Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (2024)

Today we have a more advanced question about options trading, some earnings, and IV crush.

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If you have a specific question that you want me to answer about stocks, options, investing, feel free to submit one by voice here!

Today’s question is a little bit more intermediate to advanced, and I’ll see if I can break it down and explain it for you in detail.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (1)

“Hey Sasha, I hope you’re doing well today. My name is Artem. I’m pretty new to option trading (not even four months in), and I have a question regarding option strategies for post-earnings IV crush.

I know the Iron Condor is a great strategy, but that limits me into a price range. And a lot of times, post-earnings prices may jump significantly up or down.

I’m also wondering if there is sort of it like a long straddle but inverse where you could sell the premium. I know that I was playing around on thinkorswim, and selling a double diagonal or a double calendar does result in the negative Vega.

But the risk I have is unlimited, and I’m not able to go with that trade. I was wondering maybe there’s something I’m missing. Because I want to know if there’s a strategy where I could make money if the stock price moves away from the strike and price by a great deal. And if the IV of the option goes down as well together.

Let me know. Thanks so much, and I hope you keep making videos for a long time. Take care!”

Thanks, Artem!

First, we’re going to try to explain the question just because I think some people may not understand where we’re going with that.

And then the second thing is I’ll show you some ideas and things to think about.

Remember, when you’re trading earnings, it’s a guessing game. Even if earnings are great, stocks may sell-off. Even if earnings are bad, stocks may pop higher due to future expectations, whatever the case is.

Understand it’s a guessing game with earnings.

There’s an IV crush, meaning it compresses. There’s volatility, and then earnings come out, it gets crushed.

When we look at these things, he was looking at a long straddle.

Here’s our long straddle.

You get one of these before earnings. And then all of a sudden, either stock goes down, or stock goes up.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (2)

And you make money one way or the other. The downside is you pay a lot on your theta because you’re losing big time.

That’s because you’re buying each options right at the money, which are the juiciest. But you also have positive Vega. He’s thinking well what about something inverse?

Well, how about we do something like this?

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (3)

This is what he was looking at. Now you have a positive theta. You can wait for a couple of days until the earnings come out.

And then once earnings explode, well ideally you’d want to be making money.

But in this case, you have that unlimited risk he was saying.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (4)

What he was then looking at is Iron Condor.

Here I have an Iron Condor setup.

I’m just using Tesla as an example.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (5)

In this case, this is what he wants.

He wants that theta. In addition, you have that negative Vega.

But the difference and the problem is you’re confined.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (6)

That’s the problem. Whereas the other ones with the straddles and strangles, you’re a lot less confined than you are here with this Iron Condor. You’re confined. And it becomes a problem. In the market, there are always trade-offs.

If you want to shoot video in low light and you don’t have light, you’re going to get a grainy picture. Or you have to get a way better camera.

There are always trade-offs. And the same thing here. There are some advanced strategies to tweak things.

Remember, with earnings; you don’t know if it’s up or down. What you would do is you would take these two strikes right here, and you bring them in.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (7)

And then you would have a butterfly.

And this would go create a trade that’s a little bit more like this.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (8)

You could do this butterfly with this Iron butterfly, which means you’re splitting the calls and puts. It doesn’t matter.

Or I could do a butterfly where it’s all calls or all puts. With a butterfly taking a guess to the upside, taking a guess to the downside with puts – all works out.

You’re spending about $267 to take a chance on these. And when you do that chance is might lose a lot of your premium. You might make a lot of money.

But you don’t know. Even though here it says a positive vega, you can’t let that throw you off. Because remember when it comes to that butterfly, once you start moving into this direction, you’re going to be negative Vega.

That’s what you’re trying to capitalize on. That’s the name of the game if that’s what you’re looking for.

For some people, you could put it right at the money. I don’t have an example like that, but let me make one real quick. You could say I’ll put one right at the money. And that’ll be around 230 right now. And let’s go to a 250 and a 210 to get numbers even.

You could put one in the money. But of course, just like with the iron condor, you’re in this range.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (9)

It creates a little bit of a problem. In some cases, what people do is they create a double butterfly. And now even if the stock price doesn’t move much, we don’t lose a lot. It cost you a little more to put this on because if you do a single one, it cost you about 350.

