Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (2024)

Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying

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There is a hidden molecule that is floating in this bowl, do know what it is? Phytic Acid

I don’t know why the Jaws theme song plays in my head when I look at the picture haha. Phytic acid is found within the hulls of nuts, seeds, and grains. In-home food preparation techniques can reduce the phytic acid in all of these foods. Simply cooking the food will reduce the phytic acid to some degree.

Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (11)

More effective methods are soaking them in an acid medium, lactic acid fermentation, and sprouting. Apple cider vinegar works perfectly in this case. I encourage you to learn more about soaking oats; your digestive system will thank you! For more reading check out…Phytic Acid and Body Ecology.

Why is it important to soak oats?

Here’s an excerpt from Nourishing Traditions that explains why oats need to be soaked.

All grains contain phytic acid (an organic acid in which phosphorous is bound) in the outer layer or bran. Untreated phyticacid can combine with calcium, magnesium, copper, iron especially zinc in the intestinal tract and block their absorption. This is why a diet high in unfermented whole grains may lead to serious mineral deficiencies and bone loss.

The modern misguided practice of consuming large amounts of unprocessed bran often improves colon transit time at first but may lead to irritable bowel syndrome and, in the long-term, many other adverse effects. Soaking allows enzymes, lactobacilli, and other helpful organisms to break down and neutralize phytic acid. As little as seven hours of soaking in warm acidulated water will neutralize a large portion of phytic acid in grains. The simple practice of soaking cracked or rolled cereal grains overnight will vastly improve their nutritional benefits.

Soaking Raw and Heated Oats – the difference

Most of the rolled oats that you are enjoying have most likely been steam treated. It is rare and oftentimes difficult to find truly raw oats. If you are using steam-treated oats such as the ones from Bob’s Red Mill, you will still want to soak them to remove some of the enzyme inhibitors.

If you are for sure using RAW oats, you will still soak them but for a lesser time. Since they have never been treated with heat, steam, or water, the healthy enzymes will activate once wet ingredients are added, and the oats must be eaten or heated immediately, otherwise, they will go sour. I contacted my raw oat source,Montana Gluten-Free, and they stated to not go over 6 hours of soaking.

Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (12)

Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (13)Ingredients:

  • 1 cup raw, gluten-free oats (If you can’t find raw oats, look for raw oat groats. They look like rice grains.)
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 1 Tbsp acidic medium (coconut kefir, kefir, yogurt, buttermilk, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar)


  1. Soak the oats for 8-24 hours in enough water to cover them plus a few extra inches. They tend to swell a bit while they soak.
    • Important note: if you are using truly RAW oats, do not soak longer than 6-8 hours otherwise they will go rancid
  2. Drain and rinse really well.
    • Rinse until the milky water starts to turn clear. I like to agitate the oats with my fingers while the water is running through them.
  3. You can use soaked oats wet in recipes, or you can dry them as indicated below. My recipes will always indicate if I used them wet or dry.
  4. Tip: if you are experiencing a sour taste in the soaked oats here are a few things to try:
    • Make sure that you are rinsing them well. People tend to skip this step, but from my personal experience, I find rinsing them well omits this. It also helps in washing away the sticky starch that can make oats gummy.
    • Try using lemon juice or apple cider vinegar as the acidic medium instead of the kefir or yogurts. Again, rinse well.
    • Experiment with different brands of oats. I have found that different brands taste different.
    • Did you leave the oats soaking too long to where they started to ferment?

Dehydrating soaked oats:

  1. Make sure to drain and rinse the oats really well, squeezing out as much of the liquid as possible.
  2. Spread the oats out on the reflex sheet that comes with the dehydrator and dry at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour, then reduce 115 degrees (F) for 4-8 hours or until dry.
    • Do not use wax paper as it will stick. Parchment is good.
  3. Store in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer.
  4. Dried soaked oats will turn into clumps, just wanted to point that out for visual effects.

Culinary Explanations:

  • Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)?Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
  • When working with fresh ingredients, it is important to taste test as you build a recipe.Learn why (here).
  • Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here).I do howevertruly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.

Oat Tips:

    1. To make oat flour from soaked oats, click (here)
    2. Are oats gluten-free and where can I find them? Click (here)
    3. Are oats raw?Yes, they can be found.Click (here) to learn more.

Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (14)

Young Oats Growing in the Field

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  1. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (20) GEN says:

    Perhaps this explains why I’ve been ‘feeling my oats’

    Sorry kiddo, just couldn’t resist.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (21) Tammy Werbelow says:

      Good Morning Amie! I soaked my raw/gluten free rolled oat as suggested and they all just turned to mush. I put them in the dehydrator and its all in clumps. They no longer look like rolled oats. I was going to use them in a Granola recipe. Is this normal and any suggestions?


      • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (22) amie-sue says:

        Good morning Tammy,

        That is their normal reaction to being soaked and dehydrated… not the prettiest but easiest to digest. I wish I could tell you differently. Have a great day, amie sue


  2. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (23) Lori says:

    Thank you for the recent article. I have soaked the nuts and seeds in water over night, never heard of adding lemon juice or vinegar, interesting. Can you explain what those do? Wondering if it pulls the icky stuff out better? I soaked some buckwheat the other day and then rinsed for like 15 minutes to get rid of all the icky stuff that I hear will make you sick. I’ve been watching Dara Dubinet and that is what she said, it will make you very sick if you do not rinse until the water is clear.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (24) amie-sue says:

      Good morning Lori,

      I will be releasing a post today that talks a bit more about soaking grains. Buckwheat is indeed important to rinse really well and it can a little time to do so. I am sure you have noticed the slimmy feeling in them as you do so….once you don’t feel that anymore, that is your cue that they are rinsed well. Same with oats, I rinse until the water runs clear. At first I was nervous that the flavor of the raw apple cider would stick to the oat and effect there flavor but I didn’t at all.

      Soaking the oats in lemon juice and/or raw apple cider vinegar is beneficial because the acidic liquids are more effective in reducing phytic acid. It is talked about that you can use yogurt and buttermilk because they are fermented with friendly bacteria that help break down the phytic acid enzymatically. So basically they activate the phytase enzyme in the grain to break down the phytic acid.

      Phytic acid is sometimes referred to as an “anti-nutrient.” They call it that because it has a tendency to bind to certain minerals and block their absorption in the small intestine. If you eat foods containing phytic acid, you’ll get much less calcium, iron, copper, and zinc from the foods that you eat at the same meal than you would if there were no phytic acid present.

      Does that help Lori? :) Have a great day! amie sue


  3. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (25) johnna says:

    Thank you for your post today….I’m very new to making an effort in – incorporating “RAW” food into my diet and I’ve often wondered why the soaking process of oats was pretty much the “norm” in the raw food world. I’ve done it and I do like to eat them soaked and uncooked … although I’ve never seen the addition of lemon juice or applecider vinegar, so that is a new one for me. I’ll try it next time and see if I notice a difference :-).


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (26) amie-sue says:

      Hi Johnna,
      Thank you for commenting. I would love to hear if you do notice a digestive difference over time by adding in this step. Gosh, anything I can do to help my poor digestive system, the better. :) Many blessing and have a great day! amie sue


  4. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (27) Annie says:

    Hi Amie Sue…
    Do you recommend gluten free oats for even those without any known gluten issues? I have had a big bag of organic oats in my freezer for months, and would love to make your Walnut Banana Bread granola. What do you think?


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (28) amie-sue says:

      Hi Annie,

      You are welcome to use the oats that you have on hand Annie, it won’t effect the flavor. Gluten is becoming such a large epidemic that I lean towards omitting it from my recipes, not to mention that my husband can’t eat gluten and I don’t eat it either. I would continue to use the soaking method though to break down the phytic acids in them. Also, I am pretty sure that your oats are not raw, but again if that isn’t a strong issue, you will be fine. :) Does that help? Blessings Annie, amie sue


  5. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (29) LePeep says:

    Hi new here & 23 days into Raw / Vegan. Question about Oats & Oat Flour ingredients I see on the site. This page says it’s important to soak your oats… while other recipes call for *oat Flour… like or
    Those recipes call for oat flour which you grind to a flour. So my question since I am new to this….
    Do you still need to soak the oats if you are making oat flour? And if so.. then what?

