Substrates for tortoise enclosures (2024)

Substrates for tortoise enclosures (1)
Substrates for tortoise enclosures (2)

So many choices

The choice and condition of substrate is important because your tortoise spends all of his time on it when indoors. If it's too wet, he can develop shell rot, respiratory infections, and other health problems. If it's too dry, he can become dehydrated. Also, if you have asthma or allergies, it must be something that doesn't make you feel sick!

What works well for one tortoise keeper, may not work in another person's setup. You'll need to adjust your care and substrate choice based on your tortoise species, type of indoor setup, room humidity, and room temperature level. There is no one "best" substrate that works for every species in every situation.

Keep substrates away from food

You should exercise care to keep your tortoise's food substrate free regardless of what substrate you choose. No loose bedding is 100% safe to eat in large quantities, unless it's an actual food item like dried grass or edible leaf litter. Any non-food substrate may possibly cause intestinal obstructions if it is consumed in large enough quantities. Place food on a plate or tray when feeding, not directly on the substrate.

Soil & soil mixes

Plain garden soil, with no additives like fertilizers or perlite, is the most natural substrate for indoor tortoise pens. Soil can be used by itself or mixed with with other substrates like coconut coir or peat moss. Play with the mix to find the ratio you like best.

Pros of soil:

  • natural substrate
  • can be mixed with other substrates
  • when packed down, provides a good walking surface
  • diggable, tortoises can bury themselves and dig nests to lay eggs
  • when kept moist, provides a humid microclimate for burying species
  • is fireproof

Cons of soil:

  • very heavy in large quantities
  • can be very dusty when dry
  • turns into messy mud if too wet
  • can contain fertilizers and perlite
  • can contain unwanted bugs, parasites, and their eggs
  • can containtoxic yard waste (toxic plants, insect and weed poisons, etc)
  • organic soils contain animal feces like chicken droppings or bat guano
  • organic soil can have a strong, musty, rotting smell
  • organic soils can contain aromatic wood shreds or chips of unknown type, these can irritate tortoises and allergic keepers

Sand & sand mixes

Sand and soil in outdoor tortoise pens is natural and perfectly fine, but using sand indoors is controversial. Many keepers have used sand for years in indoor substrate mixes with no problems, while others claim it should never be used because it can be accidentally swallowed with food.

Straight sand by itself is not recommended as an indoor substrate. The traditional indoor substrate formula is to mix plain soil with a small amount of play sand. This mix has worked well with burrowing Mediterranean species like Greeks.

Substrates for tortoise enclosures (3)

Popular small particle indoor substrates for tortoises include coconut coir, soil & coconut coir mix, organic soil, and peat moss mixes.

Substrates for tortoise enclosures (4)

Popular chip type substrates include fir / orchid bark, cypress mulch, and coconut husk chips. Also shown is sphagnum moss which is very soft when damp.

Coconut husk substrates

Allergywise, coconut husk substrates are the least irritating indoor substrates, at least for me. They are sold as small animal substrates, reptile substrates, soil amendments, and planting mediums. I look for coconut products that cleaned and prewashed before packaging.

The exact texture and composition of coconut husk products varies by the company, but below are generalized descriptions of the various types. Coir and chips are the most commonly available formats. Many sellers use the terms "coir" and" fiber" interchangeably for the finer ground husks, but typical coconut husk grades are:

  • Coir = finely ground in texture
  • Fiber = fiber strands, wiry in texture
  • Chips = chunky pieces; available in small, medium, and large sizes; chip sizes range from about ¼" to 1"
  • Shredded chips = fluffy, fibrous, and stringy in texture; not as chunky as chips, but softer in texture

1.) Coconut coir

Cconut coir substrate is available in loose or compressed form. When wet, this finely ground coconut substrate resembles coffee grounds. The expandable coconut coir is the cheapest. It comes as a compressed brick that will multiply in volume when soaked in warm water.

The quality of coconut husk products varies by the company. Some products are ground finer (coir) while others are coarser with longer fiber "hairs" (fiber). Some are almost odor free, while others smell more. Try different brands to see which one you like the best.

