The USAP Portal: Science and Support in Antarctica (2024)

Participant Guidance (FAQs)

Click the body of each topic to view additional information.

  • What training is required to connect my computer (laptop or desktop) to the USAP network?

    All participants who need to utilize a computer or device on the USAP network are required to take the USAP Security Awareness Training. You can complete this training at the USAP Online learning Center.

    If you are a new participant, click "Sign Up" on the right side of the screen and follow the instructions to create a new account. The required access code can be found in your deployment packet. If you are unable to locate the access code or are a returning participant and don't recall your username and password, contact the USAP IT&C Enterprise Service Desk at

    McMurdo and South Pole Participants: It is highly recommended that you take the online training before you deploy. Due to access issues to personal email on stations (due to bandwidth) you may not be able to complete this training in a timely fashion on ice. Best to complete while you have timely access to the internet and your personal email.

    If USAP participants are unable to take the online training, they must contact the Denver IT&C Enterprise Service Desk (

  • Does my computer/device need to be screened prior to connecting?

    Yes. Devices will be screened by network access control (NAC) systems upon connection of non-USAP owned civilian equipment. Devices which do not satisfy NAC security requirements are subject to rejection from the network.

    McMurdo, South Pole Station, and Christchurch
    It is highly recommended that you test NAC compliance in Christchurch before deployment to Antarctica due to limited bandwidth. Issues discovered after deployment may delay network authorization. Christchurch USAP staff may provide instructions on how to connect to the network to perform automated screening.

    Palmer Station
    Devices will be screened by station IT&C staff once you arrive at Palmer station.

    Vessels (RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer or ARSV Lawrence M. Gould)
    Devices will be screened by vessel IT&C staff either in Punta Arenas or on-board the vessel once you arrive.

    For more information on security requirements, see the NSF Acceptable Use of USAP Information Resources Policy.

  • What does my computer (laptop or desktop) require in order to connect to the USAP network?

    Operating System and Software Patches
    Devices running an operating system (OS) must be running a version supported by the vendor within the last six months of deploying to a USAP site. The OS must include the latest security patches available and be configured for automatic updates. Applications running on the system must also be patched when patches are released by the software vendor.

    All computers (desktop, laptop, tablet that are capable) must have antivirus software running at the current version and be configured for auto-updates. Computers must be virus free prior to connecting to the USAP network and maintain the current DAT version as updates are available(a full system scan must be run within 7 days prior to screening.) Once connected, the user is expected to maintain their anti-virus software with current data files and to run scans at least weekly.

    NOTE: Any device with a Kaspersky product installed will not be permitted to connect to the USAP network. Federal law prohibits the use of Kaspersky products on US federal networks. If you have a Kaspersky product installed on your personal or university issued device, it must be uninstalled prior to being granted access to the USAP network

    Participants must provide all the equipment necessary to connect the computer system to the USAP network, including the Network Interface Card (NIC), external dongles or attachments used by the NIC, device drivers, etc. All equipment must be in working order.

    NOTE: Per Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum 21-07, USAP is required to convert all devices connected to the USAP network from Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) to version 6 (IPv6). Both IPv4 and IPv6 will be supported during a transition period. The transition will begin as early as February 15, 2024 and must be fully completed by September 30, 2025. Once IPv6 becomes available at a given station, most IPv6 compatible devices will automatically begin using it; however, some may need manual configuration. Please confirm that all your network connected devices are capable of supporting IPv6.

    Current Requirements for Common Operating Systems:

    Microsoft Windows Computers
    Operating SystemWindows 10
    Anti-VirusInstalled and current within the last week
    Apple Computers
    Operating SystemmacOS versions released not more than three years ago
    Anti-VirusInstalled and current within the last week
    Linux Computers
    Operating SystemSome variants allowed provided they are currently supported by the vendor and are able to receive timely security patches. See InfoSec for more details.
    Anti-VirusInstalled and current within the last week
  • What is IPv6 and how will it affect me?

    An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a string of numbers that is used to uniquely identify a device on the Internet or a private network. IPv4 addresses look like this: IPv6 addresses look like this: 2001:DB8:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210. IPv6 is an upgraded replacement for IPv4. IPv4 is not compatible with IPv6, which means that devices configured only with IPv4 addresses cannot communicate with devices only configured with IPv6 addresses.

