A property's cap rate is generated by dividing its net operating income (excluding financing costs) by the current market value (its price) and is expressed as a percentage. The net operating income is determined by deducting all the expenses for managing a property from the total annual return.

Cap rates have an inverse relationship to the property value, i.e., the lower the cap rate, the higher the property price and vice versa.

Although other measures are used to indicate a property's investment strength/risk, CAP rate is the most vital property metric for estimating potential return and profitability.

Mortgage Refinance

Mortgage refinance is the process of paying off the current mortgage on your home and replacing it with a new one. It is done when a homeowner wants to change certain details of their mortgage. The new mortgage can provide lower interest rates, a shorter term, higher mortgage balance, adjusted pricing from variable to fixed (or vice versa) or allow you to tap into your home equity.

The time taken to refinance a mortgage in Ontario varies widely. However, on average, it takes between two to four weeks to complete the whole process. The time taken is generally dependent on how prepared the homeowner is and any hurdles experienced in any step of the process. For example, delaying your appraisal can affect the time taken to refinance your mortgage.

Before you start the process of refinancing your mortgage, first determine if it is right for you or if there are better terms or providers available. For example, if you are seeking lower rates, check if getting lower interest rates will be worth more than the mortgage penalties you will face.

After determining that your reason for refinancing your mortgage is viable, you should consider working with real estate lawyers to ensure that the rest of the process goes smoothly. Your lawyer will work with your current lender or help you shop for a new mortgage lender through a mortgage broker. Note that switching to a new lender may add costs and penalty fees, e.g., discharge fees.

Refinancing your mortgage, just like applying for a new mortgage, requires you to provide all the necessary documents to your lender, including pay stubs, tax return statements, details of your existing mortgage, and more. An appraisal should also be done on time to prevent delays in the refinancing process.

Once your lawyer provides the necessary documents to your lender and your mortgage request is approved, they will receive details about the new mortgage and ask you to review and sign the paperwork.

Your lawyer will receive the new mortgage and disburse the funds as required, with the net balance payable to you. Upon completing the refinancing process, a new mortgage will be registered on your property, and the previous one will be discharged.

Mortgage refinance comes with certain costs that vary depending on where and when you refinance. Some costs include legal fees for your real estate lawyer and mortgage registration fees to register your new mortgage.

When refinancing a mortgage, your lender may ask for a home appraisal to determine the exact Loan to Value Ratio, which means that you’ll incur some appraisal fees.

If you refinance your mortgage by switching lenders, your old lender will charge you a mortgage discharge fee. This allows you to clear them from your property title and add your new lender.

Refinancing your mortgage within the term may attract a mortgage prepayment penalty. The penalty applied depends on whether the existing mortgage is a fixed-rate closed mortgage (higher penalty) or a variable-rate closed mortgage (lower penalty).

Foreign Real Estate Buyers

No law prohibits a foreigner, resident or non-resident, or any other legal entity (corporation, partnership or trust) from purchasing real estate in Ontario or anywhere else in Canada. However, obtaining real estate in Ontario is more complex for foreigners due to certain stringent measures put in place by the government.

There are no restrictions for foreigners looking to buy real estate in Ontario. However, the province has added some conditions, such as non-resident speculation tax, making real estate less attractive for foreign buyers.

Generally, yes. However, there are very stringent conditions that make it harder for foreigners to obtain financing from a Canadian bank. You will be required to provide lots of documents, including your bank statement, to prove your income and creditworthiness as a borrower. Also, you'll be required to make a minimum down payment of at least 35%.

On the other hand, other costs, such as interest rates, property prices, and property taxes, will be mostly similar for citizens and foreigners.

Yes. Having an Ontario bank account makes it possible and convenient to make mortgage payments, maintenance payments, pay property taxes and receive rent if you are leasing your real estate property.

There are no additional costs or fees for foreigners when purchasing real estate property, except for non-resident speculation tax.

No. There are generally no restrictions.

Buying real estate property in Canada is not a ticket to residency for a foreign real estate buyer. You will still have to go through the immigration process like any other immigrant seeking residency in Canada.

Yes, an experienced real estate lawyer or real estate law firms can transfer funds overseas to a seller unless there are legal reasons or suspicions barring them from doing so.