    Also, can you use the kind of oats you would normally use (if I were still cooking, as I still have oats left over from the days of boiling haha) for oatmeal … or do you need to use oat groats?

    Just a lot to take in, and I get easily confused sometimes with all the new processes. By the way, I Just found your site this morning & have a few recipes I am eager to try (the two links above) as well as … well… a TON of other things. Everything looks so Yummy!

    thanks in advance & looking forward.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (30) amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon LePeep.
      Thank you for checking out the site and for asking the above questions. They are great ones and I encourage them. :) I will do my best to answer them.

      So, for the first question…Do you still need to soak the oats if you are making oat flour? And if so.. then what? My answer to this is yes. IF you want to do what you can to remove most of the phytic acid, which in returns takes less of a burden on your digestive system, I recommend getting into the habit of soaking your oats. In order to do this you want to soak the oats as indicated, squeeze as much of the water out of the oats after rinsing them really well, spread them out on the non-stick teflex sheet that comes with your dehydrator and dry on 105 degrees until completely dry. Once dry, you can grind to a flour. I realize that is a lengthy step to make. I recommend that should you chose to do this step to do a bunch up at one time so you have your dried oats ready to go on a whim. I would wait to grind them until you need the flour to make your recipe. Did that all make sense?

      Next question: can you use the kind of oats you would normally use (if I were still cooking, as I still have oats left over from the days of boiling haha) for oatmeal … or do you need to use oat groats? Answer: yes, LaPeep, you can use up the oats that you already have on hand. It won’t effect the taste.

      As I shared in the posting about the reasons for soaking your oats, using raw oats, and using gluten free oats….is really all up to you. Maybe those factors are not really strong issues for you at this time. They can be goals to work towards as you venture into raw. If this way of eating is fairly new to you, don’t over whelm yourself, just start to make the best choices that you can today. Maybe tomorrow, next week or next month, you move to the next level of things and so forth. In the meantime you are still learning how to prepare raw foods, different techniques and introducing new foods into your diet. Take is slow and easy so you can enjoy the journey!

      Does this help LaPeep? If you have anymore questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am here to help support you! Blessings, amie sue


  6. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (31) adrienne says:


    I have been taking a particular brand of rolled organic oats and the packaging states that their oats are superior to other brands because they have not been washed in order to retain their beta-glucan component. So my questions are –

    1. would soaking and draining the oats of the liquid in which they have been soaked remove the beta-glucan?

    2. can i cook the oats in the liquid in which they have been soaked?

    Interestingly, none of the brands of rolled oats available in supermarkets in my country come with instructions to pre-soak the oats prior to cooking.

    I am taking oats for cholesterol-lowering purposes. Your insights on this issue would be appreciated.

    Thank you.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (32) amie-sue says:


      I am about to head out the door but when I get home later, I will work on these great questions. Have a happy day! amie sue


      • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (33) amie-sue says:

        Well Adrienne,
        I am struggling with finding the right answer for you. I have been reading about Beta-glucan and “studies” do show the positive effect it has on cleaning up high cholesterol levels. But no where does it talk about what happens if you soak the oats, as to whether or not you loose that benefit. I do however, find a lot of information that backs up soaking grains / oats to remove the phytic acid to aid in digestion. I have sent off an email to a source that I find reliable to see what they say about it. I am not a dietician or a scientist so until we can find more clear answers, do what feels right for your body. If you feel you are digesting the oats as you have been preparing then continue to do. When it comes to stuff like this, I think it is very important for each and every one of us to look at our bodies and to try things out. There are so many variables within each individual, (health issues, strong or weak digestive fire and so forth) that what works for one, doesn’t always work for another.

        I myself struggle with oats on a whole. But I do notice that when I do have them and soak them, I feel better than if I don’t. I will keep you posted when I hear back from this doctor. Have a blessed day, amie sue


        • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (34) adrienne says:

          Hi amie sue,

          Thank you for the reply.

          You are right in that there appears to be little to no publicly available information as to whether the soaking and rinsing process will remove the beta glucan. I have spent hours googling the net to no avail which is why I posed my question here.

          I shall keep on checking your site for any further information that may be forthcoming.



          • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (35) amie-sue says:

            Well Adrienne,
            I got an email back from my source, Body Ecology, they don’t recommend oats on their “diet plan” so they couldn’t comment. Back to the drawing board. I am not sure if I will be able to get an exact answer to this question so my comment would be to do what feels right for your body. If you are digesting the oats just fine without soaking and it is helping your clolesterol levels stay in check…continue to do what is best for you. If I find out anything further, I will keep you posted! amie sue


          • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (36) Sharon says:

            Hi Amie Sue,

            Loving your site…beautiful raw food. I couldn’t help see this post…I am a “scientist” and although there seems to be no specifics about soaking oats and removing or destruction of beta glucans, I look at it this way…the beta glucan is the soluble fiber found in oats which is shown to be an immune stimulant and also has a cholesterol lowering benefit. My experience and knowledge leads me to believe this can become less of a concern on a raw diet because there are so many other ways to get soluble fiber eating this way. There is also less irritants to the GI tract, therefore, less immune response that needs to be stimulated. Lots of people have cholesterol levels that normalize on a raw diet and I believe this to be part of the equation…not necessarily because of beta glucan. Refined carbohydrates, high glycemic foods and lack of good fats are the reason for elevated cholesterol levels which are produced at the level of the liver….oh, I could go on. Thank you for your contribution to the health of my patients by providing such a wonderful site for them to go to as I push them to change their eating, to change their health. You are part of my team.



            • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (37) amie-sue says:

              Awesome Sharon! Thank you so much for offering up your knowledge. I appreciate your support and aid. Have a blessed day, amie sue


  7. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (38) susan says:

    Do you use apple cider vinegar and/or lemon juice when soaking seeds too? and nuts? Thank you!


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (39) amie-sue says:

      Personally, I haven’t been soaking nuts with ACV or lemon juice, just water and salt as shown here…
      I have been studying more and more about phytic acid, so I may be learning new science behind that very thing you asked. I will keep you posted. If you have some information to share regarding soaking nuts that way, please email me at [emailprotected]. Everyday new science keeps coming out about the foods we eat. :) amie sue


  8. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (40) bella says:

    I, too, have spent literally hours googling the soaking of grains, whole oat groats vs. rolled, sprouting, cooking, etc., and get so confused. My biggest revelation has to do with how few sites mention draining grains vs. not draining. Doesn’t draining wash away B vitamins? Should you drain and rinse groats but NOT, perhaps, rolled oats? Are groats prone to rancidity? (Some sites say steaming and rolling kills enzymes that, while otherwise beneficial, will make the fats go rancid and therefore is sort of a necessary evil). So confusing!


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (41) Taha says:

      Great question! Having the same dillema here. I ferment/soak my rolled oats overnight and cook them in the same water in wich they have been soaked/fermented. From what I have read is that when the enzyme phytase gets activated it neutralizes the phytic acid. So the water in wich it has been soaked/fermented doesn´t contain the phytic acid that binds to minerals because it has been neutralized and not been dragged out of the oats into the water. At least thats how I understand it.

      What are your thoughts


  9. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (46) Alicia says:

    Hi, do I soak the oats with a lid on them or no lid? Thanks for the help!!!


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (47) amie-sue says:

      Hi Alicia, I tend to just throw a kitchen towel over the top of the bowl/container that I use to soak them i.


      • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (48) Alicia says:

        Thank you for this fast reply. Your site is great!!! I will tell all my nutty friends about it. Btw, I am currently soaking a ground up mixture of quinoa, lentils, popcorn, and groat oats. I am soaking a cup of it with a cup of water and 2 TB of coconut Kiefer. I cook it tomorrow and see how it goes. :)


  10. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (53) Anita says:

    We use raw oats for making a cereal, and haven’t soaked the oats before, I guess my concern with soaking is that it will make them mushy even after dehydrating which would defeat the purpose when making cereal


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (54) amie-sue says:

      Hi Anita,
      My main use for using oats is in making granolas and often ground into flours. It does take away a bit from the big, flat, individual flake of each oat but I don’t find that it turns into a mush. Have a great day, amie sue


  11. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (55) Alex says:

    I usually have oatmeal, sunflower seeds and pumkin seeds (all of which seem to contain phytic acid) with almond milk for breakfast. Is it allright to soak the three in the almond milk and just eat it like that the next day? Thank you!


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (56) amie-sue says:

      Good morning Alex,
      I prefer to soak, drain and rinse to get rid of the residue from the soak water but don’t always have the time to. To me it makes sense to soak, drain and rinse to wash away the impurities that you are drawing out of them. So in my opinion, if you eat a lot of oats try to get into this habit. For occasion consumption, I think one would be ok to do as you do. Try both ways and see if you notice a difference in your digestion too. I hope this helps. amie sue


  12. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (57) monica says:

    Hi everyone,
    I have a question concerning the soaking process of oat groats. I am a raw foodie and I am trying a new recipe for oatmeal that calls for oat groats soaked for five days…. I started soaking them, continuously changing the water, but they started to smell really bad :( The oats smell rotten and I’m thinking I should just throw them away, but not sure.

    Is it normal for oat groats to stink during the soaking process, and are they still safe to eat? Or should I throw these away? If so, can you provide some tips on how to prevent this from happening again?

    Your help is appreciated.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (58) amie-sue says:

      Good evening Monica,
      I haven’t ever heard of anyone soaking groats for that length of time. I would imagine that they would start to smell bad and to be honest, I personally would throw them away. Compost pile those babies. I soak mine just as indicated in the post above. Soaking over-night is ample enough time. I am sorry that you are losing some product but best to be safe than sorry. Have a great evening, amie sue


  13. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (59) Carley says:

    Do you have to soak oats that are not raw? What about Kamut flakes?


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (60) amie-sue says:

      Yes, I do soak the oats that I use that may not be raw as well. I don’t use Kamut flakes but I have read that you do the same soaking process as well….”All other grains (whole wheat, spelt, kamut, oats, etc) should be soaked from 12-24 hours, with oats have the highest level and best soaked for 24 hours.” Have a great weekend Carley!


  14. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (61) Carley says:

    Okay awesome! Thank you so much. Enjoy your weekend as well :)


  15. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (62) Nefertiti says:

    After soaking the oats in apple cider vinegar, do you loose any of the nutritional value by the oats and removing the vinegar. This morning I tried soaking my beloved steel cut oats for the first time with apple cider vinegar. I used a bit to much I think (2tbsp for 1 cup of oats in 1 cup of water) and even though I poured off the soak liquid and added fresh water they still taste like vinegar. I even added cinnamon sticks, clove and cardamon to the water while cooking. In addition to coconut oil and honey before eating and still soupy and vinegary.

    Is it okay for me to rinse the oats after soaking? Or will I lose minerals and vitamins.



    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (63) amie-sue says:

      Hello Nefertiti,

      Some nutrients might be lost but I think that part out-weighs the desire to get rid of most of the physic-acid, which makes it hard for me to digest. As indicated I use:

      1 c. raw, gluten free oats (or groats if you are using them)
      2 c. warm water (room temp, and enough to cover and have room to cover swelling grains)
      1 Tbsp acidic medium (coconut keifer, keifer, yogurt, buttermilk, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar)

      So yours might have been a tad to strong, well obviously, since you could still taste it. I do rinse my oats well, I place them in a colander and rinse and rinse and rinse… I don’t want to consume the phytic acid that leeched into the water. If the apple cider vinegar is to strong for your pallet, try lemon juice or the other items that are listed.

      I hope this helps, keep me posted. Night, amie sue


  16. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (64) rinrin says:

    Hi! I just came across this website by looking up oats. I just ate 1 c of quaker oats w/o soaking (oops)…not the fast cooking. Sorry if I missed the answer to this question: If I soak my oats overnight and wash them the next morning, I’m good to go as far as eating them right away. If I want to make 2-3 cups and save for the next coming mornings, can store the soaked oats in the fridge? Will they get mushy or go bad?
    Also, how do you store nuts after they soaked so you can munch on them through out the week?


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (65) amie-sue says:

      Hello Rinrin,

      Yes, after the soaking process and rinsing the oats, you are good to go. You should also be safe to make 2 days worth and keep them in the fridge. Regarding soaked nuts, I soak and then dehydrate mine, I personally don’t leave soaked nuts in the fridge. If that is what you are wanting to do, keep them in water and change the water out daily, but I wouldn’t keep them this way more than a few days because you are increasing the chances of bacteria invading them. If you can soak and dehdyrate, I recommend that above all. I hope this has been helpful. amie sue


  17. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (66) Deanna says:

    I don’t have a dehydrator – any advice in drying with an oven? Mine only goes down to 170 degrees.

    Also, what about baking with soaked oats? I realize you are into raw (I’m not there yet), but if you have any advice on that, I’d appreciate it!


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (67) amie-sue says:

      At 170 degrees it won’t be raw, not sure if that is an issue or not. What exactly are you asking regarding bakin oats? I eat cooked foods as well, but eat high raw. Happy to try to help in any way I can, just need clarification on what you are asking. :)


  18. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (68) Ashley says:

    I’m so excited to try this! I just started eating oats again (gluten free oats) as I was not eating any grains at all at but after introducing them was having some GI distress. Hoping this will help!

    Thank you!


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (69) amie-sue says:

      Hello Ashley, I hope this does the trick for you. Just keep listening to your body! Good luck and keep me posted. amie sue


  19. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (70) Ashley says:

    Hi Amie Sue! This really seemed to work. I have only done it twice since because I don’t want to go overboard. But my body seems to like it :) Here’s my version:


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (71) amie-sue says:

      That is great news Ashley…fingers crossed that this method helps your body with digesting them so you can enjoy them once again. amie sue


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (72) Ashley says:

      Me too and I think it will! I’m learning more and more about raw and find my body likes many aspects of it but doing just raw oats wasn’t working- soaking seems to be the remedy. Thank you!


  20. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (73) Ksenia says:

    Dear, Amie Sue, thank you for sharing your research on phytic acid aspect. I use rolled oats soaking them for about overnight before consuming. Now I wonder how is it possible to rinse them after soaking since oats absorb all the liquid used in the process and become very soft. Look forwards to your advice.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (74) amie-sue says:

      Hi Ksenia,

      You need to just put them in a colander and rinse away. The soaking process will have softened them for sure, how could it not. I usually put the colander in the sink (a free standing one) and with the water running over the oats and dig both hands into the oats, stirring them and rinsing them. I do this till the water runs clear. I am not sure what your goal is at this point. Are you planning on making an oatmeal and eating right away or are you going to dry them… I guess that really doesn’t matter. But know that it is normal for the texture to change some. amie sue


  21. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (75) Gisela says:

    Thanks so much for info on soaking grains & seeds. Plan to soak some oats today and see if it makes a difference in our digestion. Do you have any advice on a candida diet? Do oats (grains) feed the candida? Changing our diets as we learn new things. Thanks for any suggestions you can offer.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (76) amie-sue says:

      Hello Gisela,

      Oats are often discouraged when you are fighting candida. I read a great book called, Body Ecology but Donna Gates. Here is a link to her site where she goes into depth regarding candida.

