Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (2024)

The favourite investment form of German peopleSavings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (1)

Introduction: The fear of inflation remains subconscious in German society, as there were two large inflations with a total (1923) and a very strong (1948) inflation in the previous century. Thus, especially older people choose gold and real estate as an alternative form of saving in addition to savings accounts.

With the federal bank (Bundesbank), a stable monetary policy could establish in Germany and the D-Mark became one of the strongest and most stable currencies in the world for decades.

The lax monetary policy of the European Central Bank could so far not change the mind of German people about their favourite investment product, the savings account (Sparkonto).

On this page, you will find all important details about savings accounts in Germany

3 different types of savings accounts

Savings accounts can be divided roughly into three different types:

  1. Bank book (Sparbuch) (modern: Savings card (Sparcard))
  2. Call money account (Tagesgeldkonto)
  3. Fixed deposit account (Festgeldkonto) (sometimes called time deposit (Termingeld))

Each savings account is presented in detail and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed.

1. Bank book

DThe bank book savings account is the historically oldest in Germany. Previously, the conditions were even controlled by law. This law has been repealed long ago, but some parts of it have been committed to date by banks in their bank conditions.

  • No minimum investment amount (Mindestanlagesumme) (amounts of Euros 0.01 up to several million Euros can be deposited)
  • The balance bears interest (the interest rate (Zinssatz) differs from bank to bank, but is quite low)
  • The period of notice (Kündigungsfrist) is 3 months; Euros 2,000 can be withdrawn each month without cancelling the bank book.
  • Free account management (Kontoführung)

Almost every bank opens savings accounts for German as well as for foreign customers.

Savings Card (Sparcard) – the modern form of the bank book

As the bank book was not as interesting after the introduction of the call money accounts (next introduction) at the end of the 1990s, and many consumers switched from the bank book of a local bank to a call money account of an Internet bank with higher interest rates, some banks continued to develop the bank book into a savings card (Sparcard).

Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (2)

The Deutsche Bank does not provide the best offer; however, it knows how to make good ads.

Instead of a small booklet, as it was common in the bank book, one now has a savings card in bank card format. With this card, one can withdraw cash at the ATM, but cannot pay directly in stores.

Some banks even offer abroad cash withdrawals free of charge.

Advantages and disadvantages of bank books / savings cards

  • free account management
  • at the savings card: free cash supply, sometimes even abroad
  • low interest
  • period of notice at amounts of more than Euros 2,000

2. Call Money Account

The call money account is a further development of the bank book. Call money accounts are managed primarily online. There is neither a booklet nor card for this account.

The depositing is made via bank transfer (Überweisung) from a current account (most banks do not care who the owner of the money-sending current account is). Refunds are only performed to the current account of the holder of the call money account that was consigned at the call money bank. This current account is called the reference account (Referenzkonto).

General conditions of call money accounts

  • No minimum investment amount (amounts from Euros 0.01 up to several million Euros can be deposited)
  • Balance usually bear more interest than at the bank book
  • No period of notice (you can transfer your money any day in the full amount to your reference account)
  • Free account management

Not every bank in Germany offers call money accounts. Call money accounts are primarily found at online banks, with the differences in the applied interest rate and the frequency of interest credits (daily, monthly, quarterly or annually).

One can find quite a lot of foreign banks in Germany that offer call money accounts, often with higher interest rates than German banks. These foreign banks came to Germany to gather savings deposits (customer deposits). Germany is a nation of savers!

Advantages and disadvantages of call money accounts

  • free account management
  • daily availability
  • fair interest
  • interest rate may change at any time

See the call money account comparison

Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (3)

Call money accounts are managed through online banking by the customer himself. However, the payments can only be made to the own current account or transfers within the bank network (other call money account, fixed deposit account).

3. Fixed Deposit Account

The fixed deposit account differs from the savings account in the availability and the minimum investment amount. In the fixed deposit account, one concludes a contract with the bank, which specifies how long the money stays in the bank and the interest rate you get. That is why banks often call it time deposit.