If you do a single on the other one 276 and to do both, you’re about $600. However, your loss is probably about maybe half of the other one. And sometimes it’s not even worth it because you’re trading more contracts. That means that commissions could be a problem.

But if it goes down or up quite a bit, you’re still capitalizing on it. That’s the normal and healthy way I would say to trade earnings as far as a single strategy goes. I wouldn’t get into anything too much more crazy than that.

The main reason is what’s happening now is you want to sell premium. But you also want unlimited movements, and it’s almost trying to get too much for what you’re trying to do.

Instead, I would tweak a strategy and make it much more simple. Even a single butterfly, pick a direction one way or the other. You can also do it with a vertical if you want. Look at it like that rather than trying to cram in.

Here is our straddle trying to make as much as possible on the move versus something like this trying to still make the theta.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (10)

You have to pick your battles. If you want theta or you want movement. You always have to pay for it; nothing is free.

In martial arts, there was a rule that we always went by: Everybody works. Nothing is free, and everybody starts at the bottom.

The thing is we can’t have everything in the marketplace. There are always trade-offs. If you’re trying to get something like an unlimited movement, but without paying too much to get it in both directions is tough.

I will show you one strategy where you can do it in a single direction, and you could be more creative. You could be able to maybe do it in both directions. But again, be aware there are some serious risks associated with it.

Why is that?

Well, because what we’re going to do is a back ratio spread. I’m not a huge fan of them, but I’ll show you how it works. And the profit picture for it.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (11)

I want unlimited profit right. I want an unlimited movement to the upside. Let’s say I’m betting that this stock is going to head higher. Well, if this works out, what I’m doing is I’m selling one.

And you’re selling one in the money, or it may be in the money after earnings. I could do one a little bit even tighter 240, and I could do a 230. You could see also if it sells off in a big way or doesn’t move, I might be able to make some money on it. That’s because I’m selling a 230 and buying 250.

What does that mean?

I’m selling a 230 I’m selling this one and buying a little further out it’d be to 250.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (12)

I’m doing one of these and a 230. I’m selling one of those and buying two of those. When I sell these, it offsets the cost of that. That’s because it’s at the money.

The downside with this is if this pulls back, and it stays under that 235 while I sold one that means I could be liable for the stock price at that price.

If it explodes, it works out in your favor. And you also have a sea of death problems here, which is about $1100.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (13)

This is another way to play a directional move. When you look at this move, it’s still not negative Vega. It’s still positive Vega, but you have price movement.

You can. Let’s show you an example here on the put side.

Let’s say I’m doing the puts, but there are some serious risks associated with that. We’ll go with 205, and I have 210 here. Make it a live price.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (14)

You can see paying a little bit. Remember, the more you move this around, the profit picture starts to change.

If I don’t want to risk a lot or pay pretty much nothing if the stock doesn’t move, that means for me to make a profit, it has to tank. Whereas if I’m willing to risk a little bit and it doesn’t have to move as much.

If I do two of these together, you could get something like this.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (15)

Call it like Batman.

You could get something like this without paying too much. And you can see if it doesn’t move, then you’re not paying too much, but you have this – they call it the sea of debt.

These two little problems just like bat wings. You’re going to be in the money on one of these. And that, of course, is a huge issue where a lot of traders don’t like to be in the money.

Be aware that this one has some serious risks. But anyway, that could be something you look at or investigate. I usually would recommend keeping things simple.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (16)

A simple butterfly one way or the other for earnings, you’re risking maybe $300 to double your money potentially. And that’s an excellent movement.

Let’s say you go a few days into it, and then you had the implied volatility that went with it, you’re risking about $300 to maybe make about $300. And it’s to double up your money. That’s some pretty good serious return on investment.

I hope this was helpful to get you thinking about some things. I know we’ve covered some more intermediate to advanced things. I usually don’t like to get too crazy or too complicated on the trades.

That’s because I find once you start putting a lot of them (10 earnings trades), it becomes harder to manage.

