The Meaning of Flowers (2024)

ACACIA: Concealed love, chaste love.

AGAPANTHUS: Love letters, love.

ALIUM: Strength.

ALSTROMERIA: Wealth, prosperity, fortune.

AMARYLLIS: Pride or Splendid Beauty.

AMBROSIA: Love is reciprocated.

ANEMONE: Forsaken, expectation.


APPLE BLOSSUMS: Good fortune.

ARBUTUS: Thee only do I love.

ASPARAGUS FERN: Fascination.

ASTER: Variety, elegance, daintiness.

BABY'S BREATH: Innocence.

BACHELOR BUTTON: Single blessedness.

BALSAM: Ardent love.

BEGONIA: Beware.


BIRD OF PARADISE: Magnificence.


BLUEBELL: Humility, constancy.

BLUE VIOLET: Faithfulness.

BOUVARDIA: Enthusiasm.

BROOM: Humility.

BUTTERCUP: Childishness.

CACTUS: Endurance.

CALENDULA: Grief, jealousy. Also the birthflower for October.

CALLA LILY: Magnificent beauty. Associated with the sixth wedding anniversary.

CAMELLIA: Gratitude.

CAMELLIA, PINK: Longing for you.

CAMELLIA, RED: You're a flame in my heart.

CAMELLIA, WHITE: You're adorable.

CARNATION: Fascination, distinction, divine love, woman, yes. Also the birthflower for January.

CARNATION, PINK: A woman's love, I'll never forget you, mother's love.

CARNATION, PURPLE: Capriciousness.

CARNATION, RED: Alas for my poor heart, admiration, my heart aches for you, fascination.

CARNATION, STRIPED: Refusal, No, sorry I can't be with you.

CARNATION, WHITE: Innocence, faithfulness, sweet and lovely, pure love, ardent love, good luck. These lovely flowers have lasting qualities, and are often handed out on Mother's Day to symbolize the purity and strength of motherhood. They were handed out at the first Mother's Day service in 1908.

CARNATION, YELLOW: Disdain, rejection, you have disappointed me.

CATTAIL: Peace, prosperity.

CHRYSANTHEMUM: Cheerfulness, optimism, rest, truth. Considered to be a noble flower in Asian culture, mums are used as an object of meditation per a suggestion by Confucius. Also the birthflower for November.


CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE: Truth, loyal love.


CLEMATIS: Clever, intellectual. Associated with the eighth wedding anniversary.


COSMOS: Modesty. Associated with the 2nd wedding anniversary.

CROCUS: Cheerfulness, abuse not.

CYCLAMEN: Resignation, good-bye.

DAFFODIL: Regard, rebirth, new beginnings, unrequited love, you're the only one, chivalry. Associated with the tenth wedding anniversary. Also the birthflower for March.


DAFFODIL, SEVERAL: Joy, happiness.

DAHLIA: Instability. Associated with the fourteenth wedding anniversary.

DAISY: Innocence, loyal love, I'll never tell, purity. Associated with the fifth wedding anniversary.

DANDELION: Faithfulness, happiness, love's oracle.

DAY LILY: Coquetry, Chinese emblem for mother. Associated with the twentieth wedding anniversary.

DELPHINIUM: Big-hearted, fun.

EBONY: Blackness.

EREMURUS: Endurance.

EUPHORBIA: Persistence.

FERN: Sincerity, magic, fascination, confidence, shelter.

FILBERT: Reconciliation.

FIR: Time.

FLAX: Domestic symbol.

FLYTRAP: Deceit.

FORGET-ME-NOT: True love, hope, remembrance, memories.

FORSYTHIA: Anticipation.

FOUR-LEAF CLOVER: Good luck, be mine.

FOXGLOVE: Insincerity.

FREESIA: Innocence, thoughtfulness.

FUSCHIA: Taste. Associated with the third wedding anniversary.

GARDENIA: You're lovely, secret love, joy, sweet love, good luck.

GERANIUM: Stupidity, folly, comfort, gentility. Associated with the fourth wedding anniversary.

