Ripple/XRP-Ripple & SWIFT, ESG & XRP/XLM, Ripple Exec-XRP & 7 Billion People, XRP Bull Market Line? (2024)

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Welcome back to the show check out these Headlines we got Ripple and Swift Sitting in a tree k i SS i n g yeah we Got ESG xrp and xlm the amm vote for The Xrp Ledger oh my oh my you're going to Love it and a former Ripple executive Talking about xrp's meant to scale to 7 Billion people so he's not just a YouTuber it's not the YouTubers just Saying it everyone's saying it cuz we Know it's true we got that we got a xrp What about the Market what about a chart We got that and so much more somebody Roll that beautiful Intro digital perspectives with Brad KES Come on In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content right now it's $ 2.06 Trillion market cap for crypto the Market is up .9% 50 51,100 Plus for Bitcoin right now 2,900 Plus for Ethereum 97.8 billion plus market cap For tether and xrp's 54 cents up 1.8 on The 24h hour off by 7 on the 7day the Range of price very quickly between 52 And 05463 on the top side we're almost At the top there at the price sitting You know closer to the top than the Bottom but we'll keep an eye on it right All right we got a chart you'll want to See but I want you to see this we saw More filming going on ladies and Gentlemen that's right it's Molly almore

And Lewis Jackson here filming for xrp Unleashed and I tell you big things are Coming you're not going to believe it That what they're doing it's going I Tell you these guys are so talented it's Unbelievable they are so so talented at What they're doing uh I can't wait for It and I want to tell every one of you To remind you that they will be at xrp Las Vegas and they're going to set up a Little confessional corner where you can Go share your story as an xrp army Member and you can tell what your story Was like in xrp and you have the Opportunity to be in the documentary xrp Unleashed how amazing is that and There's going to be a special treat for You as we will have them on stage as Well no doubt about it stay tuned get Your ticket before they run out and Let's talk about this and what's Happening in the traditional markets Ladies and gentlemen I reported that Jeff Bezos had sold over 8 billion doll Worth of Amazon shares and just last few Weeks and here we see that this is an Ongoing thing with multiple other big Players in the space like Jamie Diamond Who just sold $150 Million worth of his JP Morgan shares and there may be more To come but there's a long list of many Others that are doing this right now and It is a screaming signal that there is Going to be a huge correction if not a

Full-on collapse in the traditional Market these guys don't sell shares Because they're not broke so if they Sell it they know there's a dip Coming right Not Financial advice let's get the Latest here from perryan boring and the Chamber of digital Commerce and find out What is the latest on the stable coin Bill and why the holdup in Congress Check it out what has been the holdup It's really come down to a very specific Piece of the legislation that's been Through negotiations and debates which Has to do with the states uh there's Been differing viewpoints from different Members of Congress some believe the States should be preempted so States Like New York's Department Financial Services who's been regulating stable Coins uh for many many years now uh Should be preempted and that it should Solely be the Federal Reserve that over Oversees uh stable coin Arrangements uh There's other members who do feel like The stays play an important role in the Future of the regulation uh in oversight For stable coins and don't want them to Be preempted that's really been the Biggest piece of the rub uh we think it Will be a very hard deal to get uh Preemption across the line um because New York is really the biggest player There and there's so many members uh

From the state of of New York that are On both uh Financial Services as well as The Senate Banking Committee and you're Going to need those votes to get it done So there you have that as I said we're Correct the argument comes down to Whether the left side the Dems they want It from a federal level the Republicans Want it from a state to state level That's where the rub is they need to get It figured out and get this thing done That's what they need to Do then there's this promethium says Exciting times are Ahead our institutional custody service For eth is just around the corner Institutions are invited to sign up in Anticipation of our upcoming launch at Prometheum dcom keep an eye out for more Details now you remember they said Clearly that eth was a digital asset Security and it was going to be the First asset they listed on prome Platform I remind you eth got a free Pass Gary gendler can't be trusted the SEC has not made a clear determination On E status security or not thanks to Fredr poy and hotle law gendler and the Ccp's little pet project is promethium And promethium intends to list eth as a Security we agree on one thing exciting Times are Ahead what that exciting looks like May Differ however this is exciting however