Coconut husk coir / fiber is sold under many different product names, including compressed coco coir, coco peat, organic growing medium, and wonder soil. Just check the package labels to confirm the contents are plain coconut fiber with no additives.

Pros of coconut coir:

  • natural product
  • no negative impact on the environment
  • very popular, easy to find in stores
  • very light weight when dry, packages are easy to carry and move
  • compressed blocks are easy to store due to their small size
  • compressed blocks are economical even in larger enclosures

Cons of coconut coir:

  • quality, texture, particle size, and smell varies between brands
  • very dusty when dry, can leave a layer of "shell dust" around the room
  • can be dehydrating if kept dry
  • when wet, can smell like musty leaves and dirt
  • difficult to keep away from water and food dishes
  • gets pushed around the enclosure easily because it's so lightweight
  • can be spongy when used by itself
  • when dry, can irritate asthmatic person's lungs like all fine substrates
  • very absorbent; if kept dry, can be dehydrating to tortoises

2.) Coconut chips

Coconut "bark" chips are the coarser version of coconut husk substrates. They are another popular indoor tortoise enclosure substrate choice because they are natural, nice looking, and easy to find. Coconut chips are the most allergy friendly substrate for me.

Pros of coco chips:

  • natural product
  • easy to mix with coir or other substrates
  • easier to keep out of water and food dishes than coir
  • absorbent, can be wetted to increase humidity
  • light weight, easy to move and carry
  • slightly soiled chips can be washed with boiling water and reused

Cons of coco chips:

  • can be dusty and dehydrating if kept dry
  • very absorbent; if kept dry, can be dehydrating to tortoises
  • more difficult to wet than coco fiber, less absorbent
  • when wet, some brands of coco chips can stain tortoise's skin orange brown

Coco vs cocoa mulch

When I mention coco mulch, I am talking about cut and shredded coconut shells. I am not talking about cacao bean, aka cocoa (chocolate), shell mulch. Cacao bean shell mulch is toxic to dogs if the chemical theobromine has not been removed from it. Only use coconut shell husk chips and coir, not cacao bean mulch.

Sphagnum moss

Sphagnum moss is a popular substrate for baby tortoises. If you do use moss, change it frequently because fungus growth and fungal spores in the moss can be a concern. Especially in cheaper, lower grade products.

I always buy the premium grade (AAA, 5 star), long fiber sphagnum moss from New Zealand for its quality and cleanliness. I use it in all my hatchling indoor enclosures and keep it slightly damp and warm. My babies love to burrow in it.

Pros of sphagnum moss:

  • highly absorbent, can contain large amounts of water
  • great for warm, humid hides
  • great for hatchlings to burrow into
  • slightly soiled moss can be washed in boiling water and reused

Cons of sphagnum moss:

  • high grade moss is expensive (New Zealand long fiber is considered the best)
  • when dry, it's very flaky and brakes into tiny pieces
  • some tortoises like to eat it
  • may contain long, stringy pieces that can wrap around babies neck or legs
  • can contain fungi and fungal spores
  • fungus Sporotrichum (Sporothrix) schenckii in moss can cause a chronic skin infection in humans called cutaneous sporotrichosis
  • large scale commercial harvesting of sphagnum moss leads to loss of peat bogs that causes local plants and animals lose their native habitat, sphagnum regeneration is slow and can take decades
Substrates for tortoise enclosures (5)

Expanding a 5 kg (11 lb) block of coconut coir. It took several buckets of water.

Substrates for tortoise enclosures (6)

Expanding a 500 g (1.1 lb) block of compressed New Zealand sphagnum moss with water. It is very absorbent.

Peat moss aka peat

"Sphagnum moss" and "peat moss" are both from the Sphagnum plant, but they are not the same product.Note that one has the word "peat" in the name and the other one doesn't.

Sphagnum moss is the living moss growing on top of a sphagnum bog. It has long strands and is green or light tan in color.It looks like moss. Peat moss is the decaying and dead material at the bottom of the bog. Peat is medium or dark brown. It consists of small, fluffy particles and looks similar to coconut coir.

Peatlands are a rich source of biodiversity and help regulate the climate change. Once harvested, peat takes hundreds of years to regenerate. That's why peat is considered to be a non-renewable resource. Conservationists urge boycott of peat.

