The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (2024)

We analyzed every character, constellation and artifact to find that perfect lineup for Eula.

Whether you’re a whale, a moderate spender, a light spender or a free-to-play player, you’ll find value with this Eula team comp guide.

Content Overview


  • How We Choose the Characters for Eula’s Team Comp:
  • Eula’s Best Team Comp:
  • Eula’s High-End Team Comp:
  • Eula’s Mid-Tier Team Comp:
  • Eula’s F2P-Friendly Team Comp:
  • Damage Showcase Team Comp:
  • Honorable Mentions:
    • Alternative team #1:
    • Alternative team #2:
    • Alternative team #3:
  • Conclusion:

How We Choose the Characters for Eula’s Team Comp:

Eula’s best asset is the absurd damage of Lightfall Sword from her elemental burst and physical damage.

For this reason, her best character setup is, without a doubt, the Eula physical build.

On the other hand, her biggest downside is the high energy requirement to activate her burst.

That said, we should think about characters that can complement her strengths and compensate for her weaknesses.

With this in mind, we take into consideration the following things before recommending the best team comp.

  • Further enhance her physical damage output.
  • Increase the activation frequency of her elemental burst.
  • Elemental Reaction
  • Possible elemental resonance
  • Survivability when taking on the most challenging content like the Spiral Abyss.
  • Skill frequency activation and uptime.

While we included a team comp solely for showing off Eula’s damage, we do not consider it the best.

Factors such as shielding, dodging, healing frequency, and skill uptime should also be considered.

Eula’s Best Team Comp:

For the best Eula team comp, we take into account everything each character can bring to the table.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a 4-star or a 5-star character. We analyzed them all at their max constellation, artifact, stat and talent.

This is a no-holds-barred team comp without any regard for the difficulty in unlocking constellations or hunting artifacts.

Having them is a different story though. But if we’re talking about the dream team, so nothing should be off-limits, right?

Realistically, only a few players (the whales) will have access to this team.

Here’s the lineup for the best Eula team comp:

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (1)
Main DPS4-piece Pale FlameC6 (Maxed)
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (2)
Burst DPS Support
4-piece Noblesse ObligedC6 (Maxed)
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (3)
Enabler4-piece Tenacity of MillelithC6 (Maxed)
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (4)
Heal Support
Shield Support
2-piece Archaic Petra
2-piece Noblesse Obliged
C6 (Maxed)

I know this lineup looks a little weird at first. But Zhongli can more than take on the role of the healer at C6 while simultaneously providing the strongest shield in the game.

But I’m not finished yet. Zhongli’s Jade shield (hold ) provides a 20% physical and elemental resistance reduction while it’s active.

This not only helps Eula’s physical damage but also increases Rosaria’s elemental burst and Fischl’s skill damage.

If you’re a little skeptical about his healing capability, you can try building him as full support. Do this by equipping him with 2-piece Retracing Bolide and 2-piece Tenacity of Millelith.

Meanwhile, Rosaria serves as the battery for Eula to help her activate her elemental burst more frequently.

And if you build her as burst support, she can take advantage of Eula’s elemental skill, which reduces the Cryo resistance of monsters. This allows her to boost the DPS of the entire party.

She does this not only with the damage of her ultimate but also with the 20% physical resistance reduction debuff.

Lastly, Fischl triggers the Superconduct elemental reaction. This is pretty much a requirement for any physical damage-oriented team.

She also helps the whole team by providing a constant buff from the 4-piece Tenacity of Millelith set.

When everything clicks, this team comp can provide a whopping 80% physical resistance reduction to your opponents. And this is not including Eula’s elemental skill that can give up to 25% physical resistance reduction at max level.

This team comp also takes advantage of the Cryo resonance. It helps you gain more crit rate on monsters affected by Cryo.

Note that Superconduct removes the Cryo element upon triggering. So it might not work consistently. But also keep in mind that this elemental reaction also has an internal cooldown of 3-4 seconds.

So you should have Diona or Fischl trigger the elemental reaction first. Then switch to Eula and apply the Cryo element before using normal attacks.

If you haven’t noticed yet, all four characters help each other boost their damage. This makes this lineup the best team comp for Eula.

But as I said before, this team is a little out of reach for most of us. So we had to look at the next best thing.

Eula’s High-End Team Comp:

The high-end comp includes 5-star and 4-star characters. But it only takes into account the potentials of 4-star characters at their max constellation.