      I know you have to be pretty strict with your diet when are in the midst of healing from it, so it would be a good idea to really do some further research so you can be prepared for it. Have a great evening, amie sue


  22. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (77) Gisela says:

    Thanks, Amie-Sue. Read several articles at body ecology and you are absolutely correct. I’ll need to spend time researching to find out how to put together a diet that will help my body heal from candida overgrowth.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (78) amie-sue says:

      Your welcome Gisela. It’s best to gather all the information upfront… so you don’t get discouraged and give up on it. Hang in there! hugs


  23. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (79) Robert says:

    Hie Amie-Sue. I’ve been seeking information on oats and stumbled upon your website using google and am glad I did. You offer alot of info that I could’nt find anywhere else!
    In my search for a cheap, healthy and nutritious food I’ve found that my best bet is to go with oats! I’ve managed to find a source that offers an unlimited supply of hulless oats (in america called “naked oats” or “rice of the prairies”, whatever that means) for about 70 cents per kilogram. So 5 kg (11 lbs) would cost me $3.50. That’s a pretty fare price which makes me strongly consider to make oats my primary source of quality calories. So, questions to which I could not find answers to:

    Is it possible to grind uncooked, unsoaked (raw) naked oats in a grinder to create a powder and then put it in my shake? Will this be as nutritional as when they are soaked or am I receiving no nutrition at all? Will they bloat in my belly such as when eating raw rice?

    What are the possible side affects of eating a huge amount of oats?

    Thanks for your time and for the wonderful job you’re doing!


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (80) amie-sue says:

      Hello Robert….

      There are several questions to address here but first I want to caution you on eating huge amounts of any food. I don’t think that is healthy to do. That is my personal belief. I realize you can get oats for a cheap price but I would limit my consumption of them. I don’t know what you mean by huge amounts? Is that a cup a day? Or are you thinking of eating them at every meal?

      The main problems with oats are the phytic acid and the avenin, a protein in the prolamine family (along with gluten from wheat, rye, and barley, and zein, from corn). Avenin appears to have some of the same problems as gluten in certain sensitive individuals. So this is something to watch out for.

      I got this info from Nourishing Traditions… “All grains contain phytic acid (an organic acid in which phosphorous is bound) in the outer layer or bran. Untreated phytic acid can combine with calcium, magnesium, copper, iron especially zinc in the intestinal track and block their absorption. This is why a diet high in unfermented whole grains may led to serious mineral deficiencies and bone loss. The modern misguided practice of consuming large amounts of unprocessed bran often improves colon transit time at first but may lead to irritable bowel syndrome and, in the long term, many other adverse effects. Soaking allows enzyme, lactobacilli and other helpful organisms to break down and neutralize phytic acid. As little as seven hours of soaking in warm acidulated water will neutralize a large portion of phytic acid in grains. The simple practice of soaking cracked or rolled cereal grains overnight will vastly improve their nutritional benefits.”

      I do realize that oats do have some good nutrient properties and I use them from time to time in my recipes but to much of a good thing, usually isn’t a good thing. Our bodies require balance. I have no way of knowing if they will cause your belly to bloat as when eating rice. You have to learn to listen to your body and see how it responds. I always recommend soaking oats before eating them. I have created oat flour quite often but I soak, rinse and dehydrate it first to try to lesson phytic acid, making them more digestible.

      I hope this helps Robert… many blessings, amie sue


  24. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (81) Christi says:

    Hi Amie-Sue!
    I enjoy your site and really looking forward to your mobile friendly version, so that I can follow your recipes in my kitchen from my Iphone.
    I have a question. I am about to make your honey wheat bread using my soaked, dehydrated oats and I wondered if you meant to refrigerate the oats while soaking or leave them out on the counter? I left them on them out and covered with plastic.
    Thanks for your help.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (82) amie-sue says:

      HI Christi,

      Thank you. You must have amazing eyesight to use your phone. hehe :) You can leave the oats on the counter or in the fridge, I have done it both ways and haven’t noticed a difference. But if you leave them on the counter, I wouldn’t go longer that 8 hours or so. So if in doubt… place in the fridge. Have a great evening, amie sue


  25. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (83) Christi says:

    Good morning Amie sue!
    I have a question. I left my oats soaking in frig for 38 hrs then rinsed and dehydrated them. Is this too long or are they still edible?
    Also, I left my wet almond pulp in Dehydrator 8 hrs and forgot to turn it on. Is it also edible?
    I know ,I was having a really spacey couple of days!
    Thanks so much.



    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (84) amie-sue says:

      Oh Christi… I have had moments like that as well. hehe Sticky notes on the fridge can be great helpers in situations like this. :) The oats should be ok, use your eyes and nose for the oats and pulp… does it smell ok? Do you see any mold? If you are in doubt in any form or fashion… compost it. I don’t want you ingesting something that could not be optimal. Have a clear-minded weekend. hehe amie sue


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (85) Christi says:

      I forgot to add that I dried the Almond pulp for eight hours after it had been sitting overnight .thanks again Amie sue


      • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (86) Christi says:

        They both smell fine I guess i will use them. you cant over ferment the oats can
        you ?
        Great ideas thanks!


  26. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (87) julie pastore says:

    Thanks for the wonderful site!
    Questions: I have been soaking oats overnight for my kids’ breakfast, but not rinsing! How bad is that? (i will rinse from now on).
    Also, when we soak chia for a recipe, we don’t rinse it, right? Is there a reduced soak time when we don’t rinse?


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (88) amie-sue says:

      Good evening Julie,

      Thank you for your kind words. :)

      Regarding the soaking and rinsing of the oats… I see many many raw sites that talk about soaking oats for their raw breakfasts but never rinse them before eating them… I for one don’t feel right with this. The whole reason for soaking the oats is to reduce the phytic acid so that it is easier to digest. The soaking along with either added salt, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, helps to draw this out. Where does this go? In the water. So the thought of consuming that water just doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t have any scientific research to back this up, I am just leaning on common sense or my belief. I hope this makes sense.

      As far as chia seeds go, they don’t contain any enzyme inhibitors so the main reason for soaking them is the increase their volume, use as binders in recipes, using as pudding bases and so forth. So when soaking, it only needs to soak long enough to absorb the liquid that you put it with. Or you can eat them dry sprinkled on salads, porridges and other recipes. They don’t have much taste so I tend to only use them dry for visual reasons. They differ from flax seeds which do have enzyme inhibitors which is why they need to either be soaked or ground down.

      Does this help Julie? Just let me know. :) Have a blessed weekend! amie sue

  27. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (91) Linda St Angelo says:

    Amie Sue,
    Okay, I made an oat cookie recipe with raw oats I ordered through your site and forgot to soak them. I noticed the cookie batter tasted bitter as did the cookies after dehydrating them. Do you know if soaking the oats take the bitterness out of the raw oats? I would assume it would especially after you rinse them, but am not sure. I notice the gluten free cooked (I am assuming the ones I buy in the store are cooked) oats do not have that bitter taste. Am I imagining the bitterness. Maybe my taste buds are too sensitive :) LOL


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (92) amie-sue says:

      Soaking is important for this reason and also for digestion. :) I am sure we all detect such tastes at different levels and not to mention that raw foods tend to differ in taste from bag to bag, fruit to fruit, etc.

      Try making 1/2 a batch and see if you notice the same bitterness Linda. But I hope that the soaking process (and rinsing well) will solve the issues. Let me know. Have a wonderful weekend. amie sue


  28. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (93) Aurore says:

    Thank you for this post! I often make raw granolas and frequently use oats. I have noticed that when I do soak the oats, the end result has somewhat of a fermented taste. I have a batch going right now with soaked oats and one with non soaked oats, and the one with the soaked oats has that slightly “off” taste. Have you ever experienced that? I have made granola without soaking the oats first and the flavor is so different. I am almost certain that it has to do with the oats and not the other ingredients. If you have anything to share regarding that I would greatly appreciate it! It is kinda ruining some of my granolas to be honest, so I tend to not soak them as often, even though I know it is better to do it.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (94) amie-sue says:

      Hello Aurore,

      I am sorry that it took me an extra day to respond to you. I have been so darn busy but no excuse…

      I soak all my oats all the time and don’t experience the sour flavor note that you are referring too. I have a few thoughts and questions:
      Are you using legit raw rolled oats?
      What acid medium are you using; kefier, yogurt, lemon juice, raw apple cider vinegar? I mainly use raw apple cider vinegar and occasionally lemon juice. The other acid mediums can cause a sour under-tone.
      Are you rinsing them really well after soaking them?
      Are you soaking them too long?
      Are you noticing the sour taste while they are wet or dried?