GINGER: Strength.

GLADIOLUS: Strength of character, remembrance, infatuation, splendid beauty, give me a break, I'm really sincere, flower of the Gladiators, admiration, tells recipients that they pierce the heart like a sword. Because the gladiolus has blade-shaped leaves, the name comes from the Latin word gladius which means sword. Also the birthflower for August.

GLOXINIA: Love at first sight.

HEATHER, LAVENDER: Admiration, solitude, beauty.

HEATHER, WHITE: Protection, wishes will come true.

HIBISCUS: Delicate beauty.

HOLLY: Foresight, defense, domestic happiness, enchantment.

HOLLYHOCK: Ambition, fruitfulness. Associated with the thirteenth wedding anniversary.

HONEYSUCKLE: Bonds of love.

HUCKLEBERRY: Simple pleasure.

HYACINTH: Sport, play, games, rashness, flower dedicated to Apollo.

HYACINTH, BLUE: Constancy.

HYACINTH, PURPLE: I am sorry, sorrow, please forgive me.


HYACINTH, WHITE: Loveliness, I'll pray for you.


HYDRANGEA: Thank you for understanding, frigidity, heartlessness, heartless.

IRIS: Wisdom, Fleur-de-lis, emblem of France, your friendship means so much to me, faith, hope, valor, my compliments. Associated with the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.

IRIS, BLUE: Faith, hope.

IRIS, PURPLE: Wisdom, compliments.

IRIS, YELLOW: Passion.

IRIS, WHITE: Purity.

IVY: Fidelity, wedded love, friendship, affection, marriage.

IXIA: Happiness.

JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT: Associated with the seventh wedding anniversary.

JASMINE, WHITE or INDIAN: Amiability , I attach myself to you, sensuality, attachment.


JASMINE, YELLOW: Grace, elegance.

JONQUIL: Sympathy , love me, affection returned, desire.

LADY SLIPPER: Capricious beauty.

LARKSPUR: Fickleness, ardent attachment, levity, lightness. Also the birthflower for July.

LARKSPUR, PINK: Fickleness.


LAVENDER: Devotion.


LILAC: Youthful, humility, confidence.

LILY: Majesty, wealth, pride, innocence, purity.

LILY, WHITE: Purity, modesty, virginity, majesty, it's heavenly to be with you. The white lily is linked to Juno, the queen of the gods in Roman mythology, by the story that while nursing her son Hercules, some excess milk fell from the sky creating the group of stars we call the Milky Way, and lilies were created from what milk fell to the earth. The Easter lily is also known as the symbol of the Virgin Mary.

LILY, ORANGE: flame, I burn for you.

LILY, YELLOW: I'm walking on air, false, gay.

LILY OF THE VALLEY: Return of happiness, purity of heart, sweetness, tears of the Virgin Mary, you've made my life complete, humility, happiness. The legend of the lily of the valley is that it sprang from Eve's tears when she was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. It is also believed that this flower protects gardens from evil spirits. Also known as the flower of May.

LOTUS BLOSSUM: Estranged love.

MAGNOLIA: Dignity, love of nature, nobility.

MARIGOLD: Affection, cruelty, grief, jealousy. The marigold was called Mary's Gold by early Christians who placed garlands of marigolds by statues of the Virgin Mary.

MARIGOLD, POT: Grief, despair.

MIMOSA: Sensitivity.

MINT: Virtue.

MISTLETOE: Kiss me, affection, to surmount difficulties, sacred plant of India.

MONKSHOOD: Beware, a deadly foe is near, danger.

MORNING GLORY: Loves you. Associated with the eleventh wedding anniversary.

MOSS: Maternal love, charity.

MYRTLE: Love, Hebrew emblem of marriage.

NARCISSUS: Egotism, conceit, self love, self admiration, formality, stay as sweet as you are. Also known as the birthflower for December.

NASTURTIUM: Conquest, victory in battle. Associated with the fortieth wedding anniversary.

OAK LEAVES: Bravery.

