The new mortgage rules that are likely to affect your next home purchase (2024)

If you’re planning to buy a house next year — and unless you’re in a position to make an all-cash offer — chances are you’ll be affected by some significant changes occurring in the mortgage application process beginning in January.

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Several federal agencies are implementing new policies aimed at addressing lax underwriting standards that led to the housing market crash more than five years ago. The new policies could play a role in how much house you can afford.

The policies require lenders to better verify that borrowers can afford the houses they are seeking to buy and can repay the loans. Some are intended to protect borrowers while holding lenders more accountable for their business practices.

For instance, one set of rules requires mortgage servicers to provide consumers regularly with accurate information about their loan balances and fix mistakes quickly. The rules also prohibit servicers from starting the foreclosure process until 120 days after the borrower’s last payment.


"By bringing back these basic building blocks of responsible lending and servicing the customer, we will improve conditions for consumers seeking to enter the market and for all those who are still struggling to pay down their existing loans," Richard Cordray, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, said in prepared remarks made last week to the Consumer Federation of America.

“By making the mortgage market work better, we will build consumer confidence and strengthen this essential foundation of our economy,” he added.

Another big change affecting the Washington region is a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) plan to decrease the maximum loan amount for borrowers in this area beginning Jan. 1.

The agency announced this week that its mortgages will be limited to a maximum of $625,500, down from $729,750. Metropolitan Washington has high-priced housing — about one in four homes in the region sells for $600,000 and above, according to RealEstate Business Intelligence, a subsidiary of Rockville-based multiple listing service MRIS. The FHA’s new loan limit next year will match the caps for conventional loans purchased by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


The FHA said in a statement that the agency wants to reduce the government’s role in mortgage lending to borrowers who are “underserved” — who either are low-income or have difficulty obtaining loans. The higher limits were put in as an emergency measure in 2008 and were supposed to last one year but were allowed to continue because of the lack of private loans.

Borrowers who need a loan of more than $625,500 will have to get a jumbo loan, which typically requires a down payment of at least 20 percent. FHA loans are not only a little more flexible in terms of their qualification guidelines, but, more important for many people, they require a down payment of just 3.5 percent.

“Switching on the fly from a down payment of 3.5 percent to 20 percent or more of the purchase price is not really an option for most people,” says Patrick Cunningham, vice president of Home Savings and Trust Mortgage in Fairfax.


“It could be a $100,000 difference in money needed,” Cunningham adds. “Not something most people just pull out of the couch cushions.”

Ability-to-Repay rules

On Jan. 10, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will implement a new set of rules designed to address predatory lending practices that spurred a wave of foreclosures the past five years.

Authorized by the Dodd-Frank Act, the “Ability-to-Repay” regulations are aimed at preventing lenders from approving mortgages for borrowers with questionable credit scores and poor debt-to-income ratios, and steering them into adjustable-rate loans or interest-only loans with little or no money down.

The housing crisis emerged in part when rates on ARMs were reset upward. Millions of homeowners who were not completely qualified for their mortgages lost their properties in foreclosure because they could no longer afford them.


The good news for borrowers is that the new rules will cap loan origination fees — they will be no more than 3 percent of the amount for mortgages of $100,000 and above. Currently, loan origination fees are not capped. However, to stay competitive, most lenders keep their fees low enough to attract customers yet high enough to make their business profitable.

The rules establish a standard for what the government considers a “qualified mortgage.”

Risky mortgages — negative-amortization, interest-only or balloon-payment loans — fall outside the qualified-mortgage standard.

Lenders will be required to thoroughly verify consumers’ income, assets and obligations — or otherwise risk a lawsuit from borrowers who default on their mortgages.

But while the regulations are intended to benefit consumers, some experts say that, like the Affordable Care Act, the changes may lead to complications and unintended consequences.

One example they cite is a provision in the rule that requires borrowers’ debt to make up 43 percent or less of their gross income.

“People who are right on the line of qualifying right now may not qualify in 2014” because of the policies set by Dodd-Frank, says David Zugheri, executive vice president of Envoy Mortgage in Houston.

In his prepared remarks, Cordray called it a myth that the new standard will prohibit lenders from issuing mortgages to borrowers who don’t meet the 43 percent debt-to-income ratio. Lenders, he said, would still have flexibility to make exceptions for buyers with excellent credit scores, significant assets or extenuating circ*mstances that make it difficult to verify income.

This “particular claim is wrong in three ways,” Cordray said. “First, lenders can also rely on the standards for loans backed by [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] or federal housing agencies. Second, smaller local creditors can make the same kinds of solid loans they have always made if they choose to keep those loans in their own portfolio, as they often have done in the past. Third, lenders can simply use their own judgment when looking at your ability to repay, just as they always have done.”


