Scalping: How Small, Quick Profits Can Add Up (2024)

What Is Scalping in Trading?

Scalping is a trading style that specializes in profiting off small price changes and making a fast profit off reselling. Scalping is a term used in day trading for a strategy to prioritize making high volumes off small profits.

Scalping requires a trader to have a strict exit strategy because one large loss could eliminate the many small gainsthe trader worked to obtain. This strategy must have the right tools to succeed, such as a live feed, a direct-access broker, and the stamina to place many trades.

Key Takeaways

  • Scalping is a trading style that specializes in profiting off small price changes and making a fast profit off reselling.
  • Scalping requires a trader to have a strict exit strategy because one large loss could eliminate the many small gainsthe trader worked to obtain.
  • The right tools are required for this strategy to succeed, including a live feed, a direct-access broker, and the stamina to place many trades.
  • A successful stock scalper will have a much higher ratio of winning trades versus losing ones while keeping profits roughly equal to or slightly larger than losses.
  • A pure scalper will make a good number of trades each day, perhaps in the hundreds.

How Stock Scalping Works

Scalping is based on the assumption that most stocks will complete the first stage of a movement but where it goes from there is uncertain. Some stocks cease to advance after that initial stage. Others will continue advancing.

A discounter intends to take as many small profits as possible. This is the opposite of the “let your profits run” mindset that attempts to optimize positive trading results by increasing the size of winning trades. This strategy achieves results by increasing the number of winners and sacrificing the size of the wins.

It’s not uncommon for a trader with a longer time frame to achieve positive results by winning only half or even less of their trades. It’s just that the wins are much bigger than the losses. A successful stock scalper will have a much higher ratio of winning trades vs. losing ones while keeping profits roughly equal to or slightly bigger than losses.

The main premises of scalping are:

  • Lessened exposure limits risk:A brief exposure to the market diminishes the probability of running into an adverse event.
  • Smaller moves are easier to obtain:A bigger imbalance of supply and demand is necessary to warrant bigger price changes. It's easier for a stock to make a $0.01 move than it is for it to make a $1 move.
  • Smaller moves are more frequent than larger ones:A scalper can exploit many small movements even during relatively quiet markets.

Scalping can be adopted as a primary or supplementary style of trading.

Spreads in Scalping vs. Normal Trading Strategy

Scalpers want to profit off the changes in a security’s bid-ask spread when they trade. That’s the difference between the price for which a broker will buy a security from a scalper (the bid price) and the price the broker will sell it to the scalper (the ask price). The scalper is looking for a narrower spread.

Trading is fairly consistent in normal circ*mstances and can allow for steady profits because the spread between the bid and the ask is also steady. Supply and demand for securities are balanced.

Scalping As a Primary Trading Style

A pure scalper will make several trades each day, perhaps in the hundreds. A scalper will mostly use tick or one-minute charts because the time frame is small and they have to see the setups as they take shape as close to real time as possible.

Supporting systems such as direct access trading (DAT) andLevel 2quotationsare essentialfor this type of trading. Automatic, instant execution of orders is crucial to a scalper so a direct-access broker is the preferred method.

Scalping As a Supplementary Trading Style

Traders withlongertime frames can use scalping as a supplementary approach. The most obvious way is to use it when the market is choppy or locked in a narrow range. Going to a shorter time frame can reveal visible and exploitable trends when there are no trends in a longer time frame. This can lead a trader to pursue a scalp.

Another way to add scalping to longer time-frame trades is through the “umbrella” concept. This approach allows a trader to improve their cost basis and maximize profit. Umbrella trades are accomplished like this:

  • A trader initiates a position for a longer time frame trade.
  • A trader identifies new setups in a shorter time frame in the direction of the main trade while the main trade develops, entering and exiting them by the principles of scalping.

Any trading system can be used for scalping based on particular setups. Scalping can be seen as a kind of risk management method in this regard. Any trade can be turned into a scalp by taking a profit near the 1:1 risk/reward ratio. The size of the profit taken equals the size of a stop dictated by the setup.

A 1:1 risk/reward ratio will be reached at $20.10 if a trader enters their position for a scalp trade at $20 with an initial stop at $19.90 so the risk is $0.10.

Scalp trades can be executed on both long and short sides. They can be done on breakouts or in range-bound trading. Many traditional chart formations such as cups and handles or triangles can be used for scalping. The same can be said about technical indicators if a trader bases decisions on them.

