This Chart Predicts Periods When to Make Money Since 1875 | Aspire to Grow Rich (2024)

Are you ready to revolutionize your trading and Investment strategy? Let’s talk about a game-changing tool: the Periods When to Make Money chart, a trader’s secret weapon since 1875. This isn’t just history – it’s your golden ticket to understanding market cycles.

You have access to a proven guide that has helped investors identify the best times to buy and sell for nearly 150 years. Originating from George Tritch, this chart is a treasure trove of insights, making it indispensable for today’s intelligent investors.

Why is this crucial for you? It’s simple. The chart sheds light on lucrative “buy” and “sell” periods, turning market complexities into opportunities. Think of it as your financial compass, guiding you to smarter, more profitable decisions.

Table Of Contents

  1. History of Tritch's Chart/ Benner Cycle
  2. Explained the "Periods When to Make Money" Chart
  3. Is the Benner Cycle/ Tritch's Market Cycle Reliable?
  4. Comparing the Benner Cycle/ Tritch's Market Cycle to Other Market Prediction Cycles
  5. Crafting Trading Strategies with the Benner Cycle/ Tritch's Chart
  6. Wrap Up

History of Tritch’s Chart/ Benner Cycle

Exploring the origins of the “Periods When to Make Money” Chart, also known as the Benner Cycle, historical records present a complex narrative. The first diagram traced back to the late 1800s, cites dual origins: George Tritch in 1872 and Samuel Benner in 1875. Tritch’s association with the chart is evidenced by copyright dates of 1872, 1883, and 1897 linked to his hardware business. Conversely, Benner’s 1875 book “Benner’s Prophecies of Future Ups and Downs in Prices” suggests a later involvement, though Tritch seems to have developed the diagram earlier.

The debate over who truly originated the Cycles Chart continues. While Benner’s publication gained more prominence, Tritch’s earlier copyrights and business materials challenged this narrative. Benner’s emphasis on solar cycles affecting agricultural prices may have inadvertently overshadowed Tritch’s earlier contributions.

Additional sources, including bloggers and historians, support Tritch’s creation of the chart in 1872, a fact Benner seemingly overlooked in his 1875 work.

Regarding the chart’s absence from the 2008-2012 financial crisis, it’s important to recognize its unique methodology. It delineates periods ideal for buying or selling, with 2007 marked as a prime selling time, aligning with the crisis’s inception, and 2012 as a prime buying opportunity.

Presently, in 2023, we are in a phase deemed favourable for purchasing, with 2026 predicted as an opportune selling time. The cycle anticipates a fluctuating economic period around 2032, reminiscent of the 2008-2012 scenario.

Explained the “Periods When to Make Money” Chart

Tritch’s insightful approach to market dynamics is encapsulated in a meticulously structured three-phase model, each phase representing a distinct stage in the market cycle. This model is a crucial tool for investors seeking to navigate the complexities of market trends.

Category A: The Onset of Bear Markets

This category marks a pivotal shift in market dynamics, signalling the beginning of a downward trend. It’s characterized by panic selling and significant trend reversals. This phase is critical for investors to recognize as it often heralds the start of a bearish market, necessitating a cautious investment approach.

Category B: The Climax of Market Highs

In stark contrast to Category A, this phase epitomizes the peak of the market. It’s the ideal time for investors to capitalize on high asset prices, making it the most opportune moment for selling. This phase represents the height of market prosperity and is often characterized by investor optimism and high trading volumes.

Category C: The Buying Window

This final category indicates a period where the market is at its lowest, offering prime opportunities for purchasing assets. Signifying the onset of a bullish trend, this phase is particularly important for investors looking to enter the market or expand their portfolios at favourable prices.

“Periods When to Make Money” Chart
The cyclical pattern in Tritch’s model/ Benner Cycle is both distinct and variable:
  • The peak of the cycle (Category A) recurs approximately every 16, 18, or 20 years.
  • The halfway mark (Category B) is seen in cycles spanning 8, 9, or 10 years.
  • The cycle’s bottom (Category C) varies more, occurring in shorter spans of 3–6 years, 2–5 years, or 4–7 years.
Source: Benners Prophecies: Future Ups And Down In Prices.

Tritch’s model not only outlines these phases but also emphasizes the predictability of market cycles. By understanding these recurring patterns, investors can strategize their investment decisions, aligning them with market rhythms to optimize returns and minimize risks. The model serves as a vital tool for financial planning, offering insights into the timing of market entries and exits

Is the Benner Cycle/ Tritch’s Market Cycle Reliable?

One of the most striking aspects of Benner Cycle/Tritch’s Chart is its ability to accurately predict significant market events. Let’s examine some historical events that this chart successfully predicted:

The Great Depression (1929 – 1941)

The Great Depression is known as one of the most significant economic downturns in history, and Tritch’s chart accurately predicted it. The stock market crash of 1929 and its eventual recovery during World War II in 1941 aligned with Tritch’s chart predictions. The chart indicated that 1926 and earlier were prosperous times, whereas 1927 was a period of panic. It even predicted that the hard times would culminate in 1942.