For example, one concludes a fixed deposit contract with the bank in the amount of Euros 5,000 with a term (Laufzeit) (= duration of the investment) of 2 years and receives an annual interest payment of Euros 100. That would be an interest rate of two percent.

Terms from one month until ten years are possible in Germany. However, most contracts are concluded from one to five years. During the term, one cannot access the money. In return, the interest rate is usually higher than at the call money account, because you waive on the daily availability.

It especially makes sense to set up a fixed deposit account, when one fears a future lower interest rate level and does not need the money temporarily. The agreed interest rate upon contract conclusion stays the same at the fixed deposit account. At the call money account, the interest rate changes depending on the market conditions.

Pay attention to the expiration date of the fixed deposit account

Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (4)

Advice for the Fixed-Deposit: mark the end of the term in your calendar.

Some banks set the fixed deposit account – in the above mentioned example, after two years – automatically again to two years after the contract expiration, if you do not cancel.

This is done at the currently applicable interest rate. This can be better or worse than today. Other banks transfer the money back or “park” it in a daily available call money account.

At best, you write down the expiration date of a fixed deposit account in a long-term calendar and ask your bank on what happens afterwards.

If the bank conditions intend an automatic reinvestment (Wiederanlage), then write one day after the account opening a notice of cancellation (Kündigung) for the expiration date. This way, the bank can not invest again!

Advantages and disadvantage of a fixed deposit / term deposit account

  • free account management
  • interest rate is fixed during the whole term
  • fair interest
  • one obtains access to the money only after the contract expiration

See fixed deposit account offers in comparison

Frequently asked questions about savings accounts

  • Safety of the money
  • Taxes
  • Foreign direct banks
  • Savings account for companies

a) Safety of savings accounts

The money in savings accounts is a completely secure investment. By law, the accounts are secured with Euros 100,000 per account and per person (= Euros 200,000 at a joint account (Gemeinschaftskonto) with two account holders). This is the minimum security amount that the European Union has established.

The account balance is more secure in Germany than in most other EU-countries

Additionally, most German banks have joined private or public deposit insurers. This way, account balances are secured up to millions (private sector, e.g. Comdirect Bank) or up to an unlimited amount (public sector, e.g. DKB).

Even if the Euro zone should break apart, the money would still be in good hands with a German bank, because one can assume that because of the economic strength, Germany will have a stronger new currency than countries in southern Europe.

The only thing saving accounts are not protected of, is inflation.

b) Taxation of savings accounts

In Germany, interest income earned on savings accounts is subject to taxation (not the account balance, only the interest!).

The tax is called “settlement tax(Abgeltungssteuer) and is composed of 25% standard income tax (Einkommenssteuer) plus 1.375% solidarity tax contribution (Solidaritätszuschlag) (because of the German Unity of 1990) and members of the Catholic or Protestant church depending on the federal state respectively 1.9608% or 2.1996%. Altogether, this is 26.4 to 28.5% taxes.

That means that of Euros 100 interest without church membership, about Euros 26.40 are paid to the state and you keep Euros 73.60.

Tax exemption (Steuer­freibetrag)

The German tax law is supposed to be the most extensive of the whole world … therefore, also tax exemptions for interest exist. The main exception is called “tax exemption”.

Any person can use this tax exemption. It is currently (as of 2015) at Euros 801. This means: the first Euros 801 of interest is tax free.

In order to use this tax exemption, one must consign an “exemption order(Frei­stellungs­auftrag) at the bank. For details on this, please contact your bank.

Once everything is set up correctly, the tax for the customer is very simple, because the bank calculates everything. As a customer, you receive all interest up to Euros 801 (or at several banks up to the amount that you have consigned in the exemption order) tax-exempt credited to your account.

If your interest is more, then the bank transfers the tax for you directly to the tax office (Finanzamt). You do not have to worry about it.

In both cases at the beginning of each year, you will receive a tax certificate (Steuer­bescheinigung) from your bank from the past year, in which all the required information is stated. This is included as an attachment to the annual income tax return (Einkommens­steuer­erklärung).

Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (5)

Typical tax certificate of a bank for capital gains (interest)

Non-resident tax payers in Germany

If you are not subject to tax in German, because you are taxable in another country, then all interest income is tax free. For this, your status as a non-resident taxpayer (Steuer­ausländer) must be consigned at the bank; otherwise the tax will be deducted automatically.

Here you can find more Details about non-resident taxpayers in German language.

c) Foreign directs banks in Germany

Foreign direct banks often offer higher interest rates than German banks, as they have come to Germany to gather money. The classic aspect of these banks is that they only offer savings accounts, but no other banking services.

The deposit insurance is often in another EU-country.

As one focuses on winning customers in Germany, these banks do usually not accept customers residing abroad. In part, the problem is that the software of the bank can not make a distinction between resident taxpayers and non-resident taxpayers.

Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (6)

The Rabobank from the Netherlands, for example, is one of those foreign direct banks that gathered billions in German… however, only accepts customers with their place of residence in Germany (resident taxpayers).

d) Savings accounts for companies

Of course, savings accounts can also be opened in the name of a company. Unfortunately, the offer and the interest rate are not as good as for private persons. Additionally, in Germany there are pure retail banks that do not open company accounts.

Moreover, it is a pity that the banks of companies usually want to see a German address and, if applicable, a registration in the commercial register.

However, I will be happy to investigate other banks, at the request of abroad companies that want to invest money in Germany.

Account opening in Germany

Opening a savings account in Germany is relatively easy, as you provide money for the bank and not vice versa. Thus, no creditworthiness check of the customer applies.

You simply visit the branch office of a bank with your ID card or passport and open a savings account. If you value a good – or the best – interest rate, I recommend you to compare the interest rates in advance.

  • Call money comparison
  • Fixed deposit comparison

All accounts of the two comparisons can be applied for online, if you have an address in Germany.

It could be a strategy to first open a savings account at a good bank and later open a current account too, in order to obtain a better rating in the creditworthiness check. I describe this strategy in detail in this article.


Opening a savings account in Germany is easy. It can take place in a branch office or online. A legal requirement is the identification of the person.

Savings accounts differ substantially in the term of the investment:

  • with a 3 months’ notice from Euros 2,000 (bank book, savings card)
  • daily availability (call money)
  • availability at the end of the agreed term (fixed deposit)

The interest income from savings accounts is taxed generally. Exception: tax exemption or non-resident taxpayers.

It is a good idea to have a savings account in Germany!

Introduction to further bank products in Germany:

  • Current accounts
  • Credit cards
  • Car loan

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49 Responses to “Savings Accounts in Germany”

  1. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (7)Maryna says:

    February 28, 2015 at 6:18 pm


    I have Italian nationality but I don’t have bank account in Italy. I’m working in Kuwait and I have bank account in Kuwait. I would like to open an account in German bank to transfer monthly my salary and save it. Would you advise me if I can do this.

    Thanks and Regards


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (8)Redaktion says:

      March 1, 2015 at 3:41 pm

      Fine. That is an interesting issue / challenge! We will make practicable advice and will post it here in the next days.


      • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (9)Tanja says:

        March 10, 2015 at 7:33 pm

        Today we publish the article with the answer to your question. I hope that helps.


  2. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (10)glenn says:

    May 31, 2015 at 6:46 am

    I am in Australia and will be travelling to Europe, I have at Deutsche Bank Sparbuch since 1986. To withdraw money from this account away from Germany I need a bankcard, access or sparcard? Can I get that?




  3. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (12)Richard Mahema says:

    August 25, 2015 at 12:22 pm

    Dear Tanja

    I am interested in opening a bank account (savings or current) in Germany which I can use to trade shares in international stock exchanges. I am a South African citizen living in South Africa.

    Can you please advise me if I can be permited to open an account, and if so, how much do I need as a minimum to open such an account


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (13)Tanja says:

      August 25, 2015 at 6:29 pm

      Savings accounts are described in detail on this page. Securities account or traders accounts not yet, so currently, we cannot provide you with any recommendation.