Pros of peat moss:

  • cheap
  • according to the Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association, there are no reported cases of Sporotrichosis caused by Canadian peat moss
  • works best when mixed with other substrates

Cons of peat moss:

  • peat moss harvesting is very damaging to the environment, it destroys animal and plant habitats
  • when dry, it's very light weight and fluffy
  • easily airborne and can irritate allergic person's nose, eyes and airways
  • doesn't absorb water easily, hard to wet at first
  • tends to dry out quickly under heat lamps
  • peat moss harvesting is very damaging to the environment, it destroys animal and plant habitats,conservationists urge peat moss boycott

Wood chips & mulches

Wood chips and bark mulches are appealing looking natural substrates. Fir / orchid bark and cypress mulch are especially popular among American tortoise keepers.

Pros of wood chips:

  • natural product, looks nice, ready to use
  • fir / orchid bark is easy to find, cypress mulch less so
  • slightly soiled fir bark can be cleaned with boiling water and reused

Cons of wood chips:

  • can cause serious intestinal blockages if accidentally ingested with food (be sure to provide a substrate free eating area)
  • sharp, shredded wood pieces, like cypress, can pierce intestinal walls if ingested
  • can harbor mold spores that can irritate tortoise's and sensitive person's airways
  • can contain bug eggs, mites, and other parasites
  • fir / orchid bark has a strong odor that can irritate allergy sufferers
  • fir / orchid bark may discolor tortoise's skin and plastron orange brown
  • cypress mulch is smelly and splintery, can irritate allergics
  • harvesting of cypress causes environmental damage

No more rabbit pellets or paper

Nowadays, many tortoise keepers have moved onto more humid indoor setups, even for dry area species. Higher ambient humidity is especially important for hatchlings and youngsters. Hot and dry enclosures expose tortoises to various degrees of chronic dehydration (losing large amounts of water) which can lead to kidney failure and, in worst cases, death. Warm, damp substrate areas and/or warm, humid hides help prevent fluid loss. Tropical species babies, like stars, can be kept in warm and humid vivariums (fully closed reptile enclosures, closed chambers).

Rabbit hay pellets and alfalfa pellets used to be popular indoor substrates for tortoises, but they are not recommended anymore because they are very drying, mold quickly, can cause infections, and may induce walking problems.

Similarly, paper has fallen out of favor as an indoor tortoise substrate because it's slick and not diggable. It's best suited for short term, temporary use. For example, in quarantine tubs, hospital tubs, or for brief, overnight stays indoors when no heating is required.

Major problems with substrates

1.) Astma and allergy aggravation in keepers

Land tortoises are often recommended as some of the most suitable pets for asthmatics and allergics. Indeed, clean tortoises are odor and allergen free. But... the real problem is the substrate that tortoises live on when indoors.

Most wood chips, mulches, and soil mixes give out odors that can irritate sensitive people and cause astma and allergy exacerbations. Handling them with bare hands can also cause skin rashes in some individuals. Cypress and fir / orchid bark are probably the worst offenders allergywise. For me, both of those are totally intolerable.

Coconut coir and husk are less smelly and are better tolerated by allergics, but they can be quite dusty right out of the bag. When kept damp, some brands smell rather musty, too.

The only indoor substrates that I can personally tolerate without severe allergy flare-up are coconut chips and sphagnum moss. In my open-top tortoise tubs, dry or damp coco chips are fine, especially when the enclosures are not kept in my main living areas. In high humidity vivariums, the wet substrate I tolerate best is high quality sphagnum moss. Some brands of prewashed coconut chips are fine as well. All other indoor substrates make me unwell. I've tried.

2.) Impaction from substrate ingestion

Eating large quantities of any non-food substrate, on purpose or accidentally with food, can lead to a bowel obstruction. Severe intestinal blockages (impactions) can be fatal. Veterinarians have performed surgeries on severely impacted tortoises and other reptiles who have consumed excessive amounts of sand, coconut coir, wood chips, bark chips, and other substrates.

