The Failproof Way to Make Money Blogging Even If Your Mom is Your Only Follower (2024)

It’s everywhere.

Seriously…Every. Freaking. Place. And you know it.

Whether it’s around the corner, under a rock, or just right in front of your face, there’s no way to duck and cover. Quite simply, we’re witnessing an epidemic of epic proportions, and if you run a business, whether it’s selling courses online, coaching, consulting, or whatever else, you have to understand this one thing.

The Failproof Way to Make Money Blogging Even If Your Mom is Your Only Follower (1)

What is it? PROOFBAIT.

In simplest terms, proofbait is just those ever-so-irresistible proof-driven headlines you see taking over the internet. You know the ones I’m talking about…

It’s when you see some oh-so-enticing numeric result placed front and center, dangled in front of your eyes. It might be monetary. It might be a percentage. But it’s all about stealing your attention, so you can’t resist taking a look.

Here are a couple examples of what I mean…

How to use a 106-year-old writing formula to make your blog posts 447% more profitable.

“Here’s a strategy to earn $12,000 a month with your blog in 12 days.”

You get the idea. And, yes, it works. (For now.) But let’s go a little deeper, so you can understand what’s really going on and why it’s dangerous. Let’s start by taking a little trip back in time.

The Formula to Rule All Formulas

There’s an age-old marketing formula known as AIDA. It’s the key to blowing up your blog and creating the type of gripping content that people can’t get out of their heads.

Doing a little clicking around, it traces back to 1904 from the book Salesmanship by Frank Hutchinson Dukesmith. I mention it, simply to say it’s about as tried and true a formula as it there is out there, and if you do any form of marketing, you have to know about it.

AIDA is an acronym describing the four different stages people have to go through, before they become a customer. Specifically, those stages are as follows:

Attention – This is where you get people to notice you
Interest – This is where you develop their curiosity
Desire – This is where they actually want what you sell
Action – This is where you push them over the edge and get them to buy

If you use it right, with a little practice, you’ll be able to get massive increases in conversions and buyers. Not to mention you’ll be able to create gut-wrenching content that draws people in like flies to honey.

Action Item: Want to learn more about using AIDA? Start by clicking here to get my PROFITABLE OFFER FORMULA

Lets walk through a real-world example to see how things work.

The other day, I was working with a client on her homepage. She’s a yoga instructor. So picture this…

Someone hits your website. They don’t know you. They’ve never heard of you. And your goal is to get them to either contact you or give you their email. What stage of AIDA applies at this point?

Hopefully, you answered “Attention.”

So imagine what someone would be thinking at this point.

The first thing anyone thinks when they hit a site is something like, “Why am I here?” or “What’s in it for me?” Remember, they know nothing about you yet, so the big decision they’re really making isn’t whether to buy or not. It’s not even whether you’re any good or not. It’s whether to stick around or leave.

So if you want their attention, that mean you absolutely have to let them know they’re in the right place.

Now let’s take a look at my client’s homepage.

The Failproof Way to Make Money Blogging Even If Your Mom is Your Only Follower (2)

The first thing you see after her picture is “Welcome! I’m Anna!”

And if you think about our goal, that’s Strike 1. Even though people do it all the time, the truth is, no one hits a site and thinks, “I’m dying to know your name.” It sounds friendly and nice. But the question you want to ask yourself at this point is:

What can I say to get someone’s attention?

Here’s a nice example from Power Yoga. It’s simple, but think about what they’ve done:

“At home or on the road, stream online yoga classes from our studio.”

The Failproof Way to Make Money Blogging Even If Your Mom is Your Only Follower (3)

Right away, you know who this is for people who want yoga on the go. And you know they’re offering yoga classes anywhere. So you can see that when you cut straight to the chase and give people what they want the way they want it, you grab their attention.

Now, moving on, the next thing Anna’s site says is “With over 10 years of experience, I’m happy to help you.” That’s Strike 2. Which isn’t to say that experience doesn’t matter. It can matter a lot. But you have to ask the same question as before. Does it grab your attention? And, again, not really, because Anna is jumping the gun and talking about herself before telling people how she can help them.

Once people are really interested, talking about your experience is worth a ton. But at the Attention stage? Not so much.

Finally, Anna’s homepage wraps up with her offer. “I teach yoga classes with hands-on adjustments.” And, now we’re finally talking about what she does. But…

Even though I’m no yoga guru, I’ll bet anything that people aren’t clamoring for instructors that offer hands-on adjustments. And that’s strike 3. Odds are, by this point, people will just click off and look elsewhere.

So you can see why proofbait is so popular. Do it right, and it’s almost irresistible. People love numbers. 7 ways…11 strategies…3 steps. And people love results. Get 1,000 followers. Earn $12,00 per month. And so it goes. But…

And I’ve got nothing against grabbling people’s attention.