      Let me know and lets see if we can narrow this down for you. Have a great evening. amei sue


      • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (95) Aurore says:

        I really appreciate you taking the time to respond and help me! I use lemon juice to soak the oats. And I’ve done both, soaking overnight and soaking 4 hours. I tend to bland the oats with some sweetener and maybe coconut oil before mixing with other ingredients (nuts, sprouted buckwheat, etc…) to make a granola. It is only once the granola is done drying that I notice the sour/fermented taste. Before I dehydrate it it tastes fine.
        I do use legit raw oats. Maybe I am not rinsing enough? I am going to make another batch soon and will try rinsing extra and see if that makes a difference. I end up not minding the flavor too much, but my oldest kid does, and it bums me out. I love raw granolas so I will keep trying different things to see if I can get this flavor to go away. In the meantime, I love your blog and I love how involved you are with us and responding to our questions! Thank you!


        • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (96) amie-sue says:

          Good evening Aurore,

          I have a strange thought here… I have had a few people over time mention to me that when they dehydrate their recipes with coconut oil in it, it ends up tasting sour or off to them. I haven’t personally experienced this but it might be something with a persons taste buds since it isn’t common. So, let me ask… do you ever make a recipe with the soaked oats that doesn’t have the coconut oil in with them? It may sound odd… but I am really trying to narrow this down for you. :) Let me know your thoughts. Many blessings, amie sue


          • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (97) Aurore says:

            You are great for helping me! I do not think it has to do with coconut oil unless it is coconut oil combined with soaked oats? I will try making a recipe with soaked oats and no oil, to see… I use coconut oil in a lot of dehydrated recipes and never had that taste. It really has to do with the oats. I am going to keep experimenting and let you know what I find out!! I will get to the bottom of this!!


            • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (98) amie-sue says:

              Well phooey, it was worth a shot. haha Do keep me posted and in the meantime, I will keep thinking about it. Many blessings Aurore! amie sue


              • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (99) Aurore says:

                I think I figured it out! I did a little experiment with several ways to do my oats and when my oats have the most sour flavor after dehydrating is when I do not rinse enough and add coconut oil! They still get that flavor when they are not rinsed well enough but adding the coconut oil definitely adds to it! Interesting. I would’ve never thought that if it weren’t for your help! So thank you! I am going to try and make some granola soon with my new found wisdom and see if it makes a difference. Thanks Amie Sue!!!


                • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (100) amie-sue says:

                  Yep, that darn rinsing will get everyone. hehe It takes time to rinse, much like buckwheat but it makes all the difference. I appreciate you sharing and letting me know. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, amie sue


  29. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (101) Trisha says:

    After you have soaked your oats overnight:
    1: what temperature do you dehydrate at?
    2: approximately how long ?

    I will be using a dehydrator by the way :)



  30. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (103) Nicola says:

    Hi Amie-Su, can I just check if having soaked and dried oats (nuts, seets etc) when a recipe says to use soaked oats do I need to soak them again, and if so for how long? For instance making your delicious banana bread granola clearly needs the wet oats for binding, but if they are already soaked for 24 hours and dried do I need to do that all over again or can I just soak them in water for, say, an hour?




    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (104) amie-sue says:

      Hey there Nikki,

      You can just throw them in some water for maybe 15 minutes, enough to soften them. The recipe is dependent on the moisture from them. :) Way to be prepared with your oats though! Have a blessed weekend and enjoy the recipe Nikki. amie sue


  31. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (105) zach says:

    If i want to make “overnight” oats with a nut/seed milk, but fist want to soak/active them. Would it be appropriate to Soak over night then rinse, and then proceed to soak in my nut milk plus other ingredients such as dried fruit etc? or could i just simply take the wet oats i just finished soaking/rinsing and pour my milk and remaining ingredients and eat?


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (106) amie-sue says:

      Sorry for the delay Zach. I am on vacation… To answer your question… either way would work just fine actually. Personally, I would just take the already soaked/prepared oats, add the rest of the ingredients and enjoy! Have a great day, amie sue


  32. […] 2 1/2 cups GFrolled oats, soaked & dehydrated […]


  33. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (107) Becky says:

    Hello, thanks for the article. Over the last week I’ve started soaking my rolled oats. I love oatmeal. I eat it every day after my workout. It’s my favorite meal of the day. With the soaking I started out using lactose free yogurt, then lemon juice, tried vinegar and even my homebrewed kombucha, on different days of course. Also have tried adding wheat flour and rye flour to help the process. No matter what I’ve tried it makes me so uncomfortably bloated. I never had this problem before when I added hot water to them and ate them five minutes later. Now I cook them on the stove after soaking. It doesn’t taste like they’ve gone bad or anything. I don’t rinse after the soaking, I like the sour flavor. Is something released during the soaking that maybe I wasn’t digesting before? Any ideas on what might be causing this? I really don’t want to give up my favorite food. Thanks


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (108) amie-sue says:

      I am not really sure Becky. Had you been eating cooked oats prior to soaking them? You mentioned, ” Over the last week I’ve started soaking my rolled oats. I love oatmeal. I eat it every day after my workout” What were you doing before this week?

      For me, I always soak and rinse my oats before eating. Part of the reason we soak oats is to reduce the phytic acid.. if the soaking process pulls that out, where does it go? In the water. Why would I then want to consume that? That is my strong belief… but you need to do whatever it takes so that you are not in pain when you eat them. Let’s see if we can pin point this for you! amie sue


      • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (109) Becky says:

        Thanks for the reply. I’ve always cooked my oats in the sense that I poured some hot water and coconut oil over them and let them sit for a few minutes. Then when cooled down, add yogurt and chia seeds. Loved it, it was nice and thick. So delicious and filling. I miss that texture but the filling and healthy breakfast counts more than that. I never liked them cooked too much. I love them raw too, just mixed in with yogurt. Even alone, raw. I’ve been an oat junkie.
        I have started straining my oats and reduced the amount and it is a little better. There’s still some affection there that isn’t when I eat it raw. I thought maybe I’m sensitive to something that I just wasn’t breaking down before. I’m playing around with different additions, soaking time and all that. It’s fun to experiment. You know, I did try soaking yesterday and not cooking it. Just straining, adding stuff and eating. I thought that even helped a little. Do you know if there’s any benefit to cooking after soaking? Or is that more a preference thing?
        Thanks so much. I appreciate any thoughts or ideas


        • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (110) amie-sue says:

          Hello my little oat junkie. hehe

          Ok, so it sounds like you have always enjoyed eating them raw, rather than cooked in the past. To clarify what type of oats are you using? Rolled? Quick oats? That would be helpful to know.

          I am happy to read that you are experimenting and finding ways to better feed your body. I guess I will throw this out there… if you have been eating consistently for quite some time, it might be that you body is creating a small allergic reaction to them. That can easily happen if you are not rotating your foods. I have seen it countless times over… a person finds out or chooses not to drink dairy milk so they start drinking almond milk, almond cream, almond flour… almond almond almond… months down the road that body can no longer take it and shows signs of an intolerance.

          That is just something to ponder over.

          As far as eating them raw or cooked… I have to say that it is an individual thing. Not just in texture or taste but in how a persons body handles them. Can you pinpoint when the problem first started and what you did differently?

