REITs: The Superior Choice for Real Estate Investments - (2024)

“REITs: The Superior Choice for Real Estate Investments” offers a compelling argument for why real estate investment trusts (REITs) surpass rental properties as a preferred investment option. This article highlights the advantages of REITs, such as higher returns, lower risk, and increased flexibility. While certain circ*mstances may warrant the purchase of rental properties, the author emphasizes the overall superiority of REITs. Additionally, the article sheds light on potential drawbacks of other real estate investment avenues, such as crowdfunding platforms and limited options in the US for farmland investment. With a personal real estate allocation of 90% in REITs, the author’s perspective carries substantial weight in advocating for this investment approach.

Table of Contents

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) have become increasingly popular investment vehicles for individuals looking to gain exposure to the real estate market. Compared to traditional rental properties, REITs offer a range of benefits that make them a superior option for investors. This article will explore why REITs are a compelling investment choice, discussing higher returns, lower risk, and more freedom. However, it is important to note that there are exceptions to choosing REITs, as certain circ*mstances might favor the purchase of rental properties. Additionally, this article will compare the historical performance and returns of REITs against rental properties, assess the risks associated with both investment options, and delve into the freedom and flexibility REITs offer to investors. Finally, the article will highlight the drawbacks and challenges of investing in rental properties and touch upon the issues that may arise with real estate crowdfunding platforms.

REITs: The Superior Choice for Real Estate Investments - (1)

Higher Returns

One of the primary reasons why REITs are superior to rental properties is the potential for higher returns. Real estate investors seeking passive income and appreciation can benefit from the consistent dividend payments and capital appreciation offered by REITs. Unlike rental properties, where the income generated is subject to tenant turnover, property maintenance costs, and other expenses, REITs provide a more consistent stream of income. This is largely due to the fact that REITs own a diverse portfolio of properties, spreading the risk of any single property vacancy or non-payment of rent. Additionally, REITs typically invest in commercial properties that generate higher rental income than residential rental properties. Overall, the higher returns provided by REITs make them an attractive option for investors looking to maximize their investment gains.

Lower Risk

Investing in rental properties can be accompanied by a variety of risks, including property damage, tenant issues, and market volatility. On the other hand, REITs offer a lower level of risk due to their professional management and built-in diversification. When investing in rental properties, individuals are solely responsible for property management, which includes finding tenants, collecting rent, and handling property upkeep. This can be time-consuming and stressful, especially for individuals who lack experience in property management. In contrast, REITs are managed by professionals who have extensive knowledge and experience in the real estate industry. These experts carefully select and manage the properties within the REIT portfolio, minimizing the risk associated with individual property ownership. Furthermore, REITs own a diversified mix of properties across different locations and sectors, reducing the impact of any single property’s underperformance on the overall investment.

REITs: The Superior Choice for Real Estate Investments - (2)

More Freedom

Investing in rental properties requires a significant amount of time and effort. Property owners are responsible for ongoing maintenance, repairs, and tenant management. This can be demanding and limit an investor’s freedom to pursue other activities or investments. REITs, on the other hand, offer investors more freedom and flexibility. With REITs, investors can enjoy passive income and capital appreciation without the day-to-day responsibilities of property ownership. By investing in REITs, individuals can free up their time and focus on other aspects of their lives, all while still benefiting from the potential financial gains of real estate investing.

Exceptions to Choosing REITs

While REITs are generally superior to rental properties, there are certain circ*mstances in which buying rental properties might be preferred. It is important to consider these exceptions before making an investment decision.

Volatility Concerns

One exception to choosing REITs over rental properties is if an investor has concerns about market volatility. The stock market, where REITs are traded, can be subject to significant fluctuations in value. During periods of economic uncertainty or market downturns, REITs may experience a decline in value. On the other hand, rental properties, particularly those in stable markets, can provide a more stable and consistent return. Investors who have a low tolerance for risk and are looking for a more stable investment option might prefer rental properties over REITs.

Expensive REIT Market

Another exception to choosing REITs is when the REIT market becomes expensive. Like any investment, the value of REITs can fluctuate based on market conditions. If the price of REIT shares becomes overinflated, the potential for future returns may be diminished. In a scenario where REITs are trading at a high valuation, investors might find it more advantageous to invest in rental properties that offer a more affordable entry point. By purchasing rental properties at a lower cost, investors can potentially capture greater value appreciation in the long run.