But here’s the danger. Too often, people ignore the rest of AIDA. They’re great at creating eye-popping headlines, and they’ve got elaborate sales funnels chock full of the latest tactics to get people on their list, but then things fall flat when it comes to getting their audiences to actually buy.

In other words, proofbaiting is great for the A in AIDA, but without the IDA, there’s no profit, and there’s no impact.

Not too long ago, a friend with a 3,000+ person list launched his first signature course. Usually, you’d expect that to translate to about $20K or more on a product like his with around 45 students. His actual numbers, though? After sinking in several hundred hours, he go 3 clients.

Related: Bloggers Beware: This magic twist will skyrocket your sales

The thing is, if you look at all the education and all the content out there, the vast majority of it focuses on the first stage and getting people in the door. There are bazillion lists telling you how to get featured, get seen, get found through SEO, Pinterest, and Facebook, and so it goes.

But at some point, you hit the wall.

You’ve got people to take a look. But now that you have, how do you turn them into buyers?

What do you do when you launch a course like my friend, but sales go south? Or you run a webinar and everybody leaves? Or you rank #1 in Google, but they don’t read your emails?

And that’s the real problem with the industry. For every person who makes it, I see another 99 die a slow death, because they don’t know how to handle the IDA part of the equation.

But there’s a very specific and important fix.

It comes from a very specific book. It’s old. It’s out of print. You’d think it was antiquated you saw it and you didn’t know better. But the truth is almost every multi-million dollar online expert who teaches people how to build a profitable blog and get rich and make money blogging knows it and uses it. In fact, a good portion of them have built their entire business on “secrets” from this book.

It was written by the godfather of info-marketing himself. Eugene Schwartz. And it’s called Breakthrough Advertising. The core principle is sophisticated, but fairly simple, once you get it.

Basically, the reason any business is going to struggle is because the market doesn’t stay the same.

In other words, the reason it’s so hard to get people to want what you sell and pay what you ask is because trends keep changing, and you’re going to need a very different approach to take people through the IDA part of AIDA if you come into the market late than if you come in early.

Makes sense, right? If you’re the first out there, it’s completely different than if you’ve got 10,000 competitors.

So what Schwartz did was break down the different market stages to identify what you need to do at different times to position your products. And if you want to make sure you create a profitable product and you market it the right way, this is what you absolute have to know.

He identifies 5 different stages in particular, which you can roughly describe like this:

Stage 1. You’re the first to market, and no one in your audience has heard your offer.

Stage 2. Competitors start to enter the market, and your audience is familiar with your offer.

Stage 3: There are many competitors in the market, and your audience is familiar with all the different claims and offers.

Stage 4: There are many competitors in the market, and your audience is tired of all the different claims and offers.

Stage 5: There are many competitors in the market, and your audience no longer believes all the offers and claims out there

So you can see that each of these stages addresses a different audience experience. And, more than anything, if you want a successful business, you have to see the world the way your audience sees it.

I’m going to focus on the first 3 stages, and Stage 2 & 3 in particular, because that’s where most markets are going to find themselves, and if you’re trying to figure out how to get your business to work, the last thing you want to do is enter a market that’s in stage 4 or 5. So here’s what you do.

Stage 1
Since you’re first to market, if you manage to enter a stage 1 market, you’re basically golden. The only thing you need to know is that they want what you sell. But other than that, you’re basically shooting fish in a barrel.

That means all you need to do is tell people your big benefit.

That might be losing weight. Getting fit. Getting rich. But whatever it is, it’s as simple as that. Of course it’s rare that you get in on stage 1 in a market. Most of the time, there’s lots of competition, and it’s hard to crack open a new field. Which leads us to Stage 2.

Stage 2
As competitors start to enter a market, audiences get used to hearing the same benefit over and over. For example, if you keep hearing that there’s a new way to lose weight, you simply get used to it and stop paying attention.

So the fix at this point is to specify your benefit. Instead of just saying you help people lose weight, you identify the details they want to hear about. Maybe you help lose 10 pounds in 4 weeks, for example. Or you let people earn $11,000 a month in 8 weeks.

Whatever it is, once you specify the claims, you separate yourself from the competition again, and give yourself the air of legitimacy.

Stage 3
Naturally, at a certain point, everyone starts to detail their claims, too, which takes you to the third stage. And at this point, you take a different approach. Instead of just focusing on the benefits, which has been played out, you focus on how you achieve your results.

Schwartz calls it a mechanism. And a mechanism is just some device you use to make your product work. You see them all the time. For example, Oxiclean’s mechanism is that it uses the power of oxygen to create whiter whites. Or the George Forman grill is slanted, so grease drips out. In the diet market, mechanisms come fast and furious. There’s ketogenic diets. Paleo. The Mediterranean Diet. And so it goes.