And I think to everybody shout out to Seamus donah Hugh right here who just Got an upgrade he is now stepping up as The VP of growth at Ripple building on His impressive tenure as Chief growth Officer at Medico very cool love seeing This integration between the two Companies now that they've been brought Together then we look at this let's look At some of this stuff as we start to Really really dive down here this is a Reminder here from smoke xrp will be a Available to a will be able to travel Through excuse me will be able to travel Through the Swift Network even without Swift a ripple Partnership Ripple strategically placed Themselves in and around Tech Partners CGI and temos of Swift to gain market Share faster is exactly spoton as far as I'm concerned and Gib smoke and Chad Stein robber will follow because they're Amazing this is the layout you see Swift GPI Bank B Bank a right here Ripple net Right there right xrp that you you see The stack you see how it goes you see it All right Here we have said this for years that The connections between MasterCard Visa Right you know the indirect connections The partners that are partnered with Swift even R3 I believe is an indirect Firewall between Swift's customer base At some point they're going to have to

Engage there's just no question about it Whether it's indirectly through third- Party Partners or whatever but it's Going to have to it's going to happen at Some point I certainly believe that Swift in their uh in in the uh in the Moving forward of this development I Think at some point would be wise to say Hey you know what they got a better Thing going on maybe we figure out a way To work together here right and I Certainly believe that Ripple is a Strong player in fed now and the Domestic payment rails here in the United States amm's xrp Ledger Amendment just Got closer look here we need 28 out of 35 votes who's going to be the one who's Going to be the one we're at 27 Years mhm getting close remember once we Get that consensus vote 80% or stronger That's when we hold for two weeks and Then it becomes a permanent amendment to The Ledger very close now I believe it Will change the integrity and the Characteristics of The xrp Ledger and Xrp the token forever more it will be Able to offer a certain feature that That has never been on The Ledger until Now and and soon to be now right super Excited about that now at Swift sios Event which is like the Ripple swell Event but for Swift right Cryptocurrencies like xrp and xlm are

Going to continue to play an important Role in getting the wheel the flywheel Of adoption going it's exactly right Here and it all gets referenced off of ESG environment environmental Sustainable goals Right and that's exactly what xrp and Xlm can help do is help make you carbon Neutral the front office is automated There's low latency then you switch Gears banks operate still typically in Terms of batch processing store and Forward and payments messaging clearing And settlement are often decoupled and Can take days this dichotomy is just un Unsustainable and in response we're Seeing and hearing at at cyos how a Number of FIS and fi act consortiums are Harnessing blockchain smart contracts Digital assets to align the performance Of banking and payment systems with Those of the digital economy the second Takeaway I'd say is that the internet of Value is beginning to crystallize and Let me start with a framework let's Think of the old industrial flywheels That take a lot of energy to make a half Turn and a full turn but once they start Turning there's momentum and it's hard To stop them so let's overlay adoption Of blockchain and digital assets they Proven value so part of the first ter Feasibility certainly and now we're Seeing these use cases get into the

Bottom of that first turn economic Viability and there's some exciting Initiatives we heard about it cbos Around interbank payments delivery Versus payments for example Correspondent banking messaging um cross Border interbank uh intra Bank intra Company and importantly when we get to The ESG the S part um remines so lots of Interesting energy there and we're Seeing cryptocurrencies like xrps Sellar Lumens and stable coins like us DC Playing an important role in getting That wheel to turn and deliver the Internet of value also the introduction Of Central Bank digital currencies will Accelerate the mainstreaming of digital Assets I say my third coming to the uh The Crown Jewel here cryptocurrencies Are gaining legitimacy as a new asset Class when the Bitcoin paper first came Out it was going to be the missing link The internet of value a medium of Exchange but as we know Bitcoin failed As a medium of exchange for legal Activities um then the pivot was to Blockchain distributor The Ledger Technology as the new disruptor now We're seeing Bitcoin as in the lead as a New digital um asset class which has Profound implications it's been Initially um driven by retail investors Now we're seeing institutional investors Enter the game and with institutional

Investors you get more sophisticated Demand and that certainly is going to Accelerate developments in decentralized Finance no doubt about it I think that Is a great breakdown right there from Al Len Gear greish I believe it is geish or Greish so uh really appreciate her Thoughts and insight and you might Remember this guy this is former rippo Executive right here who's got his own Company now in the blockchain world it's Marcus Treacher shout out to him listen To this quick clip where he explains xrp Meant scale to 7 billion people we' Configured our technology in a way that Really fix the problem of C payments Liquidity very very well so for the Crossb payment challenge we created an Open internet model we called the idea Interledger so interia like the internet Supports our Ripple technology globally And that model does not require a single Universal common blockchain it requires A very open blockchain interconnectivity And that means that the volume is Theoretically infinite the internet Never runs out of um capacity elements Do the internet still work because it's Inherently decentralized so Ripple is The same through a decentralized model Which is infinitely Scalable supporting that we have our Liquidity proposition which uses xrp and