    NSF is transitioning the USAP network from Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), with completion anticipated by September 30, 2025. After this point, your research systems or related devices that use only IPv4 may not be able to connect to the USAP network. This change is being made to comply with direction in Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum 21-07, Completing the Transition to Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). To help us understand the potential impact on USAP participants relying on the USAP network, please identify the IP version you are currently running on any research devices you intend to connect, or already have connected, to the USAP network. Your choices are: IPv4 only; IPv4/IPv6 dual use; IPv6 only. Please identify your plans to convert from using IPv4 to IPv6 for research systems connected to the USAP network. Please reach out to your USAP Science Planner or the ASC IT team for details. Please make the people on your team aware of the IPv6 requirement so they can know how it affects their use of personal devices while deployed. At some point their personal device may no longer be able to use the USAP network if it does not use IPv6. The Federal Communications Commission has published a Consumer Guide for IPv6 that may be useful.

  • I am deploying to McMurdo, any additional tips?

    Each USAP Antarctic station has its own limitations and mission requirements. McMurdo, being the largest station, has the most restrictive rules for network and internet access due to the large population and substantial amount of mission network traffic. The application TikTok is banned.

    Calling home:
    You will be able to call off-continent from your room or work center. Phone calls from McMurdo are routed through Denver, so calls to any 303 or 720 area code are free of charge. Personal calls to other area codes can be made using a long distance calling card or service which should be purchased/arranged prior to your deployment. These services can be found online.

    Specific calling instructions can be found on the McMurdo Intranet upon your arrival, or by calling the McMurdo Help Desk.

    Prior to arriving in Christchurch, we recommend the following for your personal or non-USAP computer:

    Operating System and Anti-virus Updates
    All updates must be downloaded and installed prior to arriving in McMurdo, and ideally before arriving in Christchurch. Your hotel in Christchurch will likely charge you for internet by the amount of data you use. Don’t get stuck paying for updates you could have done for free at home. Once you are in McMurdo, updating via limited bandwidth could literally take days. Check for updates a couple of days before you leave for your Airport of Departure.

    Cloud Storage
    By default, Cloud storage applications like Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive, etc. are blocked due to the amount of bandwidth consumed by auto-syncing these applications. You will need to make sure you have local copies all of the files you need that you store or back-up with a cloud storage. You may not be able to download or access these files once you get to McMurdo.

    Start-Up Items
    Applications such as those listed below should be removed from Start-Up and are blocked from McMurdo. *You will not be able to use any of the following from McMurdo:

    • Torrent Clients
    • Skype
    • Facetime
    • Spotify

    Video Chat:
    All video chat is blocked on all personal devices and all USAP workstations. Exceptions are provided for pre-approved Outreach activities only. These Outreach exceptions should have been requested in Grantee SIP’s and approved in advance.

    Although Skype and FaceTime are blocked for all personal and work computers, there is a public Skype/FaceTime kiosk available for McMurdo residents to use once weekly.

    Wireless Access:
    Wireless access at McMurdo is very limited and is designated for specific mission supporting business functions only. Do not plan on having wireless access to the USAP network from your personal or non-USAP computer. Work centers that do utilize wireless will have dedicated devices for your work use, grantees will have access to wireless in Crary Lab due to wired infrastructure limitations.

    You must bring your own USB to Ethernet adapter to connect to the wired network via your laptop. McMurdo IT&C does not provide these adapters or cables.

    Mobile Devices (smartphone or tablet):
    Mobile devices are not allowed to connect to the USAP network unless pre-approved for mission/business support. Grantees wishing to connect a mobile device must submit their request and mission justification via the SIP process. Others wishing to connect must provide a mission justification to the McMurdo Help Desk as to why their mobile device is critical and a laptop or other computer cannot fulfill this purpose.

    Be sure to update mobile apps before deploying to McMurdo as there is no guarantee that your mobile apps will work without a network connection. (Mobile devices will not permitted on the network to download updates.) Please test the apps you plan to use while your device is in airplane mode prior to deploying to Antarctica.

    Using FOBs or Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
    Prepare for (remove or be aware of) any multi-factor authentication that may exist for you to log into your email, bank, bills, etc… from a new computer or network. (This is often via the use of a FOB or other device) Check your personal email provider to see if they require two factor authentication from foreign networks.