          Keep in touch! amie sue


          • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (111) Becky says:

            Oh no, don’t say such things. That would be so tragic. Okay, it had occured to me that eating them so much might lead to an intolerance, but I was sort of blocking it out. Let us hope that is not the case. I don’t know what could possibly fill that hole. I could add them to nearly any meal. My husband buys them by the pallet for me.
            I think I’m eating rolled oats. I mean I used to in the states. I’ve moved to Germany so things are a little different. They aren’t chopped up, behave and taste like what I’ve eaten so I’m going to say they are rolled. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you how difficult it was for me to find those in the area where I am. Maybe I don’t know where to look yet but dang, everywhere I looked they were definately quick cook or absurdly expensive steel cut, which I would eat if they weren’t so much.
            As far as when the problem started it was when I started soaking them. I did cook them on the stovetop with that which I’d never done before. I’ve narrowed down a configuration that has sort of worked. Soaking with kombucha vinegar, rye flour and water for 24 hours and then straining as you mentioned. Then not cooking on the stovetop but a quick warm up in the microwave. Oh and spacing the timing between my kombucha drinking and eating the oats. That definately helped. I do still feel a difference but it’s less.
            Let’s say that my lifetime of overindulging in the oh so wonderful world of oats has created an intolerance. Can you suggest something sort of along the same lines but not the same to try? I’m reluctantly willing to take a break to see if it helps. Thank you, thank you. Who knows, could be a good thing.


            • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (112) amie-sue says:

              I know it hard to come to these thoughts… but it is something to really look at, specially now learning more about how much and how long you have been eating them. Another thought that came to mind is… are they organic? If not, your body is taking in all those pesticides. Another thing to consider is that if you don’t really know the source of what you are getting, they could be heavily cross contaminated with gluten which is very common with oats… that is why I make sure mine are certified organic. So as a recap:

              1. Eating too much every day of oats.
              2. Eating non-organic.
              3. Possible gluten contamination.
              4. Might have created a compromised immune and digestive system… due to all of this.

              My recommendation: Stop eating them for a while… and when you bring them back don’t eat them everyday… rotate your foods!

              Blessings,amie sue


              • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (113) Becky says:

                I think you are probably right. Since I moved here I can say that they haven’t been organic and then eating so much is probably not good on multiple levels. Too much of even a good thing is too much. I know I do better without gluten too but still do eat it occassionally. Seems it’s time to bite the bullet and seek out a few new things. Get some variety in there. Thanks for all your help.


                • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (114) amie-sue says:

                  Your welcome Becky, I hope that your tummy stays full, satisfied and happy! amie sue


                  • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (115) Becky says:

                    Just to let you know. Brought in lots of variety, no oats, feeling great. Thank you


                    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (116) amie-sue says:

                      I am so happy to hear that Becky, not that you can’t eat oats atm, but that you are feeling better. I really appreciate that you came back and shared this with me. Remember, oats don’t have to be gone forever, just give your body a break, enjoy new foods, and add them back in here and there over time. :) hugs,amie sue

  34. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (117) Um Saf says:

    New to the topic. Hi everyone!
    I have read Sally Fallon’s awesome book. I wish to know if cross contamination in grain facilities with gluten can be eliminated by this soaking in yogurt or another acidic medium.
    She basically said that if grains are soaked or soured, even those with slight gluten allergies can tolerate it.
    Please help me understand why simply coming into contact with gluten can make a product unhealthy to be consumed. As I understand from the book Brain Maker, it is the gooey nature of gluten inside the intestines which blocks any nutrients from being absorbed and so the body reacts to it.
    In other words, can other gains simply be rinsed off?
    Can someone please help me get this all.
    Thanks in advance.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (118) amie-sue says:

      Hello Um,

      Q. I wish to know if cross contamination in grain facilities with gluten can be eliminated by this soaking in yogurt or another acidic medium.
      A. I really can’t say… if there is cross contamination and a person is highly reactive to gluten, then I wouldn’t chance it all.

      Q. She basically said that if grains are soaked or soured, even those with slight gluten allergies can tolerate it.
      A. I would like to see the studies that prove this… again if a person is highly reactive to gluten or has cilac… I wouldn’t trust the process.

      Q. Please help me understand why simply coming into contact with gluten can make a product unhealthy to be consumed.
      A. More and more people are showing signs of reactions to it and I think that is basically due to the fact that people are consuming way more gluten than ever before. It is found in foods that you would never expect! Gluten issues cause a long list of symptoms in people. My husband for instance falls asleep almost instantly when in contact with it. In many people it causes inflammation, etc. The list is endless and this a HUGE topic that really can’t be summed up here.

      The soaking process doesn’t remove the gluten or make it safe for those who have reactions to it. The soaking of grains helps to reduce the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors, which can block the absorption of nutrients.

      Anyway, if this topic really interests you… I suggest reading up fully on it to really get all of your answers.

      Have a wonderful day, amie sue


      • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (119) Marry says:

        Hi, I’m a very sensitive Celiac and can’t do dairy. You might be able to tolerate certain foods, but you may be damaging the body inside so be careful. You might want to check out a site I found:


  35. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (120) katie webb says:

    hi – i soaked my oats in water/apple cider vinegar and they came out slimy and gross so I threw them away and used dry oats. my question, was slimy and gross ok? could i have rinsed them and used them?


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (121) amie-sue says:

      Hi Katie,

      I am not sure what slimy and gross means to you. When the oats soak the water will get real starchy and maybe a little slimy feeling but not much. It’s hard for me to know for sure without seeing them myself. Have a great weekend, amie sue


  36. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (122) Clairedelune says:

    So I read that there is no such thing as raw oats…the grains have to be steamed to be able to open them and call them steel cut oats? What’s your take on this? Also, raw agave has been compared to corn syrup, that it is so highly processed. Again, if you have information for both oats and agave, it would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  37. […] can tolerate gluten-free oatmeal but only use if soaked overnight before cooking in the morning, since soaking helps to break down the phytic acid for easier […]


  38. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (124) Esther marcus says:

    Hi it’s Esther I just ordered oats from mountain etc I don’t understand why I can’t get organic gluten free oats not heated


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (125) amie-sue says:

      Good morning Esther,

      I contacted and their oats are raw. This is a the email that I got from them when I inquired:

      Hello Amie.

      Thank you for your message.

      We source the highest quality organic oats available and during our processing we do not heat them above 118 degrees F.

      Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!

      BMO Customer Support”

      I have another email pending with them regarding gluten-free.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (126) amie-sue says:

      Hello Esther,

      Ok, I finally got an answer regarding the gluten free part. They weren’t answering my emails, but I didn’t give up. You asked why you can’t get organic gluten free oats that aren’t heated. I already addressed the heated part… and now I will share with you the email that I got from

      “Our company is not certified gluten-free since we do process other products that are with natural gluten in them. There is a small possibility of cross-contamination.

      We process each product in separate machines in separate parts of our facility. We thoroughly clean each machine after every production run.

      If you have more questions, please let us know.

      Thank you and have a wonderful day!

      BMO Customer Support


  39. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (127) arye says:

    Oh Ms Sue!!! lol, lol

    I am so excited because after doing the process the rolled oats tasted so much better to me. The process went just the way you said. It was worth the time. I didn’t think they were going to have a good appearance after soaking, but to my delight, they still look like rolled oats. I forgot to squeeze the water out, but I had a big sieve and let them drain very well.

    I do have a question concerning groat oats. Would you soak them before making rolled oats, or make rolled oats then soak them?


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (128) amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Arye,

      I am so glad that gave this method a try… I know it’s a step that I don’t skip, not only for taste but digestion. To be honest I haven’t rolled my own oats, but to answer your question, I would soak, dehydrate and then roll the oat groats. Do a small batch and see how it goes. Please keep me posted, I am anxious to hear. Blessings, amie sue


  40. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (129) Lynne says:

    I bought Bobs REd Mill quick oats, gluten free, and it seems I can’t find regular old fashioned oats that are gluten free. So, can I soak the quick oats? Or will that just make a pile of mush? I just bought a dehydrator so am looking forward to soaking and drying my grains now. I don’t tend to eat a lot of grains since I am gluten free, but here’s to a start!


