Survey: 1 in 14 High-Debt Borrowers Had Suicidal Ideation Due to Student Loans (2024)

Over the past year, nearly everyone has experienced mental health challenges due to the pandemic. The isolation, grief, anxiety, depression and looming fear were ever present. On top of that, there was uncertainty, loss of income and precarious financial situations.

Even with financial help from the CARES Act — which froze student loan payments and slashed interest rates to 0% — people are still feeling the heavy burden of debt.

Our March 2021 mental health survey of over 2,300 high debt student loan borrowers found that 1 in 14 respondents experienced suicidal ideation at some point during their repayment journey.

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Survey: 1 in 14 High-Debt Borrowers Had Suicidal Ideation Due to Student Loans (1)

Of those reporting having had suicidal thoughts at some point due to student debt, half of that group reported that they had felt that way in the past year despite unprecedented student loan payment and interest relief.

Suicidal ideation due to student debt increased from our 2019 mental health survey, which found that 1 in 15 people felt suicidal at some point over their student debt, which is alarming given the student loan relief offered in the past year along with the looming restart of payments for millions of borrowers in September.

Key findings

  • 1 in 14 survey respondents had suicidal ideation at some point due to student loan debt
  • Debt-to-income ratio is the main factor for mental health struggles due to student loans
  • Respondents who owed more than two times what they earned were 2.5x more likely to experience suicidal ideation compared to borrowers who owed less than their earnings
  • 1 in 8 single women who owe more than twice their income had suicidal ideation due to student loans
  • For single women earning less than $50,000, suicidal ideation rose to 1 in 6 respondents
  • Enrollment in generous forgiveness programs such as PSLF did not seem to reduce the risk of suicidal ideation due to debt.
  • 1 in 8 unemployed borrowers and those earning $50,000 or less experienced suicidal ideation due to student loans
  • Six-figure earners with student debt balances greater than 2x their earnings experienced a spike in suicidal ideation from 4% to 8%

What we found is that putting payments on hold or eliminating interest for a period of time was not the magic solution to alleviate student loan stress. Though respondents’ stress around student loan debt went down this past year due to the freeze, the mental health toll is still significant.

“I am constantly thinking about student loans and how much I have. It drives my every decision from how often I go to the grocery store to if I can afford to visit my family for the month,” reported one respondent.

The Most Dangerous Statistic: Your Debt-to-income (DTI) Ratio

When looking at the data, it’s clear there’s one major risk factor for suicidal ideation due to student loan debt. DTI ratios heavily impacted the likelihood that a borrower would entertain thoughts of harming themselves because of their debt burden.

A DTI ratio illustrates how much of your income goes toward debt and is measured by taking your student debt divided by your income. A ratio above 2-to-1 makes it extremely difficult to pay back debt using traditional methods, whereas a ratio below 1-to-1 is easier to pay back. Even a high income doesn’t wash away the mental health woes, as those making six-figures may owe six figures of debt too.

For borrowers with a DTI of less than one, meaning they owed less than they earned, 1 in 26 people experienced suicidal ideation. But when debt crept up, suicidal ideation skyrocketed.

For respondents who had a DTI between 1 and 2, 1 in 15 experienced suicidal ideation. For those who had a DTI greater than two, 1 in 11 experienced suicidal ideation due to student debt.

We also noticed that once respondents owed more than they earned, they reported higher levels of hopelessness and depression due to student loan debt.

There seems to be significant wisdom in the rule of thumb that you should be careful about attending a degree program where you'll owe more in student debt than you'll earn. Unfortunately due to student loan policy and the explosion of the cost of education, owing more than you earn is the new norm for many borrowers.

Survey: 1 in 14 High-Debt Borrowers Had Suicidal Ideation Due to Student Loans (2)

Source: March 2021 Student Loan Planner® Mental Health Survey

Generous Forgiveness Programs Did Almost Nothing to Help the Mental Health Burden of Student Debt

In theory, putting payments and interest on hold, and offering forgiveness through Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) would help ease the worries or borrowers. But our survey revealed that this isn’t the reality for many high-debt borrowers.

There was no discernable difference in suicidal ideation from people who were pursuing PSLF from those who are not. We found 1 in 15 people pursuing PSLF expressed suicidal ideation. Another 1 in 15 who are not pursuing PSLF also expressed suicidal ideation. So in other words, a forgiveness plan with strings attached related to career isn’t the answer.

The number of respondents who experienced ideation increased to 1 in 11 if they were unsure of what repayment plan they were using. Knowing what you're doing with your student debt by no means eliminates the mental health risk. However, not having a plan at all is worse.

As it relates to Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), there’s a 10-year commitment to work in public service. One common sentiment expressed throughout the survey is a feeling of being trapped in a job or career.

High-debt borrowers who are pursuing PSLF might feel like their only escape is sticking with a job or field for 10 years to get student loan forgiveness. Unlike income-driven repayment, PSLF borrowers get student loans forgiven, tax-free. But the mental health cost is high, especially for those with unruly debt amounts.

