Right recumbent position on gastric emptying of water evidenced by 13C breath testing (2024)

  • Journal List
  • World J Gastroenterol
  • v.19(3); 2013 Jan 21
  • PMC3554820

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Right recumbent position on gastric emptying of water evidenced by 13C breath testing (1)

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World J Gastroenterol. 2013 Jan 21; 19(3): 362–365.

Published online 2013 Jan 21. doi:10.3748/wjg.v19.i3.362

PMCID: PMC3554820

PMID: 23372358

Masaki Sanaka, Yoshihisa Urita, Takatsugu Yamamoto, Tsuguru Shirai, Satoshi Kimura, Hitoshi Aoyagi, and Yasushi Kuyama

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AIM: To compare the impact of the right recumbent position with the sitting position on gastric emptying of water.

METHODS: In eight healthy male volunteers, the 13C acetate breath test was performed twice to assess gastric emptying of 100 mL tap water. Subjects were seated in one test and lying on their right side in the other. In both positions, pulmonary 13CO2 exhalation curves were obtained by plotting breath data against time. Percent gastric retention curves were created by analyzing data using the Wagner-Nelson protocol.

RESULTS: No significant posture effect was found in pulmonary 13CO2 output curves (P = 0.2150), whereas a significant effect was seen in gastric retention curves (P = 0.0315). The percent retention values at 10 min and 15 min were significantly smaller when subjects were in the right recumbent position compared with the seated position (P < 0.05). Our results verified the accelerating effect of the right recumbent position on gastric emptying of non-nutritive solutions. Concerning clinical implications, this study suggests that placing patients with acute pain on their right side after oral administration of analgesic drugs in solution is justified as an effective practice for rapid pain relief. For patients with gastrointestinal reflux symptoms, sleeping in the right recumbent position may reduce nocturnal symptoms, as delayed gastric emptying can cause reflux symptoms.

CONCLUSION: Gastric emptying of water occurs more quickly when a subject lies on the right side compared with sitting.

Keywords: Gastric emptying, Breath test, Right recumbent position, Water


Gastric emptying of orally ingested contents is a great concern to clinicians because it is associated with gastrointestinal symptoms and can affect the efficacy of medications. Little absorption takes place in the stomach, and any oral medication must therefore pass beyond the stomach before being absorbed within the small intestine. The rate of gastric emptying is determined by the balance between the propulsive force (fundic tonic pressure and antral contractions) and the outlet resistance (pyloric and duodenal contractions). For calorie-containing meals, the force-resistance balance is primarily regulated by the nutrient-evoked feedback loop that strictly controls duodenal entry of meals so as to optimize intestinal absorption of nutrients[1]. On the other hand, for non-caloric fluids (e.g., water and normal saline), the feedback system is barely activated and consequently, the stomach behaves like “a motionless bag” in which the fluids passively flow back and forth depending on gravity[2]. Considering this gravity-dependent flow, the idea has been proposed that, among the variety of body positions, the right lateral recumbent position makes emptying of non-nutritive fluids the fastest[3].

Positioning a patient has traditionally been regarded as an effective maneuver to modulate the absorption of orally administered drugs in solution. In the case of oral overdosing, for which drug absorption should be delayed, being recumbent on the left side (“pylorus up” status) is advisable.; In the case of acute pain, for which the rapid onset of analgesic effect is favored, being recumbent on the right side (“pylorus down” status) is recommended. Indeed, the delaying effect of the left recumbent position on gastric emptying of non-caloric liquids has been well documented. However, the evidence that the right recumbent position enhances liquid emptying is much less certain[4]. According to a recent review on the postural effect on gastric emptying[4], only one trial supports the enhanced emptying of non-nutritive liquids in the right recumbent position, showing that emptying is significantly faster than in the left recumbent position[2]. However, this result only suggests that emptying in the left recumbent position is slower than that in the right.

The present study was conducted to elucidate whether gastric emptying of water is faster when lying on the right side than when seated. The sitting position is regarded as “neutral” if the effect of the gravity over intragastric fluids is accounted for, and was thereby set as the reference posture. The 13C-acetate breath test with Wagner-Nelson analysis was used to measure gastric emptying accurately without any invasive procedures.



Eight healthy male volunteers (age: 19-52 years, median 38 years; weight: 48.0-80.2 kg, median 64.0 kg) participated in this study. No subject had a history of, or symptoms referable to, gastrointestinal and pulmonary disease or chronic medical problems. Additionally, no subjects were receiving medication at the time of the study. Written informed consent was obtained from each volunteer. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Toho University.


