Testimonials - The SMART scholarship methods by Monica Matthews work! (2024)

“Hi there! I just wanted to reach out and thank you for your guidance. My daughter won a National scholarship for $9,700 renewable for four years! We are beyond thankful for your help and all we have learned from you. I continue to search for scholarships and she continues to work hard completing them! You’re a lifesaver!” A.L., North Dakota

“I’m so thankful for your material in general but the new [2023] version prompted me to finish reading the ebook! I love the true story references from your experiences and other parents’ experiences.” W.G., New York

“Hi Monica, I bought your entire set [The Ultimate Scholarship Success Bundle] a few weeks ago and am learning so much!! Thank you so much for all your wonderful tips.” K.W., Alabama

“I also purchased your ebook. Best thing I ever spent money on.” M.S., New York

“Don’t give up keep applying!! I helped my daughter apply for more than 80 scholarships since September! We searched for them together.. she wrote all of the essays and I filled in all of the basic information, and uploaded the required documents..working together made this process easier on everyone!! She has been awarded scholarships from $150.00-$160,000.00!! Her undergraduate degree is officially debt free Tuition.. Housing Books and a Stipend!! Thank you a MILLION TIMES Monica Matthews we wouldn’t be here without you.. Thank you just isn’t enough, your guidance changed our course for years to come.” J.R., Oregon

“Impressed by the scholarship bundle!!! Feeling organized and more ready than ever! Thank you!!!” R.W., New Mexico (Facebook Parents Group member)

“I have followed you for years and you have been a valuable resource in finding and winning scholarships for my two daughters. Thank you!” C.F., Missouri

“My mom swears by your digital book, and we are starting to see some results from using your methods. Thank you!” Z.W., Student

“A time-saver with all the tips given! My 8th grader won a scholarship offered by our local library that I found using Monica’s search tips. It is also good practice for essay writing for her.” R.S., Florida

“Get Monica’s ebooks and get on her email list. She tells you how to find scholarships and how to apply so you’ll win them.” R.L., Facebook Group for Parents Member

“Monica, your e-books have lots of great tips and your Facebook posts always encourage us to keep applying. I am truly blessed to have 3 wonderful children who have put in the work to achieve these scholarships.” Happy Parent

“My daughter used your method for her first scholarship essay! She won! It’s a local scholarship for $750 and a teacher of her choice receives $500. She also gets a free trip with the 3 others chosen from our county to visit the state Capitol and meet with legislators. Also- an all expense paid week long trip to D.C. to see monuments, museums, and go to Capitol Hill and meet with legislators there! Over 80 kids submitted essays and then 20 were chosen for an interview. She is over the moon excited! Thank you!” J.J, Alabama

“Monica has wonderful scholarship lists! My daughter was able to get merit scholarships plus scholarships for her portfolio to make her eligible to not have to pay anything. Plus she won some small local scholarships which pretty much just put money in her pocket.” T.R., Scholarship Help & College Talk for Parents Group Member

“Monica really knows how to make essays shine. We found Monica towards the end of my daughter having done 40+ applications. We had studied, researched, and rewritten so many essays. Once we figured out how to apply SMART she saw success, including a National one worth $16,000. This year I made my daughter apply for a scholarship through her department at the University. She sent her essay (only 200 words) and it was fine but forgettable. That was the mistake she was making before, beautiful forgettable essays. I sent it to Monica because I knew what was wrong but my daughter needed to hear it from someone else this time. Monica reminded her of the SMART strategies, better intro, and conclusion, showing more than telling. She rewrote it and just won the scholarship for over $5000.” J.K., Idaho

“My daughter is good for her undergraduate thanks to your guidance. We’re your biggest fans!!” J.M., Oregon

“Hello! I wanted to thank you for all of your information and tips on finding scholarships and writing essays in your ebook. Monday, we found out that my daughter was awarded a FULL RIDE SCHOLARSHIP! She had to go through an intense interview after submitting several essays and letters of recommendation. We had read through many of your tips and tricks and they sure paid off! Thank you!” A.S., Facebook Group Member