OLEANDER: Caution.


ORANGE BLOSSUM: Purity, innocence, eternal love, marriage and fruitfulness, fertility.


ORCHID: Rare beauty, love, refinement, beautiful lady, Chinese symbol for many children, mature charm, beauty, long life. Associated with twenty-eighth wedding anniversary.

PALM LEAVES: Victory, success.

PANSIES: Receipient is being thought about. The flower's name comes from the French word pens�e which means thought or remembrance. Associated with the first wedding anniversary.

PAPERWHITE: Aphrodisiac due to its intoxicating scent. It is also the national flower of Wales because it often blooms on March 1st which is St. David's feast day, Wales' patron saint.

PEONY: Bashfulness, shame, happy life, happy marriage, good health, prosperity. Associated with the twelfth wedding anniversary.

PEPPERMINT: Cordiality.

PERIWINKLE: Friendship.

PETUNIA: Resentment, anger, your presence soothes me.

PHLOX: Unanimity.

POPPY: Eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination. Associated with ninth wedding anniversary.

POPPY, RED: Pleasure, consolation.

POPPY, WHITE: Consolation, sleep, rest.

POPPY, YELLOW: Wealth, success.

PRIMROSE: I can't live without you.



RANUCULUS: You are radiant with charm, radiant charm.

RHODODENDRON: Danger, caution.

ROSE: Love, passion, perfection. The rose was named for the Latin word rosa which means red. It has been a symbol of love since ancient times. Associated with the fifthteenth wedding anniversary. It is also known as the birthflower of June.

ROSE, BURGUNDY: Beauty within.

ROSE, CORAL: Desire.


ROSE, HIBISCUS: Delicate beauty.

ROSE, LAVENDER: Love at first sight, enchantment.

ROSE, LEAF: You may hope.

ROSE, MOSS: Confessions of love.

ROSE, ORANGE: Fascination, display feeling of enthusiasm.

ROSE, PEACH: Desire, gratitude, apprecation, admiration, sympathy, modesty.

ROSE, PINK: Happiness, appreciation, admiration, friendship, sympathy.

ROSE, DARK PINK: Thankfulness.

ROSE, LIGHT PINK: Grace, gladness, joy, perfect happiness, please believe me, gratitude, admiration, gentility.

ROSE, RED: Love, passion, respect, courage, I love you, beauty, pure and lovely, prosperity.

ROSE, DEEP RED: Un-selfconscious beauty.

ROSE, SINGLE, FULL BLOOM: I love you, I still love you, new love.

ROSE, BUD, SMALL: Pure and lovely, beauty and youth, a heart innocent of love.

ROSE, THORNLESS: Love at first sight.

ROSE, WHITE: Innocence, purity, secrecy, I am worthy of you, silence, friendship, truth, virtue, girlhood, humility spiritual love, but of the soul, reverence, charm, happy love.

ROSE, WHITE, DRIED: Death is preferable to loss of virtue.

ROSE, YELLOW: Joy, friendship, true love, decrease of love, jealousy, try to care, freedom, slighted love, shows "I care", joy, gladness.


ROSES, RED & WHITE TOGETHER: Unity, flower emblem of England.

ROSES, YELLOW & RED TOGETHER: Happiness, congratulations.

ROSES, YELLOW & ORANGE TOGETHER: Passionate thoughts.

ROSEMARY: Remembrance, purity, rebirth.

SAGE: Virtue.

SALAL: Zest.

SCABIOUSA: Unfortunate love.

SMILAX: Loveliness.

SNAPDRAGON: Deception, gracious lady, presumption.

SPEARMINT: Warm sentiment.

SPIDER FLOWER: Elope with me.


STATICE: Sympathy, remembrance, success.

STEPHANOTIS: Happiness in marriage, desire to travel.

STOCK: Lasting beauty, bonds of affection, promptness, you'll always be beautiful to me.

SUNFLOWER: Follows the sun as it grows, adoration, haughtiness.