This one is in the realm of the light to moderate spenders or a few long-time F2P players.

For the high-end Eula team, we picked the following characters:

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (5)
Main DPS4-piece Pale FlameAny
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (6)
Enabler4-piece Tenacity of MillelithC6 (optional)
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (7)
Burst DPS Support
Shield Support
Buff Support
2-piece Archaic Petra
2-piece Noblesse Obliged
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (8)
Heal Support
4-piece Noblesse ObligedC6 (optional)

This team comp can recharge Eula’s elemental burst fast. And like the previous team setup, it utilizes Eula’s physical damage and Zhongli’s elemental burst.

Since we replaced Rosaria for Diona, we lost quite a lot of damage from Rosaria. And Diona can’t fill this gap no matter how good her artifact is.

But in exchange, you generate energy a lot faster than the previous team comp. This is made possible by using Diona with a Sacrificial Bow. She serves as the battery for Eula and healer for the whole team.

Fischl still provides support through elemental reaction and the Millelith set. And Zhongli provides burst damage and shield.

This team can apply a total of 60% physical resistance reduction even without including Eula’s elemental skill.

None of the party members can take advantage of Eula’s Cryo debuff. So that this a bit of a downside.

But I’d say this one is the most balanced team for Eula.

Eula’s Mid-Tier Team Comp:

We chose the characters in the mid-tier level team comp with the light spenders and F2P players in mind.

This team does not include any 5-star character aside from Eula. But it still takes into account the max constellations of 4-star characters.

We chose these characters as the mid-tier team for Eula:

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (9)
Main DPS4-piece Pale FlameAny
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (10)
Enabler4-piece Tenacity of MillelithAny
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (11)
Burst DPS Support
2-piece Blizzard Strayer
2-piece Noblesse Oblige
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (12)
Buff Support
Heal Support
4-piece Noblesse ObligedC5

In terms of boosting Eula’s damage alone, this team comp is probably better than the high-end team.

The big reason for this is Bennett and his elemental burst. This guy is the best healer support in the game.

And with Rosaria acting as the battery, you can generate elemental particles for Eula at a decent rate. However, she’s not better than Diona in this department.

She also does a decent job as burst support. She can take advantage of Eula’s Cryo debuff and at C6, she applies a 20% physical resistance reduction.

But in terms of the actual burst damage, she still falls a little short compared to Zhongli. She shines exceptionally well with a melt comp but not that much in a superconduct team.

Fischl does her usual thing in this team comp as an enabler and providing attack buff for Eula.

Like the previous team, this lineup can apply a total of 60% physical debuff without counting Eula’s elemental skill.

Eula’s F2P-Friendly Team Comp:

For the F2P friendly team comp, we still took a look at all 4-star characters with more bias towards free characters. Except for Eula, no other 5-star character was included in this list.

Here’s the Free-to-play friendly team comp we picked for Eula:

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (13)
Main DPS4-piece Pale FlameAny
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (14)
Battery4-piece Noblesse ObligedAny
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (15)
Enabler4-piece Tenacity of MillelithAny
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (16)
Heal Support4-piece Maiden BelovedAny

Kaeya serves both the battery and wearer of the Noblesse Obliged set. Unfortunately, we can’t put this set on Barbara due to her poor energy regeneration.

On this same topic, you can put the 4-piece Maiden Beloved to Barbara, but a 2-piece Exile and 2-piece Scholar will do OK.

Fischl is still included in this team comp because there’s simply no better alternative for her. At least if you want to take full advantage of the Tenacity of Millelith set. The closest alternative is Lisa. But you can only activate the Millelith set effect consistently during the duration of her elemental burst.

That 3-second duration time of the Millelith set is a pain to make it usable for other Electro characters.

But if you don’t care about this set, Beidou and Razor will be a better pick.

Pick Razor if you have him at constellation 4. Otherwise, go with Beidou.

Damage Showcase Team Comp:

This team comp is made solely for maximizing the Lightfall Sword effect of Eula’s elemental burst damage.

Although it is still a pretty good team, it doesn’t consider the consistency, survivability or uptime of Eula’s skill. But if you want to show off Eula’s damage, this team is the way to go.