  4. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (14)Alex says:

    September 1, 2015 at 11:36 am

    Dear Tanja

    I am interested in opening a bank account at Commerzbank I am a polish citizen living in Russia,

    What is the size of bank fees when I withdraw money from ATM abroad using debit bank card?


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (15)Tanja says:

      September 2, 2015 at 6:51 pm

      Sorry, I cannot support the Commerzbank, as I am not a customer of this bank and it is not one of the banks we observe. Please contact the bank directly.


  5. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (16)Jonamari says:

    September 15, 2015 at 5:06 am

    Can you please send me the link in opening the account online? I am applying for a student visa and opening an account is one of the requirements of the embassy however I cannot find the link to change the language from german to english. Thank you for your assistance


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (17)Tanja says:

      September 15, 2015 at 5:54 am

      Sorry, blocked accounts are not the topic of this webportal.


  6. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (18)Liam Stepney says:

    May 9, 2016 at 11:45 am

    Can I open an account in other currencies such as the US$ or the UK Pound?


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (19)Editorial Team says:

      May 13, 2016 at 6:55 pm

      Sorry, but savings accounts in other currencies are outside the purview of our web portal, so we don’t have any particular knowledge in this area. We do have an article though, that deals with the subject:


  7. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (20)saleh says:

    September 9, 2016 at 8:54 am

    Thanks you for the useful information, I was wondering if there are limitations on who can open bank accounts in Germany. Students on temporary visas for example? Tourists? Etc.


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (21)Susanne (editorial staff) says:

      September 9, 2016 at 6:18 pm

      This is handled differently by the different German banks. The best would be if you asked the bank you’d prefer directly. Good luck!


  8. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (22)Maria Jimena Vargas says:

    March 7, 2017 at 7:46 am

    HI, I opened an aaoc*nt with DB in germany and I receive a Konto card and spare card. I also see that in my online banking. Is my Sparecard a saving account? Can I transfer money from my Konto account to this spare account and keep it as savings or Do i have to open another saving account? Thanks for your reply.


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (23)Gregor says:

      March 7, 2017 at 9:53 am

      The “Sparcard” is a saving account. Contact your bank for using details, we can only support “our” banks, because have no bank account at Deutsche Bank (any more).


  9. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (24)Mark says:

    March 30, 2017 at 5:24 am

    Good day,

    Would you be so kind to confirm? As I get this, if you put a 1000 EUR on my savings account and I get a 100 EUR from my savings, only 100 EUR will be taxed ?

    Best regards Mark


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (25)Editorial Team says:

      April 1, 2017 at 8:25 pm

      Hey, hey! In Germany, only the interest gained from a savings account is taxed – but not the deposits and withdrawals.


      • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (26)Mark says:

        April 1, 2017 at 10:08 pm

        Thank you very much. Could you be also kind to tell me is there any insurance on your sum of savings or insurance for money in case if something happens?


  10. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (28)Mark says:

    April 6, 2017 at 10:46 am

    Also would you be so kind to tell about the sum over Eur 100.000 is that also guaranteed?


  11. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (29)Kumar says:

    August 4, 2017 at 5:53 pm

    Good day, I would like to know whether i can use savings account to receive monthly salary. Moved to Germany couple of months ago as jobseeker, relocated within Germany as i landed job in diff city, still dont have local address in new city. Local registration i have is from old city couple of months ago. Banks are not accepting it.


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (30)Editorial Team says:

      August 11, 2017 at 1:03 am

      Yes, receiving the salary on a savings account is possible. These accounts are called “Tagesgeldkonto” or “Sparbuch” in German. There are also savings called “Festgeld”, where it is not possible.


  12. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (31)Farah says:

    August 16, 2017 at 12:51 pm


    Just have a question to clear any doubts if you don’t mind advising me as I find the banking system in Germany very confusing.

    I am a Malaysian moving to Germany as my husband lives there.

    My question is, as I surely will have to open a savings account, will my monies be deducted eventhough I’m not earning? Example if I have €10,000 in my savings account, will any sums be deducted?

    Thank you in advance. Your answer is much appreciated!