That's a classic blockchain but xrp was Designed from the the outset for Transacting on like lights of Bitcoin Which is like very slow and slows down As you as you continue to build on Volume the xrp model is very very very High speed and very high capacity so the Park is very adequately served by the Xrp model The Wider Network we're Creating where if you're really going to Create something of value for 7 billion People in the world of 9 billion by 2050 We config and there you have it there's The acknowledgement right there I wonder If any of the crypto trolls are going to Tell Marcus Treacher and ripple that They don't have the right to think that Way because we're not over 50 we're not Over a dollar Right oh the absurdity the absurdity is Unbelievable and you know what then I Point to this because this is the Federal Reserve in the collaboration With domestic payments here knowing that Fed now and ripple are partnered with Them and 60 or plus more companies right At this point but what we're talking About is the Last Mile right the last Mile and in order to get this crossb Payment business rectified to where it Really does work you're going to need to Last mile which means domestic Payment Systems connected to the Global crossb Systems that's exactly what we're

Talking about even the central banks Like Bank of England the Federal Reserve Saudi Arabia monetary authority of Collaboration with ripple connected to Domestic payments updating right and we Know that you know payments in the United States involve millions of TR Transactions and trillions of dollars Each day as payment Technologies develop Any new settlement system will benefit From significant economies of scale as Well as rapid efficiency gains and as a Result will possess attributes of a Natural monopoly involving a quadrillion Dollars of payments annually that's what We're talking about and that's why I'm Here that doesn't mean that I won't take Profits at five eight 10 bucks and Others you know I mean of course I have I have a plan and you should too but I Tell you what I do have a certain amount Set aside for the long macro go because I'm a macro investor I'm not a Trader I Don't do daily trading I don't do swing Trading and stuff like that it's just Not comfortable for me I'm not shooting It down other people are really good at It that's what they're comfortable doing I myself I'm more of a macro guy and That's what I like uh and that's what I'm here for but I'll take some profits Along the way when we hit I don't want To not be able to taste the fun you know I've waited I've waited a couple bull

Runs and and kept accumulating and now Is my time and I'm ready and I hope Others are able to say the same for Themselves too so before we get out of Here I want to show you this chart as a Reminder from egg rag crypto here shout Out to eggr crypto and all of the Technical analysts that share their Information very very gracious to them Looking here you could see 60 times Unveiled but what I want to focus on we All know it can go up and really take Off we all know that scenario and I'm Super bullish and happy about it but What I want to look at right here is Where we are according to that Baseline Right that bull market line right we Need to get above 120 is what he's Showing here for us to really be able to See this thing take off and in some Cases on charts depending on the tools It's $2 so between a120 and above two Bucks it looks very bullish for xrp to a Lot of the technical analysts out here And I look at this as where we are where We were back in the day 2018 2017 Actually rather and then how that run Happened there so this is where this Main line is going across here and we're There what happens if we touch that line Or Spike down below and that does it go Crazy like everybody seems to think it Will I don't know but I think we're very Close to finding out what is going to

Happen and that is super exciting it Itself all right that's going to do it For me now I hope you will join us in The fre Freedom Zone ladies and Gentlemen yeah we're going to talk about How the jobs are going away because the Jobs are going away and you might want To start looking at what your job is Because we're going to give an example Of somebody else's job and how they're Not going to have it for much longer and As we build our portfol folios to change Our lives we can't forget that all of us Including myself and I've had to do it Before every once in a while you're Forced to reinvent yourself because of The world the way it is going and the Way it's trending and sometimes that has To happen before your portfolio is ready To touch so you might want to know this Information it's a great way to support The channel for next to nothing it's at Dig join us in the Freedom Zone not Financial advice to me Or anyone else come on In Oh

Ripple/XRP-Ripple & SWIFT, ESG & XRP/XLM, Ripple Exec-XRP & 7 Billion People, XRP Bull Market Line? (2024)


What will 1 XRP be worth in 2025? ›

XRP (XRP) Price Prediction 2030
2024$ 0.518427
2025$ 0.544348
2026$ 0.571565
2027$ 0.600144
1 more row

Can XRP reach 1 dollar? ›

Will XRP reach $1 any time soon? So XRP should gain plenty of value over time from Ripple's money-transfer operations, and the token also benefits from the market-moving impact of predictable Bitcoin gains. I can't promise that XRP will reach $1 per token in 2024, but the general trend line certainly points upward.

