The Average Lifespan Commercial LED Lighting | National LED (2024)

Considering Houston commercial LED lighting? The Department of Energy (DOE) states that LED (light-emitting diode) lighting is the most-efficient lighting technology we have today. The post we linked to goes on to say how commercial LED lights are much more energy efficient than the traditional types of lighting, and also how they are different from the traditional lights.

But when it comes to any type of lighting, the lifespan turns out to be one of the most important factors. So we will be discussing exactly that in this post, while also taking help from the research the DOE has made in order to back our claims.

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So, How Long Do LED Lights Really Last?

There have been a lot of reports about the lifespan of commercial LED lights. Most have estimated it to be well between 50,000 to 100,000 hours. However, some recent reports revise it down to more like the 25,000 to 50,000 hours range.

Furthermore, some reports even say that the claims of LED lights having a much higher lifespan – especially anything above 20,000 hours – are not accurate. So, what’s the truth?

Well, first things first, a lot depends on the type of light you choose. Just like with any other type of light, the quality of LED bulbs or lights you choose would have a huge role to play in how long they last for you.

Second, the conditions they are installed in also turn out to be just as important, which we will get to in a bit.

But let us talk about the general lifespan of commercial LED lights first. As we mentioned, it’s as high as 50,000 hours or more according to some sources. But if the report by the DOE is anything to go by, then good-quality commercial LED bulbs should last you 25,000 hours or more.

Now, while this is much shy of the 50,000 to 100,000 hours range many sources claim, it’s definitely nothing to frown at given that comparable traditional light bulbs fail to deliver for more than 1000 hours, something which the same DOE report we quoted above notes as well.

So, this makes it pretty clear that while most LED lights may not last you anywhere near 100,000 hours, or even 50,000 hours for that matter, they are still way ahead than the other lighting options in terms of the lifespan.

Also let’s not forget that they are incredibly more cost-effective and energy efficient than all the other lighting options out there, meaning that you would also have some significant energy cost savings over time with LED lighting.

But They Do Fail Before They Are Supposed To!

It appears that many of the reports that claim LED lights don’t last anywhere as long as they claim to, may be due to the fact that LED lights do fail in certain conditions or due to certain factors. Let’s understand them in more detail below.


LED lights can be extremely vulnerable to overheating. And no, it’s not just the environment. Your commercial LED lights may be overheating even when you have enough air conditioners in your commercial facility.

The thing is, the most common type of overheating issues are caused due to poorly designed heatsinks. While some of them do not leave enough surface area, some just don’t manage to provide the kind of air flow LED lights need to avoid encountering overheating issues.

In fact, some heatsinks are so poorly designed that instead of dispensing heat away from the LEDs, they “gather” the heat around them to make them heat even more than they would without the heatsinks.

So the next time your LED bulbs fail much sooner than you expected them to, be sure to get the design of your heatsinks checked before blaming the LED technology.


In most instances of the LED lights failing much before they should have, it was found that it was usually never the LED part of the light that failed, but one of the other parts. Many of them fail due to overheating as we explained above, while some LED lights fail due to the capacitor getting damaged.

Unfortunately, the revolutionary LED lighting technology has to work with capacitors that are mostly made of plastic. It’s not surprising for them to end up in a damaged state in just a year or so.

This is the reason it’s important to choose high-quality LED lights. Nowadays many manufacturers have started using ceramic capacitors instead of the plastic ones for their higher priced LED light options, which have a much, much larger lifespan than their plastic counterparts.


Of course, the environment plays a crucial role in deciding the fate of your commercial LED lights as well. For one, LED lights designed with keeping one country in mind may not function as well or anywhere near as long in some other country than the country they were designed for.

This could be due to a multitude of factors, but they particularly include the weather and the climate.

Similarly, commercial LED lights installed in an enclosed facility may mean that they would have to face much more heat than they were designed to fight, ultimately leading them to their untimely demise.

A Final Word

All said and done, we should now be pretty clear on what exactly is the real lifespan of commercial LED lights, and why they don’t last as long as their lifespan suggests in many cases.

We are sure the information we covered and shared in this post would also help you get the most out of your LED lights, both in terms of efficiency and lifespan.

The Average Lifespan Commercial LED Lighting | National LED (2024)


The Average Lifespan Commercial LED Lighting | National LED? ›

In residential environments, LED lights typically endure for approximately 50,000 hours, while in bustling commercial spaces, their lifespan can extend beyond 100,000 hours, surpassing the longevity of traditional bulbs by a substantial margin.

How long do commercial LED lights last? ›

But let us talk about the general lifespan of commercial LED lights first. As we mentioned, it's as high as 50,000 hours or more according to some sources. But if the report by the DOE is anything to go by, then good-quality commercial LED bulbs should last you 25,000 hours or more.