For PSLF borrowers, 10% of those who owed double their income or more reported suicidal ideation due to student loans. Only 2.7% of PSLF borrowers who owed less than they earned reported feeling that way at some point.

That makes no logical sense, as PSLF forgives a person's debt completely tax-free. Additionally, the payments are the exact same regardless of the size of your debt amount. This is perhaps some of the best evidence present in this survey of the true psychological burden of a debt that makes you feel like you don't have options.

One respondent put it succinctly,

“Student Loans make me feel like my life isn’t my own. A time that should be filled with excitement and new experiences is instead filled with dread and uncertainty.”

Student Debt Weighed Heavier on Women

When it comes to student loan debt and suicidal ideation, it’s clear that it’s a women’s issue. Our data found that 1 in 18 men experience suicidal ideation due to student loans. For women, that risk increases to 1 in 13.

Relationship status also has a greater effect on the likelihood of women experiencing suicidal ideation, compared to men. In fact, suicidal ideation was 62% higher for single women than it was for married women.

For single women, who owed less than what they earned, 1 in 30 experienced suicidal ideation. Given the DTI effect, that number jumped to 1 in 8 for single women who owed more than twice their income.

Women already earn less thanks to the gender pay gap and are also pursuing education at higher rates than men. One could hypothesize that women are more likely to owe more as well as earn less while pursuing the same degree, which adds to the debt-to-income ratio evidence of the mental health danger of student loan debt.

We see the same DTI affect for high-earning single women as well. For single women earning six figures, 1 in 17 considered suicide at some point, because of student loan debt.

But for single women earning less than $50,000 per year? A whopping 1 in 6 single women considered suicide, due to the weight of student loans.

Regardless of income, student debt weighs heavily when it comes to making big life decisions and navigating life stages.

One woman stated that she had,

“Constant anxiety about affording things and hesitation for major life experiences. Such as having a child, buying a house, buying a car, buying my own practice, or having a wedding. Half my six figure income goes to student loan debt and will be for the next 23 years.”

Another respondent echoed the same sentiments,

“My federal student loans total nearly 5x my annual salary now and have only grown while I've made 5+ years of qualified, on-time payments. This seemingly insurmountable financial burden is something that continues to be extremely challenging to navigate some of life's bigger milestones: home ownership, starting a family, retirement, etc.”

Lack of income or lower income is a contributing factor

Relatively low or nonexistent income resulted in higher rates of mental health struggles and suicidal ideation. We found that borrowers who lost income completely, like those faced with unemployment, experienced higher instances of suicidal ideation.

1 in 8 respondents who were unemployed or earning less than $50,000 experienced suicidal ideation due to student loan debt. Among respondents making six figures, suicidal ideation doubled from 4% to 8% if they owed two times or more compared to their earnings.

Income isn’t an automatic fix. Our survey data shows that 1 in 17 respondents who had their income rise this past year still experienced suicidal thoughts from student loans.

Any way you look at this data, your debt-to-income ratio is a hazard to your mental health.

Policy changes that could lessen the mental health crisis around student loans

As we’ve navigated the COVID-19 crisis this past year and see signs of hope and recovery, it’s clear that the student loan crisis isn’t going away.

Despite a payment freeze and 0% interest rates for approximately 18 months, the share of borrowers reporting suicidal ideation due to student loans in 2021 increased in the past two years since we first launched this mental health survey in 2019.

That's alarming, and there are no easy fixes. That said, solutions likely need to focus on lowering the current and future debt-to-income ratios of borrowers. Here are some that could be considered:

  • Instituting caps on how much tuition a school can charge
  • Student loan cancellation, particularly for the lowest income borrowers facing the most economic hardship
  • Bankruptcy protections allowing borrowers in the worst financial situations a way out
  • Changing or capping borrowing limits
  • Surgeon General's warning about the risk to mental health from significant student debt burdens
  • Civil penalties for institutions that intentionally misstate student outcomes in order to increase enrollment
  • Reduction or elimination of federal financial aid for schools whose graduates consistently have high debt-to-income ratios

From 2007 to 2017, the cost of public universities increased by 31%. Stagnant wages and soaring debt are only adding to the mental health crisis related to student loans, making people feel trapped.

Loan cancellation could have sweeping mental health and economic benefits and provide relief after a tough year full of anxiety.However, while 85% of the respondents in this survey supported at least some student debt cancellation, only 32% supported cancelling all of it.

Borrowers want to be able to invest in their education, better themselves and their families, and not have student debt hold them back.

Student loan debt and the risk it poses to mental health is a significant public health risk. Hopefully policymakers will try to make meaningful change rather than just put a band-aid on a problem that continues to get worse.

*If you ever have suicidal thoughts or are facing a mental health crisis, please call 1-800-273-TALK, that's 1-800-273-8255

Get a Student Loan Plan


We surveyed 2,358 Student Loan Planner® readers from our email list. Eighty-five percent of respondents are between the ages of 18 to 39. Sixty-eight percent of respondents have six figures of student loan debt. The respondents were 65% females and 35% males.