SWEET PEA: Lasting pleasure, good-bye, departure, blissful pleasure, thank you for a lovely time, I think of you. Supposedly this delicate flower was named by the poet John Keats. Associated with the thirtieth wedding anniversary. Also known as the birthflower of April.

SWEET WILLIAM: Gallantry, smile, finesse.

THYME: Activity.

TUBEROSE: Dangerous pleasure.

TULIP: Perfect lover, frame, flower emblem of Holland.

TULIP, RED: Believe me, declaration of love, fame.

TULIP, VARIEGATED: Beautiful eyes.

TULIP, YELLOW: Hopeless love, there's sunshine in your smile.

VIOLET: Modesty, faithfulness, innocence, understated beauty. Worn by the ancient Greeks to induce sleep and to calm tempers. Associated with the fifieth wedding anniversary. Also known as the birthflower of February.

VIOLET, BLUE: Watchfulness, faithfulness, I'll always be true.

VIOLET, PURPLE: Thoughts of you, blue love.

VIOLET, WHITE: Let's take a chance, youthful innocence.

VIOLET, YELLOW: Love of country.

WATER LILY: Purity of heart.


WHEAT: Friendliness.

YARROW: Healing, sorrow.

ZINNIA: Thoughts of absent friends, in memory of an absent friend.


ZINNIA, WHITE: Goodness.

ZINNIA, YELLOW: Daily remembrance.

The Meaning of Flowers (2024)


What is the meaning of flowers? ›

What Does a Flower Symbolize? With their colorful and beautiful blooms, flowers are often seen as symbols of joy and pleasure. However, different types and colors of flowers bring unique meanings. Some flowers are seen as symbols of friendship and purity, while others are tied to forgiveness and death.

What does the flower symbolize answer? ›

Answer. Answer: Flower symbolizes friendship , beauty and love .

Do flowers have meanings? ›

Each and every flower has a meaning. Some represent love – your classic red rose, for example – while others can give you strength or simply brighten up your day (looking at you dahlias and sunflowers.)

What flower means I love you? ›

Red roses symbolize love and desire, but roses come in a variety of colors and each has their own meaning.

Why are flowers so meaningful? ›

They might typically be considered as a symbol of love and care, but they can also convey many other emotions too: from joy, happiness, appreciation, and affection to sympathy, gratitude, or apology. Flowers can help us communicate our feelings to the ones we care about perfectly, in a way that no other object can.

What flowers means life? ›

Flowers that symbolize life are: Camellia Flower, Lilies, Sunflower, Tulips, Pansy, Gomphrena, Dahlia, Daffodil and Wisteria.

Who gave meanings to flowers? ›

The language of flowers originated in France and the first popular book on the subject was published in 1819: Le langage des fleurs by Charlotte de la Tour. The author offered around 300 meanings for particular flowers to be used in making bouquets.

What flower represents yourself? ›

NARCISSUS: Egotism, conceit, self love, self admiration, formality, stay as sweet as you are.

What is the meaning of the story the flowers? ›

The flowers symbolize Myop's innocence. In general, flowers symbolize life, purity, and childhood. Flowers grow in the summer and stand for new life. Myop gathers the flowers on her walk as she enjoys her surroundings without care. Upon finding the dead man, she does not immediately put them down.

What flower means happiness? ›

Yellow flowers in general

That's why most yellow flowers symbolise happiness in some way. In addition to sunflowers, there are yellow lilies, yellow tulips, yellow daisies and yellow chrysanthemums—all of which are perfect choices if you want to send happiness to someone in your life.

What flower means love forever? ›

Admired for its sweet scent and trailing vines of pink and orange flowers, the honeysuckle symbolizes devoted and everlasting love.

What emotions do flowers bring? ›

Flowers have a long-term positive effect on moods.

Study participants reported feeling less depressed, anxious and agitated after receiving flowers, and demonstrated a higher sense of enjoyment and life satisfaction.

What flower means kiss? ›

Mistletoe - Kiss me. Affection. To surmount difficulties. Orchid - Love.