“Get the ebook! That’ll give you everything you need.” R.B., California

“Priceless!!! Monica’s tips helped our family substantially. My oldest daughter will graduate this spring without a single penny paid out of our pockets or hers. She even has over $26K in excess funding. My youngest daughter has earned enough to cover her bachelor’s and has earned over an additional $11K which she will put towards her master’s degree. The majority of scholarships my daughters earned were not sizable. Most came in $500 and $1000 awards. The smaller scholarships really add up. Your students need a hand full of solid essays to recycle, and you should partner with them to apply relentlessly to every scholarship they qualify for. Thank you, Monica Matthews, for sharing your wisdom and guidance.” P.S., Texas

“Monica, I found your ebook very well laid out, informative, and helpful. I am excited to get started delving into your program. I am impressed with your hard work, dedication, and devotion to helping your children.” D.W., Kentucky

“Monica, I just purchased the student and parent ebook combo, I’m already on page 13 so far and I am so excited to finish the remaining pages! Thank you for all the spot-on information and time-saving tips!!!” R.S., California

“My daughter applied & didn’t win MANY scholarships before we decided to invest more time in HOW to win scholarships. Then we saw success and she won one local and one National award. My oldest 2 both got $ back last semester due to scholarships. My daughter has all 4 years covered full ride and my son is about $1500 away from having his sophom*ore year full ride as well. It is possible but you need to apply SMART.” J.K., Scholarship Help & College Talk for Parents Facebook group member, Idaho

“We are using Monica’s strategies and they are so helpful. My oldest has been awarded $25k so far & is a junior in college. She keeps applying to the university scholarships.” S.H., Indiana

“I have used the guidelines from Monica Matthews’ ebook. This was such a great starting point…definitely my “go-to” on how to start the process of scholarship applications. In addition, I have purchased Monica’s Scholarship Toolkit Organizer, which is a great way to organize materials and monitor deadlines (rather than notes written all over the place). The ebook provides you with guidelines and tips that are best practices. Our school’s guidance office only provided a minimal list of scholarships. Monica is tremendous in offering potential scholarship information or answering any questions I may have (that is worth her weight in gold). My son had success winning 15 scholarships (local and national). He was a good student, but nothing like some of the stats I have read from other parents. So it is possible…keep applying!” D.E., Indiana

“Monica, we have found your scholarship information and listings so helpful. Thank you!” M.B., Facebook Group Member, Ohio

“I can’t recommend this ebook enough! I have learned so much invaluable information. She really helped clear up the scholarship mystery and made me and my son feel like we could do this!” J.C., Happy Parent

“100% of your scholarship applying strategies worked! And now as a freshman in college, we are using them all over again. Last year as I was sourcing high school senior scholarships I started a new list of scholarships for college-level students.” S.M., Virginia

“I wanted you to be the first to hear that I received 2 scholarships today!! One from the Elk’s for $500.00 and one from our local hospital for $1500.00. It feels great to hear back from a scholarship or 2 after working so hard on applying. Thank you for your help and your ebook!” C.B., Student

“Thank you so much! You’re like an angel to so many of us going through this process.” L.H., Facebook Parent Group Member

“You helped when I was thinking I would never be able to send my son to college. So thank you!” S.M., Single Parent

“Thank you so much for what you do! Just your tips on getting organized first were worth the cost of your PDF!” J.M., Virginia

“Hi Monica, I wanted to give you an update. My college sophom*ore just won another scholarship from our community foundation. It was one that is for college students only so I had to make a note for when she was eligible (your recommendation). She has been able to get by on what we had saved for her, scholarships, and govt loans. so far she has not had to tap into private loans. What you teach really works and makes things much easier.

With that being said, I am also helping my high school senior with the scholarship process. The second time around is easier for me because I know what to expect. I overheard my oldest daughter giving advice to my senior to not take it personally when I say the essay needs to be redone or polished because I have done a lot of research and know what I am talking about. That made me laugh.