The 13C-acetate breath test was used to assess gastric emptying [5]. The assessment was carried out on two randomized occasions, at least 3 d apart, with subjects either seated or lying on their right side. On both occasions, subjects had fasted overnight, and they drank 100 mL tap water labeled with 100 mg 13C-acetate in the sitting position. Breath samples were collected at baseline and, following ingestion of the water, at 5-min intervals for the first 20 min and at 10-min intervals thereafter up to 120 min. On one occasion, the subjects remained seated throughout the 120-min period. On the other occasion, immediately after drinking the test solution, they lay down on their right side and maintained the position until they exhaled the 15-min breath sample; thereafter they remained seated.

Data analysis

Breath 13CO2 isotopic enrichment was determined using non-dispersive infrared isotope spectrometry (UbiT-IR 300; Otsuka Electronics, Osaka, Japan). The pulmonary recovery of 13CO2 was expressed in %dose/h based on the body surface area and the assumed CO2 production. The %dose/h recovery values were plotted against time to create the time-breath 13CO2 excretion curve, which indirectly reflects gastric emptying. The time to the maximal recovery (Tmax), a semi-quantitative index of gastric emptying, was determined by visual inspection of the 13CO2 output curve[6]. The breath data were further analyzed using the Wagner-Nelson method, which enables creation of a percent gastric retention-time curve that is as accurate as the scintigraphic emptying curve[7]. The Wagner-Nelson procedure has been detailed elsewhere[7,8]. In short, estimated fraction of the labeled test meal that has been emptied from the stomach by time t, F(t), is obtained from the conventional equation; F(t) = area under the concentration curve (AUC)(t)/AUC(infinite), although the value can differ from those obtained using the scintigraphic method. Wagner-Nelson method allows accurate estimation of F(t) using the revised equation as follows: F(t) = [AUC(t) + C(t)/Kel]/AUC(infinite). In the equation, Kel (1/h) is the first-order rate constant for total elimination of 13CO2 from the human body, C(t) is the 13CO2 excretion rate (%dose/h), AUC(t) is the area under the C(t) curve (%dose) (= the pulmonary recovery of 13CO2), and AUC(infinite) is the cumulative amount of 13CO2 recovered in the breath at the infinite time (% dose).

The time by which half of the water has been emptied (t1/2), which is used as the standard index in gastric emptying scintigraphy, was determined by interpolation from the retention-time curve[7].

Statistical analysis

Differences in the pulmonary 13CO2 output and the percent gastric retention curves between the two postures were assessed with repeated measures of analysis of variance (ANOVA) using “posture” and “time” as factors. When the ANOVA showed a significant difference, it was followed by post hoc comparisons at each measurement time with Student’s paired t test with Bonferroni adjustment. The tmax and t1/2 values are presented as mean ± SD. Differences in tmax and t1/2 between the two body positions were also assessed with Student’s paired t test. The level of significance was set at P = 0.05 (two-sided probability).


No significant posture effect was found in pulmonary 13CO2 output curves (P = 0.2150; Figure ​Figure1),1), whereas a significant effect was found in gastric retention curves (P = 0.0315; Figure ​Figure2).2). The post hoc comparisons revealed that the percent retention values were significantly smaller in the right recumbent position at 10 min (P < 0.01) and at 15 min (P < 0.05). On the other hand, neither Tmax nor t1/2 was significantly different between the two positions (Tmax: 25.0 ± 5.35 min in the sitting position and 23.1 ± 9.23 min in the right recumbent position; P = 0.644, t1/2: 13.7 ± 2.79 min in the sitting position and 11.6 ± 5.92 min in the right recumbent position; P = 0.378).

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Figure 1

Pulmonary 13CO2 recovery-time curves. Error bars indicate SE.

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Figure 2

Percent gastric retention-time curves created by Wagner-Nelson analysis. Error bars indicate SE. The asterisk indicates a significant difference (aP < 0.05 vs right lateral group).


It seems natural that non-caloric fluids in the stomach should gravitate toward the duodenum in the right recumbent position. It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that the right recumbent position would hasten gastric emptying of fluids compared to a sitting position. However, this assumption has not been verified. The present results provided clear evidence that water is emptied significantly faster when a subject is in the right recumbent position than when seated.