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (32)Editorial Team says:

      August 19, 2017 at 10:57 pm


      We cannot quite follow your thoughts/concerns – maybe the banks in Asia actually do work differently from those in Europe. Anyway, each bank has their own Terms & Conditions. Once you have selected a bank, you can find these at the “Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis”, so you can be on the safe side.


  13. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (33)Joy says:

    August 30, 2017 at 3:56 pm

    I am thinking about buying a Bed and Breakfast in Germany. I want to open a bank account (interest gaining) to put money in to be used when I get there in 2019. What do you recommend as my course of action. I am in the United States and will be sending money to Germany to save and hold for business purchases in Germany.


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (34)Editorial Team says:

      September 6, 2017 at 1:28 am

      The interest is much too low to make money off it – regardless of which German bank. Our central bank currently has a key interest rate of -0.4%. Please note the minus in front of the number!

      It would be best of you opened a (savings) account at a bank, that opens an account for you as a US American and which you can manage comfortably.


      • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (35)Joy Ziegler says:

        September 6, 2017 at 3:12 pm

        Which German banks will open a savings account for an American that will be moving to Germany and applying for citizenship in Germany?


        • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (36)Editorial Team says:

          September 14, 2017 at 12:58 am

          There are many banks that open savings accounts for foreign citizens, though only after they have an address (residence) in Germany.


  14. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (37)Felix says:

    January 12, 2018 at 11:03 pm

    Please I wanted to ask what Bank account is good for beginners investors in Germany?


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (38)Gregor says:

      January 13, 2018 at 8:31 am

      Comdirect Depot ►


  15. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (39)Car says:

    May 12, 2018 at 1:58 pm

    Hi Tanja,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this article. Very helpul.

    Question, is there a tax treaty between Canada and Germany in regards to investments: Savings, capital gains, dividends?

    Also, do you know any accountant that is familiar with cross border taxes between: Canada and Germany.



    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (40)Editorial Team says:

      May 15, 2018 at 4:18 am

      Hi Car,

      Yes, there is a double taxation agreement, but we do not yet have a specialized expert re. that on our team. You might want to google CPA “Andreas Hintz”, who is open to such topics.


  16. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (41)urweiss says:

    July 30, 2018 at 1:22 pm


    What options are there for a USD savings account?
    I have some USD in a foreign bank and would want to bring them in Germany (as I currently live here) but my current bank (DB) only offers a USD checking account that costs 12 EUR/month….



    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (42)Editorial Team says:

      August 3, 2018 at 7:24 am

      The article is already a bit older, but it might help:


  17. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (43)Diana says:

    October 4, 2018 at 10:20 am

    Dear Tanya,

    Thank you for a very informative article. I have a question regarding fixed deposits: What is the penalty for early withdrawals and to what extent does the German law protect a customer who wants to terminate a long fixed deposit?

    Thank you very much!

    Best wishes,


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (44)Gregor says:

      October 8, 2018 at 6:16 am

      Usually you cannot access the money before the end of a time deposit. One has concluded a contract, after all!

      There are no general rules for early termination for all banks. Some banks have their own rules. For example, that you have to forego the interest of the current period. There are also banks that are more accommodating. That is all individual. Just talk to your bank “smartly” if you want to access your money before the due date.


  18. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (45)Jos says:

    January 2, 2019 at 9:06 am

    Hi Tanja,

    I have a DKB account and I am not a resident in Germany. In the article you say “In Germany, interest income earned on savings accounts is subject to taxation (not the account balance, only the interest!).” Does that mean that it does not matter the amount, I won’t pay taxes for my savings?

    Thanks a lot


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (46)Gregor says:

      January 12, 2019 at 7:34 am

      1) If you do not live in Germany and are not taxable in Germany, you can be exempted from the automatic tax deduction. Please clarify this with the bank directly.

      2) If you have money only in the checking account, you do not need to worry: There is no interest there and therefore there is nothing to tax.

      3) If you have a balance on the Visa Card, you will receive 0.2 percent interest. It is probably not noticeable at all when taxes are deducted. The inflation rate is much higher!