I also have a high school junior and I have already begun the process for her as well… Anyway, just wanted to basically say thank you for doing what you do. You help so many people and it is so overwhelming at the start. I will keep you updated if any more scholarships are won in this household.” S.H., Indiana

“I learned a lot from the ebook and it helped me win some local scholarships as well as one from the college I am attending.” S.H., Student

“We love this ebook! It has helped so much in the scholarship essay phase of our journey. Monica has been very hands-on also answering questions and helping point us in the direction needed.” T.A., Kentucky

“Monica’s ebook is so helpful. Beyond worth every penny!” A.T., Missouri

“I recently purchased your “combo” offer and my daughter and I have found your ebooks to be tremendously helpful and insightful.” B.M., California Dad

“Son is a freshman and so far nothing out of pocket at least for this 1st year. For years 2-4, out of pocket is reasonable and will be paid from 529 so no loans. Remaining $ in 529 is geared for graduate school. But we’re consistently working on outside scholarships. Definitely pick up the How to Win Scholarships ebooks. Very valuable info. One of my son’s scholarship committees were so impressed with his hard copy application they gave him a $100 visa giftcard outside of the normal $500 scholarship. They said the “packet” was so impressive & the heavyweight paper. Also, his interview was impressive as well but they couldn’t get over his packet.” W.Y., Facebook Fan

“Monica Matthews has a wealth of great resources for finding and winning scholarships! Scholarship Help and College Talk for Parents is her group — definitely join that, too.” J.B., Facebook Fan

“Thank you, Monica. Your ebook is a fantastic resource! Highly recommend to all parents and students.” J.D., Iowa

“Buy the ebooks, worth every penny!” A.S., New York

“Hi Monica, I read the latest version of the ebook. Can’t thank you enough for writing this ebook. It is such a helpful guide for any parent who wants to navigate the scholarship process. Your latest version has even more clearer steps. Thank you.” L.P., California

“I appreciated your recommendation to me a couple of weeks ago on a good site to check for scholarships, and I recently downloaded your ebook. You offer a lot of great resources, so thank you! I’m already reading through it and picking up some good tips.” J.L., Georgia

“My son is at a college here in our state and his freshmen year we pulled in $18,000 in scholarships. I paid like $978.00 for his freshmen year. The information is priceless. Thank you so much.” G.G., North Carolina

“Lots of great information in the ebooks. I was feeling overwhelmed at the thought of starting but you break out the steps and make it seem manageable.” A.W., New York

“Hi Monica, I just finished reading your parent guide. Your kids are very lucky, you are an awesome mom. I will start collecting information on the scholarships that are available for me locally here and take your guidelines in looking for them. Fortunately, my kids are still in middle school so I’m assuming I have time to gather and get set go. Thanks again!” L.P., California Mom

“Your tips are incredible. After reading your ebook and applying your advice he applied to two local scholarships and one more AND we have won all three!! We will keep searching and applying for more.” D.G., Texas

“Everyone should buy your ebook! It is filled to the BRIM with fantastic tips. Thank YOU!” H.D., Michigan

“Hi Monica, wanted to touch base with you. This morning we had our high school scholarship awards ceremony & I am proud to say my senior (including merit from college) was awarded $17,500! Thank you for your work & guidance!” S.H., Indiana

“5 STARS!!! It works. It has original tips!”, R.B, Texas

“My son accepted a scholarship tonight from the local Rotary Club. He was one of 4 students receiving a scholarship. (A $2,000 scholarship renewable for 4 years for a total of $8,000) The announcer commented to the crowd that my son’s scholarship application was the “neatest” package he had ever seen in his 20 years of heading the scholarship committee. While my son had a good essay, and achievements to report, it was obvious that the presentation of the materials made a positive impact. Thank you, Monica Matthews, of How to Win College Scholarships, for the great advice and tips! The small investment I made in buying her ebook truly helped. This is the 4th scholarship my son has won and they all add up! I post this information to encourage parents that scholarships are available and if you are going to apply, apply smart!” S.M. Facebook Fan and Proud Texas Parent

“My son just won his first outside scholarship! It’s only $1500 but finally he’s seeing a reward for all of the work he’s done (he’s applied for over 60 scholarships!) And every little bit adds up! They plan to interview him next week and then will publish on their website! I’ve read your ebook and we’ve followed your ideas and guidelines. It’s been hard to continue doing the applications without seeing the benefit but hopefully, this is just the first of others to come. And interestingly, they will be sending him the check directly!” S. M., Texas