Is XRP a good investment in 2024? ›

Our real-time XRP to USD price update shows the current Ripple price as $0.532084 USD. Our most recent Ripple price forecast indicates that its value will increase by 26.67% and reach $0.673994 by May 07, 2024.

Will XRP go up in Bull Run? ›

“The pump is closer than anyone thinks,” EGRAG CRYPTO suggested. XRP ended the first quarter at $0.61 with future predictions varying between a potential rise by 20% and a fall of nearly 30%. The price of the asset may be influenced by the upcoming Bitcoin halving and the outcome of the Ripple vs. SEC lawsuit.

How much will 1 XRP be worth in 10 years? ›

XRP Price Prediction 2026 – 2030
Ripple Price PredictionPotential Low ($)Potential High ($)
1 more row

Which coin will reach $1 in 2024? ›

Exploring the potential cryptocurrencies like Pikamoon, Dogecoin, Book of Meme, Rosewifhat, and Zilliqa as contenders to hit the $1 milestone. Key factors like utility, viral potential, and clear roadmaps suggest their potential amidst market sentiment and unique tokenomics.

Will XRP make me a millionaire? ›

Could XRP generate millionaire maker gains in a few years? If XRP's price surges 668% to its all-time high of $3.84 again, it would only turn a $10,000 investment into $76,800. According to Digital Coin Price's estimates, XRP might revisit that record high by 2030.

Can XRP reach $1000 per coin? ›

Yes. It can. People will often mention the market cap being too high for this to happen. There are 100 billion XRP not all are in Circulation and at any one time a fraction of that will be available.

Can XRP reach 5 dollars? ›

Ripple's rocket ride may be risky

But it would be a mistake to expect skyrocketing prices in 2024, and $5 is an unrealistic target for the next few years. The true wealth-building gains will come in the long haul, as RippleNet expands to more countries and becomes more widely used.

Will XRP skyrocket? ›

If the project were to reform significantly to drive value to the XRP token, there is every chance that XRP could soar to new highs. However, like any investment, there are risks that every investor should consider before making a decision to invest.

How much will 1 Ethereum be worth in 2030? ›

Ethereum (ETH) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 3,143.79
2026$ 3,300.98
2027$ 3,466.03
2030$ 4,012.36
1 more row

What is the XRP prediction for 2040? ›

XRP's price prediction for 2040 based on the S&P 500 index's historical ROI. Based on the historical growth of the S&P 500, a $1,000 investment in XRP made in 2023 would grow to $6,660 by 2040. In other words, the price of XRP would increase by 560% from $0.381 to $2.514.

Will XRP ever be worth anything? ›

XRP price forecast 2024

With most XRP future Ripple price predictions however, It's generally expected that Ripple should be worth more in 2024 than it is now, with some pundits suggesting that it could be worth as high as a maximum price of $4.

Why hasn't Ripple taken off? ›

So why hasn't XRP bounced back like Bitcoin and other cryptos have? The cryptocurrency's creator, Ripple, is locked in a fierce lawsuit with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over its regulatory status.

Is it worth buying XRP? ›

Like any investment, XRP comes with its own unique set of risks. But investing in any cryptocurrency is extremely high risk and one should not expect to be protected. XRP is underpinned by blockchain technology, which ensures secure, fast and cost-efficient transactions.

Can XRP price reach $100? ›

Can XRP reach $100? Reaching a $100 price point would mean a market capitalisation of roughly $5.2 trillion for XRP, considering the current circulating supply of about 52 billion. This would be more than four times larger than the current value of all cryptocurrencies combined.

Can XRP reach 5 USD? ›

Ripple's rocket ride may be risky

But it would be a mistake to expect skyrocketing prices in 2024, and $5 is an unrealistic target for the next few years. The true wealth-building gains will come in the long haul, as RippleNet expands to more countries and becomes more widely used.

How much will 1 ethereum be worth in 2025? ›

Ethereum (ETH) Price Prediction 2024-2040
YearMinimum PriceAverage Price
8 more rows
May 1, 2024

What is the next Cryptocurrency to explode in 2025? ›

Ethereum (ETH-USD) is simultaneously one of the most and least likely cryptocurrencies to return 5X by 2025. In order for that to happen the price would have to land somewhere between $15,000 and $16,000. That would roughly triple the all-time high price of Ethereum, which was reached back in November of 2021.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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