    Even purchased and downloaded media may require initial authentication on the iTunes server when you try to play media. Test movies and music you purchased while you are still at home or from Christchurch while you are disconnected from the Internet. If you can’t play items, connect to the internet, logon and make sure your items are downloaded. This will not be possible in McMurdo as the Apple services generally will not work over our slow connection.

    iMessage is blocked from McMurdo. Although it does not utilize much bandwidth, technical issues prevent it from working properly.

    Netflix internet traffic is blocked. You will be unable to stream content or order US Mail disks from McMurdo.

    Spotify and Apple Music
    These streaming services require authentication every 30 days for music/content to play. This is the case even if you’ve purchased and downloaded media to your device. These services are blocked from the internet so after 30 days your locally stored media will cease to play. There will be no way to remediate the issue once you are on Ice.

    Personal email (Google, Yahoo, MSN Hotmail)
    We recommend you configure your personal email through a local email client like Mac Mail or Outlook on Windows before you get to McMurdo. Some websites (Like Yahoo or Hotmail) take an exceptionally long time to load due to the videos and images on the home page. If you set up your email prior to arrival, you will be able to use your personal email with more success.

    External Hard drives
    The dry environment in Antarctica creates a large amount of static discharge. If you are using an external hard drive for data or backups, we recommend bringing two duplicates depending on the value of your data. We see about 20-30 failed external hard drives each season.

  • Will my computer fail the screening if I can’t meet the Operating System and Anti-virus requirements?


  • What happens if my computer fails the screening?

    Screening your computer before you leave to the ice is highly recommended. If your computer fails screening while still outside of Antarctica, you can remediate the computer from any internet connection and ask that it be re-screened. If you are already in Antarctica, you may/may not be able to remediate the computer. If you are on station (or vessel) and your computer has failed, contact your local Help Desk or IT&C staff. They may or may not be able to assist. (Update before you leave to make sure you can connect!)

    If your computer is unable to be remediated, you will not pass the screening and will not be allowed to connect to the USAP network.

  • Are there any applications that I have on my computer which could cause me to fail a screening?

    Yes. Refer to your Security Awareness Training and the NSF Acceptable Use of USAP Information Resources Policy to learn specifically what is not allowed to be on your computer. Here is a list of some of the more common applications we find that will cause your computer to fail: Active Peer-to-peer (P2P) software, Email server software, Web server software, Network Management servers (DNS, SNMP), Network port scanners or Penetration tools.

    If you have a Kaspersky product installed on your personal or university issued device, it must be uninstalled and replaced with another current antivirus product prior to being granted access to the USAP network.

  • Will I have internet access at the USAP stations?

    Yes, however internet access is limited at each USAP site. The satellite infrastructure used to provide off-continent communications in Antarctica is limited. While mission activities can be supported with prior coordination, participants should have no expectations regarding service for non-mission activities. For example, using video chat applications such as Skype or FaceTime or social media applications such as Facebook are restricted since they can impact the bandwidth available for science and operational traffic. Many high-bandwidth/inappropriate sites are blocked or de-prioritized to ensure mission traffic is able to move back and forth. Below is a summary of internet access at each site.

    McMurdo Station
    McMurdo Station has 24/7 access to the internet over a very small (35Mbps) link which is shared by the entire McMurdo community. Mission traffic takes priority over this link. The internet can be accessed 24/7 from McMurdo however most sites respond very slow compared to what you may be used to in the US.

    South Pole Station
    South Pole Station has very limited access to the internet during short windows of satellite time. Internet performance is very slow during satellite windows, however, basic email and web-surfing is available.

    Palmer Station
    Palmer Station has 24/7 access to the internet over a very small (9.5Mb) link which is shared by the entire Palmer community and vessels when they are in port. Mission traffic takes priority over this link. The internet can be accessed 24/7 from Palmer however most sites will respond slow compared to what you may be used to in the US.

    Internet access on the Nathaniel B. Palmer and Lawrence M. Gould is provided wirelessly through the iCafe network. This connection utilizes per-user/per-day quotas which will limit the amount of data that can be passed back and forth to the internet. Additional information can be found by contacting

  • The internet is slow from Antarctica. What specifically works and does not work?