  19. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (47)Arif says:

    April 16, 2019 at 10:37 pm

    Currently I am Germany. If I invest in 30000 euros, for 3 years or 5 years, how much money will I get each month. I can not allow permission to stay in Germany. Please let me know


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (48)Gregor says:

      April 28, 2019 at 4:06 am

      This is an editorial web portal, but not an investment consultancy. Best of luck for finding a good consultant.


  20. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (49)Moon says:

    April 28, 2019 at 2:54 pm

    What can be maximum interest percentage I can get if I am on study visa? I just want to have an idea of expected income by saving account.
    The amount should be ready to be withdrawn if I need.
    Thanks in advance.


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (50)Gregor says:

      May 2, 2019 at 2:39 am

      This is currently completely uninteresting in the Euro zone, since for years the central bank has been lending money to 0 percent. People in Germany currently make easier income by renting out apartments or getting dividends on stock shares.


  21. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (51)Ankit says:

    August 27, 2019 at 1:14 pm

    Very nice article!

    Would you know if the same tax law applies to a German resident who would have invested in Bank fixed Deposits in India? Same Tax Rate and Tax exemption?


    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (52)Gregor says:

      September 5, 2019 at 6:31 am

      The allowances and the tax rate are the same for a taxpayer in Germany – regardless from which country he receives the interest. In the income tax declaration, however, the fields are different ones (investment income from Germany / abroad).


  22. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (53)Blue Tomato says:

    October 17, 2020 at 6:24 am

    hi which bank in EU gives best interest rate ?


  23. Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (54)Anca D says:

    September 6, 2021 at 3:44 pm


    I was wondering if you can advise on my below issue.

    I left Germany at the end of 2020 where I had 3 bank accounts with Unicredit Hypovereinsback (2 saving accounts and 1 Girokonto). I asked to close all 3 of them a few weeks ago and they said they will send me 3 closure forms by email. Since I didn’t receive anything for about a week, I followed up and then they sent me only one cancellation form for my Girokonto.

    When I asked where are the forms for closing the saving accounts, they said the accounts have zero balance (which I was aware of) without further addressing my question.

    I signed and sent back the form to close my Girokonto, asking again when they’re going to close those 2 saving accounts. Another few days passed without an answer, so I followed up again.

    This morning I got a reply, saying that in order to close those 2 empty accounts they want me to send them “den letzten SB Sparauszug im Original”.

    Apart from not telling me this from the get go and their poor customer service, which is terribly annoying, how can I actually close these accounts? I never had a Sparbuch so I’m not sure exactly what they’re asking for. Plus don’t they have all the evidence/information they need in their database?

    Is there any other way to close a saving account stress-free, while no longer living in Germany?

    Any feedback will be much appreciated.



    • Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (55)Richard Banks says:

      September 9, 2021 at 6:53 am

      Yes, you don’t need a form to cancel one or more bank accounts. A very simple “three-liner” is enough. For example, in German:

      Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, hiermit kündige ich alle meine Konten in ihrem Haus. Mögliches Restguthaben überweisen Sie bitte auf meine neue Bankverbindung, IBAN ____. Bitte bestätigen Sie mir die Auflösung der Konten schriftlich. Vielen Dank und freundliche Grüße.

      Simply print it out, fill in the IBAN, sign it and send the original to the bank by letter.


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Savings Accounts in Germany | Opening + Interest + Taxes (2024)


Do German banks pay interest for savings accounts? ›

German savings accounts are investments with no fixed term that are usually based on a variable interest rate.

How much tax do I pay on a savings account in Germany? ›

Tax on savings and investments

Savings and investments are subject to tax in Germany. Income from dividends and interest are taxed at a flat rate of 25%, plus a 5.5% solidarity surcharge. In total, this comes to 26.5%.

Do I have to pay taxes if I open a savings account? ›

How Are Savings Accounts Taxed? The IRS treats interest earned on a savings account as earned income, meaning it can be taxed. So, if you received $125 in interest on a high-yield savings account in 2023, you're required to pay taxes on that interest when you file your federal tax return for the 2023 tax year.