You need to think about how do you adjust, the fix, what’s your plan. It just becomes more convoluted and blurry. My advice is to keep it simple.

It’s up to you. My goal is to teach you a little bit, and then you can make it your own.

A camera in one person’s hand will take a different picture than a camera in another person’s hand. Everybody sees things a little bit different.

There are some things for you to take away and walk away with, and you can now make it your own.

I hope that was helpful.

Straddles vs Butterfly Option Trades on Earnings - Tradersfly (2024)


Is straddle a good strategy for earnings? ›

Five reasons straddles might be right for you!

Multi-directional strategy: Straddles can profit from both upward and downward price movements. Limited risk: The maximum loss is limited to the premium paid. Lower cost: Straddles require less capital compared to buying or shorting stock.

Which trading strategy has the highest probability of success? ›

One strategy that is quite popular among experienced options traders is known as the butterfly spread. This strategy allows a trader to enter into a trade with a high probability of profit, high-profit potential, and limited risk.

Which option strategy has the highest success rate? ›

A Bull Call Spread is made by purchasing one call option and concurrently selling another call option with a lower cost and a higher strike price, both of which have the same expiration date. Furthermore, this is considered the best option selling strategy.

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The most successful options strategy for consistent income generation is the covered call strategy. An investor sells call options against shares of a stock already owned in their portfolio with covered calls. This allows them to collect premium income while holding the underlying investment.

Is a straddle better than a strangle for earnings? ›

Straddles work well when a trader believes an asset's price will move but is unsure in which direction so that they are protected regardless of the outcome. A strangle works well when an investor is certain of the direction of an asset's movement but would still like to hedge their position.

What are the disadvantages of a straddle? ›

Unlimited loss potential: One of the primary drawbacks of the short straddle is its potential for unlimited losses. If the underlying asset experiences a significant price movement in either direction, the investor can face substantial losses. This risk can make the strategy unsuitable for risk-averse investors.

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One of the simplest and most widely known fundamental strategies is value investing. This strategy involves identifying undervalued assets based on their intrinsic value and holding onto them until the market recognizes their true worth.

What is the success rate of the butterfly strategy? ›

What is the success rate of the iron butterfly strategy? There is a 20% to 30% probability of an iron butterfly achieving any profit. It makes an entire profit only 23% of the time. This means the trader would receive a maximum of 2 weeks' profit.

Is there a trading system that can win 100% of the trades? ›

There is no such thing as a trading plan that wins 100% of the time. After all, losses are a part of the game. But losses can be psychologically traumatizing, so a trader who has two or three losing trades in a row might decide to skip the next trade.

Which option strategy has unlimited profit potential? ›

A Long Straddle is an unlimited profit & fixed risk strategy which involves buying a call and a put option at the same strike price and expiration. You use long straddle when you expect high volatility after a market event, but unsure about the direction.

How do you never lose in option trading? ›

The option sellers stand a greater risk of losses when there is heavy movement in the market. So, if you have sold options, then always try to hedge your position to avoid such losses. For example, if you have sold at the money calls/puts, then try to buy far out of the money calls/puts to hedge your position.

What is the safest option strategy for income? ›

The safest option strategy is one that involves limited risk, such as buying protective puts or employing conservative covered call writing.

What is the riskiest option strategy? ›

Selling call options on a stock that is not owned is the riskiest option strategy. This is also known as writing a naked call and selling an uncovered call.

What is the triple income strategy? ›

The Wheel Option Strategy, or Triple Income Strategy, is designed to maximize premium income through the use of cash secured puts, straddles and covered calls.

How to consistently make money with options? ›

Essentially, you need to be effective at forecasting future stock prices. If you are able to consistently project how a stock's price will trend over a given period, you can either write options contracts or buy options contracts in your favor – earning a profit along the way.

Is it smart to straddle? ›

While not all poker tacticians will agree, the general advice has to be No. This is because the only real advantage of straddling is the fact that during the first round of betting you have the advantage of acting last.

What is the max profit in a straddle? ›

The maximum profit potential on a long straddle is unlimited. The maximum risk for a long straddle will only be realized if the position is held until option expiration and the underlying security closes exactly at the strike price for the options.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.