Burn-Murdoch et al[2] showed that emptying of saline was significantly faster in the right recumbent position than in the left recumbent position whereas it was not significantly different between the right recumbent position and the seated position. We think that the lack of significant difference between the right recumbent position and the seated position in that study might be due to the suboptimal protocol used to measure gastric emptying: the emptying was quantified as the volume aspirated via a nasogastric tube at 10 min after ingestion of 750-mL saline. The aspiration technique appears unreliable to measure residual gastric volume[9].

In the present study, the gastric retention at 10 and 15 min indicated a significant positional effect (Figure ​(Figure2),2), whereas the pulmonary 13CO2 output curve did not (Figure ​(Figure1).1). This is possibly because the Wagner-Nelson modification improved the accuracy of breath testing. In contrast to gastric scintigraphy, which allows direct visualization of duodenal transit of gastric contents[10], the conventional 13C-acetate breath test indirectly reflects gastric emptying and thus is less sensitive[6]. The Wagner-Nelson analytical strategy has been introduced into the breath test system to overcome its indirect nature, making the 13C-breath test as accurate as the “gold standard” of scintigraphy[7]. Gastric emptying of non-nutrient fluids in the sitting position per se is so rapid that conventional breath testing would have overlooked a subtle, albeit real acceleration of emptying in the right recumbent position. This subtle difference would be detected only by the gastric retention curve created by Wagner-Nelson analysis. The t1/2 values were not significantly different between the two body positions even though values were derived from the “accurate” Wagner-Nelson analysis. This is probably because the t1/2 value itself would be a less accurate parameter than the percent gastric retention at a fixed time point, as shown in the expert recommended guidelines for scintigraphic gastric emptying studies[10].

There are some limitations to the present study. First, we used only a small sample size. Second, only a small volume of tap water was used. A larger volume may influence the results.

In conclusion, our results verified the accelerating effect of the right recumbent position on gastric emptying of non-nutritive solutions. Concerning clinical implications, this study suggests that placing patients with acute pain on their right side after oral administration of analgesic drugs in solution is justified as an effective practice for rapid pain relief. For patients with gastrointestinal reflux symptoms, sleeping in the right recumbent position may reduce nocturnal symptoms, as delayed gastric emptying can cause reflux symptoms.



Conventionally, gastric emptying of non-caloric fluids is thought to be accelerated when a person is in the right recumbent position. However, evidence supporting this hypothesis is weak. The present study compared the impact of the right recumbent position with the sitting position on gastric emptying of water.

Research frontiers

For calorie-containing meals, the force-resistance balance is primarily regulated by the nutrient-evoked feedback loop that strictly controls duodenal entry of meals so as to optimize intestinal absorption of nutrients. On the other hand, for non-caloric fluids, the feedback system is barely activated and consequently, the stomach behaves like “a motionless bag” in which the fluids passively flow back and forth depending on gravity.

Innovations and breakthroughs

The present study was conducted to elucidate whether gastric emptying of water is faster when lying on the right side than when seated. The sitting position is regarded as “neutral” if the effect of the gravity over intragastric fluids is accounted for, and was thereby set as the reference posture. The 13C-acetate breath test with Wagner-Nelson analysis was used to measure gastric emptying accurately without any invasive procedures.


Their results verified the accelerating effect of the right recumbent position on gastric emptying of non-nutritive solutions. Concerning clinical implications, this study suggests that placing patients with acute pain on their right side after oral administration of analgesic drugs in solution is justified as an effective practice for rapid pain relief. For patients with gastrointestinal reflux symptoms, sleeping in the right recumbent position may reduce nocturnal symptoms, as delayed gastric emptying can cause reflux symptoms.

Peer review

This is a prospective study to evaluate the gastric emptying of non-caloric liquids in a seated position versus right lateral recumbence. A total of 8 healthy male volunteers were given 100 mL of tap water labeled with 13C-acetate and evaluated in a seated position on one occasion and, on a separate day, evaluated in a right lateral recumbence position. Breath samples were collected at given intervals and tested for the pulmonary recovery of 13CO2. The values were plotted against time to create a time-breath 13CO2 excretion curve, which is an indirect measurement of the gastric emptying. The Wagner-Nelson procedure was then used to further analyze the data and extrapolate percent gastric retention-time curve.


P- Reviewers Koch TR, Ghoshal UC S- Editor Gou SX L- Editor A E- Editor Xiong L


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Articles from World Journal of Gastroenterology are provided here courtesy of Baishideng Publishing Group Inc

Right recumbent position on gastric emptying of water evidenced by 13C breath testing (2024)


Right recumbent position on gastric emptying of water evidenced by 13C breath testing? ›

For patients with gastrointestinal reflux symptoms, sleeping in the right recumbent position may reduce nocturnal symptoms, as delayed gastric emptying can cause reflux symptoms. CONCLUSION: Gastric emptying of water occurs more quickly when a subject lies on the right side compared with sitting.