How much tax do I pay on savings account interest? ›

How Much Is Tax for Savings Accounts?
Tax RateFor Single FilersFor Heads of Households
10%$0 to $11,000$0 to $15,700
12%$11,000 to $44,725$15,700 to $59,850
22%$44,725 to $95,375$59,850 to $95,350
24%$95,375 to $182,100$95,350 to $182,100
3 more rows
Nov 7, 2023

Does Germany have a high yield savings account? ›

TF Bank Tagesgeldkonto (3.8%) – Best savings account in Germany. Highest interest rate, compound interest from monthly payments and banking app in English. Consorsbank Tagesgeldkonto (3.5%) – Also a great savings account. Extension possible to 12 months.

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Deutsche Bank Savings Account Interest Rate

Deutsche Bank offers an interest rate of 3% per annum on savings account.

How is interest income taxed in Germany? ›

The maximum tax rate is 45%. If you have income from investments from your bank in Germany, e.g. if you receive interest, taxes will also be charged on it. These are withheld directly by the bank and are paid to the Tax Office by way of the withholding tax. A uniform tax rate of 25% applies to the withholding tax.

What income is not taxable in Germany? ›

How high is the basic tax-free allowance?
Tax yearSinglesMarried couples
2021€9,744 €€19,488
1 more row
Mar 21, 2023

Are taxes higher in Germany or the USA? ›

Tax rate in Germany compared to the US. The tax rates in Germany are generally higher than those in the US. For example, the top marginal income tax rate in Germany is 45%, compared to 37% in the US. However, there are a number of deductions and credits available in Germany that can reduce the overall tax burden.

How do I avoid paying taxes on savings interest? ›

Certain types of accounts, such as traditional and Roth individual retirement accounts (IRAs), allow the interest on savings to accrue tax-deferred. You don't have to report the earnings on the account as taxable income from year to year. The taxes are deferred until after you retire.

Does the IRS check your savings account? ›

The Short Answer: Yes. Share: The IRS probably already knows about many of your financial accounts, and the IRS can get information on how much is there. But, in reality, the IRS rarely digs deeper into your bank and financial accounts unless you're being audited or the IRS is collecting back taxes from you.

What if I have more than $1500 in taxable interest income? ›

Most taxpayers need to file Schedule B when they receive $1,500 or more in interest or dividend income during the year.

Do you get taxed for a high-yield savings account? ›

All of your high-yield savings account interest is taxable. Your financial institution will send you a Form 1099-INT once you earn more than $10 in interest.

What interest income is not taxable? ›

Interest earned on certain U.S. savings bonds, such as Series EE and Series I bonds, is exempt from state and local income taxes. Government bonds such as Series HH bonds and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) may also be tax-exempt. Interest earned on 529 plans is usually exempt from federal taxes.

How much money can you have in your bank account without being taxed? ›

There is no specific limit or threshold that would cause the IRS to tax it. That being said, ant cash deposits of $10,000 or more would be reported by the bank in a Currency Transaction Report (CTR) to FinCEN, an arm of the Treasury Department.

Which bank has the best interest rate in Germany? ›

TOP German Savings Accounts
Savings Account – Openbank3.90%* p.a.Open Account
Savings Account – TF Bank3.80%* p.a.Open Account
Savings Account – comdirect3.75%* p.a.Open Account
Savings Account – Barclays3.60%* p.a.Open Account
11 more rows

What is the average savings rate in Germany? ›

Household Saving Rate in Germany remained unchanged at 11.40 percent in the fourth quarter of 2023 from 11.40 percent in the third quarter of 2023.

Does Germany have interest rates? ›

Basic Info. Germany Long Term Interest Rate is at 2.35%, compared to 2.33% last month and 2.38% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 3.09%.

What country has the best interest rates on savings accounts? ›

Countries with the highest savings rates
  • Switzerland: 19.3% savings rate.
  • Sweden: 13.3% savings rate.
  • Netherlands: 12.3% savings rate.
  • Luxembourg: 11.6% savings rate.
  • France: 11.2% savings rate.
Feb 7, 2024

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