The 🥴 Woozy Face Emoji: What It Means & How to Use It (2024)

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5 deeply relatable situations where 🥴 means exactly what you think it does

Co-authored byDan Hickey

Last Updated: February 16, 2023Fact Checked

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  • Using 🥴 (Woozy Face)
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  • Responding to 🥴 (Woozy Face)
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  • Related Emojis

Don’t feel bad if you weren’t sure what the 🥴 emoji meant the first time you saw it—when it debuted in 2018, pretty much no one did. Because it’s so vague but particular all at once, it’s come to have a lot of different meanings in text messages and on social media platforms like Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and more. Even though there are a ton of different potential meanings for this awesome emoji, trust your gut—it's usually easy to decipher its meaning from the context. In this article, we’ll tell you all of the many meanings of the 🥴 emoji, plus show you how to use it yourself. Prepare to be befuddled no more! 🥴

Things You Should Know

  • The 🥴 emoji can mean someone’s drunk, trying too hard to make a flirty face, or feeling smitten by a crush.
  • A 🥴 emoji can also mean something is really sensually satisfying, or that you’re confused or annoyed.
  • Use 🥴 to describe a drunk night out or roast someone’s attempt at a flirty face.
  • Also send 🥴 to talk about your crush, show how good something feels, or portray your confusion or annoyance.

Section 1 of 4:

🥴 (Woozy Face) Meanings over Text & Social Media

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  1. 1

    The 🥴 emoji represents someone's face after too many drinks. The skewed smile and uneven, squinty eyes look like someone who’s trying to smile normally or flirtatiously at a bar, but can’t quite keep it together. If this emoji shows up in a text or a tweet about a fun night out, chances are the sender (or someone they were with) is dealing with quite the hangover.[1]

    • “Looking at my selfies from the bar last night and all of them are like 🥴”
    • “Lol I couldn’t stop laughing any time I looked over and saw your face 🥴”
  2. 2

    A 🥴 emoji also means someone is feeling smitten. You know those old cartoons where the main character swoons like a goof when their crush walks by? The 🥴 emoji sums up that butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling in one little image.

    • “Me every time Danielle looks at me: 🥴”
    • “Josh is in love with you! He looks like 🥴 every time you walk by haha”


  3. 3

    The 🥴 emoji comes up when someone feels super satisfied. Whether it’s a delicious home cooked meal, that feeling you get when you first slide into a hot tub, or something (ahem) more explicit, the 🥴 emoji captures that first moment of pure bliss. It can show up in completely wholesome messages, or in spicier conversations involving sexting or dirty talk.[2]

    • “When the melatonin kicks in and I can finally go to sleep 🥴”
    • “Nothing hits better than a neck rub after a long day 🥴”
  4. 4

    A 🥴 emoji also means you’re sick, tired, bewildered, or irritated. It's a flexible emoji and can have some negative meanings, too. The dumbfounded face can mean someone is beyond confused by something or so annoyed that they’ve gone goofy. Physically, someone might use 🥴 when they’re not feeling well or they’re super run down.[3]

    • “Jenna was so sick, it looked like she could barely see straight 🥴☹️”
    • “If I get one more email today, I’m gonna lose my mind! 🥴”
  5. 5

    🥴 also pokes fun at guys trying to make a “sexy” face. One could argue that some men don’t have a lot of practice taking good selfies, and sometimes the end result is a little too much. This might be especially true out at a bar or party when a guy who’s had a few beers tries to flash “the look” over at someone he finds attractive.[4]

    • “Lol did you see John making eyes 🥴 at Anatolia last night? 😆”
    • “I am swiping left on the next guy with this face 🥴 in one of his pics!!”
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Section 2 of 4:

Using 🥴 (Woozy Face)

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  1. 1

    Talk about a time when someone (or you) got too tipsy. A picture says a thousand words, and a 🥴 emoji describes exactly what happened at the party last night. Use it to talk about how many drinks you had, how drunk you felt, or how bad of a hangover you survived the next morning.

    • You: “I broke my chugging contest record last night 🥴”
      Them: “I can’t believe I missed it!”
    • Them: “How was David’s party last night?”
      You: “It’s a miracle I’m alive 🥴🍺”
  2. 2

    Describe the slack-jawed infatuation you feel for a special someone. When words can’t describe the rush you experience when you’re interacting with your crush, let 🥴 do the talking. Use it in texts or DMs to someone specific, or tweet your feelings for the whole world to see (just leave out your crush’s name unless you want them to find out!).

    • “I’m still working up the nerve to ask Jessica to formal 🥴”
    • “When your crush asks to borrow your pencil and you accidentally touch hands 🥴”
  3. 3

    Illustrate how amazing or sensual something is or feels. If you just can’t help but lose control of yourself when you taste, smell, or feel something great, use 🥴 to describe your euphoria. Clarify what it is you’re talking about to be safe, since some people automatically assume 🥴 has a sexual connotation.

    • “When bae walks in with a pizza and the smell of not having to cook hits you 🥴”
    • “That feeling when you finally get to use the bathroom after hours of holding it in 🥴”
  4. 4

    Let the world know you’re confused, sick, or exasperated. No idea what someone’s talking about? Doing your best to hold back your annoyance at a situation? Let off some steam and use the 🥴 emoji to let your friends or followers know what you’re dealing with. The emoji usually has positive meanings, so be sure to give some details about your sickly situation to get some sympathy.

    • “Me listening to my project partner talk about their contributions when I did 90% of the work 🥴”
    • Them: “How was the lecture yesterday?”
      You: “It was like my professor was speaking another language. Maybe astrophysics isn’t for me 🥴”
  5. 5

    Describe someone who failed at making sexy eye contact. The internet says it’s mainly guys that have a bad rep for smarmy faces, but anyone can go a little overboard when they’re trying to look seductive. Playfully rib someone or text your friends about it with a 🥴 emoji, but keep it lighthearted—they were trying their best!