The Oil Crisis (1973)

The 1973 oil crisis, sparked by an oil embargo, led to soaring oil prices, which negatively impacted the stock market. Tritch’s chart predicted promising economic times in 1972 and challenging times in 1978.

Black Monday (1987)

On October 19, 1987, the stock market crashed unexpectedly, which came to be known as Black Monday. While the exact cause remains unknown, Tritch’s chart predicted a crash in 1985, only a few years before.

The Dot-Com Bubble (1995 – 2002)

The chart created by Tritch corresponds with the dot-com bubble, which was characterized by a rapid increase and sudden drop in stock prices. The chart indicates that 1999 was a time of panic, which was linked to the fear of the Y2K bug and the surge of investments in internet-based businesses. However, it was slightly inaccurate in predicting the lowest point, as it occurred in 2002/2003.

The Financial Crisis (2007 – 2008)

The global financial crisis was triggered by the collapse of subprime mortgages in 2007, which extended into 2008. Tritch’s chart is considered responsible for this event. The chart predicted prosperity in 2007, matching the heightened levels of real estate investment during the mid-2000s.

However, it was slightly off in predicting 2012 as the crash year. Despite this, the chart remarkably anticipated the economic boom that preceded the crash.

Tritch’s chart seemed to have a good understanding of the market movements. While it is not perfect, its historical performance is impressive. It has the potential to provide a broader cyclical wisdom that could benefit traders and investors.

Comparing the Benner Cycle/ Tritch’s Market Cycle to Other Market Prediction Cycles

The Benner Cycle/Tritch’s Market Cycle is not the only approach to predicting market movements. Various other market prediction cycles offer different perspectives.

  • Gann Cycle: W.D. Gann theorizes that financial markets follow predictable cycles related to natural phenomena. Tritch’s Chart focuses on specific price cycles.
  • Elliott Wave Cycle: This theory, developed by Ralph Nelson Elliott, proposes that financial markets follow predictable wave patterns. Tritch’s chart diverges by focusing on economic phases.
  • Fibonacci Cycle: Emerging from the Fibonacci sequence, this cycle is associated with mathematical concepts introduced by Leonardo Fibonacci. It departs from the Benner Cycle’s commodity-specific orientation.

Crafting Trading Strategies with the Benner Cycle/ Tritch’s Chart

One of the most compelling facets of Tritch’s chart is its potential application in crafting trading strategies. I have unearthed several strategies that can be employed to make well-informed decisions, founded on the insights gleaned from the cycle:

Buying in Hard Times

When Tritch’s chart indicates tough economic conditions, it often signals an opportune moment to acquire assets with the anticipation that these investments will appreciate as the economy progresses towards more favourable times.

Selling in Good Times

During the “good times” phase, prices usually rise to significant heights. Investors are encouraged to sell their assets to maximize their profits before market conditions shift.

Holding in Panic Years

The volatile “panic” years are not ideal for making prudent investment decisions. Investors are advised to hold their assets and wait for more stable conditions.

A Note of Prudence

While the Chart and other market prediction cycles supply valuable insights, they are not infallible methods for scrutinizing financial markets. It is imperative to employ these cycles in conjunction with additional technical and fundamental indicators to craft well-reasoned trading and investment decisions.

Wrap Up

That’s the scoop on the Periods When to Make Money chart! Originating in the late 1800s, it’s a fascinating blend of George Tritch’s foresight and Samuel Benner’s publicity. This chart isn’t just a piece of history; it’s a testament to early financial prediction methods.

It serves as a reminder of how past insights can still resonate in today’s financial landscape, blending historical curiosity with a touch of mystery. Whether for investment strategies or historical intrigue, this chart remains a unique glimpse into the financial thinking of the 19th century.

What is the Benner Cycle?

The Benner Cycle is an approach to predicting periods to make money, formulated by Samuel Benner in 1875. It is based on the cyclical nature of wealth creation and involves identifying phases of panic, good times, and hard times in economic and market cycles.

How historically accurate has the Benner Cycle been?

The Benner Cycle has shown remarkable historical accuracy in predicting periods to make money. Samuel Benner’s insights and predictions have been proven right in various significant economic events and market cycles throughout history.

What are the benefits of using the Benner Cycle in investment strategies?

The benefits of using the Benner Cycle include its historical accuracy, long-term perspective, and potential for guiding investment decisions during market cycles. It can provide investors with insights on when to accumulate, preserve, and utilize wealth, potentially improving their investment outcomes.

What is Tritch’s Market Cycle Framework?

