Six tricks you need to know to cut your energy bills (2024)

With the weather turning and the central heating going back on, now is the time to get your energy bills in order.

Unfortunately, a series of new rules introduced by the Competition Watchdog in the summer means it’s harder than ever to stop the power giants ripping you off.

Loyal customers are being barred from getting their supplier’s best deal; you can no longer rely on price comparison websites for the cheapest prices — and firms are about to bombard homes with confusing junk mail.

We reveal the traps energy giants have set — and how to avoid them.

Out in the cold:Loyal customers are being barred from getting their supplier’s best deal


Energy giants are poised to hike their prices, industry experts say.

Since March, the price energy companies pay for electricity — called the wholesale cost — has rocketed by 66 per cent to a five-year high. Wholesale gas prices are also up 45 per cent since spring, according to research by comparison website Energyhelpline.

‘Wholesale electricity prices have jumped alarmingly,’ says Mark Todd, director of Energyhelpline. ‘It seems only a matter of time before price rises return.’


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  • Could you cut your energy bill costs by switching to the best deals? Seven tricks and traps to watch out for

Many smaller suppliers have already increased their bills in response to rising prices, and have withdrawn their very best deals.

Last week, GB Energy hiked prices for customers on variable deals by 30 per cent — or £240 a year.

The Big Six suppliers are expected to follow soon.

A source at one major firm told Money Mail that it is waiting to see whether wholesale prices fall in the coming weeks. If they fail to dip, the company expects to hike bills.

The only way to protect yourself is to lock into a cheap fixed energy rate now. The best deals are already starting to disappear, so you must move quickly.

If you don’t regularly shop around for a new deal, you are probably on your provider’s default tariff — known as its standard variable deal. Being variable, you will be hit straight away by price hikes.

Seven in ten households have never switched supplier. If that’s you, there is a lot to gain by switching.

With a Big Six supplier — British Gas, EDF Energy, Eon, Npower, SSE or Scottish Power — the standard deal costs an average of £1,137 a year if you pay quarterly by cheque. If you pay by monthly direct debit, the cost is £1,066 a year.

By comparison, the cheapest one-year fixed deal on offer today with Iresa costs just £744 a year — so that’s a saving of up to £393.

With iSupply Energy, you can fix your energy prices for three years at £794 — a £343 saving. With a fixed deal, the price you pay for each unit of gas and electricity you use will stay the same for the length of the contract — no matter what happens to wholesale prices.

However, this does not mean you can use as much energy as you want. It is only the price per unit that stays the same.

If you start putting the heating on all day, for example, you will have to pay more.


Energy firms are constantly battling to pinch customers from each other.

Shrewd consumers can take advantage of this by reviewing deals every year to ensure they are on the cheapest deal. Even moving every other year will save you significant amounts.

If you are one of the millions of people who have NEVER switched (i.e. stuck with your original supplier), then you should save a big chunk of cash. A tenth of switchers saved £616 in the first half of 2016, according to energyhelpline.

You only need to be interested in the tariff that is going to be cheapest where you live, so do your own postcode comparison in minutes using the tool above - or here - to find the best price.

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Energy companies have started offering exclusive deals to new customers again. The regulator had banned this practice but did a U-turn in the summer.

It means you’re likely to miss out if you only ask your current provider about a fixed deal.

The difference between the best deals for new and existing customers can be hundreds of pounds.

At present, EDF Energy and Eon bar existing customers from signing up to cheap deals. Eon’s top tariff for new customers — its Saver Plus Fixed 1 Year v5 Paperless deal — costs on average £799. Its cheapest deal on offer to existing customers is the Fixed 2 Year v9 Paperless Billing deal at £1,014.

This deal provides an extra year of protection against price rises — but it is a huge £215 a year more expensive.

British Gas, Npower and SSE have also recently launched exclusive deals for new customers and have not ruled out doing so again.

Of the Big Six suppliers, only Scottish Power has pledged always to offer tariffs to all customers.