Scalping Strategies

The first type of scalping is referred to as “market making.” A scalper tries to capitalize on the spread by simultaneously posting a bid and an offer for a specific stock.

This strategy can succeed only on mostly immobile stocks that trade big volumes without any real price changes. It's immensely difficult to do successfully because a trader must compete with market makers for the shares on both bids and offers. The profit is so small that any stock movement against the trader’s position warrants a loss exceeding their original profit target.

The other two styles are based on a more traditional approach. They require a moving stock where prices change rapidly. These two styles also require a sound strategy and method of reading the movement.

The second type of scalping is done by purchasing a large number of shares that are sold for a gain on a very small price movement. A trader of this style will enter into positions for several thousand shares and wait for a small move that's usually measured in cents. Such an approach requires highly liquid stock to allow for easily entering and exiting 3,000 to 10,000 shares.

The third type of scalping is considered to be closer to the traditional methods of trading. A trader enters a specific amount of shares on any setup or signal from their system and closes the position as soon as the first exit signal is generated near the 1:1 risk/reward ratio.

Tips forNovice Scalpers

The number of people trying their hands atday tradingand other strategies, including scalping, has increased with low barriers to entry in the trading world. Newcomers to scalping should make sure that the trading style suits their personality because it requires a disciplined approach. Traders have to be able to make quick decisions, spot opportunities,and constantly monitor the screen. Those who are impatient and feel gratified by picking smallsuccessful trades are perfect for scalping.

Scalping isn't the best trading strategy for rookies. It involves fast decision making, constant monitoring of positions,and frequent turnover. But there are a few tips that can help novice scalpers.

Order Execution

A novice should master the art of efficient orderexecution. A delayed or bad order can wipe out what little profit was earned and even result in a loss. The profit margin per trade is limited so the order execution has to be accurate. This requires supporting systems such as direct access trading and Level 2 quotations.

Frequency and Costs

A novice scalper must make sure to keepcosts in mind when making trades. Scalping involves numerous trades, as many as hundreds during a trading session. Frequent buying and selling are bound to be costly in terms of commissions and this can shrink the profit.

This makes it crucial to choose the rightonline broker. Thebrokershould provide not only requisite like direct access to markets but also competitive commissions. And not all brokers allow scalping.


Spotting the trend andmomentumcomes in handy for a scalper who can enter and exit briefly to repeat a pattern. A novice should understand the market pulse. Trend trading and momentum trading can help achieve more profitable trades when the scalper has identified that.

Another strategy used by scalpers isa countertrend but beginners should avoid using this strategy and stick to trading with thetrend.

Trading Sides

Beginners are usually more comfortable trading on the buy (long) side and should stick to it before they gain sufficient confidence and expertise to handle the sell (short) side. However, scalpers must eventually balance long and short trades for the best results.

Technical Analysis

Novices should equip themselves with the basics oftechnical analysisto combat increasing competition in the intraday world. This is especially relevant in 2024 markets that are dominated byhigh-frequency trading (HFT). The majority of trades takeplace away from the exchanges indark poolsthat don’t report in real time.

Scalpers can no longer rely solely on real-time, market depth analysis to get the signals they need to book multiple small profits in a typical trading day so it’s recommended that they use technical indicators that are intended for very small time frames. Three technical indicators are ideal for short-term opportunities:

  • Moving average ribbon entry strategy
  • Relative strength/weakness exit strategy
  • Multiple chart scalping.

Multiple chart scalping is one technical indicator that's appropriate for a scalping trading strategy. Create a 15-minute chart without any indicators that you can use to keep track of any background conditions that could impact your intraday performance.

Add three lines: one for the opening print and two for the high and low of thetrading rangethat's set up in the first 45 to 90 minutes of the session.

Watch for price action at these levels. They'll also set up larger-scale, two-minute buy or sell signals. Your greatest profits during the trading day will come when scalps align with support and resistance levels on the 15-minute, 60-minute, ordaily charts.


Scalping requires frequent entry and exit decisionswithin a short time frame. Such a strategy can only be successfully implemented when orders can be filled and this depends on liquiditylevels. High-volumetrades offer much-needed liquidity.


It's generally best to close all positions during a day’s trading session and not carry them over to the next day. Scalping is based on small opportunities that exist in the market and a scalper shouldn't deviate from the basic principle of holding a position for a short time.