    All USAP Stations and vessels have varying degrees of off-continent bandwidth and connectivity. Managing bandwidth to our remote sites allows the prioritization of network traffic directly supporting the life/safety of personnel, the logistics mission of the USAP, and direct science support over all other traffic. Dynamically allocating bandwidth to personal and morale use occurs when it becomes available. The charts below represent the most requested personal uses of bandwidth, as well as how reliable participants will find these services.

    • McMurdo Station

      Internet Service/CategoryCurrent Reliability
      Internet Browsing (Banking, News, Travel, etc…)Allowed, reliability varies
      Video Chat (Skype, Facetime, etc.)Blocked for general use. Allowed at public kiosk for personal use; for Outreach per SIP Approval
      Streaming (Netflix, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, Hulu, etc.)Blocked/Prohibited
      Email - GmailAllowed, reliable
      Email - YahooAllowed, Lite version works reliably
      Email - MSN/HotmailAllowed, Webmail unreliable; Native email clients work reliably
      Peer to Peer Sharing(Torrents, similar services/clients)Blocked/Prohibited
      Encrypted Tunnel (VPN, SSL, SSH)Blocked for general use. Allowed by exception only for mission support.
      Mobile Device Internet Connectivity (e-Readers, tablets, smartphones, all OSs)Blocked for general use. Allowed by exception only for mission support.
      Cloud Storage Services (Dropbox, OneDrive, etc)Allowed at Public Access Kiosks only
      Cloud Backup Services (Carbonite, Amazon, iCloud)Blocked/Prohibited
      Cloud Hosted Software (Adobe Creative Suite, photo editing, Wordpress, GoPro)Allowed, unreliable
      Internet Chat - iMessageAllowed, unreliable
      Internet Chat - Gmail/YahooAllowed, reliable
      Social Media (Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.)Allowed, reliability varies based on station bandwidth use
      Media Services (iTunes, Amazon, etc.)Allowed, reliability varies based on station bandwidth use
    • South Pole Station

      Internet Service/CategoryCurrent Reliability
      Internet Browsing (Banking, News, Travel, etc…)Allowed, reliability varies
      Video Chat (Skype, Facetime, etc.)Blocked for general use. Allowed at public kiosk for personal use (winter only); for Outreach per SIP Approval
      Streaming (Netflix, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, Hulu, etc.)Blocked/Prohibited
      Email - GmailAllowed, reliability varies
      Email - YahooAllowed, reliability varies
      Email - MSN/HotmailAllowed, reliability varies
      Peer to Peer Sharing(Torrents, similar services/clients)Blocked/Prohibited
      Encrypted Tunnel (VPN, SSL, SSH)Blocked for general use. Allowed by exception only for mission support.
      Mobile Device Internet Connectivity (e-Readers, tablets, smartphones, all OSs)Not allowedfor general use. Allowed by exception only for mission support.
      Cloud Storage Services (Dropbox, OneDrive, etc)Allowed at Public Access Kiosks only
      Cloud Backup Services (Carbonite, Amazon, iCloud)Blocked/Prohibited
      Cloud Hosted Software (Adobe Creative Suite, photo editing, Wordpress, GoPro)Allowed, unreliable
      Internet Chat - iMessageAllowed, reliability varies
      Internet Chat - Gmail/YahooAllowed, reliability varies
      Social Media (Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.)Allowed, reliability varies
      Media Services (iTunes, Amazon, etc.)Allowed, reliability varies
    • Palmer Station

      Internet Service/CategoryCurrent Reliability
      Internet Browsing (Banking, News, Travel, etc…)Allowed, reliability varies
      Video Chat (Skype, Facetime, etc.)Allowed for Outreach per SIP approval
      Streaming (Netflix, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, Hulu, etc.)Blocked/Prohibited
      Email - GmailAllowed, reliable
      Email - YahooAllowed, reliable
      Email - MSN/HotmailAllowed, reliable
      Peer to Peer Sharing(Torrents, similar services/clients)Blocked/Prohibited
      Encrypted Tunnel (VPN, SSL, SSH)Blocked for general use. Allowed by exception only for mission support.
      Mobile Device Internet Connectivity (e-Readers, tablets, smartphones, all OSs)Allowed with mission justification
      Cloud Storage Services (Dropbox, OneDrive, etc)Allowed, reliability varies; Auto-sync must be disabled
      Cloud Backup Services (Carbonite, Amazon, iCloud)Blocked/Prohibited
      Cloud Hosted Software (Adobe Creative Suite, photo editing, Wordpress, GoPro)Allowed, reliability varies
      Internet Chat - iMessageAllowed, reliable
      Internet Chat - Gmail/YahooAllowed, reliable
      Social Media (Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.)Allowed, reliability varies; video auto-play disabled
      Media Services (iTunes, Amazon, etc.)Allowed, reliability varies
    • Vessels