    • “OK this might be weird of me, but I kind of think this face that guys make 🥴 is cute? Idk!”
    • Them: “Hey, it was great meeting you last night”
      You: “Likewise! How could I resist that face: 🥴😉”
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Section 3 of 4:

Responding to 🥴 (Woozy Face)

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  1. 1

    Joke around or provide details about a drunk night out. If someone sends a 🥴 emoji in a text about last night or uses one in any post about drinking, they might be feeling hungover, slightly embarrassed, or lacking some memories. Help them fill in the blanks and feel better with some lighthearted jokes or stories.

    • Them: “Omg, my head is throbbing this morning 🥴”
      You: “Haha I’m not too surprised. That open bar will get ya every time!”
    • Them: “Who did I give my number to last night? I can’t quite remember who’s texting me…🥴”
      You: “It was that guy Brady. He seemed nice!”
  2. 2

    Give encouragement when someone's talking about their crush. When a friend is truly smitten, they might need a confidence boost to work up the courage to ask that person out. Offer some advice, be there to listen, or just gas them up to inflate their self-esteem. You’ll know they’re using the 🥴 emoji this way since they’ll almost always be talking about their crush in the same sentence or message.

    • Them: “I saw Trixie again today 🥴”
      You: “You gotta ask her out! I can tell she’s into it”
    • Them: “I want to ask Eric to the dance 🥴 but I’m afraid he’ll say no”
      You: “Go for it! He’d be lucky to have you as a date. And if he says no, that’s his loss 🙂”
  3. 3

    Share how relatable someone’s secret pleasure is. The 🥴 emoji comes up a lot when people tweet about a strange or specific thing that makes them feel really good. This use is easy to spot since they’ll flat out say what it is they enjoy. A lot of the time, these “weird” things are totally relatable! Respond with your own experiences, or just comment a simple “Yes!” or “Amen to that!” to show you get it.

    • Them: “Call me weird but I like the taste of OJ after I brush my teeth 🥴”
      You: “💯 it’s an elite experience for sure”
    • Them: “When the massage gun hits just right 🥴”
      You: “Yessss it’s the best!”
  4. 4

    Show support to someone who’s sick, exhausted, or irritated. When a pal is woozy in a bad way, they probably need a little sympathy to make them feel better. You’ll know they’re going through it if they send this emoji in a message about something frustrating or inconvenient. Let them vent, offer to help them out with a favor, or send some kind words their way to help them turn their squiggly frown upside down.

    • Them: “Just found out my rent is going up…again 🥴”
      You: “Oh no! That sucks, I’m sorry 😕”
    • Them: “I wish I could come to your party tonight but I just can’t get my fever down 🤒🥴”
      You: “No worries! Is there anything I can bring you to make ya feel better?”
  5. 5

    Send a witty quip if someone jokes that you made the woozy face. Getting the perfect “smolder” look takes some trial and error, so brush off your pal’s jokes and send a funny clapback. Remember to keep it lighthearted and fun—your friends are probably just yanking your chain and aren’t trying to really make fun of you. You’ll know they’re using the 🥴 emoji to talk about your flirty face since their wisecrack will be (lovingly) directed at you.

    • Them: “I can’t believe you’re still single with a seductive face like that 🥴 lol”
      You: “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m the hottest guy at the circus 🤡”
    • Them: “Next time you want my attention at the bar, you don’t have to make that face 🥴❤️ haha”
      You: “OK, how about this one: 🤪”
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Section 4 of 4:

Related Emojis

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  1. Combine or replace 🥴 with similar emojis. The 🥴 emoji has a lot of different meanings, so there are tons of other emojis to choose from when it comes to talking about drunkenness, crushes, feeling good, or being confused. Try out some of these in your texts, TikTok videos, and more:

    • For drunkenness: 🤪 (zany face), 😵‍💫 (face with spiral eyes), 🍷 (wine glass), 🍺 (beer mug), or any other alcoholic beverage emoji
    • For crushes: 😍 (smiling face with heart eyes), 😻 (smiling cat with heart eyes), 🥰 (smiling face with hearts), ❤️ (red heart), or any other heart emoji
    • For pleasing sensations: 🤤 (drooling face), 😌 (relieved face), or 💯 (hundred points)
    • For feeling tired or sick: 🥱 (yawning face), 😩 (weary face), 🤒 (face with thermometer), or 🤢 (nauseated face)
    • For feeling confused or irritated: 😕 (confused face), ❓ (question mark), 😑 (expressionless face), or 😠 (angry face)
    • For silly or bad flirtatious faces: 😜 (winking face with tongue), 😏 (smirking face), 🤡 (clown face)

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      About This Article

      The 🥴 Woozy Face Emoji: What It Means & How to Use It (37)

      Co-authored by:

      Dan Hickey

      wikiHow Staff Writer

      This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Dan Hickey. Dan Hickey is a Writer and Humorist based in Chicago, Illinois. He has published pieces on a variety of online satire sites and has been a member of the wikiHow team since 2022. A former teaching artist at a community music school, Dan enjoys helping people learn new skills they never thought they could master. He graduated with a BM in Clarinet Performance from DePauw University in 2015 and an MM from DePaul University in 2017. This article has been viewed 82,389 times.

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      Updated: February 16, 2023


      Categories: Emoticons and Emojis

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      The 🥴 Woozy Face Emoji: What It Means & How to Use It (2024)
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      Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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      Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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      Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.