Shampoo Ginger Lily Care: How To Grow Zingiber Zerumbet (2024)

“Shampoo flower gets its various names from its pinecone-shaped inflorescence. When squeezed, the flower produces a fragrant milky-white substance and is used as a shampoo or hair conditioner.

What is Shampoo ginger? The Shampoo ginger lily – Zingiber Zerumbet is an aromatic, clumping perennial. It comes from the large ginger Zingiber genus of the family Zingiberaceae.The ginger shampoo plant is an important monocot plant of order Zingiberales.

Shampoo Ginger Lily Care: How To Grow Zingiber Zerumbet (1)Pin

Other popular ginger plant family members include:

  • Alpinia Zerumbet variegata (Variegated Shell ginger)
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
  • Turmeric(Curcumalonga)
  • White Ginger Lily (Hedychium coronarium)
  • Grains of Paradise (Aframomum melegueta)

Its botanical name is Zingiber zerumbet [zing-ee-ber, ZER-um-bet] (L.) Smith.

Zingiber is a Sanskrit word meaning a bull’s horn. This hints at the horn-like appendage attached to its stamen.

Other common names include:

  • Bitter ginger
  • Pinecone ginger
  • Shampoo ginger
  • Shampoo lily
  • Pinecone lily
  • Wild ginger
  • Awapuhi kuahiwi (in Hawaii)
  • Lampoyang (in Malaysia and Indonesia)

Zingiber Zerumbet Quick Plant Care Tips

  • Botanical Tips: Botanical Name: Zingiber Zerumbet
  • Common Name(s): Shampoo Ginger, Pinecone Ginger, Awapuhi
  • Synonyms: Zingiber Zerumbet Smith, Zingiber Zerumbet Roscoe
  • Family & Origin: Zingiberaceae family, native to Southeast Asia
  • Growability: Easy to grow
  • Grow Zone: USDA zones 8-10
  • Size: Grows up to 4′ feet tall
  • Flowering: Produces cone-shaped flowers that resemble pinecones
  • Light: Prefers partial shade to full shade
  • Humidity: Tolerates low humidity levels
  • Temperature: Thrives in warm temperatures between 60-80°F
  • Soil: Well-draining soil with organic matter
  • Water: Keep soil consistently moist but not waterlogged
  • Fertilizer: Feed with a balanced fertilizer every 2-3 months during the growing season
  • Pests & Diseases: Susceptible to spider mites and mealybugs. Watch for root rot if the soil is too wet.
  • Propagation: Propagated through division of rhizomes or by seed
  • Plant Uses: Used for medicinal purposes, as a culinary spice, and as an ornamental plant in gardens and floral arrangements.

The pinecone ginger is a rhizomatous herbaceous plant found in tropical Asia. The exact origin is unknown.

Many believe it to be native to the Indian Subcontinent and Malaysian Peninsula. From there, it spread to Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and Thailand by Polynesian settlers.

Shampoo ginger Zingiber Zerumbet is also grown in various parts of Hawaii. Also known as Amomum zerumbet L., this tuberous root herb plant is grown as an ornamental and medicinal plant.

Lily shampoo ginger plant grows best in damp areas with partial shade and humid conditions. It is found around wet roadsides, shady lowlands, streams and river banks, and hill slopes.

‘Wild’ pinecone ginger or bitter ginger got its name from its use as a culinary additive with a bitter taste.

Shampoo Ginger Lily Plant Care

Size & Growth

With a clumping growth habit, Zingiber Zerumbet usually grows about 4’ feet tall, however, in some cases, it is found to grow up to 6′ to 7’ feet tall.

Shampoo Ginger Lily Care: How To Grow Zingiber Zerumbet (2)Pin

Its reed-like, erect stems rise up to 4’ feet and are clumped by sheaths of 8” inches-long, narrow leaves.

The inflorescence grows 2” to 4” inches in length.

Shampoo Lily Flower and Fragrance

Aromaticum is a broad-leaved plant that produces showy blooms on flower stalks from August to September.

In spring, 9 to 12 blade-like green leaves appear on the underground stem.

By mid to late summer, the thick ginger shampoo plant rhizomes produce flower spikes, each topped with a globular, brightly colored inflorescence.

The inflorescence resembles a pinecone and is initially wrapped by green, waxy bracts, which turn a vibrant shade of red upon reaching maturity.

The red pine cones have a fresh, aromatic, ginger-like scent.

The pinecone-shaped inflorescence produces tiny tri-petaled flowers in hues of yellow and is full of fresh-smelling, bitter-tasting, creamy white sap.

Shampoo Plant Light & Temperature

Bitter ginger is winter hardy to the USDA hardiness zones 8 through 10.

The awapuhi plant prefers tropical or subtropical climates but also grows in mild climates on the mainland.

In colder climates, the pinecone ginger plant is grown indoors. When growing outdoors in Central Florida, the pinecone ginger begins to die back as the weather changes.

The ideal temperature for these exotic plants is 32° degrees Fahrenheit (0° C) or higher.

These perennials enjoy full sun to part shade.