Industry insiders say some energy companies ask comparison websites to hide deals that are only available to new customers.

If you tell the comparison website that you are an EDF Energy customer, for example, all EDF Energy deals for new customers will be omitted from the search results.

This means suppliers can get away with offering better deals without you even realising.

To check, run a search on a comparison website twice — first as an existing customer and then again pretending you are a new customer.

If a cheap deal pops up on the second attempt that you couldn’t see before, call and threaten to leave unless the firm gives it to you.

If you’re refused, switch supplier. Beware that some deals will only be available online and not over the telephone. You may also be required to sign up for paperless bills.


Until the summer, energy companies were allowed to offer a maximum of four different tariffs. But in a bid to boost competition and choice, they are now free to offer as many as they like.

Some firms, such as Co-operative Energy, already have 14 different tariffs available, including different payment options.

Even if each of the 44 suppliers offered just six deals, customers would have to choose from a bamboozling array of 264 tariffs.

In addition, some of these deals will only be available on certain comparison websites.

For example, Eon has a top one-year fixed deal costing £799, but to get it customers must sign up via a website such as Energyhelpline or Moneysupermarket.

Some suppliers team up with individual comparison websites to offer tariffs that are only available through that specific site.

This means that if you only ever use one comparison website to shop around, you could miss out on the best deals.

So before you commit to a switch, run separate searches on Energyhelpline, GoCompare, Moneysupermarket and uSwitch.

If you don’t use the internet then you can call and ask for a comparison over the phone. Try Energyhelpline on 0800 074 0745 or uSwitch on 0800 6888 557.

Alternatively you can send a copy of your bill by post and someone will call you back.

Write to uSwitch Ltd, The Cooperage, 5 Copper Row, London, SE1 2LH. Include your telephone number and specify when is best for them to call.

Energy regulator Ofgem is also in talks about removing the requirement for comparison websites to advertise every tariff.

This would allow them to hide cheap deals and sell more expensive tariffs that they are paid by the power suppliers to promote.

That means from next year you may find you are not shown every deal in the market when you search comparison websites.

To make sure you see all the deals, the website may require you to click through to a separate page.


■ Don't leave any appliances on standby. Turn them off at the plug to save around £30 a year.

■ Washing up in a bowl instead of under a running tap will also save you £30 a year, while only filling up the kettle with the water you need will net you £7, and turning the lights off every time you leave the room a further £15.

■ Spend one minute less in the shower each day and you’ll save £10 a year — £40 a year for a family of four. And if you cut your washing down by one load a week, you’ll save another £5.

■ You don’t want to get cold, but if you turn your thermostat down just one degree you will save up to £90 a year.

■ Draught-proof windows, doors and any cracks in the floors or skirting board to save around £30 a year. You don’t have to spend a lot to make a difference. B&Q has reduced its draught excluders to £3.

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Usually, if you’re on a fixed deal, you’re blocked from switching to a better offer until the end of the term. This is likely to be anything from one to three years.

If prices were to fall during that time and you wanted to take advantage, you’d have to pay around £60 to exit your contract.

Until now, it’s rarely been worth ditching your tariff early because any savings are wiped out by this penalty.

But our research found fixed deals have come down in price so much in the past three years that, in many cases, it is now worth paying to get out early.

A typical customer who signed up to Scottish Power’s Help Beat Cancer Fixed Price Energy tariff in 2013, for example, is currently paying around £1,066 a year for gas and electricity.

The tariff is not due to end until January next year.

However, if customers were to pay the £50 exit fee to leave early and switch to the cheapest Flex 12 month Fixed deal from Iresa costing £744 a year, they would still save £322 over the course of the next year, according to research by energy switching firm Flipper.

Customers who locked into Eon’s two-year fixed tariff v6 in 2015, costing £1,085, could save £341 by switching to the same Iresa deal — even after taking into account the £20 exit fee.

Talal Fathalla, founder of Flipper, says: ‘Some people could even switch four times a year and still save money overall.’