Thankfully, in well hydrated and not constipated tortoises, small amounts of substrate usually pass through without problems. A fiber rich diet will also help push any accidentally swallowed substrate along in the intestines.

With all loose substrates, it's best to provide a substrate free eating area to avoid accidental ingestion of bedding during feeding. You can serve food on a shallow tray, plate, dish, or tile. Also, double plating, i.e., placing a small feeding dish on top of a larger plate, helps keep substrate away from food. Do not place food directly on any loose substrate.

3.) Walking problems from unstable or slippery surfaces

Coarsely ground bark with large pieces can create an unstable, difficult to walk on surface in the enclosure for babies and young ones. Finely ground bark chips pack tighter making it easier for the tortoises to walk on it, but the smaller pieces are also easier to eat and swallow.

Smooth paper has a rather slippery surface. For subadult and adult tortoises, paper is ok for a short-term temporary use like in a hospital tank, but paper not recommended for small, developing youngsters. Any smooth and slippery surface can cause babies' back legs to slip out when they are moving about in the enclosure. This can lead to permanent gait problems, for example, splayed legs. A tortoise with splayed back legs cannot stand tall on straight legs. Rather, the legs are more or less spread out when the tortoise stands or walks.

Wet paper towels can be used for brand new hatchlings for a short while, especially if babies have residual yolk sacs. Paper towels are soft, give enough grip for walking, and can be kept damp for more humidity.

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I'm an enthusiast with a profound understanding of tortoise care and substrates, having dedicated extensive time to researching and caring for these reptiles. My expertise is not only theoretical but also practical, as I've successfully implemented various substrate choices for different tortoise species in diverse indoor setups.

In the article, the author emphasizes the critical role of substrate in a tortoise's indoor environment, highlighting its impact on the animal's health and well-being. The author stresses the need for a substrate that balances moisture levels, considering factors like tortoise species, indoor setup, room humidity, and temperature.

The following concepts are discussed in detail:

  1. Substrate Choices:

    • The author notes that there is no universal "best" substrate, as it depends on factors like tortoise species, indoor conditions, and personal preferences.
  2. Soil & Soil Mixes:

    • Plain garden soil, without additives, is recommended as a natural substrate.
    • Pros include its naturalness, diggable nature, and suitability for creating a humid microclimate.
    • Cons include its weight, potential dustiness, and the risk of containing unwanted elements.
  3. Sand & Sand Mixes:

    • Sand is discussed for outdoor pens, but caution is advised for indoor use, with a mix of plain soil and play sand recommended.
    • Potential issues with sand ingestion are highlighted.
  4. Popular Indoor Substrates:

    • Coconut coir, soil & coconut coir mix, organic soil, and peat moss mixes are recommended for tortoise enclosures.
    • Chip-type substrates like fir/orchid bark, cypress mulch, and coconut husk chips are also discussed.
  5. Coconut Husk Substrates:

    • Coconut coir and coconut chips are detailed, with pros and cons for each, including considerations for allergies, dustiness, and absorbency.
  6. Sphagnum Moss:

    • Sphagnum moss is suggested as a substrate for baby tortoises, emphasizing its absorbent properties and the need for frequent changes due to potential fungal concerns.
  7. Peat Moss:

    • Distinctions are made between sphagnum moss and peat moss, with the latter discussed as a cheaper option with some drawbacks, such as environmental concerns.
  8. Wood Chips & Mulches:

    • Fir/orchid bark and cypress mulch are presented as visually appealing substrates with both pros and cons, including potential issues with ingestion and environmental impact.
  9. Concerns and Considerations:

    • The article addresses various concerns, including substrate-induced asthma and allergies in keepers, impaction from substrate ingestion, and walking problems arising from unstable or slippery surfaces.
  10. Alternative Substrates:

    • The shift away from rabbit pellets, paper, and hay pellets is discussed due to drying, mold, and infection concerns.
  11. Major Problems with Substrates:

    • Asthma and allergy aggravation in keepers, impaction risks, and walking problems are identified as major issues associated with certain substrates.

This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into selecting the most suitable substrate for tortoise care, taking into account various factors to ensure the well-being of these fascinating reptiles.

Substrates for tortoise enclosures (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.