Purchasing Own Home

Investors who are looking to purchase their own home might find it preferable to invest in a rental property rather than REITs. By purchasing a rental property that can also serve as their primary residence, investors can enjoy the benefits of homeownership while simultaneously generating rental income. This can be particularly advantageous in markets where rental demand is high and property values are appreciating.

Securing Long-Term Fixed-Rate Debt

Investors who have the ability to secure long-term fixed-rate debt at favorable terms may find it more advantageous to invest in rental properties. By utilizing leverage through mortgage financing, investors can enhance their returns and potentially benefit from property appreciation. This strategy is especially effective in low-interest-rate environments, as it allows investors to borrow at lower rates and potentially achieve a higher return on investment compared to the dividends offered by REITs.

Limited REIT Options in Targeted Market

Investors who have a specific market or property type in mind may find limited options when it comes to REITs. While there are numerous REITs available in the market, not all property sectors or geographic locations may be covered. In such cases, investors might choose to invest in rental properties that align with their preferred market and property type, allowing for more control and customization in their investment strategy.

REITs: The Superior Choice for Real Estate Investments - (3)

Benefits of Investing in REITs

Despite the exceptions mentioned above, investing in REITs offers a range of benefits that make them an attractive investment option for individuals seeking exposure to real estate.


One of the primary benefits of investing in REITs is the built-in diversification they provide. REITs own a portfolio of properties across different sectors, such as residential, commercial, industrial, and healthcare. This diversification reduces the risk associated with investing in a single property. By investing in a REIT, individuals can gain exposure to a diverse range of real estate assets, spreading their risk and potentially mitigating the impact of any single property’s underperformance.


Investing in rental properties requires a significant financial commitment, as individuals need to purchase and hold the property for an extended period to generate returns. On the other hand, investing in REITs offers liquidity, allowing investors to easily buy and sell shares on the stock market. This liquidity provides investors with the flexibility to adjust their investment strategy based on market conditions or personal financial circ*mstances.

Professional Management

REITs are managed by professionals who have extensive experience and expertise in the real estate industry. These experts handle property acquisition, management, and disposition on behalf of the REIT. By investing in a REIT, individuals can benefit from the knowledge and skills of these professionals, leveraging their expertise to maximize the return on investment.

Passive Income

Investing in REITs offers individuals the opportunity to earn passive income. REITs are required by law to distribute a significant portion of their income to shareholders in the form of dividends. This regular income stream can be particularly appealing to individuals who are looking for a consistent source of cash flow without the responsibilities associated with property management.

Tax Advantages

Investing in REITs can offer certain tax advantages. REITs are structured as pass-through entities, meaning they pass on the majority of their income to shareholders who are then responsible for paying taxes on that income. Additionally, the dividends received from REITs are typically taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income, making them an attractive investment option for individuals seeking tax-efficient investments.

Comparison of Returns: REITs vs. Rental Properties

To fully understand the benefits of investing in REITs, it is important to compare their historical performance and returns against rental properties.

REITs Historical Performance

Historically, REITs have delivered strong returns to investors. According to data from the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT), the average annual return of the FTSE NAREIT All REITs Index from 1972 to 2020 was approximately 11.98%. This compares favorably to the average annual return of the S&P 500 Index, which was approximately 10.64% during the same period. The consistent dividend payments and potential for capital appreciation offered by REITs have made them an attractive investment option for many investors.

Rental Properties Historical Performance

The historical performance of rental properties can vary significantly depending on factors such as location, market conditions, and property management. While rental properties have the potential to generate consistent rental income and property appreciation, investors need to consider the costs associated with property maintenance, repairs, and tenant turnover. Additionally, property values can fluctuate based on local market conditions, impacting the overall return on investment.

Pros and Cons of Rental Property Returns

The main advantage of rental property returns is the potential for both rental income and property appreciation. By investing in rental properties, individuals can earn a regular stream of income from tenant rent payments. Additionally, if the property value appreciates over time, investors can benefit from capital gains when selling the property. However, rental properties also come with additional costs and risks, such as property maintenance, repairs, and ongoing property management responsibilities.

Pros and Cons of REIT Returns

REIT returns offer several advantages over rental property returns. The primary advantage is the consistent dividend payments provided by REITs. Investors can enjoy a regular stream of income without the need for property management responsibilities. Additionally, the potential for capital appreciation through REIT share price growth can enhance the overall return on investment. However, one drawback of REIT returns is the potential for market volatility. REIT share prices can be subject to fluctuations based on investor sentiment, overall market conditions, and interest rate changes.