      Internet Service/CategoryCurrent Reliability
      Internet Browsing (Banking, News, Travel, etc…)Allowed, reliability varies
      Video Chat (Skype, Facetime, etc.)Allowed, unreliable; not recommended due to data quota use
      Streaming (Netflix, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, Hulu, etc.)Allowed, unreliable; not recommended due to data quota use
      Email - GmailAllowed, reliability varies
      Email - YahooAllowed, reliability varies
      Email - MSN/HotmailAllowed, reliability varies
      Peer to Peer Sharing(Torrents, similar services/clients)Prohibited
      Encrypted Tunnel (VPN, SSL, SSH)Prohibited
      Mobile Device Internet Connectivity (e-Readers, tablets, smartphones, all OSs)Allowed
      Cloud Storage Services (Dropbox, OneDrive, etc)Allowed, unreliable; not recommended due to data quota use
      Cloud Backup Services (Carbonite, Amazon, iCloud)Allowed, unreliable; not recommended due to data quota use
      Cloud Hosted Software (Adobe Creative Suite, photo editing, Wordpress, GoPro)Allowed, unreliable; not recommended due to data quota use
      Internet Chat - iMessageAllowed, reliability varies
      Internet Chat - Gmail/YahooAllowed, reliability varies
      Social Media (Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.)Allowed, reliability varies
      Media Services (iTunes, Amazon, etc.)Allowed, unreliable; not recommended due to data quota use
  • Can I bring my own satellite communications terminal?

    It depends on your location and role on the ice. This is an emerging topic that USAP continues to assess. In order to understand what is allowable, please refer to these instructions.

    If you do not follow this guidance, you could be found in violation of the Office of Polar Programs Code of Conduct.

  • Can I connect my mobile device (smartphone or tablet) to the USAP network?

    Each USAP site has a unique policy on mobile devices depending on infrastructure and available off-continent/ship bandwidth:

    McMurdo Station
    Mobile devices are not allowed to connect to the USAP network unless approved by the NSF via the ASC IT&C department. Grantees wishing to connect a mobile device must submit their request and mission justification via the SIP process. Others wishing to connect must provide a mission justification to the McMurdo Help Desk as to why their mobile device is critical and a laptop or other computer cannot fulfill this purpose. There is very limited infrastructure available to support mobile devices at McMurdo; some requests may not be approved due to lack of infrastructure support. If approved, a mobile device user will be limited to no more than to two devices connected to the network at any given time.

    South Pole Station
    Mobile devices are not allowed to connect to the South Pole network. There is no infrastructure to support these requests.

    Palmer Station
    Mobile devices are allowed to connect to the Palmer network with proper mission justification. Grantees wishing to connect a mobile device must submit their request and mission justification via the SIP process. All others wishing to connect mobile devices should contact the Palmer IT&C staff once they arrive on site.

    Mobile devices are allowed to connect to the Vessel iCafe network wirelessly. There are no wireless options to connect mobile devices to the ship’s network.

  • I am a USAP Participant or Agency, and would like to bring a new technology to the ice, or request services from the Information Technology and Communications department, how do I notify you of my plans?

    Please include the details of your request in your SIP.

    All USAP Agencies
    Please contact the USAP IT&C Enterprise Service Desk at Depending on the request, the Service Desk will either generate a work order to fulfill it, or lead you through the New Service Request process. Resource availability can limit our ability to implement requests so plan on submitting your requests by April for the following Austral summer season. This allows the USAP to ensure they budget and staff properly for any required resources.

