Should I tell people I am wearing a wig? (2024)

After searching, you've found the perfect wig and made the purchase. You made all the decisions, from cap style to hair type, from cut to color—but there's still one more decision left.Who do you tell you are wearing a wig, if anyone?

This is often a complicated and layered decision, and there are so many factors to consider. To help you determine who you should or should not communicate this information to, we’ve included a breakdown of why you may or may not want to share this information with your friends, family, co-workers, or with a date. We also give you a few quick responses you can use when asked by someone if you are indeed wearing a wig.

The Reasons to Conceal or Reveal

Women have many different reasons why they choose to conceal or reveal their wig to others. Here are just a few of the thoughts that go through many women's heads when they are deciding whether or not to tell people that they are wearing a wig.

Why Some Women Conceal Their Wig:

  • Some women feel less confident and less like themselves when they share that their hair is not "real."
  • Divulging that you wear a wig may make others worried about you and/or your health. If your hair loss is from health issues, letting others know you are wearing a wig ques them in on your health status.
  • Telling others you wear a wig may lead to uncomfortable, exhausting, and potentially upsetting questions that you don't want to answer.
  • In some instances, revealing that you are wearing a wig may make you feel uncomfortable and even open you up to prejudice.
  • Some simply feel it is no one else's business if they wear a wig.

Why Some Women Reveal Their Wig:

  • Many feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders when they share that they are wearing a wig.
  • Sharing that you are wearing wigs gives you the gift of versatility. You can wear a different wig every day and change up your look as often as you want.
  • Letting others know about your wig allows you to share the joys and frustrations that come with wearing a wig with others; you have a place to vent and revel.
  • If they are around people who are supportive and caring, they may feel no need to conceal their wig.
  • Wearing a wig is not something to be ashamed of!

To Tell or Not to Tell: Friends and Family

Should I tell people I am wearing a wig? (1)

While some women may see this as a no-brainer, not everyone wishes to share that they are wearing a wig with their friends and family. Everyone comes from a different background with different relationships, andyou know your loved ones best. Before sharing this with your friends and family, consider reactions from past situations. Start by asking yourself:

  • Am I comfortable with them (or anyone) knowing?
  • Have they always been supportive when I needed them most?

You may choose to tell some close companions and family members with whom you are comfortable, but not other friends and relatives. For example, if you want to keep the knowledge that you wear a wig in a small circle, you may avoid telling your gossip-y Aunt Debby who will subsequently tell everyone. You do not need to tell someone about wearing a wig just because they are a relative or you have known them for years. To tell or not to tell (and who to tell) is your 100% your call, and it is important to make the right choice for you.

If your hair loss is chemo or cancer, you can read more about telling your family you have cancer here.

To Tell or Not To Tell: Coworkers

Should I tell people I am wearing a wig? (2)

At the end of the day, there is really no reason to tell your coworkers you are wearing a wig if you don't feel comfortable doing so. You should not feel any pressure to reveal this information in the workplace. If you do feel comfortable with the fact that you are wearing a wig and/or are comfortable with telling your coworkers, then you may decide to let them know. You may also only want to share that you are wearing a wig with one or two trusted coworkers. Once again, this decision is up to you and should be based on what makes you feel comfortable.

One pro of not concealing wearing a wig from coworkers is being able to instantly change up your hairstyle; one day you may a wear short, dark wig, and the next you may rock long blonde locks! This can be fun for fashionistas.

If your hairloss is from chemo or cancer, you can read more about cancer and the workplace here.

To Tell or Not To Tell: Dates

Should I tell people I am wearing a wig? (3)

This one may feel especially difficult to some. If you’re on the dating scene, does it come across as deceptive to not share? And when is too soon? On the first date? Prior to the first date? After the first year of marriage?

In the long-run, there is no right answer. Although you will probably need to share that you are wearing a wig at some point, you can wait until you are fully comfortable to bring it up when you choose. Some women choose to disclose that they wear a wig after they have already gone out on a few dates or once they determine this is someone they could see spending more time with; if you are uncomfortable with the fact that you wear a wig, there isn't a reason to have that conversation with someone you don't want to go out with again.

While you may harbor the fear a person will leave you if they know you wear a wig, 9 times out of 10 these fears prove unfounded. If you do happen to run across someone whose reaction troubles you, you have the power to kick them to the curb! Love yourself first and don’t put up with someone who does not see you for the amazing person you are.

What to Say When Someone Asks if You are Wearing a Wig?