But some experts assert that lenders will be unwilling to make loans that don’t meet the qualified-mortgage standard. Because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac won’t buy those mortgages, the lenders would be forced to keep them on their books.

More expensive mortgages?

Another criticism cited by some experts is that borrowers seeking conventional mortgages meeting the criteria of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may face higher fees.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced this week that guarantee fees they charge to lenders for servicing their loans will rise an average of 14 basis points on 30-year fixed-rate loans, on top of the 10 basis point increases in both December 2011 and August 2012.

Since lenders indirectly pass on the cost of paying the guarantee fees to consumers, Richard Green, director of the Lusk Center for Real Estate at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, asserted that the change could have a negative impact on consumers' ability to borrow money.


The fees charged to consumers used to be roughly 11 to 13 basis points, and now they are about 50 basis points, says Green. A basis point equals 1/100th of 1percent, so 100 basis points would be equal to a one percentage point change in an interest rate. He says they could go as high as 70 to 75 basis points in the coming year or two.

Since borrowers are limited by qualified-mortgage rules to a debt-to-income ratio of 43percent or less, higher mortgage rates and higher fees that increase the size of their housing payment make it more difficult for some borrowers to qualify for a loan.

Zugheri says that new regulations and higher expectations for compliance with rules established by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are hitting some groups of borrowers harder than others, such as low- to moderate-income consumers.


“If you have slightly spotty credit, your income isn’t clearly defined, your assets are hard to verify or the value of your home is difficult to appraise, you’ll have a hard time getting credit and you may not qualify at all,” Zugheri says.

Difficulties for the self-employed

Doug Benner, vice president and sales manager of 1st Portfolio Lending in Rockville, says the hard line requiring a maximum debt-to-income ratio of 43 percent will make it especially harder for self-employed borrowers who have trouble documenting their income.

“If you don’t have a W-2 to prove your income, it’s very difficult to get a loan, but the data shows that a larger percentage of the population is self-employed or doing contract work and they should be able to get loans,” Benner says.

Benner says loans with reduced documentation were a good fit for self-employed borrowers, but regulations have eliminated those programs. Benner says he knows of borrowers with high net worth, perfect credit and a home valued at $2 million with $1 million in home equity who were unable to qualify for a mortgage because they lacked the documentation to prove their income meets the debt-to-income ratio.

“It won’t get better, either, because state legislation in Maryland and the QM [qualified-mortgage] rules all say that borrowers need to prove their ability to repay a loan based on cash flow,” Benner says.

Zugheri says the bigger problem right now in the housing market is that overregulation and capped compensation mean that many lenders will drop out of the business. Ultimately, he says, less competition among lenders will lead to higher fees and higher mortgage rates, which will hurt the housing market and particularly affect low- to moderate-income borrowers who have a harder time affording a loan.

As the rule is written, Zugheri said, the most a lender can charge for a qualified mortgage ranging from $60,000 to $100,000 is $3,000, while the most it can charge for a $500,000 loan would be $15,000. “Some of the fixed costs are the same no matter what size loan you make, so some mortgage companies will just stop making smaller loans or will do fewer of them because they may even lose money on them.”

“The biggest issues that bite everyday people are rising guarantee fees, the difficulty of self-employed people to get a loan and the concern about loan buybacks,” says Green. “Unfortunately, nothing’s changing those things anytime soon.”

Michele Lerner is a freelance writer. Freelance writer Sheree R. Curry also contributed to this report.

So how will the new mortgage rules affect you?

FHA loan limit decrease: Buyers who need to borrow more than $625,500 will be unable to use FHA financing and must apply for a jumbo loan. Typically, this means that instead of making a down payment of 3.5 percent, borrowers will be required to make a down payment of at least 20 percent. The down payment for a $650,000 purchase would jump from $22,750 to $130,000 in that case.

Ability-to-Repay/qualified-mortgage rule: Borrowers without a lot of debt won't be affected by this new rule, but those who have a debt-to-income ratio above 43 percent will find it harder to qualify for a loan unless they can reduce their debt or boost their income. Self-employed borrowers will need to provide more documentation of their income, and all borrowers will be required to provide extensive paperwork to prove their income and assets.

Caps on loan origination fees: Lender fees will be limited to 3percent of the loan amount, which means borrowers won't be overpaying for their loans. However, the cap on fees may make lenders less likely to offer smaller loans.

Rising guarantee fees: Lenders are likely to pass on higher fees that they pay to consumers, which will add to the cost of borrowing. That is on top of rising interest rates, which many experts are forecasting will reach at least 5 percent next year. While that's not high in historical terms, rising borrowing costs mean that many people won't be able to get as much house as they had hoped. Still, some experts see an upside: Higher rates may mean fewer loan applications in 2014. Tight competition between mortgage companies for a smaller pool of applicants could mean that lenders will loosen their standards a little and make it easier for some borrowers to qualify for a loan.