“You are the best! I’ve been following you for years! I bought your ebook and realized we share the same ideas on scholarship strategies. The twins amassed $320k Thanks so much.” C.K., Delaware

“Monica, her ebook, and this page have been so helpful in starting the process of searching for scholarships. The information on how to get organized, composition of essays, & presentation is very informative. I wish I would have come across all of this before senior year.” S.H., Parent and happy customer

“Monica – your ebooks are the bomb – my daughter is having a blast setting up a resume website, and all the tips and tricks are so helpful. I am very thankful I saw your interview last week and I ordered the student and parent copies. My daughter and I are very focused with the scholarship process but you took it to a whole new exciting level!!” L.G., New Jersey

“Monica, in the two times that you’ve helped me now, you have been so kind. Even though we’ve never met, there’s no question you have a huge heart. Look how much you’re helping people! Trying to look for financial aid is nothing short of an overwhelming maze of choices — omg. But thanks to your efforts, people can now hone into the most important places, and put their emphasis where it matters. You’ve made scholarships much more accessible to the people who really need them.” J.A., California

“I can’t say enough about how much helpful information is in Monica’s program. It is worth way more than she charges and anyone who has a child in high school that wants to send them to college should buy her scholarship guide ebooks. It will save you time and help your son or daughter earn more money for college.” J.C., Parent

“This guide took what was bound to be a very overwhelming experience and turned into a very rewarding and easy experience. We didn’t have a clue as to even how to get started applying for a scholarship. Thanks to this ebook our son received a scholarship with a paid internship. Thank you so much!” H.H., Parent

“I was delighted to read Ms. Matthew’s truly insider scholarship guide ebook. It’s so thorough that she’s figured out what font and size to use when typing out scholarship applications. I was particularly impressed that she used her own experience so I could know what to expect in a process that she doesn’t glorify or suggest “how easy it is.” What really caught my attention was HOW to present the applications. For example, use oversized envelopes when mailing your applications. That’s just for starters. I’m a marketing guy, and the marketing advice in this guide is priceless. Hint: Get this authoritative source while you still have time. Not getting it will have you wondering later…’What if I had purchased that scholarship advice.’ College is just too expensive not to act now.” Paul Hemphill, Planning for College

“Clear list of ideas for scholarships. Great reference guide!” T, Parent

“I have loved Monica’s approach to the Parent/Child scholarships team since I first learned of it, and am doing the same with my own child.” J.V, Dad

“Monica’s books include many of the strategies I used to win over $1 million in scholarships in high school and college. I wished this ebook was around when I was in high school, for $27 I could have won even more money” – Davis N, Debt-free college graduate

“Monica Matthews helped us get our son through school without debt!” B.W., Parent

“Most comprehensive collection of winning scholarship aids I have ever come across.” M.G., Parent

“Thanks for the great information on Twitter for my students both in private practice and at West Bloomfield High School. You are very wise! I am excited to connect on Linkedin, and hope to meet you in person at a conference one of these days.” A.B., West Bloomfield College Admissions Career Center Coordinator

Testimonials - The SMART scholarship methods by Monica Matthews work! (2024)


Testimonials - The SMART scholarship methods by Monica Matthews work!? ›

Who Gets Accepted into the SMART Scholarship Program. For students that are interested in applying, the program has provided some insight into who actually wins these scholarships based on 2018 application cycle data: • The program has a 15% acceptance rate. Average GPA of 2022 scholars: 3.74.

What are the odds of getting the smart scholarship? ›

Who Gets Accepted into the SMART Scholarship Program. For students that are interested in applying, the program has provided some insight into who actually wins these scholarships based on 2018 application cycle data: • The program has a 15% acceptance rate. Average GPA of 2022 scholars: 3.74.

What is the acceptance rate for the smart scholar? ›

15% of applicants received the SMART Scholarship.