Should I tell people I am wearing a wig? (4)

Whether they ask rudely or with genuine curiosity, some may look at your wig and outrightly ask if you are wearing a wig. If you happen to find yourself facing this situation, don’t panic. Here are a few ways to diffuse the situation (and potentially educate the asker about how manners work):

"Why do you ask? "

If someone is overstepping their boundaries, asking them why they ask can shut them down most of the time. After all, what reason could they possibly have for asking? If they do not catch on to how rude they are being and continue to press, don’t feel pressured to answer. Instead, start by saying “You may not mean to be rude, but…” and proceed from there. You may continue by explaining how being asked this question makes you feel or how it really is none of their business. Since it totally isn’t.

"Um, it’s my hair, if that’s what you’re asking."

It’s your wig, which coincidentally is on your head and therefore your hair. This approach allows you to own the situation and also shut the person down. After all, there’s no need to continue engaging them on this subject if you do not wish to.

"It totally is! Looks amazing, right?"

This answer is fabulous as you’re basically conveying you are not only happy to answer their question, but also happy to sport your wig! Other responses could include “Sure it is! You have a good eye!” or even thanking them for asking. Remember: There is no need to be ashamed of wearing a wig. After all, wigs are beautiful and offer a fantastic boost of confidence.

Choosing who to reveal your wig status to (if anyone) is a tough call, but we sincerely hope we’ve given you some factors to consider to make your decision easier. Some choose to be more open about their wig while others wish to keep this under wraps. It all depends on what you are comfortable with.

Have you or a friend faced a similar dilemma or situation? Share your story or any advice with us in the comments section below! Click here to shop a full selection of wigs.

Should I tell people I am wearing a wig? (2024)


Will people know I'm wearing a wig? ›

And while it's not likely someone will notice that you are wearing a wig, it might help to ask yourself, “Does it matter?” Whether you wear a wig because of hair loss or to change up your style, it is a valid fashion choice that many people engage in.

Is it rude to ask someone if they're wearing a wig? ›

It's never polite to put someone on the spot about a potentially sensitive topic, so as a general rule... you shouldn't ask someone if they are wearing a wig.

Should I tell my boyfriend I wear a wig? ›

Explain why you choose to wear a wig — whether it's for fashion or hair loss — and how it makes you feel. It can also be helpful to give your partner a few examples of the types of wigs you wear and show them pictures if possible. You might even want to let them try one on!

Is it strange to wear a wig? ›

Wearing a wig for the first time can often feel overwhelming, strange, perhaps slightly uncomfortable and daunting, even for the best of us. It's natural to feel slightly apprehensive, especially after suffering from hair loss, and that's why we're here to help you feel more at ease.

What to say if asked if wearing a wig? ›

Other responses could include “Sure it is! You have a good eye!” or even thanking them for asking. Remember: There is no need to be ashamed of wearing a wig. After all, wigs are beautiful and offer a fantastic boost of confidence.

How can I be confident wearing a wig? ›

Choose, wear, and care for your wig with confidence, with these 7 tips.
  1. Choose the right size for comfort and security. ...
  2. Use these techniques to pick a colour you love. ...
  3. Enjoy the freedom of not needing to style your hair. ...
  4. Follow a simple maintenance routine. ...
  5. Keep wigs away from heat. ...
  6. Have a back-up wig or wigs.

How do you wear a wig nicely? ›

How To Wear A Wig 101
  1. Prep your hair. The goal is to keep your locks as flat as possible. ...
  2. Apply the wig cap on. Start at the back and adjust the cap so that it's sitting firmly on your hairline. ...
  3. Secure with your product of choice. ...
  4. Place wig onto your head. ...
  5. Adjust accordingly.
Oct 17, 2021

How common is wearing wigs? ›

Over 50% of people in America wear some type of wig or hair extension. That number jumps to over 90% among celebrities.

How do you make a wig not look fake? ›

Here are our cosmetologist's 8 top tips for making your wig look like natural hair:
  1. Replace Your Wig Regularly. ...
  2. Two Words: Rooted. ...
  3. Look for Lace Fronts and Monofilament Tops. ...
  4. Mess Up The Part. ...
  5. Trim Your Wig. ...
  6. Blend it Out. ...
  7. Know Your Size. ...
  8. ALWAYS Line Up Your Wig With Your Natural Hairline.
May 22, 2018

Can you be bald and wear wigs? ›

Putting on a wig when you are bald is the easiest way to wear a wig because you don't have to secure biological hair. With a bald scalp, you can put on your wig with or without a wig cap. A wig cap will keep your wig fresh longer, add comfort and will also eliminate friction on your scalp as your hair grows back.

What does it mean when someone says wig to you? ›

New Word Suggestion. used to say that you are impressed, alluding to a wig flying off with excitement. Example: "We know this because she had a moment of connection with a male American Idol contestant who casually dropped the word 'wig' into conversation after his audition. [

Can a wig ever look natural? ›

For the most natural-looking wig, opt for one made of human hair. There are two types of wigs: human hair and synthetic. As you might guess, human hair provides the most natural look, says Fae Norris, a hairstylist at Rock Paper Salon. Because it's real, it falls and swings the same way natural hair does.