What is the average life expectancy of LED? ›

LED bulbs afford in the region of 50,000 hours of light, with some brands boasting as many as 100,000 hours. In general, terms, if you use your lights for 10 hours each day, LEDs should serve you well for just shy of 14 years.

What is the typical lifetime of LED? ›

LEDs have a number of advantages over conventional incandescent bulbs: Higher energy efficiency. Improved light quality. Average rated life of up to 50,000 hours or more.

What is the average lifespan of lights? ›

Typical Average Rated Life for Various Types of Bulbs
Incandescent750-2,000 hours
HID10,000-24,000 hours
Compact Fluorescent
Plug-in10,000-20,000 hours
Screw-based8,000-10,000 hours
3 more rows

How to calculate LED lifespan? ›

How to calculate LED lifespan? Calculating the lifespan in years is easy. If we suppose that an LED light is on for an average of 7 hours a day for 365 days, this will add up to 2555 hours a year. If the LED light has an expected lifespan of 25,000 operating hours, it will last 9.7 years!

How long do LED units last? ›

In residential environments, LED lights typically endure for approximately 50,000 hours, while in bustling commercial spaces, their lifespan can extend beyond 100,000 hours, surpassing the longevity of traditional bulbs by a substantial margin.

What is the lifetime rating of LED lights? ›

The L70 rating for LED lighting marks the point at which the light output diminishes to 70 percent of its initial brightness, serving as a crucial indicator of an LED's lifespan. After reaching L70, the light may need replacement or maintenance.

Do LED lights really last 20 years? ›

On average LED light bulbs will not have to be changed for at least 20 years. That's 20 years that you don't have to worry about changing a light, and 20 years where maintenance workers at your facility can work on other tasks. LED is an investment that saves time and money!

What is the lifespan of an LED display? ›

Even so, it is estimated that the average lifespan of an LED display is between 60,000 and 100,000 hours, depending on the use of the screen. Thus, in the best-case scenario, this would be equivalent to using an LED screen for six hours a day for 45 years.

What is the lifespan of LED LCD? ›

Things You Should Know. LED TVs have the longest life span (11-16 years) with low brightness settings applied. Plasma TVs last only 5-7 years, while LCD screens last 5-10 years. Keep your new TV longer using its Energy Saving mode and a surge protector.

What is the lifespan of LED recessed lighting? ›

The average lifespan of LED lighting is at least 35,000 hours. To give you a better idea of how long this actually is: 50,000 hours is roughly the equivalent of 5,7 years if your lighting was on continuously, 24 hours a day.

Do LED lights lose their brightness over time? ›

Over time, this filament gets hotter, weaker and eventually burns out. LEDs, however, do not contain a filament and instead illuminate using a semiconductor. So instead of just instantly burning out like traditional bulbs, LED lights age over time and progressively get dimmer until they stop working altogether.

How long is the average LED light? ›

An LED strip light is typically half an inch (10-12 mm) in width, and up to 16 feet (5 meters) or more in length. They can be cut to specific lengths using just a pair of scissors along the cutlines, located every 1-2 inches.

How long do LED lights last if on all the time? ›

The average lifespan of an LED is often rated up to 50,000 hours. This is about 50 times longer than a typical incandescent 20–25 times longer than a typical halogen and 8–10 times longer than a typical CFL.

Why don't LED bulbs last? ›

Unlike incandescent light bulbs, LEDs don't produce light using heat. This is part of what makes them so energy efficient. The downside is that their components can be sensitive to overheating, which can cause them to burn out prematurely.

How long do truck LED lights last? ›

The color of the light often indicates the lifespan of the LED Lighting. Red LEDs are known to be the longest lasting products, followed by white LEDs, with amber LED technology deteriorating more quickly. The good news is that LED lighting frequently exceed 50,000 hours of life.

How often should LED lights be replaced? ›

While the lifespan of LED lighting depends on its use and application, most standard lamps last 50,000 hours, while dimmable LED lamps can last nearly 100,000 hours. For facilities like hospitals and distribution centers that have lights on 24/7, that (theoretically) could mean longevity of six years.

Do LED lights degrade over time? ›

LEDs, however, do not contain a filament and instead illuminate using a semiconductor. So instead of just instantly burning out like traditional bulbs, LED lights age over time and progressively get dimmer until they stop working altogether. This is what we call “lumen degradation” or “LED degradation”.

What is the lifespan of integrated LED lights? ›


LED lighting can last 50,000 hours or more before it begins to dim and needs to be replaced. These fixtures could cover 15 to 20 years of regular light use. On average, other lighting alternatives burn out quickly compared to LED: Incandescent bulbs: Approximately 1,000-hour lifespan.

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