Once you call attention to a mechanism, you shift the playing field from results to process, and, again, you revive the market.

And there you have it.

The key to it all is knowing how to position yourself in the right way to separate yourself from everyone else, which means understanding how markets evolve and change, so you can position yourself differently from everyone else out there.

If you do that, you’ll have the foundation to take people from Interest to Desire to Action, and just as importantly, if you don’t, it becomes almost impossible.

If you want to see how to create profitable offers that use the Schwartz principles, be sure to get my PROFITABLE OFFER FORMULA PDF. Just put in your first name and email, and you’ll get it delivered straight to your inbox.

Would you like to get content creation strategies to grow your business? Just like our page in Facebook to get them in your feed.

The Failproof Way to Make Money Blogging Even If Your Mom is Your Only Follower (2024)


Can a mom blog make money? ›

Ways to make money from your mom blog include advertising, affiliate marketing, partnerships with brands relevant to parenting and household products, and selling your own products or ebooks.

Why do most blogs not make money? ›

And the sad truth is: If you blog isn't making enough money yet, it's most probably because you don't have enough blog traffic.

How many followers does a blog need to make money? ›

How much money can bloggers make? Blog owners with 10,000 to 100,000 monthly page views often earn between 2 cents and 10 cents for each page view from advertising, equating to $200 to $10,000 per month.

Are mom blogs still a thing? ›

Mom blogs often cover a wide range of topics related to motherhood, parenting tips, child development, family activities, and even product reviews. Mom bloggers use their own personal experience to connect on a deep level with their readers (often fellow mothers) and lend helpful advice.

Can you make $1,000 a month with a blog? ›

If you can start a blog in a niche that you're obsessively passionate about, one that isn't too saturated, where you can build a decent audience, then you can make a cool $1000 per month, or more, from blogging. Especially as a freelancer!

How much does the average mom blog make? ›

Some mommy bloggers can earn a few hundred dollars per month, while others can generate a full-time income ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars per month. It's important to note that building a successful and profitable blog takes time, dedication, and consistent effort.

How much money per 1000 views on a blog? ›

While the amount of money that bloggers can make varies widely depending on the niche, industry, and quality of the website, bloggers with 1,000 views usually make an RPM of $20-35 on average.

Which blog is most profitable? ›

If you want to pick the perfect topic for a new blog to make money, these seven great niches are the right place to start.
  • Digital marketing.
  • Tech and AI.
  • Blogging and making money online.
  • Health and fitness.
  • Personal finance and investing.
  • Recipes and food.
  • Personal development and self-care.
Apr 5, 2024

Is there a downside to blogging? ›

Its benefits include the ability to reach a wide audience, the potential for passive income, and the opportunity for personal or professional growth. On the other hand, the drawbacks may consist of time consumption, privacy concerns, and the challenge of producing consistent, high-quality content.

How long does it take to make $1000 per month blogging? ›

In most cases, you should expect it to take at least 6 to 12 months (minimum) of consistent blogging & promoting your content to start earning something from your blog. When it comes to making $1,000/mo in blog income, expect that to take 1 to 2 years of consistent effort for most people.

Can you make $10,000 a month blogging? ›

The quickest, and most effective strategy for growing a new blog to $10K/month is to sell your own products. Yes, it's possible to get there using advertising or affiliate marketing, but selling your own products provides the shortest path to big revenue numbers – with the least amount of traffic.

How much can you realistically make from a blog? ›

The amount bloggers make per 1,000 views can vary widely depending on several factors such as the blog's niche, the geographic location of its audience, and the monetization methods used. On average, a blog can earn between $3 to $25 per 1,000 views from display ads through ad networks such as Google AdSense.

What do mommy bloggers do? ›

Mommyblogs is a term reserved for blogs authored by women that are writing about family and motherhood, a subset of blogs about family-and-homemaking. These accounts of family and motherhood are sometimes anonymous.

Who actually reads blogs? ›

Short answer: yes. A recent survey found that over 60% of all internet users read blogs, while another found that 77% of internet users read blogs daily. That's over 4 billion readers.

Are mom blogs oversaturated? ›

It's true, the market for almost any type of blogger is saturated: travel bloggers, fashion bloggers, mommy bloggers, personal finance bloggers, etc. are a dime a dozen. There are literally thousands of them!

How do I start a profitable mom blog? ›

How to start a mom blog in 6 steps
  1. Choose a blog niche.
  2. Select a blogging platform for your mom blog.
  3. Find the right name for your blog.
  4. Plan and write your mom blog content.
  5. Promote your blog.
  6. Monetize your mom blog.
Nov 5, 2023

How much do mommy influencers make? ›

She says many mom influencers make tens of thousands of dollars. "But there is a subset of mom influencers who are making over a million dollars," she said.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.