Life's a gas: Usually, if you’re on a fixed deal, you’re blocked from switching to a better offer until the end of the term


Money Mail regularly reminds you to claim back any credit you’ve built up in your energy account. This typically happens when your monthly direct debit payment is set too high for the amount of power you use.

However, at this time of year, it’s best to leave any credit you’ve amassed where it is.

As we head into winter you’re almost certain to use more power:you’ll have the heating on more often and the lights will work overtime in the dark mornings and evenings.

So, unless you desperately need the cash, leave the money in your account to cover the extra power you use.

The exception would be if you have a huge surplus ranging into the hundreds of pounds.

In this case, you should ask for a portion back and set a reminder to contact your supplier for a refund of any remaining surplus when you turn the heating off in the spring.

Now is also the time to call your firm with an up-to-date meter reading. Endeavour to do this every month from now on so as to ensure your bills are as accurate as possible over the winter. This will help avoid a shock bill from landing on your doormat in the spring.


From next year, if you fail to switch tariffs at least once every three years, your details will be put onto a marketing list that all suppliers can access. They will then be able to bombard you with junk mail whenever they like.

They can only send you offers through the post — they cannot call or email you. But if each supplier sends you an offer in the post every month, that’s still 528 pieces of junk mail to deal with each year.

Energy experts say allowing firms to post out special offers is in your interest, because so few people shop around for better deals.

The aim is to entice customers into switching. But it could result in you receiving baffling offers that use estimated costs for your home.

That could make it hard to know which is best.

You’re better off shopping around yourself rather than relying on these marketing ploys.

If you do not want to receive post from energy firms, then you can opt out. Watch out for a letter from your current supplier asking if you’d like to receive ‘personalised deals’.

This is your opportunity to say ‘no’ to junk mail. Make sure you reply saying you do not want personalised deals. If you don’t reply, then your details will automatically be added to the database.

> Check to compare tariffs against the cheapest energy deal in your postcode


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Six tricks you need to know to cut your energy bills (2024)


Do energy saving devices really work? ›

No, these plug-in devices won't save money on your power bill. They're sold under names like Miraclewatt and Stop Watt. But you cannot reduce your electricity usage by simply plugging a device into your wall.

What takes up most of energy bill? ›

What costs the most on your electric bill? Heating and cooling are by far the greatest energy users in the home, making up around 40% of your electric bill. Other big users are washers, dryers, ovens, and stoves. Electronic devices like laptops and TVs are usually pretty cheap to run, but of course, it can all add up.

What is the quickest and easiest way to save money on energy bills? ›

Shut down devices you're not using. Curbing energy waste from devices that may appear to be switched off but are still using electricity (aka “energy vampires”) is another simple way to lower your electric bills. To make it easier to turn off all devices at once, consider an advanced power strip.

Does unplugging appliances save electricity? ›

When your devices are plugged in but not in use, they consume electricity, known as the phantom effect. As a result, unplugging those devices can save electricity. Do not worry about unplugging every gadget; simply plug what you can into a power strip so you can unplug less.

What uses more electricity, a TV or a light bulb? ›

Based on national averages, lighting uses more electricity per household than televisions by a slim margin. For the average household using 880 kWh per month, lighting accounts for around 38 kWh while TVs account for around 30 kWh.

How can I lower my bills? ›

1. Negotiate with service providers: Contact your service providers such as cable/internet companies, insurance companies, or utility companies and ask if they have any promotions, discounts, or loyalty programs available. Sometimes, simply asking for a better rate can lead to savings.

Does StopWatt really work? ›

Consumer surveys rate the StopWatt 4.7 stars in Australia and the US, making it one of the greatest electricity-saving devices on the market. It saves energy and protects equipment by reducing voltage variations and power supply abnormalities.

How do I cut the power off to my house? ›

These are individual breakers. To shut one off, flip the lever to the "off" position. Test the device to make sure the power is off before working on it. To turn off the power to the entire house, flip off the main breaker, usually a double-width switch located at the top of the service panel.

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.