Pros and Cons of Stock Scalping


One of the biggest advantages of scalping is that it can be very profitable if a trader can implement a strict exit strategy. Scalpers can leverage small changes in the price of a stock that may not necessarily reflect the overall trend of the commodity’s price for the day.

Scalpers also don't have to follow fundamentals because they don’t play a significant role when dealing with only a very short time frame. Traders don’t have to know that much about the stock for this reason.

Another major advantage of this strategy is that there's very little market risk involved. It's designed to limit the losses from any single stock by making tight leverage and stop-loss points.

Scalping is also a nondirectional strategy so the markets don’t have to be moving in a certain direction to take advantage of it. Scalping works when markets are moving up and down.

Finally, many scalping strategies are easily automated within the trading system that's being used because they're usually based on a series of technical criteria.


There are also some drawbacks to using scalping as a trading strategy.

Scalping involves a maximum number of trades compared to other strategies. Opening a large number of trades comes with higher transaction costs because you're paying a commission on every one of them.

You have to take advantage of high amounts of trades to generate enough profit. The risk of just generating small profits isn't worth it for some traders. Some scalpers make dozens or hundreds of trades a day and this strategy can be very time-consuming and require high levels of concentration.

Pros of Stock Scalping

  • Can be very profitable if it's executed precisely and with a strict exit strategy

  • Provides many opportunities to leverage small changes in the price of a stock

  • You don't have to follow basic fundamentals

  • Very little market risk is involved

  • It's a non-directional strategy that can be used if the market is going up or down

  • Can easily be automated within the trading system that's being used

Cons of Stock Scalping

  • High transaction costs for participants

  • Requires greater leverage to make a profit

  • Can be a time-consuming strategy that requires high levels of concentration

  • You'll have to make dozens or hundreds of trades per day to see a profit

Is Stock Scalping Illegal?

Stock scalping is a legal trading strategy that's used by both retail and institutional investors. It can also be used fraudulently, however, as has been noted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), such as when a market participant recommends a stock to cause the price to spike and then sells it at the inflated price to generate profits.

Can You Make Money Scalping Stocks?

Yes, you can make money scalping stocks. Scalping sacrifices the size of winning trades but it massively increases the ratio of winning trades to losing ones. Some traders prefer different strategies that allow them to partake in bigger wins, however.

Traders take lots of small wins quickly to minimize risk with scalping so they may miss out on bigger wins in pursuit of small wins.

How Do I Choose a Stock for Scalping?

Scalpers typically make trading decisions based on three factors.

First, they set a target profit amount per trade. This amount is relative to the size of the price of the stock although most scalpers look for gains in the $0.10 to $0.25 range.

Scalpers also use the Level 2 quotation to follow stocks that break out to new intraday highs or lows to capture as much profit as possible. But you'll have to maintain focus for extended periods and have the highest level of order execution to successfully execute this approach.

Finally, scalpers trend-spot. They follow the news and spot trends that may cause a security to become volatile. This allows them to create a watch list of “hot stocks” that are likely to experience price movements.

What Are Some Scalping Trading Strategies?

One strategy is known as marking making. The trader aims to capitalize on the bid-ask spread by putting out a bid and making an offer for the same stock at the same time with this strategy. It's best employed with stocks that aren't showing any real-time price changes.

Another strategy entailsbuying a large number of shares and then selling them for a profit with a tiny price movement. A trader might enter a position for thousands of shares and wait for a tiny price movement to occur. This movement can be as little as a few cents.

A third strategy resembles a traditional day-trading strategy. A trader enters a number of shares on a system signal or setup and exits the position as soon as a signal is generated near the risk/reward ratio of 1:1. The profit equals the size of the scalper’s stop at this point. The risk is $0.10 if a trader enters a position at $20 with a stop at $19.90. A risk/reward ratio of 1:1 will be reached at $20.10.

What Is Forex Scalping?

Forex scalpingis a trading style that's used byforextraders. It involves buying or selling a currency pair and then holding it for a short period in an attempt to make a profit. Aforex scalperlooks to make a large number of trades, taking advantage of the small price movements that are common throughout the day.

The Bottom Line

You should educate yourself about scalping if you're interested in day trading. Scalping can be very profitable for traders who decide to use it as a primary strategy or even for those who use it to supplement other types of trading.

Adhering to the strict exit strategy is the key to making small profits compound into large gains. The brief amount of market exposure and the frequency of small moves are key components of why this strategy is popular among many types of traders.

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Scalping: How Small, Quick Profits Can Add Up (2024)
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