  41. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (131) Linda-Lee says:

    I love your site ! Thank you. I have a question about Sunflower seeds that say…. soak and dehydrate and then appear to be crossed out. What does this mean?


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (132) amie-sue says:

      Good day Linda… it just means that a link broke. You still use the ingredient as instructed. Can you share with me which recipe it is like that and I can fix it? blessings, amie sue


  42. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (133) JBerry says:

    Do sunflower seeds need to be soaked with the apple cider vinegar/lemon juice to deal with phytic acid? We begin each day with a sunflower seed kefir that we make. It actually tastes quite gross, but we believe that it is good for us. For sure we get one serving of fermented food daily this way. So we each eat 1/2 Cup of sunflower seeds daily. Thank You


  43. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (135) Robin says:

    I like oatmilk. I’d prefer making it myself. I use it in my chai and sauces instead of dairy. Should I be concerned that the oats in oatmilk are not soaked?


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (136) amie-sue says:

      Good day Robin, I enjoy oat milk too. Personally, I soak my oats before making the milk to help reduce phytic acid. We all need phytic acid and get it through so many foods but if you eat a diet that is high in them (nuts, seeds, grains, etc) then you might want to soak what you can. It’s a personal preference. blessings, amie sue


  44. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (137) Nandarani says:

    Soak water has nutrients which are lost if we rinse thoroughly. The grains lose integrity and give less to us. If anything, just about, becomes too acidic and sour, adding a bit of baking soda helps, and it doesn’t increase sodium levels in the body. Baking soda does not increase sodium levels in the body. This works in soaked, and then cooked oatmeal which becomes delicious; little bubbles form as acidity is being neutralized; better to have bubbles in the cereal than in the body as the body seeks to neutralize it, causing gas.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (138) amie-sue says:

      Thanks for sharing your method Nandarani. Can you provide a source/link to studies showing that we are losing nutrients when rinsing oats after being soaked? blessings, amie sue


      • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (139) Nandarani says:

        Looking now and will report. Saw something yesterday. This only helped me and needn’t have been made by me into a suggestion for anybody else. It confirmed a prejudice already in place; that’s all. That’s what my research tends to do. . . :)


        • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (140) amie-sue says:

          No worries. :) One of the many beauties in life (when it comes to food) is to keep exploring, gaining knowledge, learning to feed ourselves based on our individual needs, and to enjoy the process! Have a great weekend! amie sue


  45. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (141) Marry says:

    I’m a very Sensitive Celiac – Haven’t been able to tolerate Dairy or Oats, which do mimic Gluten in Me. I make my own Kefir with Goats Milk though. Could I soak Raw Oats overnight (24hrs) then Ferment with Kefir (24hrs) Wondered if anyone else had done this. I weigh 110lbs and eat less than 1,000 calories (Not by Choice)I need energy. Can you help please.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (142) amie-sue says:

      Good morning Marry,

      I am familiar with celiac and kefir but I don’t have enough knowledge combing the two to instruct you. I wish you the best. blessings, amie sue


      • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (143) Marry says:

        Thank you Amie-sue, you are the first person out of quite a few emails that has actually even replied. I realise that I am far too sensitive for Oats at all. Nevermind, am looking at Buckwheat and Millet at present.
        Great Site and lovely Lady – Ignore some of those Idiots you have on your Site x x x


  46. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (145) RusK says:

    I’m curious… does freezing the oats as a means of storage, after the soaking to mimic germination in attempts to reduce phytic acid not counteract and nullify the soaking? I’ve researched and found very little info on freezing as a sufficient means, after soaking. The reason I ask is because “bulk” soaking and freezing for storage for meal prep would be more time efficient for me instead of the soaking process every night.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (146) amie-sue says:

      That’ a good question and one that I don’t have the science for in order to really give you an answer. I don’t see why freezing soaked grains would nullify the soaking efforts. It’s the soaking process step that helps to reduce the phytic acid/enzymes inhibitors, not the freezing. When using grains, nuts, and seeds in their raw state, I soak and dehydrate them for future use, I don’t soak, then freeze.

      However, if I am cooking with grains and batch cooking… I soak, cook, and freeze for future meals. It’s all about finding a rhythm that helps you stay on track with healthy eating. We just do our best. blessings, amie sue


  47. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (147) katherine says:

    Hi Amie-Sue,

    I’m wondering if you have been able to confirm that soaking raw oats for longer than 6 hours does indeed cause rancidity. I’m trying to make grains as highly digestible as possible (since I seem to have an autoimmune reaction to them when I don’t), and it seems logical that the longer the soak, the greater the digestibility. By the way, I add yogurt to my soaking oats for fermentation, and I wonder if this would eliminate the rancidity concerns. I also add some wheat flour to the mix for the phytase enzyme that it contains. Apparently oats have little to no phytase and need that enzyme from another source during the soaking process to break down the phytic acid. Thank you!


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (148) amie-sue says:

      Good morning Katherine,

      Thanks for reaching out. I don’t have any further information regarding if soaking truly RAW oats for more than 6 hours will increase rancidity. On May 1st, 2018 I sent an email to the company Montana Gluten-Free ( asking them about their RAW manufacturing processes and about the soaking process for RAW oats. Luckily, I save ALL my emails because I had to do some digging this morning.

      If your body is having a negative response (“I seem to have an autoimmune reaction to them when I don’t“) why eat them? I am not being sarcastic in any way, just wondering.

      Be safe, strong, and healthy. amie sue


  48. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (149) Kazador says:

    Most other instructions call for some kind of whole wheat flower to be added to the soaking medium to increase phytic acid reduction. Is this really nessasary??


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (150) amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Kazador,

      I have read that some people do that too but in my years of research and schooling, I was taught that you just use an acid such as lemon juice and vinegar. I know that others use wheat flour but that’s not an option for those who are celiac or have gluten intolerances. I have even seen people use buttermilk or yogurt but again, not an option for those who are vegan. It appears we have some options, which is good.

      blessings, amie sue


  49. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (151) Joanie says:

    Hi Amie Sue – I buy sprouted, gluten-free, organic rolled oats from One Degree. I am not sure if sprouted oats (or any grain) react differently in recipes. Any ideas? I am enjoying and appreciate all the extra information you provide to your virtual friends.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (152) amie-sue says:

      Good morning Joanie :)

      I hope your morning has started off wonderfully. I just got done watering plants… now for a quick break. Regarding your great question…

      Q – I am not sure if sprouted oats (or any grain) react differently in recipes. Any ideas?

      **The fact that they are sprouted won’t affect a recipe… it’s just better for digestion and absorption of nutrients. The only time we need to be mindful is if the recipe is calling for a soaked/sprouted ingredient that is used wet rather than in a dry state in a recipe. It may seem like I am about to get off topic but it all ties together.**

      When it comes to sprouting, we can purchased already sprouted ingredients (like One Degree – love that company) or we can do it ourselves. Once it is sprouted we can either use it “wet” in the recipe or we can dehydrate them so they are dry and ready to use when the time comes. Or they may need to be dry for a recipe.

      A – RAW RECIPES – They won’t react differently in a recipe unless the recipe is calling for “wet” grains such as oats. In my
      recipes, I indicate if I am using soaked (wet) grains. That extra moisture can make all the difference in how the batter turns out. Does that make
      sense? I try to soak all my grains to help reduce the phytic acid. Personally, my body requires it and if I don’t, it shows up in my cranky
      digestion. Raw recipes tend to be more forgiving, so if a person skips the soaking process, you can usually add more liquid to the recipe.
      Unsoaked grains can also have a “film” on them that can be off-putting in the flavor department, for example, raw buckwheat and oats. To me,
      soaked oats have less of a chalky flavor to them than if I were to skip that step.
      COOKED RECIPES – You should always follow whatever the recipe creator states because cooking/baking is more of a science and not as
      forgiving. I have tested some of my bread recipes with soaked and dried grains and the outcome is completely different and not so favorable.