Shampoo Ginger Lily Care: How To Grow Zingiber Zerumbet (3)Pin

Watering and Feeding

Shampoo ginger should be seasonally waterlogged.

Water them with free-draining soils during the warmer months and keep them dry during the dormant winter months.

Similarly, fertilize shampoo lily ginger plants with an all-purpose fertilizer during summer only.

Supply phosphorus-rich fertilizer by the end of the growing season to ensure healthy and well-grown rhizomes.

Soil & Transplanting

Pine cone gingerthrives in filtered shade and rich soil.

It prefers soil with a neutral pH and a light to medium texture.

In summer, provide the plant with consistently moist soils and keep the soil dry during winters since the plant goes dormant and requires less moisture.

Shampoo Ginger Lily Care: How To Grow Zingiber Zerumbet (4)Pin

While the shampoo plant shows great tolerance for poor sandy soil, hard soils need to be adjusted by adding gypsum before planting the plant.

Wild ginger is cultivated by seeds and underground rhizomeextract.

Harvest new Zingiber rhizomes 10-12 months after planting. Transplant in late winter or early spring.

Grooming and Maintenance

Shampoo ginger lily is a forgiving and fast-growing perennial that can spread across a garden within years under ideal conditions.

For a beginner, a ginger shampoo plant care would be easy to meet.

In USDA Zone 8, these plants survive winter when mulch is added to the soil and the roots and rhizomes are protected from freezing.

However, in regions located north of Zone 8 up to Zone 10, the rhizomes should be picked up and overwintered indoors.

Also, potted plants should be kept indoors, away from the frost, when temperatures fall below 55° degrees Fahrenheit (13° C).

Snip the leaves which die to the ground after the first frost.

Keep an eye out for pests and, if infested, spray with a strong water jet and apply plant-based horticulture oil on the leaves.

Do not apply oils when the climate is hot and humid.

Shampoo Ginger Lily Care: How To Grow Zingiber Zerumbet (5)Pin

How To Propagate Shampoo Ginger Plant

You don’t need to be an expert to know how to grow shampoo ginger lily plants.

There are 2 popular methods to plant ginger lily, using store-bought plants, seeds, or roots.

Using roots is preferred by many, so let’s start learning how to propagate Awapuhi plants through their rhizomes.

How To Grow Shampoo Ginger Lily by Roots (Rhizomes)

  • A clump of thick, juicy, bitter ginger with multiple buds should be used for this purpose.
  • Wear gloves and use a sharp knife to cut the rhizomes into pieces.
  • Each piece should consist of several buds.
  • Keep the pieces for a few days until the cuts are dry.
  • Next, soak the pieces of rhizomes overnight in a container filled with warm water.
  • Take equal parts of potting soil and compost in a 5-gallon container and mix the ingredients until a rich, moist mixture is obtained.
  • Fill the pot with this mixture and plant a couple of pieces half-inch deep in the soil with the buds facing upwards.
  • Keep the plant indoors in a warm, sheltered place with filtered light.
  • In colder regions, place it under full sun.
  • Water the plant whenever the upper surface of the soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Supply organic fertilizer twice a week until the rhizomes have sprouted.

How To Grow Shampoo Ginger Lily by Seeds

  • Soak seeds in warm water for 24 hours to soften the seed coat.
  • Plant the soaked seeds 1/4 inch deep in a well-draining potting mix in seed trays or pots.
  • Place trays in a warm, humid area with indirect light at 75-85°F (24-29°C). Germination may take weeks to months.
  • Move seedlings with several leaves to larger containers or the garden once they are sturdy.
  • Maintain consistently moist soil without waterlogging. Provide filtered light and shield from strong winds and cold temperatures.
Shampoo Ginger Lily Care: How To Grow Zingiber Zerumbet (6)Pin

Pest Or Disease Problems For The Shampoo Ginger Plant

A healthy-growing shampoo ginger plant is mostly free from any serious pest or disease problem.

However, sometimes aphids and mites attack the young, tender growth.

It also occasionally hosts spiraled whitefly,Aleurodicus disperse, and cardamom root grub,Basilepta fulvicornis.

Is Bitter Ginger Toxic or Poisonous?

Bitter ginger is an edible plant and has medicinal uses.

It is not poisonous.

It contains a wide range of chemical compounds like polyphenols, terpenes, and zerumbone.

It also contains flavonoids.

Is The Pinecone Ginger Plant Invasive?

The plant is not considered a high-risk invasive species but is sometimes deemed invasive when people grow shampoo ginger outside its native range.

However, it spreads at a rapid pace and has the potential to restrict the spread of other plants if provided limited space.

Suggested Zingiber Zerumbet Uses


Red pinecone ginger serves the purpose of an exotic landscape accent due to its bright green foliage and flamboyant red cone-like inflorescences.

Shampoo Ginger Lily Care: How To Grow Zingiber Zerumbet (7)Pin

They make a beautiful floral arrangement when used as cut flowers and are used as ornamental plants.

Knowing where and when to plant shampoo, ginger, or any other plant is a great skill to have.