New mortgage servicing rules: Mortgage servicers will be required to provide each borrower with a monthly statement that clearly shows their interest rate, loan balance and escrow account balance and an explanation of how their payment is being credited. Lenders will be required to credit mortgage payments on the day they are received. "Dual tracking" will no longer be allowed, which means that no foreclosure proceedings can be started until a borrower is at least 120 days late and until borrowers have completed a loss mitigation application and it has been addressed by the lender.

— Michele Lerner

The new mortgage rules that are likely to affect your next home purchase (2024)


What is the new rule on mortgages? ›

Under a new rule from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which took effect on May 1st, borrowers with lower credit ratings and less money for a down payment will qualify for better mortgage rates, while those with higher ratings will pay increased fees.

What is the mortgage rule? ›

The 28/36 rule dictates that you spend no more than 28 percent of your gross monthly income on housing costs and no more than 36 percent on all of your debt combined, including those housing costs.

What factors affect getting a mortgage? ›

When assessing whether or not to grant you a mortgage lenders will be looking at how much you want to borrow; the size of your deposit; your credit history; your employment status; your income; your debt levels; any financial dependents, and your spending habits.

Does the 28 mortgage rule include taxes? ›

The 28% mortgage rule states that you should spend 28% or less of your monthly gross income on your mortgage payment (e.g., principal, interest, taxes and insurance).

What is the new qualified mortgage rule? ›

The Ability-to-Repay/Qualified Mortgage Rule (ATR/QM Rule) requires a creditor to make a reasonable, good faith determination of a consumer's ability to repay a residential mortgage loan according to its terms.

What is the new mortgage interest limit? ›

Before the TCJA, the mortgage interest deduction limit was on loans up to $1 million. Now, the loan limit is $750,000. For the 2024 tax year, married couples filing jointly, single filers and heads of households can deduct up to $750,000. Married taxpayers filing separately can deduct up to $375,000 each.

How much house can I afford if I make $70,000 a year? ›

One rule of thumb is that the cost of your home should not exceed three times your income. On a salary of $70k, that would be $210,000. This is only one way to estimate your budget, however, and it assumes that you don't have a lot of other debts.

What is the golden rule of mortgage? ›

The 28/36 rule is a calculation that helps you know how large a mortgage you can afford. Lenders want your housing costs to be 28% or less of your income, and for all your expenses to be under 36% of your pay.

What is the Red Flags rule mortgage? ›

Under the Red Flags Rules, financial institutions and creditors must develop a written program that identifies and detects the relevant warning signs – or “red flags” – of identity theft.

What things can stop you getting a mortgage? ›

Common reasons for a declined mortgage application and what to do
  • Poor credit history. ...
  • Not registered to vote. ...
  • Too many credit applications. ...
  • Too much debt. ...
  • Payday loans. ...
  • Administration errors. ...
  • Not earning enough. ...
  • Not matching the lender's profile.

What is the easiest mortgage to get? ›

Government-backed loan options, such as FHA, USDA and VA loans, are typically the easiest type of mortgage to get because they may have lower down payment and credit score requirements compared to conventional mortgage loans.

Will I lose my deposit if I am denied a mortgage? ›

If the buyer fails to get approval for a mortgage, the buyer can terminate the contract and remain entitled to their earnest money deposit, basically holding the bank responsible for the failed process.

How much house can I afford with a 100K salary? ›

A $100K salary allows for a $350K to $500K house, following the 28% rule. Monthly home expenses would be around $2,300 with a down payment of 5% to 20%. The affordability of the house will vary based on financial factors and credit scores.

What is the 33 mortgage rule? ›

In other words, if your monthly gross income is $10,000 or $120,000 annually, your mortgage payment should be $2,800 or less. Lenders usually require housing expenses plus long-term debt to less than or equal to 33% or 36% of monthly gross income.

Do I get a tax break for my mortgage? ›

You can deduct the interest you paid on the first $750,000 of your mortgage during the relevant tax year. For married couples filing separately, that limit is $375,000, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

What is the new respa rule? ›

The main changes to RESPA affect (1) the "shopping" phase ofborrowing funds and (2) the disclosures set forth in settlement documents. To protect a borrower during the shopping phase, HUD requires the issuance of a new Good Faith Estimate (GFE).

What is the 5 year rule for mortgages? ›

The 5 year rule for home ownership refers to the requirement that individuals must have owned and used their home as their primary residence for at least 5 consecutive years out of the last 8 years in order to qualify for certain tax benefits, such as the capital gains exclusion.

What is the new mortgage stress test? ›

Mortgage qualification criteria (stress test): All mortgage borrowers are subject to qualifying criteria (aka stress test) that would determine whether they would be able to afford their principal and interest payments should interest rates increase.

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