      I hope this all makes sense. Let me know if I answered your question enough so it is clear. :) blessings, amie sue


  50. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (153) Tessa says:

    Hi Amie Sue:

    Do you think a combined air fryer / dehydrator can dehydrate as well as a normal food dehydrator? I loved the combined function as I don’t want to get 2 different appliances. Thank you!


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (154) amie-sue says:

      Hello Tessa,

      I don’t have any experience with an air fryer/dehydrator machine. My first thought and response would be no. I LOVE having a dehydrator and when I use it, I am going to make the best of the time it takes to dry foods and that means I want more space so it can hold enough food. So in my humble opinion… no. I would pass and invest in both machines. I have both and we use them both all the time. blessings, amie sue


  51. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (155) Eaglenest says:

    Hi Amie Sue,

    I roll my own oat groats with a hand roller and I have tried soaking these in the past, but because they resemble quick oats in size, they just turn to mush. You mentioned groats in the ingredients; I’m wondering if it would be as effective if I soaked and dehydrated the oat groats instead. Have you tried this and any idea how long I should soak them for. Thank you and God Bless!


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (156) amie-sue says:

      Good day Eaglenest,

      You could easily soak and dehydrate oat groats. Use the same measurements and techniques. I’ve never rolled my own oats so I can’t speak from experience on why it turned to mush. I soak ALL grains, nuts, and seeds before consuming them. I find it much easier on my digestion. I hope you are enjoying the holiday season. blessings, amie sue


      • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (157) Ella says:

        Thank you for your comment! I soak most of grains and nuts, but not rolled oats. So do you dispose the water after soaking rolled oats?
        Have a very joyful Holidays!


        • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (158) amie-sue says:

          Hello Ella,

          You know, when I soak my rolled oats they do get a bit mushy… they won’t look like they do when dry and fresh. I am so in the habit of doing that I didn’t think about how they looked. Personally, I drain and discard ALL soak water, regardless of what I just soaked. I typically pour it outside in my plant gardens. Thank you for the holiday wishes, I wish to extend to the same to you and your loved one. blessings, amie sue


  52. Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (159) Carmen Viau says:

    Thank you for your article. I do soak oats for 24 hours and then I rinse until the water is clear. I end up having a pail of water with A LOT of white starch that I don’t know what to do with. It can clog up the drain pretty quickly so, for now I throw it outside in the back of my house, but the ground is all turning white. I know it’s good for the plants, but surely not this much. Do you have any tricks on how I can discard this starch or easily separate it from the water. I would appreciate any help you can give me.


    • Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (160) amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Carmen,

      Goodness, by the sounds of it, you are getting a lot of sediment (starch). I never really seem to get that much to where I worry about where or how to dispose of it. Have you tried putting it back in a nut bag and just let it hang with a bowl under it? Perhaps the thicker starch build up in the bag and you can toss it or work it into the soil. Let me know if you have tried this… amie sue


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Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying (2024)


Should rolled oats be soaked before cooking? ›

Soaking not only softens the oats, but it also makes them more tender, quicker to cook, and easier to digest. In a side-by-side comparison, we found that unsoaked oats lacked that fluffy, creamy texture soaked oats provide. So, from here on out, we'll be soaking. Once they're soaked, it's time to cook.

How much water do I need for 2 cups of rolled oats? ›

Old-fashioned oats – Old-fashioned oats, or rolled oats, are made by steaming oat groats and rolling them into flakes. They have a short cooking time, 5 minutes, and they only require 2 cups water for every cup oats.

How do I dry rolled oats? ›

Spread the oats thinly on a parchment paper lined baking sheet and place in the oven on the lowest setting until completely dry (about 12 hours). This step can also be completed in the dehydrator, which is what I typically use. Once they're dry, the oats can be stored as normal until they are used.

How long does it take for rolled oats to soften? ›

Typically, you can soak them overnight in the refrigerator, which allows the oats to soften and absorb liquid, resulting in a creamier texture. However, if you're short on time, you can soak them for as little as 15–30 minutes at room temperature. Experiment to find the consistency you enjoy most!

Can rolled oats be eaten without soaking? ›

Soaking oats can soften their texture, make them creamier, increase their digestibility and speed up cooking time. However, soaking is not mandatory. You can enjoy oats raw or soaked, based on your preference and desired texture.

Should you soak oats in the fridge or room temperature? ›

All grains contain something called “phytic acid”—or phytates—in the outer layer or bran, and oats contain more phytates than almost any other grain. If you soak your oats overnight at room temperature (do not put them in the fridge!)

Is 2 cups of rolled oats too much? ›

There is no exact number of oatmeal servings that is considered too much for a healthy person. If you have chronic medical conditions that are affected by your diet, you may want to check with your medical provider on how much oatmeal is a good amount for you.

Is it good to eat oatmeal every day? ›

Yes, it is good to eat oatmeal every day considering its nutritional profile and health benefits, including weight control and heart-healthy effect. As a breakfast food and mid-meal snack, oatmeal is potentially a better option than the majority of foods available in the market.

How much flour does 2 cups of rolled oats make? ›

2 cups of oats will yield approximately 1 1/2 cups oat flour.

What's the difference between normal oats and rolled oats? ›

Steel-cut oats are the least processed form, whereas rolled oats, or oat flakes, undergo more processing and flattening through steel drums. The manufacturing process changes the qualities of oats and how a person can prepare and enjoy them. Although similar, the benefits and nutritional value differ slightly.

Is it OK to eat rolled oats dry? ›

Oat Safety Considerations

Raw rolled oats ground into a flour consistency can be used because the processing of rolled oats involves a steam-treating step that is generally sufficient to kill pathogenic bacteria, allowing them to be consumed raw with minimal risk to the consumer.

Can I use milk instead of water for rolled oats? ›

Below you will find instructions to cook quick cook oats, rolled oats and steel cut oats on the stovetop in a pot. To cook instant oats or quick cook oats in a pot, you won't need water. Add half cup oats to a pot and pour 1 cup milk. Bring to a rolling boil and simmer until thick yet runny.

Should I wash rolled oats before cooking? ›

it's a common practice for people to rinse oats before cooking them. Rinsing helps remove excess starch and any potential debris. Some people prefer the creamier texture that results from not rinsing, while others rinse to achieve a lighter texture. It ultimately depends on personal preference.

What is the secret to overnight oats? ›

Add Twice as Much Milk as Oats

Whether you prefer whole milk, rice milk or coconut milk, you can use it. Just make sure to add twice as much milk as oats. Note: You can also use whey, buttermilk or thinned yogurt for a tangier flavor.

Why do you soak rolled oats overnight? ›

When you soak oats, it's almost like you're cooking them without heat. Soaking helps the starches break down and reduces the natural phytic acid, which may help your body utilize the oats' nutrients much more efficiently. Overnight oats are healthier for your gut.

Should oats be raw or soaked? ›

Though raw oats are safe to eat, it's recommended to soak them in water, juice, milk, or a nondairy milk alternative to avoid some unwanted side effects. Eating dry raw oats could lead them to build up in your stomach or intestines, resulting in indigestion or constipation.

Do you rinse oats after soaking them? ›

Cover the bowl and place it in a warm area of your kitchen for 12-24 hours. Once soaking time is completed, drain oat mixture in a fine-mesh strainer and gently rinse.

Do Quaker oats need to be soaked? ›

And soaking your oats the night before you cook them can make the breakfast you consume tastier, easier to digest and more nutritious.

How do you cook rolled oats after soaking? ›

Cook the mixture on medium heat until it starts to simmer, then turn down low. The oats will be a good consistency with about 5 minutes of simmering. Stir a little but no need to stir continuously – just don't walk away and forget about them! Because they've been soaked they'll cook quickly.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.