What is the c13 breath test for gastroparesis? ›

Our staff will be collecting samples of your breath before and several times after the meal to determine the amount of carbon-13 you are exhaling over a period of time. These samples will then be analyzed and used to determine how well your stomach is emptying.

What position is the stomach emptying? ›

The stomach empties more rapidly in the prone and right lateral positions than in the supine and left lateral positions.

What are normal results for a gastric emptying study? ›

The published normal values are (FIG1)[14]: Thirty minutes: Greater than or equal to 70% meal retention. One hour: 30% to 90% meal retention. Two hours: Less than or equal to 60% meal retention.

What is the breath test for gastric emptying? ›

Gastric emptying breath test.

During this test: You will eat a meal or drink a liquid that contains a type of protein that your body absorbs. The substance eventually passes into your breath. A provider will collect samples of your breath over a period of about four hours.

What is a positive C13 breath test? ›

The breath samples will be sent to a laboratory off-site for analysis and the results will be sent to your referring doctor. If the result is positive for H. Pylori, your doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics.

What is a C13 breath test? ›

The C13 urea breath test is a diagnostic method quick to perform, sensitive, reliable and non invasive. It is based on the presence of Helicobacter pylori urease activity, which permits to detect it in the infected mucosa.

What is the best position for gastric emptying? ›

CONCLUSION: Gastric emptying of water occurs more quickly when a subject lies on the right side compared with sitting.

Where do you hurt with gastroparesis? ›

Abdominal pain is common in patients with Gp, both IG and DG. Severe/very severe upper abdominal pain occurred in 34% of Gp patients and associated with other Gp symptoms, somatization, and opiate medication use.

What is abnormal gastric emptying? ›

Gastroparesis, also called delayed gastric emptying, is a disorder that slows or stops the movement of food from your stomach to your small intestine, even though there is no blockage in the stomach or intestines.

What is the life expectancy of someone with gastroparesis? ›

Whether gastroparesis is associated with a shortened life expectancy remains unknown. In a first study, the 9-year follow-up of 86 patients with diabetic gastroparesis did not evidence an association between mortality rates and GE when adjusted for co-morbidities.

Why would a doctor order a gastric emptying study? ›

It can be used to see if a digestive problem like gastroparesis is causing the stomach to retain food.

How do you prepare for a gastric emptying test? ›

How should I prepare for the scan? You will need to fast for 6 hours before the scan. If you smoke, do not smoke the morning of the test and during the hours of the scan.

What can be mistaken for gastroparesis? ›

Gastroparesis and functional dyspepsia are 2 of the most common gastric neuromuscular disorders. These disorders are usually confused, having both similarities and differences.

How do I prepare for a GI breath test? ›

Do not eat or drink for 12 hours before your test • You may take your regular medications with a sip of water • You should arrive to the GI Lab at your scheduled appointment time. PLEASE DO NOT BRING ANY VALUABLES WITH YOU ON THE DAY OF YOUR APPOINTMENT. REMOVE ALL JEWELRY AND LEAVE IT AT HOME.

What test confirms gastroparesis? ›

Scintigraphy. This is the most important test used in making a diagnosis of gastroparesis. It involves eating a light meal, such as eggs and toast, that contains a small amount of radioactive material.

What is the difference between C13 and C14 breath tests? ›

C13 is a non-radioactive isotope of carbon that is measured by isotope ratio mass spectrometer. C14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon that is measured by scintillation counter.

What is a 13 C sucrose breath test? ›

The 13C-Sucrose Breath Test is a simple, noninvasive test that measures how well you metabolize sucrose. In this assessment, you consume a few ounces of a solution containing sucrose that has been labeled by naturally occurring 13carbon, referred to as 13C-sucrose.

What is the best diagnostic test for gastroparesis? ›

Scintigraphy. This is the most important test used in making a diagnosis of gastroparesis. It involves eating a light meal, such as eggs and toast, that contains a small amount of radioactive material.

What is the normal range for C13 urea breath test? ›

Results: Calculated as urea hydrolysis rate, the cutoff range for adults was 10.4 to 10.9 microg/min. Individual ranges were concentric (men, 9.6-10.9 microg/min; women, 8.5-12.2 microg/min).

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