Here’s the team you can use to showcase your Eula’s damage:

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (17)
Main DPS4-piece Pale FlameAny
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (18)
Enabler4-piece Tenacity of MillelithAny
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (19)
Buff SupportAnyC4
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (20)
Buff Support4-piece Noblesse ObligedC5

For this team comp, Lisa triggers the superconduct elemental reaction and applies a 40% physical reduction. You should do this while using Lisa’s elemental burst to get that additional 15% defense reduction through her passive talent.

Furthermore, you want to equip her with the Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers weapon refined to level 5 to further increase Eula’s attack by 48%. You will also get a 20% attack bonus from the 4-piece Tenacity of Millelith.

A C4 Xinyan reduces the physical resistance by 15% and adds a 15% physical damage bonus. This is better than activating Zhongli’s jade shield.

As for Bennett, he applies a tremendous boost in attack with his elemental burst. And he also activates the Pyro resonance along with Xinyan.

Honorable Mentions:

Many other team comps did not make the cut but are still very good.

So I decided to add a couple more teams you can try.

Alternative team #1:

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (21)
Main DPS4-piece Pale FlameAny
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (22)
Battery4-piece Tenacity of MillelithAny
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (23)
Shield Support
Burst DPS Support
Buff Support
2-piece Pale Flame
2-piece Bloodstained Chivalry
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (24)
Heal Support4-piece Noblesse ObligedAny

When it comes to energy generation, this team comp is as effective as the high-end team for Eula.

The exact role and build will apply to Diona. And you still get the excellent benefit from the Millelith set and superconduct from Fischl.

The only thing that changed here is Xinyan as a replacement for Zhongli.

The physical resistance reduction is down to 55% without Eula’s elemental skill. But in exchange, your active character gets 15% physical damage when shielded by Xinyan.

Although Zhongli’s shield is far better than Xinyan’s, her shield effect is better than Zhongli’s due to how the damage is calculated.

The physical resistance reduction is cut in half upon crossing the 0% threshold. On the flip side, Xinyan’s physical damage buffs do not suffer from the same effect.

But the real difference lies within their elemental burst. I mean, Zhongli’s ultimate skill is just crazy good.

For this reason, Zhongli can provide a higher DPS potential for the whole team even if Xinyan’s shield effect is better for Eula.

Alternative team #2:

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (25)
Main DPS4-piece Pale FlameAny
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (26)
Burst DPS Support2-piece Heart of Depth
2-piece Noblesse Obliged
C6 (optional)
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (27)
Burst DPS Support2-piece Crimson Witch of Flames
2-piece Noblesse Obliged
C6 (optional)
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (28)
Heal Support
Buff Support
4-piece Noblesse ObligedC5

This team does not rely heavily on Eula’s physical damage.

But instead, it increases the DPS through the Vaporize elemental reaction from Xingqiu and Xiangling.

If you’ve been playing long enough, you probably maxed either one of these characters.

In this case, they have the potential of doing an insane amount of damage when both of their elemental burst.

Even better, you can proc three different elemental reactions with this lineup.

You also get an additional attack percentage bonus through the Pyro resonance with Bennett and Xiangling.

However, is no battery in this team which makes it hard to activate Eula’s elemental burst.

Personally, I find this team setup fun to use.

Alternative team #3:

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (29)
Main DPS4-piece Pale FlameAny
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (30)
Enabler4-piece Thundering FuryC4
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (31)
Shield Support
Burst DPS Support
Buff Support
4-piece Tenacity of MillelithC4
The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (32)
Shield Support
Heal Support
4-piece Noblesse ObligedAny

This team comp is almost identical to the alternative team #1. But we replace Fischl in favor of Razor as the enabler.

I know that you usually use Razor as the main DPS, but with constellation 4, he can further increase Eula’s damage.

Plus, his elemental skill has a rapid cooldown, allowing you to have more control when triggering superconduct.

Xinyan, on the other hand, takes on Fischl’s role in triggering the 4-piece Millelith set. She can easily do this with the intermittent damage from her shield.

Lastly, Diona serves as the battery and healer for the team so that you can activate Eula’s elemental burst fast.


You can consider a lot of things when trying to build the best team comp for Eula. And there are many character combinations you can use around her.

But the most important thing is to include the characters that you enjoy playing the most

And every team setup I’ve provided here is based on a myriad of things like constellations, weapons and artifacts.

What characters did you include in your Eula team? Let us know in the comments.

The Advanced Team Comp Guide for Eula (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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