REITs: The Superior Choice for Real Estate Investments - (4)

Risk Assessment: REITs vs. Rental Properties

Investing in real estate, whether through REITs or rental properties, comes with inherent risks. It is important to assess these risks to make an informed investment decision.

Market Risk and Volatility

Both REITs and rental properties are exposed to market risk and volatility. Changes in market conditions, such as economic downturns or shifts in supply and demand dynamics, can impact the performance of both investments. REIT share prices can be subject to significant fluctuations based on investor sentiment and overall market conditions. Similarly, rental property values can fluctuate based on the local real estate market. Investors must keep in mind that both options are susceptible to market risks and should diversify their portfolios accordingly.

Operational Risk

Operational risk is a key consideration when investing in rental properties. Property owners are responsible for handling ongoing property management responsibilities, including finding tenants, collecting rent, and addressing maintenance and repair issues. Failure to manage these operational aspects effectively can negatively impact rental income and overall investment returns. In contrast, REITs are managed by professionals who have the expertise and resources to handle property operations, reducing the operational risk associated with individual property ownership.

Property Management Risk

Property management is a crucial element of owning and operating rental properties. Finding reliable tenants, collecting rent, and addressing tenant issues can be time-consuming and challenging for individual property owners. Poor property management can result in high tenant turnover, non-payment of rent, and potential property damage. By investing in REITs, individuals can avoid the risks associated with property management, as professional management teams handle all aspects of property operations.

Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk is a consideration when investing in both REITs and rental properties. Rental properties require a significant financial commitment, as individuals need to purchase and hold the property for an extended period to generate returns. Selling a rental property can take time, and investors may face challenges finding buyers at a favorable price. REITs, on the other hand, offer liquidity through the ability to buy and sell shares on the stock market. However, during periods of market volatility, selling REIT shares at a desired price may be challenging.

Leasing and Vacancy Risk

Rental properties are subject to leasing and vacancy risk. If tenants choose not to renew their lease or if the property experiences prolonged vacancies, rental income can be significantly impacted. Investors bear the responsibility of finding new tenants and managing the leasing process, which can be time-consuming and stressful. With REITs, investors are not directly responsible for tenant leasing and vacancies. The professional management teams of REITs handle property leasing, reducing the leasing and vacancy risk associated with rental properties.

Freedom and Flexibility for Investors: REITs

Investing in REITs offers individuals greater freedom and flexibility compared to investing in rental properties.

Investment Size

Investing in rental properties typically requires a significant financial commitment, as individuals need to cover the purchase price, closing costs, and ongoing maintenance and repair expenses. This can limit the investment opportunities for individuals with limited capital. REITs, on the other hand, offer individuals the ability to invest in real estate with smaller amounts of capital. Investors can purchase shares of REITs on the stock market at a fraction of the cost of buying a rental property, providing access to real estate investments at a lower entry point.


Investing in a single rental property concentrates an investor’s exposure in a specific location and property type. This lack of diversification increases the risk associated with the investment. REITs, on the other hand, offer built-in diversification. By investing in a REIT, individuals can gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of properties across different sectors and geographic locations. This diversification spreads the risk and potentially mitigates the impact of any single property’s underperformance.

Management Involvement

Owning rental properties requires active management involvement. Investors need to handle ongoing property management tasks, such as finding tenants, collecting rent, and addressing maintenance and repair issues. This can be time-consuming and stressful, particularly for individuals who lack experience in property management. Investing in REITs eliminates the need for active management involvement. Professionals handle all aspects of property management, allowing investors to passively enjoy the benefits of real estate investing.

Time Commitment

Investing in rental properties requires a significant time commitment due to the ongoing management responsibilities. Property owners need to dedicate time to property maintenance, repairs, tenant management, and other operational tasks. This time commitment can restrict an investor’s freedom to pursue other activities and investments. By investing in REITs, individuals can free up their time. With REITs, investors can enjoy passive income and capital appreciation without the day-to-day responsibilities of property ownership.

Reallocation Options

Investing in rental properties locks up an investor’s capital in a single asset. If an investor decides to reallocate their investment or pursue other opportunities, selling a rental property can be a complex and time-consuming process. REITs, on the other hand, offer greater flexibility in reallocating investments. Investors can easily buy and sell REIT shares on the stock market, providing the ability to adjust their investment strategy based on changing market conditions or personal financial circ*mstances.

REITs: The Superior Choice for Real Estate Investments - (5)

Drawbacks and Challenges of Investing in Rental Properties

While rental properties can offer attractive returns, there are drawbacks and challenges associated with owning and managing these properties.