No. There are no special financial privileges or benefits for foreign real estate buyers.

Contact Us

A real estate lawyer can help you to understand any covenants, easem*nts, or liens that may be on the property.

Address 1551 Bloor Street West Toronto,Ontario M6P 1A5, CA
Phone 416-747-9900

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Real Estate Lawyer Toronto | LD Law | Property Law (2024)


How much is a real estate lawyer in Ontario? ›

Average Real Estate Lawyer Fees in Ontario for house closing are between $450 to $1,500, depending on the transactions' complexity. In addition, some real estate lawyers charge an hourly rate between $270 to $450 + HST per hour plus Law Office disbursem*nts.

Do you need a lawyer to sell property in Ontario? ›

Do I need a lawyer when selling my house in Ontario? The short answer is yes. Lawyers are required to assist you with the purchase or sale of property in Ontario. Technically, under the Land Registration Reform Act, the law requires that a lawyer has to make certain statements in the land title deed (i.e. transfer).

What is the role of a real estate lawyer in Ontario? ›

Your real estate lawyer has your best interest in mind throughout the transaction process. They can assist with reviewing the purchase agreement to ensure that you're not being misled. Your lawyer may also review your offer on a property to make sure that the document protects your rights.

How much do property lawyers make Canada? ›

Entry-level positions start at $105,000 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $188,413 per year.

What percentage do most realtors charge in Ontario? ›

It is usually calculated as a percentage of the selling price of the property. In Ontario, the standard real estate agent commission is 5% of the property price plus HST, but in practice, the commission can range anywhere from 3.5% to 5%.

How much is a lawyer an hour in Ontario? ›

Hourly rates of lawyers range from $300-$600 while law clerks charge lower rates from $150 to $250 per hour. Litigation is an expensive undertaking due to the time and effort spent on the case . The more complex the case, the higher the cost.

Can I sell my house without a realtor Ontario? ›

Selling your home yourself

By selling your home on your own, you won't have to pay a commission to a realtor. You can save money but also means taking on all the responsibility for selling yourself. Responsibilities may include taking care of the showings, the price negotiation and the paperwork yourself.

When to contact the lawyer when selling a house in Ontario? ›

You should contact a Lawyer as soon as you accept an offer for purchase of your home to give your Lawyer enough time to prepare the file and to deal with any issue that might arise.

Can a lawyer represent both parties in real estate in Ontario? ›

Do the Buyer and Seller Need Separate Lawyers? The Law Society of Ontario's Rules of Professional Conduct do not generally permit lawyers to represent both a buyer and a seller in a residential property purchase due to conflicts of interest. However, some exceptions may apply.

Can a lawyer be a real estate agent Ontario? ›

While the law in Ontario says only a real-estate professional can trade in real estate on behalf of buyers and sellers, there is an exemption that also allows real-estate lawyers to trade in real estate if the lawyer is providing legal services and the trade in real estate is itself a legal service.

Do you need a lawyer to buy a house in Canada? ›

You are required to have a lawyer because lawyers can access Provincial Electronic Land Registration Systems. Every province has different regulations, but a legal professional must register a property and purchase a home to ensure it is legal.

How to dispute a lien on your property in Ontario? ›

Most liens can be stopped or cancelled through party-to-party negotiations through legal representatives, but provincial Supreme and Superior Courts in Canada are often asked to step in, to both declare the claims validly and to discharge them upon payment into court.

What is the highest paid lawyer type? ›

As of 2024, the top five highest paid types of lawyers are:
  • Patent Attorneys.
  • Intellectual property (IP) Attorneys.
  • Trial Lawyers.
  • Tax Attorneys.
  • Corporate Lawyers.
Feb 19, 2024

Which type of lawyer makes the most money in Canada? ›

There is no one type of lawyer that earns the most in Canada; however, there are certain qualities that could earn you a high salary in law. You can earn over $200,000 as a lawyer in Canada if you have over 5 years of experience and practice within a highly demanded area of law.

What are the highest-paying jobs in Canada? ›

The highest-paying jobs in Canada include roles like Surgeons, Physicians, Pathologists, and Dentists. While these top-paying jobs offer strong compensation, they tend to require long timelines for education and training.

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