Survey: 1 in 14 High-Debt Borrowers Had Suicidal Ideation Due to Student Loans (3)

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Survey: 1 in 14 High-Debt Borrowers Had Suicidal Ideation Due to Student Loans (2024)


Survey: 1 in 14 High-Debt Borrowers Had Suicidal Ideation Due to Student Loans? ›

Student debt and mental health statistics

Is the student debt crisis center real? ›

SDCC is a people-powered movement representing over 2 million supporters. Our name reflects our commitment to addressing what we believe to be a colossal unfolding disaster: the trillion-dollar student debt crisis.

Does student loan debt affect your mental health? ›

According to a survey of readers from financial coaching company Student Loan Planner, mental health and student loan debt are inextricably linked. Below are just three key findings that this specific study found: "53% of high debt student loan borrowers have experienced depression because of their debt."

How high student loan debt can impact a person's life decisions? ›

Carrying student debt can affect your ability to buy a home if your debt-to-income ratio is too high. If you have too much student loan debt, you won't be able to save as much for retirement. Student loan debt can lower your credit score, especially if you fail to make on-time payments.

What percent of people are in debt because of student loans? ›

Who has student loan debt? Roughly 43 million Americans have outstanding federal student loan debt — that's about 13% of the U.S. population, per census data. Source: Federal Student Aid, Portfolio by Age Q4 2023.

Why shouldn't student loan debt be forgiven? ›

Student loan forgiveness is an abuse of the loan system. People must be held responsible for their personal economic choices. A 2020 survey found 46% of Americans believe student loan forgiveness is unfair to those who have paid off their loans…

Who actually owns student debt? ›

Whoever gave you the money for your education (the lender) is usually who owns your student loan. This is either the federal government or a private company.

Why is student debt a problem? ›

More debt and less support have undeniably led to long-term debt burden and severe financial consequences. Although more students of color are attending college and pursuing the “American Dream,” student debt has delayed them from purchasing homes, starting businesses, and building generational wealth.

Is it OK to be in student debt? ›

Key Takeaways

Student loans are considered good debt due to their potential for long-term benefits, including increased earning potential. Other factors of good debt include lower interest rates, flexible repayment options, and potential tax deductions.

How do people feel about student debt? ›

Many students say they prefer "just not to think about it" because adding money stress to their academic stress is overwhelming. While that's an understandable reaction, research shows that hiding from debt can be associated with bad financial decision-making and mental health problems.

How many people regret student loans? ›

The negative effects of student loan debt aren't just financial either. In our own research at Ramsey Solutions, we found that 53% of those who took out student loans regretted it. And 43% of those who took out student loans regret going to college altogether.

Who suffers the most from student debt? ›

Federal Student Loans by Age

Unsurprisingly, younger people hold the majority of student loan debt. Borrowers between the ages of 25 and 34 carry about $500 billion in federal student loans—the majority of people in this age group owe between $10,000 and $40,000.

What are the pros and cons of student loans? ›

In this article:
Pros and Cons of Student Loans
Accessible to college students with no or limited credit historiesDefault can lead to very serious consequences
Lower interest rates than other financing optionsThey may not be enough to cover all of your expenses
1 more row
Sep 28, 2022

How many people aren't paying student loans? ›

15% of Americans with student loans are behind on their payments
EducationPercent behind on payments
Some college or technical degree28%
Associate's degree19%
Bachelor's degree7%
Graduate degree6%
Dec 19, 2023

What race has more student loan debt? ›

Black students take out the most student loan debt for a bachelor's degree, followed by white students. Black bachelor's degree holders have an average of $52,000 in student debt. Eighty-six percent of Black students take out student loans to pay for college, compared to 68 percent of white students.

What is the average student loan payment per month? ›

Research from shows that almost 45.3 million Americans hold an average federal student loan debt balance of $37,338. Combined, student loan debt in the U.S. adds up to nearly $2 trillion. According to the same data, the average student loan monthly payment is $503.

Is the student debt relief program real? ›

To date, the Biden-Harris Administration has approved $146 billion in student debt relief for 4 million Americans through more than two dozen executive actions. That includes fixing Public Service Loan Forgiveness and Income-Driven Repayment plans, so borrowers finally get the relief they are entitled to under the law.

Did anyone get student debt forgiveness? ›

President Joe Biden has already forgiven $167 billion in student debt for 4.75 million borrowers. 25 million could get interest balances reduced under Biden's relief 'plan B', which could debut in fall 2024.

Is there a student loan forgiveness center? ›

STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS CENTER - Updated May 2024 - 18 Reviews - 18100 Von Karman Ave, Irvine, California - Debt Relief Services - Phone Number - Yelp.

What student loan company is being sued? ›

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) sued student loan servicer Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA), which does business as American Education Services (AES), for illegally collecting on student loans that have been discharged in bankruptcy and sending false ...

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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