Tritch’s Market Cycle Framework is a model that categorizes market trends into three distinct phases: Category A (bear market onset), Category B (market peak), and Category C (optimal buying period). This model helps investors understand and anticipate market movements.

How often does each of Tritch’s market cycles occur?

The cycles in Tritch’s model have varying durations:
Category A cycles occur approximately every 16, 18, or 20 years.
Category B cycles happen around every 8, 9, or 10 years.
Category C cycles have shorter durations of 3–6 years, 2–5 years, or 4–7 years.

Can the Benner Cycle be used for all types of investments, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate?

Yes, the Benner Cycle can be used to analyse different kinds of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and other asset classes. However, the programme may need to be tweaked to account for the unique features and dynamics of various investment kinds. When using the Benner Cycle, it is critical to evaluate the particular risks and features of each investment type.

Who are the potential creators of the “Periods When to Make Money” Chart?

The “Periods When to Make Money” Chart is attributed to either George Tritch or Samuel Benner. Tritch’s version dates back to 1872, while Benner published his work in 1875.

What are the conflicting claims about the “Periods When to Make Money” chart’s creation?

There’s a conflict in attribution between George Tritch and Samuel Benner. Tritch’s business card and copyright date back to 1872, predating Benner’s book published in 1875. However, Benner’s work on solar cycles and their impact gained more attention.

What future predictions do the “Periods When to Make Money” chart make?

The chart predicts 2026 as a “good time to sell.” It also suggests a pattern in 2032 similar to the 2008-2012 period, indicating potential economic fluctuations.

This Chart Predicts Periods When to Make Money Since 1875 | Aspire to Grow Rich (2024)


What is the tritch period of the market cycle? ›

George Tritch's principles were: Global trends shift (A) every 16/18/20 years. The prime window for asset selling (B) occurs every 8/9/10 years. Optimal asset buying opportunities (C) arise in cycles spanning 3-6/2-5/4-7 years.

When to buy stock based on chart? ›

Track the stock's chart action, and buy only when it shows strength by trending higher on above-average volume. A downturn in the major indexes tends to pull most individual stocks down with it.

What is the Benner prediction? ›

The Benner Cycle is a model that Benner developed to predict the ups and downs of the stock market. It consists of three lines: A, B, and C. The A line represents years of market panics, which occur in a 54-year cycle that alternates every 18, 20, and 16 years.

What is the Benner Cycle market predictor? ›

Benner's Cycle is a simple model that predicts the ups and downs of the stock market based on a repetitive market cycle that lasts 18/16/20 years. Overall, the model is reliable at the beginning of each market cycle, and completely unreliable at the end of the cycle.

What is a period in trading chart? ›

In trading, a period is a standardised unit of time used in the monitoring of an asset. For instance, on a candlestick chart each candlestick refers to one period, which depending on the time frame set by the trader could refer to 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 1 day, 1 week and 1 month.

What are the 4 market cycles? ›

There are four phases of market cycles: the accumulation phase, mark-up phase, distribution phase, and downturn phase.

What are the periods of the market? ›

Answer: MARKET PERIOD : A period of time in which at all inputs in the production process are fixed, meaning the quantity of output itself is fixed. In other words, you've produced the good, you're not going to produced any more for now, all that remains is to sell it.

What is the most successful trading pattern? ›

The head and shoulders chart pattern and the triangle chart pattern are two of the most common patterns for forex traders. They occur more regularly than other patterns and provide a simple base to direct further analysis and decision-making. Try a demo account to practise your chart pattern recognition.

What is the best time to buy and sell stocks in a day? ›

The opening period (9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time) is often one of the best hours of the day for day trading, offering the biggest moves in the shortest amount of time. A lot of professional day traders stop trading around 11:30 a.m. because that is when volatility and volume tend to taper off.

Which chart is best for trading? ›

Candlestick charts are perhaps the most widely used among active traders. In some ways, candlestick charts blend the benefits of line and bar charts as they convey both time and impact value. Each candlestick represents a specific timeframe and displays opening, closing, high, and low prices.

How do you read a cycle time chart? ›

The Cycle Time Breakdown Chart displays the total time that you needed to complete your work split by process state. Each bar displays the delivery times of all your completed tasks. The bars are broken down into colored sections representing your process states.

What is the Benner time cycle? ›

Benner Cycle is a chart depicting market cycles between the years 1924 to 2059. The chart was originally published by Ohioan farmer Samuel Benner in his 1884 book, "Benner's Prophecies of Ups and Downs in Prices". The chart marks three phases of market cycles: A.

Is The Benner Cycle accurate? ›

Additionally, David McMinn, in his paper says that the Benner cycle became less accurate after predicting the crises of 1819, 1837, 1857, and 1873. McMinn says, “Benner assumed a panic cycle of 54 years rather than the superior alternative of 56 years…the Benner Cycle gave false predictions in 1965 and 1999.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.