Can wearing a wig look natural? ›

There are many, different wigs but the three different types of wigs that will give you a realistic appearance are the lace closure wigs, the lace frontal wig, and the full lace wigs. A lace is sewn to the wig caps to give the impression that your scalp is showing when you part the hair.

Is wearing a wig very hot? ›

Wearing a wig in the summer can pose challenges for many wig wearers. Certain wigs can leave you feeling hot, sweaty and weighed down which is no fun! However, there's no need to sacrifice your wig altogether in the summertime.

Why are wigs stigmatized? ›

In the United States, wigs have a stigmatized history because of their connection to aging and medical conditions. However, wigs play an important role in the lives of those who may struggle with hair shedding or loss due to medical treatment or conditions.

Is wearing a wig catfishing? ›

I would say no. Catfishing is more than wearing just a wig, like catfishes change everything and use different pictures of different people and so on. If you want you could start telling people, “Hey I wear a wig.” And go from there if you trust the person.

Why wearing a wig is good? ›

A great wig benefit is that wearing a wig instantly gives you a full head of hair that you can style and shape according to your liking. In addition, a wig helps to give great coverage so you can feel secure and confident in knowing that your hair is as full as can be.

How long does it take to get used to wearing a wig? ›

Just like a pair of new sneakers, wigs take a few days to break in. After purchasing a new wig, allot 3-4 days of consistent use for it to conform to your head shape. Each head shape is unique, and it takes some time for the wig to form to your head.

How can I make my wig look less cheap? ›

Most wigs come with an unnatural sheen — no matter if it's natural hair or synthetic. Add dry shampoo or hair powder to take the shine down. Wigs often make extremely obvious and distinct parts. You can tweeze out random hairs around the part to soften it and seem softer and more natural.

How do you make a wig look realistic? ›

For only a dollar or two, you can purchase a wig cap to wear under your wig. This will give your wig a good fit and a more realistic appearance on your head. Use bobby pins to secure the wig to the cap. This will ensure that the wig won't cause any odd bumps and lumps on the top of your head.

What do you do with your hair when you wear a wig? ›

Usually, the best place to hide your hair under a wig is at the nape of your neck, and most wigs have a little extra stretch in this area to accommodate for it. If your hair is long enough, you can simply tie your hair in a bun and throw it under the wig cap, put on the wig and the wig will stretch around the bun.

Do wigs make you look older? ›

Yep, that wig you've been rocking for the past is probably making you look older than your age these days. As we age, our faces change. They get thinner or rounder, more wrinkled or droopy, and our complexion loses the dewiness of youth.

Is it realistic to wear a wig everyday? ›

' is a question we get asked quite frequently at Simply Wigs HQ. The short answer is, no, it is not bad to wear a wig everyday if you take proper care of your natural hair and scalp. Your hair and skin cells will grow regardless of whether or not you cover them with a wig or accessories like hats and scarves.

Do many celebrities wear wigs? ›

Many celebrities wear wigs for their professions but are increasingly wearing them in their personal lives as well. You can see celebrities wearing all kinds of wigs from very natural-looking colors and styles to bold colors and dramatic styling.

How to make cheap wig look real? ›

Spray a dry shampoo over the hair to make synthetic strands more matte. Synthetic wigs are often made of plastic, which can have an unnatural shine. Put the wig on loosely and spray the dry shampoo all over like you would your natural hair.

Can you brush a fake wig? ›

Brushing Techniques

You can brush a synthetic wig, but never when it's wet! If it is wet, use a wide-toothed comb, so the fibers don't get damaged. Pick combs are perfect for ringlets and managing flyaways.

Do wigs destroy the hairline? ›

Since heavy duty adhesives are used when applying lace front wigs, it is not uncommon for hair loss to occur with the repeated use of lace front wigs. The combination of irritating adhesives and tension on the hairline can cause extensive damage, with receding hairlines occurring as an undesirable—but common—outcome.

Can you shower with a wig on? ›

The simple answer is that it is best not to shower with your wig on. Water can create the hair fiber to frizz and matt and untangling it causes pulling and tugging which in turn can cause significant cap damage.

How long can you wear a wig without taking it off? ›

Don't Wear Your Wig for More Than Six Weeks at a Time

Once the six week time period is up, however, it's time to remove the wig and give your hair the post-wig attention it needs in the form of thorough cleansing, deep conditioning, and moisturizing.

Can a hairstylist style a wig? ›

So, when it comes to how to cut wig hair and the best way to do this, you should always leave it to the professionals. Simply treat your favourite wigs with the same TLC, and your style will be shaped and cut by an experienced hairstylist to suit your unique features, leaving you feeling fabulous.