What flower means broken love? ›


Cyclamen are a good flower to send someone if you've just broken up. However, if you're still together it's recommended that you avoid this pretty flower which symbolizes separation.

What flower means a crush? ›

Gardenias. If you have a crush on someone, giving them a bouquet of white gardenias is one way to reveal your secret love. Gloxinia.

How do flowers inspire us? ›

Flowers usually attract us towards their splendour and nature. They give us happiness and amusem*nt even if they are protected with sharp thorns. They convey a sensation of freshness and soften our hearts when we are unhappy and drained. They cleanse our environs and uplift our life when we are feeling sad.

What makes flowers special? ›

They all have their unique appearance, shape, color, size, and even different meanings. This makes flowers more special than any other kind of plant. Plus, flowers range in a variety of prices so it is affordable for everyone.

What is the most meaningful flower? ›

Heliotrope. Just when you thought the rose was the most meaningful flower, the heliotrope steals the show; it means eternal love.

What flower means kindness? ›

In Victorian times, bluebells stood for kindness. Now they're known for representing care and warmth, as well as humility.

What flower has a strong meaning? ›

Gladiolus. Remembrance, faithfulness, and sincerity all are represented by the gladiolus. Their tall, strong stems symbolize a strength of character as well.

What flower means truth? ›

Daffodil (Narcissus)

Daffodils symbolize honesty and truth.

What flower means hope? ›


They are also known to be the symbols of hope and happiness, and is used as a sympathy flower. You can gift a bunch of snowdrops to someone who needs emotional healing.

What flower means friendship? ›

Yellow roses are the quintessential friendship flower. They symbolize friendship, happiness, and new beginnings, and are the perfect way to rekindle a friendly relationship. Reach out to an old friend and send a vase full of fragrant yellow roses or a potted rose plant for their garden.

What flower means beauty? ›

Daisies are known for symbolizing beauty, innocence, and purity, Law says.

What flower means inner beauty? ›

The azalea, a member of the rhododendron family, is a common symbol of feminine beauty and gentleness. The azalea is given in bouquets to remind someone of their inner beauty, and the look of an azalea shrub in full bloom is a delightful addition to a landscape.

What flower means inner peace? ›

Lotus Flower:

In Buddhism, the lotus flower is considered to be a pure representation of internal peace and calmness.

What is the study of flowers and their meanings? ›

Floriography is the language of flowers. All flowers hold different meanings, often based on the type of flower, the colour of the flower, or both. And floriography is the art of communicating through different flower types.

What flower means loyalty? ›

Violets signify wisdom, loyalty, hope, and faithfulness.

What flower says thank you? ›

Lilies – When asking “What flower symbolizes gratitude,” yellow lilies are a popular choice. Their large petals and brilliant colors convey a happy and heartfelt thank you. Unlike other flowers and plants which symbolize more specialized sentiments of gratitude.

What flower means energy? ›

Freesia. The freesia symbolizes positive energy. Give someone an energy boost with this amazing flower.

Which flower means unconditional love? ›

The classic red rose is often the best choice for expressing unconditional love.

How do flowers reflect your personality? ›

Pink roses mean grace, happiness and gentleness; white roses mean purity, innocence, reverence, and silence; yellow roses symbolize new beginnings, joy and friendship; orange roses symbolize desire and enthusiasm; and coral roses symbolize friendship, modesty and empathy. Lavender roses represent love at first sight.

How do flowers connect people? ›

Flowers impact relationships.

So, the act of giving (or receiving) flowers inspires the development of intimate connections. When these kinds of relationships mature, oxytocin—the “love” or “bonding” hormone—is released, which makes individuals feel closer to one another.

Do flowers feel love? ›

And since plants do not have brains, nor a central nervous system (which is how intelligence is defined), it is said to be impossible for them to have emotions and the ability to reason or feel.

What flower means cheating? ›

For many years, the yellow rose was considered a symbol of infidelity and cheating. The legend obviously has many variations, but its meaning remains the same: yellow roses are a sign of betrayal and separation.