Therapeutic Properties

  • It has been used for traditional medicines since ancient times and is associated with SoutheastAsian ginger sesquiterpene, cancer cell proliferation, free radical generation, and protein production.
  • This plant is known and used widely for its anti-inflammatory activity.
  • It has also exhibited antioxidant, antidiabetic, anticancer, analgesic, antiviral, and antimicrobial activity.
  • Its traditional uses include the treatment of a myriad of conditions like stomach aches, diarrhea, sprains, toothaches, and even cancer.

Due to this, recent studies have established a number of pharmacological uses for zingiber zerumbetsmith.

Note: Every situation is unique. Always consult your doctor before using medicinal herbs, as they can either help or harm your condition. Your health is too important to take chances.

Other Uses

The leaves of the plant are used as a food additive and wrapping material.

The slippery sap extracted from the ginger lily rhizomes is used to make ginger lily shampoo, hair conditioners, essential oils, and perfumes.

Shampoo Ginger Lily Care: How To Grow Zingiber Zerumbet (2024)


Shampoo Ginger Lily Care: How To Grow Zingiber Zerumbet? ›

During their growing season, from late spring to late fall, shampoo ginger plants thrive in consistently moist soil. Keep the plant dry during the winter as it enters dormancy. As a general rule, your plant should be watered once per week. To avoid fungal infections, water the soil directly rather than the leaves.

Can shampoo ginger grow in pots? ›

You can also plant it in containers indoors or outdoors. The ideal planting site is in partial shade to partial sun, with moist, fertile soil.

How to take care of shampoo ginger plant? ›

During their growing season, from late spring to late fall, shampoo ginger plants thrive in consistently moist soil. Keep the plant dry during the winter as it enters dormancy. As a general rule, your plant should be watered once per week. To avoid fungal infections, water the soil directly rather than the leaves.

What is the best container to grow ginger in? ›

The ideal container for ginger should be at least 12 inches deep and wide, with drainage holes at the bottom. A reclaimed wine barrel is the perfect container for growing ginger! What type of soil is best for growing ginger in containers? Ginger prefers well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.

What is the best fertilizer for ginger plants? ›

To coax ginger into blooming, phosphorus is your secret weapon. Look for fertilizers with a higher middle number—the P in N-P-K—indicating more phosphorus. This nutrient acts like a green thumb's nudge, encouraging flowers over foliage.

How long does it take to grow ginger in pots? ›

Ginger grown in pots should also be divided or harvested when the pot is full, normally 8–12 months after planting. To harvest, trim off any leaf stalks and either tip out the whole contents of the pot or dig them out with your hands.

How fast does shampoo ginger grow? ›

Q: How long does shampoo ginger take to grow? A: They grow within 10 months!

How tall does shampoo ginger lily grow? ›

Zingiber zerumbet, commonly known as pinecone ginger, shampoo ginger or wild ginger, is a rhizomatous, clump-forming perennial which typically grows to 3.5-4' tall, but occasionally to 6-7' tall, on reed-like stems (to 30” long) clad with narrow green leaves.

Why are the leaves on my shampoo ginger turning yellow? ›

Nutrient-rich soil is the bedrock of a thriving Shampoo Ginger. If your plant's leaves are turning yellow, it might be starving for sustenance. Compost is your go-to amendment; it's like a multivitamin for your plant's soil. As for fertilizers, opt for a balanced blend.

How to care for ginger lily plants? ›

Ginger Lily Plant Care

Regular watering is required as ginger lilies like to be kept moist. A top dressing of fertiliser in Spring is recommended. Stems should be cut off when flowering has finished. Clumps can be lifted and divided during Winter months as the clumps become crowded.

Is shampoo ginger lily a perennial or annual? ›

Shampoo ginger lily, also known as pinecone ginger, is an aromatic, clump-forming, perennial plant, that likes bright light and moist soil. Leaves fall and stems shrivel in the autumn, leaving behind creeping underground stems, known as rhizomes, which give rise to new shoots in the spring.

Why is my ginger plant dying? ›

Some varieties of ginger will go dormant if they dry out too much. Although they shouldn't be kept damp, they do need moisture to sustain themselves. Let the top of the soil dry out between waterings, then water deeply. If the plant is dying back, but the rhizome is otherwise healthy, watch for new growth to appear.

Can you grow ornamental ginger in pots? ›

Although most flowering gingers are too large to grow as houseplants, you can keep them in your greenhouse or conservatory or grow them on a shaded deck or patio. In fact, most gingers have a longer bloom period if grown in large pots. Ginger blooms will last as cut flowers for as long as three weeks.

What is the best ginger for pots? ›

Costus comosus (Red Tower Ginger)

One of the best ornamental gingers. Its large size and showy flowers make it a great addition to any garden. It flowers nearly year round, both from the tops of the stems and from basal stems. Makes a great pot plant for patios and verandas.

Is shampoo ginger invasive? ›

Save the plant stems and leaves to flavor food, and extract the liquid from the flowers for shampoo or extract the oils from the roots. Note this aromatic native of Hawaii can be invasive or aggressive in certain climates.

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