Can a hairdresser style a wig? ›

Yes, you can cut your wig. Customize your look by having a professional stylist with wig cutting experience trim and shape your wig. Be sure to get the stylist to cut the wig while you are wearing it for a look that is tailored to your particular face shape.

What are the side effects of wearing wigs? ›

Damage to Natural Hair: Wig caps can damage your hairline and hinder natural growth. Uncomfortable: When worn for a long time, wigs can be uncomfortable. Not only can they feel unpleasantly hot to wear but they can cause headaches, itchiness and even rashes.

What do you call someone who does wigs? ›

wigmaker in American English

(ˈwɪɡˌmeikər) noun. a person who makes or sells wigs.

What is a wig Gen Z slang? ›

13. Wig. Meaning: “Wig” is something you can say to express admiration for something when it is so exciting to you that your wig might be blown off.

Who has the most natural looking wigs? ›

Daniel Alain offers the world's most real-looking wigs and has perfected the manufacturing process with artisanally crafted, meticulous craftsmanship. Choose wigs made with premium 100% European human hair—the rarest hair and thus, most difficult to source.

What is the most realistic looking wig? ›

When you're looking for a wig that looks the most realistic, a lace front wig is your best option. The reason why: The hair is tied by hand to a lace front cap, which creates a very natural-looking hairline. The lace front is virtually undetectable (see photo below) and looks most realistic like your bio hair.

Do you have to wear a wig cap when wearing a wig? ›

Wearing a wig cap is a completely personal preference. Wig caps act as protective barrier to a sensitive scalp and keep your wig comfortable and secure during everyday use.

Do lace front wigs look real? ›

Lace front wigs are a great option as they give the illusion of a natural hairline. As the wigs are designed to make them look as natural as possible, the wig hair moves freely, and you can choose where your hair parting sits – great for those of you who love to experiment with styling.

What does a human hair wig feel like? ›

A key difference between synthetic hair and human hair is that human hair wigs offer the most natural look and feel. The hair is soft and has a shine and movement that is hard to replicate synthetically.

What is the coolest wig to wear? ›

Overall, synthetic wigs are better to wear during the summer months. Synthetic hair is lighter than human hair, so it should keep you cooler. In comparison, human hair wigs will react to the hot weather in the same way natural hair would. It could lose shape and style or go frizzy with the humidity.

Will my wig come off if I sweat? ›

It is possible to work out and wear a wig. Extra precautions however need to be taken to ensure your wig stays secure, especially if your routine is vigorous. You may find that your regular, everyday adhesive doesn't provide the security you need if you're sweating excessively.

Can I wear wig in my job? ›

If you're working in an office with a strict dress code, it might be best to leave your bubblegum pink for the weekends with your friends (while following social distancing measures, of course, but if you're lucky to work in an environment that promotes and embraces individual expression, don't be afraid to wear ...

What is the most natural looking wig? ›

For the most natural-looking wig, opt for one made of human hair. There are two types of wigs: human hair and synthetic. As you might guess, human hair provides the most natural look, says Fae Norris, a hairstylist at Rock Paper Salon. Because it's real, it falls and swings the same way natural hair does.

How do you wear a wig so it looks real? ›

In order to make a wig look natural for a beginner, the trick is to keep the style a little messy. This will look even better if you've snipped a few wispy bits into the wig. Try not to create a ponytail that is too high or tight as this makes the hairline a little too visible and unnatural.

Is wearing a wig hot? ›

Overall, synthetic wigs are better to wear during the summer months. Synthetic hair is lighter than human hair, so it should keep you cooler. In comparison, human hair wigs will react to the hot weather in the same way natural hair would. It could lose shape and style or go frizzy with the humidity.

Will a wig set off a metal detector? ›

You will not be interrogated by airport security for wearing a wig or hairpiece. They certainly won't make you take it off. If your wig or hair piece has a metal comb or clip in it, the body scanner will detect that you have metal in your hair. This is only for the full-body scanners, not the older metal detectors.

Can TSA see a wig? ›

Hair accessories such as bobby pins, metal clips, ties, wraps, and even bows may cause an alarm. This may also include clip-on extensions, wigs, toppers, and certain hair styles such as braids or a hair bun.

What should you not do with a wig? ›

Brushing with a regular brush is not recommended

Brushes and combs that are used on natural hair can damage a wig irreparably because they stretch the fibres. In addition to messing up the look, that can also make the wig's hair come loose.

Do a lot of celebrities wear wigs? ›

In the show business where there is high pressure to look your very best, a lot of celebrities drew their attention to wigs. It's no wonder! Wigs can provide flexibility, shapes, and colors that natural hair may limit. Some names you may recognize as wig wearers but others have gone unnoticed for years!

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.