High Initial Investment

Investing in rental properties requires a significant initial investment. Beyond the purchase price, investors need to cover closing costs, ongoing property maintenance, repairs, and potential property improvements. This high initial investment can limit opportunities for individuals with limited capital.

Property Management Responsibility

Owning rental properties comes with the responsibility of managing day-to-day operations. Investors need to find tenants, collect rent, handle maintenance and repair issues, and address tenant concerns. This ongoing property management responsibility can be time-consuming and stressful, particularly for individuals who are inexperienced in property management.

Maintenance and Repairs

Rental properties require ongoing maintenance and repairs. Property owners are responsible for addressing any issues that arise, such as plumbing problems, electrical issues, and general wear and tear. These maintenance and repair costs can be unpredictable and potentially impact the overall return on investment.

Tenant Issues

Dealing with tenant issues is another challenge of owning rental properties. From finding reliable tenants to resolving disputes and addressing non-payment of rent, managing tenant-related issues can be demanding and time-consuming. These issues can significantly impact rental income and overall investment returns.

Limited Liquidity

Selling a rental property can be a complex and time-consuming process. Finding buyers, negotiating a sale price, and completing legal and financial transactions can take time and effort. This limited liquidity can restrict an investor’s ability to adjust their investment strategy or pursue other opportunities quickly.

Issues with Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms

Real estate crowdfunding platforms have emerged as a relatively new way for individuals to invest in real estate. While they offer opportunities for diversifying real estate investments, these platforms also come with their own set of challenges.

Regulatory Challenges

Real estate crowdfunding platforms operate within a regulatory framework that varies from country to country. Compliance with these regulations can be complex and time-consuming for both investors and platform operators. Investors must be vigilant in conducting due diligence to ensure they are investing through a compliant and reputable platform.

Transparency and Due Diligence

Investing in real estate crowdfunding platforms requires careful due diligence. Unlike traditional investment vehicles such as REITs or rental properties, the information provided by real estate crowdfunding platforms may be limited. Investors must carefully evaluate the available information, including the platform’s track record, investment opportunities, and associated risks, to make an informed investment decision.

Unpredictability of Project Outcomes

Real estate crowdfunding platforms often provide opportunities to invest in specific real estate projects. However, these projects come with inherent risks and uncertainties. Investors must carefully evaluate the project’s feasibility, market dynamics, and potential risks before investing. It is important to recognize that project outcomes may not always align with initial projections, and investors should be prepared for the possibility of financial losses.

Farmland Investment Options in the US

Investing in farmland can be an alternative to traditional real estate investments such as REITs or rental properties. Farmland offers unique opportunities and challenges that investors should consider.

Limited Availability

Farmland investment options in the US can be limited, particularly in desirable agricultural regions. Farmland parcels are often larger in size and may not be readily available for individual investors. This limited availability can restrict an investor’s ability to access farmland investment opportunities.

Long-Term Commitment

Investing in farmland requires a long-term commitment. Unlike investing in REITs or rental properties, where investors can easily buy and sell shares or properties, farmland investments generally necessitate a long holding period to generate returns. Buyers should carefully assess their investment horizon and risk tolerance before committing to a farmland investment.

Resilience and Diversification

Farmland investments offer potential benefits in terms of their long-term stability and diversification. Agricultural land can be less susceptible to economic downturns compared to real estate sectors such as commercial or residential properties. Additionally, farmland investments can provide diversification benefits, as agricultural commodities often have low correlation with traditional financial asset classes.

Challenges and Risks

Investing in farmland comes with its own set of challenges and risks. Agricultural operations are subject to various factors, including weather conditions, commodity prices, and government regulations. These factors can impact the profitability of farmland investments and introduce risks that may not be present in other types of real estate investments.

Author’s Personal Allocation: 90% in REITs

The author of this article personally allocates approximately 90% of their real estate investment portfolio to REITs. This strategic decision reflects the author’s belief in the benefits offered by investing in REITs, such as higher returns, lower risk, and greater freedom and flexibility. However, it is important to note that individual investment strategies may vary based on personal financial goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions. Before making any investment decisions, it is advisable to consult with a financial advisor or conduct thorough research to ensure the investment aligns with individual circ*mstances and objectives.