How much do you get paid for the smart scholarship? ›

SMART Scholarship Benefits include:

Stipend paid at a rate of $30,000 - $46,000 a year depending on degree level (may be prorated depending on award length) Summer research internships ranging from 8 to 12 weeks. Health Insurance allowance of up to $2,500 per academic year.

Is a smart scholarship worth it? ›

Conclusion. I highly recommend applying for this scholarship, and I really encourage working for the government. I love my job and the scholarship's financial award definitely accelerated my path toward financial independence.

What GPA do you need for the Smart Scholarship? ›

Please note: If you are currently enrolled, you must maintain a 3.0 GPA to remain eligible for a SMART Scholarship Award.

How many smart scholarships are awarded each year? ›

This work, SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program Builds Diverse DoD STEM Workforce, Awarding Over 460 New Scholarships, must comply with the restrictions shown on https://www.dvidshub.net/about/copyright.

How does a smart scholarship work? ›

As a SMART Scholar, students pursuing a bachelor's, masters or Ph. D. in one of our 21 STEM disciplines, will receive full tuition, an annual stipend allocated in monthly installments, an annual book allowance, AND annual health insurance allowance.

How long is the smart scholarship? ›

Scholarships are awarded for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 5 years of funding, depending on degree requirements. SMART is a one-for-one commitment; for every year of degree funding, the scholar commits to working for a year with the DoD as a civilian employee.

Is the smart scholarship stipend taxed? ›

Taxation of Awards

Scholarship America does not withhold taxes from scholar payments. Under current laws and regulations, scholars are responsible for submitting quarterly estimates of income taxes to the IRS and paying the amounts due.

What is the highest paid scholarship? ›

Most Generous College Scholarships for 2024
Name of ScholarshipMaximum AwardDeadline Month
Buick Achievers Scholarship Program$100,000February
Gates Millennium ScholarsCOA - Other AidFebruary
NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program$80,000March
Davidson Fellows Scholarships$50,000February
7 more rows

Which scholarship gives the most money? ›

Students seeking out scholarships offering the most money can start with this ranking of the biggest scholarships available.
  • Levine Scholars Program. ...
  • Collegiate Inventors Competition. ...
  • Dr. ...
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities US Scholarship. ...
  • Thiel Fellowship. ...
  • Leonard Bernstein Fellowship. ...
  • NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program.

What is the number 1 scholarship app? ›

Scholly is the top scholarship app and has helped students win more than $35 million dollars.

How do I make sure I win a scholarship? ›

Top Tips for Winning Scholarships for College
  1. Create an accomplishments resume. ...
  2. Don't miss deadlines. ...
  3. Complete the scholarship matching profile thoroughly. ...
  4. Apply to as many scholarships as possible. ...
  5. Look for scholarship listing books. ...
  6. Find local scholarships on bulletin boards. ...
  7. Tap into family connections.

How do I find scholarships no one is applying for? ›

Other ways to find unclaimed scholarships include asking your specific college or university what they offer, using the library's recommendation section, reaching out to businesses in your field of study, speaking to your high school counselor, and asking religious organizations if they offer scholarships.

How likely is it that I will win a scholarship? ›

Odds of Winning a Scholarship

Only about 1 in 8 college students wins a scholarship, and the average amount used to pay for college is about $4,200 a year. Very few students win $25,000 or more in scholarships each year (only about 0.1%). Among the students who win scholarships, 97% win $2,500 or less.

What is the hardest type of scholarship to get? ›

An athletic scholarship may cover some or all of your tuition costs, depending on the school. Athletic scholarships are some of the hardest to receive.

What is the percentage of getting a scholarship? ›

Only one in eight college students is awarded a scholarship. 97% of students that are awarded scholarships received less than $2,500. Only 0.2% of students receive scholarships worth $25,000 or more. Full-ride scholarships (education + living expenses) are awarded to only about 0.1% of students.

What percent of people actually get scholarships? ›

Only 7% of college students will receive a scholarship. The U.S. Department of Education awards an estimated $46 billion in scholarship money annually. On average, first-time undergraduates who receive government grants and scholarships at a 4-year college receive about $13,690 annually.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 5948

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.