Which flower means jealousy? ›

Yellow roses

Nothing screams infidelity and a broken heart like receiving a yellow rose, the ultimate symbol of jealousy and greed in the Victorian language of flowers.

What flower means shy? ›

Peony flowers represent bashfulness (shyness) and healing.

What flower means goodbye? ›

Chrysanthemum. White and yellow chrysanthemums are widely used to say goodbye, particularly in Asia.

What flower is forgiveness? ›

Daffodil (Narcissus)

Daffodils should be given as a symbol of forgiveness, or in appreciation. Even though they're not seen much in the US until spring, the Narcissus, also known as the Daffodil, Jonquil, or Paperwhite, is the flower of December.

What flower means lonely? ›

Region or culture
Forget-me-notTrue love, don't forget me
FreesiaInnocence, thoughtfulness
FungusResilience, loneliness, solitude, disgust
136 more rows

What flower represents first love? ›

Lilac. Purple lilacs represent the beginning of love or a first love and are a perfect gift for new couples. The recipient of lilacs is sure to recall this bouquet given early on in the relationship every time she smells lilacs, and every spring while lilac shrubs are in bloom.

Is flower a symbol of life? ›

The Flower Of Life symbol is one of the most fascinating, well known, and recognized geometric symbols within the magical world of Sacred Geometry. This special symbol represents the cycle of life. It's believed that within this symbol, holds the most meaningful and sacred patterns of our universe as a whole.

What is the meaning of 5 flowers? ›

5 Roses: Express your care and love for that special someone. Gift 5 roses to express how much you care for your partner or a good friend. 6 Roses: The perfect way to say, “I want to be yours”. Gift a 6 rose bouquet on your date to express those feelings to her/him. 7 Roses: I'm infatuated with you.

What do flowers symbolize personality? ›

Pink roses mean grace, happiness and gentleness; white roses mean purity, innocence, reverence, and silence; yellow roses symbolize new beginnings, joy and friendship; orange roses symbolize desire and enthusiasm; and coral roses symbolize friendship, modesty and empathy. Lavender roses represent love at first sight.

What does flower mean in love? ›

The red rose is known as the flower of love. The red rose symbolizes deep emotions and desires. Red roses are traditionally given to symbolize love, but aren't the only ones to earn this title. Other types of love flowers include peonies, sunflowers, or tulips, which symbolize happiness, prosperity and romance.

Why life is like a flower? ›

Just like women, flowers come in every shape and color, flourish in bunches and with love and care, they transform from buds to blossoms.

Do flowers represent happiness? ›

Yellow flowers in general

That's why most yellow flowers symbolise happiness in some way. In addition to sunflowers, there are yellow lilies, yellow tulips, yellow daisies and yellow chrysanthemums—all of which are perfect choices if you want to send happiness to someone in your life.

What does 999 roses mean? ›

999 Roses. Naturally this enormous number of roses is quite similar to 99 roses' promise of eternal love, although goes beyond the earthly plain, as this bouquet means that your love will last until the end of time.

What 12 roses mean? ›

A Twelve Rose bouquet is one of the most popular number of roses meaning, telling your special someone “Be Mine.” Offering a dozen roses is like shouting out “I just won the lottery with you,” while at the same time being one of the simplest and most honest ways to ask the love of your life to be yours.

What does 21 roses mean? ›

21 Roses – gift it to someone you wish to show your commitment. 22 Roses – present it for luck and togetherness. 24 Roses – to communicate that the person's always on your mind. 25 Roses – for wishing happiness of the world. 27 Roses – gift a bouquet of 27 roses to your wife to communicate how much you love her.

What flower means inspiration? ›

Known as "the herb of the sun", Marigolds symbolize passion and creativity.

What flower means strength? ›

Gladiolus. Remembrance, faithfulness, and sincerity all are represented by the gladiolus. Their tall, strong stems symbolize a strength of character as well.

What flower means forever love? ›

Admired for its sweet scent and trailing vines of pink and orange flowers, the honeysuckle symbolizes devoted and everlasting love.

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.