In conclusion, while rental properties have traditionally been seen as a popular way to invest in real estate, REITs have emerged as a superior investment option. REITs offer higher returns, lower risk, and greater freedom compared to rental properties. The diversification, liquidity, professional management, passive income, and tax advantages provided by REITs make them an attractive choice for individuals seeking exposure to real estate. However, it is important to consider exceptions where choosing rental properties might be preferred. Additionally, it is essential to assess the historical performance, risks, and drawbacks associated with each investment option. By carefully weighing the pros and cons, individuals can make informed investment decisions and take advantage of the opportunities presented by the real estate market.

REITs: The Superior Choice for Real Estate Investments - (2024)


Are REITs better than buying real estate? ›

A successful and busy professional: Property ownership could be costly or infeasible if you don't have time to deal with tenants or maintenance, so passively investing is likely the right choice, as REITs minimize time and effort while improving risk-adjusted returns in a mixed-asset portfolio.

Is there a downside to investing in REITs? ›

Non-traded REITs have little liquidity, meaning it's difficult for investors to sell them. Publicly traded REITs have the risk of losing value as interest rates rise, which typically sends investment capital into bonds.

What is the 90% rule for REITs? ›

How to Qualify as a REIT? To qualify as a REIT, a company must have the bulk of its assets and income connected to real estate investment and must distribute at least 90 percent of its taxable income to shareholders annually in the form of dividends.

Do REITs actually make money? ›

REITs make their money through the mortgages underlying real estate development or on rental incomes once the property is developed. REITs provide shareholders with a steady income and, if held long-term, growth that reflects the appreciation of the property it owns.

Is it good to buy REITs now? ›

Valuation looks attractive

The recent decline in S-REITs has resulted in more attractive valuations. With the price-to-book ratio at 0.85X, near a decade low, it signals a potential value-buying opportunity for investors.

What I wish I knew before buying REITs? ›

REITs must prioritize short-term income for investors

“They pay out stable dividends, provided the properties are doing well,“ says Stivers, the financial advisor from Florida. In exchange for more ongoing income, REITs have less to invest for future returns than a growth mutual fund or stock.

Do REITs go down in a recession? ›

REITs historically perform well during and after recessions | Pensions & Investments.

What happens to REITs when interest rates go down? ›

With rate cuts on the horizon, dividend yields for REITs may look more favorable than yields on fixed-income securities and money market accounts. However, REIT stocks are only as good as the properties they own — and some real estate sectors may be better positioned than others.

How long should I hold a REIT? ›

Is Five Years the Standard "Hold" Time for a Real Estate Investment? Real estate investment trusts (REITS) and other commercial property investment companies frequently target properties with a five-year outlook potential.

What is bad income for REITs? ›

This is known as the geographic market test. Section 856 (d)(2) (C) excludes impermissible tenant service income (ITSI) from the definition of rent from real property, making it “bad income” for the 75% and 95% REIT gross income tests.

How does a REIT lose money? ›

Interest Rate Risk

The value of a REIT is based on the real estate market, so if interest rates increase and the demand for properties goes down as a result, it could lead to lower property values, negatively impacting the value of your investment.

What is better than REITs? ›

Over the long term, a basket of top dividend stocks can outperform a basket of REITs for three simple reasons: REITs dilute their own shares to raise more cash, they're designed to generate steady income instead of capital appreciation, and they're more sensitive to interest rates than more diversified companies.

Who is the leader in REITs? ›

Leading REITs worldwide 2024, by market cap

Prologis, American Tower, and Welltower were the real estate investment trusts (REITs) worldwide with the largest market caps as of April 11, 2024. All three REITs were headquartered in the United States.

What is the average return of a REIT? ›

Over a 3-year period, the S&P Global REIT Index had an annualized return of 4.41%, while the 5-year annualized return was 1.95%. Based on sector breakdown, the largest allocations in the index are to industrial REITs (19.2%), retail REITs (17.9%), and multifamily residential REITs (10.4%).

Why are REITs good in a recession? ›

REITs allow investors to pool their money and purchase real estate properties. By law, a REIT must pay at least 90% of its income to its shareholders, providing investors with a passive income option that can be helpful during recessions.

Is it better to invest in REITs or stocks? ›

Because of their lower volatility, REIT returns are less correlated with the stock market. That makes REITs an excellent way for investors to build a diversified portfolio and improve their risk and return profile.

What is better than real estate investment? ›

As mentioned above, stocks generally perform better than real estate, with the S&P 500 providing an 8% return over the last 30 years compared with a 5.4% return in the housing market. Still, real estate investors could see additional rental income and tax benefits, which push their earnings higher.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.