    All Other Participants
    Please contact the USAP IT&C Enterprise Service Desk at

  • Where can I get assistance with other USAP IT and Communications questions?

    If you have any further questions, have another FAQ you’d like answered, or suggestions on how we may improve USAP IT&C Service, please contact the USAP IT&C Enterprise Service Desk at

The USAP Portal: Science and Support in Antarctica (2024)


What is usap in Antarctica? ›

The United States Antarctic Program (or USAP; formerly known as the United States Antarctic Research Program or USARP and the United States Antarctic Service or USAS) is an organization of the United States government which has a presence in the Antarctica continent.

What happened to the US Antarctica research program? ›

Shero isn't the only NSF-funded Antarctic scientist saying goodbye to another planned field season. This summer NSF decided to cancel or curtail 67—more than half—of the 131 projects and activities funded for the 2023–24 austral summer after concluding it couldn't provide them with the necessary logistical support.

What is the US station in Antarctica? ›

McMurdo is built on the bare volcanic rock of Hut Point Peninsula on Ross Island, the solid ground farthest south that is accessible by ship. The station was established in December 1955. It is the logistics hub of the U.S. Antarctic Program, with a harbor, landing strips on sea ice and shelf ice, and a helicopter pad.

What is the US government doing in Antarctica? ›

Each year the United States deploys to Antarctica about 700 people to perform scientific research and about 2,500 people to operate and maintain year-round research stations and provide logistics in support of this research.

How much do you get paid in Antarctica? ›

Antarctica Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$72,500$6,041
75th Percentile$58,000$4,833
25th Percentile$41,000$3,416

Why is the US military in Antarctica? ›

The operation is a joint military mission to resupply the nation's Antarctic stations in support of the National Science Foundation, the lead agency for the U.S. Antarctic Program.

What are they researching in Antarctica? ›

Research is done in Antarctica only when it cannot be performed in a more accessible location. Among the scientific disciplines encompassed by this broad mandate are astronomy, atmospheric sciences, biology, earth science, environmental science, geology, glaciology, marine biology, oceanography, and geophysics.

What scientists went missing in Antarctica? ›

In 1995, an international team of scientists and explorers vanished in the desolate heart of Antarctica, lured by an enigmatic structure spotted in satellite images.

Why is the South Pole guarded? ›

Antarctica is guarded to protect its unique environment, and conduct scientific investigations. Also, it is guarded as a political symbol of cooperation among different countries, dating back to the Cold War period. Military activity is banned here, the guarding is through legal and political means.

What is considered a problem at a U.S. base in Antarctica? ›

The NSF published a report in 2022 in which 59 percent of women said they'd experienced harassment or assault while on the ice, and 72 percent of women said such behavior was a problem in Antarctica.

Is there a nuclear power plant in Antarctica? ›

The nuclear reactor installed at McMurdo Station was the first and only to operate on the Antarctic continent. It operated for 10 years and greatly reduced the need for fossil fuels in the Antarctic.

Has anyone been born in Antarctica? ›

Eleven babies have been born in Antarctica, and none of them died as infants. Antarctica therefore has the lowest infant mortality rate of any continent: 0%.

Why is NASA in Antarctica? ›

NASA scientists have used the Antarctic environment to study Mars. The desert conditions in Antarctica are like the conditions on Mars. NASA tested robots in Antarctica that later landed on Mars. NASA scientists also went to Antarctica to study astronaut nutrition.

Does Antarctica have internet? ›

The internet can be accessed 24/7 from McMurdo however most sites respond very slow compared to what you may be used to in the US. South Pole Station has very limited access to the internet during short windows of satellite time.

What does the US military do in Antarctica? ›

Military personnel and equipment may only be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose (such as delivering supplies) on the continent. The Antarctic Treaty specifically prohibits military activity on land or ice shelves below 60°S.

What is UASP mode? ›

USB Attached SCSI (UAS) or USB Attached SCSI Protocol (UASP) is a computer protocol used to move data to and from USB storage devices such as hard drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), and thumb drives.

Can anyone go to McMurdo? ›

You Can't Visit McMurdo as a Tourist

While there are of course exceptions for special guests such as Anthony Bourdain or documentary crew, generally speaking, the only people staying in these research facilities are people paid to live in Antarctica (i.e. researchers and support staff).

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.